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Yoruichi Shihouin (Shinigami) Empty Yoruichi Shihouin (Shinigami)

Fri Jul 09, 2010 12:22 pm


Shinigami Template

Basic Information

Name: Shihoin, Yoruichi

Age: Looks about 23-25ish

True Age: Unknown

Yoruichi Shihouin (Shinigami) Yoruichi0zd

Personality: She is intelligent and witty, and is intimately knowledgeable of Soul Society and its workings, as she was the former leader of the Onmitsukidō and the Second Division's captain. Although of noble birth, she acts differently from most other nobles, very much like Kaien Shiba. For instance, she instructed Soifon to refer to her without using honorific suffixes, but reluctantly settled for being called "Yoruichi-sama" ("Lady Yoruichi" in the dub). She also transforms into her human form directly in front of Ichigo on several occasions just to see his reaction to seeing her naked, which she even teases him about. Another note of her eccentricity is that she speaks in a dialect that elders use, such as identifying herself as "washi" (a term that usually old men define themselves with) instead of more feminine terms like "watashi" in both her human and animal forms (though specifically for the Japanese version).

Yoruichi tends to avoid battles, preferring to help after a fight is over, but she will step in if she thinks her side cannot win. Yoruichi prefers to drink milk, which fits with her practice of transforming into a cat a lot of the time.[1]


Zanpakuto Name: Unknown

Zanpakuto Spirit Apperance: Unknown

Zanpakuto Spirit Personality: Unknown

Zanpakuto Realm: Unknown

Un-released State: Unknown

Call out Phrase: Unknown

Shikai State: Unknown

Shikai Powers: Unknown

Bankai State: Unknown

Bankai Powers: Unknown

History: Yoruichi Shihōin was born the princess of the Tenshiheisōban (天賜兵装番, House of Godly Gears), The Shihōin family, one of the four noble families.[2] Yoruichi grew up at the Shihōin Mansion in the Seireitei of Soul Society, with her childhood friends Kisuke Urahara and Tessai Tsukabishi.[3] During this time they played together daily under the Sōkyoku hill training space, which Urahara built when they were children.[4]

Later Yoruichi became the Corps Commander of the Executive Militia of the Onmitsukidō while serving as the 22nd generational head of the Shihōin family, the first woman to ever hold the position.[5] Some time later she would serve as Commander-in-Chief of the Onmitsukidō as the position is traditionally held by the heads of the Shihōin family. She eventually rose to the position of the Captain of the 2nd Division of the Gotei 13 further uniting the former separate military arms together as this was also traditionally done by her family.[6] Sometime later she decided to change her direct role in the Onmitsukidō from being the Corps Commander of the Executive Militia, which is the position traditionally held by the Commander-in-Chief, to being the Corps Commander of the Corrections Corps.[7] While Yoruichi was Onmitsukidō Commander, she took in Soifon as a personal bodyguard. Recognizing her talent she became a mentor and friend. She taught Soifon most of the techniques she knew. During her time in Soul Society, she created many techniques that involved Flash Steps, as well as teaching some of them to Byakuya.[8]

About 110 years prior to the current time, Yoruichi recommended that Kisuke Urahara, her 3rd Seat, to be appointed to the recently opened position of Captain of the 12th Division, after the former Captain Kirio Hikifune was promoted.[9] Prior to presenting Urahara with the news of the open position, Yoruichi has a sparring session with Urahara at the Sōkyoku hill training space. She informs him that she has recommended him for the position and retires back to the 2nd Division barracks. Soifon confronts Yoruichi, concerned that she is overestimating Urahara's capabilities & proceeds to explain that she believes it was a mistake to appoint him as Corps Commander of the Detention Unit. Soifon goes on to say that he is undeserving of such a position. While Yoruichi readily admits to the fact that Urahara is not really a hard worker, she dismisses Soifon's criticisms and playfully insinuates that her focus on him must have romantic connotations, which Soifon denies and walks away. After spending the day following Urahara around Soul Society taking notes, she returns to the 2nd Division barracks to show Yoruichi her evidence of Urahara's lack of competence in his position. Soifon arrives to find Urahara already there talking with Yoruichi, she is then told that Urahara will be taking the captain proficiency exam, to which Soifon stands in disbelief. Yoruichi confirms it and further asks that Soifon attend the exam as well. She explains that normally only captains are allowed to attend but that she has asked special permission to allow Soifon to attend. Soifon is at first confused about why she should attend but Yoruichi tells her there is no need to keep secrets as she knows she is attracted to Urahara, which Soifon again denies. Yoruichi explains that she knows all about how Soifon has been following him around all day. Soifon admits that she was following Urahara around but tells her it was to prove that he is lazy, incompetent, and not worthy of Yoruichi's praise. Soifon hands her note to Yoruichi who reads them and comments on how detailed they are. When Urahara doesn't deny any of the information in the report Soifon is shocked that he would be so truthful to his seemingly unprofessional actions. Yoruichi unsurprised quips that Urahara never changes as well as praising Soifon for her intelligence gathering skills. At first Soifon was happy until she realized that Yoruichi regarded the notes not as intelligence information but rather as a love letter. Soifon is reasonably distressed and Yoruichi laughs it off and tells her to loosen up as she wasn't serious. They are then interrupted by the arrival of a squad member who delivers the message that the people Urahara has been looking for has been found. Soifon replies that if he doesn't return in time that it will put a strain of the 2nd Divisions reputation as well as Yoruichi; to which Yoruichi simply dismisses telling Urahara to hurry off to his duty and tells Soifon to come along to help prepare for his the Captain's Proficiency Test.[10]

Yoruichi is later seen among the other captains awaiting the start of the ceremony. Upon Urahara's arrival to the 1st Division barracks where he is formerly introduced to the other captains; he is chastised by Yoruichi for being so reluctant, as she tells him that he is already a captain, so he should stand tall.[11] A day or so after Urahara takes over the 12th Division, Yoruichi is told by a Onmitsukidō member that Urahara has entered into the Detention Unit property with claims that he was previously given approval to go. Yoruichi can't seem to recall when or even if he asked for permission or whether she granted it; but when asked if she would have him removed seeing as she can't recall she nonchalantly tells her division members to not bother and to allow him to go where he likes. When asked if she has remembered the incident in question, Yoruichi plainly says no. Soifon becomes distressed and prepares to voice her disapproval, though Yoruichi tells her to calm down as its Kisuke they are talking about, stating he must have had an idea of some kind.[12]

Yoruichi appeared to be on good terms with the members of the Kuchiki noble family as she would often visit the Kuchiki manor to play tag with a teenage Byakuya Kuchiki. On one such occasion, she is asked to train Byakuya by his grandfather Ginrei Kuchiki, the head of the Kuchiki family as well as the 6th Division captain. Upon seeing the arrival of Yoruichi, he swings his sword at her and calls her a were-cat. Yoruichi laughs and playfully begins to tease him, calling him 'Little Byakuya". She complains about such a greeting after she came all the way there to see him. Byakuya yells at her saying that he doesn't want to see the likes of her and that he will be the head of the Kuchiki clan soon enough, so he has no time to waste on her. While asking if that is the case she steals the ribbon holding his hair back. Byakuya quickly turns and swings his sword at her, but she uses easily dodges. Yoruichi laughs at him and exclaims that if the head of the Kuchiki clan can get his hairtie stolen by a girl whose just playing, then the future of the Kuchiki Clan has become bleak. Though this was just a ploy in order to entice him into another game of tag. Not to be defeated so easily Byakuya tells her not to move an inch, but before he could finish she tells him that he can't catch her as she uses Shunpo to begin the chase. Byakuya plainly states that he now sees she wishes to incite his wrath and he promises to make her see the error of her ways; further making the claim that his Shunpo is far superior to the likes of hers.[13]

9 years later Yoruichi is seen at a emergency meeting of the captains of the Gotei 13, where the Captain-Commander is giving a intelligence report on the unknown disappearances of the 9th Division captain Kensei Muguruma and lieutenant Mashiro Kuna as well as the other high ranking members of their division. Yamamoto states they had previously been sent out to investigate the disappearance of other division members. He then declares he will choose 5 captains to form an investigation team. When a very winded and frantic Urahara shows up to ask that he be allowed to go with the investigation team as he had previously sent his lieutenant Hiyori to the sight of the disappearances, he is summarily told no by Captain-Commander Yamamoto. When he protests he is chastised by Yoruichi, who tells him he's acting pathetic and that he should get a grip on himself. She further says that he sent Hiyori himself, and that for him to lose his composure like that only insults her. The Captain-Commander continues naming the members of the investigation team and tells Yoruichi that she is to standby for further orders.[14]

The next day, Urahara and Tessai were arrested under the orders of the Central 46 Chambers. It immediately became evident that they had been set up by Aizen, but were given no right to defend themselves and prove their innocence. As a result, they were quickly given their sentences. Urahara was sentenced to become human and to be exiled to the Human World for "committing crimes against researching and invoking forbidden phenomenon" as well as "deceiving and inflicting grievous injury to fellow Shinigami". Tessai was sentenced to life imprisonment in a Level 3 detention area for "using forbidden Kidō techniques."[15] Before either of their sentences could be executed a masked Yoruichi enters the building knocking the guards unconscious and rescuing the disgraced former captains. Yoruichi brings them to a secret underground area.[16]

In this secluded area, she berated them on how mad she was for excluding her in on their plan. She also revealed that she had brought the eight Hollowfied Shinigami, along with the new prototype gigai that Urahara was working on. With that epiphany, Urahara resolved to make ten reiatsu-blocking Gigai to aid him & Tessai. Tessai then states his worry about Yoruichi's safety, but she calmly says that they should not worry about her as she will escape somehow.[17]

When she left Soul Society, she left behind her titles and positions and was thus relieved of her high status. She was succeeded as 2nd Division Captain and Commander of the Onmitsukidō by her protégée, Soifon, at a later date.

Powers and Abilities:
Feline Transformation: Yoruichi possess a unique ability which allows her to shape-shift into a black cat at will. How she alone out of all Shinigami is capable of this is yet unknown. Though she has apparently possessed the ability for well over 100 years, and its apparently known to others she knew from that time. She apparently has no set time limit on the transformation as she had been in the assumed form for over 100 years. In cat form, Yoruichi can still channel her spiritual energy and move at incredible speeds, though she is physically limited by the form. Her transformation also allows her a complete disguise, as her voice in this form is deep enough for most to assume she is a male. This, of course, leads to awkward situations when she reveals her true form.[82]

Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Yoruichi as former Commander-in-Chief of the Onmitsukidō is one of the most accomplished hand-to hand combatants in Soul Society. Her mastery of the art form is so great that she uses it exclusively as her form of combat of choice forgoing the use of a Zanpakutō altogether. She has been shown to take down nearly 50 Onmitsukidō members with only Hakuda.[83] She has been shown taking on the likes of Espada-level Arrancar as when she brutally defeated Yammy and is even regarded by the 4th Espada Ulquiorra Cifer as highly dangerous.[84]

Expert Swordsmanship Specialist: While preferring to fight her opponents barehanded, during flashbacks of her days as a captain, Yoruichi showed herself to be a highly capable swords-woman from her ability to take down a huge hollow with a single strike of her sealed Zanpakutō.[85]

Flash Step Master: Considered to be the most proficient Hohō master ever in all of the Soul Society, Yoruichi is highly skilled in the use of Shunpo, a high speed movement ability. Though this is by no means a unique skill, as most seated officers are capable of performing it to various degrees, Yoruichi holds the title "Flash Goddess" (shunshin; "Flash Master" in the English version), because she has mastered this ability to such an extent that she can appear to be in several places at once and wipe out an entire Onmitsukidō squadron in seconds.[86] She can easily close tremendous gaps of distance in the blink of an eye while remaining undetected, as shown from her ability to surprise Byakuya, who is one of the most proficient in the art as well.[87] She has mastered all of the Onmitsukidō's speed-oriented techniques and even created some of her own, such as Utsusemi (空蝉; cicada, referencing their molting).[88] The full extent of her abilities remain unclear, but she was able to outrun Byakuya while carrying an unconscious Ichigo over her shoulder, where she was able to perform around 300 steps before feeling tired from 100 years of being out practice. She is so fast that Soifon could barely keep up while Yoruichi was still holding back. It is revealed that she can still perform Shunpo even while in her cat form. Unfortunately for her, she is not as fast as she is in her true form.

Utsusemi (空蝉; Cicada, referencing their molting): Way of Onmitsu, 3rd of the Shihou. It allows for a movement at great speed, leaving at least one tangible after-image behind. Byakuya Kuchiki states that she taught it to him.[89]
Enhanced Strength: Despite her slender appearance, Yoruichi is quite strong in her Shinigami form; she could still easily use flash steps while carrying around an unconscious Ichigo to outrun a fellow flash step master.[90] She can also easily catch a direct punch from the 10th Espada, and simultaneously throw him several feet away. She was able to easily injure him despite his thick Hierro with various unarmed moves, but it was later revealed that she was injured by his Hierro. Though she admitted that she wasn't expecting his skin to be that hard, she states that she could have avoided taking any damage if she had Shunko activated.[91][92] Yoruichi has shown the strength of a concentrated blow from her is highly destructive, capable of destroying an entire city block.[93]

Enhanced Endurance: Despite her own admission of being out of shape, Yoruichi has shown to be a very resilient warrior. Both when out of breath from prolonged running against Byakuya and sustaining fractures from Yammy's Hierro, Yoruichi was still able to fight effectively while showing no signs of weakening.[94][95][96]

Master Assassin: As the former Commander-in-Chief of the Onmitsukidō, Yoruichi is one of the foremost masters of the art of assassination. She has repeatedly shown impressive skill in staying hidden and unseen. When necessary, she can effectively exploit having a advantage against an opponent or hiding her presence. Even one as intuitive as Aizen was completely taken by surprise and just as easily subdued.

Master Strategist: As the former head of her clan and ex-commander of the Onmitsukidō, Yoruichi has shown herself to be a capable leader. Repeatedly, Yoruichi has shown to be insightful and crafty, quickly capable of understanding any situation that presents itself and adjust to it effectively. Upon learning that Ichigo would go to save Rukia no matter what, Yoruichi began making preparations of her own by training Orihime and Chad.

Kidō Expert: As former captain of the 2nd Division and the Commander-in-Chief of the Onmitsukidō, Yoruichi is well-versed in a mastery of Kidō. Though she commonly employs Shunpo and hand-to-hand fighting techniques, she is masterful in using Kidō to further her capacity in combat - being so experienced she is able to mix it with other fighting techniques. She has been shown using mid-level binding and destruction spells with no incantation with expert skill.[97]

Shunkō (瞬閧, Flash Cry): An advanced technique that combines hand-to-hand combat with Kidō. She fights by surrounding her back and arms with pressurized Kidō. The keisen uniform has no back or sleeves since they will rip apart when it is activated. What is known of it so far, is that it can allow her to instantly neutralize an opponent's movement. Yoruichi's version of the technique was developed and studied by her a century ago. Therefore, the technique is complete. Unlike Soifon's version, the compressed Kidō is visible.[98]
Hanki (反鬼, Reverse Demon): This technique is an ability Yoruichi uses during Shunkō, which nullifies an opponent's Kidō by hitting it with a Kidō of perfectly opposite speed and energy. The ability can even neutralize an opponent's movements.[99]
Immense Spiritual Power: As a former captain and head of a noble clan, Yoruichi boasts a great amount of spiritual energy. Her spiritual energy is great enough to act as a shield from fairly powerful attacks, as seen from blocking Jin Kariya's lightning blast with a single hand. While using Shunkō, her concentrated spiritual power becomes far greater than normal.[100]

Last edited by Kitty on Fri Jul 09, 2010 4:21 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Yoruichi Shihouin (Shinigami) PLEASEWORK2
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Yoruichi Shihouin (Shinigami) Empty Re: Yoruichi Shihouin (Shinigami)

Fri Jul 09, 2010 12:31 pm
I need you to write that she can transform into a cat for her powers. After that, approved 2-1+
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Sat Jul 10, 2010 10:43 am
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Sun Mar 27, 2011 2:18 pm
Moved to Character Adoption after Kitty's departure

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Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:26 am

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Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:49 am

Im re-archiving This, I see no kitteh Kats about
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