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Maretaru 'Sin' Iramasha (DONE) Empty Maretaru 'Sin' Iramasha (DONE)

Tue Jul 13, 2010 3:11 pm

Character Theme:

Name: Maretaru 'Sin' Iramasha

Age: exact age is unknown, but is clearly not one of the younger members of the clan. His looks are equal to a human in the beginning of his 20's.

Appearance: Maretaru 'Sin' Iramasha (DONE) 4568129d848ddc253f79688541e6d9cc

Background: It is not exactly known when Maretaru was born - he himself refuses to talk about his childhood or parents in general. In fact, he doesn't know that much from that time anyways - it was quite some centuries ago. However, both of his parents where Hybrid Iramasha, like he himself.
Soon after reaching some age, both of his parents disappeared, though. This is a part he remembers, and hates. Till today, no explanaiton could be found in any world on what happened to those two Hybrid Iramasha... but it left the boy without relatives. He was lucky, though, and taken in by another Hybrid - a wise and strong woman, who would later become the mentor of Maretaru. This is the story of an Iramasha on the search for his own justice and power...

Last Feather
Another normal seeming day on Iramasha Island. The sky was peaceful, apart from a few training Iramasha. Though, some of them where also training on the ground, mainly those who couldn't enter an angel or demon form yet. And even rarer, those that could not enter Hybrid Forms, of course. Hybrids where the rarest of all Iramasha, that was common knowledge. And one of them was busy training on this morning, looking like only a 15 year old boy. That he was actually past 100, one could not see from his appearance alone.
This 'boy' was breathing rather heavily. Only slightly above the ground infront of him, his mentor stood in the air, the Hybrid Wings unfolded. A beautiful woman, and the person he had to thank for even being alive up until now. Sadly, she wasn't all that gentle during training.
"Come now, Mare! One more shot." The female Hybrid teased with a smirk. She didn't even have one scratch from the training, very unlike her student. He grabbed the green, small stone lying on the ground and took a last, deep breath.
"Chaos Control!" With a flash of light, Maretaru disappeared from sight, reappearing behind and slightly above his mentor, trying to finally get a hit in with a kick. Sadly, that kick did go into thin air, as she herself also used Chaos Control, teleported herself behind him and smacked the boy down on the ground. With a sigh, she deactivated her Hybrid Form.
"That is enough for today." She simply said, helping the 'boy' to stand up. "Your Reiatsu is growing. Give it some decades more of training, and you should be able to use your wings."
"Somehow, some more days would sound better." Maretaru sighed disappointed with himself. Being a Hybrid was hard enough. Being an utter failure, however, was just hurting. The Reiatsu of the Iramasha was extremely low for his race - he would most likely never reach any kind of Hybrid form, no matter the training his mentor gave him every day, having the most patience one could imagine.
No wonder his mentor wanted to stop training, though. It was slowly getting darker, and by the time they reached the small house where both Mare and his mentor lived in. Since they where both training most of the day, the small room didn't bother the duo much. The female Iramasha opened the door, as suddenly, both where like frozen in place. A murderous, cold and dark Reiatsu was sweeping over them, like a heavy, black curtain falling, extingushing all light and life. Before even realizing what happened, Maretaru passed out - the gigantic pressure of this being knocked the weak Iramasha out cold. This was convenient for his mentor, however - now she didn't have to lock him up first. Entering the second Hybrid Stage, the fame flapped her wings and disappeared - whatever emitted this force had to be stopped, or it would destroy the whole island.

It was nearly one hour later that the Iramasha who would later be known as 'Sin' would awaken again. The pressure did not lighten up one bit, and standing up took quite some time - but now, his body slowly adjusted to the pressure. In fact, it accelerated his own Reiatsu-growth, which should later be crucial for the 'young' Iramasha. He knew one thing for sure - if such a treat was here on the island, his mentor would go there without a second thought. Running as fast as he could under the pressure, getting nearer to the point where it came from, should soon turn out to be the worst idea Maretaru ever had as a sane person...
What Mare walked into was a hell on earth. The ground was carved open, bodies where lying around. The source of the gigantic Reiatsu was near, but not visible. Trying to ignore the desire to throw up after seeing some Iramasha badly torn up, he circled around a large boulder in his way... and nearly fell over the body of an Iramasha he knew for longer than his parents.
Before him in the dirt, the body of his mentor was lying - torn in two, severed from the waist downward. Breaking down on his knees, Maretaru felt tears running down his cheeks - his mentor was as dead as she could be. The beautiful face of the Hybrid was frozen in a mask of fear, the dead eyes wide open, staring into something long gone. The slowly drying blood on the ground and the heavy smell of iron in the air from it came from everywhere and made Maretarus head spin.
"Why..." he whispered with a low voice. "Why... Why... WHY! WHY!" Punching the ground, something happened suddenly. Something that should be impossible. The dead eyes of his mentor flickered, becoming clear once more... with a dark taint behind them. Fixating Maretaru, her lips formed some last words.
"Run... Maretaru... run... don't let HIM catch you... his darkness... is..." Slowly, the eyes flickered again. The boy-looking Iramasha grabbed the right hand of his mentor, screaming her name, but no reaction this time. Instead, the four bloody wings on her back started to glow, and disappeared in a flash of light - together with what remained of the mentors body. Out of the light, something crystalized... a feather, looking like pure crystal, with a dark, creeping shadow inside of it. Without even thinking, Mare grabbed it, and pressed it against his chest, tears running over his face. The feather fused with his body, and he passed out cold. From afar, he could hear laughter, and feel to cold eyes on him. Dark Ketsu spotted the young Iramasha... but also what he had taken into himself. The only reason why he is still alive till this day.

Some weeks had passed since Ketsus berserking attack on the clan, and disappearance shortly after his spirit was sealed away again. On one of the outskirts of the Iramasha Island, a lone figure was sitting on a large boulder, the knees drawn towards his body, the head resting on them. Dried tears on his face, a large regret to being weak burned in Maretaru now, together with an undying hate of the man who took everything Mare had - namely, his mentor. One day, he would be... strong. And defeat Ketsu. He would see his blood running down the stones of an empty battlefield, and Ketsu would die... all alone, without anyone to help him... this was Maretarus desire.
But also, knowledge was now in him. This crystal feather... it wasn't a dream. It existed, and was now fused together with him, releasing more and more Reiatsu into his body each day... the Reiatsu of his mentor. But more than just Reiatsu was flooding into him slowly... also something different. Another... power, another source of might. The feeling of it was dark and heavy, but also known and wonderful... Maretaru raised his right hand infront of his face. Small, black shades circled around it, and a wicked grin could be seen on his face for a short moment. Little did he know that, during the short time when she darkness was still flooding, his body would start aging once more - to the equalivent of a 19 year old. But not right away, it would only work slowly... but still fast, compared to his usual aging.
However, the peace and quiet should not last long...
"Look who it is! Good-for-nothing-Taru!" A very annoying, loud voice was heard. Sighing, Maretaru slided down the boulder he was sitting on, attempting to slip away from the Iramasha nearing from behind. However, some of them had actually already circled around the boulder and where now standing infront of him, one of them pushing him back against the cold stone. Each and every of these Iramasha were at least a century younger than Sin himself, but respect? These kids only knew how to make fun of someone powerless. But not this time. Maretaru wouldn't simply take what they said anymore. This... darkness inside of him was not strong enough yet to talk, but it still told him what to do. Summon it. FEED it. With what? Well, with the most wicket and evil thing... sins.
"Still haven't gotten any form yet? The Elders are surprised you even survived on that battlefield... Where's your Sensei today? Oh, dead? Well, how sad is tha-" The mocking Iramasha who was getting ready to beat Mare up with his friends stopped talking. Why? Well, a huge burst of blood from his mouth prevented him from further talking. With a quick, swift motion, Maretaru drew his hand back, and splattered away the blood from it onto the ground. Only a few drops remained, even though he just pierced that boys heart with his bare hand.
"M...Monster!" As the shock of the moment faded, the other youngesters took on forms and attacked... with Sin simply smiling at them. In the flash of a second, two wings sprouted from the Hybrids back. One black, one white. After some dust settled, Maretarus feet touched ground once more. Behind him, the slaughtered bodies of a whole group of Iramasha. But no! He couldn't just go and do that every day from now on. He would be found out, and that would be bad. If he wanted to get revenge, he had to stay here... why? The darkness told him to. Nobody had been near this site, and till the first investigators where here, there would be no trace left of Maretaru. Nobody knew this dark Reiatsu of his custom form yet...
"One day, he will be here again... And I will be waiting... Sensei, watch me. With HIS power on my side... I will surely... take my revenge..."

After this incident, a huge-scale investigation was launched. Even though Maretaru was a suspect at first, he was quickly dropped, since he didn't seem powerful enough to overwhelm so many Iramasha and leave no trace behind. This suited his interests quite well, slowly growing in influence over the years. After Ketsu returned, he, and his now clear voice of his master, Touketsu, had only one goal: Break the seal on Ketsu Iramasha, and set free the ultimate demon, the god of his world - Touketsu.

Personality: On first glance, Maretaru looks like a very calm, somehow timid and polite person. His speech is never agressive or rude, and seeing him cursing or using an insult is a once in ten lifetimes event. The face of the Hybrid almost always stays friendly.
Strangely enough, though, nobody in the whole clan can say they really 'know' Maretaru, or are friends with him. It seems as if he is a ghost, floating around the floating island, doing his work, but politely decline all tries of people to talk to him on a personal level. Seeing as he is the assisstant to the Hybrid Iramasha leader, many people think he is too weak for that position, since he only has access to one form - or at least that is what people think. He still always defends his position against any challengers, though, without problems.
However, this is mostly a mask made up to be able to stay within the Clan. In Maretaru, a strong, hot thirst for revenge and deep black hate burn - hate directed at Ketsu Iramasha, the current leader of the Demon Branch. At the same time, ironically enough, Maretaru serves Touketsu without question, no matter what the command is, and sees himself as Touketsus most loyal servant and harbinger of his eternal reign. He believes it was Ketsus fault for failing to seize Touketsus power, and thus, he is unworthy to hold the demon god in his body, or even, unworthy to live at all. Also, the Hybrid is obsessed with power, dreaming of becoming the strongest Hybrid to ever exist, and to proove his existance by carving it deep into history.
Maretaru doesn't fight often, but when he does, he is always known for his quote 'Please repent for your sins.' before the start of the fighting. However, when he uses 'Sinner Wings' and is known as 'Sin', this quote changes into 'Give me all your sins!'

Branch: Main Family of Hybrid Iramasha

Likes: Touketsu, Power, decieving people, killing without leaving a trace, darkness, the Demon Gems, nighttime, moonlight, silence, purity

Dislikes: Sins, sinners, Ketsu Iramasha, everyone related to Ketsu Iramasha, the Iramasha Clan, strong sunlight, humind weather, loud and noisy people, people that can see through his nearly perfect acting

Fear: Blowing his cover, not being able to kill Ketsu Iramasha before his own death

Class: Hybrid

Powers: Immense Reiatsu
Maretaru carries an unusually strong Reiatsu in his body, even for the Iramasha. However, he was not born with this Reiatsu, in fact, it was way lower than any regular Iramasha - on a human-like level. It got raised to his level when he inherted his mentors Reiatsu and a part of Touketsus Darkness.

Hand-to-Hand Expert
Maretaru is known to be able to hold his own in a hand-to-hand fight, but is no grandmaster in it.

Chaos Control
Chaos Control is a technique created by the first founders of the Iramasha Clan. When this technique is activated it allows the user to teleport from short range distances at first, then when they become more master this move more they able to use to technique to teleport from long range distances along with being able to warp anywhere as long they can sense someones spiritual pressure or reitsu. When they become more powerful they sometimes able to slow down within a limited range and gain the upper hand on their opponents.
Maretaru is quite good in the use of Chaos Control, but not a master.

Chaos Soul
Only Iramasha's who have obtained at least their Angel Form or Demon form can use this. Once they activate this technique a red barrier develops all around their body, a mysterious sybmol appears behind them, and two clones of the user appear outside of the shield made of light or darkness. When using this move they are able to look inside the soul of any person they wish. After entering the soul of the person they choose, the user will often go after their source of power and seal it away for a short amount of time. When fully mastered they are able to seal away powerful Ziamichi's.
Maretarus skill in Chaos Soul is quite high, and is increased further in his custom form.

Chaos Hell
Mostly used by the demon half of the Iramasha Clan or Fallen Angels, Chaos Hell is an illusion type of technique. To activate this technique the user usually (You don't have it, but it helps with concentration) puts their hands together as if their praying, closes their eyes and they have a glowing red circle with many symbols appear below them while saying "Chaos Hell".

When Chaos Hell is triggered the user often goes deep into his or hers opponents brain to disturb all of their senses in hopes of causing false images or cause agonizing pain from trauma.

To combat the effects of Chaos Hell, there are two options. The first option is for the opponent to stop the flow of users reitsu in their body, and then apply an even stronger power to disrupt the flow of the caster's reitsu. This can also be done by an unaffected person. The second option is through intense pain not caused by Chaos Hell and utilizing the resulting pain to bring their senses back in order.

Custom Chaos Blast
  • Name: Feather Blast
  • Type: Non-elemental/energy
  • User Type: Hybrid Second Form or Custom Hybrid Form
  • Effects: Unlike a normal Chaos Blast which releases a pure energy wave or beam, Feather Blast fires forward highly charged feathers from the wings of the Iramasha using it. The white feathers cause blinding white explosions once they hit something, the black feathers release blood red explosions.
  • Notes: This technique was developed by Maretaru, you need to be trained by him to use it.

Custom Chaos Blast
  • Name: Tri Star
  • Type: Electric/Energy
  • User Type: Sinner Wings
  • Effects: In both hands and on the forehead, energy is collected and shot out in a triangle-shape. The hands are stretched away from the body when using. Should the attack hit the target, he will be paralyzed by strong electrical currents, which also cause burning. If the opponent can't escape before the three impact points connect with thin lines of light, he will be bursted by a huge blast of energy Reiatsu without any elemental property. This technique takes quite some time to charge and uses a huge amount of Reiatsu.
  • Notes: Is completely exclusive to Maretaru, nobody has even seen him use it yet... and lived to tell the tale.

Forms: Regular Forms: First Hybrid Stage, Second Hybrid Stage (secret)

1st Custom Form: Innocence Wings (UNUSEABLE) (secret)
This was the first and 'true' Form of Sinner Wings. It's true power was never released, and it is unknown what it could do. Seeing as Sinner Wings takes power from Sins, this form would've most likely be powered by innocences. This form is forever locked away and not accessable by any means, not even with the Angel Emeralds.

Custom Form: Sinner Wings (secret)
In Sinner Wings, a white and black wing spawn on his back, as usual. However, his hair doesn't grow or change, while the eyeballs of his turn black, with the iris turning red on both sides. The wings are surrounded by a light red glow, the white one glowing light red, the other one deep red. Together, the lights are bloody red. The light gets disrupted by bursts of darkness once Maretaru takes in sins and uses their energy to boost his darkness.
Touketsus Fangs: This is the name of the weapon Maretaru can now summon. Manifesting the elemental darkness of Touketsu into reality, they form two hand-sickles, connected by a black chain, while only the cutting edhe is white. A red ruby sits in the head of both sickles. Maretaru can change the length of the chain by sheer will, and is VERY proficent with it, using them at both close and mid range with deadly accuracy. If they are summoned right away, they are only as hard as steel, but the more sins Maretaru has stored, the stronger they get.
Sin Collector: This is what gives Sinner Wings it's name. Focusing his power on one individual, he extracts the sins from him/her. This is visibible by red light streams shooting out of the Sinner Wings. Those are homing in on the target and fast, so it takes quite some skill to dodge. Reiatsu-barriers can block off the light, but only for as long as the target can uphold them - blocking them off for a long time is very hard.
Once the light makes contact, it starts copying all information of the sin - how long ago it happened, memory images (even those forgotten), feelings during comitting the sins. This connection has to be stable for quite some time to copy all sins of a strong sinner, however. Once the sins reach Maretaru, they get absorbed by his wings, and transmitted into Sin Energy, his own power source that converts itself into Reiatsu when needed.
This has several drawbacks, however. If the victim has done many 'great deeds' and 'good deeds', absorbing their sins takes longer, and can hurt his wings when used too long on them. Also, if the enemy has too strong sins, Maretaru can be overpowered by them, damaging his body and soul constantly till he can get rid of the extra energy breaking him down.
Sin Blast: Maretaru can channel sin energy instead of Reiatsu into his normal Chaos Blast, which reduces the cost and strain on his body, since sin energy is more raw and better suited for instant release like Chaos Blast. This also works with Feather Blast and Tri Star. They all get 'sin' into their name when used that way.
Sin Eye: This technique makes the target live through his worst sin again by looking into their eyes for more than 5 seconds. This takes only a very small fraction of time in the reality, not enough to really abuse the timeframe, but it disrupts concentration and can lead to sudden shock in the target. This only works once on a person in 72 hours. This technique can be used without transforming into Sinner Wings completely, by only transforming the eyes.
Sin Wings: Especially when Sin Eye didn't work on the target, or it resisted the effects of the short-term illusion, this technique comes in. Both wings get charged with the sins of the person, and Maretaru attempts to hit them with both wings. If it hits, the targets soul gets an electrical shock and sees visions of all different sins Maretaru has ever absorbed, together with horrid pictures of a bloody future. This technique takes a big toll on Maretarus body, and can injure his wings easily. For maximum effect, the target needs at least one big sin. Once it hit, however, one cannot escape or close off to the visions. The only option is to dodge.
Sin Eater: With this move, Maretaru can ingest sins into himself in order to strengthen Touketsus darkness in his soul for a short time. This increaes his weapon power and power with Chaos Blast, but damages his body over time, since it can't handle big amounts of darkness very well.
Chaos Break: The most dangerous, most feared and at the same time, most harmless skill of Sinner Wings for most. This technique works only on Ziamichi, and needs a huge amount of Sin Energy to work. Shooting out black lights instead of the red lights of Sin Collect, once they connect, the lights find the seal on the Ziamichi-Spirit inside. After detecting it, the Sin Energy is used to do a reversed effect of Chaos Soul - instead of sealing the Spirit further, the seal on it becomes damaged, or even breaks. Good-spirited Ziamichi can ignore the broken seal and stay in their host, but evil Ziamichi and demons can damage the damaged seal further, finally breaking it, and escape from their host. After one usage, Maretaru has to power down into the normal Hybrid Form, and cannot reenter Sinner Wings for at least 12 hours.

Skill Level: Chaos Control: Beginner/Adept/Advanced/Master
Skill Level: Emerald Control: Beginner/Adept/Advanced/Master
Skill Level: Hand-to-Hand: Beginner/Adept/Advanced/Master

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