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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Metal as Fuck
Joined : 2010-12-11
Posts : 3387
Age : 28
Location : Where all sinners congregate

Member Info
Platinum Points:
Slade Wilson: The Olympus Assassin [APPROVED 1-2] Left_bar_bleue44400/999999Slade Wilson: The Olympus Assassin [APPROVED 1-2] Empty_bar_bleue  (44400/999999)

Slade Wilson: The Olympus Assassin [APPROVED 1-2] Empty Slade Wilson: The Olympus Assassin [APPROVED 1-2]

Thu Jul 25, 2013 11:57 pm

# nmap -v -s$ -0 -
Starting nmap V. 2.5.4BETA25
Insufficient responses for ICP sequencing (3), OS detection may be less accurate
Interesting ports on
(The 1539 ports scanned but not shown below are in state: closed)
Port State Service
22/tcp Open ssh

No exact OS matches found for host

Nmap run completed -- 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned
# sshslade - rootpw="210N0101"
Connecting to ___ successful
Attempting to exploit SSHv1 CRC32 ___ successful
Resetting root password to "210N0101"
System open: Access Level <9>
# ssh -1 root
root@'s password: "*******"

RRF - - CONTROL > Access Database
Access Granted

Personal Data
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(A/N: I have gotten permission for all character mentions listed in this app.)

Name: Slade Joseph Wilson
Alias: Slade goes by only one alias, and that is "Deathstroke". However, the nickname "The Olympus Assassin" has been circulating around his person, primarily because of his jobs including important and powerful figures in the spiritual realms as well as the mortal ones.
Age: 469
Gender: Male
Orientation: Straight
Blood Type: O Negative
D.O.B.: Februrary 1st, 1944
Zodiac: Aquarius
Father: No known father. Unless you count his creator, Kin Iramasha
Mother: No known mother
Siblings: No known siblings
Children: No known children
Marital Status: Divorced/Single
Affiliation: The Kokuryuteshi Realm

Appearance Description:
Slade, when he appears at all, tends to appear decked out in full combat armor. His gear includes specially made fiber-mesh armor pieces adorning his chest and legs, as well as heavy armor platings on his shoulders, torso, upper arms, lower arms, and upper legs, with additional plates guarding his shins and the achilles tendon of both his legs. His color scheme is a mixture of gunmetal grey, mixed with a chromatic, almost blue-type color, and a yellow-ish color. The mask he wears is patterned in this scheme, with the left half colored yellow, and the right half colored in as the gunmetal grey mixture. If one were to inspect the mask, one would notice that the right half is completely solid, without an optic view-port as the left-half has. This is because Slade's right eye does not function, and as such, he keeps it covered to symbolize that he only needs one eye to truly be the best. Covering this armor is a variable armory of weapons and equipment, each and every piece designed by Slade to kill anything that has life.

As far as the appearance of Slade himself is concerned, there has been only one reported sighting of what he looks like under his mask, and the witness to this was found dead soon after his report had been filed, so it was never verified, but we have composed a couple rough sketches of his appearance under the armor. (Seen below). All we know for certain is that he wears an eyepatch over his right eye, not included here for purposes of facial recognition. Slade's body is tall, and built out of what would seem like pure muscle, filling out his armor without being so bulky as to weigh him down or hinder movement.

Appearance Picture:

Slade's Fully-Geared Appearance:

Slade Wilson: The Olympus Assassin [APPROVED 1-2] Gaming-batman-arkham-origins-screenshot-14_zps1771597f

Concept Sketch of the Witness' Description Pertaining to Slade's Face Sans Mask:

Slade Wilson: The Olympus Assassin [APPROVED 1-2] FujiwaraTokifull1312083_zpsb2e359d5
Slade Wilson: The Olympus Assassin [APPROVED 1-2] FujiwaraToki600854263_zps29b67328
Slade Wilson: The Olympus Assassin [APPROVED 1-2] FujiwaraTokifull1374077_zps6ba9da03
Slade Wilson: The Olympus Assassin [APPROVED 1-2] FujiwaraTokifull1388810_zpsef9aa53d
Slade Wilson: The Olympus Assassin [APPROVED 1-2] FujiwaraTokifull1388489_zps45007821

Height: 6'4"
Weight: 225 lbs (Muscle and Cybernetics/Bionics, Primarily)
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue

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Psychological Profile

Slade is an extremely calm and composed individual, remaining an enigma to both enemies and allies alike throughout the series. As a result, not much is known of his true personality by anyone, although the comparison has been made on multiple occasions by multiple people that he and his mortal enemy share similar traits, such as an intense dislike to lose, being fiercely dedicated, and being borderline obsessive in accomplishing their goals.

Although many people don't know Slade's intentions to fight, it is made clear a couple times. Slade quotes that it is, "always the quiet ones" and "Betrayal. Destruction. Revenge." These all may reference his deceased son Joseph, since he couldn't talk, and the incident leading up to him being unable to talk (and Slade losing his right eye) was because of Slade supposedly betraying his family, which led to the minor destruction of his home (but major destruction to him and his son), which led to Slade wanting to get revenge on unknown people to make it up for his son losing the ability to speak.

The epitome of an evil mastermind, Slade is clever and calculating, never coming into view unless he has the complete advantage, and flees the moment that advantage is compromised. However, this does not make him a coward by any means. His fighting ability is more than adequate to allow him to keep up with any opponent who manages to get to him, he just doesn't see them as worth his time until that moment when they've reached him. A master manipulator, he prefers to bait others into traps rather than directly confront them himself, and uses his robotic minions to their fullest extent, as they're often seen fighting in his stead. He is shown tirelessly working on recruiting new apprentices. Using his intelligence and charisma, he exploits their weaknesses and fears, and is not above blackmailing them into submission.

Slade is portrayed as having a twisted code of ethics, as long as he's been paid for an accepted hit-job, he will always carry it out - no exceptions. As an assassin, Slade is efficient and deadly, oftentimes terminating his contracted victims before they even realize they were being targeted. When things do get messy, however, he isn't one to give up. He will pursue, he will plan, and he will work tirelessly. He will stop at nothing to eliminate his target once he's started the hunt. Nothing can change his course, nothing can convince him otherwise. Slade admits to feeling no remorse for any of his crimes, saying "it's what I do best" when he's told that everything that he's ever done has only made people suffer.

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Threat Assessment: Strengths and Weaknesses

Natural Attributes:

Slade is a bionic experiment. A paramilitary cyborg operative designed to be the epitome of combat expertise, and a perfect storm of killing capability to eliminate any and all spiritual beings. Because of this, his physical and mental limits are far beyond what is attainable for a normal human being.

Bionic Form: A human could never go toe-to-toe with the kind of opponents and targets Slade is expected to face on a day-to-day basis. A human could never complete the sort of contracts Slade is given. That is why nothing was left to chance with Slade. Slade's whole body is adapted and molded around a biometric support system. He looks human, he acts human, he has the anatomic makeup of a human, but he is far from human. His skin is a variable mithril, guarding against harm and protecting the components within. His bones are enforced with a spiritual alloy, nigh unbreakable. Along with this, his heart is an output center for a variety of chemical compounds, coursing through him and adding augmentations to his being. The major downside of this is that his body would be completely normal, trapped within human limitations, if one were to disable the bionics. There are two ways to do this. The first is to disable them remotely, from the command center located in the Kokuryuteshi realm. The second is to launch an EMP, or a similar disruptive electrical output, directly into the nerve center of his brain.

Enhanced Mind: Able to utilize 9 times more than a human's brain capacity for information storing and sorting, his mind is practically a computer built for strategy and problem solving. He can work out any sort of battle or attack ahead of time and predict an enemies movements based on what they have displayed so far, showing that his memory borders on almost total recall. He is also ingenious in devising solutions against superior aspects of an opponent, can observe and exploit, and can calculate distance, time, and speed at lightning-fast speeds. His sense of time is also superb, bordering on perfection.

Enhanced Reflexes: His reflexes are instantaneous, so that he is able to dodge point-blank gunfire and out maneuver almost any opponent. Even powerful, high-risk targets he has faced, he is able to maneuver around. While this is not infallible, and there are opponents he will face who could match his reflexes, said reflexes haven't failed him yet.

Enhanced Strength: His bionics have done a number to his muscles as well. Supporting his bone structure, and enhancing his strength, his strength is vast. He has been known to be able to smash through almost any material, short of sekiseki itself. Holding a bus in one hand, and smashing through terrain as if it was a saltine cracker with the other, Slade is able to easily go toe-to-toe at close range, if the need arises. Witnesses who have observed his fighting have described his strength as "the strength of one-hundred demons, all as angry as he is."

Enhanced Stamina: Slade's heart, being 99% metal and 1% pure energy, can keep his body up and running for inconceivable lengths. With augmented ATP input, a recycling system for the hydrogen dioxide and oxygen in his system, and enhanced electrical energy sent through his brain and musculature, Slade could conceivably fight forever, if left to his own devices.

Enhanced Speed: Slade's body is also able to break the normal limitation for speeds a human can conceivably reach. With rapid vibrations and quick pulses of energy and electrics, Slade's movements can reach up to speeds of Mach 1. However, that is where his limit is. Any attempt to reach higher speeds could damage his neural circuits permanently, and disable the enhancements on his speed entirely.

Enhanced Senses/Threat Assessment: His senses have been highly augmented as well, making him able to see, hear, smell, feel, and taste things better than an ordinary human. If you hit a baseball with a bat, Slade would hear the crack of the bat, listen for the disruptions in the wind, and be able to tell you where the ball would land. If Slade spilled a certain chemical on someone, he could trace the unique smell of that chemical to track the person, even if he doesn't start for days and the trail is all but faint. And so forth. His biggest attribute, however, is his sight. One might wonder how this is, as his right eye is missing, and that side of his face is covered by his mask anyway. While this is true, it is his left eye that houses the true secret. His remaining eye is actually a supercomputer, wired into the databases of known antagonistic and protagonistic organizations through communications channels and database entries. Through this, he is able to "scan" opponents and abilities, using a micro-reader located in his pupil. For the most part, he uses this to scan the bodies of his recent terminations, confirming their death and completing his contract, wiring his payment through and giving him the next contract. However, it has a second use. Utilizing the scanner, Slade can detect an opponent's race, the "theme" of their abilities, and view their vital signs by scanning their physical and spiritual makeup. It can also tell him the person's identity if they're a member of any major organization, or a prioritized enemy or ally of one. He can also detect the nature of attacks, detecting how much damage they'd do to him, or the kinds of effects they might have on his body, and even telling him the best approach to countering it.

Now, with such a strong ability comes limitations and drawbacks, and his eye has a fair few. While he can detect information about an opponent, this can be prevented by the opponent themselves. If the opponent is exceptional at hiding their spiritual signature, Slade will be unable to detect their power theme, or their race. If they aren't, but they have a ziamichi spirit, or a secondary spirit or power set of any kind besides their main racial one, Slade will be unable to detect it, as he will only detect what is first output by the opponent. If the opponent has spiritual or physical safeguards against their vitals being read (lead-like skin to ward against radiation, etc.) then he will be unable to do so. As far as reading attacks goes, he can only read spiritual, energy, or elemental attacks. Physical ones such as melee or weapon-strike types, he cannot assess beyond his own understanding and mental capacity. If an attack has safeguards or preventions about being detected, or if an attack is simply a disguise for another attack (a strong attack that doesn't put off a strong spiritual signature, or a Kidō hidden inside another Kidō, for instance) he will be unable to read the true nature of it, only the cosmetic nature. In the case of Identity, this only works if the enemy is a known member of a major organization, or a prioritized ally or enemy of one. Free-lancers, unseated, or "classified" members, such as the leaders/members of secret organizations and groups, people who have allied to no one, or those not high enough in the rankings to discern themselves yet will not be detected. If an opponent is wearing a mask of any kind, including vizard masks, or if they have changed their appearance since their database entry (dying hair, contacts, etc. minor cosmetic changes) then he will be unable to detect them. In the case of the mask, however, if the opponent is KNOWN for the mask (e.g. Jason Vorhees) then the detection will still go through. The most obvious way to stop ANY of this, however, is simply to stay out of sight of his left eye, or cover it/disable it. If this is done, there can be no scan in the first place.

Master Martial Arts/Swordsmanship Specialist: A proficient and frequent user of a variety of CQC and Swordfighting styles, Slade has enough knowledge, technique, and skill to keep almost any opponent on their toes. Whether he's bare-knuckle brawling, or utilizing the various blade-type weapons in his possession, he knows how to handle himself in a fight, and isn't afraid to demonstrate it.

Master Marksmanship/Assassination Specialist: As one of the top known (or unknown, however you want to look at it) assassins, it goes without saying that Slade is no stranger to gun play. A marksman all his life, Slade's favorite saying is "I never miss". With rifles, pistols, sub-machine guns, shotguns, sniper rifles.. you name it, Slade can fire it. And with pin-point accuracy too. So much so that Slade doesn't require normal aiming and adjusting time if laying a target out with a rifle from long range. His senses allow him to auto-adjust to wind and barometric pressure on the fly, instantly knowing where to aim and fire to hit a lethal point on an unsuspecting opponent. Slade has extensive knowledge of every pressure point and vital spot on the human body, as well as knowledge of the soul chain and soul sleep in spiritual beings. He only takes the time to aim and to focus if he wishes to really relish in a kill, or make EXTRA sure someone's dead. However, he can do this without his rifles as well. Thrown weapons, such as knives or shurikens, are also in his arsenal, and he can strike with these using deadly accuracy. Combining this with his use of silencers and his quick reflexes, Slade is able to be a variable shadow, infiltrating and assassinating without leaving so much as a mark. Not counting the corpse, of course.

Enhanced Durability/Pain Tolerance: As mentioned before, Slade's skin and bones are both augmented as far as the punishment they can take. Slade's skin is difficult to cut or pierce, and his bones are nigh unbreakable by force alone. Toss a tank at him, see if he cares. Toss the Eiffel Tower at him, see if he blinks. Along with this comes an inhuman intolerance for pain. The various bionics in his body wire into his nervous system. At moments when the nerve signals flare up to signify pain, the bionics interrupt those signals, stopping them completely until the nerves in question stop flaring. Because of this, it would seem Slade feels no pain whatsoever.

Regenerative Healing Factor: His healing powers are enhanced, making him able to recover from almost any injury, such as gunshots, stab wounds, broken bones, bruises, and many more. He can heal much faster than normal. He was once stabbed clean through the chest and this didn't do anything except slow him down. He can regenerate anything up to a limb, but that's the extent of his healing abilities. To regenerate minor wounds, he simply has to wait anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes (1-5 posts) for them to fully heal. For limbs, they won't return until he has had some time to recover outside of combat. (24 hours after the in-universe date the thread ends.) It is unclear why he was unable to regenerate his right eye.

  • Enhanced Immunity: Due to his healing factor, he is immune to diseases, infections, and foreign chemicals, not including the ones pumped through his system. This means he cannot get drunk, sick, or be affected by serums or similar drugs.
  • Aging: Also due to his enhancements, he ages much slower than any normal human, appearing much younger than he actually is. Even though he already looks rather old, he would be far past dead if it weren't for his slowed aging process.

Spiritual Abilities:

The Pure Defense: Slade has one, and only one true spiritual ability. This is because he is not a reiatsu-based construct. However, the implants in his brain, along with the augments to his metal heart, lace his skin with its own unique spiritual signature, something unique, something not identifiable, something.. strange. This is what allows Slade to combat spiritual opponents. Yes, he is contained in a mortal shell, but he is interwoven with spiritual energy, allowing him to see and make contact with spiritual beings. Beyond this, is his mental defenses. A special spiritual barrier surrounding his brain prevents any sort of outside influence from tampering with the balance of his sense, or perception. This means that toxins, gas, illusions, etc. will not work on him. Even illusions that effect how the opponent perceives the world will not effect him. He will see the truth of how reality is, and not the reality his opponent wants him to see.

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The Arsenal:

Slade has a great many tools, tricks, and weapons designed specifically for one purpose: The elimination of spiritual beings. All of which are contained on or around his tool belt, or in sheaths on his back, or in special holders in his wrists.

The Assassin's Blades:

One of Slade's signature tools, and one of his most useful, is his sword. The blade, while forged in steel, is made and woven with spiritual energy, much like Slade himself. The blade was enforced, enforced again, and continually enforced until its current state, which was designed to be able to actively block and counter attacks and weapons from those even in a bankai state or higher. Will it be very effective against opponents of a higher power at max strength? Probably not. But it's not going to shatter on contact, either. Another, similar weapon that he can use is a Retractable Naginata: a battlestaff with a blade in one end. This has similar properties to his normal blade, but is used in different situations, such as when he needs a faster or more maneuverable weapon than a sword.


Slade Wilson: The Olympus Assassin [APPROVED 1-2] Qv4yFbaXzH1Wus29_zpscfa27c8d


Slade Wilson: The Olympus Assassin [APPROVED 1-2] Naginata_zpsc929a7e4

The Assassin's Mask:

The mask Slade wears isn't just for show, or to hide his identity. It's also a high-tech communications device that relays back-and-forth directly to the Kokuryuteshi realm. He can use it to communicate with his superiors, retrieve contracts, report any incidents, or request backup. This will work anywhere, even in places where there usually is no signal or communication. However, if an outside source jams it, or if it's broken, it cannot be used.


Slade Wilson: The Olympus Assassin [APPROVED 1-2] Batman-Arkham-Origins-Deathstroke_zpsac2a0bdc

Pistols of the Assassin:

Slade's pistols look as if they're normal human weapons, but in fact they harbor a much more sinister secret. He carries two pairs. The first is a pair of modified Beretta FS92s. Slade's own rapid trigger-pulling means they can fire at a rate almost instantaneously one after the other, creating a stream of bullets. Along with this, the magazines on the guns are modified to gather ambient and floating reiatsu left over in the air and from attacks that connect on or near him. They convert this reiatsu into the special ammo that the guns use, meaning that he could theoretically never run out so long as there's reiatsu in the air. The inside of the barrel contains a special infusion incantation, imbuing Slade's shots with a fiery property, creating mini-explosive pellets that detonate cero-style upon contact with an enemy. He can also point his pistols to the same place, firing one shot from each which will meld before screaming toward the enemy in a largely powerful, almost nuclear blast. This can only be done twice per thread though.

Slade's second set of pistols have the same fire rate and reiatsu-ammo properties as the previous, but there are distinct differences. These are modeled after a pair of Colt M1911s, and the special property that their ammo is imbued with is electric in nature. Each shot releases roughly 50,000 volts at about 19 pulses per second into the enemy's body, targeting the neural and nervous centers with concentrated blasts. The targeting isn't for damaging, but for a stunning effect, attempting to temporarily incapacitate the opponent to allow a more clean kill or escape for Slade. However, opponents with high defenses, strong will, or resistance to electricity could easily fend this off. Much like the first set, Slade can point this set of pistols in the same direction and fire both at once. However, with the electric ammo, when they both combine, they will fire a rough replica of a Gran Rey Cero at the opponent, mimicking the size, speed, and strength of one, although the firing pattern is less erratic. This attack can be fired 4 times per thread, and requires a 2 post cooldown between uses.

Beretta FS92s:

Slade Wilson: The Olympus Assassin [APPROVED 1-2] 146495_01_new_in_boxes_92fs_beretta_pair_640_zpsd8a8b108

Colt M1911s:

Slade Wilson: The Olympus Assassin [APPROVED 1-2] Taurus-1911-pair-of-pistols_zps598dacac

The Assassin's SMGs

Much like his pistols, Slade wields a pair of SMGs. Specifically modeled after the MP5ks. These have the same spiritual ammo use as the pistols, but their fire rate is a lot faster, and they're a lot less accurate. (Though even a lot less accurate is still pretty damn accurate with Slade's marksmanship). The key difference, besides the fire rate, is the element they're imbued with. The bullets streaming from THIS gun have glacial properties. When they make contact with an object or enemy, they explode outward in a hard-to-break burst of ice about the size of a large hand-print. The sheer number of bullets streaming forth means that this torrent could mean a solid wall of ice, a slowed opponent, or, in extreme cases, an opponent who's frozen solid. The last effect only works on opponents below lieutenant tier, or really weak members OF lieutenant tier, depending on the case. If an enemy IS frozen solid, enough determination could allow them to break free. If they're slowed, then enough focus could get them out of this debuff.

The MP5ks:

Slade Wilson: The Olympus Assassin [APPROVED 1-2] G55-2_zps74f3c4f3

Taser Bolas:

Another piece of equipment Slade is prone to use is a set of three "bolas". A rough hunting weapon used to tie down the limbs or other extremities on opponents. However, his are considerably more high-tech. The balls on the end of each wire are, in essence, miniature tesla coils. When the wires find purchase against an opponent, each individual ball will fire off a strong lightning bolt's worth (roughly 1,000,000,000 volts) directly into the opponent through the skin, targeting the brain and heart. As before, enemies with strong defenses or electrical resistance can resist this, but since it requires direct skin contact to take effect, it is considerably more difficult to do.

Rough Sketch of the Bolas:

Slade Wilson: The Olympus Assassin [APPROVED 1-2] Bolas_zps0ac21bb1

Explosive Pellets:

Slade can fire small rounds from launchers in the wrist of the suit, powered and re-loaded in the same manner as his other weapons. These fire with a loud "woosh", and explode with the force of a bala upon contact. He can fire a great deal of these, and rapidly, but if he fires more than 20 at one time, he has to wait one post for a cool-down period before firing any more.

The Pellets:

Slade Wilson: The Olympus Assassin [APPROVED 1-2] 2011-05-31234730_zpsc05353c7

Wrist Blades:

Much like his swords, Slade has a pair of smaller blades on each wrist. These aren't as durable, nor as strong, as his other bladed weapons. They're made, primarily, for quick cuts, as they vibrate at a rate specifically designed to slice and slash through hierro and other defenses of the flesh, created also to create a "burning" sensation just under the skin. Like everything else, it is completely possible to negate this effect, or resist the blades, with strong enough defenses.

The Wrist Blades:

Slade Wilson: The Olympus Assassin [APPROVED 1-2] Dragon_hand_claw_blades_540_zpsb1b542ae


Slade's main weapon is by far his most dangerous and in-depth. This weapon is a rifle, a customized and modernized version of a standard FN Fal with a silencer on the barrel so that his shots go unheard. However, it has gone through heavy modification, and would not be identified as the gun it is based off of by function alone.

IRC-SE stands for Instantaneous Reishi Combustion and Spiritual Elimination. It is named such because of its devastating effects on the spiritual world.

Much like his other gun-type weapons, Slade's IRC-SE pulls ambient reiatsu and reishi from the air around him to load new ammo into the cartridge, making reloading unnecessary and ammo practically infinite.

This rifle has two fire types. The first is an Assault-Rifle type firing rate, in which it will fire rapidly AND accurately, firing many, less powerful shots toward an opponent. The second is his assassination tool, the Sniper Rifle firing method. By using the scope, and flipping a small switch on the side, Slade can increase his long-range accuracy exponentially, able to score a direct head shot from over a mile away. These shots are a lot stronger, and must be in order to pierce through the type of defenses one expects when assassinating spiritual targets.

Now, the specific reason why this is Slade's most potent weapon is quite apparent once he has actually FIRED it. The firing chamber is specially designed, spraying each bullet with a special combination of potent chemicals as it enters the chamber, and activating the chemicals as soon as the bullet leaves the barrel.

These chemicals, activated by the explosive force of the bullet's launch, cause the bullet itself to burn rapidly through reishi as it travels through the air. This means that it burns through attacks, the makeup of spiritual objects, and spiritual bodies themselves as it streaks through the air. The chemicals do this by breaking down the reishi into its base particles before eliminating them from existence with a special decomposition agent, absorbing the resulting energy to increase the piercing power of the bullet itself. This makes his shots difficult to block, or endure, as the very bodies of most spiritual beings are composed largely of reishi. The bullets become even stronger if Slade himself is in the spiritual world, as the more reishi the bullets break through, the stronger they get before impact. However, this ability is not without its drawbacks. First; items of the physical world can slow these bullets. Second; they CAN be dodged. They're difficult to dodge due to Slade's accuracy and the speed of the bullets, but they CAN be dodged. Third; If a bullet is about to hit an opponent, and the opponent flashes their reiatsu at a level that is equal or greater than the reishi the bullet has already burned through, the bullet's effect will be negated, and the bullet itself will explode with the force of a stronger-level bala in mid-air.


Slade Wilson: The Olympus Assassin [APPROVED 1-2] Fn-fal-01_zps1d4e0d9f

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Archive Data

Slade Wilson was sixteen years old when he first enlisted in the United States Army, having lied about his age. After serving a stint in Korea, he was later assigned to Camp Washington where he had been promoted to the rank of Major. In the early 1960s, he met Captain Adeline Kane who was tasked with training young soldiers in new fighting techniques in anticipation of brewing troubles taking place in Vietnam. Kane was amazed at how skilled Slade was and how quickly he adapted to modern conventions of warfare. She immediately fell in love with him, and realized that he was without a doubt the most able-bodied combatant she had ever encountered. She offered to privately train Slade in guerrilla warfare. In less than a year, Slade mastered every fighting form presented to him and was soon promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.

Six months later, Adeline and he were married and she became pregnant with their first child. The war in Vietnam began to escalate and Slade was shipped overseas. In the war, his unit massacred a village, which sickened him. He was also rescued by SAS member Wintergreen, to whom he would later return the favor. However, Slade kept this career secret from his family, even though his wife was an expert military combat instructor. Indeed, she had been responsible for a significant portion of his early training.

A criminal named the Jackal took his younger son Joseph Wilson hostage to force Slade to divulge the name of a client who had hired him as an assassin. Slade refused, claiming it was against his personal honor code. He attacked and killed the kidnappers at the rendezvous. Unfortunately, Joseph's throat was slashed by one of the criminals before Slade could prevent it, destroying Joseph's vocal cords and rendering him mute.

After taking Joseph to the hospital, his wife Adeline Wilson, enraged at his endangerment of her son, tried to kill Slade by shooting him, but only managed to destroy his right eye.

Shortly after, Slade is hired by a man named Cristoph for a mission that forces him to work with a team of younger mercenaries known as the Alpha Dogs under the alter-ego "Deathstroke". Their target is Jeffrey Bode, an arms dealer traveling on a plane. After discovering that the weapons Bode is trafficking are dangerous para-military supersoldiers, Slade and the other mercenaries are able to dispatch them, killing Bode in the process and retrieving a suitcase he had in his possession. Slade subsequently betrays and kills the Alpha Dogs, enraged by the notion that his employers feel he is unable to accomplish his tasks alone. Slade then begins to take on increasingly dangerous missions in an effort to prove his worth.

It was on one of these missions that he was nearly fatally wounded by shrapnel in Khe Sanh. However, this was not the end for Slade. As his time in life had attracted some... interesting attention.

When he regained, he was most certainly not dead. However, he wasn't entirely still human either...

He was approached by a man in a coat that told him his body and mind had been re-purposed. He would no longer be working for the military, but he WOULD still be working. He would still get to kill, and even moreso, he would get to kill much stronger and more important targets. On one condition.. He would do all his work based on the orders that would come through to him. No freelance jobs, no choice in his targets. If he was told to kill, he would kill. No questions asked. He was granted life again by Kin Iramasha, the leader of something called "The Kokuryuteshi Realm", and his equipment and targets would be granted to him by the same person. Slade was to be Kin's personal assassin, no longer his own person. He would belong to The Kokuryuteshi Realm. Slade agreed, and took his first job shortly after..

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

General Skills
  • Durability: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • General Speed: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Strength: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Weapon Skill: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Mental Deduction: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Pain Endurance: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Focus: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Human Reiatsu Sheet
  • Power Control: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Energy Usage/Regeneration: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Energy Resistance/Endurance: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Physical Augmentation: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Claims (for my use later)

Slade Wilson/Deathstroke - DC Universe - The Condesce - Slade Wilson
Heiki Masomi - Code:Breaker - The Condesce - Slade Wilson (True Appearance)

Template Coding By: [THEFROST]

Last edited by The Condesce on Tue Jul 30, 2013 6:06 pm; edited 2 times in total

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

We Are Legion
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Metal as Fuck
Joined : 2010-12-11
Posts : 3387
Age : 28
Location : Where all sinners congregate

Member Info
Platinum Points:
Slade Wilson: The Olympus Assassin [APPROVED 1-2] Left_bar_bleue44400/999999Slade Wilson: The Olympus Assassin [APPROVED 1-2] Empty_bar_bleue  (44400/999999)

Slade Wilson: The Olympus Assassin [APPROVED 1-2] Empty Re: Slade Wilson: The Olympus Assassin [APPROVED 1-2]

Mon Jul 29, 2013 6:47 pm
Finished and ready for checking!~

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

We Are Legion
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Communication Thread
Character Substitutions
Head Admin
Head Admin

Joined : 2010-06-03
Posts : 19297
Age : 31
Location : Purgatory

Member Info
Platinum Points:
Slade Wilson: The Olympus Assassin [APPROVED 1-2] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Slade Wilson: The Olympus Assassin [APPROVED 1-2] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Slade Wilson: The Olympus Assassin [APPROVED 1-2] Empty Re: Slade Wilson: The Olympus Assassin [APPROVED 1-2]

Fri Aug 02, 2013 1:17 pm


« Application Checklist »

• Let's Get Down To Business •

  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

« The Willsheet Checklist »

• And Comments/Fixes •

  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Master
  • Pain Endurance: Master
  • Focus: Master

  • Comments/Notes: N/A

  • Tier: 1-2

Slade Wilson: The Olympus Assassin [APPROVED 1-2] WVMWLOu

Slade Wilson: The Olympus Assassin [APPROVED 1-2] Empty Re: Slade Wilson: The Olympus Assassin [APPROVED 1-2]

Wed Nov 06, 2013 2:49 pm
Slade Wilson: The Olympus Assassin [APPROVED 1-2] Tumblr_mufl34byYd1r8uyogo1_500

Aivee Clean-Up Time!
This member has left the site or is inactive! Therefore, I am placing this into archives! Don't worry, if you want it back, simply post Here!
Head Admin
Head Admin

Joined : 2010-06-03
Posts : 19297
Age : 31
Location : Purgatory

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Platinum Points:
Slade Wilson: The Olympus Assassin [APPROVED 1-2] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Slade Wilson: The Olympus Assassin [APPROVED 1-2] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Slade Wilson: The Olympus Assassin [APPROVED 1-2] Empty Re: Slade Wilson: The Olympus Assassin [APPROVED 1-2]

Tue Jul 22, 2014 10:34 pm


Based upon Pockeh's request, I am going to unarchive this character and place him back into Approved Humans. Nice to have ya back ,m8. Now let's get to work!

Slade Wilson: The Olympus Assassin [APPROVED 1-2] WVMWLOu
The Cookie
The Cookie
Joined : 2011-08-07
Posts : 1892
Age : 29

Member Info
Platinum Points:
Slade Wilson: The Olympus Assassin [APPROVED 1-2] Left_bar_bleue17560/99999Slade Wilson: The Olympus Assassin [APPROVED 1-2] Empty_bar_bleue  (17560/99999)

Slade Wilson: The Olympus Assassin [APPROVED 1-2] Empty Re: Slade Wilson: The Olympus Assassin [APPROVED 1-2]

Thu Aug 21, 2014 2:34 am

Empty, blank space.
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