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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Tsuna Iramasha [APPROVED; 0-2+] Left_bar_bleue0/0Tsuna Iramasha [APPROVED; 0-2+] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Tsuna Iramasha [APPROVED; 0-2+] Empty Tsuna Iramasha [APPROVED; 0-2+]

Sat Jul 10, 2010 3:59 pm
[color=#990505]Tsuna Iramasha [APPROVED; 0-2+] Image4487

Tsuna Iramasha [APPROVED; 0-2+] Image4486-1

Tsuna Iramasha [APPROVED; 0-2+] Image4488-1

• Name: Tsunayoshi “Tsuna” Iramasha
• Age: 589 years old, appears 19
• Gender: Male
• Appearance:
Tsuna Iramasha [APPROVED; 0-2+] Ih5oau
• Branch/Position: Main Branch/ Protector

• Race: Angel

Tsuna Iramasha [APPROVED; 0-2+] Image4489-1

• Personality:
Kind: Tsuna is the kind of individual that tends to be generally kind to most people. Unless extremely agitated he usually won’t take a stance where he is completely antagonistic towards others. Despite his rather demonic appearance he has a kind smile and takes many things with a grain of salt. Hurtful comments directed towards him are usually met with apathy. However if someone were to make comments about his family of friends they had best be ready to deal with a type of rage that will put many full-fledged demons to shame.
Free Spirit: Tsuna is pretty laid back when it comes to things that he is able to deal with. He has a hard time taking many things seriously and can be seen as an idiot is many cases. He doesn’t like being serious and tends to act more like a hyper active monkey. Despite his position in the Iramasha clan many people would readily assume him to be a bumbling idiot rather than intelligent and dangerous individual. This underestimation of his abilities many times causes people to almost lose before they actually fight him. If anything you could say that this particular iramasha has been a kid for centuries.
Intelligence: Despite being perceived as an idiot Tsuna sports a high level of intelligence. Being a member of the Iramasha main family meant that tsuna received an education of the highest level. Despite seeming like an idiot he sports a degree of intellect that allows him to read people. Generally speaking he has a knack understanding people’s motivations provided enough information to knowing when people are either lying or holding back information. He was trained to look for discrepancies in what people say and very few people have the ability to get away without it without Tsuna atleast feeling something was off.
Charismatic Tsuna is the kind of individual that has an air about him that draws people in. Because of his general laid back demeanor it is easy to understand that he might be the kind of person that people are able to get along with. He doesn’t worry about many things. He is very approachable and has an air about him that makes people want to trust him. Being such a kind individual it is only inevitable that people see him as someone to be trusted.
Trustworthy For those who have made this person their friend and his family Tsuna is probably has been shown to be the most trustworthy person you could know. Although he does have his fault he is general a good person and tries to keep his promises to the end. He will never go back on his word unless it has been proven impossible to keep it. He does not like it when someone takes advantage of a deal or tries to cheat him and will do everything in his power to make that person suffer a humiliating end.
Pervert Yes it is sad but true. Tsuna tend to get distracted by the opposite sex. If they have nicely proportioned lady bits he can help but to go a little nuts when he sees them. Often times he can be seen hitting on any cute girls even if they don’t reciprocate his feelings. While in a relationship he would never cheat the side of him that wants all the pretty girls to himself will never fade and he often gets in trouble with the fairer sex because of this little default in his personality. His lust knows no bounds as hetends to hit on his female advisories as well causing people to sometimes think he takes it easy on females, he doesn’t of course, the whole equal rights thing.
Battle crazy: Tsuna has been called many things including idiot, pervert, insane, but one of his favorites is berserker. He loves fighting and tends to loose himself in the moment. Although he is still calm in mind to a certain extent, making calculated moves during a fight, he still has the battle lust that takes over. He loves a good fight and even when he loses he does so with a smile on his face. He has a good sense of a fight and he knows when to take it easier on an opponent and when to go all out and when he does people should evacuate the air because he will destroy anything in his wake to finish the fight in a way he feels satisfied.
Rage; Despite being a pretty easy going person you don’t want to infuriate this guy. His anger has been associated with that of a dragon. Hurting anyone in his family or those that he cares about will bring about a pure rage that from tsuna that will set his sights only on you. It is one of his weak points because when he is in this state he tends to be blind to everything else. Although he tends to get a boost in destructive power he stops worrying about the damage being done to his own body in the process which leads him to over extending himself until he can no longer fight. However, pushing him to this point before you are dead tends to be hard for anyone weaker than him and proves to be an annoying task for those at his level. In this blind rage state Tsuna is able to deal out serious damage.

Tsuna Iramasha [APPROVED; 0-2+] Image4491-1

• Background:
Tsuna was born in the main house of the Iramasha clan 589 years ago. He was born on the floating island above the Soul Society. This was the Iramasha Clan’s home. From the moment he was born people could tell that he had the eyes of a warrior. They had already decided that Halo would be the next Leader of the Clan however he was still trained to be a powerful warrior. Halo was someone that Tsuna had always looked up too but also someone he wanted to exceed in any way possible. He decided to train his body and his mind to the utmost extents. He was a very powerful kid and sometimes he would let it get to his head. Every now and then he would be shown his place by other iramasha who were in fact leagues stronger than him. He didn’t like losing but he understood it’s meaning, it taught him the lesson that he need to learn, that despite his talent for battle he was not all powerful and that there will always be someone stronger.
Being taugh by the next leader of the Iramasha clan made Tsuna feel both superior to others yet still inferior. He could never match the skills of his master and that bothered him more than he would allow others to know. Despite knowing that he was younger and more inexperienced than Halo he felt jealous and that jealousy fueled his ambition to gain strength. It wasn’t the best of reasons to get stronger but it was a reason all in it’s own and he can’t deny the results. He learned that his best aspect was his speed, which was something he was both estatic about and dreaded but there was another person in the clan that was praised for his speed. Ryou was several centuries his senior and not only did he have the commonality of being a speed type like Tsuna he was also a lightning elementalist. He guessed that there would eventually be two individuals that had similarities born to the same family within the Iramasha but it still bothered him that he was one of them.

If there were few things that Tsuna hated it was being similar to other people. It was a strange thing to be annoyed by but he liked being his own person and when there was someone else that seemed so similar to him and the fact that he was older made Tsuna feel like he was just some cheap knock off. He knew that if he were to make a set distinction between the two of them then he would have to make sure people knew the difference between the two of them. He studied Ryou and his capabilities and although his fighting style would be similar, since both favored hand to hand, he was going to created his own style of fighting. Tsuna did not want to be a copy cat but understanding the fundamentals was the most vital thing that he could ever do.
When Halo’s parents mysteriously disappeared he was somewhat distraught. He wasn’t told the details but using many of his personal methods he was able to learn about everything. Halo had risen to be the next head leaving Tsuna behind in the dust. Tsuna was happy but yet sad at the same time. He desired to be stronger and take a position of authority but he was not yet strong enough. He trained everyday and soon a letter had come for him. It stated that tsuna was the candidate for the next leader of the Guardians. It was only as a candidate though. Tsuna had only gained his first angelic form. Besides the new leader would not need to be picked so soon in any case. He was just being put forth as a suggestion, an heir apparent.

Tsuna trained with new partners honing his own form of martial arts that combined chaotic energy and his lighting affinity together to perform destructive techniques. Through this training he learned that he also had a small affinity toward heat/fire manipulation. Although highly less pronounced he was still happy. His fire would never reach a level that would be considered equal in power to his lightning abilities but being able to do so gave him a whole new variety of attacking power when it came to his skill set. He understood that fire users tended to be blasters so he decided to make use of small explosions to augment his attack power. Although he did learn that although he had a secondary affinity towards heat/fire it did not mean he was immune to the effects. Although he was much more resistant towards fire/heat he was still more effected by it than those who were more adept and had a greater affinity to it. Many times during his fights with fire users was he burned because he did not understand where he lay in terms of resistance.
After a few centuries of training in both the diplomatic arena and the martial arena he took up his position as the Guardian of the Master emerald. His fighting prowess was praised above all else where his diplomatic ability had been met with mockery. Many people just thought that he had gotten lucky when it came to dealing with certain individuals. Tsuna hadn’t had the most mature attitude as he had grown up. Becoming somewhat of a pervert in the eyes of his fellow angels and devils. After having a fling with a captain of the gotei and ultimately getting rejected then finding her corpse ina few dozen pieces tsuna decided that it was time that he had some alone time. Forsaking his role as a guardian he stored a little bit of energy from the master emerald into his own custom made gem and went off to train feeling that it was his fault that his ex lover was no longer in this world.
Now Tsuna has finally returned and is ready to resume his role or atleast a role of protecting his family and those that he loves.

Tsuna Iramasha [APPROVED; 0-2+] Image4495-1

• Seishin Buki Name: Chaotic Veil

• Seishin Buki Appearance:
Although named as such the seishin buki of this particular angel is not actually a veil. It takes the form of light armor that appears on Tsuna’s body. Although it is often mistaken as something meant to keep Tsuna safe. It is crimson red in appearance but depending on his mood Tsuna can always just change the color. He tends to lean towards a teal blue when he isn’t in a rage. He armor seems very simple in design as his allows for the utmost mobility and doesn’t seem to hinder the users ability to move at high speeds. Although it also seems rather useless when it comes to defending it wearer.

• Seishin Buki Abilities:
Because Tsuna decided that he would become highly adept in hand to hand combat and mastered the art of Choatic combat, the iramasha clan chos fighting style, his seishin buki created was one that was meant to augment his abilities towards that very end. The Armor is less for defense purposes and more for converting outer chaos into inner chaos. It becomes something like a filter. Constantly absorbing and regulating outer chaos allowing Tsuna to pull off bigger and more powerful chaos moves than the average iramasha as well as allowing him to combine the pure chaotic energy with his lightning affinity. (note that he is not able to do so with his fire affinity, his lean towards heat is not nearly strong enough to allow to fusion). Because tsuna prides himself on his body being the weapon the armor only serves to purpose of making him the force that is to be reckoned with.
The seishin buki because an amplifier of Tsuna’s own base abilities allowing him to bring out the full extent of his powers without worrying too much about the consumption rate of chaotic energy. Whereas for others pull out that amount of chaos energy would cause a little struggle, with the constant fueling of chaotic energy from his armor Tsuna is able to perform bigger attacks with about the same level of strain. This seishin buki is only meant to amplify Tsuna’s already existing abilities instead of truly adding new ones.

Tsuna Iramasha [APPROVED; 0-2+] Image4494-1

• Powers:

Lightning Affinity Tsuna affinity toward the element is something that he prides himself on. He is able to manipulate pretty much any form of electrical energy. More specifically his powers are that of electromagnetism. Tsuna'spowers are all related to electromagnetic phenomena, particularly as manifested by electricity - Tsuna's powers are best described as Super-Conductor Electromagnetism. Due to the wide ranges that Tsuna has, Tsuna's electromagnetic powers behave with a range of frequencies, abilities, and power levels. He has the ability to use electricity and magnetism separately which creates a variety of attacks:

* Electromagnetic Generation, Manipulation, and Control - Tsuna's body can generate Raw Electromagnetic Energy, which he has learned to manipulate; control; and sense sources of electromagnetic energy, electricity, and magnetism for a variety of attacks and uses. He can charge devices (such as the Justice League's Watchtower) with electricity, and alternatively drain the energy from them into himself as well as magnetize and demagnetize metals. Tsuna can hear Radio waves meaning he can listen in on the police broadband and music stations, as well as tapping into the phone lines so he can make calls. Tsuna can choose to keep the electromagnetic energy that he currently holds in his body by controlling the current and voltage for whenever he wants to use it.

*Jets, Bolts, and Bursts of Electromagnetic Force - The means by which Tsuna can fire-off Electromagnetic Energy, Tsunacan fire Jets of electromagnetic energy from his fingers for simple things like turning off electrical devices from stereos to light switches to knocking small things down unnoticed, or even to used to light up his finger/hand so he can see in the dark or administering a Static-Cling. Tsuna can fire Bolts of electromagnetic energy for offensive maneuvers. Tsuna can fire Bursts of electromagnetic energy from his hands for uses like electrifying objects, administering large scale Static-Clings, generating shields and barriers and with a piece of wire he can generate a Nova-Burst.

* Electromagnetic Levitation - By imbuing enough electromagnetic energy into metallic substances, and enough static electricity into non-metallic objects, (similar to his "Static Cling" except that objects float in an electro-static field instead of adhering together), Tsuna can cause objects to fly (metal is the easiest material to manipulate and wood is the most difficult). Utilizing this same principle, Static can apply his powers into objects such as manholes and using Super-Conducter Electromagnetism, fly within the Earth's Electromagnetic Field.

* "Double Taser Shot" - a shot of electromagnetic force aimed & shot out of both Static's fists at the same time.

* "Ball Lightning" - named after ball lightning, the weather phenomenon. Electromagnetic Energy compressed into a large ball & thrown at targets; an offensive maneuver in a combat situation.

* Nova Burst: creates a large scale version of ball lighting and is thrown at opponents. Depending on it's size it can deplete large amount s of energy.

*Railgun- The Railgun is Tsuna best attack. It’s able to condense his electric powers into a beam using his weapon, a metal claw like glove, and fires it at the enemy. It’s a powerful attack that if hit has the ability to stun the opponent for a few seconds or numb part of their body as well as damage which ever body part it hit.

* Salems Arrow- Tsuna creates and arrow from pure lighting and fires it at the enemy. The arrow is extremely accurate and the lighting is attracted to the target since humans naturally are part water. Where ever it hits it was send out an electrical discharge in a radius of 2 meters.

The above mentioned are more specific abilities that tsuna is able to use. He is able to free manipulate lighting and any form of electrical discharge with magnetism mostly being the side effect of the phenomenon.
Heat/fire affinity: Although not nearly as adept in it’s usage Tsuna is able to manipulate a certain level of heat often causing fire and creating pockets of explosive energy. It has been said to be the manipulation of kinetic energy. Exciting the particles in the air to cause minute explosions and generating heat. It’s not a true fire affinity and is sometimes assumed as a random off shoot of his ability to manipulate lightning.
Powerful Chaos: Tsuna is one of the few individuals known for having high levels of chaotic energy circulating through his body.

Gem Creation: The Stronger Iramasha's are also known for their ability to store or seal mass amounts of energy into special gems or emeralds found only on their floating island for long term use.

Chaos Control: Chaos Control is a technique created by the first founders of the Iramasha Clan. When this technique is activated it allows the user to teleport from short range distances at first, then when they become more master this move more they able to use to technique to teleport from long range distances along with being able to warp anywhere as long they can sense someones spiritual pressure or reitsu. When they become more powerful they sometimes able to slow down within a limited range and gain the upper hand on their opponents.

Although, there is also a limit to how many times you can do Chaos Control within a certain time period. You may only perform Chaos Control

Chaos Soul: Only Iramasha's who have obtained at least their Angel Form or Demon form can use this. Once they activate this technique a red barrier develops all around their body, a mysterious sybmol appears behind them, and two clones of the user appear outside of the shield made of light or darkness. When using this move they are able to look inside the soul of any person they wish. After entering the soul of the person they choose, the user will often go after their source of power and seal it away for a short amount of time. When fully mastered they are able to seal away powerful Ziamichi's.

But, a major downside of using this technique is that if the barrier protecting them comes down and someone is able to injure their body, the user can end up being stuck within the persons soul they are in. And if they are still within the persons soul and that person happens to die, well, the user also ends up dying with them.

• Chaos Moves:
Tsuna uses the chaos fighting style mixing in some of his own Techniques that involve regulating his lightning affinity with the chaos move and utilizing his seihn buki to augment his abilities further.
Chaos Impact

• Chaos Impact is a rather simple move Iramasha can use if they need more physical output for their punches or kicks. By summoning just a small amount of their Inner Chaos Energy, they can use that force in order to make most of their physical blows two times stronger then normally depending on how much Chaos Energy is infused with the blow they are trying to make. More skilled Iramasha can even make use of the chaos particles in the air in order to combine inner and outer Chaos Energy to make a more effective punch that can even make their hits four times stronger then usual. Therefore, even on the most basic level, Chaos Impact is a rather deadly technique if it is used in rapid succession for those who have a good mastery over Inner and Outer Chaos Energy. It is recommended for those who wish to use for prolonged periods to have a large base of Inner Chaos Energy or have knowledge on how to control the flow of Outer Chaos Energy as this can tire a person out if they intend to spam this technique.

Chaos Burst

• Chaos Burst is essentially a fighting style that increases the speed of a users punches or kick's in order to create devastating blows to anything that they happen to hit. By summoning a decent amount of Inner or Outer Chaos Energy, an Iramasha can make use of Chaos Burst in order to make each of their hits have an immense amount of swiftness and impact force that it can blow through an Arrancar's Hierro, shatter barrier's in stronger opponents or even outright blow through someone's defenses if they aren't on guard when this attack is occurring. Potentially, this technique can even be used to fight on par with both speed and physical based opponents as they are essentially getting the benefits of speed, with the devastating force of a physical user in one sharp blow. This can be used as often as an Iramasha wishes, though they should keep note of how much energy they drain from using this much like Chaos Impact and other similar techniques.

The Fist Of Chaos

• This is a pretty basic Chaos Fighting Style. By summoning a person's inner physical energy, they can channel it into their palm in order to blow through brick, steel, barrier's and pretty much anything their hand comes into contact with raw physical force. This open palm strike can also be augmented with the help of an Iramasha's Inner & Outer Chaos Energy energy working together with their spiritual energy in order to augment the overall effectiveness of this attack by two times for each set. The overall strength could be enhanced by two times from spiritual energy, the damage could be increased by two times with Inner Chaos Energy and the impact can be increased with Outer Chaos Energy simply tapping into the abundance of Outer Chaos Energy within any given area. So, as basic as this move is, if combined with other powers, racial skills or energies; it can be pretty lethal. Since, even on a raw physical level, it would most likely have enough strength to send armored characters flying for a pretty good distance with decent damage to whatever body part the Iramasha was able to strike.

Chaos Brow

For the most part, this is a simple headbutt maneuver some Iramasha like to do to create some nasty injury to their opponent. With the Iramasha's physical energy alone, Chaos Brow can be used in order to send an opponent flying for mid-range distances. This can create extreme pressure on their body in the process in order to cause additional damage from the initial blow. Which, in itself, has enough impact to make every fiber within a person's body scream in pain no matter the race. And, eventually, the pressure was generated from the releasing force that sent said opponent flying would begin to accelerate with the help of Outer Chaos Energy in order to create a dense explosion to augment the damage from the initial physical attack. So, it goes without saying that Chaos Energy can further increase the amount of effectiveness that this attack has. In fact, a common way to use Chaos Energy or Spiritual Energy with this is to simply create an explosion upon impact that leaves the user unaffected, but the target roasted into burnt remains.

Chaos Deflect

• Chaos Deflect is a move where the user's physical strength is summoned to the surface and mixed together with Inner and Outer Chaos Energy in order to effectively reflect or redirect attack's. One of the most common fashions of how Chaos Deflect is used is that it is often summoned in either of the user's hands, curled into a fist and makes use of a punch that has the capacity to redirect attacks back at an opponent or redirect them to avoid them making any damage on the user. This means it can be applied to almost any limb on their body or any part, for that matter. However, there is a more advanced version of this for Iramasha who are further along in their Chaos Energy. Starting at advanced or master level, most people who use Chaos Energy Deflect can summon their overall strength in order to create a "wave" of Chaos Deflect that is spread from every single pore in their body in a complete three sixty sphere.

What this effectively does is repel, redirect and or reflect all attacks that come into contact with this visible OR invisible sphere; depending on how skilled the person is with hiding the aura that generates from this attack. The physical strength rises to the surface with a little bit of help form Inner Chaos Energy, though it can be done with spiritual or natural talents. From there, it then spreads outwards from the person's body in order to combine with the stream of Outer Chaos Energy in order to create an attack that can be used to surprise an opponent with a sudden redirection of their attack. It can be used in all sorts of nifty situations in order to have crafty escapes, daring counter attack's against a target and even reflect things that are magical, spiritual, divine or otherwise have some sort of mystical energy akin to Chaos Energy. So, this makes Chaos Deflect a very useful tool to have in one's Chaos Fighting Style. And, for those who wish to put more Chaos Energy into it, it's even possible to extend the zone of sphere upwards of about five hundred meters in some cases with those on the Master level of Chaos Energy.

However, like most powerful techniques of this caliber, there are limitations to it. The first one being is that it can eventually make a person exhaustion as this takes physical energy out of them. That means they can become fatigued if this is used too much, their muscles can feel extremely drained as if they had pushed them to the limit and can eventually lead to the technique being ineffective if they become too exhausted to continue this feat. Moreover, in some cases, Inner Chaos Energy or Spiritual Energy is needed; so this can gradually or quickly decrease an Iramasha of their energy supply if it is abused too often in battle. It can be done more naturally in order to merge with the flow of Outer Chaos Energy, but that only increases the effects of the physical strain on the Iramasha in question. Therefore, most try to use this sparingly or when they know they can't defend against something.

Chaos Decimation

This is a seriously devastating move that is often used by advanced or Master users in Chaos Energy. Based on the fact that it generates a large amount of damage, leaves the users own base energy barely touched and requires a an immense skill of Outer Chaos Energy; it is only natural that it would be left to some of the more highly trained users. This isn't to say, however, those with lower skills cannot use it. It will simply be less powerful, cause alot more strain and more risky then someone who is well versed in the arts of Chaos Energy. In any case, Chaos Decimation begins by the user holding out each of their hands in a horizontal or vertical direction; making sure they have their hands curled up in a fist. From that point, they will need a bit of time in order to direct all flows of Outer Chaos Energy in the vicinity towards their arms and legs. Therefore, during this period, all of their limbs will begin to have some sort of glow related to the users spiritual color. For instance, if Koichi Iramasha had happened to be using this technique, then all of his limbs would be engulfed in a purple or black glow.

Then, once that phase is completed, The Iramasha in question should have been able to gather enough Outer Chaos Energy from the area in order to increase their strength temporarily by ten times. In some cases, this can be higher or lower depending on the overall skill an Iramasha has with Chaos Energy, how much Outer Chaos Energy the person was able to gather or how much damage their body currently has. In any case, they should be able to finally make use of this technique as each hit made from their bodies will have the impact force to generate large craters throughout the battlefield that can vary from the size of a pothole from a simple kick, to the size of a asteroid impact from some of the strongest people to use Chaos Energy such as Ketsu Iramasha and former Iramasha Leaders. Therefore, it is wise to to take this technique lightly as one hit can cause critical damage to most opponents if they let themselves get hit by it.

Moreover, it can even be augmented further if one was able to combine Chaos Decimation with their Inner Chaos Energy to increase the effects from two to ten times strength which explains why this move is so very lethal when applied to those who are highly versed with Chaos Energy. However, with a technique this devastating, there is bound to be a few setbacks. For starters, this move can usually only last one to three post for all users. Anything further then that can lead to serious injury without a cooldown period of one or two post depending on what the character's weakness is. In addition to that, this can also cause immense strain on the muscles, have waves of pain sore throughout a users body if they are unable to control it and has the potential to backfire on the user if they end up breaking any sort of bones or damaging their muscles while utilizing Chaos Decimation. Therefore, try to imagine the pain inflicted on yourself if you had the capacity to destroy an entire city with your fist, yet all of that is being redirected back on your body due to misuse, damage, exhaustion or other similar circumstances.

Therefore, Chaos Decimation is to be used with the utmost caution and is a highly revered Chaos Fighting Style due to it's potential damage use by those who know what they are doing with this technique, the art of Chaos Energy in general and the chance to change the tide in a battle by unleashing this devastation move

Inner Chaos Release

This is most likely one of the most powerful techniques Chaos Fighting Style has to offer and is one that is highly respected and feared in the Iramasha Clan. Inner Chaos Release begins by the user actively attempting to unleash any type of restraint they might have on their Inner Chaos Energy. So, typically they will take a widen stance and tighten each of their fist as they begin to harness whatever amount of Chaos Energy they desire to put into this technique. So, it should be noted that the minimum amount of Inner Chaos Energy that is allowed to activate this technique is roughly twenty five percent. And thusly, after a sufficient amount of energy is collected, the user will begin to see massive increases in their overall physical strength. At the lowest level, which is about a quarter of Inner Chaos Release's total power, the user will see their physical offensive capacities, defensive skills, endurance, stamina and overall durability increase by twenty five times.

That means, at even the most basic level, this technique is still something highly dangerous to unleash on to an opponent. It works on almost any level of Iramasha because The Chaos Energy that is sacrificed is converted into a force that makes an Iramasha's muscles develop to the point of being able to far exceed their normal physical limits in most cases. In addition to that, thanks to extremely large amounts of Inner Chaos Energy being forfeited, the user's strength is even able to be applied on divine creatures, spiritual beings, special powers and anything that is otherwise out of this world. Therefore, it's applications truly devastating when unleashed by those who have large quantities of Chaos Energy, are very skilled at hand-to-hand and have physical energy needed in order to guide this move to it's true potential. And even those traits can be taken even further if an Iramasha were to add their spiritual energy into the mix in order to augment their strength even further by half of whatever amount of Chaos Energy they imputed into Inner Chaos Release.

That means if an Iramasha had put in the bare minimum, which is twenty five percent, they would then receive a x25 augmentation over their physical strength and see an additional x12 augmentation from adding their spiritual energy into the mix along with any other additional resources of energy they may have. When an Iramasha begins to reach into the range of fifty percent of their Inner Chaos Energy, however, they will seen an even bigger jump in overall brute strength. Once they are able to master this level of Inner Chaos Release, their overall general skills will increase by one level. So, if they were advanced in Durability, they would become a master for however long they are able to keep this release stage up. The only boost in skill that this does not apply to is weapons skill; as this has nothing to do with what the overall purpose of this move is all about.

Moreover, if an Iramasha is able to go even further then that and reach the seventy five percent level, they'll most likely see another level unlocked in their general skill sheet if they are not Grand master. This means if one were a Master in strength previously from the augmentation boost, they'd further see an increase that would result into a Grand Master strength for a period of time. Even more important is that if one is a Grand Master or has reached this status while Inner Chaos Release is in effect, they'll be able to increase their Pain Endurance or Willpower for each level they cannot go past. So, this would mean that for every Grand Master they currently have in effect, their Will Sheet could increase one level as well. And, if those two were to be Grand Master at one point, then it would also apply to the other two will sheet sections as well in order to make sure said Iramasha in question is at peak physical condition in both mind and body when utilizing this technique to it's extreme limits.

Lastly, only those who are 0-3 to 0-2+ will be able to realize the 100% pure nature of this technique. At this point, they are likely to have a strength level with enough destructive force to possibly level entire cities, endless hordes of demon's or even take on the most powerful forces in the known universe with their physical strength alone. However, it greatly depends on the specific user in question as different Iramasha's will see different level's of effect as not all 0 tiers are created the same. Furthermore, at this point, all of their general, natural, physical and mental strengths have the potential to be maxed out. Thus putting them in a state of mind, body and soul that are in extreme harmony, their full potential in terms of physical might and pushing them towards the edge of their finalized limits when Inner Chaos Release is pushed to this extent of power by an Iramasha with enough Chaos Energy to actually realize this level of strength.

What's more chilling is the fact that if one were to reach 0-1 status, there is a legend that is said that the user would be able to activate a state so powerful that it would act as all the all the previous transformations combined into one transformed state with a two hundred times augmentation increase in strength, all senses nearly perfected and the raw force needed to wipe out entire nations, continents and possibly even the world itself with their bare hands alone. However, since there are not many Iramasha with this level of power, it is mostly just a rumor. The only thing keeping this rumored level of Inner Chaos Release alive is the fact that Kin Iramasha is said to have had the potential to reach this state based on his ridiculous level of Inner Chaos Energy that has been building up inside of his body since his training for Burning Star over four hundred years ago before his battle with the Soul King. Therefore, for the moment, no known Iramasha have been known on record to unleash this level of Inner Chaos Release; only mere speculations.

Nevertheless, though, a technique of this magnitude does NOT come without any risk, drawbacks of limitations. For starters, once an Iramasha begins increasing their general skills, for the duration of the thread their Chaos Energy and Chaos Warp will be lowered by one level. This will stay in effect for every increase they have as well. So, as their general strength increases, their Chaos Energy and overall Chaos Warp skills will be depleted. As well as that, if they decide to throw their spiritual energy into the mix, they may lose control of their powers altogether if they do not have some sort of triennial power source to further back them up. That means Iramasha should be weary of that fact, and more so Nature Iramasha, as they rely on their Nature Energy much more then most kinds of other Iramasha.

Even worse then that, even at the most basic level, the user runs the risk of injuring themselves as their bodies are constantly being taken pass their limits with each new form that is brought to the table. It can get to the point where it is not uncommon at all for the user to inflict damage upon themselves by breaking their own bones, rupturing organs from their raw force, vomiting of blood from time to time, impaired vision in some cases and possibly even death if they push themselves too far. Once more, even after they release from this form, they'll be utterly exhausted to the point where they'd need a bit of time to recover if it was during a fight. These after effects get more intense as they ascend to whatever higher form they desire. Therefore, it's bearable and manageable anywhere from 25 to 50 percent, to getting increasingly more hard to deal with for those using 55-75%. Yet alone realizing one hundred percent of Inner Chaos Release true potential or the rumored two hundred percent for those who are at 0-1 status when they make the choice to go that far in this technique's raw and awesome power.

Coupled with all of that, if a person isn't typically a hand-to-hand user, have some sort of durability or a lot of physical energy before this move is activated; they'll often have a harder time then those who are more adjusted to this style of fighting. For instance, if an Iramasha who constantly uses his powers or Chaos Energy in battle and rarely used his fist decided to activate this technique, yes they would be granted this power, but they'd fatigue faster, have more overall energy loss, the effects would be more quickened and eventually they'd be forced out of the form based on their inexperience with this type of fighting. Therefore, those who often rely on other types of powers should heed this warning before making use of Inner Chaos Release as it's most ineffective with those types of people. And, on the flip side, those who often fight with their fist, have very good durability or endurance and are skilled with hand-to-hand can last somewhat longer then anyone else who happens to activate this technique.

Lastly, this technique has no known posting limit, but the user will have to bare with extreme amounts of pain that CAN and WILL kill them if they decide to prolong this state for too long. With every post they are sustained in this form, the more often they'll run into injuries to themselves in the long run based on their body having to withstand all kinds of forced pressure, increases in muscle strength, extreme loss of Chaos Energy and all the other limits and drawbacks that come with using this power. So, more often then not, within the first three post users can begin seeing changes to their overall health. And, in a large amount of cases, they can end up dying if this is prolonged for a period of ten to twenty post. Therefore, this is a move that should be used with great caution, heavy consideration and some amount of training before hand in the other Chaos Fighting Styles before deciding to jump to this level of power. This move can be a game changer, but it can also be an end gamer if the user is too inexperienced.
(pulled these from my inactive chaos moves since I brought Tsuna back)
Name: Chaos flurry
Description: The user summons chaos energy and molds them into bird like forms. These birds can be sent to attack the enemy with amazing speed. Their power is low but the speed in which they attack is blinding. Upon impact the birds will explode. Many birds can be summoned at once and one can combine them into bigger versions to increase the power. However, the speed of which will decrease.
Name: chaos javelin
Description: the user focuses chaos energy into his palms and forms it into a lance like weapon and hurls it at his enemy. The power and destructive speed of the lance is defining. Upon impact to an area or person the attack destroys a large area. When using his armor tsuna is able to add in a lightning elemental effect that can cause paralysis but the pure power output from the technique is more destructive in and of itself.

Name: Chaos Web
Description: The move takes a lot of concentration. It creates an invisible web of chaos energy. When an opponent is trapped in this web their speed is drastically decreased as well as slowly decreasing the amount of reiatsu the opponent has.

Tsuna Iramasha [APPROVED; 0-2+] Image4496-1

•Angelic Release: Tsuna’s angelic release comes out as a violent aura. Despite his fun loving behavior the pure release of energy comes out as a wave of red destructive energy. His wings are ethereal taking upon no physical form of their own. Continuing with the theme of enhanced movement capability this form his wings are created in such a way as to never get in the way of his fighting capabilities. Being not a physical part of Tsuna these wings allow for his freedom in battle increasing his speed without being held down. It creates a violent chaotic aura around Tsuna. This was the release that caused Tsuna to be marked as an angel of death.

If one were to look hard at the ethereal wings they might see the reflection of dragonic wings in them. His angelic form mimics the dragons of old. Violent and destructive. The red glow that emits from tsuna’s body leaves nothing to the imagination. Blood will be spilled and there will be no stopping the slaughter that is about to take place. Other than the red draconic like wings and the red aura Tsuna’s appearance does not change very much. If anything his facial features become more feral and demonic in appearance. His hair becomes a little wilder and the look he gives is more of an animalistic side.

• Angelic Release:
Upon releasing himself into this state Tsuna’s overall abilities are pushed to a whole new and destructive height. Tsuna who prides himself on his speed and power output experiences a large increase in both those abilities. Being a user of lightning it is almost and established fact that he would be fast. Although physically not as strong as some of the other people in the iramasha Tsuna energy output is of the highest level. Due to his emotional state during battle he gains a sort of sixth sense when it comes to divining peoples location and their attack plan. It is more of an instinctual guess than anything more. This allows Tsuna to create counter measures against attacks that he would normally not be able to stand up to.

His chaotic moves experience an almost tripling of their original power. Because of his adeptness in using chaotic moves, while in his released state the destructive power of these moves becomes much more proficient. His defense does not experience nearly as high of an increase. Although harder to kill Tsuna tends towards speed and energy out put more therefore he has learned other methods of defending himself rather than relying on buffing his physical capabilities in that area.
Heat/fire: His ability to control heat/fire has been augmented to another level as well. Being able to to generate larger levels of heat and produce fire balls. Although less powerful than the ones created by someone with a fire affinity these little balls of heat are able to pack a massive punch.

• Awakened Divinity State Appearance:
The flood of red chaotic energy becomes much more pronounced when Tsuna enters this form. His aura is not one that is calm but is more of a violent storm. After a brilliant red flash Tsuna’s form still seems pretty normal except his features become much more draconic in appearance. His dragon like wigs are more pronounced but still ethereal in quality. However now Tsuna has scale like patches over his body as of he were being taken control of by a dragon. His canines are more pronounced and his hair becomes longer fading into pure light.

• Awakened Divinity State/Hell Evolution State/Hybrid Stage Two Abilities:
Tsuna gains a major upgrade in his overall stats. He becomes much faster and the energy he is able to pull from the aether into himself and re release, due to the properties of his seishin buki becomes much more proficient . His intuitive abilities for combat increase as well. His natural sense for people’s presence as well as his ability to understand people’s moves and possibly guess at their weak points and respond get a boost. Overall his sense for batlle takes a turn for the better. In his state Tsuna is not a complete animal. Instead he is describe as a dragon in the midst of a fight. Ferocious yet cunning. His abilities their for reflect this. His speed is the thing that gets the second biggest boost. Althoguh able to match some of the fastest people in the iramasha clan Tsuna’s main focus of on his martial abilities. By utilizing his enhanced speed in this state he also uses his enhanced chaotic energy to dish out some serious damage. Tsuna’s lightning affinity gains a huge level up allowing his electrical output to skyrocket. His heat abilities receive a major upgrade.

Chaotic Fusion This is Tsuna’s ultimate form. Choatic energy swirls around him and is absorbed into nhis body. In a bruilliant flash of red light Tsuna’s body itself seems to go ethereal. Although still in the physical plane, his body seems to become a mass of chaotic energy, (kinda looking like a red version of light jak from Jak 3). His body crackling with electrical energy he gains claws and a tail. Making his form look around more dragonic. He still retains many of his human like features however my in his Chaos infused from he looks more like something between a dragon and a human.

• Custom Form Abilities: ]
Like before his abilities are taken to a whole new plane of existence when it comes to using his form. In this form Tsuna as exceeded the levels of Chaos energy the body of a normal Iramasha is capable of. His speed once again experiences a major increase along with his energy output. Like before in the other forms he sacrifices his defense and physical strength for more complete energy manipulation and output. His body able to break the sound barrier in terms of speed causes him to seems like a laser in the eyes of some people. The Holy energy in his body has been brought to a whole new level. Although violent in nature Tsuna is still an angel and the suffusion of holy energy is also reflected in his form. He has not become just a mass of chaotic energy is Holy/divine power is brought to the to an insane level. His seishin buki has become a cloak around his body containing and regulating the mass of destructive energy that his body has taken in allowing for some of the most destructive chaos moves known to date.

Tsuna Iramasha [APPROVED; 0-2+] Image4492-1

• Class Title: The Fallen Angel

• Class Traits: Basically his traits or more or less passive. Changes his eyes to a golden color and becoming slitted he is now able to pick of movements more effective. His sense of smell is enhanced and his hair has become a crimson color. His aura is described as crimson.

• Skills:

Soul Enhancement

The Angel Iramasha appear to have an ability where they are able to use energy from other souls to power themselves. For example, if they were in the Soul Society they would be able to call upon small bits of energy from multiple Plus's and some Shinigami to eventually and gradually make themselves much stronger. This will also work with other Iramasha as they are naturally incline to help each other and will succeed in making both Iramasha somewhat stronger for a short amount of time. But, Angel Iramasha's must remember that if they do not get full approval from each soul they take power from only a small fraction of that soul's power will come to them. So, unless there is a mass acceptance of Angel Iramasha being able to take this energy, this is usually done in more populated areas with large amounts of Plus's, Iramasha's, Human's or Shinigami. This ability also does not work as well with Arrancar, Demons, Vizards or Hollows; the races listed would need to fully give the Iramasha their energy and be committed for this one to work.

It is also rumored that if enough souls are gathered by a very powerful Iramasha, one may even be able to rival the Soul King himself in times of crisis.

Soul Creation

Within certain realms, The Angel Iramasha have been blessed with the ability to manipulate certain factors within their environment by The Soul King himself. For example, while within the Soul Society Angel Iramasha on a higher level have the power to create certain living beings from the allowance of the Soul King, easily control the weather, forge various objects from nowhere to attack opponents with and even form imaginary realities within confined areas. They've even gone as far as to reshape other opponents or allies body to their own needs if enough power is backed behind it. This ability requires more power to master, however, so the higher your tier level, the better you are controlling this. Along with that, it's only at it's strongest in the Soul Society, with the World Of The Living coming in a close second. For, when they are not in the Soul Society, they rely heavily on the supply of reiatsu, reishi and reishi in the air in order to perform these feats. And in realms such as Hueco Mundo, The Kokuryuteshi's Realm and Demon World; this becomes increasingly hard to perform, but manageable.

Divine Purification

As with most types of Angel's, The Iramasha Angel do have the ability to purify various races. What in the world does that mean? It's really quite simple. If they are able to weaken or overpower a demon for example it would be possible to make an attempt at converting them into a more pure race such as an Angel or even going as far as to rebirth them as a human to atone for their sins. The same can apply for Vizards, Demon's, Arrancar's and Hollow's. However, these are more extreme examples of purification. On the combat side of things, this purification also becomes heavily useful against these races attacks. For example, a high class Iramasha Angel would have the ability to negate certain Demon Spells or cut through a weaker level cero shot off from an Arrancar or Vizard. Along with that, the Divine Purification would even allow for them to even shift the blast entirely into a holy energy and use it against said Arrancar or Vizard to cause more damage. Not only that, but more highly skilled Angel's could even disarm or immobilize certain low class or weakened Demon's or Arrancar merely by touching them and attempting to rid their existence by the pure angelic radiating inside of them.

This Purification can even be used for non-combat purposes or healing purposes as more powerful Angel's have the ability to even cure people of illnesses, do away with most toxins or poisons and even perform miracles by sometimes making the most impossible injury or damage done to person become undone. Those who are even on a lower level can at least give their comrades a sense of extra energy with their presence, do away with most common sicknesses and things of this nature. Along with that, this purification can even be extracted from some Iramasha's to be converted into various objects that generate holy barriers that have the potential to reject most types of foul creatures and do great damage to them or prevent them for entering the area altogether.

In short, it would be wise not to underestimate this holy ability of the Angel Iramasha.

Soul Reading

Angel Iramasha's have the ability to actually look into ones soul (See: Inner World) in order to determine what a person or creature is like on a more spiritual based level. For lower level Iramasha, they can easily be rejected, injured or whatever else have you if they wish to enter someone's Inner World without permission. On top of that, it also requires more effort on their part as they are not accustomed to it as more powerful ranking Angel's within the Iramasha are. However, as they get stronger, eventually they will no longer require the need for permission and can sometimes enter a persons Inner World without their consent. When this happens, the person in question will either fight them off to eject them out of their soul, allow them full access or The Angel Iramasha will deal with whatever rules the Inner World they are entering has in store for them.

Now, moreover, if someone is able to fully accept this Angel into their heart it can be possible for The Angel Iramasha in question to do positive deeds for them. Take this situation for example: There is a Plus Soul in danger of being overwhelmed and turning into a hollow. If an Angel Iramasha is present, they can easily enter that Plus's soul and remove the hollow infection so that they may pass on to the Soul Society in a more peaceful matter. Another situation that would be considered a good deed with this ability is an Angel Iramasha even taming one's Ziamichi Spirit in order to enhance that Ziamichi's overall control and power. And the last example of this ability being used for good would be for an Angel Iramasha to somehow awaken a person's hidden or suppressed memories. So, by these three examples alone, there are many ways for an Angel Iramasha to do good, but there is also many ways for them to do negative impact.

Thus, on the flip side, an Angel Iramasha can possibly enter an Arrancar's Inner World and begin the task of destroying their vast collection of Souls until said Arrancar was no more or dropped dead if they failed to fight said Angel Iramasha off. Another example of using this for negative impact would be to completely shatter a Shinigami's Soul Chain if they were able to locate it or said Shinigami did not reject or rebel against The Angel Iramasha. Finally, they could even split a Ziamichi Spirit or Hollow away from their host and cause some serious mayhem for said host.

Therefore, this ability must be used with utmost caution. It can turn the tides in a battle, or can easily be used against an Angel Iramasha if an experienced fighter knows how to handle dealing with someone inside of their inner world. Alas, though, most Angel Iramasha choose to simply use this ability as more or less a passive move to see inside a person's soul. So, on that final note, use it as you may.


General Skills
  • Durability: Master
  • General Speed: Grandmaster
  • Strength: Master
  • Weapon Skill: Adept

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: N/A
  • Mental Deduction: N/A
  • Pain Endurance: N/A
  • Focus: N/A

Racial Skills
  • Chaos Energy Skill: Master
  • Chaos Warp: Master
  • Chaos Fighting Style: Grandmaster
  • Gem Creation: Adept

Tsuna Iramasha [APPROVED; 0-2+] Image4493-1

Last edited by Tsuna on Wed Oct 01, 2014 12:41 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Sat Jul 10, 2010 5:42 pm
Auto-Approved for being from Untold Stories


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Sat Oct 15, 2011 3:11 pm

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Tue Sep 30, 2014 11:59 am
moving back to approved iramasha upon request.

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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Tue Sep 30, 2014 11:39 pm
Revamp of Tsuna complete for now, needs a bit more work though

Tsuna Iramasha [APPROVED; 0-2+] 2uh7mv8

Ego ferro.

Iustus ego gladio.

ensem cum facturus sum manum peccata mundi mundans in igne consummationis

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Tue Sep 30, 2014 11:48 pm


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  • Willpower/Determination: N/A
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Tsuna Iramasha [APPROVED; 0-2+] WVMWLOu
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Tsuna Iramasha [APPROVED; 0-2+] Empty Re: Tsuna Iramasha [APPROVED; 0-2+]

Wed Oct 01, 2014 11:20 am

Due to an update on the board, I am going to go ahead and move this character into the Approved Angel Iramashsa section to better classify other sub-races of Iramasha.

Tsuna Iramasha [APPROVED; 0-2+] WVMWLOu
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Sun Dec 14, 2014 10:02 am
Archiving this character due to inactivity.

Tsuna Iramasha [APPROVED; 0-2+] Sbb1I7e
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