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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Mon Apr 17, 2023 7:45 pm
New Warrior on the block!! [ Tento | Nanashi | Shura | 4th division member given permission] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

The sun hanged in its settling demeanor in its seat in the clear blue and white sky. The orange yellow glow of the afterlife shining bright in its loving light on the 4th division. The training field was mostly empty, the days training settled down from the hungry shouts and pounding of the brown soil that filled the dirt grounded sections of the training field. The fresh imprints of power leg jumps, weapons smashing into the stone field of missed attempts.

Cleaning gear was put up, dummies dusted off and let into their designed locations. All done and ready for the next flow of energy in the next day of the energetic cycle of growth and competition. Barracks were filled with the nearly lit candles of evening relaxation preparation. Causing a soft glow to form and spread out throughout the combat division. In this glow there was laughter and chuckles. Feet shuffling as a group of men and woman were out about looking for a specific someone.

There was fresh meat in the division today!!! And the hunt was on to find her.

Light in the Dark | End Post

Last edited by Ottozeo on Sun Apr 23, 2023 6:01 pm; edited 2 times in total

New Warrior on the block!! [ Tento | Nanashi | Shura | 4th division member given permission] Tentos10
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New Warrior on the block!! [ Tento | Nanashi | Shura | 4th division member given permission] Empty Re: New Warrior on the block!! [ Tento | Nanashi | Shura | 4th division member given permission]

Sun Apr 23, 2023 1:16 pm
New Warrior on the block!! [ Tento | Nanashi | Shura | 4th division member given permission] HEADER__shiranui_mai_the_king_of_fighters_and_1_more_drawn_by_hara_kenshi__sample-0e844f817f4de222bcad91af8c2e9ef6

This was it.

How long had she been preparing for this?! It felt like forever. ever since she'd recovered from her hollow sickness, ever since she'd decided she'd join the fourth, she'd looked forward to this day. She'd been preparing for quite a while! Meting her old uh.... 'heroes'. Growing her hair out. Getting rid of all the dyes and stuff. Psyching herself up as she'd started looking inward, and asking herself: What did she want?

Truth be told, she still didn't know the real answer to that. But she was gonna find out! And that meant making a good first impression! And thus, with a big smile, she waltzed RIGHT past the people that were looking for her! No doubt these people were looking for Nanashi, the Terror of the Shino academy! A pink-haired devil that had no mercy for her classmates. And so no doubt, they would have not even offered a second glance at the soft brown locks and long hair that went right past them. Nanashi, fully unaware she was being sought out, thus went completely under the radar as she made her way to the center of the barracks, pausing for a moment as she .... felt a little bit lost? Huh, this place was bigger than she thought. Ah, he looked like he knew where stuff was.

"Heya! Sir!" She flagged down Tento, a big smile on her face as she offered him a wave on approach. "Sorry if you're busy. But uh, I gotta find where the new recruits are supposed to be? I think I'm a little turned around."

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Sun Apr 23, 2023 4:37 pm
New Warrior on the block!! [ Tento | Nanashi | Shura | 4th division member given permission] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

"Hey hey any luck?!", one girl called out bouncing with a fierce speed around the training field.

"Nope!", a man responded sliding to a stop as he stood in one of the components of the 4th division halls. "No look at finding, the package", the man said with a bit of annoyance. It was supposed to be stirring today. Heck, it was supposed to already be here b y now!!! With a WOOSH. The man sped off turning a corner. "I'm gonna check training field 4!!!".

"Alright ill tell Chi and some of the others. We'll go check the front!!", the lady responded before she turn high tailed it out of the scene. Paying no attention to the reality that what...rather really who. They were looking for had already passed by them. They had gotten a picture of her after all!!! Who else would they expect by looks then?

Moving in a much different, calmer way that those two. Tento walked with his hands to the side in a leisure stroll before hearing someone yell out a Hiya. Turning, Tento saw a new face. He didn't have a perfect memory of everyone. He was only like a year or two in the division after all. BUT. The one thing he always remember, was a lady's face. Especially a cute one. And this one was not in a memory file at alllll.

"Oh hello there", Tento said in a light greeting a small smile in his face in return to hers. "New recruit? I did not hear about us getting a transfer today", Tento said raising a hand underneath his chin. He wasn't a top know it all but he figured someone would have told him. Given his ambition to welcome all and any that joined graduation or a division. Bummer. "Ah don't worry about it. The place is big and you can get twisted easy. Walk with me talk with me, I'm going to there anyway", Tento said with a wave before turning and beginning to walk again.

"Oh, by the way. Tento Zefa. 10th seat".

Light in the Dark | End Post

New Warrior on the block!! [ Tento | Nanashi | Shura | 4th division member given permission] Tentos10
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Sun Apr 23, 2023 5:42 pm
New Warrior on the block!! [ Tento | Nanashi | Shura | 4th division member given permission] HEADER__shiranui_mai_the_king_of_fighters_and_1_more_drawn_by_hara_kenshi__sample-0e844f817f4de222bcad91af8c2e9ef6

Nanashi certainly had a lot about her that caught the eye! But thankfully the nature of the shihakusho kept most of that under wraps! Well, as much as it could. All the same, a big flashy grin spread across her face as she was greeted. "HAH! You wish! I'm not a transfer student at all. Actually." She noted with something of a sly smirk creeping across her features, cracking her neck before walking alongside him. A little pause as she looked over her shoulder at the people running around. [color=brown]"Honestly the Academy was just as bad. But well, after a few years it gets easy. Still! My name's Nanashi! Nanashi Gombei. Pleasure to meet you! Though you probably might have heard of me before. I'm kindof a big deal." She noted, flashing a little half smile before putting her hands on her hips.

"One of the top Shino students around. AND previously a student of the new Vice Captain of the Fourth." She pointed out, a sly smirk playing across her features as she made no attempt to suppress her own braggart ways.
Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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New Warrior on the block!! [ Tento | Nanashi | Shura | 4th division member given permission] Empty Re: New Warrior on the block!! [ Tento | Nanashi | Shura | 4th division member given permission]

Sun Apr 23, 2023 7:36 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - here

New recruits weren't exactly a rare occurrence here at the Fourth Division, it WAS the best division in the entirety of not just the Gotei United, but ALL of Soul Society. What was rare, however, was for those new comers to be of any real importance. However, if there was one thing Shura was good at outside of combat, it was knowing who was leaving the Shino Academy as potential future rivals. She was one such recruit after all, there were few within the Academy at the time of her graduation that could rival her raw power and fewer still that would ever dare challenge her for... a variety of reasons.

However she knew the Fourth was getting some new blood relatively soon, and one of them supposedly the apart of the top of the Academy, so it would behoove her to at least pay attention to their arrival. Thankfully few people looked above them when they arrived, and Shura had a habit of resting amongst the rooftops of the Fourth particularly near the training area.

When one of their Shinigami had come running out, it didn't take her long to find out exactly why and that caused her quite a bit of joy when she heard it was some new blood that she was looking for. Taking this chance she headed back inside the barracks and began scouting around for anyone who seemed of any particular note until she stumbled across one Shinigami she definitely recognized striding alongside another she definitely didn't recognize.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? The famous womanizer Tento Zefa leading a prestigious new woman of the Fourth Division around? Now why doesn't that surprise me in the least Tento?" She asked with a grin, rubbing underneath her nose with one finger. "Hope you ain't plannin' on flirtin' with the new blood on the same day they arrived." Shura had something of a reputation within the Fourth, if there was one thing she was known for in particular it was stirring up trouble.

"Speaking of, did I hear that right new blood? Top of Shino Academy AND trained by the Vice Captain of our illustrious division?" Shura stopped a few meters from the two and intentionally in their path, her legs spread somewhat as to make herself look all that more imposing and truly block their path forward.

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!

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Sun Apr 23, 2023 9:30 pm
New Warrior on the block!! [ Tento | Nanashi | Shura | 4th division member given permission] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

As they walked Tento simply listened. Then found himself being amused. "Oh?". So she was Nanashi Gombi. The woman that everyone was look crazy for to bring to the set up Tento had to welcome her. "Actually". Well, either he was lucky or...

"well, well, well, what do we have here? the famous womanizer tento zefa leading a prestigious new woman of the fourth division around? now why doesn't that surprise me in the least tento?".

Being set up for a hell of a time.

With a sigh Tento casually continued to walk as Shura approached. Then blocked their path. "Shurrraaaaa . Come on don't make the new blood get distrustful". Shura Shura Shura. A pain in the butt at times but, alright. Most of the time. He stopped in front of her and pointed a finger at her. "Why don't you come too hot head? We need to get her to thr welcoming spot and let the others know she's here".

Oooooh...he wanted to drop a light chop to the top of her head or the back. But, that may start a fight. And although that may be a bit fun to go a second round with her....

Light in the Dark | End Post

New Warrior on the block!! [ Tento | Nanashi | Shura | 4th division member given permission] Tentos10
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Sun Apr 23, 2023 10:19 pm
New Warrior on the block!! [ Tento | Nanashi | Shura | 4th division member given permission] HEADER__shiranui_mai_the_king_of_fighters_and_1_more_drawn_by_hara_kenshi__sample-0e844f817f4de222bcad91af8c2e9ef6

Nanashi smiled and promptly puffed out her chest! which well, was actually quite a bit ever since she'd stopped binding it. But she didn't get to really delve more into her introduction. Her attention turning to shift in the direction of the most recent addition to the conversation. First and foremost, she thought to herself: A noble? Definitely nobody like Rio, but certainly that certain stench of 'M dont I love the smell of my farts' that laced the girl's words definitely caught Nanashi's attention. Whoever this woman was, she was certainly feeling herself. A RIVAL! And immediately Nanashi's smile flashed.

"Pleasure to meet ya! Tento, Shira. That's absolutely right. And don't you worry." She flashed a smile, before those sclera of hers suddenly turned black, and she grinned, her spiritual pressure suddenly shaking the area around them as she raised a hand and pointed squarely at Shura's chest. "I've done my homework. And I'm MORE than ready for a proper Squad Four welcome. After all." She glanced down and smiled. By merit of walking directly into her and Tento's path. Shura had stepped into the training area.

In the very next moment, Nanashi was instantly in Shura's personal space. A blistering shunpo FAR faster than it had any right to be. After all, Nanashi wasn't JUST very good at Hoho thanks to Rio's tutelage, but she specialized in short ranges. And walking into their path meant that Nanashi practically teleported in front of Shura. Just as a mask crawled across her features and Nanashi's open palm aimed to slam squarely into the woman's throat! Catching rather than properly striking as in that sudden, blistering advance, she aimed to catch the woman off guard. Lift her clean off her feet, and then chokeslam her directly into the sand with enough force to bury her in at least a foot of the stuff!

Yea maybe Nanashi had seen one too many prison movies in preparation for joining up with the squad.

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Kanji Man
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New Warrior on the block!! [ Tento | Nanashi | Shura | 4th division member given permission] Empty Re: New Warrior on the block!! [ Tento | Nanashi | Shura | 4th division member given permission]

Sun Apr 23, 2023 11:08 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - New Warrior on the Block!!

Tento really was easy to pick on, and present company simply made it easier to pick on him truth be told. Raising an eyebrow at him as he took a step closer and pointed his finger at her before inviting her along for the ride, and truth be told she was already planning on invading their space and joining them whether they'd invited her or not. However before she could accept his invitation, the newcomer spoke up and admittedly seemed rather full of herself.

Shura couldn't deny that the girl had a certain air about her that would make most second guess themselves, especially as she flexed her own Reiatsu. However, the girl had claimed she'd done her homework about Squad Four and stated, quite emphatically, that she was "more" than ready for a proper welcome. This couldn't have been made more clear than the moment that Shura felt the presence of something else... something that instantly made her cheeky grin vanish from her face entirely.

Gone in but an instant was that cocky demeanor she just held, replaced with something far different as she saw the tale-tale mask of a Vizard appear on her face. Whether this woman had done her homework or not would remain to be seen, but one thing Shura knew for certain was she had no idea what she was actually doing in this moment. Sure, the girl was extremely fast for someone of her level, and sure she could've dodged the grab... But no, that wasn't Shura.

Catching Shura off-guard would've been a miracle for most anyone, however as the girl brought them both off the ground it firmly cemented her in her attack, and Shura's hand lurched forward to palm her entire face before they hit the sand and... Shura didn't let go. "Let me warn you before you get too cocky little girl." She said in an eerily calm voice as the dust around them finally vanished and settled, Shura's eyes locked to Nanashi. "Don't think that Mask of yours gives you an edge over me, at most it puts you on a more level playing field."

Shura's hakuda might not've been equal to Rio's, but her strength was still immense and not something to be trifled with as she stood up and brought the girl with her before shoving her arm forward and throwing the girl backwards towards the barracks. "And if you truly have done your homework, you'll know picking a fight with me isn't the first thing you should do." The next move that Shura did, Tento would recognize all too quickly as her hand grasped the hilt of her Zanpakuto and raised it skywards, her hair falling to the front of her face to obscure a single eye.

New Warrior on the block!! [ Tento | Nanashi | Shura | 4th division member given permission] 4s9UqsX

If the girl's Reiatsu from earlier was enough to shake the ground, the Reiatsu that soon encapsulated Shura at this moment would make most Shinigami simply collapse and be pinned to the ground. Of those that had fought Shura, few of them left without knowing that challenging Shura directly meant you challenged her Zanpakuto itself. She wasn't afraid to release her Shikai at a moments notice, and depending on who you were... Her Bankai.

The Reiatsu she exuded wasn't that of a typical Shinigami either, it was a Reiatsu that was fueled by raw destruction, the very hilt of her large two-handed battle axe was covered in a blood red cloth. However even as the spiraling torrent of Reiatsu dispersed, the flare that came from Shura did not. For Tento her intent would likely be obvious, utterly crushing the one who dared challenge her.

Techniques Used:

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!

Last edited by Kanji Man on Wed Apr 26, 2023 6:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Wed Apr 26, 2023 3:51 pm
New Warrior on the block!! [ Tento | Nanashi | Shura | 4th division member given permission] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Well well well. It seemed the secondary option of the welcoming party was going to be the first today? But boy oh boy when Shura started talking and when Tento walked up like it was nothing new. Neither of them would have likely predicted the spunk and bounce of their new remember. The perky beauty flashed forward. Appearing right in the gap between Tento and Shura, brown hair flowing as Tento's eyes lifted up slightly in a trained awareness. "Ooooo", he softly let out. Impressed by this speed. It wasn't a quick run or anything. But technique. One of the hoho. Far beyond one out freshly of the academy should have. Heck even a few years. It wasn't a beginner sloppy movement, not even hines to be adopted and waste less movement
It was advanced, truly honed to the out he would even say it felt like Rio was there for a moment taking it easy.

A sharp greedy grin came to his lips.

Before fading as he witnessed the chokeslsm. Simoly choosing to stand there as the dust cloud filled the training area. Standing over to the side a few steps above the entanglement of Nanashi and Shura with a very...calm look. As if he was not surprised by this at one bit. All he did was hold his arms folded in his sleeves interlocked in front of his chest, smile on his face. "So greeeeeedy Shura", Tento said in a friendly tease. Starting with the new woman even before we can party and get to know her. Tch tch tch", Tento said in that playful teasing tone that most likely irked Shura at this point.

Either way, whether Shura was suffessful for throwing Nanashi back after padding her face in the initial clash. At that point Tento would flash step away. A small.mimic of wind as his body swiftly moved away following the breeze. Appearing back on the wooden planks of the barracks leading into the training area. Welp, guess he would be watching for now at least. A short bout would be good to get them warmed up for the party.

If only someone was here so he could make a bet on if Shura would....yeeeeep. Pull out shikai.

"Hey hot stuff! Don't go too crazy. You and me just got done paying for repairs from our last spar", Tento said in the midst of a laugh and snort.

Light in the Dark | End Post

New Warrior on the block!! [ Tento | Nanashi | Shura | 4th division member given permission] Tentos10
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Wed Apr 26, 2023 6:41 pm
New Warrior on the block!! [ Tento | Nanashi | Shura | 4th division member given permission] HEADER__shiranui_mai_the_king_of_fighters_and_1_more_drawn_by_hara_kenshi__sample-0e844f817f4de222bcad91af8c2e9ef6

In that brief exchange, Nanashi had raised a brow slightly as Shura's hand latched up in order to grab onto Nanashi's face. However, her own hand snapped up to grab onto the woman's wrist and her head jerked to the side, the mask cracking and peeling off, promptly ending, leaving Shura holding a crumbling mask while Nanashi kept that big calm smile of hers. "This is the Fourth Division. I should hope everyone here is cocky!" She noted with a big flashing smirk. "Though those are awfully bold words for someone with a hand on their throat." She chimed, and tensed as Shura attempted to stand up.

But the woman, even with Nanashi's removed mask, would find that she would have to do a little extra if she wanted to accomplish that feat, as Nanahsi VERY firmly held the woman down, keeping her pinned down in the sand. Their strength was about even, and unlike Shura, Nanashi had the woman pinned down and had the full weight of her body to press down on the girl, and with them settled in a pit of sand, there wouldn't exactly be much leverage for Shura to force herself up. Nanashi certainly wasn't going to let the woman stand up, let along lift her off the ground.

However, once the woman reached for that Zanpaku'to, Nanashi's brows raised in intrigue and promptly released her hold on the woamn's throat, bolting back with a shunpo, skidding a short distance away while that sudden release of energy took center stage.

That sudden explosive rush of spiritual energy caused her to raise her brows in intrigue! "Huh, that's pretty interesting! Hmmmm..." She closed her eyes, tapping at her cheek for a moment before a smile broke out across her lips. "Still, I don't think that's too much to worry about. Seems kinda....simple?" she flashed a smile and tilted her head. "Hmmm, still though. Are you not gonna get in on this Zefa?" She ventured, glancing over her shoulder toward the Seated Officer, keeping Shura in the corner of her vision as she did so, lightly folding her arms beneath her bust as she did so, not seeming to be terribly alarmed despite the display of intimidation being put on.
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