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Ryu Shadowmoore
Ryu Shadowmoore
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Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez Empty Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez

Tue Jul 13, 2010 8:13 pm
Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez

Name: Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male

Orientation: Free Lancing (Explained in History)

Appearance: Grimmjow has light-blue spiky hair and eyes, and also has green lines below them, similar to the eye markings on the Panthera genus of cats, as well as the red marks on Ikkaku Madarame's eyes. Grimmjow's attire consists of a white hakama and a black sash; his white jacket is ragged with an upturned collar. The inner lining is black, the sleeves are rolled up, and Grimmjow wears it open, leaving a muscular chest revealed. The remains of his Hollow mask consist of the right jawbone, and his Hollow hole has moved to his abdomen. His tattoo number (6) is located at his back, near the right side of his Hollow hole. Since his first fight with Ichigo, Grimmjow sports a large scar on his torso, which several characters make remarks to.

Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez 290px-GrimmjowEp138

Personality: Grimmjow appears to be a laid-back and irreverent individual at first glance, but this scruffy exterior hides a brutal, impulsive, excessively-violent personality and a lethally-short temper. Grimmjow is blunt, sarcastic, and quite sadistic, revealing a psychotic grin whenever he becomes excited, much like Kenpachi Zaraki or Hollow Ichigo. He displays little respect for authority and says whatever is on his mind, regardless of whether or not it is appropriate. This attitude leads to conflicts with Kaname Tōsen, who holds Grimmjow in the same low regard as he did with Kenpachi Zaraki. He also has conflicts with Ulquiorra Cifer, the 4th Espada, usually because Ulquiorra interrupts his battles or otherwise clashes with Grimmjow's ideals, and confidently believes Ulquiorra's powers to be weaker than his, a point he is eager to prove. He develops an additional grudge against Ichigo Kurosaki for wounding him during their first and second fights, and is eager to return the favor. He intentionally kept the large scar on his chest from their first battle as a reminder of this. Grimmjow is also infuriated by Ichigo's belief that he can defeat him regardless of how badly he is injured, which Grimmjow sees as Ichigo looking down on him.

Grimmjow is a very rude and disrespectful character. He uses none of the honorifics in the Japanese language, except when addressing Aizen (though he is quick to discard the formality when Aizen is not around), and refers to Orihime as woman in conversation. However, he does have some form of a code of honor, as he is unwilling to fight an injured Ichigo, bringing Orihime to heal him beforehand so that their battle will be a fair one, though he also wants to defeat Ichigo when he is at full strength. He also saves Orihime from Loly and Menoly, who were beating her up, to repay the debt of restoring his arm, though he immediately demands another favor afterwards. Despite his aggression and obvious bloodlust in battle, he possesses a feral cunning and has a knack for quickly exploiting any opening his opponent reveals.

Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant: He is a very proficient hand-to-hand combatant, possessing considerable masterful skill using it as his primary means of attack. Equally lethal using punches and kicks as well as being highly unpredictable. His fighting technique is incredibly destructive using his speed and reflexes to quickly take out his opponents. He is skilled enough to even hold his own against stronger opponents for short amounts of time.

Expert Swordsmanship Specialist: Although he usually prefers hand-to-hand combat, Grimmjow is also able to fight effectively with his Zanpakutō as well. He is shown holding his own against Ichigo who at the time was using Bankai and Hollowfied, when he only had one arm. He then is shown holding his own against Shinji Hirako as Shinji wore his Hollow mask. In one-on-one battle against Ichigo, he is seen showing considerable skill in swordsmanship.

Pesquisa: Grimmjow has demonstrated this ability when he and his Fracción invaded Karakura Town, during which he displayed he could detect targets from a considerable distance.

Hierro: As the Sexta Espada, Grimmjow has the passive ability known as Hierro. Grimmjow's Hierro is strong enough to effortlessly block the sharp edge of a released blade Shikai with his bare hand, later showing the density of his skin by being able to grab Ichigo's Bankai blade, blocking with his bare hand with no damage.He is able to survive a point blank range Getsuga Tenshō though emerging with grievous injuries,Grimmjow then withstand being frozen by Rukia's Shikai, noting that simply freezing the top layer of his skin isn't enough to kill him.

Enhanced Strength: Grimmjow is shown using his strength to push back Ichigo with little effort. He is shown throwing Ichigo at a considerable distance using his own sword that he had grab a hold of during an attack. His kicks are strong enough to strike a opponent with enough force to have them sent flying with enough force to destroy several buildings in the surround area. He was also shown impaling Luppi, his Espada replacement, through the chest with relative ease despite the other's hierro.

Great Spiritual Power: His spirit energy is very high, noted by Rukia to be "worlds apart" from his Fracción and making her wonder if he was even the same species.

Highly Perceptive Combatant: Grimmjow is able to discern from simple observation that upon his first fight with Ichigo that his Bankai enhanced Getsuga Tenshō was damaging to his body. He also notes that Ichigo is capable of at the most 2 to 3 more of those attacks at best. Upon his second fight with Ichigo, he makes note that Ichigo was straining to use his Hollowfication as his soon as his mask came off his breathing instantly became quicker, but he notes that it may not be so simple as that. Denoting that it must have something to do with him having took so much damage or because he's lost too much spiritual energy or maybe that it has a limit to the amount of time he can use it. Upon his third fight with Ichigo, he notes that he extended the amount of time he can stay in his masked state.

Cero: Grimmjow is capable of firing a red cero from the palm of his hand, as well as his fist.He has shown firing it at point-blank range to increase lethality as when he incinerates the top half of Luppi after regaining his arm and rank. He again uses it at point-blank range against Menoly, incinerating her. His Cero is powerful enough to neutralize the Cero of fellow Espada Ulquiorra Cifer during their brief scuffle, even though it badly burned his right arm from his hand to his elbow. Grimmjow has also shown the ability to fire one Cero from each hand.

Cero Gigante: Similar to the Gran Rey Cero in many ways except a few, this Cero as a wider blast range, and a shorter range. It was developed by Grimmjow for the soul purpose of being a devastating attack that does not require a long time to charge. This is a fast technique and does not require longer to charge, but can be held for longer to increase the range on the blast and the blast range itself. The color of this Cero is blue.

Garganta: Garganta is how Arrancar move to and from Hueco Mundo. Grimmjow demonstrated this ability during his own personal invasion of Karakura Town. It literally tears open the dimensional fabric separating the worlds, revealing a tunnel of whirling, torrential energy that must be focused and solidified to create a discernible pathway

Sonído Master: As the 6th Espada, Grimmjow is very proficient in the use of Sonído. Even in his unreleased state, he is able to keep up with Ichigo Kurosaki while using Tensa Zangetsu. Initially, Grimmjow could even surprise and overwhelm Ichigo with his speed.

Sealed Zanpakutô: Pantera (豹王 (パンテラ), Pantera; Spanish for "Panther", Japanese for "Panther King"). His Zanpakutō's tsuba resembles a rigid, crooked "S," while the sheath and handle are light blue.

Skill Level: Hierro: Advanced
Skill Level: Pesquisa: Beginner
Skill Level: Sonido: Master
Skill Level: Cero/Bala: Advanced

Release: "Grind, Pantera!"

Resurrección: Resurrección: His release command for his Zanpakutō is "Grind" (軋れ, kishire), referring to grinding one's teeth. To release his Zanpakutō, he holds it up, like the start of a low sweep stroke, with his right hand. The sword glows as he puts his left hand up to it. He then rakes his hand along the length of the blade, with a swift motion, while calling out its release command, in turn releasing a torrent of spiritual power that causes tremendous gusts of wind in the immediate vicinity. Grimmjow's appearance changes drastically to something more feline and predatory. His teeth become jagged and sharp, his hands turn into black claws and his feet become black clawed paws, similar to that of a cat, along with a slender whip-like tail. His hair becomes very long and flowing, and the markings around his eyes enlarge and extend to the tips of his ears, which become cat-like. He loses his distinctive jaw mask, which is replaced by a sort of a headgear on his forehead. His clothing changes to become a form-fitting white segmented armor, similar to his original Adjuchas-Hollow form. He has blades protruding from his forearms and his calves.

Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez 190px-Grimmjow_Resurreccion

Resurrección Special Ability:

Enhanced Hierro: Grimmjow's Hierro receives an augmentation as well. He was hit by a point-blank Getsuga Tenshō from Ichigo Kurosaki in his Vizard state and received no visible damage.

Enhanced Speed & Agility: Complimenting his already impressive speed and power, Grimmjow's released state augments his speed drastically, giving him animalistic agility and movement to match, allowing him to keep up with the masked-enhanced Bankai of Ichigo.

Enhanced Strength: His strikes pack enough power to incidentally destroy large skyscraper-sized pillars in Las Noches via collateral damage during the fight with Ichigo. His strength was also enough to send Ichigo through several buildings with one strike, as well as send him flying hundreds of feet with, merely with a few light punches and kicks.

Shockwaves: When in his released form, he can roar loudly enough to create shockwaves in the air and surrounding area, powerful enough to throw off his opponents.

Darts: He can also fire a large number of explosive "darts" from his elbows with enough charge to demolish huge buildings. They look somewhat similar to an axe blade, but with an indention in the middle. A Hollow Mask-enhanced Ichigo was somewhat able to withstand 5 of them, and continue fighting.

Desgarrón (豹王の爪 (デスガロン), desugaron; Spanish for "Tear", Japanese for "Panther King's Claw"): His strongest attack; His claws glow and then he makes a slashing motion that creates giant "claws" of solidified energy from the end of each finger. The attacks act as a ranged claw attack, which he controls like his regular claw attacks, by using slashing motions. The power and force behind them is considerable and Ichigo was only able to deflect and shatter them through sheer force of will.

Deus ex Segunda Command: Grind to Dust, Beast Master Panther King!

Deus ex Segunda Appearance: As Grimmjow utters the command the wind howls and a tornado circles around him that begins to crackle with blue lighting, inside the sillouhette of Grimmjow begins to change, growing taller, and more muscular by the second. The tornado grows wider and taller as the lightning begins to strike the ground around the tornado, destroying whatever is there, and killing anything that gets too close. As the tornado reaches a frightening size, the tornado explodes from within in a vibrant display of blue and white energy that creates a rather large storm of dust and a crater of equal size. The dust continues to spiral until finally a loud roar is heard that causes the dust to disperse in a speedy manner. When the dust is all gone, Grimmjow now stands taller than before and more muscular, he has a giant saber tooth tiger looking mask on top of his head, the fangs coming down over his eyes, and his eyes now glow a feint blue. His tail now has a scythe blade on it that can be used for slashing and the blades on his arms and thighs have increased in length. Grimmjow now also has shoulder guards, these guards both have weird openings on them that seem to hold no purpose, however that is not entirely true. Also the opponent will feel a sense of dread and find it hard to breathe. Grimmjow's voice now sounds more hollowized and when in combat a mouth cover appears, when this cover appears Grimmjow's spiritual energy seems to sky rocket. Also in this form, giant claw like blades are now covering his hands which can be used for slicing through opponents.

Deus ex Segunda Abilities:

Superior Hierro: In his Deus Ex, Grimmjow's Hierro has reached its maximum strength, allowing him to take barely any damage from most attacks regardless of their strength or the ability used.

Superior Speed and Agility: Much like in his first resserecion, where his speed and agility were brought to a new level, in Grimmjow's Deus Ex, his agility and speed are brought up to even greater heights. This Speed and Agility boost far surpasses Ichigo's vizard mask forms.

God like Strength: In Grimmjow's Deus Ex the muscle mass gained is not just for show, in this form Grimmjow can easily break bones, and cause internal bleeding with a flick of his wrist or a simple slap. Combined that with the devestating speed and agility that the form already brings and you have one hell of an apex predator on your hands.

Double Cero Gigante: In this form Grimmjow can charge up two Cero Gigantes in his hands or in the holes in shoulders, this gives him twice the destructive force that he had in his orignal form when using this technique.

Breath Stealer: If Grimmjow so chooses he may move around his opponent at his maximum speed and create a tornado that creates an airless vacuum that can sufficate his foes. Grimmjow does not use this technique often as afterwards he is slightly exhausted and needs time to rest.

Roar of the King: When Grimmjow roars it creates a powerful force of spritual pressure that can send his foe flying, this roar can be used to counter kido, and even some extensions of spiritual energy such as the Getsuga Tensho.

Sharp Darts: Grimmjow's darts from his first resserecion form are increased in power and speed in his deus ex and are still fired from his elbow. However, on contact these darts explode causing moderate damage on top of the already powerful physical damage that they already deal.

Improved Desgarrón: Much like the orignal desgarron, except this time they are not so easily broken, and can cut anything down that seems to get in their way.

Electrical Pulse: By releasing a large sum of spiritual energy Grimmjow can shoot lighting from his hands or the holes in his shoulders, this lightning is not real lightning, but is capable of burning holes through foes, and can cause minor burns and a feeling of escruciating pain if the target chooses to be grazed by it due to the nature of the volatile spiritual energy used to make the attack.

Spinning Top Cyclone: Grimmjow can spin around quickly and create a tornado of spiritual energy and wind created by the momentum he creates. He can stop abruptly and launch the tornado in the location that he points his hand at after the tornado is formed. The longer and faster he spins the stronger the tornado becomes.

Combat Claws: The new weapon in this form is the Combat claws. Three sharp claws that are made of hard metal that can cut through flesh and most materials. At any time he can cover them in spiritual energy and use them to cut through spiritual particles and energy itself. This weapon combined with the super speed and god like strength creates a devestating weapon that he can use to fight any foe at any time.

Immense Spiritual Pressure: Foes of weaker power than Grimmjow will feel as if they are being suffocated by his spiritual pressure alone.

History: Before Grimmjow became an Arrancar, he was a panther-like Adjuchas-class Menos. At one point he came across the Adjuchas-class Menos group of Shawlong Kūfang, Edrad Liones, Yylfordt Granz, Nakeem Greendina, and Di Roy Linker. Di Roy decided to eat him but before Di Roy could act, Grimmjow attacked him and ate a chunk of Di Roy's head. The group was impressed at his strength and they introduced themselves. Their leader Shawlong asked that Grimmjow joined them but even more than that they bowed down to Grimmjow. Shawlong then explained that they have no intention of remaining Adjuchas or Gillians. They vowed to become Vasto Lorde, but in order to do that they needed strength that they can use to pull themselves up and they had seen that strength in Grimmjow. Shawlong asked that Grimmjow lead them as their king.

Sometime later Shawlong told Grimmjow that the group has given up. Yylfordt explained that they have given up in their quest to evolve into Vasto Lorde. They had eaten over one thousand Hollows and haven't felt their power increase anymore. As of that day they had eaten three thousand so they know for certain to continue on would be pointless. Grimmjow told them that if they wanted to give up than it was fine but he would have nothing to do with it. Shawlong then asked Grimmjow if he would eat them, and noted that since Grimmjow had already taken a piece of Di Roy, he would never evolve into a Vasto Lorde and that in conjunction their evolution would end where it was at as well. Grimmjow called them cowards but Shawlong interrupted him and explained that they have become enlightened. It is not only to the fact that they would never become Vasto Lorde but more than that it was something they knew even before becoming Hollows. They knew that they would always only be Adjuchas and that Grimmjow would have been the only one to evolve beyond that stage.

As time went on Grimmjow would become an Arrancar and quickly would rise through the ranks, due to the way he fought, until finally he reached he became the Sexta Espada. Shortly after however, Grimmjow would meet Ichigo in battle, and everything quickly changed. Grimmjow's orignal personality, the honor bound fighter, quickly won through, and he began to disobey his orders in order to fight Ichigo Kurosaki in battle. However, Ichigo would gain his overall victory, and defeat Grimmjow in battle. Grimmjow shortly after would be attacked by Nnoitora and receive near fatal injuries, but Grimmjow would never give in like that, and slipped off into the shadows, dissapearing while the battle grew between Kenpachi and Nnoitora.

30 Years of Self Imposed Exile

Grimmjow, a being built on a self-imposed code of honor, slinked off into the darkness of Hueco Mundo far from the sights of the growing tension that was taking root. Aizen would be destroyed by division 0, but Grimmjow did not care because Grimmjow was in a sort of daze, walking around Hueco Mundo with no intention of stopping or caring about his past life. He had been defeated and along with that did not deserve the position of being one of the Espada and to cement this thought he would cut his tatoo from his back with his own blade, and forget he was ever an Espada. He did a good job of this in his self-imposed exile, staying away from places where Hollows usually stayed and in general stayed far away from those of his own kind. During this timeGrimmjow's power did not increase because he dare not eat another Hollow if anything he was starved and grew weaker during this time of self-imposed exile. He did keep on training his skill and grew as a fighter, but he grew significantly weaker.

This sort of path lasted for thirty years of Grimmjow's life until finally he decided against the exile and decided to return to where it had all began for him. Along the way he realized that he had grown weaker and began to devour Hollow's of weaker strength to regain the power he once had. He returned to his roots among the weaker Hollows and became their "King", protecting them and guiding them for many year to come.

The Panther King Returns!

For the next one hundred years Grimmjow would become king of the weaker Hollows and as such grew to become quite a sound leader while forgetting about the times that he had served some one like Aizen or met some one like Ichigo Kurosaki. Grimmjow was a powerful warrior and during this time aided a few weaker hollows who showed promise with training. But during this time Grimmjow also feasted, eating lower level Hollows and growing in strength as he did this he became feared as well. Soon the low level Hollows who had once showed great promise stopped coming to Grimmjow for training. Feeling the fear of his subjects and a great hunger, Grimmjow did what many Arrancar do to low level shinigami. He devoured them. One by one or sometimes by the dozen, Grimmjow killed off the weaker hollows and devoured them for strength. During that time, Mr. Squeakers, a cat that only Grimmjow seems to understand quickly became his friend, and his travel companinion. Not much is known about Mr. Squeakers or how even Grimmjow can understand him.

Soon, feeling stronger than he ever had he decided it was time to leave Hueco Mundo and travel to the world of he living, after all if had been over a century since he had been there.

Grimmjow On Earth

Two Hundred years of killing low level Shinigami and eating low level Hollows, that is all Grimmjow really remembers of this time period. He stayed away from humans, fearful that he would meet another Ichigo Kurosaki, but once or twice it did perk his interest to attack a human, and during these occasions Shinigami would show up. He would kill them, but not before giving them an option to flee, after all he did not care too much for low level shinigami since they were no real challenge. Soon, Grimmjow would grow bored of all these things, and decide to try other things like visiting Soul Society.

Grimmjow the Freelancer

Grimmjow would go to Soul Society, which would later be noted as the stupidest thing he had ever done, and instantly was captured by several captain level Shinigami. He was locked up and interrigated, instantly be recognized as one of the original Espada. Grimmjow would explain that he had came there for "fun" and was looking to fight the strongest Shinigamis he could find. The captains, who were skeptical at first, would soon agree that they could put the Arrancar to work as a sort of Freelancer, a spy in Heuco Mundo to ensure that things did not go south like they had done so long ago. Grimmjow agreed, but had several stipulations, namely he wanted to fight the strongest warriors and that he would nee his payment frequently, and that also he was to be his own boss, this ensured that he was free to do as he pleased. With these two things agreed to, Grimmjow was released, and given a mission. Grimmjow was to infiltrate a small growing army of Hollows and wipe them out from the inside. A task that an Arrancar like Grimmjow could easily accomplish.

After completing that mission, Grimmjow would make a similar deal with a few other Arrancar like himself, he would accept this deal, and on his first mission escorted a small group of Hollows to the real world where they were quickly wiped out by Shinigami. Grimmjow had tipped off the Shinigami so that he could devour the low level Hollows and then blame it on them instead of himself. It easily fooled the Arrancar and Grimmjow to this day plays the role of a double agent, fooling Arrancar into giving him missions, while allowing Shinigamis to kill a few and then allowing him to devour the rest. In the end this helps Grimmjow gain power and helps the Shinigami stop Hollow attacks.

RP Sample:(You've seen me rp...I can do one if you still want me to.)

Last edited by Ryu Shadowmoore on Tue Aug 10, 2010 12:26 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Tue Jul 13, 2010 8:14 pm
0-4+ approved~ :3

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Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez Characters
Ryu Shadowmoore
Ryu Shadowmoore
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Tue Aug 10, 2010 12:27 pm
Added Deus Ex Segunda!
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Tue Aug 10, 2010 1:10 pm
Re-Approved for Deus, Ex Segunda
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Tue Aug 10, 2010 2:14 pm
i am also gonna bump this up to 0-3 for the segunda, which is quite strong. for an espada class arrancar if anyone over rides me, at least give a good reason.
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Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez Empty Re: Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez

Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:21 pm
>Using Fan Made abilities with a canon character, Denied. z-34

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Fri Nov 12, 2010 5:25 pm
Kenshin, we've discussed this. Canons can have fan-created attacks. Hell, we have a Shunsui with a Bankai. So, re-approved. Unless Frost himself says something, I'm going by this. Besides, I had to create moves for Kirio, so what's the difference?

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Fri Nov 12, 2010 6:43 pm
Yes i have heard. It bothers me, but whatever.

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Mon Apr 18, 2011 2:55 pm

Smiley face
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