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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Takeo Left_bar_bleue0/0Takeo Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Takeo Empty Takeo

Wed Jun 23, 2010 2:13 am
Name: Takeo
Age: 100, Appears 20
Sex: Male
Items Currently Held Inside of Him: 6 Smoke Bombs, Lighter/Flamethrower

True Appearance:

Appearance in Gigai:
Takeo Rico

Takeo has a loyalty that is fierce when it comes to his family and friends, and he will defend them until the end. One of the most important aspects to him, is his friendship with people and he is even loyal to those who are innocent in these troubled times.

Takeo is very resourceful, and can get out of almost any problem he is in. He uses everything around him to his advantage and anything can be a weapon, depends on how many things he can hide on him, or within him while in his plushie body, he can become very dangerous.

Personal Agenda
Takeo has a personal agenda of his own, and that is to stop the Hollows and to get ModSouls looked upon as not objects that can be thrown away, but as people who have feelings and are able to help when needed. Moreover, he is looking for a way to get Soul Society to see ModSouls in this way and possibly allow them to return to where they were created one day.

Takeo is more or less a perv, and he will admit it ninety-five percent of the time. He got this way when he arrived in the real world after his escape from Soul Society. He likes to look in on women from a distance, which is nice since his vision is hyperactive. Moreover, he is in love with the various types of soft core porn, and enjoys the various Uniforms, costumes, or outfits that human women wear, which is normally all tightly worn, and may be provocative.

Additionally, when there are cute women nearby, he becomes a bumbling idiot and loses all sense of time and balance while there. When he is in his plushie form, this is even more so, because he can play the inanimate object and be loved and cuddled by them. This also helps to allow him a chance to see numerous panty shots as he is either walked over or upon. Because of this, he always has a camera with him, to take pictures of these women and is a frequent visitor to soft core porn sights. Where he uploads pictures and views those that others have posted.

Likes: Ecchi, fireworks, explosions

Dislikes: being hugged, chased, ignored

Color: Navy Blue
Takeo’s Reiatsu is medium-high and it is not too stable, like most ModSouls. Due to his reiatsu being not too stable, it changes color slightly, between Navy Blue to Blue. Additionally, due to this unstable reiatsu, all of his senses (sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell) are hyperactive. Moreover, he is able to sense the spiritual energy of people better than most.

Enhanced Strength and Speed
Takeo’s strength is enhanced due to being designed to be put into dead bodies to fight Hollows. Due to this, he is able to lift up to the weight of a motorcycle and throw it a total of twenty feet while in his Gigai. Additionally, due to his strength, he is able to punch a Hollow and knock them over and/or break its mask if he hits it dead on.

Being a modified soul, and one built to be there to help others in need, Takeo is able to run extremely fast compared to most modified souls. While he is in his Gigai he can run 100 meters in 3 seconds.

When Takeo is in his plushie form, he can lift up to the weight of a tricycle and throw that as a weapon up to three feet. Moreover, due to the strength he has in his Plushie form, he can knock a door off its hinges and if he hits someone, he can leave a bruise like being hit by a small rock.

However, while he is in his plushie body, since he is a stuffed animal, he is neither that fast nor strong. Due to this, he can only run 100 meters in 10 seconds, in addition to the reduction of his strength and other abilities.

Hyperactive Senses
All of Takeo’s senses are hyperactive, due to the level of his Reiatsu. While he is in his Gigai, his vision in relation to a humans is almost telescopic, being able to look into the distance for about 5 km and see things as clearly as if they were only a few meters away. He is able to hear soft sounds at five kilometers the way a normal Human could hear fairly loud noises within the same room. His sense of smell is also empowered, and for about a similar range as with hearing. Takeo could trace someone approximately 1 mile if he had a particular scent to follow.

Takeo’s sense of taste is enhanced, allowing him to determine the ingredients that are in something, being able to detect everything to poisons to metals in whatever he eats or drinks. Moreover, his sense of touch is empowered, allowing him to feel each individual grains on a wood table, and allowing him to feel magnetic forces within a foot of him. This includes magnets and those in electronics.

In his Plushie form, all of Takeo’s enhanced senses are cut three-quarters that of his Gigai form. He is able to look for about 2.5 kilometers, instead of the ten km and see things as clearly as if they were only a few meters. He can hear soft sounds at 1.25 kilometers, instead of the five kilometers, the way a normal Human could hear fairly loud noises within the same room. Takeo’s sense of smell is at a range of a quarter mile and he could trace someone approximately a tenth of a mile if he had a particular scent to follow.

Due to his Plushie form, Takeo does not have the ability of his hyperactive sense of taste, since there are not taste buds in a stuffed animal. Takeo’s hyperactive touch is reduced as well, to a point of being able to feel magnetic forces within two inches of him.

Reiryoku Sensing
Takeo is able to sense the spiritual energy of other beings and can gauge their levels. When in his Gigai he can sense those who are at least Tier 4 and those above this level.

However, his detection level is very limited in his plushie form and he can only sense those who are teir 2 and greater, or those who have an over abundance of spiritual energy.

Wushu Fighting Style
Wushu, which means martial arts is the basic fighting style and Takeo knows the northern style of Wushu. The northern style features deeply extended postures - such as the horse, bow, drop, and dragon stances - connected by quick fluid transitions, able to quickly change the direction in which force is issued. In general, the training characteristics of the northern style put more focus on legwork, kicking and acrobatics with an emphasis on high-level kicks.

Plushie/Stuffed Animal
On top of the fighting style listed above, Takeo has other weapons that he uses while he is in his stuffed animal body. These weapons are normally kept within him, since his stuffed animal has an inner pouch that acts much like a stomach. However, the only way to get to the items stored in this pouch is to either grab them, or cough them up, and getting them back inside of him, is hard, as he needs to be held down physically. The items he uses in his stuffed animal body are below. However, he is limited to the number of items he can carry within him, which is a total of fifteen items.

Freestyle Fighting Styles
On top of the Tiger Claw Style, Takeo is also a fighter and can be a simple brawler, especially when he is in his stuffed animal body. When this happens, he will use anything and everything that is not bolted to the ground. Everything from pencils up to vehicles, or whatever he can get his hands on. Since he can use anything around him as a weapon, anything and everything is a weapon for him. This way, if he has too, he can attack or defend against a majority of opponents.

Smoke Bombs
Takeo carries two types of smoke bombs that he uses. The first are your normal, standard colored smoke bombs that can be found around the 4 of July. He always has them with him in his Plushie form, and he will use them when he has too. Normally, the smoke bombs are used when he has to escape or to distract people.

The second type of smoke bombs that are used and that he carries are ones that he has designed himself. These give off a paralyzing smoke, which causes those who breathe it in to be paralyzed for a total of five minutes. These are good to use when around humans and can be used to help him escape if necessary.

Takeo carries a modified lighter that he uses to light the smoke bombs to help him escape dangers, or he can use it to shoot flames at people, with a slight add on to the lighter. Moreover, he can put on a backpack of lighter fluid to give his lighter flamethrower more uses, but this slows him down in his plushie form. Additionally, the more he uses it, the faster he will empty the fuel out of it.

Takeo also grabs whatever he can, that he feels will be useful to him. This could be anything, from a needle up to a firecracker, and he even uses a big mallet at times.

Skill level: Hand to Hand: Adept
Skill level: Speed: Adept
Skill level: Powers: Advanced

Creation and Surviving Extermination
Like all of the Modified Souls, or ModSouls, Takeo was created by Kisuke Urahara as a new type that was enhanced in areas others were not, his senses. He was built to be strong and to help in areas or where someone who was not normal was needed, considering a ModSoul is not normal. Additionally, he was created a few years before the Great Soul Society Purge, where all of the ModSouls created were destroyed.

He was worked on, over the course of a few years adjusted destroyed and rebuilt, used and tested. It was during this time, that Takeo learned of his medium high Reiatsu and that it was not stable, which caused his already enhanced senses to become hyper active. Granting him the ability to see great distances, up to five km, while his hearing was improved to allow him to hear sounds up to five kilometers away. His sense of taste was enhanced more, and he is able to tell you the ingredients that are in something, being able to detect everything to poisons to metals in whatever he eats or drinks.

His sense of touch also became more enhanced giving him the ability to tell the texture of an object and to spot all the small differences that others do not feel. Moreover, he is able to feel the magnetic pull that object give off, which causes the hairs on his arms to stand up. Takeo also has an enhanced sense of smell, with a similar range as with hearing. This allows Takeo to track someone within an approximate 1 mile radius, just like a bloodhound dog.

Like the other ModSouls, Takeo was built as a tool for war, yet he felt that they could do and offer more to Soul Society, than just fighting Hollows. However, he tried a number of times to speak for the ModSouls, to become members of Soul Society, rather than looked upon as drones. But they saw him as nothing but a tool and an abomination.

One day, while he was being checked upon and tested, after another unsuccessful try at trying to be considered more than a tool. However, after being created, ModSouls were beginning to be destroyed by Soul Society, due to the considered an abomination by those of Soul Society. Since they were to be used to revive dead Shinigami and since all ModSouls were to be exterminated, now was the perfect time to escape destruction by those who created him and his brothers and sisters to help them.

While still a pill, his fellow pills were taken to be destroyed, however, a hole had formed in the package he was in, and he fell out and onto the ground. Takeo spent years in the darkness of his home, where he was placed so many years ago, and it was not until a few years before he would ever see the light of day, although a different light than that of Soul Society.

However Takeo was packaged into a non-descriptive case and was sent to the Real World, where he would remain for a number of years. Upon arriving in the Human World, Takeo was removed, but his package was damaged and all of the soul candies, him included fell out and rolled, falling into cracks. While he was rolling, he fell into a Gigai and left to explore the world for a first time since Soul Society, to help people and to become stronger.

Because of what he was, he traveled all of Japan to help and learn how to fight, and once he was done, he traveled to China, where he heard that they had many Martial Arts that one could learn, if given enough time. As he traveled China, searching for a style that he would want to learn, he helped where he could, which gave him a name as a 'Wondering Soul,' and it was because he helped people, that he was able to find a place to that would teach him how to fight. Arriving at one of the Northern Providences of China, Takeo was accepted by the monks and became one, learning how to use what he had naturally form being created to help others.

To this end, the monks trained Takeo in the art known as Fu Jow Pai or Tiger claw style, which was modeled after the demeanor and fighting strategy of an attacking tiger. Takeo spent years learning this style of fighting, and as he worked on these to styles, he thought on how he could combine the two, and so began to use these two in his attacks and his defenses. After a time, Takeo left the temple and went out to use the skills he had learned to help others, in addition to the skills he was created with. As he fought Hollows, he became more skilled in this type of combat. Moreover, he returned to Japan and his creator Kisuke Urahar as he felt the need to return.

New Body, New Life
Upon his return to Japan, Takeo was walking and enjoying all that he was seeing, namely the various women and the clothing styles that they wore, especially those who wore the tighter outfits and school uniforms. As he was walking, he felt the presence of a Hollow and went to fight it, since he was built to do just that, however what he found was something that was scary and could hurt a number of people.

As he fought this Hollow, more appeared and as Takeo defeated them, he was hit by Ceros and one was strong enough to knock the pill out of his Gigai. As he flew out of his Gigai, his Gigai was destroyed by the hollows, while he was swallowed up by a bird and due to this; he was transported to Karakura Town. Once he was in Karakura Town, he flew on, and not being able to fly, since he was not that well, he crashed into a vending machine that held different type of plushies and stuffed animals.

Due to hitting the vending machine so hard, it knocked one of the dolls loose and it fell onto the ground. Additionally, due to the hard hit, and being stepped on, he was ejected from the bird and fell into the stuffed animal. Awaking in the new body, he looked around and stood, blinking and tried to walk, but was walking extremely funny. He saw the bird’s body and apologized to its spirit and looked around, seeing a shiny surface, he looked. What he saw caused him to fall over, as his body was that of a stuffed Penguin, and he was stuck in this new body until he could get placed in a Gigai.

He looked up at the sky, as he laid there he was stepped on by the people of Karakura Town, not realizing that he was detecting a number of Reiryoku’s nearby. However, he was in heaven, as he got to see many a beautiful sights from his position on the ground. He dreamed of these images, as he was picked up by a child, and then stuffed into a bag and carried off to a new life.

While in the bag, he studied his new body and surroundings to the best of his abilities. He looked at a crayon and as the bag was bumped, he swallowed the crayon, and blinked as he thwarted gagging. However, he soon discovered, that he had some type of hollowed area in his gut, and that he could possible hide items in him to use in his fight. He smiled as he though on this, trapped in a body that he did not know how to leave, and in unfamiliar territory to an unknown destination.

RP Sample:
*Taken from You Drunk, You Drunk.
Walking out of a bar along the river front of Karakura Town, is a man who has been here for a year or so, being a new teacher and all to students at Karakura High School. Is a man not of Oriental decent, but one of Anglo-Saxon decent. who has both brown hair and a pair of matching brown eyes. He walks with a bottle in his hand, although, it is hard to see what the bottle says as his hand covers it and part of it is missing. This is normal for this bar, as there are many drunks here who tend to go a little crazy when it comes to their spirits and well, this man just happens to fall into this crowd. What is even more amazing, is that he is walking almost upright, but could fall over at any minute and is singing a song of some type.

As I came home on Monday night as drunk as drunk could be
I saw a horse outside the door where my old horse should be
So I called me wife and I said to her: Will you kindly tell to me
Who owns that horse outside the door where my old horse should be?

The man, Conor Boyd is a very happy and a very drunk Scots man, but the stores are that a Scots man is hard to out drink, and they can drink a lot. As he walks, the first part of this is heard as he walks the riverbank, heading for his home, or what he feels is the direction of his home. You see, Conor is directionally challenged and tends to get lost a lot, more over when he is drunk. As he walks, he keeps singing and this song must be some song form either Scotland or Ireland.

Ah, you're drunk,
you're drunk you silly old fool,
still you can not see
That's a lovely sow that me mother sent to me
Well, many is a day I've traveled a hundred miles or more
But a sow with a saddle on sure I never seen before

Now as I came home on Tuesday night as drunk as drunk could be
I saw a coat behind the door where my old coat should be
So I called me wife and I said to her: Will you kindly tell to me
Who owns that coat behind the door where my old coat should be

Ah, you're drunk,
you're drunk you silly old fool,
still you can not see
That's a lovely blanket that me mother sent to me
Well, many is a day I've traveled a hundred miles or more
But buttons in a blanket sure I never seen before

Conor walks, singing and not caring who or what hears him, so depending on your mood and what you want to do, will matter very little to this man. Since there is more to him than being just a foreigner to Japan and Karakura Town, and a Scots man. What makes Conor different, is that fact that he is a Quincy, a man who can see the spirits of those departed and those who attack them, Hollows. Additionally, he is able to form a bow of energy in his hands to fight these Hollows, but that is the last thing on his mind, as he is too happy from being drunk to worry about fighting. Thank god the semester is over with, cause he will have one hell of a hang over in the morning.


A dark room lighted up by the source of a computer light. The silence removed by the computers sounds. The dead emptyness filled with a shadowy figure over the machine working away. Busy hoping to find an answer or result of any kind. The room was one of the labs located in Las Noches. The being inside the room was an espada, An Arrancar. The shinigami had technology in their possession to locate hollows and arrancar in the human world. Aizen being apart of the shinigami world originally is the one who informed Las Noches.

So if they had sensors for arrancar, why couldnt they have sensors of their own? Indeed shinigami sensors why couldnt they exist after all. However he was not using a shinigami sensor. He has asked for a specific device similar to one that finds hollows, arrancar and shinigami. He asked for a special one that tracks down beings called Quincy. However the device was complicated. Quincy were rare. The machine was built with little information to base on to track down quincy. Often it would give false alarms, but most times it found nothing.

An Arrancar couldnt possibly have the device searching for quincy around the world. It wouldnt work that way. So he had to switch locations of where to search for quincy. He also couldnt stand infront of it all day hoping for a result. So false alarms or not it recorded any findings of quincy locations. This time it was set for karakura town a hot spot for spiritual activity currently. He sets locations for a week before moving on. The device has been searching the town for five days already. Quincys usually dont fight much more not using their abilities making it harder to find them. Its why he let the time be a week hoping a result could come from it. Nothing as of yet, perhaps he should leave the search be.


The machines noises rang loudly. Just when he decided he should leave it rang. He tapped a few buttons on the device. It found a source. Quincys dont technically need to use their powers to be found. It makes it easier. But regardless of how its found the machine found somebody. Why is An Arrancar searching for quincys? well he hates and detests them with all of his being. He finds them obsolete and made it his goal to find and eradicate the entire species. The machine zeroed in on the coordinates of the quincy. It could be a false alarm. But he decided to go.

He stood upright and left the room immediately after receiving the coordinates. A black crack spread through the air and opened up wide looking like a black eye . It was a portal however and he stepped through it with it closing behind him. Another of the same portal opened up high in the sky above karakura town. It was above a river. He stepped out but left the portal open this time. He used sonido to cover the are trying to find the quincy. An Arrancar is all to well familiar of a quincy presence he would recognize it. Just as well use was using pesquisa a radar used by arrancar to find spiritual pressure.

After some minutes of searching he detected what seemed to be a weak source. It could always be a human who was spiritually aware but he should check it out. After all it was in the same area the device pin pointed the quincy. Using sonido he quickly arrived seeing a man down below. He lowered himself quickly reaching the ground standing infront of the man. An Arrancar has been hiding his presence and not let his reiatsu out. But he had to test the man to see if he was a quincy. He lout out pressure quickly filling the air(about b-c level). Of course asking wouldnt hurt as well."Are you a quincy?" he said. He noticed an odd scent coming from the man noticing his bottle after inspecting the man. Was he drunk? He didnt care as long as the man was a quincy.

Conor looked as he walked and was stopped in his tracks as he heard a voice next to him. "Are you a Quincy?" and he blinked as his drunk mind tried to process the request, but that was not going to happen. "I maybe a Quincy," he says as the smell of spirits and drink is smelt as he talks. "Althou why do you need toh know?" he asks the figure as he is not processing anything very well. However, what is processing very well, is the alcohol that is in his body, which causes him to start singing again.

And as I went home on Wednesday night as drunk as drunk could be
I saw a pipe up on the chair where my old pipe should be
Well, I called me wife and I said to her: Will you kindly tell to me
Who owns that pipe up on the chair where my old pipe should be

Ah, you're drunk,
you're drunk you silly old fool,
still you can not see
That's a lovely tin whistle that me mother sent to me
Well, it's many a day I've travelled a hundred miles or more
But tobacco in a tin whistle sure I never saw before

He sings as he grins and staggers some as he puts a hand on the wall and holds his bottle up, taking a drink from it, only to lower it and look inside of it. "Why is all the beer gone? he states as he shakes it. "There was beer in here when I left," he comments only to look at the man. "Say laddie, ye didn't happen to drink my beer now would ye?" he asks him as he looks and tries to stand up to his full height. Although, when he does this, he staggers some more.

An Arrancar had several thoughts about this man. He thought the man was a pitiful sight. Now that he had time for a further inspection. The man was obviously intoxicated. Was he like this all the time? It could have been just a one time thing maybe after a bad day. Drunk all the time or just sometimes. It didn't matter An Arrancar why he was like this. But it sure was such an ungraceful behavior. He listened to the mans words and watched his movements.

So far he would only have to excuse the mans behavior. f he was indeed a quincy it wouldnt have mattered soon because he would be eliminated. The man began to sing. Why was this guy singing? Just get it over with and answer the question properly. Only saying he might be and why An Arrancar needs to know. But that could mean he was because if he wasn't he would ask what a quincy was. Then again that could always be caused from being drunk.

Well what should he do now? He could always test the man to see if he was indeed a quincy. But if he wasnt a quincy and a normal human being it could be bad. An Arrancar thought about it. He will test the man. If he was a normal human and died anyways he was just a test case. An Arrancar thought getting rid of the quincys would be great for all so even if he wasnt he helped out in ways. Besides the machine might tell An Arrancar to follow him again.

Oh well. A dunk quincy or human the world didnt need either. An Arrancar ignored the mans questions to him. Lifting his left hand and pointing at it with his index finger. A white beam of reishi shot out targeting the bottle. The reishi laser was only meant to hit the bottle. If it did then it would shatter. The human could always move it fast enough to miss the laser if he was a quincy."[color:796b=cc3366]I have came to the conclusion that quincys must be exterminated. You are an obsolete clan that will perish and I will glad hunt all of you down." he said in a cold manner with a very serious killing intent in it. Words were also a good test. Depending on reactions and responses he could always get results from them. He figured he would just see how things went from here.

Conor blinked as he heard the response, "AN obsolete clan, we Boyds are not obsolete. We are a proud clan. A hearty clan and a ..." and he stops and heads for a trash clan and throws up into it. After a few minutes of this he looks and blinks as he thinks, "And a drunk clan.." he adds as he stands and is a bit wobbly. He than looks over at the man and blinks, "I take it that ye wanna fight huh?" he asks him as he leans against the wall.

Thinking, he ponders, "How about a drinking contest," he asks him. "Although I am sure you do not drink," and he covers his mouth and leans over the trash can and waits a few minutes. "Perhaps that wold not be a good idea. I doubt I could drink any more..." he adds as he looks and walks forward, slowly towards the man and he looks up at him, as best as he can in his drunken state. "Quit moving around." he states to the moving person, and he rubs his eyes.

Now, instead of a single person, he is seeing multiples. He blinks a few more times and looks, [colorblue]"I see you brought some friends... Well, I can take ye all on,"[/color] he says as he falls back and lands on his butt... hard. Yea, he is drunk and could not do much, but bad mouth ya. However, the next thing that happens, is that he sits there for a moment,before he falls over and lays on his side, out cold and he now seems to be snoring, or whatever it is you make when you are drunk.

Last edited by Byakko Fuyuichiro on Sat Jul 17, 2010 4:02 pm; edited 6 times in total

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Takeo Empty Re: Takeo

Mon Jun 28, 2010 12:34 pm
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Tue Jun 29, 2010 8:26 am
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Sun Jan 16, 2011 1:34 pm

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Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:56 pm

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