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Kin Iramasha (Updated) [APPROVED, 0-1, DEVIL] [NPC] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Kin Iramasha (Updated) [APPROVED, 0-1, DEVIL] [NPC] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Kin Iramasha (Updated) [APPROVED, 0-1, DEVIL] [NPC] Empty Kin Iramasha (Updated) [APPROVED, 0-1, DEVIL] [NPC]

Tue Jul 13, 2010 9:26 am

[ B A S I C I N F O ]

Name: Kin Iramasha
Age: 520
Gender: Male
Hair Color: Silver
Eye Color: Fire Orange
Body Type Somewhat toned
Height 6'1
Weight: 160

Appearance: See Picture below

[ P E R S O N A L I T Y ]

Personality: On the outside Kin seemly like a soft-spoken, but feared intellectual. Whenever he is around his soldiers he usually likes to assert his dominance by maintaining a serious persona. It's just something he does in order to keep them from thinking he is weak. And if someone has the nerve to go against him he will either send them to his prison camp in the Kokuryuteshi, send them to the torture facility or simply kill them on the spot. It's all a matter of being the Alpha-Male.

However, Kin is still a fair person when it comes to his followers. He has made a vow to fulfill any wishes within reason his soliders and higher-ups have. It usually means he'll take their famlies, friends or whomever else to a refugee camp on the outskirts of Kokuryu City, keeping a territory from being destroyed for some of his higher-ups, giving his soldiers more power and things along that kind of nature.

Kin also tends to show his more peaceful side whenever he is with Aisu or some of the original members of the Kokuryuteshi. He can be seen smiling, laughing and even making some jokes just like the way he use to be. Although he still tries to maintain some of that serious persona from before, but it's more laid-back then before. Like he is truly at peace. Especially whenever he is around Hime.

[ B A C K G R O U N D ]

Background: Kin Iramasha was born 120 years ago on May 11th, 1893 inside of the Iramasha Medical Squad's facility. He was the son of two demon Iramasha's apart of the lower branch of the demon half of the Iramasha Clan. Kin has only a few memories of them when he was an infant because at the age of of two they were each sent out on a mission to help the Gotei 13 with an outbreak of Arrancar from the Espada. Once the reports were confirmed that each of them had died, Kin was shipped off to live with his mothers parents until they each thought he was ready to take care of himself at the age of 8 and sent him packing. They gave him a small shack to live in somewhere down in an isolated place in the Iramasha Town Center. After that, they left him and never spoke to him ever again. Why? Because they simply thought his parents were weak too easily be killed by Arrancar and that their son would not amount to anything. Sadly, however, these kinds of thoughts would spread throughout the whole clan about Kin.

You see, most demons on the lower and mid branches were often bitter around this time at the Main Families and wanted all families to strengthen themselves along with their children. If your parents were weak, of if you were weak, you would easily be out-cased in the demon half of the Iramasha Clan. And that's what had happened Kin. Nobody on the demon side of the clan really took the time to ever get to know him, they just labeled him as a loser, wimp, weakling and always looked down on him. So this also meant that he would be easily bullied by other children as well. During most of his youth other demon members often beat Kin up for fun, stole things out of his house, mocked him and his parents or mess up his home.

And on some occasions it got really ugly. During one instance some of the demon children beat Kin up to the point where he nearly died. Or another where they forced him to watch them destroy each and every item that his parents once owned; The children even beat Kin around with a sword his mother passed down to him and eventually smashed that to pieces as well. Finally, there was a situation where the kids when they were older tied Kin up in his shack and set the place on fire with energy blast. They had intended to kill him, but luckily Eiji Iramasha had saved him in the nick of time.

This had kept up for over ninety years until Kin decided he had enough and decided to run away to human world. He picked an abandoned building in Karakura Town to live in for awhile. And for a few weeks it was fine, until the Arrancar that had killed his parents discovered Kin. This Arrancar didn't have anything better to do at the time, so he battled Kin until he was at near death. Kin thought this was end, but luckily a newly teenage Shadin Yuudeshi came to Kin's rescue and saved him from the Arrancar.

And that's where the friendship of a lifetime would begin....

After being saved by Shadin, Kin hoped to stick around with his new buddy. I mean, this is the first time someone had really made an effort to save him. To Kin, Shadin was seriously like a knight in shining armor. So, Having no real objections to it, Shadin let Kin become one of his new friends.

During the course of their friendship they shared a brother like bound. They had each others back. Shadin taught Kin how to street fight, increased his power somewhat, taught him how to harden up, listened to stories of his past life on Iramasha Island about the lower branch of demons, always saved Kin whenever someone would try to fight him and Shadin pretty much protected Kin like he was his own little brother. Meanwhile Kin would always look up to Shadin, try to emulate his attitude, learn more about the human world from him and gain a pretty happy personality from the changes Shadin had made in his life. Kin also made a group of new friends from the people Shadin hung around.

Together with the new friends, they would have their share of fights, bonding, laughter, joy and all the other experiences a pack of friends usually share. Although, out of this new group of people, Kin found another person who was like a family member to him. Midori Surigara. Her heroine type personality always made Kin feel at ease, made him feel more accepted and he pretty much came to like her anyway when her and Shadin eventually got together.

But...even this was not enough to compensate for how weak Kin was compared to all these other people. Whenever he would try to protect himself, it would always end in failure or result in someone having to save his ass. Mainly Shadin always came to his rescue. Especially when Nero had attacked the citizens of Karakura back in 2007. He watched as everyone grew stronger and stronger over the course of the next two years, but he still remained the same. And then he still had people that looked down on him and mocked him, mainly Iori Surigara, Midori's sister. After two years, it reached it's peak when the battle with Ender was just beginning.

The path to becoming an evil overlord would begin here...

During the first battle that took place against in Karakura Town, Kin merely watched hopelessly as all of his comrades fought against this new and powerful foe. He started wishing for something that could make him as strong as the others and able to stand on his on two feet. Something that would stop people from looking down on him, walking all over him and make him powerful. He just wanted to be...strong. Which is when Hime came to picture. She was the biggest ray of hope Kin had ever seen in his life. The minute she appeared, she instantly had faith in his abilities as a person. All he needed was someone to help awaken those powers.

Sadly, though, it would mean betraying all of his friends along with Shadin and Midori. But during the time, Kin didn't care. All he was worried about was getting to know this new girl better, meeting Ender and enhancing his powers so that he could be on the same level as friends. So, enticed by Hime's charm, personality, faith in him and her good looks, Kin blindly followed her into what would change the course of his life along with billions of others in the future.

After going to Ender's realm and receiving the Seal of Junsui, Hime, Kyoko and Kin trained furiously and eventually got Kin's power up to where he was able to fight Iori surigara on a one-on-one match where they both ended up nearly killing each other if it wasn't for Hime stepping in. From that battle, however, she noticed Kin had used too much of the seal's power and discovered that a dangerous alter ego was forming. Not only that, but she knew Kin would turn into a mindless beast if he used too much of this seal's power and would be abused by Ender. So, before the final battle, Hime released the seal on her, Kin and Kyoko. It was diffcult, but it had to be done.

But, their problems wasn't finished yet. Shadin and Midori had assembled a team to get Kin back from Ender's clutches. Now, back then, Kin still cared for Shadin in a SANE way. He still thought of the two as brothers along with Midori being his sister. Hell, he even tried to stop Ender from going after Shadin for his Ziamichi. But....he couldn't go back to them. His quest for power wasn't finished. So he assembled his crew in order to combat Shadin in the middle of Ender's Real. It was a monstrous battle, which ended up in a showdown between Shadin and Kin. And at the last moment....Shadin hesitated against Kin because he still saw his little brother in him. That gave Kin the edge to defeat Shadin and escape from Ender's realm with Hime and Kyoko to never be seen by them for the next 4 years.

Even though he was victorious, Kin knew when he was injured and backed away from the entire war with Hime and Kyoko until Ender was eventually defeated. Once they received word that the Ender was confirmed to be dead along with his army, they went back to his realm and claimed it as their own. They renamed it "The Kokuryuteshi's Realm" and gathered leftovers from Ender's army to join them.

From then on....heh....the rest is history.

The Kokuryuteshi was created after the war with Ender had came to a close in 2009. Kin had founded it originally with his mistress Hime and her servant Kyoko. They had arisen from the ruins of what was left of Ender's Army in his realm which was leader renamed The Kokuryuteshi's Realm. It was a small rouge group of people without a cause during the beginning, but it grew into something bigger as Kin's determination to change the way things ran in the Soul Society and Earth expanded...

Eventually after a few short years, Kin had gathered a large enough army army to rival the Gotei 13 in the year 2013. He attained some of these members by using his own mass version of Chaos Soul to control weaker members of nearly every race, creating his own mechanical fleets, conquering other dimensions and promising his members to fulfil all the wishes of those who joined him.

After Kin had sworn loyalty to all of his members by giving them power, sheltering their loved ones in K-World, making his members rich and killing for them, he had want to war with nearly all of the Soul Society and Earth until he had reached a critical battle with The Soul King that ended in him being sealed in his own dimension for the next 400 years.

[ I R A M A S H A S K I L L S ]

Inner Chaos Energy: It is said that Kin's Inner Chaos Energy is most likely one of the most powerful collections of Chaos Energy in quite some time. Based on the fact that he trained relentless within the realm of nothingness the Soul King had sealed him within, Kin had much time to try and perfect the flow of energy raging inside of him. As such, the extent in which he trained trying to fuel the newer versions of Burning Star had made most other tasks rather child splay for Kin. Therefore, Kin has enough Inner Chaos Energy to give power to nearly every city across the face of the Earth, The Soul Society, Demon World and The Kokuryuteshi's Realm without missing a single beat for thousands of years. With that said, it is not wise to underestimate his immense accumulation of inner Chaos Energy as he can use this to give him the strength of Iori Sugiura, the speed of Shadin Yuudeshi, the defense of Daigto Ito, the magic of Shiruma and many other traits from well known warriors by transferring this Inner Chaos Energy into all types of spells, incantations, Iramasha Gems and other resources in his arsenal to make himself a much greater threat when in combat.

Outer Chaos Energy: So, since Kin has immensely powerful Inner Chaos Energy that is rare even by Legendary Iramasha Standards, it would be wise to assume that Kin also had a highly adaptive Outer Chaos Energy. And, for the most part, you would be correct in thinking so. Kin's Outer Chaos Energy skill is so excessively powerful that he can wield an area roughly twenty five thousand meters wide in all directions as if it were his own Inner Chaos Energy. Meaning, that not only can he perform all types of tricks that relate to Chaos Energy with his Inner Chaos Energy, but the Outer Chaos Energy in most realms can be used just as if it were an extension of Kin's body. Which translates into the fact that even if Kin is extremely low on Inner Chaos Energy, his skill of Outer Chaos Energy could allow him to contiune a fight for far longer periods then most normal Iramasha fighters. Especially given the fact that if Kin is allowed any sort of time to recover in a fight, he can siphon enough Outer Chaos Energy to be converted into Inner Chaos Energy at rates of speed similar to Shadin or Misaiko's rates of motion when doing combat. Therefore, in this trait of Kin's Iramasha skills, it is not wise to ever think that Kin can never be without energy so long as he is conscious or in a place where Chaos Energy thrives.

Unlimited Chaos Works: Relating to the fact that Kin Iramasha has a unique knack for harnessing vast amounts of energy rather easily, it should be no surprise that his ability to control the Iramasha's Chaos Spell's are superb. It should be stated that Kin considers himself to be a Grand Master in the arts of utilizing the Iramasha's sacred spells. This is primarily based on the fact he was able to forge a unique seal that was made one with his soul in order to call upon nearly every known Chaos Spell there is. (Note: None of this is applied to Chaos Spells that are for individual users.) That means for each Chaos Move that is listed in the Iramasha's Sync, in any type of public domain use or widely known; Kin may have access to it. In addition to that, Unlimited Chaos Works also allows Kin to easily mimic or duplicate certain types of Chaos Spells, Chaos Warp Styles, Chaos Energy AND Chaos Barriers for his own use. This is done in part by that seal making use of the Star Realm in order to perceive these types of powers through his vision and essentially break down techniques he has seen with the Star Realm to somehow conjure up a mimic'd move.

Moreover, he can also apply this to other forms of magic, though it's more difficult for him to convert then if it was something related to his racial abilities. Most notably Kin has been adapted his body for at least figuring the inner works of Demon Magic, Kidō and Sugiura Magic. All going in order from most efficient for him to replicate to the most difficult. Nevertheless, this is the only trait that Unlimited Chaos Works grants him. Another park of Unlimited Chaos Works that Kin has is that he is ability to call upon anything related to Chaos Energy with his thoughts alone. For example, if Kin was surrounded by a group of fighters, he could easily call upon a Chaos Spell via his mind to be summoned to the area in order to generate a massive pulse wave of air pressure to blow them away with relative ease. This applies to any sort of Chaos Warp, Chaos Spell, Chaos Barrier or Chaos Blast.

So, with that being the case, another example of him making use of this feature from Unlimited Chaos Blast would be the following: If Kin had found himself against a mass army of people wanting to do battle with him, he would easily be able to lift his hand and craft some sort of barrier that would be any sort of length or width to block them from getting access to him without so much as a single warning from him; at least, other then the fact he was gathering Chaos Energy to perform the spell.

Therefore, it goes without saying that this is something that shouldn't be taking lightly when dealing with Kin Iramasha. Yet, with something like this, there is a rather simple drawback to it. Yes, Kin has the grand power to do all sorts of magnificent feats, but if he ends up over doing it he may end up draining himself too fast if he starts gathering spells or moves that take it's tole on the user's energy. Moreover, Kin has even made the mistake of overlooking certain spells that had their own set of drawbacks that Unlimited Chaos Works did not make him exempt from. For instance, if Kin called upon some sort of spell that had the power to drain a user of their power, yet had the drawback of causing physical damage to their opponent; Kin could not exclude himself from the side effects of that spell or anything like that. He is also subject to any sort of limitation, cool down or active use of anything related to Chaos Energy or the different types of magic he adapts himself to.

And so, in the end, it's up to Kin how he makes use of Unlimited Chaos Works. He must figure out the balance between using too much, using too little, using the correct amount, researching different types of Chaos Energy, analyzing his opponents moves and so on and so forth so that this skill can be utilized to it's full potential in the fires of combat and to make a pathway towards Kin seeing the dawn of sweet, sweet victory.

[ P O W E R S ]


• The Star Realm: What is the Star Realm? Essentially, it's a massive collection of " star's" in a cosmos based setting that are similar to Kin's infamous Burning Star or Genesis Star that are stored within Kin's soul, but it goes much deeper then just that. Unknown to most, The Star Realm is what grants Kin most of his immense powers as it appears to be a force deep within the confines of Kin's soul that harbors a place for Kin to forge the needed tools to control the world around him. So in a sense, each star that is placed or created in the Star Realm is related to something in the universe that can be generated, manipulated or otherwise controlled through Kin's eyes. A way to look at this is similar to that of a computer programmer. When crafting a star, The Star Realm goes to program an application meant to handle the specific instructions a star is meant to carry out. Once the star has been programmed correctly, it can then be activated through external use via Kin's eyes in order to impose his will throughout the universe and become one with it in a sense whenever he makes use of any type of Star that is used on the field.

So, you see, Kin wasn't exactly sitting around doing nothing all those four hundred years that he was trapped within the nothingness of his entrapment. He spent large chunks of his confinement conjuring up a wide arsenal of new star's in order to essentially become a demi-god so that he may have the ability to manipulate, control, create, destroy, copy, reconstruct, fuse, reform, analyze, bend, shape and craft many features of the reality each of his eyes see. Additionally, during his training, he also discovered a way to form two new sets of eyes within the palms of his hands. How was this feat done? Well, it was simply by a want inside of Kin to have a wider range of star's that he could use at once. With this bypass, Kin had hoped to stop himself from being limited to only using two star's at a time.

So, by using Burning Star, he actually crafted two immensely powerful eyes that were meant to be vessels that would contain the awesome might of the Star Realm's eyes. As one of the limitations that Kin has on all of his star's is that he cannot use just any set of eyes from the gutter. These eyes take a bit of time to craft and can be rather risky to extend his usage of the Star Realm on more parts of his body. Kin learned this fact very hard when he tried to implant one hundred different eyes all across his body; only to end up making himself severely sick to the point of nearly killing himself were it not for the fact the eyes had not fully sealed themselves to Kin's body. Thus, Kin tries to limit himself to only using four eyes at a given time as all of the star's drain a decent amount of energy from him; especially his signature star, Burning Star.

Furthermore, another trait that the Star Relam has is that it is able to duplicate it's stars in almost any given eye that Kin has; artificial or natural. This is done so that when two of the same star is activated in any given eye, it can easily augment the strength and power of said star by two times for each eye that is currently activated in it. So, for example, if Kin were to push himself to an extreme and place Burning Star in both of his eyes, each star would be enhanced by two times and together it essentially be a four times augmentation-type increase. So, imagine how this can be applied if he were to do the same for each and every single slot available in either his base forms or transcended states into his Devil Iramasha Nature. We are talking about some serious fire power from a move like that.

But, it goes without saying that doing such a technique would no doubt drain Kin of his power twice as fast when it comes to certain star's. Especially in the case of Burning Star as that is the most powerful Star within his arsenal. So the more he tends to duplicate a star, the more power it will most likely take from Kin's body as a sacrifice for increasing their capabilities.

In any case, none of this has stopped Kin's growth in maturing what was once a single star into possibly hundreds or thousands of different star's. Therefore, in the following below, you will see a large number of the known star's that Kin is able to use in order to perform his demi-god like powers. It's the main reason, after all, why Kin is seemly able to control, manipulate and generate almost any type of force, power, skill or anything else possible.

Burning Star: This is most likely one of Kin's strongest powers out of all of his traits, transformation, skill and knowledge. Just the uttering of these two words would be enough to evoke fear in even the most noblest of warriors from it's long reputation of destruction. You see, based on Kin's knowledge of this ability, it essentially has evolved from a technique that was merely meant to control particles to bring about devastation just a mere look of his eyes, into something that is deeply intertwined with the inner workings of the seed life. For, it is said that the Seed of Life often symbolizes the all-seeing eyes of God to signify the omniscience of creation that honors the infinite connections of all of life's circles. And, based on the true nature of Burning Star that Kin had discovered during his long entrapment within the realm the Soul King had banished him in, Kin came to understand that Burning Star was meant to be utilized properly with the creation of the Star Realm so that when activated it could fully realize it's true potential.

What IS that potential? Well, after many long years of training, Kin finally came to comprehend that with the additional support of the star realm, the long list of ever growing star's that were being crafted and with it's nature being similar to that of the Seed of Life; this is a power that grants him the gift to manipulate, generate, control, formulate, alter and otherwise command all of existence to his will. This evolved Burning Star contains the traits of every single star within the Star Realm in order to formulate one massively powerful eye that can make the impossible possible, bring forth the powers of everything there is to be seen in existence and make the universe a tool for Kin to make use in any way he sees fit. It is signified to be completed and ready for use once the symbol of the seed of life is visible within either eye; which is a series of overlapping circles within any eye Burning Star is currently activated in.

Examples of this new Burning Star works is anything that Kin can see while this form, even certain lifeforms, can be manipulated in some way. If he were fighting someone even on 0 tier, it would be possible for him to make a jab at trying to rip apart their flow of spiritual energy, powers, abilities and any other possible way for them to utilize their powers that are not listed in order to make attempts at completely taking them out of fight for extended periods of time, canceling out certain powers within a person or creating immense amounts of damages to where he can sometimes permanently destroy a person's power to the point where they may have to completely relearn it if they fail to stop Kin's full will from being imposed on their body. Another instance of Kin using this new and improved Burning Star is that he would be able to control concepts, laws, idea's and absolutes in the known and unknown world such as colors, life, death, the after life, mental aspects, imagination, reality, existence, non-existence and so on and so forth. It essentially entails that can manipulate ANYTHING to an extent. From what Kin can transcribe of it, it feels as if the reality around his body is his vessel to control like an extension of himself. This fact is heavily warranted by the massive implication that he has the eyes of god and is further supported by the fact that Burning Star still has it's original origins in which it was able to control anything that Kin can see with the sum total powers of all the star's within the Star Realm.

However, such a great power is not without drawbacks. This move is HIGHLY recommended for critical situations, trump card moments, special circumstances or anything that warrants a serious use for Burning Star as it is NOT recommended that he uses this for anything that just randomly comes his way. It goes without saying that he can activate this star whenever he wants, and it sometimes used for passive means, but each time that Kin calls upon the power of this advanced Burning Star; it tends to zap away immense amounts of energy that would leave someone even two tiers below Kin exhausted within the time frame of one or two post. Therefore, if Kin does not constantly find external or internal sources to keep this power energized, he does risk it randomly shutting off in the middle of battle if his body cannot sustain the amount of energy it needs to perform it's tasks upon the universe.

Not only that, but this power also causes immense strain on Kin's body. The side effects of an overuse, misuse or lack of energy for Burning Star to consume can range from Kin having organs rapture inside of his body, vision blurring, having moments where his sanity is often questioned, malfunctions of the Star's ability and the weakening of his body. If he isn't careful, this can eventually lead to total vision lost in whatever eye that Burning Star is currently activated in. When this occurs no amount of magic, healing, spells or anything in this earthly realm can repair it until one thread has passed at the bare minimum. Additionally, when this occurs, that means he can also not utilize any star within that eye until it heals. So this makes him that much weaker for a time being and it may result in him not even being able to make use of Burning Star in any other eye as well. Along with that, it is also recommended that Kin only uses this star three to six times per thread before undesirable effects begin to occur with his body, the effectiveness of Burning Star begins to crumble and he begins to fall rather ill if it progresses too far. So, he does not have any set limit on how many times he can activate, but it HIGHLY advised he does not go over that recommended use and that he stops himself from rapidly turning on and off this ability during combat.

Also, as stated in the example where it covers what Kin can to living beings, it is sometimes possible to fight off the effects of Burning Star such as with many the star's. This feat is just something that is immensely hard for most people to overcome due to Kin's overwhelming energy; so it often ends up in them figuring out ways to lessen the blow of damage to themselves, but it is often EXTREMELY difficult to negate Burning Star's effects fully in order to come out of it's grasp without so much as a scratch. Even the most skillful warrior should end up having some sort minimal effect from one use of this star.

In any case, however, Burning Star can easily turn the tides in any battle, but if it's effects are improperly used, it can result in the user causing more harm then good to themselves. Therefore, Burning Star must be used with a sane mind and not be mistreated.

White Nova: White Nova is an advanced version of Burning Star. It is activated through Kin folding his hands in a manner similar to praying and then shouting out the release phrase "Burn, White Nova!". Soon after that, two large crimson red eyes will emerge behind Kin from out of two white portals. These eyes can range from the size of an elephant to the size of a small city. So, as you can already see, White Nova expands Kin's visibility drawback dramatically. This ability is also used in order to do large scale attack's, such as Kin's mass version of Chaos Soul, with relative easy. All that it requires is his reitsu and the rest will be done for him. The only thing he has to worry about is rather or not the people will be able to fight back against his will.

The drawbacks of White Nova, however, are that if each of the eyes sustain enough damage or Kin takes danage, they will eventually fade away and crumble to ash leaving Kin injured in some form. Usually, if the damage is great enough, he can even be temporarily blinded until his body heals.

Genesis Star: Just as Kin can destroy matter, he can also bring new life to it. Genesis Star is activated within his right eye and gives Kin the ability to restore many physical objects back to their original energies or even going as far as to give them back any shape they could have had in the past with Chaos Control. (Time reversal only works with objects and dead beings. He cannot use this ability to go back through time or during combat) This means that if a forest was destroyed, he could easily bring it back to life by using this ability. Also, with Genesis Star, he CANNOT bring people back to life, but if he is able to find a corpse he can easily bring back their energy to use for his own manipulation. The drawbacks, however, is that like with Burning Star it is only limited to things that he can see within his eye distance and that if he uses it to often the powers will automatically shut them off. (That is usually after a hundred times per thread, by the way.)

The Star Cycle: This is a rather special star amongst Kin's collection. The Star Cycle essentially gives Kin the ability to manipulate, generate and control cycles once it is activated. An example of how Kin uses this power is that if he were to look towards the location of a cero heading towards his direction, it would grant him the power to reverse the series of phases that it took in order for that collection of energy to form together, be merged into an attack and then fired off. When used in this matter, Kin would utilize The Star Cycle in order to regress the blast into a previous state where it was simply neutral energy and thus avoid taking damage from the blast, redirect it into a different direction or possible control the flow of cycles that were forged for the attack to redirect it back into the opponent and fast forward the cycle to the point where it could explode by the time it reached it's user. Another example of Kin using The Star Cycle would be that if someone were to fight him in a close range proximity, he could use this star in order to control the cycles of momentum, speed and time itself in order to control the flow of cycles to avoid getting hit by an attack. So, if someone charged at Kin, he could use the Star to evade their attack with relative eyes to the untrained eye.

These are just basic examples, however. The Star Cycle can be applied to anything Kin sees. Therefore, it covers most types of things that exist, do not exist, on the physical realm, the spiritual realm, hidden dimensions, magic and so on and so forth. To put it simply, The Star Cycle can control the cycles of almost anything. However, such a great power does not come without it's far share of drawbacks. When dealing with the combat aspect of Cycle Star, it's not always easy for Kin to control the cycles. This is shown if there is a strong enough attack to where there is physical strain on Kin's body and vision to the point where he needs to figure out an alternative means to deal with said attack or break it up into different pieces in order to somewhat effect the attack with The Star Star. Moreover, though, it also begins to get rather draining for Kin's energy tanks if he is performing very complex cycles. If he pushes himself too far with the ability, it can be possible for him to sustain serious damage to himself, temporarily lose control of the star for a few posts to an entire thread and leave his body open to attack when things go wrong with this star.

So, this is a star of great power, but it also most be used with great care, precision and thought. This is not meant to be used in spam based tactics when activated in combat, but it can be used enough to make a difference when Kin fights against any given target. So it is simply a manner of trying to find the right balance between when to use cycle star, how complex the cycles are, the strength of the object he is using this against and how much energy he has within his body in order to give the star the fuel it needs in order to be used in the correct manner.

Boundless Star: Boundless Star gives Kin the ability to manipulate most space within a given area of where he can see or spread his presence. This translates into Kin being given the power needed in order to seemly come out of getting away from most attack's that he can view with this star. So for example, if someone were to shoot a straight-forward attack such as a cero wave at him while Boundless Star was activated, it would be highly likely that he could control, alter or possibly manipulate the space around him in order to create a series of wormholes around him in order to suck up the attacks and thus send them back at the opponent, into the area around them or have them phase through Kin altogether. Another instance of this ability being put to use is that Kin can also use it to avoid attacks such as in the last example of the previous instance of him using Boundless Star. This applies heavily when Boundless Star is summoned through the eye vessel's in Kin's hand and he proceeds to crush them in order to apply this star all around his body.

However, when Kin does that with Boundless Star, it has a more restricted area rather then the usual limit which is that he can manipulate most of his stars as far as he can see. When Kin does that specific trick with Boundless Star, it's range is usually limited to a mile wide at maximum length. And so, Kin chooses not to manipulate the entire area around his opponent when this occurs, but mostly to protect himself or go on the offensive by controlling the space around him in order to perform stealth like attack's such as cloaking an energy attack, generating a wormhole and making a surprise move on the opponent by having the blast appear directly behind them rather quickly. It is even possible for Kin to manipulate the flow of energy in himself, around him and from certain attacks while Boundless Star is activated; but it is mostly limited to the immediate area around his body and is more taxing in terms of eating up his energy. Therefore, Kin usually performs that trick in order to minimize damage done by serious attacks.

Things such as that is what Boundless Star is capable of. Moreover, the limits of Boundless Star is that the more complex the alteration is to the environment, the more stress can occur on Kin's body. Things such as wormholes, teleporation, time alteration, gravity alteration are rather easy to do as most of those types of powers he can do already as an Iramasha which makes his body more familiar with them; the gravity part being only because his spiritual energy is capable of modifying the pressure in an area based off his power, which is also something most people with immense amounts of power that are similar to Kin can do on average. When Kin attempts to things such as gaining control over opponents attack's, for instance, it causes him a bit of stress on his body because he is trying to overpower something that is generating a lot of power, mass and lethal strength. In some cases, if Kin isn't strong enough, it is even possible for certain attacks to overpower Boundless Star and go back on their original course if Kin attempts to move them somewhere else and does not set appropriate laws when using Boundless Star.

[ F O R M S ]

Demon Form Appearance: Upon Activation, Kin grows two wings that are complete white with a rainbow like glow them. After that point, a silver type aura appears him. Most who see Kin in this state often mistake him as an angel of somewhat, but appearances can be very misleading as when he transforms you will be able to feel nothing but demonic energy flowing through his veins at this point.

Demon Form Abilities: When Kin transforms into his 1st Demon Form, he gains the ability to manipulate the environment and reitsu around him within a five hundred meter area. An example of this ability is that he can turn a ice environment into a fire based area rather quickly, reduce the amount of oxygen within an area, increase or decrease the amount of gravity within a certain area, convert a lighting based attack into water and so on and so forth. The drawbacks to this, however, is that he must a steady flow of energy and reitsu in order to use this ability.

This means that every move he makes with this power will gradually drain him of reitsu. It requires either a strong source of energy or a powerful individual with loads of reitsu available. He also only able to do so many alternations to the area around him before he becomes overwhelmed and has to scale back. This translates into Kin cannot do extreme amounts of multi-tasking in the environment around him. At most, Kin can do at least a dozen or so alterations before the strength of this ability begins to weaken somewhat.

Hell Angel: When he transforms into Hell Angel Form, his wings stay the same color, but he grows another set below the previous ones that are an inverted color. The aura around him will also become more more stronger, bigger and wider then before. He will also have many white and black, glowing lines covering his entire body at this point.

Hell Angel Abilities: In this form, his previous abilities are extended. The area that his power extends to a one thousand meter area in all directions giving him a much greater grasp on the environment around him. Not only that, but he can also increase the amount of alternations he does to the area when multi-tasking to twenty four before it starts to weaken in it's effects. But on top of his previous ability, the lines covering Kin's body are also used as an intense line of defense. When Kin is not able to see, these lines are often seen launching powerful projectiles, covering his entire body in their light in order to shield him and sucking up to fifty percent of the impact on characters even on 0 tier.

But that's not all there is to this light. Once enough attack's have been collected on Kin's body, the energy that they were created from is transfered to the invented wings on Kin's back and can be used to either further fuel the power needed to keep his environmental power in effect or can be used on the offensive in various methods. He can use this collected energy to fire off powerful beams of destructive light, enhance his attack's that use Chaos Energy or even self destruct and take out a large area.

The drawback to this, however, is that he cannot use the energy from attack's that cause critical hits on him, his body must be in fifty percent health in order to use this attack correctly without it back firing and CANNOT retain ANY energy the light on his body or his wings take. He may only use them to increase his environmental manipulation power. On top that, he also runs the risk of the energy collected he collected from those attack's and injuring his body in serious ways.

Devil Angel Form Appearance: This is where the true demonic nature of his will finally be seen. Upon activating his Devil Angel Form, a massive serge of golden energy engulf Kin's body and expand his height to that of a skyscraper and his weight to a small city. From there, he will form a physical body, but most of it will be covered in a golden glow with red glowing lines scattered across his body. Once the body has been created, three sets off massive wings will emerge behind Kin along with a large crimson colored ring with multiple smaller rings within it. Finally, his hands and feet will turn more claw like while his eyes and mouth will have nothing but a red glow coming from them.

Devil Form Abilities: In this form, every ability he had before is available at his disposable thanks to the light engulfing his body. Meaning he can ward off hundreds, if not, near a thousand attack's while at max power due to his sheer size and reitsu available to do so. He also gains a new ability where he is able to consume other beings into being in order to learn more attack's for his seal within his forehead. The ring on his back will also be used as a Anti-Reitsu field. It can dissipate reitsu or Chaos Energy attacks within a half mile radius. The only wat to stop this effect is to figure out how to damage or destroy the ring. If increased in power, the ring could even be used to make people even lose physical strength or, in worse the situation, die by simply being near Kin. This would apply for a massive area covering nearly fifty files as he will be at full power.

The main drawback in this form, however, is that once he goes back to normal his body will be severely injured to the point where he wouldn't even be able to walk on his own, let alone fight. He would be covered in hundreds, if not, thousands of wounds and all his organs would be damaged. The strain that this form takes on his body is simply too much for him. Sure, he can stay in this form as long as he wishes, but after the fact there will also be this waiting for him. As such, he has many of his soldiers on stand by to aid him after he goes back to normal from this sate.

Custom Form Appearance Kin's Apperance in his custom form can vary greatly as his energy is very great. It simply does not matter to him how he appears, so most of the time he appears as a being made completely out of light.

Custom Form Abilities: Kin's Unique Angel Form puts his body in a state to whenever it was the strongest and producing the most power. Such as when an operating system goes back to whichever system restore point it was functioning without error. For the first ten minutes he is in this form, it eats away at the first half of whatever reitsu he has available. (That's about five post) The same thing for the next ten. And for the next ten or twenty minutes it eats away at his life energy. He usually has to stop at around the first fifteen minutes (eight to ten post's) in order to save his body since when he enters this form his body is constantly devouring energy. During this time, he also has the potential to reach 0-1+ tier for one or two post's, but it comes at the price of him being severely weakened after his transformation is over with.

[ C L A S S I N F O ]

Class Title: The Devil Of Manipulation

Class Traits:

Immunity To Alternations: What is Immunity To Alterations? It's one of two Iramasha Class traits that Kin has obtained from becoming The Devil of Manipulation. To make a long story short, what this does is that it creates a temporary barrier around Kin's body that has ability to become immune to most types of powers, techniques, abilities and anything else that deals with the manipulation of his body, attempting to control his body, making any sort of unnatural or natural change to his body and essentially anything short of a direct attack on him. An example of this would be that if someone were to try to erase Kin's existence, this simply would be canceled out due to the fact that his mere presence alone cannot controlled or willed by another force. Not even the Soul King himself, The Demon God Touketsu or Truth would have any sort of power over Kin's body. One more demonstration of this ability is that if someone were to try use any sort of reality warping power on Kin, it would simply be canceled out the minute it had any effect on Kin himself. Therefore, The Immunity to Alterations is something that shouldn't be taken likely. It makes Kin something that not even The Gods themselves scan control without having to fight him in terms of direct combats.

However, this has it's fair share of drawbacks. For starters, this is not automatic nor will it know when Kin is really in danger. That means that he will manually need to know when to unleash this shield around himself. This gives the opponent time to surprise him, catch him off guard and other similar acts. Another limitation that this technique has is that it is limited to only being used for one post and then having a two to three period cooldown before it can be used again. This is because Kin's body has to reconfigure itself in order for this barrier to be used properly. Though, in some release forms, this can be limited to just one post or if he is generating a fair amount of energy. In fact, if enough power is gathered, the cooldown can be bypassed when he has mass amounts of power accelerating in his body; but this isn't a clear shot either. After the barrier is released and he refuses to adhere to the cooldown, he will feel out of breath, his muscles will feel quite fatigued, his energy reserves will go down quite noticeably and it's ultimately not in his best interest to spam this barrier. Therefore, from what Kin understands, he can only ignore the cooldown for a period of four to five post before he is forced to remove it.

A few final notes worth mentioning is that this barrier can gradually even be phased by certain attacks if Kin is weak enough. For instance, if Kin was low on energy reserves the barrier would still work to an extent, but he'd notice certain types of attack's entering into his sphere on lower levels. For instance, if one tried a reality based attack on a fatigued Kin, a majority of it's effects may be able to be canceled out, but a decent amount of damage could still be done. It just would not be enough to otherwise erase his existence while this shield is enacted around his body.

So, with all that said, this is something that should be used sparingly and with caution.

Note: This does apply to Kin's energy as well along with most types of attacks or powers that are generated from his body.

Branch/Position: Kin Iramasha defected from the Iramasha Clan over four hundred years ago after he joined the ranks of Ender after a massive fight in Karakura Town. Therefore, he is currently rouge and allied with his own org: The Kokuryuteshi.

Race: Devil Rank Iramasha

[ E X T R A I N F O ]

General Skills
  • Durability: Advanced
  • General Speed: Advanced
  • Strength: Master
  • Weapon Skill: Adept

Racial Skills
  • Chaos Energy Skill: Grand Master
  • Chaos Warp: Master
  • Chaos Fighting Styles: Master
  • Gem Creation: Master


Last edited by [THEFROST] on Fri Mar 11, 2016 5:08 pm; edited 50 times in total
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Kin Iramasha (Updated) [APPROVED, 0-1, DEVIL] [NPC] Empty Re: Kin Iramasha (Updated) [APPROVED, 0-1, DEVIL] [NPC]

Wed Jan 26, 2011 4:43 am

Kin Iramasha (Updated) [APPROVED, 0-1, DEVIL] [NPC] WVMWLOu
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Kin Iramasha (Updated) [APPROVED, 0-1, DEVIL] [NPC] Empty Re: Kin Iramasha (Updated) [APPROVED, 0-1, DEVIL] [NPC]

Wed Jan 26, 2011 6:55 am
Updated and waiting re-approval.

Kin Iramasha (Updated) [APPROVED, 0-1, DEVIL] [NPC] WVMWLOu
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Kin Iramasha (Updated) [APPROVED, 0-1, DEVIL] [NPC] Empty Re: Kin Iramasha (Updated) [APPROVED, 0-1, DEVIL] [NPC]

Wed Jan 26, 2011 11:32 am
Loving the new app, seems the good guys will have a hard time, but everything seems fair and excellent.\

I Approve of this Update, 0-1!
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Kin Iramasha (Updated) [APPROVED, 0-1, DEVIL] [NPC] Empty Re: Kin Iramasha (Updated) [APPROVED, 0-1, DEVIL] [NPC]

Wed Oct 01, 2014 11:22 am

Due to an update on the board, I am going to go ahead and move this character into the Approved Devil Iramashsa section to better classify other sub-races of Iramasha.

Kin Iramasha (Updated) [APPROVED, 0-1, DEVIL] [NPC] WVMWLOu
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Kin Iramasha (Updated) [APPROVED, 0-1, DEVIL] [NPC] Empty Re: Kin Iramasha (Updated) [APPROVED, 0-1, DEVIL] [NPC]

Fri Mar 11, 2016 5:08 pm
Kin Iramasha (Updated) [APPROVED, 0-1, DEVIL] [NPC] Image8717_zpsrh1btrb8


I'm doing some rearrangements with my characters and I'm planning to move this profile into the NPC barrel for now.

Kin Iramasha (Updated) [APPROVED, 0-1, DEVIL] [NPC] WVMWLOu
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