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Age : 31
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[Koichi Iramasha] [1-2++/ 0-2+ in release; HYBRID;  IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING] [NPC] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999[Koichi Iramasha] [1-2++/ 0-2+ in release; HYBRID;  IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING] [NPC] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

[Koichi Iramasha] [1-2++/ 0-2+ in release; HYBRID;  IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING] [NPC] Empty [Koichi Iramasha] [1-2++/ 0-2+ in release; HYBRID; IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING] [NPC]

Thu Jul 22, 2010 7:49 pm


[Koichi Iramasha] [1-2++/ 0-2+ in release; HYBRID;  IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING] [NPC] Pbucket

[Koichi Iramasha] [1-2++/ 0-2+ in release; HYBRID;  IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING] [NPC] Pbucket

Birthdate: March 10th, 2008
Age From Appearance: 19
Actual Age: 402

[Koichi Iramasha] [1-2++/ 0-2+ in release; HYBRID;  IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING] [NPC] Pbucket

Full Name: Koichi Ika Iramasha
Nicknames: The Mutt (By sister)
Titles: Hybrid Leader Assistant, Son Of Ketsu Iramasha, Inuyami's Son

[Koichi Iramasha] [1-2++/ 0-2+ in release; HYBRID;  IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING] [NPC] Pbucket

Gender: Male
Eye Color: Dark Red
Height: Six Foot One
Weight: 170 Pounds
Skin Color: Brown
Shoe Size: US Size 12

Full Description

Hair: Koichi has a mixture of his own unique hair and a slight trait from his father. His hair extends well past shoulders, extending all the way down to his upper back. It can be seen in somewhat wild styles on some day's depending on if Koichi bothers to keep it up. His hair has many split ends, though it helps blends his hound like ears given to him by his mother's dog side. Koichi has a total of four ears, but the ones on top of his head are the same exact color as his hair, jet black. And, as mentioned before, on the left part of Koichi's head, his hair tends to cover that eye just like his father's usually does.

Eyes: Now, this is a dominant trait from his father's side of the family. Just like Ketsu, Koichi has dark, blood red eyes that stand out apart from most faces in the crowd. And, due to some of the enhancements via various Demon Spells given to him by his father in order to help his animal like side, he's been trained to use these eyes rather engulfed in darkness, or consumed by light. What this means simply is that Koichi can alter his vision in order to see in darkness, make out figures brightly lit area's and attempt to further his vision in order to better serve his father and clan on hunts.

Skin: This is another trait he gets straight from his father. As with Ketsu, Koichi has tanned skin-tone. It's a very smooth brown color that began to progress ever since the day he was born. Originally, Koichi had a more lighter skin tone, but it seems as he grew older more of his father's traits began to overwhelm his mother and his skin got progressively darker. It does come with advantages, however, as this is more of a demonic skin layer. It helps him deal with some of the harshest temapature extreme's, from the hottest day to the coldest night, Koichi can endure most of it without much problem.

Tail: Another thing that makes Koichi really stick out is his rather long dog-like tail that extends from just above his tailbone. This is yet another trait that he gained from his mother's demon side. It's not just for show, however. With his tail, Koichi has the ability to release depth's of his Chaos Energy right from his tail with relative ease thanks to his father. You'd better think twice before grabbing his tail, as he can summon a pack of vicious demon dogs with just the wag of his tail.

Claws: This a mixture trait from both his father and mother. Thanks to his demonic blood, Koichi has a set of retractable claws on both his fingernails and toenails. Most of the type, he keeps it at around human length. Though, in middle of battle, Koichi can extend these claws for up to 13 inches. They can be red, black or white colored depending on what trait within Koichi is the strongest. These can be used to claw through even the toughest metal's, the most dangerous bullets and even straight through some attack's with Koichi's might and strength.

Fangs: Yet another trait he attains from his demonic nature, Koichi has a pair of reachable fangs on his front teeth. As with his claws, Koichi prefers to keep his teeth at an average length to be more humanoid in casual settings; as not to upset too many people. Though, if the situation calls for it, Koichi will unleash a lethal pair of fangs from upon his mouth. These fangs hold the same capability of clawing through most difficult objects such as metal's, skin, muscle, bone and so on and so forth. However, these hold a special trait to them as well. If he is able to bite deep enough into a person, Koichi can also inject certain Chaos Moves into their body such as moves that make the character feel extremely hot or cold, techniques that can numb a character, and moves that can make a character's limb totally useless. Be very careful when getting bit by Koichi, if possible ,just avoid getting bitten in general.

Clothing: Typically, Koichi is seen wearing black pants and pretty much nothing else aside from a grey belt that is seen in his character image. The reason for this is because he hates how uncomfortable and restricting most shirts are. He often feels that they are to constricting on his body type. As such, Koichi doesn't bother to wear anything else other then his pants. Though, from time to time, Koichi may wear a black cloak with the Iramasha's symbol should he went to hide his unqie presence outside of the island or on stealth missions.

Actual Image of Koichi:


[Koichi Iramasha] [1-2++/ 0-2+ in release; HYBRID;  IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING] [NPC] Pbucket

Loyal: Since his personality really takes after that of a dog, it should come as no surprise that he is as Loyal as one. No matter what you do to him, how cruel you are or rather you want it or not, Koichi will always stay loyal to his clan, family and friends. Even if it means sacrificing his life for the sake of others. He will do everything in his power to see to that everyone he protects makes it out OK in life. So that can also come in the form of him being there to comfort them, having someone for them to talk to, making jokes, distracting them from their pain or fighting for them.

Hunter: Since during his youth Koichi used to hunt his meal and was forced in his training to use his dog abilties, Koichi had turned into very good hunter. He really knows how to survive off the land. He knows which kinds of berries will get you full and which will kill you, how to kill an animal without causing them too much pain, learning how to live without the safety of a house and many other survivor instincts. Eventually, this comes into battle when he tries to think of the best way to take down his enemy or how to weaken them enough so that he can get away.

Odd Ball: At times, sometimes Koichi can have a very...glazed over look. Usually his ears will perk up a bit and his eyes will have a peculiar look to them; as if they were slightly larger then they actually are. This often happens when he just goes with the flow around him. Whenever he gets like this, he's also seen acting weirder then usual. Often asking many odd questions, playing hide and seek with people, acting somewhat creepy on occasions and just being plain awkward even. Though, he seems to enjoy this mood when it comes around.

Strong Will: After watching all those times where his father stood up to an unworldly evil, faced an impossible task with successful gains or was the pure aura that Ketsu gave off that made Koichi feel like that he was always there to make sure that no matter what realm of existence they inhabited, Ketsu could always protect his family; he eventually wanted to model himself in that aspect of his father. It wasn't gained over night, however. It took many grueling session's of beat downs, humiliating defeats, lots of self restraint and many situations were he was forced to go above his limit and beyond for the sake of his family, pride and clan. Through all the traumatic situations Koichi was put through, it seems a strong had blessed from the pain he endured.

Care: For those who are either Defenseless Iramasha, his family or close enough to Koichi where he feels he can actually form friendships, he tends to try to protect them the best way he can. This doesn't mean he will throw himself right in harms way like some cliche'd superhero. No, instead, Koichi would actually try to find a way to help his friend in need while also making sure they both can go home at the end of the day. That also means listening to their problems, trying to provide the best solutions he can and just being a good friend in return. Nothing more, nothing less.

Serious: If the situation calls for it, Koichi will get in your face and become a very serious minded individual. If he feels he cannot get through to someone, he will simply state the harsh facts, show them he means business and see if they are worth even saving. If they aren't, sometimes Koichi can become quite violent if they should agitate him or continue onward with their damned ramblings. This was unheard from him even only a year ago, though with the traumatic stress he was put in around September of 2410, it's no wonder he had to make a change in himself to be more strong willed, more like his father and just get shit done instead of dwelling like a kid in the past.

[Koichi Iramasha] [1-2++/ 0-2+ in release; HYBRID;  IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING] [NPC] Pbucket


Koichi Iramasha was born into The Iramasha Clan March 10th, 2008 somewhere in the forest of Karakura Town on a bright morning. It was a scary birth process at the time for each of his parents due to the fact that his mother, Dog Demon Inuyami, was going to have twins. Normally, this shouldn't be an issue. However, his father, Demon Iramasha Leader and host of Touketsu, Ketsu Iramasha, was worried that some of Dark Ketsu's or Touketsu gene's would slip into their children and cause them to be overtaken by their own versions of them or be killed by the raw power each of theses sinister beings possessed. So it was a very stressful pregnancy that lasted about six hours.

Luckily, for Ketsu and Inuyami, they had Halo Iramasha, The Angel Leader of The Iramasha Clan, placed a special holy barrier around all of them that would hopefully kill any trace or possiblity of them turning into Ziamichi's. Not to mention that a few other Iramasha Angel's were on hand to instantly use Chaos Soul if their twins would end up being Ziamichi's.

Fortunately, though, they did not have to use any of that for when Koichi was born with his sister Ren they did not appear to have any of Dark Ketsu's power or Touketsu's. (But, later on in life Koichi would have his own demon form emerge from an emotional trigger.)

Thus, that ended the birth of Koichi Iramasha. From there the future would be a bit shakey, but it will all turn out well.


Growing up Koichi was always the odd child out of Ketsu's three children that he acknowledged. (At the time, Ketsu had no idea where his Arrancar/Iramasha hybrid children were. The first being his first born daughter, Veras Luras. And the second being his first born son, Akinari Iramasha. Each birthed by Tia Harribel.) He never seemed to satisfy his father due to the fact that he acted like such a clown. For one, he was a serious mama's boy at the time. He would NEVER leave his mother alone. He was always clinging to her pants, shirt, bra or any other way he could attach himself to his mom. Koichi seriously loved his mother. If that wasn't enough, Koichi took more after his mother's dog side. Always barking, panting, wagging his tail and licking people all day long. It caused his father to become very irritated from time to time.

But that wasn't the major thing that set Ketsu off. What really made him upset with his son was that he could not fight at the time. Sure, he had a large reitsu reserve hidden somewhere in his body, but he was too chickenshit to do anything to improve himself. Often Koichi would be scared of his own damn shadow, yet alone doing any serious training with Ketsu. (Which he focused Koichi to do anyway to the dismay of his wife.) It was a seriously disappointing that his sister had more bravery, power and will then Koichi could ever dream of. Hell, even his younger brother seemed to surpassing him at the time. So at times he felt very saddened that he could not get his father's approval despite his playful, loud and happy go lucky attitude.

Unfortunately, those would start to become the least of his problems. After the war with Ender where Koichi, Ren and Katashi were put away in a separate dimension with powerful Iramasha warriors from the demon clan, Koichi returned to find out that his mother left them and never came back. She never left a note, said goodbye, gave a reason, any hints to why she would leave or any trace of her. She simply vanished and was never seen again. Needless to say, Koichi was seriously hurt by all this. When nobody was around he would often cry himself to sleep because he missed his mother very dearly.

It was an awful time for his family since his father had also slumped into a serious depression. He could easily tell by how much his father was drinking, how hard he was training during their sessions, the amount of cigarette cartons that was pilling up around the house, how often his father would stay away in his room and just by his overall facial expression during those times. But he would never EVER bring this to Ketsu's attention since he loved his father too much and just wanted to confront him since Koichi felt the same way about his mother leaving.

But even with all this known, things still got so bad in their household that sometimes Koichi went days without eating or drinking and was forced to hunt for his food (which later helped him in combat) or drink leftover liquids from Ketsu's alcohol collection along with whatever cheap food Ketsu left in the kitchen from time to time.

There was, however, a ray of shining hope that came in the form of four beautiful women. Misaiko Suigara, Ketsu's Step-Mother; Ammy Lung, a good friend of Ketsu's and Koichi's; Selena, a very good friend of Ketsu's and possible lover or mother figure for Koichi; And Rika Iramasha. Together they all helped Ketsu's family through this rough patch in their life. Ammy mostly helped babysit Ketsu's three children, Misaiko would help consule Ketsu and take Koichi on fun trips, and finally Selena along with Rika were some of the main caretakers. They stayed with Ketsu and his family for years. Helping to raise his children, buy grocies and feed them all and eventually they all became Koichi's replacement mother figures for Inuyami.

Things were getting....good.

Teenage Years and onward

Once the war with Kin Iramasha had finally drew to a close, Koichi had turned into a very handsome teenager. Not only that, his battle skills had improved from the intense training session's Ketsu put him through after his attitude became more positive. He was seriously determined to become strong like his father since he was his only biological parent left. It was also his dream to surpass both his brother and sister in frightening. So over the course of the four hundred year timeskip Koichi trained very hard in order to get where he was at.

However, during the year 2250 Ketsu had finally discovered the dark energy that was once feared to be in Koichi's body. It came out when an angry Iramasha attempted to kill Koichi for revenge over his dead son Dark Ketsu had killed all those years ago. He couldn't stand to hear how much the clan hated him, all the bad deeds his father did, all the pain he heard his father go through growing up and how the pain. So, Koichi just snapped and turned into a very large demonic beast. He easily slaughtered the Iramasha in this state and even destroyed apart of the area where he had released this power. Ketsu, eventually, had to step in by using Chaos Control to deactivate Koichi's for some time.

Soon, they released that that form was apart of Koichi's Demonic side and the threat was lowered after he forced Koichi to train harder in order to control that form and harness it's power. Koichi, though, never uses that power often unless it's called for.

But, not all of the future has been bad for him. Infact, over the centuries Koichi has started to develop serious feelings of love for Selena. And it seems that she is also returning this same affection. It's shown by comments from her saying he is Sexy, letting him dry-hump her, the times they spend alone and how she is always looking out for Koichi's well being.

So maybe they'll finally be able to get together. Who knows? The future is limitless.

(I will add more to this part of Koichi's history after I think of more things that happened.)

[Koichi Iramasha] [1-2++/ 0-2+ in release; HYBRID;  IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING] [NPC] Pbucket

Basic Iramasha Abilities

Chaos Control: Chaos Control is a technique created by the first founders of the Iramasha Clan. When this technique is activated it allows the user to teleport from short range distances at first, then when they become more master this move more they able to use to technique to teleport from long range distances along with being able to warp anywhere as long they can sense someones spiritual pressure or reitsu. When they become more powerful they sometimes able to slow down within a limited range and gain the upper hand on their opponents.

Mighty Reitsu: As like most of his follow Iramasha brothers, Koichi has a very intense stream of reitsu following from upon his body. Most Iramasha's are known for their strong amounts of reitsu each has within their body. When Koichi raises his usually the sounds of demonic howling will bellow across the area; deafening some and even shaking a eight hundred meter vicinity with his reitsu. It's even possibly for him to use this offensively in order to surprise opponents, shock them or even deliver sound attack's that can leave some breathless, others shoken up or possibly blow people clear across an arena.

Not only that, though, but the aura of Koichi's reitsu is a mixture between red, white and black to symbolize the peculiar traits from within. The black aura represents the strong demon blood flowing within his veins, the white aura symbolizes the Angelic side of him that was forged through a chaotic error in his gene's and finally the red is meant to stand for the power of Death that is raging inside of Koichi's soul.

From upon these multiple aura's, hundreds of demonic dogs can sometimes even be seen barking at an opponent. It's even possible for Koichi to launch them as projectiles at opponents and explode with pure Chaos and reitsu. So, as you can see, Koichi's reitsu is nothing to play around with

Chaos Blast: This is the Iramasha's own version of the cero. It is a blast of either angel, demon or both (when used by hybrids) that is gathered from inside of their body and shot out in a massive wave or sphere. When used in a wave, it's faster, but not as strong. When used as a sphere, it is much stronger, but slower. Another thing to note is that when a Angel Iramasha uses Chaos Blast the blast is typically white or blue, while when a demon fires it the blast is typically black or bright red. If your a hybrid, it's both. However, some Iramasha's have customized their own Chaos Blast's to fit their needs.

Chaos Soul: Only Iramasha's who have obtained at least their Angel Form or Demon form can use this. Once they activate this technique a red barrier develops all around their body, a mysterious sybmol appears behind them, and two clones of the user appear outside of the shield made of light or darkness. When using this move they are able to look inside the soul of any person they wish. After entering the soul of the person they choose, the user will often go after their source of power and seal it away for a short amount of time. When fully mastered they are able to seal away powerful Ziamichi's.

But, a major downside of using this technique is that if the barrier protecting them comes down and someone is able to injure their body, the user can end up being stuck within the persons soul they are in. And if they are still within the persons soul and that person happens to die, well, the user also ends up dying with them.

Unique Abilities

Super Hearing: Like a dog, Koichi has very good hearing. The frequency range of Koichi's hearing is approximately 40 Hz to 60,000 Hz, which means that he can detect sounds far beyond the upper limit of the human auditory spectrum.]Additionally, Koichi has ear mobility like a dog which allows him to rapidly pinpoint the exact location of a sound.Eighteen or more muscles can tilt, rotate, raise, or lower each of his ears. Koichi can identify a sound's location much faster than a human can, as well as hear sounds at four times the distance.

Smell: While the human brain is dominated by a large visual cortex, Koichi's brain is dominated by an olfactory cortex AND Visual Cortex. Koichi can discriminate odors at concentrations nearly 100 million times lower than humans can, can track down people simply by sniffing small trace of their reitsu or just odor their bodies give off and helps him in battle if he cannot see or hear.

Speed & Agility: During some of Koichi's earliest training sessions as a child, it was shown that Koichi has really fast movements, and his great speed makes him hard to hit in battle as seen during battle. As he grew older, during his fight against a skillful Chaos Control user, not only was Koichi the only one able to discover where The Iramasha had teleported to, he was even fast enough to surprise him and attack him from behind, without anyone noticing the attack.

Hounds of Furry: Hounds of Furry is a special Chaos Blast Koichi has developed during his training with Ketsu Iramasha. With Hounds of Furry, Koichi can create large demonic dog heads of any size made out of pure energy to follow his opponent until it eventually hits him/her. It also barks very powerful soundwaves that can damage your hearing, crack your bones, disrupt anytime of cybernetic equitment and throw you off balance. The catch? If any of these hounds touch anything else that has a life force they will explode to.

They can also be of any color depending on Koichi's choosing and he can summon up to three of them for a two post cool down if he does all three.

He also holds the ability to create a hundred mini hound heads in order to case his opponent as well.

Hounds of Hell: Once he enters his First Hybrid Stage Form he has enough energy to perform Hounds of Hell. Hounds of Hell is basically an advanced form of Hounds of Furry. He performs this technique by gathering up reitsu from within himself to create a set of three dogs similar to the three headed demon dog Cerberus. Once these are summoned to the battlefield, it will eat away 20% of Koichi's overall reitsu until he reaches zero. Which means that he can only do it 5 times per battle at the most.

But, once they are summoned, they pack one hell of a PUNCH. All three of the dogs can fire long range cero like blast from all three heads at least 5 times in a row before a two post cooling period. They can also emit the same soundwaves of the previous Hounds of Hell, expect this time it's much more effective and can directly target the inner ear or even disrupt the flow of reitsu throughout their body for two post.

Not only that, but they can also give birth to a huge litter of puppy heads that will have the same abilities as the Hounds of Furry.

However, like the post before, they still will explode on any lifeforce, but it has to have a certain amount of strength for it to work. So, in order for this blast to work the being has to be at least on 2 tier for it to explode OR on Koichi's command. You can also easily kill it by disturbing the flow of energy in the chest of each of these beast by firing something like a cero in it if you are able to pierce the shield hidden within them. Normally it will collpase on itself after 3 or 2 direct hits from a cero.

Cry Of The Beast: Cry of The Beast is a special Chaos Blast only activated once Koichi hears a sound so damaging that it harms his VERY sensitive ears. Once an attack made on his ears have been dealt, he will release two destructive waves of sound right back at his opponent so that they can feel the same blinding pain as him.

Summoning Demons: Koichi also has the ability to summon demon's from other worlds such as a Pack of strong Dog Demons' from his mothers home and even legendary three headed dog Cerberus. He performs the summonings by using a special version of Chaos Control to make a gateway portal into whatever world they are in, having the portal encase said demons and dragging them back into our realm. It's not always certain they will fight for him, but he has been able to tame even Cerebus himself thanks to Chaos Soul in the past.

The Hands Of Sealing: This is a special ability that allows Koichi to seal most things that it comes into contact with. It is activated by Koichi sacrificing bits of his Inner Chaos Energy in order to have shrunken-like symbol emerge in the palms of his hands; one that glows red on his right hand and blue in the other. Once those symbols are there, anything that his hands touch will be able to become sealed by Koichi. An example of this would be that if someone were to shoot off a lightning based attack when The Hands of Sealing are activated, Koichi would be able to hold out either of hands in order to effectively enclose the attack in any type of containment vessel he wishes which ranges from a realm forged from Koichi's Chaos Energy in order to seal varying attacks there, into equipment like swords or guns or simply cut off all the energy from an attack and render it void and useless against himself. And, as the name implies, it's also possible for Koichi to temporarily seal whatever he touched within the palms of his hands and attempt to place it inside of someone.

Showcasing that trait of The Hands of Sealing, if Koichi were to take some of his DE Force into one of these hands, he could effectively seal a part of that energy into someone so that they may be granted the seed needed in order to learn the art of Death's Energy. In means of combat, Koichi could figure out ways to seal special Iramasha gems inside of someone that could effectively distort someone's power depending on the power of the gem in question and how successful the sealing is on a person. Furthermore, Koichi is also able to apply this sealing to most weapons that he wields such as Gun's, swords, knives, shrunken, Iramasha Gems and things of that nature. However, he MUST be touching them in order for it to work on syncing this together with his weapons. If he fails to do so, then the effect will only last for one post and be rendered void in the following post afterward.

Admittedly, a power such as this does have it's share of drawbacks. Since Koichi can seal certain living beings, powers, barriers, attacks, elements, environments, energy and a wide range of other things his hands or weapons can effectively pierce through; this technique has a three post limit with a two post cool down. Along with that, as stated previously, this technique can take a bit of Chaos Energy out of him and if too much is lost during repeated usage, it can make it to where Koichi's Internal Chaos Energy is so drained that he will not be able to use this power. Therefore, this is recommended for quick and rapid entry when being used in a thread. Though, this does not mean it's effects are absolute. This is more or less the case when Koichi tries this effects on living beings as they have more of a chance to fight back against the seals if they have a high enough power. The stronger they are, the more chance they have of either weakening the effects of the seal or stopping it altogether in some instances.

All in all, The Hands of Sealing is a rather useful technique that should be used sparingly throughout the course of a thread and be used with much caution.

Howling Chaos: Howling Chaos is a move that Koichi can only do in area's of high reishi such as the Soul Society, Hueco Mundo or Demon World. Through the wings and mouth's on his back, Koichi can consume various attack's, energy, elements and reitsu in order to create a hell storm of Chaos Blast. This moves requires Koichi to have been in a thread for three post during his first Hybrid Stage at a bare minimal. Once that time has passed, he will convert whatever energy he has gathered into Chaos Energy all around him. A huge gust of wind, upwards of around two hundred miles per hour, will serge all around Koichi when he is ready to make his attack for a fifty meter radius.

Upon activation, a rather large circle made of both black and white light will emerge below Koichi's feet and expand to nearly ten feet in all directions. This circle will then rapidly begin to suck energy from around the area by scattering the heads of a dozen dogs in every direction for about five hundred meters and then rapidly retracting them. In the meantime, the circle will also drain energy ten percent of energy from Koichi in order to make the overall attack stronger and as a sacrifice in order to perform the attack. Along with all that, if any attack that was launched at Koichi, it will be possible to suck that energy into the circle.

From there, the sky will darken somewhat across a mile wide area as red lightening will be scattered across a one hundred meter area around Koichi. A strong amount of spiritual pressure will then radiate across that area; enough to where it is able to melt some of the ground around Koichi due to the intense amount of power that was most likely gathered. This will be even dangerous for some Captain's to encounter as the circle would attempt to suck up any energy it could get it's hands on that just so happened to be near Koichi.

Finally, when everything has been put in place, the demon dog's head below Koichi will then begin to let out a deafening roar while a hyper sonic-type sound will screech across the area as an extreme amount of energy would emerge in Koichi's right palm. It would be so chaotic, in fact, Koichi would need to place a seal on his left hand in order to control the attack and keep it form going haywire before releasing it. During the charging period, all types of intense sounds, high pitch screeching, lightening sparks and multiple color changes will appear across this ball of energy.

Then, After about ten seconds in the post this attack is initiated, Koichi will be able to fire it off the attack towards the opponent at first. The energy ball will be launched at nearly five hundred miles per hour; enough to destroy most around upon just being released and unleashing a deafening sound across a half mile area. From that point, the circle below Koichi will disburse in a shattering noise and half of it's energy will go into Koichi's body for the duration of the post; while the other half of energy will go directly into the attack in order to strengthen it.

So, in a matter of seconds, this attack will expand in size to the point where it engulfs everything within a five hundred meter area in a bright burst of multi-colored light that can possibly blind people for a duration of two post and deafen post for another three. But alas, once it reaches critical mass, it will explode into a hundred different attack's due to be too unstable to contain in one. The attack's will come in the forms of powerful straight lined Chaos Blast, Energy Attack's Formed in the shape of a vicious demon dog's head, various Chaos Moves hidden inside smaller balls of energy that appear around the Chaos Blast and Energy Attack's, dozens of rays made out of light that are like heat seeking missiles to an opponent and multiple sonic boom's from all these explosions.

And while the first airwave of attack's are taking place, Koichi will use the energy he stored in order to take flight somewhere higher up in the air and prepare for the part two of this attack. By transferring all the energy that was taken from the initial charging directly into his right arm, Koichi will prepare to unleash the final hellstorm upon his opponent. While the other person would most likely be doing what they can to avoid taking full damage, Koichi will be charging for one last attack. This will take one post to complete as it would be too much for him to do in the same post.

While he is charging, however, another powerful serge of reitsu will cover a two hundred meter radius around Koichi. It will be able to to make those even one tier above Koichi think twice about attacking him before he is ready. For starters, there will be an intense wall of heat that will convert into intense flames that can even melt metal's if an opponent should try to tamper with Koichi in any way. The serge of pure reitsu will also be enough to leave most breathless due to the lack of oxygen around Koichi. Not only that, but the gravity around Koichi will be at least two times heavier then on Earth until this attack is complete.

So, with all that said, Koichi would then go on to release this attack after one post. He'll start by pointing his finger upwards towards the sky and form a massive dome of energy that is at least two hundred meters in size; enough to eclipse any moon or sun in the opponents path. From there, Koichi will infuse the attack with whatever type of Chaos Move he can think of in order to maximize impact. Once ready, Koichi will then let out a bellowing roar and throw the attack towards the ground at two hundred miles per hour.

Upon it's descent, however, it will split into five other Chaos Blast and upon to cover a circular area that expands for five hundred meters. From there, once they make an impact, all the blast will explode in a circular fashion and then converge on the opponent. From that point, all the energy within that area, all the energy gathered from Koichi and all the energy leftover from the attack's eariler will be fused into one massive explosion that can be felt for as far as twenty miles away, be seen for up to forty miles away and attempt to destroy just about everything in it's path in one massive energy, element and chaotic attack in order to find some type of method to destroy the opponent.

Once the smoke has cleared, Koichi will then dropped to the Earth and be exhausted for two post. He will feel fatigued, dizzy, nauseous and very shaky. In some cases, he may even have visual problems due to the side effects of creating such an attack. No move like this doesn't come without any negative effects, after all. If Koichi pushes himself too hard after that attack, he could risk overworking himself and causing intense pain across his body or possibly fainting in mid fight. As such, Koichi usually goes on the defensive after making such an attack.

Along with all those side effects, Koichi will also not be able to consume reitsu from the area via his wings for five post as well. There will have simply been too much energy used to create such a deadly attack. Not only that, but the flow of Chaos Energy will also be somewhat unstable around Koichi and he risks any further attack's for the next two or three post exploding right on himself due to how chaotic that blast was.

So, all in all, this a move that should be used with great caution. And with, we end Howling Chaos.

Last edited by [THEFROST] on Fri Mar 11, 2016 6:11 pm; edited 51 times in total
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[Koichi Iramasha] [1-2++/ 0-2+ in release; HYBRID;  IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING] [NPC] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999[Koichi Iramasha] [1-2++/ 0-2+ in release; HYBRID;  IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING] [NPC] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

[Koichi Iramasha] [1-2++/ 0-2+ in release; HYBRID;  IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING] [NPC] Empty Re: [Koichi Iramasha] [1-2++/ 0-2+ in release; HYBRID; IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING] [NPC]

Mon Oct 04, 2010 1:24 pm


[Koichi Iramasha] [1-2++/ 0-2+ in release; HYBRID;  IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING] [NPC] Image4426-1

Hybrid Form Stage One Appearance

This is the first stage into the Hybrid Process for the Hybrid parts of the Iramasha Clan. When Koichi enters this state a powerful aura of reitsu can be seen emerging all around his entire body. The aura itself is black and white in color and is constantly present on Koichi's body. From that point onward, the light emitting from Koichi's body will then proceed to create a set of two wings. These wings will have thick fur attached to them and will then a radiant light two different colors will engulf each of Koichi's wings. The right wing will be black in color while the left being white in color. Each of these represent the Hybrid nature of Koichi's gene's.

From that point onward, another transformation will happen upon each of Koichi's wings. In the center of each wing a mouth will appear in the midpoint of each wing in the front and back along with five small eyes surrounding them in a circle pattern. For the time while his transformation is still taking place, they will typically be closed until Koichi is ready to use their abilities which will be described later. Thus, before they are ready to be used, a thick layer of Chaos Energy is placed upon all wings in order to increase their overall defense and stop anyone from ripping apart his wings without much effort. This also makes it possible for him to launch other Chaos Moves from the wings as well.

Finally, when the change is nearly completion, a loud hellish sound of hundreds of demonic dogs will emit from Koichi's aura; giving off enough force to nearly destroy everything around him within a ten meter area. During this period, he can also launch off multiple sound attacks in order to stun, confuse or shock his opponent. Along with that, though, you will constantly see the top half of different dogs constantly surrounding Koichi above, behind and to each side of him. In total, there are about ten dogs made up of this light that will attempt to protect Koichi during battle.

And then, when the transformation is finally complete, each of the eyes on Koichi's wings will emerge and let out a truly terrifying screech across a two hundred meter area and shining with great intensity for about five seconds before gradually fading off. To signal that this ascending state is finished, a third eye will then emerge in a vertical shape upon Koichi's forehead.

With all that, Koichi is now prepared for more advanced fighting.

First Stage Hybrid Form Abilities

Enhanced Skin

Even without being in a transformed state, Koichi has skin that can endure most climates that would make an average human feel like their going insane. When he reaches his First Hybrid state, this natural ability increases. Now, one the first benefits of this new skin is that Koichi has a strong resistance to most elemental attack's. This does NOT mean he won't take damage, but his skin has become so thick and tough that he can withstand most fire, water, lightening and any elemental attack, apart from wind, that involves any extreme temperatures or conditions. Along with that, whenever any of those attack's are launched at Koichi, he is able to reduce the damage done to him by thirty percent upon any lower or equal tier; going down to only twenty percent for those who are more powerful then him.

Another benefit Koichi gains from having this enhanced skin is that he better protect himself against projectiles (such as bullets), slashes from a sword or any type of weapon that pierces. In most cases, he can reduce the damage done by these attack's by twenty percent. Even using his body like a shield when he infuses enough Chaos Energy to his skin in order to defend against weapons. Not only that, though, but Koichi can also withstand temperatures upwards of eight hundred degree Fahrenheit and negative two hundred degrees Fahrenheit; able to push himself to the limit if need be whenever the temperatures get even hotter such with fire based attack's.

Full Visual Coverage

With a total of twenty three eyes on his wings and face, Koichi has a pretty large field of range in order to watch his opponent. Each of the eyes are connected to his nervous system so he can see just about everything around him. He has the ability to shut off or turn on visuals when needed as well since sometimes having those visuals can be overwhelming for him. Along with all that, Koichi can also extend the area in which he can see from the eyes on his wings for up to a mile wide in order to see many obstacles heading his ways. If he isn't careful, however, he can end up straining his eyes too much and causing irritation.

You would think that be the end of this ability, but that's not the case with Koichi's skilled talents in Chaos Energy. By infusing some of his own Chaos Energy into each of the eyes on his wings and forehead, he is able to give his eyes new abilities. For example, Koichi can use one eye to achieve an x-ray like vision in order to see what a person looks like on the inside, what things they are carrying and see inside of their body for anything suspicious. Meanwhile, another eye can be used for infrared scanning on a spiritual level in order to find different level's of spiritual attack's, the reitsu patterns of each race and to tract hidden energy a battlefield.

Then, while all that is happening, Koichi can also use his eyes as channel's into different positions on battle. You see, with Koichi's mastery of Chaos Energy and control over his body, he can even detach any one of his eyes and send it to a different part of the battlefield in order to gain an even wider field view on his opponent. In a sense, it's very hard to catch Koichi off guard with how much area his vision can cover.

Not only that, though, but he can also use them as channeling points for attacks. For example, he can gather Chaos Energy within one eye and shoot off powerful beams of energy from it in order to surprise his opponents. It can even be used to deliver rapid shots on opponents if needed. So, needless to say, all of these eyes aren't for show. Every last eye will be put to use in combat situations

Empty Abyss

This is where the mouths on Koichi's wings come into action. The moment these mouth's open, you will see rows of many sharp fangs along with a gruesome looking tongue in these center of bottomless pits. If given the chance, Koichi can devour people with each of these mouth's and consume them hole; dicing their body up into bits with all the rows of fangs. However, that is not the primary use of these mouth's. Instead, they are used to consume most reishi within a given area in order to gather energy for many powerful attack's. So, for starters, this is NOT used to retain energy, instead it is used to fuel Koichi's attack's.

For example, if Koichi was in the Soul Society, he would be able to sustain himself for long periods of combat long after losing his reitsu due to the fact the wings are always trying to suck up as much energy as possible in order to produce the fuel needed to keep Koichi's attack's going. This doesn't mean that he can continue a fight if he's critically injured, it simply means he can do well in long-term fight. More often then not, Koichi will make sure he will be the last person to fall from fatigue.

That is not the only use for these mouth's, however. Since the there is nothing but an empty abyss inside of the mouth's that ever leads to nothingness, these mouth's can also be used as a defense against certain energy attack's. For example, if an Arrancar shot off a cero towards Koichi, it is VERY possible for Koichi to counter by having one of his mouth's consume the cero. From that point, Koichi can use it for additional energy later, or he can transfer the cero's energy throughout his body, add his own energy to it and redirect the cero at a faster rate through the other side of his wing. That's a good example of how Koichi can counter or redirect.

Another way he can defend himself against an opponent, and possibly be used a defense and offense technique, is to do the same thing he does to each of his eyes and detach the mouth's from the wings. From there, using Chaos Warp, Koichi can easily have the mouth's appear on each of his fist or legs in order to block, consume or attack opponents. This makes these mouth's a very deadly threat to deal with.

The only weakness they seem to have is that each mouth has a limit of energy they can consume before they are forced to close and Koichi must wait three post for it to open again. This can happen Koichi overcharges himself; when that happens he must then exhaust the energy somehow or risk damaging himself somehow. Another weak point this technique has is that if the wings on Koichi's back are damaged, the less energy the mouth's can consume and eventually he wouldn't be able to use them at all if they were injured enough. Hence why he produces a thick layer of Chaos Energy upon them.

All in all, though, when fighting Koichi in his Hybrid form, beware of these mouth's.

Devil Dogs

As stated in his appearance, there is a pack of ten dogs that can appear at around almost any position where Koichi's reitsu or aura is. Most of the time, when Koichi summons them, they are above, behind and to the sides of Koichi. This makes it so he can be further protected during battle and have more eyes on the field. As for the dog's actual abilities, they can easily detach themselves and stay within a half mile radius of Koichi before they explode. So, within certain area's, these dog's can even join the fight with Koichi. Most of the time, however, they stay at Koichi's side unless he commands them.

Another skill these dog's have is that they can launch different attack's since they are still connected to Koichi's energy supply. That means they can perform Chaos Moves, Reitsu based attack's and energy attack's in order to combat opponents. Koichi can even have them extend in size and attempt to consume another person in order to break them down on a microscopic level, disgust them and eventually kill them if they are unable to escape, break free or destroy the dog from the inside. Though, he has a failsafe should the person should fail to be eaten. When that happens, Koichi typically just has the energy they collected gather at an extreme rate and explode on the opponent.

At any rate, though, these dog's do have drawbacks. Most of them are not effected by physical attack's, though if they were hit by a energy attack it would disrupt the flow of energy that keeps them alive and destroy them until Koichi can find a replacement which takes three post to do and he can only replace them up to five times in a thread for each dog.

Second Stage Hybrid Form Appearance

This is possibly one of the strongest forms a Hybrid Iramasha can attain if they are able to unlock it. Koichi was able to learn it many years ago with the constant training of his father, pushing himself to the brink of destruction through many battles for the Iramasha Guard and his determination not to disappoint the family name or his father. So, with all that stated, the mere transformation process alone would be intense for Koichi to go through. It all begins by an intense rush of both reitsu and Chaos Energy being gathered around Koichi's body in a powerful vortex that is multicolored.

The strong vortex of energy is hot enough to burn the skin right off of those who dare approach Koichi while the transformation is taking place. Together with the intense heat this vortex gives off, there will also be a rotating circle of miniature Chaos Blast that will detonate if one should approach Koichi. In total, there will be around four that will hurl themselves at opponents should they get too close. Alongside that, an intense rush of wind will attempt to blow everything and everyone around Koichi to the wayside so he'll have more space for his transformation to take place. Thus, while all of that is happening on the outside, Koichi will be changing on the inside.

Within the energy vortex, Koichi's body will begin to morph somewhat. It all starts off by him growing an additional four ears on the top of his head. These will be used to adjust Koichi's hearing to even greater levels then before and can hear sounds up to five miles away. Then, once each set of ears have sported up, a rather large sphere that is diamond thick and black colored will emerge upon Koichi's chest. The true abilities of this gem will be explained upon it's activation.

Next, after the ears and gem are made, another set of wings will shoot up from Koichi's body. On the right side of Koichi's body a white wing will appear below the black wing above it, while on the left a black wing will appear below the white wing above it. Each of these wings will then have an even thicker layer of Chaos Energy protecting them from damage. Along with that, each new wing will have the same set of mouth's and eyes the last pair.

Onward after the wings have been created, a row of black eyes will appear above the black gem that was positioned in the center of Koichi's chest. Each of these eyes will prove to be useful in the ability the black gem will give Koichi. Along with that, Koichi's hair will also appear to accelerate in grow and extend in length that goes all the way to his mid back section. Don't think that is just for show, though. With this newly stretched hair, Koichi can use each end of his hair like a sharp knife and pierce through his opponents. Not only that, but he can even equip Chaos Energy to it in order to add additional effects whenever he uses his hair to surprise opponents.

Following the growth of his hair, Koichi will then have one vertical shaped black gem appear above each hand. The role these gems will play will be revealed upon activation as well. In the mean time, a great burst of energy will screech out of all the gems on Koichi's body. The energy itself will be white in color and will divide itself into at least a hundred spheres constantly surrounding Koichi's body. Their abilities will be explained upon activation as well.

Finally, the Devil Dogs from Koichi's reitsu will detach themselves from Koichi's body and grow in size to about ten feet tall even when on all fours. Not only that, but the Devil Dogswill also increase in numbers as well. Instead of just ten, there will be around twenty Devil Dogs on the battlefield ready to help Koichi whenever needed. They will be engulfed in a black, white and red energy that will be synced to Koichi as long as they are within a mile radius of Koichi just like before.

And at long last, to show that the transformation is complete, an enormous eye comprised of Chaos Energy will appear directly above Koichi. Upon it's release, the Vortex will then explode in a bright burst of light that will expand for five hundred meters and possibly blind opponent, destroy most of everything in it's path if Koichi wishes and the blast will then retract itself back into Koichi when it's finished.

For you see, this blast is not meant as an offensive type, but rather a means to steal more energy for Koichi's wings. When the vortex explodes, it will attempt to suck up any energy that is not currently attached to a character and feed them to all four of Koichi's wings in order to prepare Koichi for the upcoming battle he will partake in. So, once the smoke has cleared, Koichi will then be seen in one of his most powerful states.....

Hybrid Form Stage Two....

Hybrid Form Stage Two Abilities

Summoning Eye

As stated in Koichi's apperance when transforming into his Second Hybrid Stage, a massive horizontal eye will appear directly above Koichi. This light will be made out of Koichi's reitsu and Chaos Energy in order to sustain itself. It is fully capable of using the resources in the environment as well from the energy gathered by each of Koichi's wings. Therefore, this is just like fighting another person in reality. The eye is capable of doing many task's for Koichi such as summoning more demon's to the field, creating Chaos Blast, shooting beams of energy, creating Chaos moves and even consuming opponents and transporting them to different locations just like his mouth's can do.

Sphere Defense

Comprised of Chaos Energy as well, there are hundred's of miniature sphere's of light constantly around Koichi's body for about a five foot area. These can vary in color from white, to black, to red and so on and so forth. These are meant to give Koichi an extra layer of defense when in battle. These can be remade rather easily and can be used as projectiles when push comes to shove. All Koichi has to do is add another coat of Chaos Energy, and he can dozens of these things at opponents like bala's and have them explode over a large area. It's also possible for these sphere's to be used as base to summon surprise Chaos MOves. For example, it's possible to hide a burst of Chaos Control in them so that by the time it hits the opponent, time is either slowed down or accelerated.

Along with that, Koichi has full control over them and can make them ever stronger; which is useful for sneaking up on opponents. An example of this would be shrinking said sphere into a gain of rice, using Chaos Warp to have it appear behind the opponent and then have it explode from nowhere seemly to make the opponent believe Koichi can summon explosions from nowhere. Along with all that, they can also be transformed into weapons made of the same light. With just his will, Koichi can transform these sphere's of lights into powerful weapons such as guns, swords, daggers, blade's and etc.

The only drawback to them is that he must have a high enough flow of energy to sustain them, some type of energy source or he will only be able to keep a few dozen on the field. So, that's where some of his other Second Stage Abilities come in handy in order to give the fuel these sphere's need to protect Koichi. There are so many applications these sphere's can be used in, it's quite a useful resource for Koichi to have and will do what it takes to keep them on the field.

Superior Skin

Upon entering his Second Hybrid Stage, Koichi's skin becomes even more improved then it was in his first stage. As you may well know by now, even in Koichi's regular state he can withstand many climates that would leave most human's gasping for air. And, when he reached his First Stage, most elemental attack's, projectiles, swords and even some physical attack's made reduced impact upon contact with Koichi. Now, having mastered his second stage, Koichi has increased the previous effects.

As stated before, he can withstand most elemental attack's that have to do with extreme climates or temperatures such as Fire, Heat, Ice, Water, Gases and so on and so forth. Now, when most characters deal those type of attack's to Koichi, if they are below or equal to him in power, he can reduce the damage done to his body by nearly fifty percent. Not only that, but for those above him in tier, his resistance increases to thirty five percent. This makes attacking Koichi with most elemental based fighting very difficult.

Along with all that, Koichi's skin has hardened to the point where ordinary blades, swords, knives, dagger or whatever else have you simply will not do much damage to him. It may cause a cut or two on his body, but his defense increases dramatically in this form. It will take something much more to pierce through Koichi's skin in this state since he also puts layers of Chaos Energy across his body to protect himself during combat situations.

Enhanced Devil Dogs

Stated in Koichi's Appearance, when Koichi goes into his Second Hybrid Stage, the Devil Dogs that were previously attached by his reitsu are now let loose and have grown in numbers and size. Upon activation, almost twenty massive demon dogs will detach themselves from Koichi's own energy and appear on the field. Even when they are standing on all fours, these gigantic beast stand at around ten feet tall. Needless to say, they can cause alot of havoc based solely on their size. Along with that, the dogs also get a new ability that will become quite useful to Koichi when in large area's of energy.

On each side of their tails are small mouth's similar to the ones on Koichi's wings. So, as you can guess, each dog has the ability to consume energy, elements, attack's and so on and so forth until they reach a limit of how much they can consume. They also have their own network where they can even transfer an attack, like a cero, through each over and enhance it over the course of dog in order to make it stronger for each dog it has to go through. So if an opponent shot a cero at one of the dog's and it was able to consume it, through the network of these dog's, they could redirect the cero at him and make it twenty times stronger then when it first entered.

Along with all that, each bit of energy they steal, Koichi can use it as well since he is the main hub for this network. All things they consume, he controls as well. So as long as they are together within this one mile radius, they have the ability to become very strong and deadly to opponents. Also, each of these dog's can produce up to five smaller dogs that stand at around five foot tall and, although they may be weaker and smaller, their radius to where they can be away from Koichi is up to three miles.

However, like before, each of these dogs can be destroyed if they go outside the limits of Koichi. The bigger dogs can go up to a mile before they start losing their connection to Koichi, becoming weaker and eventually they will become so stable after reaching 1.6 miles that they will self destruct. The same goes for the smaller dogs, as they can reach 4.0 miles at best before the same fate happens to them. And, such as in his previous state, these dogs can be destroyed if a strong enough attack hits them. It'll take a few more stronger hits, unlike the previous version, but eventually after taking a beating they will die and it will take Koichi three post to find a replacement.

So all in all, these dog's can really turn the table in a battle if Koichi plans and moves each dog carefully.

The Empty Abyss Enhanced State

In Koichi's Second Hybrid Stage, he gains an additional four mouth's to add on to his previous ability with this technique. As you should know by now, on each pair of wings he has a mouth in the center of them with five eye's surrounding it in a circular pattern. When Koichi activates his mouth's, each of them will open and show their ghastly row of fangs and tongues that lead into a bottomless pit of nothing. Not even Koichi is quite sure what would be at the bottom of these mouth's. In any event, upon Koichi's ascension into his Second Hybrid Stage, all the previous abilities and drawbacks are increased.

For example, Koichi's wings can suck up reitsu, energy, elements and other nifty things in the environment for up to one mile radius if he is not distrubed in order to increase the energy Koichi needs in order to sustain himself. An example of what they take is reishi in the air if they are in the Soul Society, fire not made from other characters (such as wildfires), water not made by other characters (such as from Lakes and rivers), gasses, wind (not made by other characters), certain energy attack's and so on and so forth until Koichi has enough to work with in order to fight in an enhanced level.

He even has the potential to use Fire, Lightening, Wind and Water at the same time if they are within the same area as Koichi. However, this does not give him a full master of control other them. It simply means that he can apply the energy he took into his attack's. For example, if he was able to consume fire, he could enhance it with his own reitsu, attach it to a Chaos Blast and shoot a flaming Chaos Blast his opponent. Or, he could enhance the wind he stole, place it around his body and increase the speeds with the energy he collected in order to defend against other characters by blowing them back or even cutting them if they should get to close.

And after he depletes each resource, he CANNOT use it again unless he is able to consume more fire, water, wind or energy. Meaning, that after he uses up whatever element or power he sucked up, he cannot retain any of their elements or powers. Therefore, he must use what supplies he gathers with great caution and learn to have some type of control over them in order to make sure it doesn't backfire on them. So by no means is he a multi-element user, he can just manipulate whatever his wings are able to suck up.

Along with all that, Koichi can also counter or defend against much more larger and powerful attack's. If he needs to, he can even suck up eight cero's at a time and redirect them at an opponent with twice the strength. Since, in total, Koichi has about eight mouth's on his wings. There are four for each pair of wings on his back and they are already ready to consume, defend and attack for Koichi.

However, like before, there is only a limit to how much energy Koichi can consume. Sure, he can consume eight cero's and redirect them, but it's another thing storing the chaotic energy inside of his body for too long before he needs to disburse it or risk injuring his own self. If he stores too much energy with his body, he does risk the chance of damaging the flow of reitsu in his body, injuring his body by breaking blood vessel's, bones and muscles and even self destructing by all the conflicting energies stored in his body. So by no means does this technique not have any drawbacks.

Any energy Koichi consumes, he must somehow release from his body.

Death Gem

This one of the first new abilities Koichi obtains when reaching his Second Hybrid Stage. In the center of his chest, there will be a black gem that grands him access to some of Touketsu's cells flowing throughout his body thanks to his father, Ketsu Iramasha. As a kid, Koichi was trained to resit the urge this power had to drive him into madness and insanity, such as it did for his younger brother, Katashi Iramasha. So with that knowledge in mind, Koichi made a pact with himself to never use the full power of this gem unless it's a dire emergency, as there is no telling what could happen should he unleash it's true capability. So, to some degree, Koichi has even nerf'd himself.

The whole activation process of the Death Gem starts after Koichi's Second Hybrid Stage is complete. A large vertical eye made up of red energy will appear in the center of Koichi's chest as a more intense rush of reitsu will serge across his body. This energy will be red in color and very difficult for even some of the strongest Captain's to be near. Once enough power is collected, the area around Koichi within a full mile will seem to dim, blacken and fill the air with a very ominous feeling to most. From there, the eye contained with the black diamond gem will shine even brighter as Koichi will now be surrounding by white, black and red reitsu.

Now, with the Death Gem activated, Koichi will be granted more use over powers similar to that of Death. For example, he can launch the red aura around his body like projectiles at opponent's attack's. If this red aura were to hit an attack successfully, it would proceed to decay it to the point where it would barely effect Koichi for those on a lower tier then him. If it happens to hit an attack on a stronger opponent, it would weaken the attack by fifty percent. This mostly applies to most energy attack's, cero's, elemental based attack's, barriers and things Koichi can actually see.

Not only that, but Koichi can also protect himself very well against physical based attack's such as swords, bullets, punches and so on and so forth. If someone were to get too close to Koichi, he would summon a bit of Death's Energy to serge across whatever body part is being effected in order to neutralize or lower the blow down to his body. And with his already tough skin, Koichi can reduce the damage done by most attack's by up to fifty to seventy percent.

Along with that, from each of the five eyes above the Death Gem can be used to fire an array of different Death Techniques. For example, Koichi has the ability to shoot off rays of Death's Energy at an opponent that will be black and red in color. If this blast should hit the opponent, the initial hit will not cause pain, it will not make an explosion nor will it make any noise. It will simply shrink in the size and attempt to invade the person's body. If the attack should go that far, it will then attempt to decay the person from the inside. If one blast should hit, the person would begin to feel ill, shaky and queasy. This would make it somewhat difficult to fight, but still manageable.

If two of these blast were to hit an opponent, they would have the same problems as being hit by one blast, but on more intense level. They would start to tremble on most of their limbs, feel ill to the point where they would begin vomiting extreme amounts of bodily fluids until the point where they could possibly begin throwing up their own blood and the nauseous would reach peak level's. And along with all that, their skin would also begin to darken somewhat to signal that Death is slowly starting to grip their body. Eventually, the stream of Koichi's Death Energy would begin to invade the flow of reitsu throughout a person's body and weaken some of their attack's by twenty percent and make attacking/defending more difficult then before.

Should the opponent get hit by three of these blast, all of the previous effects will begin to accelerate even more. Eventually, they would be vomiting very violently to the point where it would be almost nothing but blood, their entire body would begin shaking violently to the point where they could possibly not control it and a sense of intense dizziness would consume their entire body and make it very difficult to even walk. Along with all that, their skin would begin to blacken even further as even bits of their skin could possibly start falling apart and blood beginning to spew to the ground. To add even more additional effects, the stream of their reitsu would begin very polluted to the point where making any type of attack that relies on their inner energy or reitsu very painful; it would also be a blinding pain to even make the effort of attacking. Most of the opponents attack's would also be consumed in a black aura that would represent the effects of Death's Energy taking hold of their body; thus making their attack's weaker by thirty five percent.

Finally, after the 4th time being hit by this attack, the the effects will worsen to their near peak. By the 4th wave, the opponent should be nearly weakened by losing so much blood from the vomiting effects. Together with that, just breathing would be very difficult and painful for an opponent and could possibly force them to slow down in the fight. Coupled alongside some audio and visual hallucinations from their brain (NOT ONES MADE BY KOICHI), near total vision lost, the deafening of their ears, the blackening of their skin to the point where large clumps of it are damn near falling off like pieces in the wind, this would give the opponent almost no choice back to back out from the fight or risk the end of their existence. The strain on the flow of reitsu would be so great that making any type of attack at this point would almost mean suicide due to the damage they could possibly do to themselves.

And, as you can near guess, by the time they are hit by the 5th wave of this attack, a severely altered conscious tate or a coma begins to settle into the opponent. At this point, only a rescue from another character, some type of intense healing or another miracle would save an opponent. Most of their organs would shut down or whatever else is keeping them alive if they do not relay on such a thing, breathing would come to a close, brain activity would begin to sit down and the final stages of death would be upon the character if they are not saved by the end of the thread. So within two of this final attack, they should seek IMMEDIATE medical attention by someone with Spiritual Powers. Thus, that ends the first technique of this Death Gem.

Along with that, Koichi can also use his ability over Death in order to drain large area's of energy via Death Decaying them. It starts by Koichi slamming his plam into the ground and then spreading a vast amount of red smoke throughout a mile wide area. This smoke will then ignite into fire and attempt to steal any energy in the area that is not attached to a character. Then, it will turn into a white light and go directly into Koichi's body. The energy will be used to strengthen his attacks, defense and the overall feel of Death's Energy for the duration of the thread and will NOT be retained after going back into his First Hybrid Stage. So be very careful if you should be touched by Koichi's red aura.

If Koichi were to also put this red aura on his hands, he would be able to weaken an opponents over the course of fifty hits due to the effects of Death's Energy. For each ten hits Koichi is able to make, he would be able to weaken a character. For example, during the first ten punches or kicks , the characters would feel a slight sense of weakness, somewhat off balance and could feel their energy weakening slightly. This would give them the cue they need to avoid Koichi's direct punches and to dodge more. If they were able to get hit by another twenty, eventually their skin would begin to turn black and become more sensitive to attack's, their sense of balance would feel extremely off due to Koichi's Death Energy gradually cutting off their nervous system and their supply of reitsu would begin to diminish if they do not stay away from Koichi for two post.

If he is able to get in the thirties, eventually the character would begin to feel numb across their entire body, their skin would weaken to the point where blood would begin spewing out of them, their overall reitsu would turn gray and their sense of balance would totally be destroyed; with possible paralysis. Should he get into the forties without them not getting hit for three post, the effects will turn more violent. They will begin leaking blood from every inch of their body, beginning to go into shock, pieces of their body falling apart like they weren't even attached at all (Such as skin, fingers, toenails, teeth and etc and they would eventually lose their vision.

If they have not healed themselves, sought medical help or stayed away from Koichi's direct hits for four post, full blown coma will sit in and eventually their organs would shut down, their energy will dip to extreme lows and death will set in within two or three post.

So, as you can tell by now, there are many ways for Koichi to harness this power in order to aid him in power. But this does not come without any side effects, of course. A technique this great has to come with drawbacks. For the first three post the Death Gem is activated, Koichi will begin to feel somewhat sick, but it would be enough to ignore. Increased sweating, more of his own energy being used to sustain the power and a slight headache. Should he keep it up for another three post, his body will begin to radiate with more pain, more of his energy would be depleted, he would begin to vomit blood and the sweating would increase to the point where he would feel dizzy and lightheaded. If he should keep it up for another three post, the effects will worsen to the point where Koichi will be forced to deactivate the gem or risk putting himself in harm's way.

Thus, with this information, Koichi will only typically keep up attack's with this technique for a maximum of three post. It takes two post for each cool down period so he does not advance in the sickness and sicken himself. Another drawback this move has is that if the diamond on his chest is somehow destroyed, he will instantly lose all his death abilities for the duration of the thread and will take the course of one thread for it to be reformed on his inside. Therefore, Koichi has made sure to give this Death Gem one of his most thickest layers of Chaos Energy on his body.

It's also possible to counter his Death Energy by having high class healing spells or charms, a very strong healer on your team, trying to avoid most of his attack's, staying alert in battle and actually putting your best foot forward into fighting Koichi as it will not be a walk in the park when he begins using this technique. Keep your head in the game when fighting Koichi with his Death Gem, or you'll lose it right off those pretty little shoulders of yours.

Full Beast Mode (Custom Hybrid Form)

[Click The Spoiler to see apperance]


Full Beast Mode Apperance

Full Beast Mode is the form Koichi inherited from his mothers side of the family. You see, in most of Inuyami's family they are able to transform into some tpye of dog. So, it's only natural Koichi would gain one as well. When he transforms into his dog form he has black fur on top, white on buttom, red eyes with very long ears. He can either turn into the size of a small car or a large building. Depending on what environment he is in and what type of situation.

Full Beast Mode Abilities

Self Split

The first ability he gains from transforming into this state is that he can easily split himself into two separate bodies. What this means is that through his will, Koichi can detach his humanoid half away from his inner beast. It starts by a bright glow of white light engulfing Koichi's body either before transforming or in his Beast state, from there, either a humanoid Koichi will emerge from the back of the Beast, or the Beast will emerge from Koichi's chest on to the field. In any case, upon activation, they each will be able to use each others powers if they stay within a five mile radius of each other. If they should happen to go further then that, the Beast will grow weaker and it'll be up to Koichi to consume him again.

Should Koichi fail to save either his human half or dog half, it would mean the Death of either body. This means that if Koichi's Beast self should die in combat, Koichi would not be able to transform into that state again. However, if his humanoid half should be killed, Koichi would never be able to transform into his humanoid form without some type of help. So it's a very dicey move at times, while being a life saver in others.


Like most mammals, Koichi's Dog form are dichromats and have color vision equivalent to red-green color blindness in humans. Koichi's visual system has evolved to aid proficient hunting like most dogs. While a dog's visual acuity is poor, their visual discrimination for moving objects is very high; Koichi has been shown to be able to discriminate between humans (e.g. identifying their owner) from distances up to a five miles. As crepuscular hunters, dogs often rely on their vision in low light situations. However, with a bit of help from Chaos Energy, Koichi has created a way for him to see just like a human being.

You see, simply by applying the energy into his eyeballs, he can begin to transform them into a more altered state. He'll be able to see just like a human, with a few perks as well. With his enhanced eyes, he'll be able to see for miles down the road, detect many threats for up to five miles away, scan the area for any possible threats and even have the ability to zoom in on certain objects.

Increased Speed

Upon transforming into his Full Beast Mode OR whenever this form is summoned on the field, Koichi gains an intense amount of speed from being in his more native state of being. In fact, Koichi can easily reach speeds of nearly two hundred fifty miles per hour without much effort, with his peak speed being around four hundred fifty miles per hour. This does not mean he'll maintain these speeds in combat, but it can be there if he is given enough room and opportunity. The main why this speed is attained is due to his muscles being much more geared towards running and the fact he can coat his body in Chaos Energy in order to propel himself at faster speeds.

This speed always translates into his attack as he can attach small bits of Chaos Energy to them in order to increase the rate of speed. This is where the Full Beast Mode becomes much faster then Koichi. It can fire multiple Chaos Blast from it's mouth at nearly five hundred miles per hour while reaching speeds of two hundred miles per hour in combat. It'll take a fast pair of eyes to keep a lookout for this beast during battle.

Strengthened Claws and Fangs

He can use his claws to dig through even the roughest steel. If you ever get slashed by these, watch out! One false move and he can split you in two. Not to mention that he can also engulf his claws in pure energy or flames in order to make it even stronger then before.

Bellowing Howl

Bellowing Howl is a sound/wind based technique that he uses by letting out a loud burst of sound, energy and wind directly towards his opponents that can send them flying backwards, cut up their skin badly and even cause deep scaring, break their bones and muscles by the sound. He can also use Bellowing Howl in his Humanoid forms, but it's not as effective.

Chow Time

By releasing a burst of seemly harmless white and black energy at his opponent, he can implant some of his energy into their bodies and begin to eat away at their reitsu. At most, however, it can only cut off 50% of their energy for three post until it comes back at 10% each for the next 5 post.

Chaotic Beast Apperance



Chaotic Beast is Koichi's true beast form that is activated once he goes through serious emotional stress such as the sudden death of someone he loves or if he is near Death. However, if he activates it when he is Near Death he will regain his energy back, but after he turns back to normal he will be in a coma for 1 or 2 days. (Which means I won't be able to RP as him in real life for 1 or 2 days)

Not many of it's techniques are known since he hasn't been in it long enough to create any, but it has a massive reserve of reitsu inside of it's power and is extremely dangerious.

(So that means I will work on his powers later and hopefully it will be approved. For now, though, don't worry about this form.)


[Koichi Iramasha] [1-2++/ 0-2+ in release; HYBRID;  IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING] [NPC] Image4428-1


[Koichi Iramasha] [1-2++/ 0-2+ in release; HYBRID;  IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING] [NPC] Image4111-1

General Skills

  • Durability: Advanced
  • General Speed: Advanced
  • Strength: Master
  • Weapon Skill: Advanced

Racial Skills

  • Chaos Energy: Master
  • Chaos Control/Warp: Advanced
  • Chaos Blast: Advanced
  • Chaos Sync: Advanced

Last edited by [THEFROST] on Sat Nov 30, 2013 8:41 pm; edited 19 times in total

[Koichi Iramasha] [1-2++/ 0-2+ in release; HYBRID;  IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING] [NPC] WVMWLOu
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[Koichi Iramasha] [1-2++/ 0-2+ in release; HYBRID;  IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING] [NPC] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999[Koichi Iramasha] [1-2++/ 0-2+ in release; HYBRID;  IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING] [NPC] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

[Koichi Iramasha] [1-2++/ 0-2+ in release; HYBRID;  IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING] [NPC] Empty Re: [Koichi Iramasha] [1-2++/ 0-2+ in release; HYBRID; IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING] [NPC]

Sat Jul 21, 2012 2:39 am
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[Koichi Iramasha] [1-2++/ 0-2+ in release; HYBRID;  IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING] [NPC] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999[Koichi Iramasha] [1-2++/ 0-2+ in release; HYBRID;  IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING] [NPC] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

[Koichi Iramasha] [1-2++/ 0-2+ in release; HYBRID;  IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING] [NPC] Empty Re: [Koichi Iramasha] [1-2++/ 0-2+ in release; HYBRID; IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING] [NPC]

Wed Oct 01, 2014 12:28 pm

Due to an update on the board, I am going to go ahead and move this character into the Approved Hybrid Iramashsa section to better classify other sub-races of Iramasha.

[Koichi Iramasha] [1-2++/ 0-2+ in release; HYBRID;  IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING] [NPC] WVMWLOu
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[Koichi Iramasha] [1-2++/ 0-2+ in release; HYBRID;  IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING] [NPC] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999[Koichi Iramasha] [1-2++/ 0-2+ in release; HYBRID;  IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING] [NPC] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

[Koichi Iramasha] [1-2++/ 0-2+ in release; HYBRID;  IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING] [NPC] Empty Re: [Koichi Iramasha] [1-2++/ 0-2+ in release; HYBRID; IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING] [NPC]

Fri Mar 11, 2016 6:12 pm
[Koichi Iramasha] [1-2++/ 0-2+ in release; HYBRID;  IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING] [NPC] Image8717_zpsrh1btrb8


I'm doing some rearrangements with my characters and I'm planning to move this profile into the NPC barrel for now.

[Koichi Iramasha] [1-2++/ 0-2+ in release; HYBRID;  IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING] [NPC] WVMWLOu
Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 4467
Age : 23

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[Koichi Iramasha] [1-2++/ 0-2+ in release; HYBRID;  IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING] [NPC] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999[Koichi Iramasha] [1-2++/ 0-2+ in release; HYBRID;  IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING] [NPC] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

[Koichi Iramasha] [1-2++/ 0-2+ in release; HYBRID;  IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING] [NPC] Empty Re: [Koichi Iramasha] [1-2++/ 0-2+ in release; HYBRID; IN THE PROCESS OF UPDATING] [NPC]

Thu Jan 04, 2018 6:06 pm
[adm]Moving to adoption on request. However, Koichi's tier will be lowered to a 1-2++ as a base, with 0-2+ being release state only.[/adm]
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