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Mon Jul 19, 2010 12:30 am

Name:Rangiku Matsumoto


Age:Unknown, looks 20ish

Personality:Rangiku tends to be a slacker who dislikes paperwork and loves to drink. She is not the slightest bit modest about her appearance, frequently referring or complaining about her large breasts in normal casual conversation, much to the embarrassment/amusement of anyone around at the time. She is not above using her considerable feminine charms to get her way, as shown when she tries - albeit unsuccessfully - to bribe Ichigo Kurosaki into letting her stay at his house. In episode 228, at the scenes of the next episode, she was going to strip naked because nobody complimented her extremely skimpy swimsuit.

Her easy-going and free-spirited personality makes a sharp contrast to the serious Hitsugaya, but the two seem to be quite close regardless. Rangiku met the young boy prior to him utilizing his power and encouraged him to enter the Shinigami academy. As a lieutenant, she is extremely causal around him, almost constantly by his side and showing deep loyalty to him on several occasions, even though her laziness frequently annoys him.

While she seems somewhat self-centered, she is sensitive to the feelings of others, evident when she sees the concern Hitsugaya has for Momo Hinamori, the guilt Izuru Kira shares with her when Gin Ichimaru is revealed as a traitor, and when Orihime feels depressed about her role in Ichigo Kurosaki's life. Despite her lackadaisical image, she can be extremely serious when needed and is a capable fighter and strategist, best-shown when she uses clever teasing to manipulate the third Espada's Fracción into squabbling among themselves long enough to drop their guard and leave them open for an attack.

Rangiku's favorite food is dried persimmon, just like that of Ichimaru. She also shares Orihime's very strange taste in food. She dislikes bamboo shoots because she finds their taste too strong and their texture unpleasant. She likes Japanese dancing, and in addition to her shihakushō robes, she enjoys buying superfluous amounts of clothing from various department stores in the human world. When she feels like drinking, she finds free people and invites them to come out with her, and then has them treat her to drinks, so that she wouldn't have to spend any money. She is drinking buddies with Shunsui Kyōraku and Shūhei Hisagi.


Rangiku Matsumoto [Approved 2-1+] RangikuMatsumoto6

Rangiku has long and wavy strawberry blond hair, icy blue eyes, full lips, and a beauty mark located under the right side of her mouth. She is well-known for her curvaceous figure, her most distinctive feature of it is her very large breasts, which are even larger than Orihime Inoue's. She dresses in the garb typical of Shinigami, though she lets her robes hang loose for her ample bosom to be revealed. She wears a thin golden necklace tucked between her cleavage and a long pink scarf over her shoulders. In addition, her lieutenant's armband is worn on her uniform's sash, as opposed to around the arm. She carries her Zanpakutō behind her back.

While in her Gigai in the real world, she has been shown to dress either very provocatively or stylishly. She wears the school uniform with several buttons undone so that she can reveal her ample bosom as she usually does in the Soul Society with her Gotei 13 uniform.

Zanpakutô Spirit:


Haineko's spirit takes the form of a werecat with peach skin, turquoise eyes, and maroon chin-length hair. While looking mostly humanoid, she possesses a tail, cat ears and pink fur over her body. The fur on her upper body covers her functions as a rather provocative shirt, not covering her shoulders and mid-section, while the fur on her left leg appears as sort of stocking, and puffy shorts that extend mid-thigh. She also has sharp claws for nails which she can use in the conventional sense of striking at her opponent. She sports a voluptuous figure not unlike Rangiku Matsumoto's; both have curvy bodies and well-endowed breasts.

She is highly mischievous, and tends to get bored rather easily. She also enjoys taunting her opponents, is rather flirtatious, and seems to possess a slight sadistic streak (or a more aggressive side to her flirtatious nature), based on her comments about "playing" with Ichigo when she and Tobiume first encountered him a few minutes before their first fight with Momo and Rangiku. She also cares for the well-being of her fellow Zanpakutō, as shown by her claim that she was "glad" that Kazeshini was able to make it back to their hideout, despite the large wound he bore on his back.

She is rather superficial in appearances and has a passion for perfumes. She also appears to be infatuated with Hyōrinmaru, often calling him "darling". Her desire for leaving Rangiku appears to flaunt her own ideals of true feminine beauty, believing that women who reach a certain age have no right be considered beautiful. In addition, she has a love-hate relationship with Tobiume and Rangiku, often arguing with and teasing them, even after being released from Muramasa's control, despite nearly always being around each other.

Additionally, Haineko and Rangiku both have an interest in fashion, but have notably different tastes; Rangiku opts for the "cuter" and surprisingly more modest style of clothing, while Haineko prefers "sexier" and slightly more revealing outfits. As with Rangiku, Haineko has a love for drinking, having being seen drinking a large barrel of sake (and getting drunk) alongside Rangiku herself during a party, courtesy of Rukia Kuchiki and Sode no Shirayuki. She is shown to have a somewhat perverted side; when she and Tobiume, out of curiosity, 'spy' on Senbonzakura in the men's bath to see what his face looks like, they blush once the said Zanpakutō appears nude when walking into the men's bath, only to comically yell at him for, once his face comes into view, choosing not to remove his mask.

Sealed Zanpakutô : The Zanpakutō's form is that of a straight-bladed katana. The tsuba is in the shape of a cat's head, with two triangles on the top half curving into ear-points and the bottom half tapering down into a single point. It has a dark red handle. Rangiku keeps Haineko behind her clipped onto her waist obi.

Shikai Description:~Turns to basically as said below~

Shikai Abilities: In its Shikai, Haineko's blade turns to ash, and with a flick of the hilt, she can cut anywhere the ash has landed on. All the ash that surrounds her opponent(s) might as well be her sword. With simple hand gestures and a thought she can control where the ash goes as well as make it take various forms. So far she has created an enveloping cloud which she can then enclose around her opponents turning it into a deadly tornado. This provides her an advantage while fighting groups of enemies.[86] Though it now takes on the look of scattered ash, each particle is a tiny blade. Rangiku controls the ash to attack from any direction as soon as she moves the hilt, ultimately enveloping and tearing up the enemy. So evidently, Haineko is very hard to fight against in this form. The main attack strength of Haineko comes from how much ash makes contact, thus why it is clumped together. If the ash was to attack the opponent in single particles, the damage would be little to nothing. The ash can cut through objects as easily as a sword would, similar in principle to Byakuya Kuchiki's Senbonzakura. Rangiku has shown that Haineko can be a defensive weapon as well by having it take the form of a shield to defend against Apache's attack.

(You CANNOT fill the skill levels in until your tier is assigned. )
Skill Level: Kidō: Beginner/Adept/Advanced/Master
Skill Level: Swordsmanship: Beginner/Adept/Advanced/Master
Skill Level: Shunpo: Beginner/Adept/Advanced/Master
Skill Level: Hand-to-Hand: Beginner/Adept/Advanced/Master

Bankai Description: ~Unknown~ Not Yet Achieved. Rangiku has not yet mastered the Bankai of her Zanpakutō, though she is trying to learn it; however, Haineko is just as moody, lazy, and self-centered as Rangiku is, making her progress difficult.

Bankai Abilities: Unknown

History/Background: Not much is known about Rangiku's prior history, except that she came from Rukongai. As a child, she was saved by former 3rd Division Captain Gin Ichimaru from starvation. He found her by the roadside and told her that if she has collapsed from hunger she must have spiritual power. She recognizes that he must have spiritual power too; Gin confirms that he too has spirit power and proceeds to introduce himself. Rangiku found his name weird.

Following their meeting, they began to live together. Although Gin did often leave without telling Rangiku where he was going. It was during this time that Gin asked Rangiku when her birthday was. Rangiku replied that she did not know as she never counted days until she met him. Following the revelation, Gin told her that, that would mean that the day they met was her birthday. Rangiku joined the Shinō Academy at the same time as Gin. It is unknown when she graduated or when she become the lieutenant of the 10th Division.

While out at the market, she met Tōshirō Hitsugaya. As she yelled at a shop keeper who was being rude to him, Hitsugaya turned around and was knocked down by bumping into her bosom. She then yelled at him for "lying there crying about it and not standing up like a man", although it was her who knocked him down with her large breasts in the first place, but he shook her off and ran away. Later that night Rangiku followed Hitsugaya home and was there when he woke up. She immediately told him to stop leaking his reiatsu everywhere and to get some sleep. She further explained that his grandmother looked pretty cold, which causes Hitsugaya for the first time to notice that the room was exceedingly cold and affecting his grandmother. Rangiku then told him he should become a Shinigami, stating that kids with power as strong as his need to learn how to bring that power under control. She explained that if he stayed the way he was that his power would end up killing his grandmother pretty soon. At first Hitsugaya wasn't sure what she was talking about but she calmly placed her hand on his chest and asked him if he heard a voice calling out to him. She explained to him that once he has found that voice, he'll understand how to control his power. She noted to him that for that to happen he must become a Shinigami.

~You know the general bleach chapters etc~

Since Gin was lost within the years, Rangiku didn't know what hit her really. Her love for him began shrink away, he was gone for so long. She was slowly loosing a bit of interest and her temper was slowly slipping out as Hitsugaya realized what he had did to Momo. Maybe seeing how Aizen use her and pained him enough. Though 400 years, the female had lost hopes for Gin coming back to the Soul Society. Working under Hitsugaya only got harder in deed. Stress tends to get her even more after each day and dealing with an even harder ass Hitsugaya. Now the New Captain-Commander indeed... was a bit Odd but she liked him. He wanted to pretty so he looked towards Rangiku, April and Unohana to make him look pretty. Several things has happened but she didn't know what do about Gin..


Expert Swordsmanship Specialist: Rangiku shows a great proficiency in wielding her Zanpakutō. While she can obviously hold her own in a fight, her skill in the wielding of her Zanpakutō comes from her mastery of its special ability. Through sheer imagination in conjunction with her Zanpakutō's special ability, Rangiku has become skilled at taking on large groups at once.

Flash Steps: Rangiku's flash steps are great enough to keep up with her captain, but her skill at it is most likely of the same level as most lieutenants. Her skill has proven great enough to easily out-maneuver Arrancar capable of fighting at lieutenant-level skill.

Kidō Practitioner: As a lieutenant, Rangiku seems to have capable understanding of Kidō spells at least enough to identify them upon sight. Though she is not a common user of this art, she has been seen capable of using Bakudō #58 As well as using Hadō #31 without incantation and still have respectable power

Enhanced Strength: Despite her highly feminine appearance, Rangiku has shown herself to be deceptively strong. During her battle against Nakeem Greendina, she was easily able to hold back the Arrancar's large stomping foot with a single hand and his fist with her forearm, the former while her limiter was still active.

Enhanced Endurance: Rangiku has been shown to have a high endurance. Even fighting against three Arrancar's Fracción she was able to hold her own against the three of them at once.

Enhanced Durability: Rangiku has shown to have a high durability. As she has taken a direct hit from the hollow creature Ayon resulting in the loss of the entire right side of her abdomen and she still was alive.

High Spiritual Energy: Being a lieutenant of the Gotei 13, Rangiku boasts a high spiritual energy. She is shown manifesting reiatsu to intimidate Chad and Noba. Her spiritual power is white.

Expert Tactician: Rangiku has shown to be quite intelligent when she needs to be such as in her battle with Nakeem whom she fooled into believing that she was unconscious in-order to request that the limiters be removed more easily, as well as in her battle with Harribel's Fracción and caused them to argue with one another and attempt to defeat them with one concentrated attack.

Roleplay Sample:

"NANI?!... WORK?!" The strawberry female shouted while she entered her office; there was no way that Hitsugaya has been saving all this work for her. He knew she was on vacation for about 200 years no less, and she comes back to find her office just cluttered with paper work. 'This is so unfair...' Then it hit her, she will get either a nice fellow 10th division or maybe Nickcca or Kiva to complete of all this work! A smile was plated across her face as she began to walk off to the 9th division seeing it was the closest. Her arms under her boobs that just jiggled as she slipped out of the office with Toushiro even knowing. This reminded her of the old days no less. Back when Gin was still in the Soul Society, she would sneak off to see him that is she not sleeping or with Kira and Hisagi. Without a second to with her crystal cl "Nani!! Not fair!!" Her arms crossing under gigantic boobag that held her chilly chained necklace that ran down the valley of happiness.

[color:8f19= #5CB3FF]"What a nice day!!" Rangiku stood there just staring at the blue sky rather bubbly. It was truly a day to be out and about instead of being locked up in an office and doing boring paper work.'Toushiro-Taicho is so mean!!'

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Rangiku Matsumoto [Approved 2-1+] Characters
Queen Of The Sands
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Rangiku Matsumoto [Approved 2-1+] Empty Re: Rangiku Matsumoto [Approved 2-1+]

Wed Jul 21, 2010 4:41 am

Everythings there and is pretty accurate We all know Rangiku as a powerful VC without bankai and thus, i think a 2-1+ would do fine. She isnt exactly captain level yet
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Rangiku Matsumoto [Approved 2-1+] Empty Re: Rangiku Matsumoto [Approved 2-1+]

Wed Jul 21, 2010 8:13 am
O-Oh okay~! I was not quite done but okay D:

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Rangiku Matsumoto [Approved 2-1+] EmerSiggy-2

Emer McLoughlin's Theme

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Sun Dec 05, 2010 12:49 pm
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Rangiku Matsumoto [Approved 2-1+] Empty Re: Rangiku Matsumoto [Approved 2-1+]

Sat Apr 02, 2011 9:19 pm

Rangiku Matsumoto [Approved 2-1+] WVMWLOu

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Mon Sep 24, 2012 7:15 am
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I'm kidnapping this and holding onto it!
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