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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Yang Iramasha  Empty Yang Iramasha

Fri Jul 09, 2010 12:13 pm

Name:Yang Iramasha

Age: 666 But looks 19-20ish

Yang Iramasha  YANGNEW


Yang was born a couple hundred years after the clan was formed, as a phoenix demon; a rare type of demon. At the time, she was one of the few remaining phoenixes alive. Demon lords and other strong demons often tried to hunt and enslave her kind, because of their power to ‘never die’. Phoenix’s often got away with ease from their hunters, but there were the few that were captured, of course by then the hunters developed weapons and traps to hold and control a phoenix. The ones that were captured (some) often killed themselves; which didn’t allow them to be reborn, in an attempt to escape the greedy few.
But Yang’s family was the odd bunch that chose to stay in captivity, at the time Yang wasn’t born. Her parents were the type of demons to wait and wait until the perfect opportunity emerged and then struck. Both of her parents were strong, they had given themselves up for the protection of other phoenixes, they were feared but often lived in hiding. Not long after the Phoenixes joined the Iramasha Clan, they felt more protected from the outside world and the hunters that wanted them…there they began to think up ways to get their remaining two Phoenixes back; technically Yang’s parents were not apart of the Iramasha Clan, while still imprisoned.
After 300 years in imprisonment, Yang was born. Her parents somehow, with the help of the kinder humans and demons hid Yang from the warlords and trained her, sending her to the Iramasha Clan for her own protection; they trained her to strike back. When Yang turned 10 (human years) she was well aware of everything, she knew exactly what was going on, what had happened, everything about their time. She was clever, and at times very ruthless. Her parents taught her; well…had one of their old friends teach her how to kill, her killing was a way of striking fear into the warlords and people, in an attempt to break her parents free. Soon Yang began to strike back, the people and demons didn’t know what to make of her, and she would often trap them in her illusions and torture them terribly. Yang hardly had to use her other abilities, her power over darkness, usually the illusions would be enough.

After that, Yang retreated to the human world for a bit, there she desided it was time for her to build a small empire of her own, nothing that would attract attention, just something that she could escape to. For years she plotted her moves out right down to the dime; she took over a major food company and quickly began raking in money. She spent some more years just letting the money accumulate she baught a small island off the cost of Korea; there she build a mantion, a stunning romen guardan, she had the whole isnand neat and spotless. She baught servents, she never allowed them to set foot off the island, Yang wasnt a harsh ruler,, she was fair and she did alow them to socilise and have a life; she also dedicated an entier floor for their living quarters, and it was quite nice too. Yang lived well, she had money, she knew how to run the buisness she balanced her duties as an Iramasha and life was good for her.


Yang looks like a innocent, frail looking girl, but in reality she is a blood thirsty, ruthless killer, or can be when the time comes for it or when she gets board and want some excitement. With her allies however, she is very kind hearted, bubbly and sometimes viewed as Miss. Happy-go-lucky.

When fighting an opponent Yang loves to torture her opponent for a good long time before finally killing them, ending their misery. She always fights with a smile, very rarely does she have a serious frown on, the few times is when her opponent has proven difficult to kill. When she explains to her dying pry what she will do to them, she does it a very cheerful smile and tone.

Yang contradicts her name sometimes though, only around the ones she actually cares about. In all Yang has almost a slight split personality.

At first glance Yang looks like the most innocent girl that wouldn’t hurt a fly, her actions towards people or enemies are always bubbly at first but once she is aware of their nature she either shifts gears or stays how she is. She usually prefers to be in her happy mode and can often get quite hyper. Yang can be oblivious to her surroundings sometimes though but once she senses danger, she becomes alert

Branch: (Main Family Of Angels, Main Family of Demons, Mid Branch Family of Angels, Mid Branch Family of Demons, Lower Branch of Angels, Lower Branch of Demons, Guardians Of The Master Emeralds, Guardians of the Demon Emeralds, Protectors of Iramasha Island, The Iramasha Corps )


Yang loves to walk through remote almost ancient-like cities and beaches. Her favorite moon is the full moon, especially when it seems close to the earth. Yang loves to paint and depending on her mood, that’s what she paints. (If she feels pain or hurt that’s what she paints EST.) She also likes the dark and hearing her prey beg for mercy.



Class: Demon; Main Demon houshold


Yang is able to control and manipulate the powers of darkness and much like her husband she can make a shield of sorts or dark weapons that she can control free handed without using her hands. Yang can manipulate the darkness into a fang or she can make it surround her body and make it a shield. Also with one movement of her hand she can make it so that a fang pops out of a shadow like its coming from the shadow realm and can go right at her enemies.

Darkness Shield: Yang makes a shield that surrounds her body in a barrier of darkness it blocks most reaitsu that attacks her.

Darkness Surrounds: Yang is able surround herself in the darkness that is around her and easily meld with the shadows this allowing her to spot and attack from the darkness that is around her.

Darkened Blood: With this Yang makes it so her body is filled with that darkness that she has in her and makes it so that she can cure any poison that is in her body and also her blood is black making it so that reaitsu is constantly refilling itself inside of her body.

Darkened Transformation: Yang is able to turn into a large (6feet by 5’11) black jaguar with piercing blue eyes.

Blackened Resurrection: Yang right before his is killed she will turn into a small ball that is like a orb and then fly away from the fight so that she doesn't get killed, and this makes it so she can't rejoin the thread.

Dark Mist: Yang is able to hold her arms out in the air and then shoot out a small mist from her sleeves, this is not poison mist but it makes it so that she can see right through the mist when other's can only see about 3 meters away from there body.

Black Bow: This is Yang's Specialty and she makes it so that she can use a bow, much like the Quincy but not, she can charge her reaitsu into the bow and then fire it out, she’s almost like a dead aim with this and can curve the shots in many different directions just not being able to make the arrows homing.

Yang Iramasha  BlazingGlory

Once Yang’s scythe strikes her opponent, penetrating through their skin, her scythe starts draining their energy. After about one post, and the first strike 1/5 of her opponent’s energy can be drained, making the scythe itself stronger. ½ of the energy drained from the scythe goes to the weapon itself while the other ½ goes to Yang. Along with being able to drain energy, the scythe can also cut through an impressive range of material; its main purpose is to drain its victim of its energy, slowly taking their life away.


REGUALR/Fighting form’
Yang Iramasha  Phoenix

Feline Transformation
Yang Iramasha  Black-panther

Forms: Demon Form, Black Demon Form, Special Demon Form, Demon Angel Form.

~Demon Angel Form~

This is the first stage into the demonic process for Demon Iramasha's. When they enter this form their hair usually grows longer, sometimes changing colors depending on the Iramasha. They grow two black wings on their black, their eyes usually turn jet black and their entire body is surrounded in a red or black aura. Once this form is achieved their speed, stamina, attack strength, defense and agility increase by 50x's.

~Hell Angel Form~

Hell Angel form is a more advanced level of Demon Angel Form. When they enter this form they usually have black or red hair, sometimes having a mixture of both hair that goes down to their upper to mid back, red glowing eyes, depending on Iramasha the Iramasha their face can look more mature, they have four black wings on their back and they have a black aura with hints of red surrounding their bodies. When they've mastered this form it can make them up to 75x's stronger then before.

~Unique Demon Forms~

Just like the angels, not all all Demon Iramasha's can unlock their Hell Angel form, so for those who can't they often create their unique Hell Forms that give them special ability's that can compete with the Hell Angel Form. Although, from time to time, sometimes, just like with the Angels, even Demon Iramasha's who have obtained Hell Angel form sometimes create a Unique Demon Form because their Hell Angel Form takes up too much energy.

(I.E. when Ketsu transforms into "The Black Flame")

~Devil Angel Form~

This is the Ultimate Demon Form for any Demon Iramasha. Once they enter this form a bottom half of a red or black kimono appears on their legs, they have red or black hair goes down towards their mid back, their eyes are black with dark red pupils and dark circles under each eye, their voice changes, they grow fangs and claws, their eyes grow slightly more pointed, a glowing black circle appears on their forehead, they have horns coming out of their head and a black aura is shown around their body. Once they master this form it can make them up to 100x's more stronger then before.

Skill Level: Chaos Control: Advanced
Skill Level: Emerald Control: Adept
Skill Level: Hand-to-Hand: Advanced

||Kitty's Characters||

Yang Iramasha  PLEASEWORK2
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Sat Jul 10, 2010 9:42 am
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Yang Iramasha  WVMWLOu
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Wed Apr 06, 2011 2:18 pm

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