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Surprising Festives Empty Surprising Festives

Sat Jul 31, 2010 3:08 am
...:::Hayuko Narumi:::...

Power, the most dangerous element that exists. Power destroys countries; power destroys relations and creates greed. What's worse is that this thing we call power corrupts good men. But not all power is used for evil. Men constantly stumble upon the fortunes of this power. But it’s that select few that use the power given to you to protect peace that can truly be called "Great".

The sky was a light blue, with barely any white fluffy clouds in sight. Today seemed like the perfect day for many people. The sunlight was not too strong, nor was it too hot. It was an amazing temperature with a nice cool breeze that was practically begging people to go outside. Many people did go outside; I mean who wouldn’t take this opportunity? Many families would go to the park with their children on such an occasion. The birds were migrating today as well; a flock of small blue jays were flying above the sky. This was unusual for such an area as karakura.

Today wasn’t just another usual day though. Today was going to be the karakura parade, and festival. These kinds of things only happen once a year…. Don’t they? The emotions with the parade are nerves of excitement and at the same time anxiety for the performers; because they’ll be worried about giving the people a good show. The festival this year is going to be filled with a carnival. Games fun and most importantly… Roller Coasters.

Among all of these amazing spectators that came here to view the festival, there was one in particular that tended to stand out. Yes yes, it was nothing more than a young 17 year old teenager walking down the streets of karakura. It wasn't everyday this kind of thing happened and he must have been just another one of those teens trying to have fun before they officially called an adult... or that's what most people would think about this young man.

This young man seemed to be somewhat secluded from the world. The man was wearing a bright orange hoodie, with his hood on. On the hood you could see a black 3 pronged symbol on it. The symbol did not seem to stand for anything, as it was only there for decoration. Under this hoodie, this individual was wearing a somewhat dark red shirt, with a black cross on it. He had been wearing black jeans, nothing out of the ordinary. And he was also wearing dark red converse shoes. The man had red eyes, with black and red hair.

So we close in and yes, now we know who he is. He was non-other than Hayuko Narumi. This must have been the first time he had ever been seen in public in 400 years. Nobody had known where he had vanished too. Nobody even know if he was still alive. No one around him knew who he was though. He was in a group of human strangers, all coming here to enjoy the festival. But although he seemed like a perfectly normal child, there was still this aura about him that made him stand out from the rest.

The son was blazing as it hit hayuko's face. Although he didn't know anyone around him. Even the people he did know would barely ever recognize him. He had gone threw a complete makeover. But you never know what could happen in a world filled with strange events. Hayuko saw the line for the supposed "Fastest roller coaster in karakura" And walked towards it. He wanted to see how fast this thing could actually go. He walked towards the line and was now at the end of it. He was expecting a normal ride, but the people he would meet... may not be the way he planned.

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Sat Jul 31, 2010 5:33 pm
Yasutora Sado

Another who was here, was someone who came to these festivals so many centuries ago, but things have changed for the man Yasutora Sado, or Chad as he is known as by his friends. It has been about a week since his return to Karakura City, and right now he is staying over at a shop of someone who he knows really well and has help him and his friends, Inoue Orihime, Ishida Uryū and Kurosaki Ichigo. Since he is a man who is lost to what has happened, and all of his friends from school are no longer alive as far as he knows. His only friend he has left, Ichigo is now a part of Soul Society and so he is without friends in this new Karakura City.

Wwearing a simple white shirt and a pair of gray pants with a darker gray belt and brown shoes covering his feet, he walks along, and probably stand out due to his height of six feet and five inches. He looks through the brown hair on his head that fall into his eyes, masking them slightly, and he is quiet, but he is not a normal human. You see, Sado, or Chad is one who is empowered with energies that came off of Ichigo due to the high spirit energy he oozed, which gave him special powers to fight Hollows and allowed him to see Hollows. Although he took on a Hollow with only help from Rukia when she was in trouble, and it involved a telephone pole that he ripped from the ground. Which was a shock to Rukia and to the Hollow. Although he did take an steel girder to his back protecting someone who was hurt and he simply shrugged it off.

However, that was a time long ago and Sado does not even know if Rukia is still alive, or any of the Gogei 13 that he knew and fought along side. Additionally, he is not even sure if Orihime and Ishida are alive and have arrived in this new Karakura City of the future. If only there was a way to find out, but most of those he knows are busy with all fo the Hollows and others who have appeared with the powers to fight the Hollows like he. Walking, he sees someone with the orange hoodie and blinks as he looks at him, and feels the energy coming from him, since he himself gives off energy, and can take out Arrancar single handedly. But as this is a festival, there will not be any trouble, as far as he knows, since they are protected by a shield that keeps the weaker Hollows at Bay. Still, he was here to enjoy life and to have fun and went to the same roller coaster as the one in the orange hoodie, but he did not say anything, and stopped to get something to eat and drink while he waited in line.
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Tue Aug 03, 2010 4:51 am

Surprising Festives Alphard_2_by_Alphard_Sama


Karakura Festival eh? sounded like a pretty good day to enjoy the out doors for once; A day with no drama, action, or any thing. Just some time to relax. After all even heroes needed vacations here and there, it was simply the way of life, too much overwork led to a weakened morale and an overall bland way of living. You needed to be a very strong soul to be able to go through what this city went through, with all of it's year's,'s a funny idea that everything is still intact after the 400 year madness that's been ensuing between the years and before the 400 years. A battle against two strong overlords...the first was Nero an experiment gone wrong, By KJ no less. though most of those warriors fought that old battle the new warriors only know of stories and legends. then there was Ender a Dark overlord of a man who fed off the emotions of others, negative motions to be exact. he was quite the scary opponent, for almost everyone to fight off and defeat, most thought that they wouldn't survive such a battle, but yet again, good prevailed and they survived to live another day.

That did seem to be the norm for the Heroes of Karakura town, no matter what challenge they faced, somehow, some way, through all of the war and bloodshed. Tears and despair, they always pulled through to pull out a victory. the idea was funny but once you thought about it, most of the victories came from new arrivals, the help of true friend's, team work and all of the usual goods. was it luck?; If it was, it must have been the greatest luck of all. But, one had to admit that today was definitely a good day to just sit back and forget about all of that, those were memories of painful despair-filled wars no one wanted to remember. especially, not on a day full of Fun filled roller coaster's, Cotton candy, Delicious Chili dogs, and many many other things to have fun with and go out to have fun with, and in particular there was one girl who wanted to take advantage of this...oh yes today was going to be quite fun for our favorite demon hunter, and speaking of! let's turn our attention to her and what she's doing right now...

"Now i wonder what ikarumi wanted me to go to this festival" A Young Black Haired woman said, as she rode her bike through the city. the woman was none other then the infamous Demon hunter Havoc, her true name was Alicia Alshua. however, most people were use to calling her havoc now and she didn't mind that at all. she was riding her Bike through the city, making her way to the festival that a life long friend of her's, Ikarumi told her about. Havoc figured why not go and check it out? it couldn't hurt. Havoc gripped the handles as she looked out to see the festival coming up on her way, she looked quite dazzling even for it to just be casual wear, she had some sun glasses on, her clothing consisted of what seemed to be a leather and stringed Tank-Top, her figure looked quite normal and healthy, almost fit to be a model, her skin was a mix of light/tanned color. She was also wearing some Blue denim jeans that fit around her waist and legs perfectly, leaving no sign of birth marks, or even some fat areas. though even if she did, she didn't care. after all she wasn't here to make the entire freaking world happy. Unlike...a certain Heroic Ziamichi by the name of Yuusuke onodera.

Havoc took one hand from one of the handles of her motorbike and looked out at the horizon as she began to stop and park up at the beginning of the festival, it didn't look half bad. Everything was well put together and the technology and how everything was being done, was clearly shown. Havoc chuckled with a small smirk as she put her sun glasses down on the motorcycle and jumped off of it, she was very interested in seeing how the events of this festival would turn looked wonderful, but was it wonderful? if there wasn't one lesson havoc knew, it was that you can't ever let the things that look good at sight fool you. You'd be easily tricked that way, and look dumb. Havoc took a deep sigh, as she got off the bike she looked around and began to walk into city, getting some looks from some of the males, she simply gave them one of those ice cold looks without glaring or even looking annoyed. Men could be such dogs sometimes, or at least the perverted kind. she didn't hate all men, hell truth be told she wish she could find a man to settle down with and confide in and marry, become a house wife and have two children. A Strong handsome boy with a hardened spirit and a young sweet girl with respect and good wishes. this was a dream of the woman, and she knew that as much as she wanted it to happen. there was always Business to attend to. Life was a bitch and there was no way around that.

Today was the day to enjoy some fun and out door fun, without having to worry about those outside annoyances, Work or anything of the sort. it was just some time to relax for a change. Havoc smiled as she walked in to the festival and was commented on by her good looks from some of the ladies in the festival, earning a smile from the Hunter. she liked flattery as long as it was portrayed in a healthy and non-perverted manner, her eyes looked up and back and forth in many directions watching over the area, she then felt her stomach grumble a little, she did forget to cook a morning breakfast. Lunch seemed like it was nearing, so of course food was in order, Havoc went to the area with refreshments and food to buy and pulled out about 20 bucks for a few things, Two Chili dogs with melted cheese a huge soda cup with a free refill deal and some french fries, she put some ketchup over it as she went over into the line of the first ride, setting the food up in the air, using Reaitsu as a platform she ate half of her fries, throwing some of the salty leftovers away in the trash, then went to eating her first Chili dog slowly while walking in the long and using the reaitsu to make that other chili dog look unharmed....on it's little plate, she could say one thing for sure. she was enjoying the food, now let's hope she'd enjoy the other festivities.

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Sun Oct 10, 2010 2:37 pm
Locked since Hayuko is on temp leave.

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Tue Jan 18, 2011 12:55 am

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Mon Jun 06, 2011 1:25 pm

Surprising Festives Akemi

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