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Queen Of The Sands
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Rola Karondai [complete] Empty Rola Karondai [complete]

Thu Jun 03, 2010 4:02 pm

Rola Karondai [complete] Sazh3
Images of Sazh Katzroy and Brynhilder from Final Fantasy 13.
Bankai and Shikai related, Copyright subject to owners, a Fan based production

Name: Rola "Micheal" Karondai


Age:Looks in his late twenties but is really around 300

Personality: Rola is a nice kind of guy. He looks after everyone like they were his kids, even if their older than he is. Making sure nobody gets hurt and to stop as much horrible deaths as possible is what he lives to do. however, he is a Shinigami and because of that, he needs to be able to take on fights like a pro.

the one thing he loves doing best though, is driving. Ever since he got his first set of wheels, he loved the thrill of driving. Even going to the corner shop would be a thrill but he soon realised he would lose a lot of energy through this process.

He also has a soft spot for cute animals. His love for his little companion is second to none. that little yellow chick that hides in his afro is what keeps him from running away and what keeps him locked at the wheel, triggers armed.

Pic 1
Pic 2

Rola isn't a plain guy. he wears a green jacket over hsi garbs and has a nicely held up afro. A little chick hides in his hair which is his materialized zanpakutou. His skin of a deep brown and he keeps his zanpakutou in his garbs. he doesn't usually have a menacing look on his face as he is too kind to want to cause pain.

Zanpakutô Spirit:

That chick I said before is actually his zanpakutou spirit, Brethendil. It may have an odd name but shouldn't be mocked for it. The little guy has lovely yellow feathers and a small beak. his eyes shine cutely in the sun and he chirps his happy tune throughout the day.

Sealed Zanpakutô :
When the sword hasn't been released into its Shikai, it takes on the appearance of two combat knives with kunai handles. These are hidden in his garbs of which he will reach and and grab them. he usually skips straight into his guns though because these knives arent exactly the weapons he likes to use.

Shikai Description:

The knives that he holds are spun around his fingers until they are just a blur. Suddenly, they set alight creating two blazing disks. He lets go of the knives and they still spin in the air. Then, he reaches into the disks as if they were portals, grabs something, and yanks out his Shikai.

these take on the shape of peculiar guns that have been modified with three magazines and have to reload virtually never. Their coloured black with some parts of silver. On his legs are now two leather covers for the guns to be slotted into. these act as the scabbards.

Shikai Abilities:

  • Burning Bullets
    every shot that is fired from his gun are blazing with flames that cause an extra fraction of damage. this is done through reitsu chambers in the tip of each bullet that when in contact with pressure from being fired, explodes calmly but all over the bullet making it incendiary.

  • Rebound Bullets
    These shots can also rebound off surfaces if they are willed to do so. However, if this bullet has already hit something or is already set alight, then they will just fly straight. If the flames are halted by this power, then they can ricochet off surfaces four times before setting alight on the fourth and zooming out.

Set ablaze, Brethendil

Skill Level: Kidou: Beginner/Adept/Advanced/Master
Skill Level: Swordsmanship: Beginner/Adept/Advanced/Master
Skill Level: Shunpo: Beginner/Adept/Advanced/Master
Skill Level: Hand-to-Hand: Beginner/Adept/Advanced/Master

Bankai Description:

The Bankai is truly a masterpiece of hard work and triumph. However, the amount of power put into it is peculiar as most of its body is mechanical making its powers more of weapons. This Bankai is a summoned guardian which takes two forms, usually humanoid to begin with before altering to car form. Both of which, kick ass.

When Bankai is called, Rola holds his guns in front of him and an orb floats out of him. This, once combined with a few blazing bullets, causes the Bankai to erupt into its humanoid form. If not done properly, the orb will just disappear. For a more interesting experience, view the video at the beginning of the app for a view on bankai.

In Bankai, his Shikai is still held in his hands and hsi powers are still active as summoned creatures don't always alter swords appearance

Humanoid Form
Pic 1
Pic 2

Car Form:
pic 1
Pic 2

Bankai Abilities:

  • Formulation
    Brethendil has the ability to switch forms during combat at will. His first for is that of a humanoid with a huge staff and a slight shield. The entire body is metallic and he doesn't speak while in the form. His is about the size of four Rola's and is a quick attacker compared to most summoned Bankai.

    The second form is the Car jet. This version has two chain-guns hidden on the front spoiler and instead of a back spoiler, are two jet afterburners that roar violent flames amplified by his other powers. the chain guns are also connected with a sharp blade on each of the six barrels they have totalling 12 blades that act as a slicing weapon when drifting.

  • Amplification
    This Bankai is made for offence with as much fire as possible. Because of this, the ability it has bestowed allows its weapons to set on fire. This includes the staff and shield of humanoid form and the chain gun bullets and afterburners of Car form.

  • After Burner Climax
    The best thing that this Bankai can do is during its car form. As soon as it is used, the Bankai changes back to Shikai and cant be used until he has rested. This makes the attack a last chance use or die. Basically, Rola drives the car in tight circles whilst fuelling ALL of the fire energy into the afterburners and releasing it in a stream. this creates a massive fire hurricane that covers a large area and cinders most things.


Ever since he was a child, Rola loves cars more than anything. His dream was to become the worlds greatest racer and to defeat anybody that challenged him. Only when he was six he would sit in front of the TV with his toy cars, screaming to imitate the engine as he watched his favourite racing shows. Broom Broom was literally his first couple of words. Soon after he gained this love for cars, he found that his father was an actual racer himself.

This just made his love for cars stronger. His dad was a professional and he was a fan. One day, he would be just like him. Watching TV, he would always make note of the red car with no roof. this was his fathers of whom would smile at the camera every time he won a race.

A couple years later, and Rola had built his own Go-kart of of spare parts his dad would give him from his car. Soon, he would have a miniature version and race it around the street all the time. However, this was the start of something terrible to happen to his family.

One day when he was driving around his little go-kart, he found a strange footprint in the road. It wasn't a hole and was definatly a creature. This got him psyched as he was always interested in creatures too. Some were very fast and that got him excited. He drove off in the direction of the footprints with a big grin on his face. little did he know, 5 hours later, he would die.

The footprints he found lead up to a powerful demon of a creature. White mask, thick skin and claws. It spotted him a mile off and killed the boy with ease.

He awoke in a strange village in a completely different place. He wasn't sure about where he was and was scared as he didn't know where his house was. This place was different. Known as rukongai. Rola wandered for a while before coming across a small gathering of children his age. they weren't exactly happy to see another homeless child, but they took him in regardless.

After a couple of years here, he grew an understanding of what had happened. he was slain by a hollow and a Shinigami passer by had attacked it before it could attack Rolas spirit. This sent him to rukongai of which he ended up here. Soon, he grew suspicious of The Shinigami and had a go at the academy. After a good couple of years, he managed to pass, failing about five times before hand.

From there on, he lived in the sereitei as a Shinigami. Nothing more would allow him to get back to the living world. he knew that if he ever went back to meet his family again, they wouldn't even know of his presence. But ever since gaining his new power, he felt at ease. No more shall Hollow hunt human. That much he was sure of.

"I will rise through these so called ranks, I will meet my family again, and this time, I will protect them so they do not follow my fate"

Roleplay Sample:

Blood dripped from his head as he span back round from a clash he wasn't expecting. this guy wasn't that easy to pin down. Running up to Rola was the last thing he needed, especially with guns. "hehe, Looks like i need to keep my distance form you" With that said, Rola leapt backwards and landed on a single foot, holding both of his guns at the target he acquired. Then, as fast as he could, he fired like a madman at every possible location his rival could run in hopes of at least one Blazing bullet to hit. "cmon, cmon, cmon! Stop running!"

Expecting everything to fail, Rola ran around the opposing Shinigami and bounced off the wall that surround the sereitei. With some air above, Rola launched another volley straight downwards to pin him in with such a massive volley of bullets. "Your in for it now!" Several of these bullets were deliberately directed the wrong way. they bounced off the walls and bins to all aim at the Shinigami who was in the middle of it all. The perfect trap for a gunner, hopefully he wasn't smart enough to move

Last edited by ChaoZ LegendZ on Thu Jun 24, 2010 11:30 am; edited 1 time in total
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Sun Jun 06, 2010 8:48 am
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Queen Of The Sands
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Mon Jun 06, 2011 12:06 pm
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