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Airon Iramasha (NPC) [IRAMASHA ANGEL, 1-1+ (0-3+)] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Airon Iramasha (NPC) [IRAMASHA ANGEL, 1-1+ (0-3+)] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Airon Iramasha (NPC) [IRAMASHA ANGEL, 1-1+ (0-3+)] Empty Airon Iramasha (NPC) [IRAMASHA ANGEL, 1-1+ (0-3+)]

Sun Jul 11, 2010 12:34 am
Airon Iramasha (NPC) [IRAMASHA ANGEL, 1-1+ (0-3+)] Image4487

Airon Iramasha (NPC) [IRAMASHA ANGEL, 1-1+ (0-3+)] Image4486-1

Airon Iramasha (NPC) [IRAMASHA ANGEL, 1-1+ (0-3+)] Image4488-1

• Name: Airon Iramasha
• Age: 1,300
• Gender: Male
• Appearance: Refer to link:

• Branch/Position: Royal Angel Family

• Race: Angel

Airon Iramasha (NPC) [IRAMASHA ANGEL, 1-1+ (0-3+)] Image4489-1

• Personality: As a one of the former 6 Great Iramasha Councilmen, Airon believes that the ideals of demon Iramasha, which is that each clan must mind their own business and solve their own problems without having to ask for the aid of others in order to keep appearance and honor, is a "ridiculous and idiotic way of thinking" and that cooperation between the other organizations of the world is a better way of thinking in order to defeat the evils that threaten Earth and the Soul Society.

He also believes that the whole clan such just be lead by Halo Iramasha. Why? Because Airion simply thinks Halo is the most level-headed member in the whole clan who will examine all the options on the table without being too bias or feeding off of his Iramasha. He is certainly a much better leader then Ketsu who he finds irritating as hell due to his stubbornness, pride and the way he looks down on everyone from his point of his view.

Other then that, for the most part, Airon is well mannered, quiet and considerate of others. He doesn't speak too many people outside of Halo and Tsuna Iramasha. So most people really can't put a finger on his personality, and neither can Airon.

Airon Iramasha (NPC) [IRAMASHA ANGEL, 1-1+ (0-3+)] Image4491-1

• Background:Airon was born into the Main branch of the Angel Iramasha's. From early on in life, he always had an interest in the various gems of the clan, but had no interest in protecting them 24/7 like the Guradian Iramasha's did. So he simply kept his affinity for them a secret. However, when he met Tsuna Iramasha, the two quickly became friends and he was able to have direct access to the Master Emerald where he would discover he would a bound with it that rivaled Tsuna's own connection. But, due to his disinterest in joining Tsuna's side of the clan, the two of them decided to keep it a secret so Airon could keep on living his life the way he wanted.

A few hundred years later, however, some of the clan began to notice his more intelligent side. This was shown when he had a group of low-level Iramasha's take on an small army of Menos and Arrancar to help aid the Soul Society back on Earth. They had no gems, no power above Angel Form and there were only a dozen of them. Yet somehow they destroyed all of them, helped recuse the shinigami and came back without losing a single Iramasha.

The clan was so impressed that when they were searching for Advisor Members, some of the Elders of the clan automatically picked him for a spot in this new group in the clan.

And from that point on he's been an councilmen ever since.

Airon Iramasha (NPC) [IRAMASHA ANGEL, 1-1+ (0-3+)] Image4494-1

• Powers:

• Iramashsa Sync: Iramasha Sync is a natural ability all Iramasha have from the moment they are born into this world. Iramasha Sync is how all the Iramasha's are in tune with one another. They can share visuals in battle, energy, information and various other things by using this technique. To activate it all you have to do is say "Iramasha Sync" and it will instantly link you up to their network.

• Chaos Unity: When the leaders of the Iramasha Clan are in desperate times they will each get the Angelic Gems and Demonic Gems to perform a fusion technique. When this move is activated each of the leaders will fuse with the other, along with the spirits of past Iramasha's leaders, into one powerful being. Other Iramasha's Can also use this technique with less jems, but they often have a time limit on how long they can maintain this form depending on their combined power.

• Chaos barrier: Chaos Barrier is a move you perform by summoning up Chaos Energy, placing a wall or sphere of energy around your body and sealing yourself inside your own world for up to three post. Nothing can get in OR out of this world. Which means you cannot attack while within it, nor can you be attacked. Also, if you stay in here for too long and you are not a master or Advanced you will eventually begin to erase yourself. Master's and Advanced can to, but this usually happens after five post after the recommended three post length. Also, after the recommended three post length, it can also be damaged by other attack's and eventually bought down.

• Chaos Warp: When this technique is activated it allows the user to teleport from short range distances at first, then when they become more master this move more they able to use to technique to teleport from long range distances along with being able to warp anywhere as long they can sense someones spiritual pressure or reiatsu. When they become more powerful they sometimes able to slow down within a limited range and gain the upper hand on their opponents. Advanced and master's can also teleport through dimension's and create pathway's to other world's. Adept can do it, but it takes much longer and drains them.

However, Chaos Warp is not just limited to that. It can also be used for teleporting things and other beings. It starts by firing a burst of Chaos Energy from either your finger tips, palm's or anywhere else you can think of in your body. Then you can create it in any shape or form you want and try to have it attach itself to the thing you want to teleport. For objects, it's almost instant to teleport. However, to move massive land masses and things along those lines it would take a bit more time. Between one or two post for master's, three or four for advanced users, five or seven for Adept and 20 for beginners.

To teleport or beings it would take 1 post for masters, 2 for advanced, 3 for adept and 5 for beginners.

Note: A very common way to utlize Chaos Warp is for it to be used to control the flow of time around a certain area. For example, Time Control can be used to speed up the time. So if you have a slow attack, you can apply the Chaos Energy to it and speed it up. You can also increase your opponents speed as well. Another example of time control is by slowing down the flow of time around you or on a certain object. Say for instance you were about to get punch. Well, you can apply Chaos Energy to the punch and slow it down so it won't hurt as much. The same applies for energy attack's as well and pretty much anything else.

• Soul Enhancement: The Angel Iramasha appear to have an ability where they are able to use energy from other souls to power themselves. For example, if they were in the Soul Society they would be able to call upon small bits of energy from multiple Plus's and some Shinigami to eventually and gradually make themselves much stronger. This will also work with other Iramasha as they are naturally incline to help each other and will succeed in making both Iramasha somewhat stronger for a short amount of time. But, Angel Iramasha's must remember that if they do not get full approval from each soul they take power from only a small fraction of that soul's power will come to them. So, unless there is a mass acceptance of Angel Iramasha being able to take this energy, this is usually done in more populated areas with large amounts of Plus's, Iramasha's, Human's or Shinigami. This ability also does not work as well with Arrancar, Demons, Vizards or Hollows; the races listed would need to fully give the Iramasha their energy and be committed for this one to work.

• Soul Creation: Within certain realms, The Angel Iramasha have been blessed with the ability to manipulate certain factors within their environment by The Soul King himself. For example, while within the Soul Society Angel Iramasha on a higher level have the power to create certain living beings from the allowance of the Soul King, easily control the weather, forge various objects from nowhere to attack opponents with and even form imaginary realities within confined areas. They've even gone as far as to reshape other opponents or allies body to their own needs if enough power is backed behind it. This ability requires more power to master, however, so the higher your tier level, the better you are controlling this. Along with that, it's only at it's strongest in the Soul Society, with the World Of The Living coming in a close second. For, when they are not in the Soul Society, they rely heavily on the supply of reiatsu, reishi and reishi in the air in order to perform these feats. And in realms such as Hueco Mundo, The Kokuryuteshi's Realm and Demon World; this becomes increasingly hard to perform, but manageable.

• Divine Purifcation: As with most types of Angel's, The Iramasha Angel do have the ability to purify various races. What in the world does that mean? It's really quite simple. If they are able to weaken or overpower a demon for example it would be possible to make an attempt at converting them into a more pure race such as an Angel or even going as far as to rebirth them as a human to atone for their sins. The same can apply for Vizards, Demon's, Arrancar's and Hollow's. However, these are more extreme examples of purification. On the combat side of things, this purification also becomes heavily useful against these races attacks. For example, a high class Iramasha Angel would have the ability to negate certain Demon Spells or cut through a weaker level cero shot off from an Arrancar or Vizard. Along with that, the Divine Purification would even allow for them to even shift the blast entirely into a holy energy and use it against said Arrancar or Vizard to cause more damage. Not only that, but more highly skilled Angel's could even disarm or immobilize certain low class or weakened Demon's or Arrancar merely by touching them and attempting to rid their existence by the pure angelic radiating inside of them.

This Purification can even be used for non-combat purposes or healing purposes as more powerful Angel's have the ability to even cure people of illnesses, do away with most toxins or poisons and even perform miracles by sometimes making the most impossible injury or damage done to person become undone. Those who are even on a lower level can at least give their comrades a sense of extra energy with their presence, do away with most common sicknesses and things of this nature. Along with that, this purification can even be extracted from some Iramasha's to be converted into various objects that generate holy barriers that have the potential to reject most types of foul creatures and do great damage to them or prevent them for entering the area altogether.

In short, it would be wise not to underestimate this holy ability of the Angel Iramasha.

• Soul Reading: Angel Iramasha's have the ability to actually look into ones soul (See: Inner World) in order to determine what a person or creature is like on a more spiritual based level. For lower level Iramasha, they can easily be rejected, injured or whatever else have you if they wish to enter someone's Inner World without permission. On top of that, it also requires more effort on their part as they are not accustomed to it as more powerful ranking Angel's within the Iramasha are. However, as they get stronger, eventually they will no longer require the need for permission and can sometimes enter a persons Inner World without their consent. When this happens, the person in question will either fight them off to eject them out of their soul, allow them full access or The Angel Iramasha will deal with whatever rules the Inner World they are entering has in store for them.

Now, moreover, if someone is able to fully accept this Angel into their heart it can be possible for The Angel Iramasha in question to do positive deeds for them. Take this situation for example: There is a Plus Soul in danger of being overwhelmed and turning into a hollow. If an Angel Iramasha is present, they can easily enter that Plus's soul and remove the hollow infection so that they may pass on to the Soul Society in a more peaceful matter. Another situation that would be considered a good deed with this ability is an Angel Iramasha even taming one's Ziamichi Spirit in order to enhance that Ziamichi's overall control and power. And the last example of this ability being used for good would be for an Angel Iramasha to somehow awaken a person's hidden or suppressed memories. So, by these three examples alone, there are many ways for an Angel Iramasha to do good, but there is also many ways for them to do negative impact.

Thus, on the flip side, an Angel Iramasha can possibly enter an Arrancar's Inner World and begin the task of destroying their vast collection of Souls until said Arrancar was no more or dropped dead if they failed to fight said Angel Iramasha off. Another example of using this for negative impact would be to completely shatter a Shinigami's Soul Chain if they were able to locate it or said Shinigami did not reject or rebel against The Angel Iramasha. Finally, they could even split a Ziamichi Spirit or Hollow away from their host and cause some serious mayhem for said host.

Therefore, this ability must be used with utmost caution. It can turn the tides in a battle, or can easily be used against an Angel Iramasha if an experienced fighter knows how to handle dealing with someone inside of their inner world. Alas, though, most Angel Iramasha choose to simply use this ability as more or less a passive move to see inside a person's soul. So, on that final note, use it as you may.

• Skills:

General Skills
  • Durability: Advanced
  • General Speed: Advanced
  • Strength: Adept
  • Weapon Skill: Adept

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: N/A
  • Mental Deduction: N/A
  • Pain Endurance: N/A
  • Focus: N/A

Racial Skills
  • Chaos Energy Skill: Advanced
  • Chaos Warp: Advanced
  • Chaos Fighting Style: Adept
  • Gem Creation: Adept

Last edited by [THEFROST] on Sun Dec 22, 2013 8:28 pm; edited 2 times in total

Airon Iramasha (NPC) [IRAMASHA ANGEL, 1-1+ (0-3+)] WVMWLOu

Airon Iramasha (NPC) [IRAMASHA ANGEL, 1-1+ (0-3+)] Empty Re: Airon Iramasha (NPC) [IRAMASHA ANGEL, 1-1+ (0-3+)]

Thu Nov 08, 2012 2:08 pm
Airon Iramasha (NPC) [IRAMASHA ANGEL, 1-1+ (0-3+)] Tumblr_m4yxjsjuaS1r37arko1_r1_500

This be an NPC so moved!
To the npc section, and tagged~!
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