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Metal as Fuck
Joined : 2010-12-11
Posts : 3387
Age : 28
Location : Where all sinners congregate

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Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+] Left_bar_bleue44400/999999Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+] Empty_bar_bleue  (44400/999999)

Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+] Empty Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+]

Wed Jul 06, 2011 9:02 pm
Human Template

General Information

Name: Kei Makoto
Gender: Male

Overall Appearance


Kei is quite laid back and lazy. Even though he is strong, he acts like a coward most of the time to avoid pointless fights. He likes sweet food and strawberry milk. Kei also seems to believe in the importance of having a loving family as he once admitted that having a loving family is all someone really needs in life due to the fact that he never had one himself. Although he is always getting roughed up by women, he is protective and chivalrous towards them when serious. He can be quite fatherly towards his younger charges on occasions, though more often than not he is arguing with them. Though several females have shown an interest in Kei, he usually does not show any response back and merely puts up with them as annoyances. Kei has a sweet tooth and obsession with sugary, sweet foods such as parfait, ice cream, strawberry milk and cake. However, Kei has been warned by his friends to watch the sugar intake. Kei has a great amount of pride for the old samurai ways. He takes it upon himself to rescue or avenge not only his comrades and friends but also people he barely knows. Despite being a fearsome fighter, he avoids needless bloodshed due to the slaughter of his own family at such a young age. Due to his horrible upbringing and weak front, Kei is prone to fits of enraged insanity, mostly brought upon by anything that reminds him of his childhood. When this happens, his entire body takes a distinctive red aura, and his eyes become blood red. In this state, he is known as "Aku" or "Evil" and any abilities he is using will take on a red reiatsu color, as opposed to his normal wispy silver-ish reiatsu.


Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+] 4f6f8369737947fcbbd582582eb19e14

Height: 5'11"
Weight: 138 lbs

Natural Abilities


Power Development Stage 1 Appearance:

The thing about Kei's appearance that's so deceptive is how his appearance doesn't change no matter how his powers progress.

Power Development Stage 1 Abilities:

Fōringu-shi- Compacting the absolute extent of his capabilities in this area into an excessively dense yet abnormally fragile form, Kei's specialized and distinctive variant of his Reiatsu control enables him to materialize various constructs reminiscent of extant swords, possessing an incomprehensibly sharp edge around the entirety of their exterior contours. The exact dimensions of the resultant blades conform to what Kei believes the present circumstances necessitate, meaning that the fabricated weapon can even extend to obscene lengths if so required, seemingly without consequence to the ease at which they can be manipulated due to their composition literally acting as an extension of Kei himself. However, despite whatever incarnation the blade (or potentially blades) ultimately adopts, its indivertibly razor-sharp edge means that it is capable of slicing through the majority of materials effortlessly. Initially Kei required an appropriate medium with which to conduct his ability through, ranging from small knives to a larger katana but eventually this was deemed unnecessary as his powers had progressed to such an extent that he could simply generate the articles in question from the palms of his hands. In spite of the tremendous offensive capabilities of this respective technique, the swords remain relatively delicate and can be shattered almost instantaneously if struck unexpectedly. Occasionally Kei chooses not to solidify his reiatsu, preferring to instead project the aura and thus conduct the subsequent cut with a simple motion of his fingers or arms but this utilization is usually reserved only when opposing a particularly weak or defenseless adversary.

Power Development Stage 2 Appearance:
Power Development Stage 2 Abilities:

Bishamon-Mura - Through the process of forming a sword and holding it to the extreme in any direction, before rapidly performing a swift cut in a single controlled motion, Kei is able to materialize hundreds of sharpened swords that seemingly levitate above a specific predetermined location in a 1.5 mile radius. These blades emit a distinctive and intimidating howling sound upon generation but despite the evident danger they possess from being suspended precariously above the intended victims, both of these qualities serve only to belie the techniques true nature. The attack's actual threat lies within its fragility, which results in the production of numerous razor-sharp shards that descend downwards when disturbed by the adversaries' Sprit pressure , subsequently mincing the enemy with bala like rain.

Bishamon-Tsubute - Utilizing a combination of a knife-like medium and either a simplistic thrusting or slashing motion, Kei is capable of momentarily fabricating the tip of solidified blade at a precise distance away from his actual destination, in order to penetrate or slice an intended target. The entirety of this process is completed in a mere moment, resulting in the individual steps involved in this technique becoming virtually indistinguishable to the majority of observers until the actual cut has occurred, leaving little opportunity for the intended victim to evade successfully.

Ashura Kai - By generating and subsequently storing a collective entity of energy, comprised from an innumerable quantity of minute vibrating particles, Kei is capable of containing an immense amount of friction between his two hands in a distinctive visible aura. Projecting this resultant atmosphere both forward and outward with a swift swing of his arms, the intense heat produced by the violent vibrations disperses in almost explosive manner, instantaneously incinerating the majority of objects in the immediate vicinity of the attack's trajectory. The sound is that of a c minor. Stronger tiers are unaffected by this.

Chi Abilities


Chi Powers:

Onda Rojos A power that grants him the ability to generate an orb composed of concentrated spirit energy from the palm of his hands or the tip of his fingers. When fired, strong energy blasts rain upon the opponent. When in combat, Kei will not hesitate to use onda rojos as his initiator, generating the orange orb instantly casting it twice in a waving motion, sometimes even more. Each wave expels eighteen energy blasts at a tremendous speed and Kei is shown to be able to control the direction, size, and power of these energy blasts and cause them to gather around its target(s) and implode upon itself. The blasts are known to be easily destroyed but due to the vast amount expelled, they normal cannot all be destroyed and will typically overwhelm the target with their numbers. The speed is at bala level speed, while the power can change, the power itself can never reach fatal levels, as a single orb can only do stun damage.

Awakened Appearance:


Awakened Powers:

Roza ruptura- This ability happens after every "hit", it creates a powerful explosion on contact with the thing "hit". It is Kei's most commonly used power, due to the nature of it, this does have limits however, if a spirtual being is cut, they shall get hit by a blast and be more wounded, and in the case of hitting a Zanpakutô, it shall stay in one piece, but getting hit many times, well cause the Zanpakutô to snap, this aslo depend the person level of power as well.

Concussive Blasts - Kei is also capable of further concentrating a large quantity of his particular ability into the lower portion of one of his arms, subsequently projecting it outward in the form of a volatile shot emanating from the respective fist akin to a shotgun, which violently explodes when it establishes contact with an exterior object. When it hits another being they are more likely to get minor wounds and be stun for at lest one post depending on the difference in tier.

Fully Awakened Appearance:


Fully Awakened Powers:

When fully awakened, all abilities from all of his stages are increased in strength and speed twofold, along with this, his physical strength and speed are also increased, but by fivefold, as his reiatsu condenses around his muscles to allow for a more potent combatant.

Background/Roleplay Sample


Early Life [Ages 1-12]

Kei was born to two parents who couldn't have given less of a shit about him. His entire existence, to them, was one huge mistake. They left him, basically, to survive by himself, and as a product of this, Kei had from infancy a growing intelligence. His body pushed him to the limits of his physical capability for the sole purpose of survival, and because of that, he managed to get by. However, this had the effect of giving him major abandonment issues as a child, meaning he was quite introverted and opposed to the world around him, as he saw every person as a threat. Kei wasn't completely opposed to being in the outside world, as he saw libraries and other sources of knowledge as a valuable tool for his survival, as they could teach him things his parents would refuse to. He never actually went to a school of any kind, during his life, but instead spent the majority of his time at libraries, museums, or other educational mediums. The first ten years of his life were spent simply, using his brains to adapt, secretly stealing some of the wealth that his parents acquired, but never freely shared, to survive. In his tenth year, Kei found out that both of his parents were "spiritually aware", meaning they could harness abilities and see spirits. Of course, at the time, he thought this claim ridiculous, but in his eleventh year, his own powers emerged, his abilities over reiatsu control and blade creation spawned from his parents' reiatsu in his presence and the overwhelming rage and hatred that he felt for them. Once he discovered his abilities, all hell broke loose, and his self control just plain broke. In an enraged lapse of sanity, Kei slaughtered both of his parents, and made a run for the city streets, living in alleys and sewers and feeding off of unmentionably horrible things for the remainder of his twelfth and thirteenth year.

Teenage Years [13-19]

In his teenage years, Kei's life began changing drastically. A small family of three found him trying to scrounge food out of a trash can in his thirteenth year, and instantly took pity on him. They adopted him happily into their family, and took care of Kei the way he wished his real family did. Kei went back to his studying at his favorite locations, and survived off of the food his family willingly gave him. However, it was not meant to be, as in his fifteenth year, the dormant stage two of his abilities awoke, and practically destroyed Kei's mind. He couldn't see anything but a red haze, could hear nothing but a low growl and screams, couldn't taste anything but blood, couldn't smell anything but death, and couldn't feel anything but loss. When he finally snapped out of it, it was already too late, his new family was gone, obliterated by his hand. Grief-stricken, Kei exiled himself from his home in karakura, leaving to a nearby mountain range and banishing himself to a cave, using it to meditate, reflect, and attempt to control his insanity. It took two years for him to return to karakura, only a child still at seventeen, but one who had seen far too much. And it showed in his eyes. However, during his time exiled, he did discover within himself his ability to harness his Chi, and use it for another power he had discovered.

Once he had returned to Karakura Town, Kei heard whispers over the streets of the brutal murder of his family. No one suspected him, because, according to the rumors he heard, everyone was under the impression that he had never existed, and that the family only had the one son. Kei was shocked by this, but mostly relieved, as this put him off the hook and made him a free man. Newly found confidence in tow, Kei resigned himself to find a trainer to teach him more about his newly found Chi. In one of the more seedy areas of Downtown Karakura, he found a man that told him his powers could be "Awakened". But the information also came with a cryptic message that the only way to do this was to return to "the source". In his eighteenth year, after mentally preparing himself for it, Kei traveled back to the homes of both his families, real and adopted, and payed his final respects, searching inwardly for the method he needed to awaken his powers. Finally, in his nineteenth year, he traveled back to the cave he had exiled himself to, going back into a state of meditation and surviving off of the inhabitants of the nearby forest as he searched inside himself for the answer.

Present Years [20-28]

After six years, at age twenty-five, Kei emerged, his powers now awakened after he finally found the true strength of his powers inside himself. Although he still felt something was missing. Sending himself back into society with the attitude of a changed man, and his sanity at least partially recovered, Kei found a place in Karakura, working on his social skills and still returning to his favorite educational places from time to time, as old habits die hard. Currently, Kei is a free spirit, wandering as he pleases and not really having any set path or goal. He can feel in his gut, however, that he's going to accomplish something...

Last edited by Pockeh on Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:57 am; edited 1 time in total

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+] Left_bar_bleue0/0Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+] Empty Re: Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+]

Thu Jul 07, 2011 1:53 am
Alrighty, everything seems to be satisfactory with this app, thereby i approve with a 1-3+.

Good Luck matey!
Bearer Of Hell
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Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+] Left_bar_bleue15/100Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+] Empty_bar_bleue  (15/100)

Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+] Empty Re: Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+]

Fri Aug 05, 2011 9:15 pm
Metal as Fuck
Joined : 2010-12-11
Posts : 3387
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Location : Where all sinners congregate

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Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+] Left_bar_bleue44400/999999Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+] Empty_bar_bleue  (44400/999999)

Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+] Empty Re: Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+]

Mon Aug 22, 2011 7:22 pm
Unarchived and mine again. Late comment is late >>

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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Metal as Fuck
Joined : 2010-12-11
Posts : 3387
Age : 28
Location : Where all sinners congregate

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Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+] Left_bar_bleue44400/999999Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+] Empty_bar_bleue  (44400/999999)

Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+] Empty Re: Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+]

Sun Nov 13, 2011 5:49 pm
Up for adoption.

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

We Are Legion
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Joined : 2011-10-30
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Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+] Left_bar_bleue500/999999Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+] Empty_bar_bleue  (500/999999)

Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+] Empty Re: Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+]

Fri Dec 23, 2011 7:06 pm
I'd like to adopt this character.

It was an ordinary day,lived by ordinary people with ordinary lives. This alone was the false pretense Kei had to live by in the city of Karakura Central.Walking amongst the crowd we find a young, handsome man shuffling through.He wasn't searching for anything in particular as he had that distant look worn upon his face.It isn't usual for him to be out in the open, where any other creature could get a whiff of his spiritual pressure and charge right at him,while simultaneously, jeopardizing innocent lives. Though we're hopeful he took a cautious step in limiting the amount of spiritual pressure emitting form his body.

Closer observation could tell he was being followed, as a dark and slightly humanoid figure with glowing red eyes and wearing trench coat, began making it's way towards him.It's hands were tucked into the pockets located on each side of the trench coat. It's posture slunk forward while leaving behind dark,yet faint traces of reiatsu. It moved effortlessly across the crowd, as if it were a ghost.Appearing in different positions as it got closer to it's target.Surprisingly, no one took interest in the being that phased in and out of existence while pursuing one specific target. Kei stood still for a moment, not showing any reason why he did, he just stopped. The left corner of his tanned yet soft lips quickly curved upwards in what appeared to be a smirk. Being a bit mysterious, the monster had mimicked his movement's not sure if he was detected or not, after awhile of standing around stupidly it began it's move. The trench coat rose up revealing two black stumps for feet and it's left hand moving out of its pocket in the shape of a giant black claw, slowly reaching for the shoulder of it's victim and, what apeared to be it's head at the time, widened to reveal sharp spiky teeth and a long tentacular tongue, oozing with slime. It's breath was a dark puff of smoke and it's head slowly approached his back with a long spine like neck ready to consume.

All was at hand until it began shrieking and searching around as if it were in pain. Large blades made of a glowing substance had stabbed parts of it's body.The creature was in such horrible pain that as it faded into complete nothingness,only then would it try to attack and fail as its body became dust, leaving behind nothing but that awful trail of reiatsu which had soon faded. Kei kept walking, doing rarely what he did,"That creature couldn't sense the swords yet at the same time it could only trace what little reiatsu i have on me." He stated while chuckling toward the whole ideal.

Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+] RookSig_zpspqnzfuv0
Metal as Fuck
Joined : 2010-12-11
Posts : 3387
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Location : Where all sinners congregate

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Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+] Left_bar_bleue44400/999999Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+] Empty_bar_bleue  (44400/999999)

Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+] Empty Re: Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+]

Fri Dec 23, 2011 7:08 pm
Approved. Take care of Kei. ;-;

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+] Left_bar_bleue500/999999Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+] Empty_bar_bleue  (500/999999)

Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+] Empty Re: Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+]

Sun Dec 25, 2011 3:54 pm
Will do

Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+] RookSig_zpspqnzfuv0
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Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+] Empty Re: Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+]

Mon Dec 26, 2011 1:09 pm
Appearance Image Update.

Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+] E6737bae6938448eff74e5dd065f74abf180395b

Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+] E307e23eff5730f687d313b78804098f64ba411e

Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+] Eee7c8c67ff0554de4225c654ed6a77a80fd1993

Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+] RookSig_zpspqnzfuv0
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+] Left_bar_bleue20650/20000Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+] Empty_bar_bleue  (20650/20000)

Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+] Empty Re: Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+]

Thu Apr 05, 2012 4:48 pm
Kei Makoto [APPROVED 1-3+] James45

Moved to Adoption Upon Request

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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