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Kaito Roze (COMPLETED((Finally))) Empty Kaito Roze (COMPLETED((Finally)))

Sun Jun 27, 2010 5:03 pm

Name: Kaito Roze Aka, Twilight Lord
Age: 233
Gender: Male

Orientation: Freelancing and possibly owns his own rebellion group. He represents Fear.

Appearance: Kaito Roze (COMPLETED((Finally))) Arrancar
Kaito has shoulder length black hair that matches the night sky and screams to the shadows. A black hat sits on top of the midnight hair as he travels through the darkness of the world with his mates from him group. His eyes are ageless, looking into them you wil see only sorrow and loneliness. The color of his eyes glow gold in the night has he stalks his prey. The sense of being followed is real. Little black dog ears and tail are seen in the on his body clearly.

Kaitos clothing is like the espadas but black with white rimming. On his time off he wears a black tuxedo that brings a dark aura everywhere he goes. Wearing white gloves make him seem has reasonable but they soon become blood stained. His sword stays hidden on his back in a black sheath.

His bone apperance is on his face. It stars at his forehead cutting down diagonaly from right to left to half way down his face. From were the cut stopped 4 sharp spikes go over the side of his face. The spikes have a thick black rim on them.

Kaito-Pun is like a lost puppy. He wonders around discovering new things and just looking for things to do. He will randomly follow someone that he thinks will take him somewhere new. He will try not to be found but try to stay in plain site. If he’s noticed he will look at the person like a cute little puppy and give a big smile. He will even give the cute puppy eyes that convince anyone.

He’s usually the happy go lucky guy who will try to befriend people. Befriending Kaito-Kun is easy if you haven’t lied to him yet. If your lying prepare for your doom. Kaito gives no mercy to those who lie. If you live your lucky. You must be close to him if he doesn’t turn you into the dust.

Being happy is his specialty. He’s happy in battle, life and towards others. He will be happy killing someone, his moto is “Death With A Smile”. He thinks his life is perfect he has everything friends and a social life. He tends to change his type to match his friends.

He can get aggravated if you keep bothering him for something. The person knows he wont let them down. He doesn’t know why reapers and the other races hate him. Now the humans know of his existence is more of a problem because he cant talk or feed in piece.

Inside the dome of Arrancars he is mostly EMO and doesn’t like to talk to people. He has low tolerance and takes his job very seriously. He often barracks himself in his room when he is depressed. He will stay in there for until he feels undepressed. He will go in his room if he kills a child or a fellow member dies.

He does not like rudeness. Being nice is not all “Yay~~~ Kaito will protect me because hes my friends and hell kick this kids ass because I don’t like him!!!>=D” That will earn that friend a good beating and/or a lecture about politeness and being a bully. Cant stand for smart asses either. If they think they know Kaito they don’t. Kaito will instantly get a angry and sour look on his face, so you better step back if you don’t want any trouble. Or atleast watch your back for the next week because he may get you in your sleep.

The cold weather, Kaito favoured for all his being. Has the snow rolled in he would take a long break and just stand out in the snow. He never got lost in the snow, infact he would help the stupid blonds out(No offence to blonds).

The heat, oh how he hates it. Sun, he tries to avoid it because it desiderates him and he gets burnt, that causes him to get heat stroke. If its really hot outside he will be more cruel than usual.

He has a soft spot for children and Animals. A child or Animal is crying and has lost there mother. Kaito will help the poor child or Animal help find his mother. If it takes weeks, months, years he will keep searching.

He can be a flirt. He will give comments to only some one he likes. If the person he likes is talking to him he will more nice then usual. He may fight to save the one he loves. He is mostly only nice to his Sister. Koori also thinks he sexy which he is, it adds to the fact that he’s a flirt and uses his appearance to attract girls or guys. He tends to take his shirt off because he feels closed in and hot.

Acting like a dog comes natural to him sense he is some what dog. He tends to lick peoples faces and pant. He does not sweat like a normal human so he has to pant in order to cool down. When threatened he will growl just like a dog or bark. If slammed or throne ageist something he will whine or whimper

Abilities: His hearing and smell is much like a dogs because he is somewhat part dog. Because of that it can be a weakness as well but he can detect sounds noone else can hear.

Sealed Zanpakutô:

His sealed Zanpakuto is fairly short. In most cases people would call it a short sword and it is. The blade is thin and sharp with a tint of a really dark blue it adds sadness to a area once shown to humans or reapers. The guard is a X shape with the long parts of the X curving slightly downwards. The hilt is black and looks like a shadow. The hilt is wrapped in many different color ribbons so tight that they wont ever fall off.

Skill Level: Hierro: Before Res: Advanced, After Res: Master
Skill Level: Pesquisa: Before Res: Beginner, After Res: Adept
Skill Level: Sonido: Before Res: Advanced After Res :Master
Skill Level: Cero/Bala: Before Res: Adept, After Res: Advanced

Release: Scream, Penumbra Reina (Twilight Queen)

Kaito takes too a evil laugh and falls to his knee out of laughter. He then takes his sword with both hands and holds it out in front of him with the blade facing towards were his heart would have been. Pulling his arms towards his heart with the blade still facing the same way it was before. The sword goes through were his heart should be and he crys a bit then saying “Cry, Panico”. (after rank 5 or higher) Then a large bust of spritual pressure making it rain his spriteal pressure. Every thing then become a tinted gold untill the release is over. When released a strong sense of Suffering comes to all the battle area It even comes with a deep feeling of loneliness.

Apperance:Kaito Roze (COMPLETED((Finally))) 1088865895_Dark_Angel

His bone appearance is now full and complete. It now forms a masquerade mask across his upper face. Black and yellow markings are under the eyes taking the shape of tears. His eyes are sill visible but all that is seen is gold, there is no pupil. His hair is still black and shoulder length but is more messy.

Black wings angel wings sprouted from his back bring a more dark and evil doom that’s soon to come.His shirt is not longer on him as the transformation destroys the shirt and tatters the pants. His nails are blood red looking famine. He has a bloody bandage around his wrist and a arm band with a ankle band.

Ability 1:
Kaito says Corrompido del Corazon and then reaches into his whole grabbing a small shadow sword made out of his raitsu. He can throw making it hit a area. Once hitting the area it spreads shadow over it. The object brakes down into shadow, the shadow takes it appone its self to attack and destroy the foe. The shadows are quick and sharp.

Ability 2:
Falso Amor: (AKA. False Love)
This allows him the enhanced spitual pressure that makes it rain and give it the blue glow when released. This increases his speed and attack because he no longer cares what he kills.

Ability 3:
Crepúsculo Cúpula: (AKA. Twilight Dome)
A large mass of light and dark energy making twilight energy goes over the battle field. When this happens the colors become more dark and evil. In the dome it cuases every animal ,insect, anfiban, sea creature ect, to transform into a hollow bent to follow Kaitos commands. These creatures can become Kaitos weapons or pets that he can reshape. NPC animals ect are only effected

Deus ex Segunda:

Kaito Roze (COMPLETED((Finally))) DarkAngel

His wings have now transformed into larger thin wisp like wings that glow with gold and bring the fear of the night. Were they sprout golden metal flows out like vains in the wings giving more power and a deadly fait awaits you. Twilight is always active and a large amount of space is taken up and turned to twilight due to his large wing span.

His armband and bandage are now rings that float around his wrists sending Twilight energy every where. Hand tainted gold and with running Twilight energy no true light will ever reach you. The legs have this kind of evil glow and color.

His mask now reaches down to the bottom of his face leaving only the chin and mouth visible. The tears now reacch down to the bottom of the mask one that’s a gold and one that black. The mask covers his eyes but he can still see, its only a thin but strong piece of arrancar bone.

Ability 1:
Crepúsculo Alas:

Kaitos wings posses a strong will of death. The wings stretch themselves out the foe trying to grab them. If they are grabbed the time inside the wings slow down and the robotic part of the wings start to drain a dark twilight energy. The energy can give physical torture or mental. Mental can still kill you because of mind failure. If the Physical is inflected it slowly starts to eat away at the substances in the body and slowly kill it off.

Ability 2:
Crepúsculo Bestia:
Formed from Twilight energy a wisp that bends to Kaitos demands. The wisps can attack, fly and disappear into the twilight even take over intimate objects. The objects then become changed into a demonic creature that stays like that untill the wisp leaves or dies off.

(Another ability will be gained through rp if I get a sprite thingy inside me and I win)


Before Becoming a Hollow

Kaito lived a normal life has a human. He went to school made friends and graduated. He had a good paying job as a computer programmer. His life seemed full and happy.

He married a few years and had several children. Playing and teaching them was nerve racking but he had to do it to be the glowing parent everyone wants. His children came home wanting friends he agreed and so did his wife. They bought chips, toys, games and every thing they could thing of to make there children happy. But of course he was strict, he had to make his children nice, not snotty, not bratty, but good kids.

On day his parents died and he was shocked. He stayed in his office for hours at a time. He lost his job and life. After seeming to fully recover he heard from his friend that his wife was a good for nothing hooker that slept with him. Kaito was enraged and not knowing his friend drunk joking he killed him.

He went home and saw his wife greeting him with the children. He took a seat at the table after grabbing a knife off of the counter top nearby. He ate supper and drank his beverage of orange juice. The kids went to watch some TV and himself and his lovely wife were left in the kitchen alone. He pulled out the knife and tried to cut her. The blade missed and ripped her dress instead. Kaito chased her through the house with the knife. She ran to the bath room hoping to be safe but Kaito slammed through the wall and started slashing her arm.

Suki his oldest daughter and child saw him attacking his mother. She ran down stairs grabbed the knife and ran back up stairs. A sharp was pain was felt in Kaitos back. He turned and saw the giant slash and his daughter covered in blood. Kaito died and her mother lived.

Becoming A Hollow

Kaito watched his family for years after the incident. He cried and cried every day, his life chain shortened little by little. He managed to escape the hollows. His hole now visible and his transformation started. It was painful process and had taken place over many days.

Life as Arrancar

Being under the command of Aizen was not an easy task. He demanded that Kaito must not be able to come in contact with the espada, seeing he was different from the others. He was happy and no one could stop that. Aizens rule had gone long enough for Kaito. Kaito seemed to have disappeared from sight and senses.

Being in hiding he met a nice female Arrancar. She loved him and he loved her. There love went on for hundreds of years. History had seemed to had repeated itself.

He heard from a distance that his wife was cheating. The person who said it was his best friend. He took it to heart and went to find her. She was walking around looking for him as he was looking for her. They found each other and Kaito took out his zanpoktou and killed her. It turned out that his best friend loved her and tricked him into killing her. Before she had died she left apart of her with Kaito.

Kaito is now rebelling and gathering support to over through the leader.. [/color]


RP Sample:
The darkness shored over the bright cheerful city as the espada walked through there portals to the human world. They discussed Kaito for his intrusion of there invasion of his land a team. Kaito laughed as they tried to find him, but, the espada never think to looking the darkness for what might hurt them. The feeling of being watched crouched over the city once agene as a flash of black energy flew through the sky making black rain.

“ Scream, Penumbra Reina!!!!!” the evil laugh echoed through the streets and forest near by as Kaitos true form appeared in the sky. The people referred to him as the Black Angel but it was yet a mere title. The fear, sadness and loneliness speard from one end of the land to the other as a large dome covered the battle field. All dogs and cats mutated into hollow servants of Kaitos.

Cero was fired along with balla but they just destroyed half the city. A evil smile came to Kaitos face as he made a nearby hollow take the hit making the soul of the animal die a burn in hell. Reapers soon came to take a look of the commotion around the mortal world. Kaito then fled as he did not want to be caught or tracked down.

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Kaito Roze (COMPLETED((Finally))) Empty Re: Kaito Roze (COMPLETED((Finally)))

Tue Jun 29, 2010 6:22 pm
Accepted, 2-1+
Queen Of The Sands
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Kaito Roze (COMPLETED((Finally))) Empty Re: Kaito Roze (COMPLETED((Finally)))

Fri Jul 02, 2010 11:28 am
Kaito Roze (COMPLETED((Finally))) Falconpunchempty-1

Tier bumped to 1-1 for Segunda Espada Position
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Kaito Roze (COMPLETED((Finally))) Empty Re: Kaito Roze (COMPLETED((Finally)))

Wed Sep 01, 2010 11:00 am
1 week then inactive.

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Kaito Roze (COMPLETED((Finally))) Empty Re: Kaito Roze (COMPLETED((Finally)))

Sat Sep 11, 2010 12:59 pm
Week is well over up.


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Queen Of The Sands
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Kaito Roze (COMPLETED((Finally))) Empty Re: Kaito Roze (COMPLETED((Finally)))

Wed Dec 15, 2010 10:35 am
Movaged to Inactivage.... inactive i mean xD
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Kaito Roze (COMPLETED((Finally))) Empty Re: Kaito Roze (COMPLETED((Finally)))

Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:39 pm

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