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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Yukiko "Snow" Yami -Shinigami- Empty Yukiko "Snow" Yami -Shinigami-

Sun Jul 11, 2010 4:08 am

Name: Yukiko Yami

Nicknames/Alias: Yuki and Snow


Age: She is roughly estimated to be around 1000 years old, her visual age is maybe around late teens or early twenties.

Personality:Serious is one of the few words you can describe Yukiko. Though she is normally level-headed and calm. She can be cold as ice, as thats how she was given her nickname. She's a quiet individual who shows honor. She hates cowards and fights til she collapses or dies for her comrades. Very stealthy she tends to sneak up on people. Though she can control her temper but not for very long as she'll go all out on you if you piss her off. She tends to hate a lot of things generally and can be anti-social at times, liking the feeling of being alone. Though she can be blood lusty and very sadistic if you push her. She has a love for sweets and she cannot tolerate idiots at all. Though she can be very teasing as well. In battle she keeps her serious nature, though hitting her enough will bring her sadistic side out. She is very honorable in battle, not hitting a man when he is down or when he's without his sword. Though sometimes her anger can get the best of her and will strike them if they manage to piss her off badly. She is also very quick, she is the second best at using Shunpo and Sonido, maybe even perhaps rivaling Yoruichi’s. She also seems to have a close brother-sister relationship with Tsubine, as he’s the only one to see most of her emotions in private. Yukiko is also very loyal to him as well.

She also seems to be uncaring to children that are not her own, though sometimes her sweet side appears every once and a while. She also tends to be mischievous when off-duty, usually the little fangs show when she opens her mouth and when closed the two little fangs show. This usually shows she's about to do something. She also has a very big soft spot for her brother and a stuffed lion named Sakutaro. She is very mother like to children she actually likes and to Sakutaro. Though, Tsubine has never seen this side yet.

Appearance: Yukiko "Snow" Yami -Shinigami- Eba678167a5aeb52b5ae1de-2

Zanpakutô Spirit: Yukiko "Snow" Yami -Shinigami- Pheonix

Akeno is what is is usually called. He is a phoenix as you can obviously see. He is somewhat wise and is loves to joke around, playing jokes on people, moslty to Yukiko. He is very playful and can never be serious. Which would make him a polar opposite to Snow. Though in battle he'll calculate the battles moves with the enemy and can be very ferocious. He loves Yukiko dearly, and will give up everything to keep her safe. He location is inside an active volcano.

Sealed Zanpakutô : A normal katana thats red on the guard. She also has a small keychain hanging off her hilt in the form of a small little phoenix.

Shikai Description: Yukiko "Snow" Yami -Shinigami- Soul_Calibur_in_SCIII

Her sword is now coated in blue crystals Can create fire waves, like that of Ryujiin Jakka.

Zetsumei Ichiban "Tsume": Snow's sword dissipates and the individual crystals become two hands that mirror what Snow's own hands are doing.

Zetsumei Niban "Sashikorosu": The Individual crystals now are sperated and look like knife blades floating in the air. Much like Senbonzakura, Sashikorosu will speed toward a target at high speeds.

Release:"Burn the world, Ni Hyoukai"

Skill Level: Kidou: Beginner/Adept/Advanced/Master
Skill Level: Swordsmanship: Beginner/Adept/Advanced/Master
Skill Level: Shunpo: Beginner/Adept/Advanced/Master
Skill Level: Hand-to-Hand: Beginner/Adept/Advanced/Master

Bankai Description: "Burn the world, Hateshinai Kyuukyoku Gouka" Instead of being made of crystals, Snow's armor is now made of plasma. She now has a red glow, and will melt the ice of Hyourinmaru. She can create larger waves of fire.

Bankai Abilities: Zetsumei Sanban "Ketsugen": Ketsugen is unique from the other Zetsumei's, as it makes more crystals. It will take the form of a demon with large claws. Its speed is extremely fast and it is nearly autonomous, relying only on Snow to keep it connected. It can also create large blasts of fire.

Zetsumei Ketteiteki "Hateshiganai Yasumidokoro": The second most
powerful Zetsumei. It is the exact opposite of Ketsugen, as it uses no crystals, but only the sword's "core". The "Core" is removed and "hatches". Inside is an extremely large "Titan" made of pure fire, lava, and plasma. It is over 6 stories tall and looks almost like a demon made of fire. It can breathe, shoot, and create fire from every part of its body.

Zetsumei Reiten "Umarekawari": The most powerful, deadly, and risky Zetsumei. It bends the laws of space and time, and is simillar to Orihime's Shun Shun Rikka. It's name litterally means "Rebirth", and can bring someone halfway back to life, by costing Snow 1/5 of her remaining life. (Thus she can only use it 5 times). It also will cancel Bankai for a full 77 Hours.

History/Background: In her human days she used to live in Hokkaido as a young child, growing up from there from birth until death she never left Japan in her whole life, besides vacations to America, Germany, and China. She was indeed a child who loved to be a risk taker. She loved adventure but her father died of cancer while she was 10. Her mother soon followed a year after on the same date, the doctors couldn’t figure out why but she told them it was from a broken heart. She was left in an orphanage, moving to different homes each month because she wasn’t the kind of child they wanted. Her happy and uplifting personality she once had was gone when her parents died. Though one house kept her in but they abused her so much, she was miserable but she couldn’t tell anyone. She was stuck at their home to clean it while they went out to drink, but only to have it messed up while they beat her. The wife went so far as to strangle her for getting her the wrong pack of cigarettes. Though she went as so far to stab her in the stomach then leave the house with her husband, Yukiko was laying in a pool of her own blood, once the medics came and took her to the hospital she had already died.

Shortly after that she was stuck on earth, having no way to move on to the afterlife as she clung to her body. She spent days there as she wept in sorrow, she wanted to move on though she was stuck from the chain linked to the ground. She then heard a roar of a hollow, she was terrified once she saw this hideous beast. Though a shinigami came into help her when this beast came, slashing it viciously. She asked for him name and he told her his name was Tsubine. She thanked him and asked him if she could say with him once she goes to where she should be heading, once he agreed she went off to the Soul Society shortly after moving on, where she would learn to become a shinigami. She grew older as well as she graduated it at a young age but still considered average somewhat. she had already started a close relationship with Taubine as she lived with him since the time she came into the Soul Society. Gaining a very close bond with him that would be like a brother and sister kind of bond.

Roleplay Sample: Yukiko sat in a wooden bench, eyes looking up at the sky peacefully. Her soft red eyes watching the clouds stroll by the never ending sky. Her long nails was scratching something, something...made out of plush? Indeed, she was holding a plush toy. A stuffed lion to be exact. It had a cute little ":3" face on it and wore a red scarf around its neck. It was so delightfully cute it also seemed... to move?! How was that possible? Well, of course! It was a mod soul. A pleasantly comfortable one as well, its tail was wagging and it was purring. Just like a cat would purr! She smiled as she held the little stuffed plush in her arms ever so gently, lifiting her tush from the bench and back into the cozy home. (All I can think for now)

Last edited by Sakuya on Sat Dec 11, 2010 11:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Yukiko "Snow" Yami -Shinigami- Empty Re: Yukiko "Snow" Yami -Shinigami-

Sun Jul 11, 2010 4:11 am
1-3~ Approved!

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Yukiko "Snow" Yami -Shinigami- EmerSiggy-2

Emer McLoughlin's Theme

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Yukiko "Snow" Yami -Shinigami- Characters
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Yukiko "Snow" Yami -Shinigami- Empty Re: Yukiko "Snow" Yami -Shinigami-

Fri Dec 17, 2010 3:15 pm
Re-approved, 1-3.

Tsubine's Character List
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Yukiko "Snow" Yami -Shinigami- Empty Re: Yukiko "Snow" Yami -Shinigami-

Fri Feb 04, 2011 3:15 pm
Moved to Inactive

||Kitty's Characters||

Yukiko "Snow" Yami -Shinigami- PLEASEWORK2
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Yukiko "Snow" Yami -Shinigami- Empty Re: Yukiko "Snow" Yami -Shinigami-

Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:58 pm

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Yukiko "Snow" Yami -Shinigami- Empty Re: Yukiko "Snow" Yami -Shinigami-

Thu Jul 28, 2011 2:58 pm

Yukiko "Snow" Yami -Shinigami- FXpoQxJ
Yukiko "Snow" Yami -Shinigami- 2Y9rqGk

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Yukiko "Snow" Yami -Shinigami- Empty Re: Yukiko "Snow" Yami -Shinigami-

Sat Oct 15, 2011 3:44 pm

Yukiko "Snow" Yami -Shinigami- XmGUKMS
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