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Raiki Hoshiho
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Joined : 2010-08-23
Posts : 3

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Raiki Hoshiho, the Blazing Gunner Left_bar_bleue0/0Raiki Hoshiho, the Blazing Gunner Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Raiki Hoshiho, the Blazing Gunner Empty Raiki Hoshiho, the Blazing Gunner

Mon Aug 23, 2010 12:27 pm

Name: Raiki Hoshiho

Gender: Male

Age: 148 (Looks 21)

Personality: Raiki is generally the very calm and playful type, always up for a challenge and a game. He despises real work, but is often forced to do the hardest work by his superiors because of his laziess. A fast thinker and mnover, he often outruns his colleages and gets ahead of himself. To him, life is a game, and why not make the game fun? This also means that he bends the rules to his advantage as much as he can. He is very rarely seen panicking or in a bad mood, and if he is to die one day, he will probably do so with a smile on his face. He comes to protect his friends in need, but only in his own pace.

Appearance: Raiki Hoshiho, the Blazing Gunner Black_and_White_by_Funnifox

Hair-color: White

Eye-color: Green

With his long and lean apperance, he looks exactly what he is: Quick, athletic and agile. He moves with deadly grace and cunning through the streets of Soul Soceity... To avoid the work he knows that his captain is sure to give him.
Usually, he wears his doghi and uniform of the Gotei 13, but alsom he wears a white Fedora that he obtained during one of his trips to the outskirts of Rukungai.

Zanpakutô Spirit: Raiki Hoshiho, the Blazing Gunner Steam_punk_gunner_by_jump_button

Name: Joukeiki

With an alsmost arrogant and independent personality, Raiki had a hard time comunicating with her in the begining. With an ego as big as her master4s, they had a hard time getting along, though tough times and mortal danger have learned them to help and love eachother. Even som, they both snap at eachother as fighting dogs.

Joukeiki lives on a largem floating platform in brown colors, flying over beige clouds with the sun gopibng down in the distance. The platform would remind most people of a flying base from a steampunk universe.

Sealed Zanpakutô: In its unrealsed state, Joukeiki looks like a normal katana, even though it as a small flintlock on it. This flintlock has no function, it simply symbolizes the released form of Raiki`s Zanpaktou.

Shikai Description: Raiki Hoshiho, the Blazing Gunner Gun_by_mACca_r0ni

The picture shows the basic form of Joukeiki, though there are 2 identical guns when Raiki releases. It does however, have 2 aditional forms.

2.: Raiki Hoshiho, the Blazing Gunner Uzi_by_I_Am_FrEnZy

In this state, Joukeiki takes form of 2 uzis, giving it the abillity to fire bullets a t a much faster pace, but the boost in speed comes with the sacrifice of power. The bullets only do half the damage that they did in the first state of release.

3.: Raiki Hoshiho, the Blazing Gunner Revolver_FINISHED_01_by_The_5
In Joukeiki`s third state, there is only a single gun. This gun only have 6 bullets per fight, but these bullets are far more powerful and far more dangerous in this state than in any of the previous states. This power comes at the sacrifice of many bullets and at the sacrifice of speed.

It takes time for Joukeiki to change from one state to the other though. It takes around 10 seconds where it cannot be fired to change from one state to the other. It is howerever possible to change one gun at a time, which means that it is possible for Raiki to have a single gun in 1. state at the same time he has the other in 2. state.

The guns does not require reloading, as the bullets are made directly in the firing-chambers of the guns.

Shikai Abilities:

Release: Dansu motte hinote onkei, Joukeiki! (Dance with blazing grace)

In it`s released state, Joukeiki has a few abilities. First off, because it is a set of guns, they have the ability to shoot bullets made of spirit particles. These bullets do as much damage as normal bullets do. But, aside from this, they have a secondary firing mode.

Bullseye: When this fireing-mode is active, the bullets that the guns of Joukeiki fire does not do actual damage. Instead, they place a bullseye on everything they hit. This bullseye is black and white, and consists of a center and 4 rings. The center is black, the next ring is white, the next is black etc. These bullseyes do not do anything by themselves, but they give the bullets of Joukeiki`s guns special abilities. This firing mode can only be activated when Joukeiki is in its 1. or 2. state.

First off, any bullet fired from Joukeiki, no matter what mode it is in, will now do 4 times the damage it did before. This gives the bullets destructive power that can penatrate a lot stronger defense than before.

Secondly, when Joukeiki is in its final shikai-state, it gains a small exsplosion on impact with the bullseye. This does devastating damage and great knockback.

Skill Level: Kidou: Beginner/Adept/Advanced/Master
Skill Level: Swordsmanship: Beginner/Adept/Advanced/Master
Skill Level: Shunpo: Beginner/Adept/Advanced/Master
Skill Level: Hand-to-Hand: Beginner/Adept/Advanced/Master

Bankai Description: Not yet achived

Bankai Abilities: Not yet achived

History/Background: A long time ago, in the realm of man, lived a young male. He made his living in an honest way, every day he worked at gunshop, uneducated as he was, tending to the guns and making sure that they were in the best shape possible. But alas, the young mans life came to a sudden end, when suddenly one day, the store was robbed. He did not panic though, he did not shake nor tremble, but as he had always imaginde, took the guns from the wall and shot the culprit on sight. This however, also resulted in his own death, because he was not the only one with a firearm. When he lied behind the counter, in a pool of his own blood, and the owner came rushing too, he smiled at his master and asked but a single question: "Did I hit his heart?" And with those words, he departed the realm of the living and started a new life, a life in the adventures streets of Rukungai.

This new life did not suit him though. He was not used to a lifestyle in this kind of enviroment, and even though he had only a wauge memory of who he had been in the real world, he felt uncomfortable without a gun in his hand. One thing was certain though, he was not like everyone else in the world he had entered. He had greater power than those around him in the streets, and at last, after many moths of simply wandering around in Rukungai, he decided to enroll in the ranks of the Shinigami, the protectors of the realm. He wanted to do something meaningful, and found this meaning in the protection of the inocent of Soul Soceity.

Every day he patrolled around the city, doing his best serve the city and the place he lived.

The greatest moment of his new life though came when he finally, a fatefull day, achived his Shikai. He had not felt so good for many, many years, fianlly once again holding guns in his hands. This only lit the flame of his desire to protect the weak even further, and he continued his job, serving with great zeal and passion untill this day, where things no longer are simple. He, like many others know, that war is coming. And he is preparing for it.

Roleplay Sample: Raiki blowed the smoke away from the mouth of the gun with a slick smile on his lips. The big, clumsy hollow looked at him with a stupid and surprised expression for a few seconds, then fell backwards, its mask disintigrating from the perfect shot placed right between its eyes. Raiki sighed, then sat down on the roof where he had been standing for the last 10 minutes. Where the hell was his backup?! He was supposed to rendevouz with the new guys here, then go on and hunt the remaning hollow that were thrashing about in Karakura town. And they should have been here a long time ago.

Then he heard the first scream. He quickly turned around and looked out over the town where a pillar of dust slowly was rising, not far from where he was. Damnit. The new guys had meet the hollows before they meet him. Quickly he shunped towards the dust, hoping that there would still be something left to salvage of the young shinigamis, even though he knew that it could easily be over when he arrived.

Last edited by Raiki Hoshiho on Wed Sep 22, 2010 1:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
Ye Olde Guarde
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Raiki Hoshiho, the Blazing Gunner Empty Re: Raiki Hoshiho, the Blazing Gunner

Mon Aug 23, 2010 11:33 pm
Add one more paragraph to the history and personality.
Also, no homing bullets.

Tsubine's Character List
Ye Olde Guarde
Joined : 2010-07-09
Posts : 3618
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Raiki Hoshiho, the Blazing Gunner Empty Re: Raiki Hoshiho, the Blazing Gunner

Wed Sep 22, 2010 11:09 pm
Approved, 2-3

Tsubine's Character List
November SOTM 20112nd place
November COTM 2011 : 1st place Zefonse
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Raiki Hoshiho, the Blazing Gunner Empty Re: Raiki Hoshiho, the Blazing Gunner

Sun Nov 14, 2010 5:06 pm
Moved to inactive

Raiki Hoshiho, the Blazing Gunner XmGUKMS
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Raiki Hoshiho, the Blazing Gunner Empty Re: Raiki Hoshiho, the Blazing Gunner

Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:30 pm

Smiley face
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