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The New Hell Gate [Layer 0: Entry Layer]

Most people attempting to enter Hell will first be greeted by Hell's gates. This area is located within the core of Demon World and is thus considered to be a very rocky and mountain-esque area that expands for many hundreds of miles. Rows of magma and lava spew across the landscape intermixed with the mountainous terrain. After working your way through all of it, you will eventually find a colossal series of reddened barriers consumed by fire. (It is two times stronger than the one that engulfs Karakura Central) Not too far from this seal will be numerous Shadow Fall bases, structures made by The Central Demon Country's military and followers of The Demon God that are meant to clear and or deny access to Hell with the Rakshasa who oversees it. This goes for anyone trying to enter or exit. So if you wish to try your luck -- go right ahead.
742Enter, With Feel...
Fri May 21, 2021 1:27 am
Slayer View latest post
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Old Hell [First Layer]

Old Hell is a peculiar place. After Deveta had established control over Hell, most of the remains of former Hell had fallen to pieces. Therefore, it's quite a bizarre sight to see for most new to hell as it serves as the first layer into this universe. Unlike most portions of hell, this skyline is akin to Earth's blue skies. However, The landscape is intermixed between the ruins of old hell; having many sorts of crumbled structures for as far as the eye can see covered in blood. There is even an entire sea filled with the liquid as it contains the essence of those lost in the destruction of old hell.

And on the land? There are even some sections of Old Hell that have mounds of bodies that form their own mountains. And if you go further towards the Blood Desert, the bodies of tens of millions of Kushanāda. There are also appears to be many sorts of red crosses scattered out throughout the skies; although most are not aware of their purpose as of this time.

Nevertheless, this remains one of the most diverse places of Hell when it comes to racial make-up. Almost every race that you can imagine calls this place home. Many have made various sorts of settlements in the ashes of old hell. Some have made make-shift cities, while others focus on small villages and some even go as far as to make oceanic land masses.

In order to get into the true and deeper portions of hell, most assume that you need to bathe in the blood of the damned and venture into the sea of death and at the abyss of the ocean will you find a portal that leads into The Underworld. However -- it is presumed to be guarded by many Rakshasa and a shield is in place towards the rift in order to keep unwanted individuals out and to keep track of those going in and out of the gateways.
335The Crimson Prec...
Mon Oct 11, 2021 11:26 am
Shizuo View latest post
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The Underworld [2nd Layer: Demon Hell]

This is often considered one of The Hidden Nations of Demon World. It is a world where many of Hell's demonic residents usually end up on the World's Spectrum. However, more powerful Hollow, Arrancar and even some Devil Iramasha have ended up here along with humanity's and Shinigami's most sinister individuals. It is even rumored that such individuals like the Demon known as "Ender" and the shinigami known as "Aizen Sousuke" resides here in the deepest layer of The Underworld.

The skies of The Underworld are under a constant black and red glow, while many of it's infrusture varies. From the outer edge of The Underworld, most of the infrastructure seems to be akin to the landscape similar to the Edo Period in Japan with it's many wooden structures. While the further you go to the central most part of The Underworld -- a more industrial feel is had with many of it's buildings, streetways and power plants filled with DE Force.

It is said that The Underworld is essentially The Capital of Hell after Khala established demonic rule and it is assumed The Demon Queen reigns over this portion of Hell as a medium. In turn, it has allowed other demon's the ability to send other spirits to hell that they are able to kill.
Temple Of Sinners, Forest Of Reborn Sin
11162A Devil's Mother...
Sun Aug 16, 2020 9:57 pm
MorpheusDavol View latest post
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Hellverse [Layers 3-665]

It is presumed that The New Gates of Hell is Layer 0, while Old Hell and The Underworld are considered the first two layers. If one is able to venture into the outskirts of The Underworld, they may find themselves lost in what is known as "The Hellverse". This is because it spirals downward for a nearly immeasurable length and contains the next six hundred and sixty three layers of hell. It is often considered the outlands of Hell because there are many incarnations of it the deeper you dwell. Hell's that mimic the depictions visualized in of Judaism, Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity and other sorts of folklore and religion are all noted as being apart of this colossal section of Hell.

However, there other incarnations of hell within these hundreds of layers as well that don't follow that tradition. There are those that contain a soul's worse nightmares; spiraling an eternity of personal hells contained within miniature worlds. Rather that be the scene of their death playing for all time, or being burned over and over by the fires of hell; all of these are very real realms to venture in through the rows of endless spirits trapped within this ever-increasing dimension that never ceases to expand. Hell's where nothing at all exists to the mind's perception, hell's where there isn't a single soul is to be seen, hell's where torture and death are constantly shown in grotesque fashion and so on.

There are different types of Hell World's that replicate various types of environments such as forestlands, islands, oceans, frozen lands, mountains and even the vast void of space at one of the deepest levels. Which means that some of the Hellverse is known to have zero inhabits within some of these realms (outside of the Rakshasa that guards it), where others may have upwards of billions of souls trapped within it's grasp. All of it makes it a very daunting, disturbing and perilous journey to the lowest depths of hell; a venture where many have lost their sanity, sense of self and even their own soul in some occasions.
Nowhere [LAYER 665]
742Within Darkness ...
Tue Feb 23, 2021 9:30 pm
Shizuo View latest post
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Death's Realm [Layer 666: The Deepest Level Of Hell]

This is where the fabled "Embodiment Of Death" resides. Legend has it that it's strength even surpasses that of the Demon God and that he has only partially tamed this beast. However, with this strength, this creature was able to create an entirely new dimension within Hell itself. And at the root of Hell itself? Death itself is supposedly connected to all of it. It is the birthplace of DE Force, the origin of causality and the hope of The Demon God's Heart. It's appearance isn't even fully comprehended by Deveta, because he has described as a "Fundamental Force of Transcendence" that goes beyond even his understanding. So most type of sensory abilities would not register this force due the sheer magnitude of this creature because it is vast enough to make it's own expansive universe in hell as it is -- and that's just at half size.

However, it is guarded by many layers of sealings; ones that require you to go through every section of hell itself before even coming remotely close to it. The few who have remote access to it keep this location hidden, but those who are able to find it will see that it is guarded by an endless row of gates and chains. There are many of Shadow Fall, Demon World and even Hell's Guardians strongest forces accumulated in this one position. Even if they should fall, the barrier keeping the world detached from this realm is powered by Za Koa and Deveta himself; so it would take something equal to the power of the Soul King or Truth to even break it if you wanted to force your way in.l

So there isn't much known about this realm. However, it is known that Khala is attempting to create a new afterlife with it. Yearning and desiring to mold those who become one with it as whole with herself. There have been rumors that those who have become apart of this realm of "bliss" within death have even been able to create endless worlds. Ones that can be isolated if they wish to live alone, or find the spirits of their friends/family/lovers and connect them together to create larger realms. Some Rakshasa even describe it as "The True Heaven" after suffering the trials of life, death and hell itself.

Physical pains are gone, mental sickness is absolved and even the body itself becomes in an interchangeable state to where one's ideal self can come to the utmost surface. It is an ambiguous world, where you cannot tell where you end and others begin. A world where you exist everywhere and yet nowhere, all at once. It transcends death and ascends to a realm where your deepest desires come to existence. A true...and beautiful...end.
The Castle of Casuality
535The Heart [Khala...
Sun Jun 03, 2018 4:24 pm
THEFROST View latest post
Hell Empty
Yes, the infamous dimension known as Hell has been interconnected with the Demon Realm. After Khala's assault against the Soul Society and Gotei 13, she managed to free it from it's confinement and break the seals needed to transport it back into Demon World. Now having refused back with the demonic dimension, Hell, in all it's glory, has been restored. Deep within the core of Demon World now lays an entirely new world within it.

However -- Hell seems to have undergone profound changes compared to the knowledge most have of it. It seems to be an ever-expanding dimension, similar to Demon World itself. There are many different incarnations of Hell that spread throughout this universe and at the lowest level of Hell there appears to be the embodiment of death itself. Although, only The Demon Queen, her Royal Family and Demon God know of that secret as of now.

And in light of these changes -- it won't be so easy to enter as well. Around all of the borders of this world are some of the Demon God's strongest barriers meant to keep non-demon's out, prisoners of hell from escaping without clearance and all sorts of spies from entering. For a comparison, these seals are stronger than even the dome that protects Karakura Central as it's powered directly by Za Koa's energy itself. So getting into this world will be no easy feat if you aren't already in hell, rule over a portion of it or have permission to enter.

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