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Lucario Yamada
Lucario Yamada
Starter Member
Joined : 2010-06-29
Posts : 7

Member Info
Platinum Points:
Yamada Lucario (Vizard) [Finished] Left_bar_bleue0/0Yamada Lucario (Vizard) [Finished] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Yamada Lucario (Vizard) [Finished] Empty Yamada Lucario (Vizard) [Finished]

Tue Jun 29, 2010 12:55 pm

Name: Yamda Lucario


Age: real age-816 appearance-32

Personality:Lucario Yamada is incredibly flippant, mouthing off to to the most powerful of hollows, and he generally enjoys rubbing people the wrong way. He can seem at times to be uncaring or even callous, but actually has a very strong sense of justice and prefers to fight fairly. He can be counted on to do the right thing, even if he is makes cynical quips about it the entire time. He may not show it but he

Lucario has a fondness for pizza, and while he complains about olives, he always puts them on his pizza. he is also shown to favor strawberry sundaes. He has a habit of getting roaring drunk;it is said he got so drunk one time that proposed to a mop.He Loves to play games and falls victim to pretty girls, and enjoys flirting whenever he's around one. Lucario simply loves women, it's an instinct of sorts, but when he finds one that simply attracts him, he'll go into a frenzy within his mind, trying to think of what to say, usually just letting everything he thought up go and speaking normally and he'll be a flirt toying with the women.

He is usually a care free person but he does show seriousness when those he cares about are in danger or the hot babe he wants. He constantly does what he want with women and leaves never to be heard from. All these years he has been wondering he has not been lonely or nothing like he enjoys it and he enjoys the free care free life he lives. Un-like most people nothing really bothers him as he'd make smart ass remarks to piss the other person off.

Appearance: Yamada Lucario (Vizard) [Finished] 300pxdante4yo0

Background/History: Late 1100’s
Lucario Yamada was born in a Japanese village known as Hizo. His mother was Luna Yamada and his father Tenchi Yamada. The newborn laughed out as the parents tried to figure out the little ones name. They decided to mix their names and come out with Lucario Yamada. The parents looked at each other and smiled, saying “Lucario Yamada.” The baby giggled at the name as he liked it. Very much. Lucario was put in a cold, dark room where he slept. The baby began easily snoring as they went upstairs and went to sleep.

A bird had set feet on the top of the house. A Japanese man took his Kunai knife and threw it at the bird straight through the head. The man started laughing and walked around the house to the back window. The man roughly smashed it with his hand and jumped straight in. He rolled over and ran into a room hoping to find something interesting, his instinct. The man walked up to the baby and picked him up. He jumped out of the window without any second thought. He ran with the baby to a far off river where he joined with his party it had seemed. He jumped on the boat and signaled the others to get on fast.

The set the baby down on the side and started rowing as soon as they all got on. It would take weeks to get back to Japan but it was worth it. Getting a baby, they could sell it for a slave or something. Lucario soon fell asleep after crying for at least thirty minutes. He woke up five hours later. He found himself on an island, all five of the Japanese men, were laying down by the boat dead. Lucario didn’t seem to know anything about what had happened, though he felt something was wrong. Lucario farted and crawled over to one of the bodies and attempted to touch one of their swords the men held earlier.

An arm reached at Lucario and grabbed him by the head, he was grabbed by a huge man, a samurai it seemed. The samurai took the baby and got in the boat and immediately began rowing. Lucario giggled at the man and started fiddling with the man’s toes. The man had some special Japanese medicine that he fed the child, making him fall into a deep sleep. The only food they had was coconuts, and the water from the ocean. They could survive. But with Lucario under that medicine he could survive for a month. Some type of special Japanese stuff.

A few days later, Lucario had seemed to wake up, they were in the middle of the Ocean. That Samurai was still rowing. But to Lucario, he just wanted food. He crawled over to an open coconut he seemed to had been eating and started eating off it. It was good to Lucario, he actually loved it. The child kept eating off it like it was his last meal. He was truly hungry. A few minutes later the man started laughed at ;Lucario. He just shook his head and smiled at the boy, telling him one thing. Knowing he couldn’t even understand him right at this point. “You’re going to be my Apprentice. Back in Japan main land.”

12 years later
As the years passed by, Lucario had adapted the customs of Japan. The Samurai had taught him Japanese and even taught him a bit of Samurai skills. He had learnt a style of Kendo. Amateur yet still amazing how he learned so much of it so fast. One day upon these years the man told Lucario to go off and kill some villagers for him. They had not paid his debt. Lucario got angry and started yelling at him, “No! Master Setsu I will not kill them!” Lucario started blowing up.

Setsu shook his head and slapped the boy and asked him to do it again, still keeping his calm. Lucario however had nearly gone crazy. He started blasting at him. “No Setsu!!! I ain’t gonna kill some people who have not even harmed me! But you have! You-“ Lucario tried to go on, yet he was stopped in the middle of his sentence with a punch to a face. He went flying back, hitting the wall of the Dojo. Setsu slowly walked up to Lucario and grabbed his neck, he pulled him up into the air and grew angry.

Lucario was dazed out. Like he was having a flash back. He saw two figures , a male and a female. The woman seemed to be in love with the man as they looked each other deep into the eye. And gave the boy a look, a special look. They both laughed and said the same thing. ‘Lucario Yamada.’ Lucario smiled as he took another hit to the face, smashing straight into the ground. Lucario opened his eyes and coughed out a burp of blood. It shot straight at Setsu's face. “Boy! How dare you betray me! After the twelve years I owned you!”

Lucario yelled out, pulled out his katana and sliced down at the man. Yet Setsu slapped the blade straight out of his hand, watching it slowly hit the wall and got stuck in it. Setsu kicked the boy in the stomach and slammed his fist down on Lucario’s head, knocking him right into the ground. The evil Samurai unsheathed his katana and spit on Lucario’s head. The Samurai grabbed the boy by his neck and threw him into the air, hitting his head straight into the ceiling. He broke right into the wood. About thirty seconds later he fell down on his legs and hit his face on the ground.

Setsu flipped him over by his foot on his back. he slammed his foot on his stomach and pulled his right hand back, the hand with the katana in it. He laughed loudly and dropped the blade, landing straight into Lucario’s head. Killing him. The boy luckily had no regrets in his life, he did everything to a close to perfect extent. Setsu looked at the dead boy and threw up on him. Blood. “You… failure…” He tried to push out as he hit the ground, slowly dying himself. He was on the verge of death, yet he just killed somebody with ease. This was the karma.

Five Years after death
Lucario walked around with his two friends, Cao Busou, and Musaito Namaeikan. They were going to get some fruit from old man Hanzo. They often called him Geyser associated with his name. Lucario walked around with them, going toward his shop. Like everyone, they had to pay 15 yen. Which to Lucario seemed a whole lot of yen to give just for a bag of fruits. But Lucario tried to refrain from getting letting his recklessness get the best of him. He didn’t want them going into a shock and kick him out of sales. But whatever it was, Lucario always had the money.

He made his way there when he came upon another black robed Samurai it seemed. It gave him familiar memories, like when he was a human or something. Rukongai carried lots of weird people though so you never knew what was what. As soon as Lucario came in step of five meters of the man he froze up. His friends kept on walking, yet he just froze up. It was weird, he couldn’t move. While his friends stopped walking ahead to see what was going on with him, but the man walked up to Lucario and started messing with him.

The Black Robed man started something that would end bad, “What’s wrong kid? Never seen a damn Shinigami before?” The Shinigami pushed him and sent him to the ground. Lucario immediately broke out of his phase and jumped up, punching the Shinigami in the face with all he had. The Shinigami of course was sent to ground himself, blood atop his face. “Bitch! You want to repeat that?!” Lucario came out, revealing a bit evil side of him. The Shinigami got up and pulled out his Zanpaktou, swinging straight at Lucario. Lucario awaited the blade to hit him. He was not afraid.

The blade just suddenly stopped, in someone’s hand. There bare hand. Lucario’s friends just watched, they didn’t know what to do at this point. Another Shinigami with long black flowing hair just grabbed the blade and pushed the other Shinigami down onto the ground. The Shinigami smiled at Lucario and commandingly yet with a soft tone told him, “Soul, just go on. This one is a bit untamed.” Lucario whipped the blood off his hand and started walking again. Lucario didn’t take much from anyone. As most of the people that have met him know.

Lucario grabbed an apple off of someone’s food stand and started going down the lane with his friends. “Guys, don’t miss me. I’m going to be out fo’ a while.” Lucario attempted to take a bite from the apple and was interrupted by one of his friend’s questions. “Where are you going.” Without even stopping he answered with ease. “I’m becoming a Shinigami.” He said as he took a bite off the apple.

Six Years Later
Six years have now passed by, Lucario has learned the basics of a Shinigami. Kidou, Zanpaktou, Intelligence about hollows and further. But it was time to go on the test. He stood there with nearly two hundred Shinigami. The Test Announced over the whole Shinigami-body. “You will all go to Earth and purify a hollow. You will be sent in groups of five, all with one senior. You may choose your own team.” Lucario stood there out from everyone else. He wasn’t like them. He was a whole different person, whole different type of personality.

A person had came up to him and asked to be his partner. Lucario took his head up from the ground and turned around to the person, surprised that someone asked him. There stood Cao Busou, and Musaito Namaeikan behind him. They were becoming Shinigami too? Lucario just smiled. Nothing else was needed to be said. Lucario was the senior of the group. But they needed two more people. Two more Shinigami named, Mansei and Kukai walked up and asked to join, just at the right time. Of course, Lucario allowed them to join, no problem at all.

As they had their group they walked over into the portal, which was two doors open. There was a black background, which seemed a bit mysterious to the new Shinigami. For these years they did this every year. And Lucario was still alive. They all leaped into the portal. They were brought to Earth. All of them with an approaching hollow. They all pulled out their Zanpaktou and prepared themselves. Mansei ran out to the hollow and jumped into the air slashed at it, got his ass knocked to the ground, unconscious. Lucario frowned at this new one. “get up.” The hollow was about 15 feet tall. It was like a mini Menos.

They all charged at the hollow though Musaito stayed back, he couldn’t move. Lucario looked at him and motioned his hand to come on. “What’s with you?” Lucario ran back and got up in his face. “Come on Musaito! We need you man!” Musaito just shook his head and fell to the ground. Kukai had already got knocked out himself. Lucario just ran forward and jumped up with all the adrenaline in his body. “Ah!” He growled out, slashing one of the arms off, Cao slashed one of the legs off. Leaving only one arm, and three legs.

They both jumped at the mask and stabbed their blades straight into mask. They kept the blade in for a couple of seconds, as if he could even pull it out. After fifteen full seconds they jumped back and landed on the ground, sheathing their blades as the hollow began materializing. “Nice one Cao.” Lucario complimented on Cao. They went and picked the others up and opened the portal back to Soul Society. They came back the first ones. The Instructor put his arm on Lucario’s shoulder and smiled. “Hah. Congradulations, Lucario.”

300 Years Later
It had been 300 since Lucario has been assigned to the Twelfth Squad. He had been separated from his friends and associates, yet on the bright side he made multiple weapons in the years. One of those Steroid Injectors so he could have some energy at all times, A Black glove with claws that come out when you tap your thumb against your pointer finger. And a weapon for the 2nd Squad, Maitenrai. A Boomerang Shuriken made out of steel. He had been working hard for these years. He didn’t ever like to waste time doing stuff like associate. He was one of those that just trained and worked on new weapons and items but deep down he wanted to be free.

Lucario was walking around with one of his friends from the Squad. The Subject came up about Shikai. “Well Kaisi, I’ve been training for hundreds of years, still haven’t achieved it. I’ve met my Zanpakotu quite a few times, but I just haven’t obtained the Shikai.” Kaisi smiled and laughed at him a bit, just telling him, “Don’t worry Lucario, Just don’t work for it. It’s one of those things that comes naturally. Lucario scratched his head and thought about that. He put a finger up and walked the other way. He was going to go train a bit. He had a good feeling.

Hours later he was in the training grounds, he was there in the corner meditating with his Zanpaktou. Again he was in a world with white ash and three huge towers spread across the land. There was no sun but yet it seemed to be bright enough to where it blinded you. This was The world where his Zanpaktou’s Spirit resided. The Spirit of his Zanpaktou, apperared by him and smiled, “Hey Lucario. I supposed you want to train again huh?” Lucario smiled and thought about what he had said. “No, I want to become one with you.” The white armored Samurai looking Spirit shook his head and knew what he asked for. Lucario had fell down on the ground, he lost gravity. He saw only two Zanpaktou in the air, floating.

Lucario didn’t see Kensei anywhere. He just saw two, wait now five Zanpaktou in the air. He heard something in his mind. “How much do you know me? How much do you want this? What would you do to obtain my strength?” Lucario smiled, just thinking. “Anything.” With those words, Lucario just fell into a pit of lava. The Zanpaktou were still there, he needed to get them. Lucario hung onto a rock and thought about how he was going to get back up there and get that Zapaktou. He flung himself up into the air from that rock and disappeared with a swish. Using the new move he learned, Shunpo.

He appeared back on a the edge of the cliff, seeing four Zanpaktou now. “Come on Lucario… Let the show begin” Lucario jumped up and noticed that there were orbs on the Zanpaktou. A blue one, a red one, a violet one, and a green one. He pushed his Reiatsu onto his feet and began standing in the air. He begun reaching for the red one, but he just remembered that Kensei has a violet headband. He immediately forwarded his hand to the violet one and pulled the Zanpaktou out of the sheath. “It's Show Time."Lucario thought about that for a bit.

Kensei appeared behind him as the scenery began turning back to normal. “Great job, Lucario.” Kensei grabbed the blade and got sucked straight into the blade. Lucario got sucked into the blade as well, except for the fact that he was right there, holding the blade. He felt apart of the blade. “It's Show Time Kensei!” He released his shikai and smiled, Kensei had become a true partner with Lucario. Though this was only the initial training.Kensei told Lucario inside his mind. “I need to teach you the attacks now.” Lucario admired the nearly ft sword with a black handle with white stripes running down it it was light yet strong, it was just great.

100 Years Later –
It was time. Time for him to go and test something. He secretly went off to Earth one day, kill both of the Shinigami who were guarding the Senkaimon with ease. All he did was slice their heads off with his new Maitenrai. It was very easy for him. He lead off to Earth to go see what would happen if he ate a hollow mask. It was a obvious betrayal, Soul Society was just to weak for him at the moment. He ran through the gate like a carefree wind He made it through, kept his Spiritual pressure high. Just to attract the hollow.

He came upon a Wolf-like hollow, it seemed interesting. He pulled out his Zanpaktou and sliced one of it’s legs off. He then took the change to slice the other one off. Causing it to fall on two legs. He chopped off a piece of the mask and began gnawing at it. Just to see if it was soft enough for him to bite straight out. He threw it on the ground and started chopping at it. He sliced it into 20 pieces. They were all about as big as a shard. Easy enough for him to swallow. He put the first piece in his mouth and just swallowed it. He tried everything to get infected from the head.

In about five minutes, he eat every piece of the mask. He sat there and watched the hollow bleed all over the grass of the human world. His eyes suddenly widened, he felt the power of a hollow come through his body and flow through him like crazy. Like a hollow was going to try and control him. A mask slowly started to collect on his face, it was white, it had black wolf-like eyes with black eye lashs. A white slash was going down the the middle shaping the nose and black on the cheek. It was weird. Something was different about him. What was this mask upon his face?

He couldn’t control himself. He just wanted to go on a rampage. This mask had nearly taken over him. The new hollow blood flowing through his veins, contaminating his flesh. He just past out. He fell straight to his face, the mask broke off his face, leaving the reiatsu from it just turn into pure reiatsu and fly away back into Lucario. He had a little dream, about a Wolf taking over his body, And Kensei having to deal with it all the time. Some evil Wolf just keep messing with him all the time. No, this was no dream. It was in Deize his in world., The wolf kept on going about how he was going to control Lucario.

Lucario laughed at that thought. Looks like he was going to have to tame the beast. Soon. In a couple years soon. But first he was going to have to master shikai. And he needed to learn how to use his Vaizard mask. But that was the soon to come. Lucario woke up, just sitting against a bench a few miles away from where he had the encounter with the Wolf-like Hollow. Though this was just weird now, should he have risked everything? He could have still been at Soul Society experimenting with his glove.

100 Years of Training
Lucario has now finally mastered his shikai and has half and half control with his Inner Hollow, the wolf Xingba. It was time to tame the beast. Develop this Inner Hollow into a weapon. He was definitely ready to conquer this hollow. Lucario walked off into an abandoned factory and began performing numerous exercises with his Zanpaktou, trying to get prepared for the giant battle. He took his Zanpaktou after about 15 minutes of exercising then pulled out his Zanpaktou and put it to his face. Lucario closed his eyes and found himself once again for the at least 50th time in that the white ash world.

The white armor Samurai, Kensei knew what he came there for this time. Not for training, but to Conquer his Inner Hollow. Lucario just shook his head down and up, the then walked past Kensei and walked up to the monster inside of him. It was atop of a tower. He unsheathed his Zanpaktou and just stared at the Wolf-like creature. The thing jumped straight down at him and sliced it’s claws at him. It sliced against his right shoulder. But he swung his Zanpaktou to the right after that, almost getting a clear slice on it. He then jumped to the right and performed the stance of Kendo.

The Hollow ran up to him and shot out a cero, going straight for him. Though the Vaizard was no longer there, he had already used his Shunpo to get ten feet away. Just barely escaping the Attack. Lucario ran at the beast and lunged his blade forward, hitting the Hollow in the leg, it just growled out and sliced at him, missing. Lucario jumped back again and released the true beast. “It's Show Time Kensei!” A Violet aura came up and began flowing around him crazily. His reiatsu and strength began increasing. Powering up. He was getting ready to give it all he had.

”Xingba, this is my body, got it? So take this beating and just give up. got it?” Lucario said just taunting the Inner Hollow. Lucario finished powering up, noticing his Zanpaktou had already transformed into the ookatana that he enjoyed fighting with. “Show me what you got!” Lucario yelled out as he swung his Zanpaktou down, slicing at the Inner Hollow’s head. Just barely missing, getting a small slice on the head. He noticed the hollow had a lot of speed. But it was not enough for Lucario not to defeat. “You've lost mut now just accept it!! Lucario shunpo’d behind the Hollow and stabbed the blade right up in his butt.

Lucario then flipped the blade up and kicked it, making it fly fall to the ground. Lucario deeply and emotionally walked over to the Hollow, picking it up with his left hand. “Listen up mutt. This is my body. I am the King.” Lucario, was back in control. But there was one thing he had not yet done. Lucario pulled back his left arm and stabbed the Hollow right in the stomach, just giving it the idea of what would happen if he ever betrayed Lucario and tried it again. Though Lucario had full control, he didn’t want anything happening.

300 More Years of Training
Lucario was walking down the roads of Karakura Town, very tired and on a low temper from training so much. “Nothing to it but to do it. i know my parents are watching over me.” Though he was dead himself. Lucario laughed out loud, thinking of what a childhood he could have had. Lucario sensed a spiritual pressure about a few levels lower than his. “Huh?” He turned around and spotted an Arrancar behind him. Another one of Aizen’s he guessed. “You looking for a rush.” Lucario taunted at the Arrancar purposely.

The Arrancar used his Sonido and appeared behind Lucario. Lucario would not stay for a second, he had already used his Shunpo to get a few feet away. He pulled out his Zanpaktou and concentrated all on Kensei. As the mastery of Shikai goes, he threw his hand over to the right and began flowing of a Violet type of Reiatsu. His Zanpaktou had released into the big Violet colored self, the blade as long as 4ft. Almost as tall as Lucario, only off a few inches. Lucario jumped forward, as did the Arrancar pull out his Zanpaktou and clash with Lucario.

The Arrancar had no idea what he was in for. The Arrancar released his Resurrection, he had began changing into some type of Tiger like hollow. He stood on two feet, his Reiatsu had increased incredibly. But it was not enough. He was too weak to take on Lucario. “i'd play with you more but i need to rest got it?” Lucario put his hand over his face and pulled his fingers down as particles of a mask began collecting over his face. Making a white and black mask, black eyes, and a black slices going through his right eye. Lucario could have defeated him without his Zanpaktou, he just didn’t have the time for this.

He laughed out at the Arrancar. It began collected particles of a strong cero coming on. Lucario looked him straight in the eye and chuckled. “Its finished.” Lucario lunged his Zanpaktou forward at the Arrancar, shooting out a Violet beam at the Arrancar, looked like the size of a cero. The Arrancar quickly shot a cero at Lucario, trying to overpower him. The beam obliterated the cero, and blasted straight at the Arrancar. Cleaving his whole torso and up. It was not Lucarios day, he didn’t feel like dealing with a Arrancar.

He began walking again as he broke off the Vaizard Mask and concealed his shikai, sheathing his Zanpaktou and stretching his neck. Lucario saw a few birds fly off into the distance. But he didn’t have time to watch the beauty. He was ready to get back to his Bankai training. Believing he will become one of the strongest Vaizard, living up to his race. of Vaizard “ Kensei, let’s get back to it?”

Zanpakutô Spirit:Name/appearance-Keisen is roughly about four foot on all fours. six foot, or about Lucario's height when on his back legs. has golden colored eyes, much like Oodama's when he has a mask on. As well as his eyes, Keisen is much different than any tiger. He has an all gray main color, along with all white stripes. This is fairly strange to Real tigers, but only because it is a spirit. On his feet, Keisenhas white flames etching themselves over his feline claws. Zetsumei looks like he weighs about two hundred and fifty five pounds, which is exactly what he weighs. His weight is mostly contributed by the muscle build in his arms and his legs. The rest, a pound of so, is the long majestic fur that seems to flow gracefully off of his neck and body. Keisin fangs protrude prom his upper and lower jaw as well. These fangs are much longer and sharper then the average tiger in the real world. During training, when Keisin releases any type of reietsu, his golden colored eyes become a very bright green color, which reflects and shows off the "color" of his reietsu, much like Lucario's red reietsu.

Inner World-The inner world for Lucario's Zanpakuto, Keisin, is fairly simple and isn't very complex at all. It is a completely dried out rain forest. The tree's lay withered in the sky, across the earth and even some still stand. Lucario made a connection to this all. It is most likely this way because Keisin's name means Death, this however is simply speculation. Though, that is not all to the withered home for his tiger. Along the water ways float dead fish, the rotting never stopping, yet, the finish never vanish and become bones. The water's are disgusting, and somehow, through all of this, Keisin survives. Lucario makes another connection, though this is just for fun, knowing full well that Keisin need not eat. Because he is 'death' himself, Luacrio believes that he can survive around death itself. He also thinks because of all of this, it's why he has yet to die in his second life. Finally, Keisin sets perched atop a rather large mountain. This mountain resembles nothing in the real world, but rather, just floats there along with tree's and other large rocks. Lucario usually has to climb up to the top if he wishes to speak with Keisin.

Sealed Zanpakutô : Yamada Lucario (Vizard) [Finished] 300px-Rebellion_4

Shikai Description: Yamada Lucario (Vizard) [Finished] 1618c34bab29a0fullax8

Shikai Abilities: Katsuken
Katsuken is a long-range ability blasting at high speeds and shooting at the size of a cero. Though it is black and glowing of gold around the waves of it.

The Hienjei is a sphenoix summoned from Lucarios blade. He may command it with his blade and let it fight with free will. It is black and has gold eyes. Standing at about 12 feet.

A very simple technique, blasting a medium sized 2 feet long blast at the opponent. It is a smaller yet powerful version of Katsuken yet only blasting out of the tip of Lucarios sword.

Release:"It's Showtime Keisin"

Shinigami Skill Level: Kidou: Beginner/Adept/Advanced/Master
Shinigami Skill Level: Swordsmanship: Beginner/Adept/Advanced/Master
Hollow Skill Level: Sonido: Beginner/Adept/Advanced/Master
Hollow Skill Level: Cero/Bala: Beginner/Adept/Advanced/Master
Skill Level: Hand-to-Hand: Beginner/Adept/Advanced/Master

Bankai Description: Yamada Lucario (Vizard) [Finished] L_b4031cda5cef07a541738b4252211348 Lucario Merges with his Zanpakuto Spiret

Bankai Release "It's Curtain Call Keisin."

Bankai Abilities: Flying Moon Dragon (Koukuu Getsuei Doragon) - By calling the Zanpakto's name again, a dragon would come flying down from the 'moon', it lays beside Oodama awaiting its target. When signaled, the dragon will either shoot 5 blast of pure light or wrap around the enemy immobilizing them. This skill can only be used once. Doragon buredo can only be used once every few mins has dissipated, this will make an outer clear coating of reietsu taking the shape of a dragon on Oodama's right arm. It can be turned into a sword, or it can fire five beam blasts at the enemy.

Kai Tora Buredo (Reaping Tiger Blade) - At this stage of Zetsumei's skill, he has learned to control the reietsu and command it, forming it to his will. By slashing down at a certain area, using only his hand and concentrated reietsu, a large blast of white light will launch and then take a tigers shape. As he reaches the enemy it will slash multiple times. This skill can be used multiple times and Causes great damage.

Doragon buredo(Dragon Blade)
Lucario, starts to chant the same wording, multiple times. These words are simple, "Death be with you". After the chant has been said 5 times. Lucario takes the form of a dragon, and sends a large wave of reietsu out of it's mouth. This skill is recommended not to be used by Lucario himself, for it causes so much pain through out his body, that he cannot move for hours. This can also be turned into a single sword which Lucario can use as a last resort of protection.

Kireisuga is a massive blast coming from Lucarios blade. The technique is faster than any except, Teizu. The attack is only black with gold sparks coming off from the force of it. It can also be shot out of the mouths of the serpents. The aftermath of the extraordinary attack leaves a huge crater that meteor would usually leave.

Teizu is a massive purple beam coming from Lucarios Blade. This beam itself has been shown to go faster than any other attack in the bankai because of it shooting from the blades tip and not the body.

Another very powerful technique that Lucario has discovered within his Zanpaktou is named the Shikaten. Which is releasing a vibrating razor-like energy from the blade. This technique has been named his second strongest due to the vibration, meaning it would easily cut into the opponent with the intense speed coming with it.

The Keizu is a release of a hidden strength, in other words. His final power, giving him a massive violet aura to power him up. Something that he would use if he was about to die or even dying. Which would help him stay alive longer and add to his power for one last attack. The final blow.

Vizard powers:Instant Regeneration: Like some Gillian-level Menos Hollows, this form shows the ability to instantly regenerate any wound and even a missing limb

Enhanced Strength: all of the Vizard on the defensive with just physical power. Its physical strength increases greatly.

Enhanced Durability: This full Hollow form seems to be impossible to damage once covered by its strong Hierro-like shell.
Enhanced Spiritual Energy: Even when only partially transformed the hollow's spiritual energy is greatly increased. Upon awakening,

Cero: Vizard gain access to certain Hollow abilities, such as the Cero blast; However, only Shinji[10], Hiyori[11] and Mashiro[12] have been seen using it.

Telekinesis: Vizard apparently hold varying degrees of telekinesis; For example, Ichigo, in his new Hollowfied form, has employed this ability to call forth his Zanpakutō with a mere flick of the wrist.

Hollow form:

Hollow mask: Yamada Lucario (Vizard) [Finished] Vizard_Masks_Set_by_Dark_Shenlon-2 almost as long as he wants

Resurrección: N/A

Roleplay Sample: Lucario stood there in downtown Karakura town as lighting danced acroos the sky as if someone was commanding it. The rain slowly started to fall one by one as it slowly picked up making loud splashs with each drop the fell. The once dry city was no drenched as water ran from the side walk to the sewers. The light post which Lucario stood under flickered somewhat until finally it burned out. He knew that couldn't be good since when that usually happens something bad was gonna take place

Lucario looked up as the rain slowly hit his face bouncing off. All though he didn't want to stand out he did. His white hair down a small light beard, his long red coat with the sleeves folded back neatly exposing something brown like a sleeve that barely passed his elbow. His long zanpakuto which usually hanged from his back but for the moment it didn't. His Black fingerless gloves with a rectangle cut out on the bad. His red pants with the bottom of his pant legs looking like boots.

He couldn't carry his zanpakuto at his waist like he wanted to since it as to long so he usually carried it on his shoulder. His left hand held his zanpakuto handle as lighting struck the ground shattering the concrete in front of Lucario. He chuckled and turned around walking east down the sidewalk as he looked back over his shoulder. His red eyes gazed up on the sky as if there was someone there who was guiding him.

"Yeah yeah Im going no need to get testy up there."

Lucario stopped as he felt the presence of something watching him. He turned around ready to attack when he stopped almost instantly. It was a little girl who wore a sailor suit and hat. Lucario had a puzzled face when the girl asked him if he could take her back to her mommy since she was lost. The storm had come fairly quickly and appearantly the mother was trying to get him in a rush and she lost her childs hand and the kid had been wondering around for a while. Lucario thought to him-self why was he such a good person. Whatever the answer was he was going to help her since a little girl out here could get hurt.

"Yeah kid I can do that. Here jump on my back."

Lucario took a deep breath and let it slowly as he smiled and turned around kneeling down. He wanted to carry her on his back because he didn't want to be held up by the girls speed because most likely she wouldn't be able to keep up. The girl jumped on his back wraping her arms around his neck holding on. He stood up the rain seemed to pour harder feeling like little rocks where hitting Lucarios face. He stood straight as he began to walk the water splashing underneth each step he took. His zanpakuto rested on his left side while the girl had her head on his right side.

"So where do you live?"

The girl told him that she lived at the top of the higest buidling in Karakura. He laughed a little as he thought to him-self of course she'd live there. Oh well what could he do no he agreed to help her and he'd rather go up the large building than hear about her death on the morning news or it being printed all over the news paper. He stopped and took a right crossing the road which was slowly starting to become a river from all the pouring water.

Lucario turned around and saw the water rising faster than usual. He thought maybe the sewers were backed up but then the water began to ripple as if something was moving in it. It slowly began to rise as little water bullets flew out of it. Lucario jumped up in the air as the watter bullets flew into the buiding behind him making a clean cut of the wall. He stopped in mid air and saw that the water was now in the shape of a hollow. He had never seen a hollow that could take its shape from water and since they were surrounded by water it was clear that it had the un-fair advantage.

Lucario took his zanpakuto from his left shoudler and turned his head to the little girl telling her to burry her head in his shoulder and hold on for dear lift but most importantly not to look up no matter what. He knew that this could scar the girl for life and he would have doen more damage than help her. The girl tightened her grip as she buried her head. Lucario could sense the fear in her and knew he had to end this quickly but he couldn't use that much spiret pressure without knocking out the girl.
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Tue Jun 29, 2010 5:07 pm
Approved, 1-3
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Wed Sep 01, 2010 11:56 am
This guy hasn't been on in a month...


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Yamada Lucario (Vizard) [Finished] Empty Re: Yamada Lucario (Vizard) [Finished]

Thu Sep 02, 2010 5:42 pm
This guy came back.

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Sun Nov 14, 2010 5:30 pm
Moved to inactive

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Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:32 pm

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