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Barbaleo D. Moria [Finished] Empty Barbaleo D. Moria [Finished]

Tue Jun 22, 2010 7:06 pm

Name: Barbaleo D. Moria
Age: 570 looks in his 80
Gender: Male

Orientation: Under Las Noches

Appearance: He looks as a really old man, looking as if weaken by time with a black short hair a bit of a few white hairs in there with a long black beard, and his white Uniform of an Arrancar, a tan skin, dark black eyes, not much of muscles but he shows he got a few in there even with his old looking appearance. His height is around 6'0 but he nearly always goes with his head bowed down with his back, looking like a bit smaller. His mask does show but don't look as if they were mask parts at all from the both cheeks two like blades suspend in that area with 3 sharp teeth in the start of the blades that appear like cheek bones of some sort. The hole of Barbaleo is in his chest like some normal hollows or even arrancars. His Uniform is white and black as a Arrancar, his pants are loosen up a bit in the end while in the waist tighten, His top got the back of it long till the waist and the frontal part has it till the ribs opened up so the hole of hollow shows better in his chest.

Personality: Barbaleo is a silent man, never speaks if not needing and nearly always showing his thoughts if they are been invaded. Barbaleo is not considered as one of the nieces arrancars but he always pays attention of his fracciones so they do not get into much of troubles like going to earth and getting them self killed by a shinigami. He is not one of using his sword cuss of his strong skin hollow like his a tough person to beat in his normal state, he in a fight wont show much emotion ones or twice might sigh cuss of it. He mostly will be seen sitting around looking towards the outside or if he is bored enough would use the garganta to go to the human world to look upon them or see a good hollow to eat.

Abilities: Barbaleo ability is considered as a feeding one, he consumes the shadow of his defeated foe's.
As he does, he as well gains half of there stamina, strength and speed although he only have been doing so from lower class hollows and Menos not interested looking for stronger power or for shinigamis like any other would with his power. Barbaleo when finished consuming the shadow of his enemy they will slowly disappear, for hollows there body's get consumed but there souls get liberated going to the seretei like a new soul or to the underworld.

Sealed Zanpakutô: His zanpakuto is a simple long blade, not as a katana but as if a old middle age sword by his right side waist wrapped around by a black looking fabric of some sort.

Skill Level: Hierro:Advanced
Skill Level: Pesquisa: Beginner
Skill Level: Sonido: Adept
Skill Level: Cero/Bala: Adept

Release: Dansa entre los Muertos, Demonica

Resurrección: As he says his resurreccion command he holds his hand weapon as it slowly disperse into a weird black smoke, he then inhales it at first nothing happen but then he slowly shows his aching of pain, his body falls back straitening it self the old man slowly gets darker. Then from the hole of the chest something slowly sliders out black at first then it shows its hair, long one at that a head slowly comes out not showing it face still his long hair covers it then hands appear fingers over the chest of the old man pushing the hole sides to make it larger for what is coming out then. The body of the old man appears more now as a old shell the man finish coming out with a sharp teeth smile a long black hair his body slimmer, while he finishes he looks nearly half naked, the shell then turns to ashes and wraps around the new form making from a dark ash a new white clothing like a tunic over the young man opened on the front by the middle, showing most of his chest. Big giant white wings come out from his back very weirdly and looking to heavy to even move or to use for flying but it does work for it, as well it appears he can easily block attacks with it, a tail moves like some sort of a whip with a sharp tip in the end of the tail and sharp and long nails like fingers all together. His speed have increased as well his reiatsu and strength nearly increasing it by 5 times. When he becomes normal again he will lose nearly all of his new aspects only staying youthful for a few days till becoming a normal old man again.

  • Doppelgangers: Its one of Barbaleo's most used ability's a shadowy form of him self comes from his shadow in size and shape. They can move with his same speed and have the same strength as him but one of his most deadly ability and most used as well his the power to change places with them by will. Although they have a gel mass, they are hard to destroy cuss of there ability to regenerate back with out much problems cuss of there gel form of shadowy mass. They can use mean of transportation as well into other shadows they are made from Barbaleo's shadow but can go into a shadow and appear in his enemy no limit in how far. In segunda Etapa he can make 6 in his new form.

  • Murcielagos Negros: (Black Bats)a swarm of black shadowy form bats leave from Barbaleos shadows like the doppelgangers or the doppelgangers them self's can brake turning them self's a swarm of bats or the other away around. Be secured this bats don't drink blood but they do suck out reiatsu from the enemy's body, they don't suck that much alone but if they get all on one enemy at the same time, they can easily suck out a big amount of reiatsu, feeding Barbaleo when they go back into his shadow. If they get hit or blasted they will fall on the grown like a spot of ink and slither back into Barbaleos shadow or becoming again a doppelganger. In segunda the swarm is much bigger.

  • Caja Negra: (Black Box) A simple attack of the bats, they surround the enemy and they go around him then start becoming solid walls and soon after they become a box with speed if they do not act fast they will get trapped inside of been vulnerable to an attack so its not stronger then steal the enemy can try and brake free from it.

  • Oscura Forjacion:(Dark Forging) Its an ability that he can forge a weapon from his shadow, sticking it out from his own shadow or taking it from the material of one of his Doppelgangers to make any kind of weapon he desires from it, normally a long spear or a grate middle age sword. It dose not stay as in doppelganger gel form it becomes harden making it nearly as same as iron or steel, making it really tough to destroy. He dose not use this ability in Segunda Etapa.

Resurrección Segunda Etapa: In this form his clothes nearly gets all shredded by the spikes grown by his back but get covered in like white material looking like skin but at the same time it dose not look like it. His hair grows a bit longer, his mask on his cheeks grow sealing all his mouth with sharp teeths his body gets buffer his tail gets longer and the tip of the tail changes to a blade like form. His legs are one of the things that most changed making them bend at the end and the long claws at each, gaining bladed talons in his legs and arms his wings appear now a bit smaller with this form that increases even more now. Becoming a nightmarish creature.( not a form he uses likely like the diseased Ulquiorra he would not use this form if not needed, no one knows of it. )

  • Sombra Assesina: (Shadow Assassin) As one of his ability's the arrancare can use the shadows as a mean of attack, he can enter the realms of shadows by and instantly appear in some one else shadow, used more as a mean of attack with his tail as a assassinating motive or disappearing inside his or jumping to some other shadow and appear in his enemy's sliding from behind to surprise them.

  • Oscura Magnetica: (Dark Magnetic) Barbaleo can change his arms and legs into his dark material changing them by will into sharp and hard objects or changing them to a gel like form mass like the doppelgangers that can have any harm and regenerate back with out problem, normally used for healing or evading and attack too one of those areas and for last using a cero powered by darkness with his new form making a more powerful Cero Oscura.

  • Alas Negras: (Black wings ) Although in his skin and wings are white, this attack is called black cuss of what they form, while having his wings opened and having so much places and holes in them there's a lot of places there to make shadowy spikes shoot out with a great speed used normally as a range area and if he would be close enough to wrap his enemy with his wings, instead of spikes spears come out not shooting but impaling him.

  • Espalda del Diablo: (Devil's Back) His spiked spine of his turns from white to a shadowy dark colored form giving them the ability to stretching a few 100 feet towards the opponent to the front or as a defensive attack from behind making him a danger attacking him from the back.

  • Alma Corruptada: (Corrupted soul) One of his Favorite ability, is stabbing his hand inside someone, near there stomach or chest doing his best not doing much damage so they don't die instantly, to release a corrupting energy directly inside there body, after leaving his enemy in the grown in pain after the attack he waits for it to corrupt it only taking 2 or 3 seconds. After a few more seconds a hollow form creature will push in there insides braking loose, bursting from the dead or a live host a new creature under the control directly from Barbaleo will come out, a lizard like creature. The body will turn into a shell losing all there insides killing them after the creature hollow leaves the body.

    Xeno Hollows:This Creatures made from Barbaleo's own power of shadow gain a few aspect of that power them self's, they can use shadows as mean of transportation using Barbaleos or another like the doppelgangers or like the Arrancar. They are a bit more powerful then a gillian although they gain lot of speed for there small body's that are like a size of a grown doberman dog or a bit bigger, there skin are strong like a arrancar's hierro, even though they look slim, they can change there weight from a moment they can be light as a feather or be as heavy as a garbage truck. When his light as a feather, they lose most of there strength to defend with a hit they can be blown far away even if the attack were weak but hard to attack something so fast making them dodge with no trouble and as for making them heavy, they cant move as easily although in lots of cases they cant move all but as well cant be moved making them a defensive form against an enemy attack.


He was born in 1840, His name was Darrion C. Machiavelli and he was from a great family outside of Karakura town. He was raised in Europe,got the best classes that money could buy, he had it all. He never had to enter a school as he was home schooled in history, science mathematics and different languages. He wanted to become a doctor although his parents wanted him to become more profitable, working as a doctor was terrible for them, he left going to one of the closest towns to karakura, and become a skilled doctor there, after many years he lost most of his thoughts and memories while growing old. In one of his jobs on a patient he made an error and killed him by accident.He was kicked and imprisoned in jail cause of it. He died from old age there he lost his good name, his wealth and he ended alone trying to save people. He died in 1920, 70 years old.

When he became a spirit, he was desoriented at first walking around without much idea if he had died and gone to hell or heaven for what he did.Of course it wasn't too long when hollows attacked him and eaten his soul making him one himself. After Becoming a hollow, his diet were human souls,he survived eating those and by luck a shinigami never showed up hunting for hollows.100 years passed and his appetites changed; instead of eating human souls he started eating other hollows. Lower ones at first and new weak hollows. The time passed and he became more powerful eating stronger hollows allowing his form to change. It became more smaller size but stronger and in time he got the chance to feed from Gilliant's increasing his power even more gaining the form of a Adjuchas. Quickly he was getting abilities gaining his power of feeding from shadows. He did not look like a normal hollow creature, it looked more like a demon, his mask having sharpened teeth, claws and wings that hollows that could think and other Adjuchas feared.

Finally, years passed the adjucha's took more of a human form and size although his feared aspects still showed, he became a Vasto Lordes gaining great power with his new appearance. It did not take long for Las Noches to notice the immense strength and spiritual presence coming from it. They found him taking him in and releasing his power. Although at the time he looked young and his pressure was bursting..he became old rapidly in front of the arrancars around him. The pressure never vanished,it never stopped flowing even with his old looking age as he now was an Arrancar.

RP Sample:
"Go get me some hollows to eat Kid"Barbaleo said to one of his Fracciones, as he just sit on a chair, looking towards the sealing and walls of the room "Don't look at me with that face, i want a hollow to eat, if you don't get me one ill eat you instead" he said with a grin in his face scaring the little fraccion boy to run to get the old arracancar the hollow he wanted so much. Barbaleo kept stretching every 10 minutes looking towards the ceiling again, then looking to a wall, "We really need windows here...." he ended saying sighing a bit showing most of his expression closing his eyes like if they were tired of been open.

After a few hours, the young arrancar appeared back with a frighten face dragging a hollow nearly 7 times larger then the poor thing, pulling it as close to the old man leaving around 3 to 5 feet of space, "Here it is Barbaleo-sama, i found it wondering outside Las Noches and it was the right size to take it back here with out any problems."the kid showed more of his feature's showing it was not a boy but a girl, young looking undeveloped. Barbaleo open slowly his eyes like if he was in some kind of sleep then stand from his chair looking to the young little arrancar approaching her then petting her head not showing a smile but just staring. Then seen the unconscious hollow, "its enough for the day, you may leave now" the old one said with out looking much over his Fraccion, the kid still looked frighten and left quickly not looking back to the old Arrancar. "Your going to be a buffet huh?" Barbaleo said to the hollow on his floor while slowly walking towards it raising his hand over it....

Last edited by Moria on Tue Jun 29, 2010 6:37 pm; edited 7 times in total

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