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Fri Aug 13, 2010 9:24 pm

Name: Hero (Hero Without a Name)
Alias: Dark Kabuto, Kabuto
Age: Real Age is unknown, but is apparently a bit older than the Quincy War. Looks: Early 20's
Gender: Male

Orientation: former Primera Espada - currently gone rogue
Aspect of Death: Madness

Appearance: Heroism looks quite handsome, actually. Shoulder long, silver-grey hair, pale, but not sick-looking skin without any flaws, together with a well formed, but not overly beautiful face that always has a slightly sly grin on it - though not nearly as big as the legendary grin of the Shinigami Gin.
His eyes have the for Hollow rather strange color of deep green, with a slight tint of blue when direct sunlight falls into them, making them shine like emeralds spiked with saphires. His Hollow Hole is actually located on his head, in the center of his forehead - a rather small hole that is mostly hid by hair, and the visible outlines look like a third eye.
His Arrancar Uniform consists of a white garment for the upper body without any sleeves, with a somewhat chinese resembling design. The outlines of the piece of clothing and the buttons that go from upper left to power right over the clothing are black. His pants are rather wide-looking, but still allow for flexible movement - a thin line between fashion and fighting ability. On his feet, Heroism wears two black sandals with white socks, similliar to the normal Shinigami sandals of his arch enemies.
Also, on both hands, Heroism wears gloves without fingers, both in the typical Arrancar white.
The rests of Heroisms mask are on his ears - they are encased in a white-silver like bone structure, looking similliar to small wings, only adding to his quite wondrous and kind look.

Personality: ~Pride~
Steeming from his former life as a Quincy, Heroism has a big deal of pride inside of him. He doesn't take fun made on him lightly, but god beware if you make fun of the Quincy race or his allies - he won't stop attacking till you bow down and beg for forgiveness or he dies himself. He doesn't only take pride in his fighting ability, though, but also in his looks, his intelligence and everything else - he basicially thinks he is better than everyone else, and it is incredibly hard to prove it to him that someone is an equal. Better than him? He would NEVER aknowledge that.

Loyality from Heroism is VERY hard to get, real loyalty at that. In order to get stronger and progress in prestige amongst others, he can be quite quick to swear his loyalty, but will just as quickly break any oath on him in order to achieve his goals. Should someone really get his respect, though, he might actually show true loyalty. If this will ever happen, though, is questionable.

When not in Dark Kabuto form, Heroism is quite the flirt, using his quite good looks and played charme to get into he hearts of women. He loves to toy with their feelings and break them in the end, just to prove how he is superior to all those who feel attachments.

Both in fighting and in peace, Heroism and Dark Kabuto have a certain, dark elegance about them. Moving without wasting movements, striking with grace, felling enemies without tainting the own armor in blood, this is what Dark Kabutos fighting style is all about. Around others, he always has an aura of superiority, which is just strengthened by his elegant movements and talking.

As long as you give Heroism nearly all of your attention, you are good. He will nearly drown you in his pride, but you are still alive. But god beware for all those that take away the focus of things from him, the 'center of the world' - he will plot deaths behind backs, play friends against each other, and use any other means necessary in order to remove the person he is envious off.

Quite the contray to his normal Hollow personality, a bit of the old heroic self of the former Quincy has remained. For other Quincy, Dark Kabuto would die without a second thought, especially when protecting them against Shinigami. He could never kill one of his blood, unless... they have allied themselves with Shinigami, or even worse, are in intime relationships with any of them.

Heroism hates quite a lot of things, but in the highest rankings are the Shinigami. Especially some individuals like Mayuri, he wants as dead as dead can be. Also, he actually harbors an old hate against the normal, aggressive Hollow nature of many of his Arrancar brethren - he disrespects and looks down upon all who act according to instinct alone, be it Arrancar, Hollow or any other race.

Going with his faked loyalty and friendship towards people, Dark Kabuto/Heroism is a very - and I mean VERY - good actor. He always fakes the image of a 'black knight' of the Hollow with his armor, protecting Arrancar from Shinigami and the like, in order to gain trust and people that look up to him. He bathes in their cries for help from HIM, and only HIM. Looking through this clever disguise of a dark hero of the Hollow is nearly as hard as trying to understand Gin Ichimaru.

One might ask how such sly words go together with his often reckless temper and bursts of pure rage, but that is quickly explained by his madness. Driven mad from the pain of being a Hollow before and fusing with the Zecter, his mind has mostly healed - but it still shifts between multiple layers of calmness, anger, fits of pure destructive nature and even friendly phases. He can actually control this up to a certain point.

~Darkness of the Heart~
Underneath the pride and faked emotions, Dark Kabuto constantly wishes for one certain knowledge: The knowledge of evil. He himself doesn't fit any type of normal murderer one would expect - he is not a maniac, but simply an evil person all in itself. Thus, he searches for the final answer only an immortal being of evil can give - before he will destroy it himself.

Abilities:* Name: Chrono Cero
* Type: Double/Triple Cero
* Number of User: N/A
* Effects: A special Cero using the power of time. Sending a Cero into the directly coming future and firing one at the same time, essentially two Cero with the charging time of once get released. This can even be increased and release three Cero at once. The beams are always placed directly besides each other, most of the times forming a triangle.
* Notes: All Espada can learn this, but no freelancing Arrancar or fraccion unless they learn how to use the move in a roleplay thread.

Master Swordsmanship Specialist
Unlike many Arrancar, Heroism trusts in his sword both before and after releasing it. Even though his blade in release is shorter than his longsword in normal state, he is one of the best Arrancar swordsmen with both kind of weapons, the longsword and the dagger. It has to be shown if he can hold his own against swordmasters like Kenpachi, Ichigo and the like.

Sonido Expert
Even though Dark Kabuto has nearly no use for Sonido, he is quite proficent in it, simply in order to be able to boast even with that. His speed cannot match those which have devoted themselves into the speed of Sonido, though.

Expert Hand-to-Hand Specialist
Again, Dark Kabuto is no master, but clearly not helpless. He combines Hand-to-Hand combat and sword combat all the time, making him quite dangerous with his kicks and punches together with cutting attacks.

Expert Cero Specialist
Using Cero quite often in his fighting style, Dark Kabuto is quite proficent with it. His Bala, naturally, is also well developed and dangerous to meet unprepared.

Quincy Eye
Steeming from his origin, Heroism is able to tell if someone has Quincy blood with a simple analyzing look. He is not able to tell the difference between a Quincy and a Null, however.

Sealed Zanpakutô: In its sealed state, Kabuto looks like a western styled longsword and is normally worn on the left side of Heroisms hip. The hilt is dark red with a black orb on the end, while the blade is in a dark grey, almost black itself. The sheath is completely black. Heroism normally uses his right hand for sword combat.

Old Skill-Level Format and New One:

Skill Level: Hierro: Advanced
Skill Level: Pesquisa: Adept
Skill Level: Sonido: Advanced
Skill Level: Cero/Bala: Master

General Skills

* Durability: Adept
* General Speed: Advanced
* Strength: Advanced
* Weapon Skill: Master

Racial Skills

* Perquisa: Adept
* Sonido: Advanced
* Cero/Bala: Master
* Hierro: Advanced

Release: Speed up the clock, Kabuto.

Resurrección:Dark Kabuto [APPROVED, 0-5] DarkKabuto
Upon release, the sword shrinks down into the form of a dagger. At the same time, a dark, complete armor forms around Heroism, with the image of a beetle in it. Dark Kabuto is an Arrancar with limited control over time.

Clock Up
With this ability, Dark Kabuto speeds up his own time, heightening senses, reflexes and movements to incredible levels. Funelled directly by Reiatsu, Dark Kabuto has nearly no defense while in Clock Up. His speed, however, is great enough to be compared to the masters of Sonido - without him using said Sonido. In fact, using Sonido in Clock Up would cause unpredictable movements and most likely end in a full force crash into the next wall, tree or even the ground.
Clock Up can be maintained for as long as Dark Kabuto has enough Reiatsu to keep it up. However, if he uses it more than 10 posts of time, he has the danger of getting 'stuck' in the world of Clock Up, making it impossible to turn off and finally leading to death of exhaustion.
For each post in which Dark Kabuto doesn't use Clock Up, the counter of 10 posts goes down by one. Meaning, if he had used it 5 posts and then didn't use it 3 posts, he would start with a 2 post counter next time he uses it. Also, if he deactivates Clock Up halfway through the fighting moves of a post, this post doesn't get added to the maximum of 10.

Clock Down
A direct attack skill, this creates a seal in the form of a clock on Heroisms left hand. If a palm strike with the hand connects, the seal gets burned into the enemies skin, and slows down his 'time', making the world around them go faster for them. Effectively, this slows down even fast fighters to the speed of a turtle. Once the seal is active, a burst of Reiatsu can destroy it, like using Resurrección, Segunda Etapa, Shikai, Bankai and so on. Also, it wears off after some time - for someone stronger than Dark Kabuto, it wears off after one post, for someone of his level, it's two posts, and for someone weaker, three posts. The cooldown is three posts always.

Cero Up
Basicially a boosted version of Chrono Cero, this releases up to 5 Cero at virtually the same time thanks to time manipulation and sending them to the future. Cero Up can be used up to 3 times in a post, and has a cooldown of exactly the amounts of used Cero Ups - meaning the full 3 would have a 3 post cooldown. Cero Up combined with Gran Rey Cero is quite destructive, but a maximum of three can be released at a time, and only twice in a post. Also, this has a 6 post cooldown.

Slice Up
A slight play on words, and a deadly one. Useable only in Clock Up or directly afterwards, this uses lingering time energy to multiply the times of a blade connecting - meaning one slash of the dagger will cause the damage of three hits directly after each other. The maximum caused hits at once are 6, the minimum 2. It depends on how much Reishi are used. The cooldown for this is 1 post.

Rider Kick
In Clock Up and outside, this technique can be used. Hitting three buttons on top of the 'Zecter' bug on his belt, it charges up energy, exclaiming "One, Two, Three" in the process. Clicking the bugs maws to the right, the charged energy increases, and on a click back into the original position, the energy runs from the 'horn' of Dark Kabuto down into the legs. After this, either a counter-kick backwards or a kick into the opponent is used, discharging the energy and causing an explosion that causes no harm to him, but damages all others in the area.

Rider Slash
Similliar to Rider Kick, the buttons in top of the 'Zecter' are pressed, but this time, in the reverse order. After exclaiming "Three, Two, One" and clicking the maws of the bug back and forth, the energy gets charged into the Dagger, making the blade longer with energy. This energy vibrates at double the speed of a Seele Schneider if used in Clock Up, and at Seele Schneider speed without Clock Up. After jumping towards the enemy and slashing through, the energy discharges into an explosion that doesn't hurt Dark Kabuto, but all others that are caught up in it.

Deus ex Segunda: None

History: Dark Kabuto - or Jeremia, as he was known as a normal human - was born before the first Quincy showed up in germany, as the son of a merchant. Living in a rather dark age considering Hollow attacks, he actually managed to live a fine life - he learned all the ins and outs of buying and selling from his father, and had a really good running buisness. Hollows never seemed to bother the rich family, and it didn't take long for Jeremia to get married and have a daughter with his wife.
However, if everything had gone as planned, we wouldn't be telling this story now. Jeremia was only 20 years old - his daughter was just turning 2 - when a large amount of Hollows broke out of Hueco Mundo at the command of an Adjuchas class Menos, and laid waste to his town. In the flames made by creatures nobody could see, he saw his entire family die - first his parents, then his wife. As the monsters tried to attack his daughter, Jeremia suddenly was able to... 'see'. He saw the Hollow clear as day from one moment to the next, and through sheer instinct, used the silver cross he was wearing as a necklace to summon a crossbow. Defeating not one, but twenty Hollows on his first day as one of the first german Quincy, his potential even as a beginner without knowledge of what he was doing, or battle experience, was indeed nearly unlimited.
Travelling alone with his daughter and the small amount of money they could salvage, it was just in the next town that he heard of a secret order of monks, that didn't act as secret as they should. Monks of Destruction, they were fighting evil spirits far and wide. Interested, Jeremia managed to contact them. As the Quincy that travelled to germany all the way from the old Japan met up with him, they quickly noticed the burning pain and hatred for Hollow in his soul, and he was gladly accepted into their order. Now, he and his young daughter had a home again.
Five years after this incident, his daughter already showed the potential of the Quincy - a strong one, at that, following her father. He was already considered the strongest German Quincy, though it was hard to keep track of the young order. Often, whole platoons of them disappeared, most likely ambushed by strong Hollow forces. And the japanese Quincy couldn't protect them all. The order needed a leading figure who could keep it all together, who could keep the clan strong. It was on the day this was decided, that Jeremia saw his daughter for the last time.
Over night, the Quincy Jeremia disappeared. And the same, someone appeared. Wearing a completely white cloak, a white mask with black eye holes, and using sacred, newly developed blades called 'Seele Schneider', the Hero Without a Name appeared. Of course, many didn't believe he truely was a hero, or a leader. Maybe it was fate, maybe sheer luck, that the Hollow that was the cause of the disappearances decided to attack the clan just as the new leader was revealed to them. it was the exact same Adjuchas that once burned Jeremias home town to the ground. Enraged by unholy fury, and powered by insanely strong Quincy powers, the Hero Without a Name defeated the Adjuchas single-handedly. Not a single drop of Quincy blood was spilled that day. This was the beginning of a legend.
Living behind a mask all the time, the Hero was now an accepted and wise leader, one with a strong pride. The clan was growing and developing many techniques and Silver Tube spells, and for twenty entire years, there was nearly no single case of death under them. The daughter of the hero had already founded a family, and she was the only one to know the true identity of the white masked man - she and her children knew, they where descendants of the first true hero of their clan.
The basic idea was to pass down the mask to other Quincy once the time had come, so that the hero would never die, but always be there, an eternal, immortal leader. Nobody was to tell the difference but the elders who could keep their mouths and minds sealed. Sadly, it never came to that... because the Quincy War errupted.
Unwilling to give in to the 'chance' of disrupting the balance of souls, the german Quincy Clan stopped all talk with the Gotei... and was attacked in the dead of night. Following the command of Mayuri and Central 46, the Quincy faced their greatest crisis ever. But once again, the Hero came to the rescue... Raising the confused and terrified Quincy to arms, he actually managed to save quite a bit of those not fitting to fight from the thirsty blades of the Shinigami. As the weak Quincy were running through streets red with blood out of their once beautiful enclave in the middle of a forest, the Hero fought, two green Seele Schneider as his weapons. Even as all around him fell or ran away, he continued to slash, fire, cast spells and ravage the enemies. Even after the mask broke and he lost one entire arm, he continued to fight. It was only after he was overwhelmed by twenty Shinigami at once, that he died, taking five of them with him. In the end, he was the one Quincy who killed the most Shinigami in the entire, normally one-sided war. Shouting out that he would come to haunt all Shinigami, and one day, break their race just like they did to his, the hero took his last breath as a human. However, his soul could not be found after his death.
In fact, the soul full of hate was absorbed into Hueco Mundo. Being attacked by Hollow, it didn't take long for them to beat down the Plus and eat his heart. As he hollowfied, the last thing the hero was thinking of was his hate for all Shinigami, and how he would one day return, and destroy them - and lead the Quincy to a new age, even as a Hollow. They would take their rightfull place as defendes of humanity. With those last thoughts, the proud and aged hero fully transformed into a bat-like, rather small, but extremely skillfull Hollow.
Retaining some intelligence after ravaging and eating other Hollows, he quickly felt the natural urge to eat other Hollows. Knowing that he could only return to being a 'person' by raising in the Hollow ranks, the Hero started devouring any Hollow he could find. Turning into a Menos Grande after mere 100 years, Heroism did manage to stay at the top of all the other Hollow, and controlled the body. Eating other Hollow and Menos, it this time took 300 years, way longer than the first transformation. Becoming an Adjuchas class, his appearance now was like a mixture of goat, bat and wolf, quite the horrowfying, but relatively small form. It was now that he finally started venturing into the human world again, and even stayed into Soul Society sometimes, always fleeing when Shinigami where approaching. He still knew he wanted them all dead, but for the moment, their strength was too great. His time would come later.
When Aizen first started recruiting Adjuchas into his ranks by breaking their masks and turning them into Arrancar, Heroism managed to escape using a strange power he had - the power to slightly warp time. This power seemed to steem from his died off Quincy powers as a living being, and it enabled him to literally appear in two places at once. Still, he stayed as an Adjuchas for over 400 years - it was not until some years ago that he actually managed to break his mask.
During one of his strives into the human world, Heroism managed to sneak into a meeting of the secret organization of protectors of the real world. A young man, called Tendou Souji, had been selected by one of the legendary Zecter artifacts, which would enable him to become Dark Kabuto. However, Heroism managed to break the security field around the Dark Kabuto Zecter, and the Zecter aknowledged the proud but rotten Hollow as the new master. Escaping into Hueco Mundo, Tendou was left without a Zecter and quite shook up, until the day he was selected by the Kabuto Zecter instead.
Since Heroism was a Hollow, he could not use the Zecter normally. Instead, he fused completely with it, shattering his mask and turning him into the Arrancar Heroism, who was most commonly known as Dark Kabuto, since he rarely appeared unmasked. As an Arrancar, he has no access to the original Masked Form of his Zecter, but instead gained more abilities to warp time according to his will.
Also, his personality changed quite a bit during the time as a Hollow. Out of the proud but kind Quincy, a monster had been born, fuelled by hate and sly like a snake. Dark Kabuto is maybe a young Arrancar, but his powers and will are something that will certainly cause turmoil in the worlds. Currently, he is serving under Ashlei as one of the new Espada, her being one of the few he doesn't COMPLETELY hate. Not that he would ever show if he hated someone.
Only the Espada currently know his 'name' of Heroism, and his unmasked face.

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Dark Kabuto [APPROVED, 0-5] Empty Re: Dark Kabuto [APPROVED, 0-5]

Tue Aug 17, 2010 9:47 am
1-3, Approved :3

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Dark Kabuto [APPROVED, 0-5] EmerSiggy-2

Emer McLoughlin's Theme

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Dark Kabuto [APPROVED, 0-5] Characters
Queen Of The Sands
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Dark Kabuto [APPROVED, 0-5] Empty Re: Dark Kabuto [APPROVED, 0-5]

Tue Aug 17, 2010 10:10 am

Tier Bumped to 1-1 for Trecera Position
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Dark Kabuto [APPROVED, 0-5] Empty Re: Dark Kabuto [APPROVED, 0-5]

Sat Nov 27, 2010 11:36 am

tier bumped once more to 0-5 for the loverly primera position. We need more bad guys
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Wed Apr 06, 2011 12:54 pm

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Tue Feb 21, 2012 7:31 pm

Dark Kabuto [APPROVED, 0-5] 28cnex2
Ravana Ichiro~Ex-Captain Vizard/Vizard Corps Co-leader~0-3+
Toshizo Hijikata~The Demon Commander~0-3+
Diablo Cortar~The Cutting Devil/Segunda Espada~0-3-
Albert Wesker~Biohazard~0-4++
Dracula Vlad Tepes~The Dark Lord~0-4
Okita Souji~Sexy and I know it~0-5+
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Dark Kabuto [APPROVED, 0-5] Empty Re: Dark Kabuto [APPROVED, 0-5]

Wed Dec 05, 2012 8:57 pm


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
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