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Druid Empty Druid

Tue Aug 10, 2010 4:56 pm

Name: Druid
Age: 636 (looks 37)
Gender: Male

Orientation: Sergei, Octava

Appearance: Druid is five feet tall and eleven inches, counting the top of his spikes and not wearing shoes. Plopped atop Druid's head is a set of thick, longish black hair that sweeps to the left in a gentle curve of massive spikes.His eyes are a cold, icy blue that sometimes seem to glow in dim light. Very lean, even for someone with the body of a 37 year old. Druid looks as if he should be in a hospital on a cancer bed. His pale white skin is stretched over taut, thin muscles. Though he has no acne or anything, his face has a hollow gaunt to it, giving him an eerie appearance, as if he were only a shadow of his former self. His face is completely clean shaven, and very rarely does he ever have any signs of hair on his body aside from the thick tufts growing out of his scalp.
Druid normally has on the original Espada uniform. This uniform consists of a white jacket with black trim around the edges and pants combination. The jacket is usually left unzipped, revealing he has a black t-shirt on underneath. The pants flow loosely down to his ankles where they stop to reveal his bare feet. Druid rarely wears shoes, and hasn't done so in at least six hundred years.
A number 8 tattoo, signifying his position as Octava Espada is placed on the back of his left hand. For some odd reason, this tattoo is sideways, and if looked at normally appears to be similar to the infinity symbol. On his right hand, a hole reveals pure blackness. This is the location of his hollow hole.
Though his mask was destroyed, he continues to keep some portion of it broken on his face. Druid's mask fragments come in the form of thin spindles jutting from his scalp, blending in with his dark black hair, giving him a salt 'n pepper look. Also, two curved horns grow from his forehead, giving him a demonic appearance.

Personality: Druid is obsessed. He wants one thing and one thing only in his life, and that is a family. Driven by an insatiable need that stems from his time even as a human, Druid cannot tame it. Druid's hunger for a family is so complete that he will kill those not in his family or whom reject his offer, simply to eliminate the competition for said family.

This was the beginning stages of his insanity. First, he began hearing things. Voices, even. Voices that promised of a family. Than, he began seeing strange shapes. Strange wispy shadows that followed him around and told of a family somewhere out there for him. And than the crack. Druid had cracked and "slaughtered" these shapes. These wispy voices stopped, but filled Druid with a loneliness that could not be fixed.

That loneliness evolved, and now Druid sees everyone as a potential threat or family. In battle, Druid has only one battle tactic - Annihilation. Druid wants nothing more then total destruction in regards to his opponent. He wants every cell in their body ripped away cleanly and destroyed. Quickly, too. He doesn't want a long fight, because that could get boring. The more action in less time = more fun. Besides, everything is more fun when everyone is all out right away. Forcing his opponent into full power instantly by going into full power himself, Druid wastes no fucking time. This also gives the bonus advantage of his opponents not being able to analyze his powers and whatnot very quickly. If you can't handle the speed he uses in his tactics, you're out of your fucking league, son.

When not in battle, he can be quite peaceful, a strange contrast to his battle mode. Some would call him a "defective arrancar" because he doesn't want to fight if he doesn't have to. He only wants to love something. Incredibly selfless, it is his major downfall. If one knows him, even through reputation, it would be incredibly easy to exploit this.
Oddly enough, Druid will only consume hollow. He will not eat human souls or shinigami/vizard/quincy souls. He isn't even sure why he does this, it's just another peculiarity about Druid. In order to entertain himself while not on his endless crusade in order to find love, Druid resorts to messing with the lives of humans on Earth. Though not very sophisticated, it's quite amusing and satisfying.

Abilities: Sound Augmentation: After activating this technique, Druid can force sound to be present whenever he punches, kicks, etc in order to increase the destructive power. The concentrated sound is capable of busting through stone, at the very least. This sound is generated with a low growl in the center of his chest, which mixes with his reishi and reiatsu to form a potent combination.

Sealed Zanpakutô: Druid Prmf-ar-knight02 Simple short sword, Ryuga is easily wield-able in one hand. It has a blue leather grip with a spiral motif for grip, and curves out slowly for a simple, yet elegant blade design incorporating triangles and prisms for appearance and durability. With the color shifting from blue for the handle, gold for the small guard, and purple with a silver lining for the blade, it is quite something to behold Height: 1'6 Weight: Three and a half Pounds

Skill Level: Hierro: Beginner/Adept/Advanced/Master
Skill Level: Pesquisa: Beginner/Adept/Advanced/Master
Skill Level: Sonido: Beginner/Adept/Advanced/Master
Skill Level: Cero/Bala: Beginner/Adept/Advanced/Master

Release: Echo, Ryuga

Resurrección: When Druid enters his Resereccion state, he grows from 5'11 to 7'3.His flesh is covered in a layer of short, black fur with white tips. The white strands of mask in his black hair (which shrinks down to a short, spiky black crop, also with white tips) bands together to form black triangular ears with white tips on the top of his head. His regular ears fade away. The thick bands on his eyes spread to cover his entire face, stretching outwards in order to give him a muzzle full of vicious, sharp teeth. In this form, his eyes glow a fierce gold.
Tipping each finger and is a wicked black claw with white tip, capable of tearing through flesh and limbs. His knees reverse, allowing for him to leap far distances. From the base of his spine ejects a long, bushy black tail with white tips accentuating every individual hair. His clothes will either rip off or stretch in this form, especially his jacket. His pants are very baggy and appear to be khaki's or long shorts on him. Bands of bone form around each wrist and ankle, which vibrate at a high frequency. Oddly enough, he keeps his sword in this form.

Druid's ultimate attack is a very brutal passive ability. Instantly after entering resereccion, a very sharp screeching operating on a high level of frequency is emitted from his very being. This frequency is capable of blocking out all sounds naturally formed, such as breathing, talking, etc, though enough shouting can overcome it. Prolonged exposure to this shrieking sound could cause disorientation and maybe even bleeding from the ears, depending on how much stronger Druid is against his opponent coupled with how well they take to a very loud and painful noise such as that.

Druid's main ability is focused around generating and manipulating concentrated sound waves to the point that they can be used for destruction. He does this by howling at varying frequencies and degrees towards what he wants destroyed, and fires off concentrated sound waves operating at a frequency capable of destroying said object (if it is in his ability). This can also be used in order to deflect certain attacks or even absorb them to make his sound waves stronger.

Concentrating on the vibrating bands around his wrists and ankles, a sharp screeching can be heard reverberating throughout the air. Whenever he so chooses after activating this attack, a barrier-esque wall of sound forms, allowing for him to block attacks (as long as they are weak enough for him to block) or at the very least, weaken them. The size of the barrier can range from a dinner place to car door, depending on how much reiatsu he pumps into it. The larger the shield, the weaker it is.

Name: Cero Mach 1
Effect: By holding out his right hand, which is the location of his hollow hole and using his left to charge a cero in the hole, he can fire it out of his hand along with a blast of concussive sound energy to add speed and power to the cero at varying degrees, depending on the charge time he gets with it. At full power, this Cero travels at the speed of sound x1

Name: Cero Mach 2
Effect: By holding out his right hand, which is the location of his hollow hole and using his left to charge a cero in the hole, he can fire it out of his hand along with a blast of concussive sound energy to add speed and power to the cero at varying degrees, depending on the charge time he gets with it. At full power, this Cero travels at the speed of sound x2

Name: Cero Mach 3
Effect: By holding out his right hand, which is the location of his hollow hole and using his left to charge a cero in the hole, he can fire it out of his hand along with a blast of concussive sound energy to add speed and power to the cero at varying degrees, depending on the charge time he gets with it. At full power, this Cero travels at the speed of sound x3

Druid's Sonido is incredibly enhanced, due to him being able to force sound bursts through his feet at the exact time he uses Sonido to augment it greatly. Druid travels so fast that he leaves sound after images which can move for a bit before disappearing completely.

Mach One: Don't confuse this with his cero, Druid actually has the ability to move so fast while attacking he reaches Mach one speeds. If he ever stops moving while traveling like this, however, he will revert back to his normal speed for a while.

Sound Eruptions: Whenever Druid claps his hands, or essentially slaps anything hard enough, waves of sonic energy is discharged out of it in a wide range, depending on how hard he slaps that can destroy at the very least stones.

Deus ex Segunda: Not yet Availabe

History: Jeremy Rindsler was your typical adult. He woke up every day, at the crisp age of thirty five, and headed off to work in his '67 camaro. Yes, life was good for Jeremy. He owned his own company specializing in animal health care and products. Unfortunately, his single life (for he had never married) was cut short one fateful afternoon when horse he had been experimenting on kicked him in the face.

Unable to believe it, The soul of Jeremy Rindsler refused to move on. He had still never married, and that (believe it or not) was one of his goals in life. He hadn't married yet simply because he wanted to raise a family into a respected house, and have enough money for everyone to be happy.

As the months went by, Jeremy's soul chord became woefully thin. Finally, exactly one year after his death, the soul chord disappeared. No Shinigami had ever come for him, but this wasto be expected. He had died in an odd location, under a freeway pass. Unfortunately, the mixture of leads and other metals in the old tower stopped the shinigami cell phones from finding his spirit. As he fell into a demi-hollow state, he exploded in a torrent of pure energy, and reformed inside Hueco Mundo. As a hollow, he looked like a large ape, many muscles covered in thick fur, shaggy and black.

His knuckles dragged on the ground, and a thin tail swept behind him. Covering his face was the blank stare of a hollow mask, complete with muzzle and fangs. Unfortunately, this wasn't exactly what he was (an ape that is). In fact, Jeremy had become a werewolf-similar beast in his hollow state. It was than he felt the hunger. An insatiable hunger filled his stomach, and echoed out of his hollow hole (positioned of course on his chest).

Roaring, the hollows around Jeremy rebounded in fear. As he chased their fleeing forms, he caught them each and all, devouring them like pies. It took him 250 years to evolve from hollow to gillian, and another 250 years of pure cannibalistic orgies to become an adjuchas. After 100 years as an adjuchas, he transformed into an arrancar.

Finally, however, Jeremy had evolved. Warped and twisted by becoming a Hollow, Jeremy had changed nearly every aspect of his personality. No longer was he Jeremy Rindsler. Now, he was Druid. No last name, no need. Last names were given to family men, and Jeremy.. no, Druid, had no family. Not yet, anyway.
After partaking in a fraptous battle with another adjuchas, Druid's mask had been shattered. Transforming into an arrancar was a painful process naturally, but Druid did it. He had survived, and was oddly enough very well made. He wasn't even a pseudo-arrancar. No, he was complete all right. And he was ready to find love.

As an arrancar, he had to get used to being humanoid once more. As a regular hollow, gillian, and adjuchas, he had completely lost his humanity. Well, not really. He had merely forced it down deeply so he could focus on eating like a boss. Finally though, he remembered himself. He remembered who he was. He was Druid, and he needed a family. He needed to protect a family. Training hard, he practiced hand-to-hand day in and day out, learning the tips and tricks of mixed martial arts.

Well, what he found was close to love. He had found the espada army. Unfortunately for them and fortunately for him, their ranks were incomplete. Joining the espada for it's family aspect, Druid became the Octava espada.

RP Sample: Times were tough in this desert. Especially for Druid. All he wanted was a family. All he wanted was a home. All he wanted was to be loved and to love. Unfortunately, he wanted all of these things at such a sick obsession they became needs. Walking slowly in the harsh light of the moon, Druid's feet sank slightly in the sand-like quartz crystals that made up the desert. His path was clearly layed out before him. Absolutely nothing as far as the eye could see, and absolutely no one as far as the ear could hear. He must have been destined to be alone. It was an eternal curse. No matter what, these other brutes that filled Hueco Mundo just didn't understand his longing for a family. Well, it didn't matter. They could all go fuck themselves. Then again... maybe they could be useful. After all, they were a sort of family. They had given him a home, access to new abilities, and a sort of friendship/teamwork that normally went along with family.

Staring at the number eight that was tattooed horizontally across his left hand, Druid placed his right hand over the number, still being able to see it through the hollow hole that was oddly placed there. Sighing, both hands dropped to his sides, before he changed his mind and slid them into the pockets of his jacket. Continuing his lonely saunter onwards, he finally saw something. It had taken him several hours, and the only thing he saw was white crystal sand and his shadow, given to him by the large moon shining in the same position forever behind him. What he saw was a large palace. Las Noches. That's what that other guy had called his home, the one who turned him into an arrancar and give him the eight tattoo. He was the one whom told him to go there. Grinning slightly, a single thought flickered through Druid's head. He just may have a family.

Suddenly, something actually broke the silence. A sound that filled his ears as naturally as chocolate cake filled fat people. Wiggling his toes slightly in the sand, he felt tremors rock the earth under him. Something was coming. Something big. Sliding his foot quickly, he half-pivoted, half-slid in order to turn around. There. Something WAS following him. It was an adjuchas around the same size as a menos grande. It appeared to be a flaming moose, or something. A really big flaming moose. And it was clearly about to attack him. Unsheathing Ryuga from his back, Druid burst forward with Sonido and bit deeply into the calf of the beast with his sword. Roaring, the adjuchas lifted it's leg and kicked at Druid with surprising speed. Well that just wouldn't do. Flipping to the side out of the way, Druid launched into the air facing the Moose's head. Charging a Cero in the hole of his left hand while remaining stationary, a large fire ball was charging in the beast's mouth at the same time.

Fire was beginning to get annoying. Firing the Cero, the red ball/beam of energy cut through the fire and shot down into the adjuchas throat, burning him through from the inside as if he had chucked a water balloon filled with acid. Sonidoing above the beast, Druid merely floated along the currents of reishi in the air back to the bottom as the flaming moose's fire died out and his corpse disappeared. Landing lightly on the balls of his feet, Druid wiped the blood on his blade off using the charred corpse of the moose thing. Sliding Ryuga back into his sheathe that clung tightly on his back, Ryuga continued on his merry way, actually smiling slightly. And then he saw it. A large building loomed on the horizon.

Sprinting along down the sand dunes that led to Las Noches, Druid's mind raced. Would they accept him? Were there females? Could he finally have children and raise a good family? Or were they just monsters like the other beasts that roamed this place? Shaking his head to clear them of such thoughts, he continued on his sprint towards the door. In his excitement, he actually managed to slip and fall in the sand, but rolled through it and kept running after even touching his bare feet to the crystals once more. It was very fast, and very amusing. None of it mattered to him though. Spitting out a glob of quarts sand casually, he finally made it to the door. Wiping a thin layer of sweat from his brow, he tweaked his hair to look good and waited a moment for his flushed skin to cool down.

Taking a deep breath, he smiled genuinely and pushed open the massive palace doors. Entering the darkness that existed in the doorway, two words breathed ironically quietly from his mouth, "I'm Home..."
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Druid Empty Re: Druid

Wed Aug 11, 2010 11:58 am
Approved, 1-2+

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Druid Empty Re: Druid

Thu Nov 25, 2010 5:07 pm

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