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Kouta Irichu
Kouta Irichu
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Kouta Irichu Empty Kouta Irichu

Sat Jun 12, 2010 5:49 pm
Name: Kouta Irichu

Gender: Male

Age: 964 years.

Personality: He is very intellegent and seemingly impatient has very little patience with one whose mental capacity is somewhat slower than his. Calm mostly many envy his ability to stay calm in very most hard and tough situations. He has enough experience to be cofident he can handle it some what arrogant but strong hearted therefore being calm. Alas,
He is very experienced.


Zanpakutô Spirit:(''Valarai Blade of Fog'') Only weild by the generations of the Irichu bloodline myth indicates the blade was forged by a Shinigami named ''Hiruko Irichu'' A royal Shinigami..Apparently he cast his soul into the Blade after cursing the whole Irichu bloodline. The blade doesn't show any only warns Kouta that a terrible destiny walks into his hands besides that it does his every whim.

Sealed Zanpakutô : It takes form of a Gun-metal dagger.

Shikai Description: it appears gray clouds carved into the steel celestial steel the hilt appears blackened. Blade exceptionaly large and heavy only balanced with Irichu bloodlines.

Shikai Abilities: Once un-sheathed area is covered in a dence fog allowing a slight advantage for first attack, Blade also gives an intimidating aura to another Zanpakutô Spirit once blades met.

Skill Level: Kidou: Beginner
Skill Level: Swordsmanship: Adept
Skill Level: Shunpo: Beginner
Skill Level: Hand-to-Hand: Beginner

Bankai Description: (Black lines appear under the eyes of Kouta after the blade is un-shealthed eyes turning from hazel to gray blade has a blood-like aura around it.

Bankai Abilities: The blood aura causes the victim cut by the blade to bleed slighty more the more blood shed by either of the weilder or victim strengthens the aura causing the victim to bleed exceptionaly worse.

History/Background: Kouta Irichu is a very vile Shinigami keeping to himself very mysterious. Irichu blood-line is cursed staying with a 17 year old appearance and always keeping a human form and look, Only indication of Shinigami is the hole on his through which is a custom Irichu Shinigami mark..He has always had hatred for many shinigami. He enjoy the company of only ones who has the intellegence and opinions that he has himself. He has bounties over his head and is wanted as a Shinigami for the murder of three mortals. He apparently went on a slight rampage because of his past amnesia. He had flashbacks that confused him till he had a break down killing three people at random. He has been in hiding for 300 years and is continuing on forth but he feels he will need to come out eventually.

Roleplay Sample: The shinigami would smile giving an intimidating aura, He'd place his hand on the hilt of his blade un-shealthing it fog would roll in out of nothingness at then the sky darkens as he would be no where in sight fog clearing and dencity lowering and showing him slightly and then flickering again dencity rising again appear out of sight as it lowers again you could not see him..(( Goes on through skill Blade fighting fist fighting ETC.))[url][/url] Irichu Awesomeness

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November SOTM 20112nd place
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Kouta Irichu Empty Re: Kouta Irichu

Sun Nov 14, 2010 5:27 pm
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Kouta Irichu XmGUKMS
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Kouta Irichu Empty Re: Kouta Irichu

Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:32 pm

Smiley face
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