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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Aleister Iramasha [Approved, 1-1, Hybrid] Left_bar_bleue0/0Aleister Iramasha [Approved, 1-1, Hybrid] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

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Thu Jul 29, 2010 7:28 pm
[I R A M A S H A]

Aleister Iramasha [Approved, 1-1, Hybrid] Clan_Symbols


Name: Aleister Iramasha
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Appearance: Aleister Iramasha [Approved, 1-1, Hybrid] Soma_by_Gabby_Art


Personality: Aleister has always acted somewhat child like. He is sweet, loving, fun and innocent. So it seems anyway. This acts as a mask because the true Aleister is cold, down to earth, highly intelligent and extremely coordinated. Aleister in times of combat or seriousness takes extreme pride in his proven combat potency and the fact that among his clan he is one of the smartest. These self absorbed traits are something gained from Ketsu.

But unlike Ketsu he doesn't get lost in himself. He never allows his views to overtake his to the point he underestimates someone, at worse he will overestimate and use too much force. Aleister can get very defensive over anyone who is harmful to Ketsu; he views him as a big brother after all. No one is too sure why however.

He likes Curry, His clan, tattoos, sparring, any sort of combat really. He enjoys the exercise and He enjoys training people. Combat is almost like blood to Aleister. Dislikes Ignorance, people disrespecting him, Disrespect towards the Iramashas. Fears Water. This is due to his past although he isn’t aware of it himself.


Aleister was born into the main branch of Hybrids. Even from the start his power was very high, to the point he attracted much attention from the adults and jealousy from many of the children. His powers developed fast and powerfully in his early ages and by the time he had become a teenager he had already mastered his first Hybrid state, a feat of astounding strength and skill. However it wasn’t due to who trained and taught him, but it was because of who he observed from a distance.

A boy named Ketsu, leader of the demons. Aleister had a habit of following him around, observing his training and real battles. He watched his fighting style, observed his movements and control. He played copy cat in many aspects. He learned how to control his reiatsu and how to summon his power from these silent observations.


Seishin Buki Name: Utatora

Seishin Buki Appearance: the edges of the war fan has steel on it so Aleister can use it to attack his foes Aleister Iramasha [Approved, 1-1, Hybrid] WarFan

Seishin Buki Abilities: Kazekaza: By enhancing Kenji’s wind powers he uses Utatora to fire a powerful blow of concentrated air powerful enough to demolish stone. It can take the shape of a crescent-shaped wind blade, a powerful ball of wind that carries the force of a cannon, or a tornado-like wind drill that can leave gaping holes in solid stone buildings.
Osakebi Kazekiba: Kenji makes a huge tornado that then expands into a wind shockwave that will blow weak opponents back a very long distance.
Shukazekaza: is just like Kazekaza but it’s strong enough to cut 100-meter wide gouges in the earth from the massive winds that are unleashed by this attack. Intstead of being a single wind attack, the attack splits off into several, being able to decimate crowds of beings with a single swing.


Powers: Aleister has domain over air its self. He can feel and control its flow, its force. He even says the wind speaks to his as if it was a person. To put it simply Aleister can control the wind and make it do whatever he wants it to. The only thing he could never do was make air not exist or exist. He could not create or eliminate it. He can manipulate it however. The current of the wind, the force of it, the speed, the direction. His powers are much like himself. Deadlier then what meets the eye.

Aleister isn’t like many in the clan who has set moves or set names for his moves. Infect he only has one that he uses over and over again that can be called a special, at least for now. It's what earned his the nick name "Aleister Ghost blade". He attacks with his sword and slices his enemy, but one injury isn’t what they get, instead they always find ten different slices on their body or through it entirely. People call him ghost blade because his other strikes are never seen,

The truth is he only attacks once however. The other nine injuries are from air which is generated from the swing of his blade and concentrated into highly pressurized strikes and released upon the impact of the sword. This always generates enough force to blast the enemy with nine air blades of sorts. This earned his that nick name. But he can do much more; he just has yet to show it. Yet to have the need too. It should be noted however he can control it with just his mind if he wanted.

However if he adds in movement, like Byakuya with his Sakurazenbon it becomes astoundingly faster. This is the nick that makes this extremely deadly. He can attack as fast as he can think and coordinate multiple attacks. He is renowned for his intelligence as well.

Chaos Moves: Chaos Restore - An Iramasha with Advanced or Master control over Chaos Energy can replace a limb or non-vital organ with ease. For Advanced it takes one post; for Master's it's almost instant. You can only use this move three times in a thread if you are advanced with a cool down of 3 post, and six times if you are a master with a cool down of two post. If you try to go over that limit there is chance something can go wrong.
Chaos Vortex - Chaos Vortex is a restraining Chaos Move mostly. It starts by the user summoning up a large amount of Chaos Energy for one post. After a one post charging period, a vortex that can be of any color appears above the user's opponent. Once there, a large beam of light, that can also be any color, shoots from the center of the vortex and encases the opponent within it. From there, the walls will soon begin to become extremely heated to the point to where if you even touch them your hand can possibly melt and there will also be lightening surrounding the walls to detour people from escaping. After the walls come down, the gravity inside of the vortex will be becomne five times stronger then Earth's gravity and will most likely cause the opponent to fall face first into the ground. It can also make it difficult to use any other kind of energy besides Chaos Energy due to the sheer amount of Chaos Energy that's slamming down on the user. Not to mention that the gravity can eventually begin to tear you apart if you are severely weakened or on a two, three, four or five tier.

The only way to counter this is to either shoot some type of strong energy into the vortex to disrupt it, place a defensive Kidō around you until the vortex is gone, use Chaos Control to teleport yourself out of the Vortex or place your own barrier around you or raise your reitsu if you are stronger then the user.

The Vortex can also only be up for a maximum of three post by a master, two post by advanced and one post by Adept. But when the vortex is about to disappear, all the energy it collected will explode and cause a massive explosion. If the user is not careful, they can also get caught up in this blast.

The drawbacks to using this power, though, is that you can only use it three times per thread. So, after you use it once you cannot use it for another five post no matter who you are. It can also cause moderate exhaustion for three post after it's summoned and can slow you down for one post.
Chaos Flurry - The user summons chaos energy and molds them into bird like forms. These birds can be sent to attack the enemy with amazing speed. Their power is low but the speed in which they attack is blinding. Upon impact the birds will explode. Many birds can be summoned at once and one can combine them into bigger versions to increase the power. However, the speed of which will decrease.
Chaos Web - The move takes a lot of concentration. It creates an invisible web of chaos energy. When an opponent is trapped in this web their speed is drastically decreased as well as slowly decreasing the amount of reiatsu the opponent has.

Chaos Javelin - The user focuses chaos energy into his palms and forms it into a lance like weapon and hurls it at his enemy. The power and destructive speed of the lance is defining. Upon impact to an area or person the attack destroys a large area.
Chaos Break - Chaos Break is the brother move of Chaos Soul. Upon usage, a mirrored version of the Chaos Soul seal appears under the user, and two clones of light or shadow appear, as usual. After entering the mind of someone, seals on their powers and inner demons can be attacked - Advanced can break most seals, while Masters can only be stopped by other Masters using Chaos Soul at the same time.
Chaos Link - Chaos Link is a technique where advanced and master users of Chaos Energy can enter someone's mind in order to read their memories and past experiences. They can also share their memories with the person they linked with. However, the link can only happen if the other person accepts. There is no way to perform Chaos Link against someone's will.


Angel Form/Hybrid Stage 1/Demon Form Appearance: (How does your character look when they ascend into either their Angel, Demon or Hybrid form? One paragraph please)

Angel Form/Hybrid Stage 1/Demon Form Abilities: Winds Guardian-When Aleister enters this stage he grows two crystal wings, one wing has a black aura flowing off it like mist while the other crystal wing has a golden aura flowing off it like mist. The wings themselves are seeing through and refract light, being pure crystal while the two auras represent his Hybrid blood, a mister of demon and angle. This form does not increase everything like the regular hybrid state does, because he doesn't have a need for some of the things it increases and is thus forth wasted energy. Speed, reflexes and physical strength is increased x75.
Speed explains it’s self. Reflexes increase to keep up with his new speed and the strength affects not only his physical strength but the power of some of the wind based attacks he uses, like the one that earned his the name ghost blade. More force, faster speed means more, faster and sharper wind blades in a single slash. This is an example.

Golden Angel Form/Hell Angel Demon Form Appearance: (Same as before. Simply state how they look upon ascending into this form)

Golden Angel Form/Hell Angel Demon Form Abilities: (Same as before. Simply state what they gain from this form)

Custom Form Appearance and Custom Form Abilities: Storms Tempest Form- Aleister has never entered into his Storms Tempest state before, so its looks and effects are unknown to everyone except Aleister himself. When he enters into this though it turns into an amazing spectacle. Aleister grows two more wings, this for having four wings. Two wings have the golden aura while the other two the black aura. However that isn’t all. The biggest trademark of his Tempest form is his wind. Aleister’s wind wraps its self around his body and spins like a counter clock wise tornado, giving a very hard to penetrate defense.

The wind however is contact sensitive. In other words for the rebound/blow back effect to happen the wind needs to be touched. The wind can be bypassed by cretin attacks, heavy strength, etc. His speed and physical strength and reiatsu level is increased 100x by this time.


Class Title: Phantom Blade

Class Traits: (What Class Traits does your character get? Please try to limit this to 2-4 powers or abilities. Also take note that Class Traits they get are based on their Class Title, the path they took to get to this class, personality or even other powers. So for example, if a person was heavily into blood, they could possibly become The Angel Of Blood. Or, if a person's path in life was full of hardship, they could become The Angel of Will.)


Branch/Position: N/A

Race: Hybrid



General Skills
  • Durability: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • General Speed: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Strength: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Weapon Skill: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Mental Deduction: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Pain Endurance: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Focus: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Racial Skills
  • Chaos Energy Skill: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Chaos Warp: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Seishin Buki Level: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Race Control: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner


Roleplay Sample:

Last edited by Dr.Hiro on Sat Feb 08, 2014 10:22 am; edited 4 times in total
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Aleister Iramasha [Approved, 1-1, Hybrid] Empty Re: Aleister Iramasha [Approved, 1-1, Hybrid]

Thu Jul 29, 2010 7:32 pm
Auto Approved for 1-1 for being from Untold Stories

Aleister Iramasha [Approved, 1-1, Hybrid] WVMWLOu
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Aleister Iramasha [Approved, 1-1, Hybrid] Empty Re: Aleister Iramasha [Approved, 1-1, Hybrid]

Sat Nov 20, 2010 5:56 pm

Aleister Iramasha [Approved, 1-1, Hybrid] XmGUKMS
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Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:38 pm
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Fri May 31, 2013 5:23 pm
Aleister Iramasha [Approved, 1-1, Hybrid] Tumblr_m3io1yaa3M1qb93d1o1_500
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Aleister Iramasha [Approved, 1-1, Hybrid] Empty Re: Aleister Iramasha [Approved, 1-1, Hybrid]

Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:29 am
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Aleister Iramasha [Approved, 1-1, Hybrid] Ap8OoJO

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Aleister Iramasha [Approved, 1-1, Hybrid] Empty Re: Aleister Iramasha [Approved, 1-1, Hybrid]

Sat Apr 05, 2014 1:54 am
This character is being placed into the archives due to failure to post in the activity check. If you wish to revive this character just post here.

Aleister Iramasha [Approved, 1-1, Hybrid] Sbb1I7e
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