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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Fri Jul 09, 2010 11:13 am


Name: Sapphire Yuudai
Gender: Female
Age: 17


Sapphire is usually the quiet type, she doesn’t mingle with strangers all too much, but once the ice is broken Sapphire is a very caring and loving person. She cares deeply for the ones she loves and would go to any extremes to protect them. Sapphire is much like her father, Kenshin in many ways. She has a slight mixture of both Kenshins and Kitty’s personality but only when around those she knows. At first glance Sapphire might seem like a know it all and quite cold. She is very close to her brother, Tai and her parents. She is hardly seen without either one of her parents or her brother. She is also quite mature for her age; along with her maturity she is very intelligent. Sapphire also inherited her mother’s artistic abilities along with most of her father’s musical abilities. She does see things in a different light and she loves to get under her brothers skin sometimes, just for the hell of it. Sapphire also likes to play with her opponents head at times, just as an extra kick.

Age 17
Sapphire Yuudai (Vizard) 50890

Age 6:
Sapphire Yuudai (Vizard) Anime%20girl%20with%20broom


Sapphire is the daughter of Kenshin and Kitty Yuudai, being the youngest of the family Sapphire is usually protected. Though she can fend for herself he older brother, Tai usually jumps to her rescue. Sapphire loves her brother very much and he's pretty much her best friend along with both her parents and her Spirit, Sumizome. Growing up Sapphire always stayed close to HQ, she would train with other members; when her parents have time they would train with her, teach her a thing or two. Two of her parent’s friends, Yoruichi and Urahara would train her as well when they had the time.
Sapphire is a very obedient child, she listened to everything her parents said and her other superiors, which were quite few. Sapphire never really thought much of anyone else but her family and friends. As she grew older Sapphire became more independent and was able to wonder from her family and friends and do her own thing, she still continues to train but not as much. Now that she’s in her teen years she can be a bit of a hand full, but she still brings herself back together and remembers what’s important. Sapphire hardly ever picks fights she knows she cant win, weather it be verbal or physical. She still doesn’t go too far from the Yuudai house hold but if she does she makes sure to leave a note or something to let her family know where she is at all times, especially since her older brother, Tai is very protective.
Sapphire is still young and still has much to do in her long life ahead.

Zanpakutô Spirit:
Suizome (human form)

Sapphire Yuudai (Vizard) 06_144503_xum18888

Demon form:
Sapphire Yuudai (Vizard) HeroesV_Sylvan_07_Green_Dragon

Zan Relm:
Sapphire Yuudai (Vizard) Trentfantasyweb

Sapphire Yuudai (Vizard) Green-samurai-sword-chain-2

Sapphire Yuudai (Vizard) Major-tashigi-samurai-sword

Shikai Abilities: Sumizome's/Sapphire's shikai increases their powers by at least 9x their original strength. Sapphire is able to manipulate fire as she pleases, turning it into any shape or form; including shields that last for about 1 min and a half prior to collision. Her flames are almost as hot as lightning, much like her mothers.

Lightning abilitie:
Aoi Tenka: Green lightning is summoned from the sky at her will, Sapphire just needs to point with her blade where the lighting will fall and it will fall there.

Fire abilitie

Fire whips: Emerald whips of fire that can stretch as far as 500 meters.

Release: "Rise from the Darkness of Hell, Sumizome!"

Bankai: When Sapphire releases her Bankai her strength increase, not too dramatically but increases a fair amount. Her ability to manipulate fire is now mixed in with that of lightning powers.

Emerarudo: By stabbing her shikai into the ground she is able to send electrical charges though the ground along with a first wave of emerald fire. The fire is to pretty much distract her opponent so that the electrical current will be able to electrocute her opponent.

Heat seeking Fire-lighting: a small but powerful blast of fire with electrical currents hidden in it, that Sapphire can shoot out from her palm can track down her opponent and strike him/her/it. Sapphire would mainly use this only when she's in a chase and a second party joins in; if Sapphire thinks of there additional party as an annoyance then she uses this, mainly.

Lightning-Fire Star: By forcing some of her spiritual energy in 5 different coordinates, a green star will form in the place where her palm hits. By standing infornt/ablove/below/beside the final mark she calls out her release again, "Rise from the Darkens of Hell, Suizome!" a giant green star appears, her opponent would most likely be within the star. From each corner/point of the star beams of emerald light strikes her opponents pressure points, making them immobile for about 5 or so min. This technique is somewhat difficult to do twice in a row, so Sapphire only uses this when she is certain that her opponent is weak and will soon be defeated. The only way Sapphire will be able to use this one than once is if she's angry beyond imaginable; if her loved ones are in danger/ injured/in critical condition.

Vizard powers:

-Cero: Shoots Cero blast that's red-crimson in colour at her opponent.

-Increase in speed: Making her faster than both her mother and Yoruichi.
Increase in Strength: Her strength as a Vizard is matched with that of her brother, Tai's, if aggravated enough. Other wise her strength is just a bit weaker than Tai's.

-Hand to hand combat: Like her brother she is a master at hand to hand combat, training under Yoruichi's wing.

-Increase in senses: Her sight becomes extremely clear and can see things up to 300 meters away, her hearing, smell, taste and reflexes become 10x more sharper.

-Weapons of Fire: She can manipulate fire into a solid state, creating any weapon she wishes to use. Her weapons that she creates are solid jade and incredible sharp.

Hollow Mask: The one on the second row, second mask

Sapphire Yuudai (Vizard) Vizard_Masks_Set_by_Dark_Shenlong

Hollow Form:
Sapphire Yuudai (Vizard) Succubus21

Sapphire Yuudai (Vizard) Lectawithwings

Last edited by Kitty on Sun Jan 02, 2011 3:17 pm; edited 3 times in total

||Kitty's Characters||

Sapphire Yuudai (Vizard) PLEASEWORK2
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Fri Jul 09, 2010 11:33 am
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Wed Apr 06, 2011 4:14 pm

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