Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Miria Empty Miria

Fri Jul 30, 2010 8:52 pm
Miria Sakkaku
Gen'ei no Miria
(Phantom Miria, or literally Illusion Shadow Miria)
Gender: Female

Age: 229/22

Miria is excellent in a group and has superb leadership qualities. She is incredibly intelligent and because of this, she makes an excellent strategist/tactician. These skills shine in battle with a group when her abilities seem far greater than her actual level of strength. However she is very humble about any of her outstanding qualities because they had only been trained by recommendation of a rolemodel superior.

Miria values life. She cares deeply about the comrades around her, and tries to maintain the least amount of casaulties. Miria takes the deaths of her friends and comrades very personally, and is extremely distraught when they die. She does the best of her ability prevent their deaths or to the very least of all, delay them.

Miria Miriaafternortherncampaign
She the back of her hair up in a pony tail, but the rest of her hair hangs loosely. She has piercing silver eyes and a light brown hair color, almost blonde. The clothing she wears is generally a for more discreet operations, and it is used for such.

Zanpakutô Spirit:
Her zanpakto spirit looks a lot like a ghost. Something like a child with a white bed sheet over their body would look like. A small child with a bedsheet over their body with two small black holes so that they can see. However, there is no small child under the bedsheet. The white blob is actually the real zanpakto spirit. Under the sheet is another sheet with two small holes almost exactly the same in size.

Gen'ei might not be a child with a bedsheet, however she acts very much like one. She acts childs and immature in even some of the more serious situations. She does act moderately serious in a truely imporatant situation however, that is rather rare of her. She often whines and complains about harsh conditions or small pesterances to her, like cold or bugs. This personality of her's belies that there really is a child beneath the bedsheet.

Gen’ei lives on a old-fashioned black train. A long black train, shooting out a cloud of black smoke. There are no passengers on this train, however there are simply floating balls that seem to be on fire. They glow a light blue and float about. Her world is silent, other than the train’s whistle, and the sound of it moving across the tracks below. When looking out the window, there is a forest scenery flying by. There is also a very little amount of light filtering through the trees around. And the world seems to be rather gloomy. The train also never… ever.. stops… And it just seems to go on forever…

Sealed Zanpakutô :
In it’s sealed form, Gen’ei is double-edged long sword. The zanpakto isn’t very thick, or wide at all, but it is almost as long as Miria is tall. The blade starting at her shoulder stops near her knees. It hangs from a strap on her cloak.

Shikai Description:
[Uhh… Crappy description… sorry, pay attention to the pic XD. I spent a lot of time snipping it from the manga and then editing out a hand and the surroundings = =]

Gen’ei becomes a large claymore. The sword becomes thicker and wider, and the hilt becomes a small pole, with a silver cap at its tip. The hilt guard becomes two prongs, protruding from the beginning of the sword. A little after the beginning there is a small symbol.
Miria MiriasClaymore
Shikai Abilities:
Power- During the release, the reiatsu used to release the zanpakto is converted into physical strength. Her large sword can be wielded with a single hand even though the massive blade is almost as large as her more petite body. She also gains the ability to manipulate her physical abilities. After the release her physical abilities are increased, and her reiatsu then dies back down, however the increase remains. She can then manipulate the amount of reiatsu she puts into the conversion of physical strength. Even though her reiatsu is converted into physical strength, if the conversion occurs after the release, she begins release a constant flow of reiatsu. If she releases 10% of her reiatsu to be converted into physical strength hey eyes become a golden color. And at 75% of her reiatsu being used, she reaches her limit. Any further, and she becomes a berserk juggernaut capable of superhuman feats with juggernaut strength, insane speed, and other superhuman abilities. But in this state she is berserk. She no longer has the ability to differentiate between enemy and ally, but she simply destroys everything. This state ends when her reiatsu gives out. After which she will black out, and be useless in battle for maybe half a day at least, and a day and a half at most.

Phantom-For a split second, just single moment, she has the ability to reach an incredible speed rivaling the “Mach’s”. Miria manipulates a large burst of reiatsu to move at an amazing speed for a second. This ability is very similar to shunpo, however it has a much greater speed, but a very limited use. It’s not practical for movement, but more so for battle. Allowing her to move away injured allies without suffering any damage herself, or to evade attacks so she can strike the enemy. She reaches a speed so great, that she leaves an afterimage in her place as a mirage until the enemy realize otherwise. She has rather small limit for this ability even though it’s meant for battle. So… Long battles aren’t her forte. She can use this safely 30 times. After 30, she begins to heavily strain her body, and she begins to gradually slow down. 13 times after her limit, and the ability is that of being slower than even shunpo and is practically useless. She would also be tired out, eliminating the use of shunpo either.
Pic Ex:
Miria PhantomMove

Regeneration- From releasing reiatsu via “Power” ability, she can also regenerate wounds while the reiatsu flows. At 10% she can regenerate cuts or scratches. At 20% scrapes or bruises. 30% she can quickly regenerate the lower level wounds from the lower percentiles. 50% she can regenerate mildly deep wounds. At her limit she can regenerate entire limbs, deep wounds, broken bones, or any other rather drastic damage. Regeneration is entirely based on concentrating on regenerating: the image of the wound as whole, before the injury was there, and the absolute focus on it being whole again. Over the limit into her berserk state she can quickly regenerate a devastating or even normally fatal wound. However this only occurs once, and the penalty still remains. Regenerating several times in a battle also puts strain on her. This ability is particularly useful not by making her a warrior able to press on, but to allow her to use her body as an expendable decoy, shield, etc… And any pain is regular though ;O.. Felt a need to add that in…

Kuikku, Gen’ei (Quick, Phantom/Illusion Shadow)

Skill Level: Kidou: Adept
Skill Level: Swordsmanship: Advanced
Skill Level: Shunpo: Adept
Skill Level: Hand-to-Hand: Beginner

Bankai Release
Hayai, Gen’ei no Shinkirō (Faster, Mirage Phantom/Illusion Shadow Mirage)

Bankai Description:
The appearance remains the same.

Bankai Abilities:
The abilities which could be used previously in Shikai, remain the same.

Mirage-After release this mirage releases no reiatsu. It is not as fast as the Phantom, but in comparison, Mirage is superior. More practical in battle especially since it has no limitations to how many times it is used. In smaller movements with a lower speed rather than large movements with a greater speed, Mirage allows Miria to continuously create after images because of her speed.
Ex: Her body would blur in a continuous after image so the opponent would see her like:
The “o” being the oppenent and the line surrounding the O being Miria and her after images.
o I
Or Miria appearing to be around the oppenent surrounding them, and each Miria striking at the same time, with each attack basically occurring at the same time. This ability is effective for both attacking and evasion. However, because of the unlimited use with no reiatsu involved, and the lower speed, her evasion is not as high if she were to use her Phantom ability
Ex Pic:
Miria MiriaNewMirage

Miria was always astoundingly intelligent. Even as a baby, she seemed to comprehend the idea of “danger” and understand what was dangerous. Even when there were medicinal pills that resembled pieces of candy, she had the intellect to differentiate and categorize such as “danger”. She was also a very fast learner. She skipped the majority of her elementary grade levels, and excelled in her classes even at the higher levels of academics. This intelligence also came with its price; she had very few friends throughout her few years in schooling. She studied often, and was more of a bookworm than a social butterfly. But Miria found nothing wrong with her social life. It seemed to be absolutely normal for her. At age thirteen she was already checking out colleges that she was interested in. She was interested in so many things, and all the different careers she could pursue were too many for her to simply choose. So she instead chose something that she was least expected to excel at. She enrolled into the military.

At age fourteen she was able to actually be in the field. The physical strains on her young body were slightly difficult for her; one of her first difficulties in her entire life, however she was superb at tactics and strategy. After being assigned as a leader once, they had realized what great leadership skills she had. Several groups before her assigned to the same task, returned with several casualties or not at all. Her skills in a group were recognized when she had returned with zero casualties and above expectation results. After that… she rose through the ranks.

After becoming a general in the army, the men under her began to suffer from fewer and fewer casualties. Efficiency with rations, ammunitions, and even teams/groups was greatly increased after she began leading her portion of the military. She was now sixteen years old, and she was pleased with her work, and her abilities being used for great deeds. She was a renowned hero to all of the military, and her country. With this, she was also the great threat to all of her enemies. They secretly planned to remove her from their troubles…

Their plan was to assassinate her. Doing this would benefit them, so that they would be able to once again outsmart the enemy in their tactics and strategies, but that could never happen while Miria remained alive and in her authority position. So they concocted the perfect solution: to get her to sacrifice herself for her comrades. It was what she was renowned for, her strong values.
They brought together their collective infiltrators who beforehand worked separately according to their corresponding employer. But banded together by their employers plan, they began to slowly put it to work. One began planting miniscule explosives around the areas near which Miria was often around. Another began to observe her friendships. Shortly after which, created a detailed plan on how to become another friend of Miria’s in which she cared for.

And then all their preparations were complete. They were going to sabotage the base, making it a danger zone. And by triggering the explosives in a specific order, they could make it appear to endanger the infiltrator who deceived Miria. So they set off the first round of explosives, which shook the base, and started a few small fires. The infiltrator began to fake a panic, and ran off in a direction separate from Miria’s escape group, which she had already organized.

Miria ordered the escape group to continue on without her, and she followed the infiltrator, in order to attempt to save his life. Running frantically down the halls, she caught up to him. And near him an explosive went off. He then proceeded to act unconscious. But when she reached him. She said the most interesting bit of information. “…What would possess you to think that you would outsmart me?…” she whispered to him. With that, she REALLY did knock him out, and slung an arm over her shoulder. Still she refused to leave him to die. She casually walked her escape route, avoiding the fire and explosives. Right as she reached the exit, she was confronted by her comrades on the other side of the door. They told her that a comrade of hers really did get separated from the group. Throwing the infiltrator at them she ran back into her own trap.

A little later that comrade came running out of the exit, with a little fire on his clothes he was trying to pat out. However Miria did not return with him. He told them that she had thrown him out of harm’s way and had tried to escape differently. However she would have had to pass by the explosives she had avoided before. After the base was once again safe, the infiltrators caught, the fires extinguished, and the explosives disarmed, there was search set up for Miria. They did find her, and she was inside of a bomb shelter. She was severely injured. First and second degree burns on her arms and legs, there was a wound from an explosive on her back, and she suffered a few other injuries. She managed to remain alive for some few days. But even with medical assistance her death could only be delayed.

She eventually died. And they grieved for her, and had a proper burial and funeral for her, immediately. She was transported back from the field with a few of her companions for the scheduled service and burial.

Miria awoke in Rukongai. There she learned of Shinigami. Learning of them, she desired to become one, partially because of her pleasant memories in the military had left a lasting impression on her. She wanted to be able to fight with companions again, and be able to prevent the waste of lives with her intelligence. So she managed to enter the academy. Just like her school life when she was alive, she excelled at everything because of her long hours of study and practice. She graduated with ease, and began her life as a shinigami. Where once again her abilities came to use again, whenever she was sent out as a team.

Role-play Sample:
A swarm of hollows skilled at using puppets that resembled humans and gave off no reiatsu signature had joined together. However all that was known about this was their location. Miria and a small team had been sent to exterminate them. She walked into an intermediate tech town. Nothing quite too advanced, nothing very basic. She walked looking left and right, and strangely enough the town’s people seemed content and had no worry. However this was all an illusion

As the team continued to walk through the village, the number of people they saw began to diminish. Soon they were left standing in the middle of road, in total silence. And then it happened very quickly. “Miria! Look out!” one of her group members as she was being captured. She was knocked out, and several of the “town’s people” began rushing at her with primitive weapons. Miria simply dodged them by jumping backwards and as she was still in the air, a large hollow appeared behind her. And he swiped at her with a clawed hand. Despair passed through the team as they saw Miria get cut in half. However, no corpse fell to the ground. And then her team knew exactly what had happened, however, the group of puppeteer hollows came out of hiding confused. And as the showed themselves, they moved toward the area where Miria’s corpse should have lie, and then she appeared, without wounds. She appeared next to all of them at once. And as she slashed, they were all cleansed in one swipe. And one Miria landed quietly on her feet in the center of the road, before her teammates. “Sorry, I should have realized sooner…” she spoke apologetically. And they began to chatter amongst themselves on the way back. “So that’s the phantom…”

Last edited by Wil on Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:34 pm; edited 8 times in total
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Miria Empty Re: Miria

Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:52 pm
Is there a way to space out the paragraphs on the History, RP Sample, Zanpakutō Spirit Description, Shikai Description please.

The character personality needs to be at least 2 paragraphs minimum, expand the Zanpakutō Personality to at least a paragraph or two, longer description of what the spirit looks like under the blanket. The more detailed the description, the better it is. Make these modifications, and I'll look over the app afterwords.
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Miria Empty Re: Miria

Sat Jul 31, 2010 12:30 am

There could be something really meaningful here, but instead I'll just include valuable information : Turtles are actually birds
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Miria Empty Re: Miria

Sat Jul 31, 2010 5:27 pm
One more fix, I see two releases for Shikai; Kuikku, Gen’ei and Hayai, Gen’ei no Shinkirō. Is one the Bankai and if it is, can you put Shikai Release: and Bankai Release: with the translation of what it is in ( ) and place the Bankai release above the Bankai Description.
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Miria Empty Re: Miria

Sun Aug 01, 2010 12:40 am

There could be something really meaningful here, but instead I'll just include valuable information : Turtles are actually birds
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Miria Empty Re: Miria

Mon Aug 02, 2010 12:55 am
Approved, 2-3+.

Also, I think you have disabled the BBC Code in your profile. none of your images are coming up.
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Miria Empty Re: Miria

Mon Aug 02, 2010 12:11 pm
It happens every single time I create a post if I log out = =

There could be something really meaningful here, but instead I'll just include valuable information : Turtles are actually birds
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Miria Empty Re: Miria

Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:26 pm
Wil wrote:It happens every single time I create a post if I log out = =

Not a problem on that. Ok, I see the additions you made and you get to keep the approval I gave you. Now I cannot move your character to the approved board, but I will let one of the Admins do it.

I did forget to tell you, that you get to adjust the Skills on your app for being approved. As you are approved for a Teir of 2-3+, you can set your four skills at 1 Advance, 2 Adept and 1 Beginner.
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Miria Empty Re: Miria

Sun Nov 14, 2010 5:19 pm
Moved to inactive

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Miria Empty Re: Miria

Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:28 pm

Smiley face
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