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A Night of Light & Shadows (Open) Empty A Night of Light & Shadows (Open)

Sat Jul 20, 2013 5:21 pm

Toki Iramasha
Heir to the Iramasha Guard

Today, was a busy day within the island as things were being done regularly by the Iramasha Guard, anything extra, just made this a bit more agonizing. It was rare that Toki was able to come to the human world on his own, since he was the Heir to the Guard and as such assisted Koichi with most of his duties. Also be willing to takeover within a moments noticed if need be. He warped within a devastated area in the night, taking note of the small ruins around him, but it seemed that nature was growing around him as well. It seemed as if he were with an area that was once a city, yet it was also one with nature now. There were small fragments of things like sidewalk and road, but slowly becoming invisible to the world. He read a report that this place was a battleground for two nature Iramasha and the craters and nature that he saw were the effect of such a thing. The recently recognized, nature Iramasha were definitely like the rest, but they had a specific skill in dealing with the environment of earth. This wasn't why Toki was here today though, he wanted to be here because of something that still may remain true even after their battle.

This place was still known as Area X and was still uninhabited by anything good in Saburo City including demons and, or hollows. If this stood true then before this place could fully recover to it's normal state, the corruption of souls must be erased from the land and new things must take it's place. As such when, he began his search, life came into place at his hands, as life forms like birds came to be, eight of them in total on his arms. They were bright and actually produced a very bright light from their feathers, they had a very unique command already in their head, seek out anything and everything that they may find and although they may very well die from this command, it will also reward them if they are successful in finding it and returning to Toki. He nicknamed them Tracking Doves, due to their white feathers and bird like appearance similar. They all few out in separate directions to seek out other beings for him to find. Now, even if they hid there spiritual power, they would be found.

Eventually one would return and try to report to him, but instead, it brought a guest with it, a wild hollow that now caught Toki within it's sights. This was it's fatal mistake for coming back and charging at him."Farewell, Corrupt one." He stated.His Seishin Buki on his hand, took the shape of a spear extending out to pierce the hollows mask, with a final motion to his other hand becoming a large hammer, he smashed, the hollow out of it's misery along with his first hit. It was nice that Iramasha had this power along with the Shinigami, able to release corrupt souls from the state that they are in and place them within the soul society. So one had returned for now, but the other seven still needed to return, the bright bird took it's place on his shoulder as he waited. The one thing the bird did prove was that this place still wasn't safe and pure of the corruption that it had before. That simple hollow was not the best, that this Area X had to offer, he believed, though doubts would be nice, if he had one.

"I'm wait, whomever may be hiding in this ruin." He told, whoever may be listening.

Template By: [THEFROST]

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A Night of Light & Shadows (Open) Empty Re: A Night of Light & Shadows (Open)

Sat Jul 20, 2013 8:05 pm

Word Count:808
Posting music: Nightcore: Into the fire
Power Type: N/A
Power Tier: N/A
Favorite Lyrics:"N/A" - N/A

“..What the hell. . . Welp I need to lay off the Venom energy drinks , I think I’m seeing the holy fuckin ghost”

Arabella had rather briskly and bluntly mumbled to herself after her jaw dropped clean open, that cartoon image of the mouth hitting the floor would be applicable here as she literally dropped the ice cream cone that she had been holding and it had quite honestly landed directly on her shoe, not the prettiest thing by far but it was amusing to say the very least watching her literally go bat shit crazy as she just blankly stared with the “Do not compute” classic expression on her face staring slowly from the Holy Fuckin Ghost, to the Holy fucking ice-cream stain to be that was already forming on her brand-spanking new black shoes. So watching her face it would go through the montage of “Blank stare of death, to comprehension , to recognition , to anger, and ultimately to pure disbelief at her own bad luck. Only then did she look up somewhat and twitched, looking up and down with jerks and bobs from her shoe to the apparition apparently that caused her to drop her shit in the first place.

“..First a holy ghost, then my shoe gets ruined, what next could happen how could this get any.. fucking .. worse AYE? “

As if to answer her question well, basically what happened was one cry , no two, no 3.. no.. Oh what the fuck it seemed like the whole area was coming alive with pests and annoying cretin that just seemed to just BEG for Arabella’s attention, which was kind of why at this point she had in annoyance and partially in anger, brought her sheathed blade around as one of the first hollows hounded her on the scene of her ice-cream mayhem- mishap, and well? I gotta say it got the first class BOOT to the head as she had instead of using her sword, as she looked seeing on behind her, had decided to instead well, basically Kick the living shit out of the first hollows mask, her skirt hiking up and giving probably spectators a glimpse of a pretty wicked black lace Victoria secret- styled panty/thong crossover. In short, it meant any pervert might get their nightly “Boner” taken care of, unless they decided to come for seconds, in which at that time they surely would get a beat down into the pits of hell itself.

It was one drop of the sword sheath angle later in which her blade or sheath rather of her katana with the sword still in the sheath, had paid a visit to the realm of a hollows rather pristine mask, having simply crushed the beast as if it was nothing but a little cumdumpster that had needed some lesson in manners. Anyways it is thanks to this though that mainly the next hollow dropped like a fly, bleeding profusely from what seemed to be the last area of the mask, that blood, was decidant, and craved by her body even in a sealed state, which was why promptly even though hollow hell had descended elsewhere in this fucked up place, she bent down, lapping up the blood with the fleshy pink of her tongue, lapping it a lot like a cat would be found to lap milk from a milk-bowl. In short she seemed to be getting her fill here, and enjoying it greatly, more then greatly she just seemed to be loving it all the while, more then she could even imagine in general.

So Arabella, with her eyes focused on her pray didn’t notice the hollow coming in from behind, it was as if a taint had saturated her very soul. The claw smashing into her back delivering a wound that made her puke blood and flatly fall on her back, not to say though that she didn’t actually get revenge by knocking the hollows head off, her eyes literally you could say had been only the half-mark in how open these eyes had been looking in the night, at the nigh spitting up blood as she had gone on a rampage blood spraying from what could only be the very deep gash that slid down the horizontal plane of her mid – back. The sheath taking down hollows left and right before she collapsed in the blood spatter on the ground, breathing shallow but, she seemed to be alright, bleeding more than what was normal, as you see the blood of HUNDREDS lay dormant within her, as she was drinking the hollow blood to replace the old blood, she seemed to shiver, and looked up, her eyes just looked at the sky, as she felt the corruption of the hollow already spreading through her body.

“..W-… H…A….t.. t-…th…the… f-….f….f…f.ff..uck.. “..

A Night of Light & Shadows (Open) LzZCuy7
A Night of Light & Shadows (Open) BtXe12b
Entity of Contradiction
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A Night of Light & Shadows (Open) Empty Re: A Night of Light & Shadows (Open)

Sat Jul 20, 2013 9:40 pm

Toki Iramasha
Heir to the Iramasha Guard

What seemed to be a peaceful area, slowly erupted in a massive area of danger, chaos, and hunting as hollows exploded every around him. all of his birds were swallowed by a hollow it seemed and they all seemed to be approaching a specific area within the ruins. As hollows came nearby him, he turned his hand back to normal and shot them with his two pistols, left and right, the beings fell to the bullets. He walked towards the epicenter of this gathering of corruption, he had no idea, what would cause such a ruckus like this, but he had guesses, not that any of them were accurate though. Toki's creation of life, followed only shortly behind him as he got only closer, as he found one last hollow approaching he blasted it through the head and mask with bullets.

"Rest in Peace." He stated and another person came into his view.

He rushed forward as he noticed blood and bodies everywhere on the ground before him. To his notice a woman laid on the ground surrounded by all this blood. He could feel corruption coming off of her, and he noted the hollows being here, meaning could they have infected her, was she slowly going to become one herself? He didn't know what to say exactly, but he felt that this corruption must be harming her, would he be able to help her perhaps, if he purified her? He began his plan as his chaos energy began to focus on her, trying to focus on her very being, the corruption that laid within her.

"I'm sorry that I wasn't able to help you." He told her if she could hear him.

Toki wished that he could help this person, that was in a pool of blood. They say that the purification of an Angel Iramasha doesn't just remove demonic corruption, but it heals, removes curses, and even diseases. He wanted to help like that does to everyone, especially those that have done for something for him, and given him the ability to do so. Although the protection of many, takes over the protection of one, sadly, he feels that the favor could not be returned to him, if he ever failed. This was his fear, failure to protect, his allies, his family, and their home on Iramasha Island. Right now though, he was trying to prevent one from falling into this hollow corruption and having things worse than failure happening to their soul if they got consumed by it.

Template By: [THEFROST]

I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!
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A Night of Light & Shadows (Open) Empty Re: A Night of Light & Shadows (Open)

Sat Jul 20, 2013 10:19 pm
Shizuo wrote:

Word Count:977
Posting music: Nightcore: Into the fire
Power Type: N/A
Power Tier: N/A
Favorite Lyrics:"N/A" - N/A

Her body contorted she felt the white hot pain in her body, as what you think was going to be a easy purification but something happened, her blade the one which sealed literally all her powers seemed to be tainted by the effects of the purification, causing for her body to become wracked in pain, literally blood was expanding and splattering down her body itself, what you could say was core and fright turned into what only could be explained as raw insanity, the waves of pain and suffering it all seemed to begin to expand outwards blood and hollows thus far every hollow that had been killed was being drawn into the dark greasepaint splatter of blood that housed an empty shell of Arabella’s form, all of the blood when I say all of It I mean all of it expanded and extended down the front of her body such voracity the blood and the hollows both parties had been sucked directly up, the wounds burning shut on her body at rapid speeds , generally leading to chaos and disaster because one thing happened, which was simple the shadows expanded up the right half her body, as her eyes well seemed to have black sclera with red iris’s her face looking strange.

Next a giggle extended down her lips, while black bone wings expanded even though the blade was still in the sheath , blood was puncturing the rest of her body the sword itself was expanding down further and further until the sheath everything was consumed into the gullet of her mouth , seemingly it began with shadows too, leeching every shadow from the field in the radius of 3 miles, said shadows extending into the shadow epicenter. These shadows perhaps didn’t have much going for them other than the fact that shadow was combined with the body itself, basically this was nothing more than the equivalent of her going into her normal day to day Umbra, however the problem was in the fact being that all the shadows seemed to have vanished and blood seemed to be rapidly forcing the form to a close, and where did all those shadows go however? Well those shadows went into basically a kind of energy set, which was not only corrupt, but it felt like a core a beating entity of corruption so much that what happened next was startling, The minor expansion of shadows from her back shadow wings that extended outwards in the radius, ripping into ground and suit alike as the form seemed to converge inwards as if bathing her body in complete acid, the sclera turning half white and half black for now.

Next was her, in the nude, passing out in the radius. . but it was something more than that, as she was landing her eyes closed, something was disengaging from her body, as it slid from her spine.. a blade in its sheath a black katana landed beside her, blood burning off it, as the red thread slowly exited the left sclera . . And wound itself back in its rightful position it turned into the pitch black that it normally was known to be like, for now though shadows seemed to blast everywhere expanding outwards and settling in their natural positions, this phenomina seemed to be something quite literally void of the norm. . . However it seemed that for the most part, something was changing here, as if This man, instead of helping had done something.. a horrible atrocity that could not be undone, so as she laid there.. in the nude.. she seemed to be slowly tossing and turning . . . gripping her head.

That’s when the screams hit, wracking feminine screams of pain and agony, ones that would be able to even burst ear drums and cause pain, her body was quivering and shaking, thrashing as something inside kicked about, ribs breaking then mending, as something seemed to slowly settle in, the resonance fading and quite literally everything going still, a faint steam rising from her body, and a disgusting ran-core of hollow and blood, freshly burnt and incented it all seemed to be kind of like she had been in extreme pain, enough that her body was literally shaking in pain, her body thrashing and turning, as if in a state that was troubled in extreme pain extreme agony of which the likes had never been felt before, but after a while all that seemed to fade.. until one eye.. the one which still had the black Sclera opened and looked at him, and one final giggle immerged.. before it turned white again, blood running down the tear gland, and one last MASSIVE scream rose her whole body arcing up into a bridge before the blade on its own seemed to shoot the sheath off which flipped smacking into her mouth acting as a gag as she bit down hard, the thrashing stopping as energy flowed freely.. tainted energy.. but energy none the less.. the scabbard itself glowing a sickening red before smoke rose from it, the scabbard was still black but it seemed to have power to it . . .

The giggle was gone.. and she seemed to be very.. faint but okay all traces gone other than the blood stain that kept running and eventually seemed to burn a star of david right under her tear duct, this eventually flaked off, and returned to normal but for now.. it seemed everything was quiet.. and she was asleep her sword.. of course was in the ground and the sheath.. was in her mouth , she was in the nude.. and her breasts where showing.. But the ominous feeling remained.. just what had that man.. caused to happen in light of this? What new horror finally had been thrust onto the world.

A Night of Light & Shadows (Open) LzZCuy7
A Night of Light & Shadows (Open) BtXe12b
Entity of Contradiction
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A Night of Light & Shadows (Open) Empty Re: A Night of Light & Shadows (Open)

Sat Jul 20, 2013 11:55 pm

Toki Iramasha
Heir to the Iramasha Guard

Toki thought that things were going alright, but on the outside things were getting worse and worse from this conclusion. The first clue to know that things were immediately wrong was when her wounds started to seal up as if they had never happened and her eye opened to reveal something that he didn't expect. Her eyes were not colors that he expected at all and she began to giggle as wings expanded from her back, from this point, he stopped his attempt at purifying her. Now all that he could at the moment was stand in awe and watch as everything unfolded. The wings weren't the end of it at all as she continued to feel pain and other mysterious things began. The shadows all around draw into her and she was beginning to be covered in an acid as everything continued to happen, it was all so much that he didn't even know what to do if he could of done anything. He eventually came to raise a single question that should of been asked within the start or the end.

"What have I done?" He asked, but he knew that he wouldn't receive an actual answer.

Eventually, the women was in the nude, and sadly this was Toki's first time seeing a nude woman, he definitely didn't expect it to be something like this though. If you thought he had a love life with all of the studies and training that he has had, you are sadly mistaken. Hell, he was twenty three and a heir to being a leader, if he was actually a leader, he was pretty certain that he would make a record that no one could of beaten. Hell to say truthfully, his childhood, was a boring as hell one, but somehow, Toki found enjoyment within it with his instructors and fellow teammates or students. Although most of them were still very much older than him in every case. Too bad this could be a happy experience, rather gruesome, as a sword came from her spine, that was pure black in color. It laid now next to her as she began tossing and turning on the ground, holding her head as if in pain, it made him worry, for what could still happen as the shadows had returned from gathering as if nothing happened.

Finally screams came that hurt his own hearing, being so close and he had to cover his ears as best as he could possibly manage at the moment, watching her still in pain. She shook, but he couldn't tell what was going on within her as things continued only onward on this trail of horror and change. She was finally giving another giggle as she looked at him with one open eye again, but then also began the final scream, that was gagged by the sheath of the katana.

Energy ran through it and it smoked as things happened so suddenly to finish this off. It seemed that the finisher was the star of David forming under her tear duct and vanishing as quickly as it came to be. Everything went silent and it set in the end as she fell asleep with the black katana. He had to ask what the hell was that just happened, but there was no one to ask, and he had to take care of what he has caused. As he took a few final steps toward her, he noted that her breast still showed and she was nude, this would be a problem if he brought her back to the island. Lucky for him, he actually had a solution for this problem, as his seishin buki came off of him and stuck to her as it became as cover for her as it took the form of her clothes. Toki now, wore the regular Iramasha Guard uniform, and picked her up off of the ground as he energy gathered around them.

"I'm sorry." He said as the energy continued to gather still taking no just one being, but a second.

With that finisher, Toki's energy forced them both to chaos warp back to his home, on Iramasha island leaving the ruins known as Area X.

[Exit Thread]

Template By: [THEFROST]

I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!
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A Night of Light & Shadows (Open) Empty Re: A Night of Light & Shadows (Open)

Sun Oct 04, 2015 12:21 pm

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
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It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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