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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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A Date with the Dead (Open) Empty A Date with the Dead (Open)

Fri Aug 02, 2013 1:53 am
Nobody particularly likes the morgue of a hospital. In fact it's more than likely that most morticians can agree that they just don't feel at ease down there. There's just something so eerie about a place that stores dead bodies in floor to ceiling freezes embedded into the wall, not to mention the almost Frankenstein-esque quality of the medical lab. So people tended to just simple avoid the place. Only entering if their jobs demanded it, or heaven forbid, someone they know is laid out on the slab. As such, this was almost a prime area to get peace and quiet and just sit, write, take a load off; if of course the abundance of death didn't disturb you. Then of course you have people like Wyatt, a man who comes to the morgue specifically to be around the dead.

Today just so happens to be one of the days that Wyatt has found himself inside the morgue. It's surprisingly easy just to wonder right into, that's actually how he came to discover the place the first time. It also helped that he didn't draw too much suspicion with his outfit, which is exactly why he always showed up in a floor length dark brown trench coat giving off that business like appeal. It wasn't until he actually entered the morgue and removed the coat that his strange appearance gave way. First one might notice the rather large raven fly out from inside the coat seconds away from cawing up a storm, before finally settling down and resting on Wyatt's shoulder. A shoulder that was covered in a waistcoat that had to have originally been from the 1800's, which it was; not only that, but his whole outfit seemed to have been plucked straight out of the past with a white dress shirt and black pants done in a similar fashion. If this were the early 2000's he would have been branded a hipster, the 1800's a gentleman of fine upbringing, he was neither.

The bird, who had now since puffed out its chest and begun glaring daggers at Wyatt, turned away in the common sign of a cold-shoulder act. "You are aware that you did not have to physically come with me. You could have stayed at home and I summon you upon my arrival." Wyatt said to the bird in an old English accent. "Now will you seize with the petty theatrics and come help me find some inspiration. Setting the coat down on a nearby chair, Wyatt and the bird began opening some of the wall freezers and inspecting the bodies on the rack. Sometimes the raven would shake his head no after only seconds of observation, other times it took a once over and some slight adjustments before deeming the corpse unusable. Finally the came across a corpse that took them longer then the others, long enough that thre raven gave its nod of approval.

"Ahh, this one here huh. You do always pick the harder ones." Wyatt said half complaining, half joking. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a quill, some rolled up parchment, and an inkwell. He actually had two inkwells in his pockets but he picked one that looked more modern and halfway empty. The archaic inkwell that was full the brim with ink remained in his pocket. He than began writing down his observations, what he could outwardly see without pulling back the courtesy cloth completely. "You know, studying corpses used to be just like this for everyone. Now they take all these fancy equipment's and can solve how they died in minutes, heck sometimes they could probably ask their released spirits." Moving on to another part of the body Wyatt continues to take notes, "I should probably rush this, I wouldn't want to be interrupted like last time." He stated a bit cautiously, his eyes darting to the door.....
The Cookie
The Cookie
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A Date with the Dead (Open) Empty Re: A Date with the Dead (Open)

Thu Aug 08, 2013 12:14 am

Do not question what's ahead, because the only answer that you'll always receive, is the Nightmare's Ahead.

The Hospital, eh? The sounds of footsteps and the tapping of a cane was heard beyond the dark corridor. A seemingly glowing eyes can be seen within the darkness, only to see a dark-red haired human male that was walking across the corridors of the hospital to receive a treatment from the doctors whom allowed him to rest and heal within the very hospital. So much for the dischargement, the male's appearance had a bartender-like clothes, a pair of waterproof pants and a pair of leather shoes. A roll of bandages can be seen wrapped around his head and an underarm crutch that supports his very movements before he fully recovers from the damage he had once gotten from his fight against a shinigami. Of course, the patient's name was Sou Yuuki, a long, living nightmare..

"What a fucking day. I have to walk all the way here just to get some fucking medicine and some shit. Eh.. Whatever. Just get this fucking treatment going and i'll be getting to sleep."

Noticing the light coming off from the bottom of the door, the male had thought that the room was his 'treatment room', turning the lock and opening it, only to see a man with a crow, and most likely, corpses. Unexpectingly, he went into the wrong room, and additionally, anyone who sees him to be in this sort of place wouldn't be much good for his own reputation, and drawing the attention from this very spiritual being. "My my.. I think i got myself into this situation. A person like you should not see my looks.. Where you shall dissapear from the nightmare's face. This may be a huge problem if this goes out to the public. You may as well shut the fuck up and die here."

Of course, at the first encounter, the young man within the room would think Sou as an ordinary civilian with an attempt to rob the entire hospital, but it becomes the opposite. To conceal his presence from spiritual beings and can only be seen by physical beings, he has to wipe them out before they are able to spread the news about his existence, like what he did to the rest of those victims whom had seen him previously, and this is where he got these wounds from. "Nighty night.. NOW CLOSE YOUR EYES!"

The moment his left fist had impacted against the wall of the hospital, it had spread the cracks across the room and with a sudden explosion of the earth due to the sudden force from his bare strength, which forced the very room to collapse before him, but this doesn't mean the victim's dead. "Come out, come out, wherever you are~ I know you're not dead yet, now play with me and have some fun, my friend. I sincerely apologize if i have destroyed your precious room full of these corpses and bodies that may be important to whatever experiments you may have, but someone like you.. are unlucky enough to be able to take a glimpse of my appearance."

Taking a few steps back together with his underarm crutch, he had a good look to the collapsed room, only to see where the enemy may appear. Unlucky day for Sou, isn't it?

Empty, blank space.
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A Date with the Dead (Open) Empty Re: A Date with the Dead (Open)

Thu Aug 08, 2013 12:45 am
The moment his eyes darted to the door, it opened. A mere coincidence, and a frightening one at that. An individual in poor health, it seemed, had wondered his way into the morgue. He was wrapped in bandages and held a crutch. Ironic really that a wounded man should find his way to the morgue, it was only fitting, for those who are unfit for combat most often find themselves dead or dying. In fact Wyatt barely even gave notice to the man as he continued his work, he clearly didn't work here and it would probably be best if he were to keep quiet and pretend like he belonged. Looking back at the guy he noticed that the man had started talking. He was rather foul mouthed it had seemed as well. He also seemed overly concerned that he was being looked upon in this place. Perhaps he didn't belong.

As the man continued talking, Wyatt only then noticed that he was growing angrier by the second. The bird on his shoulder also seemed to be a bit anxious, something that only rarely happened, usually when danger was nearby. "Really, you act as if you're too important to be noticed. But I assure you, I have naught heard a thing about some ill conceived nightmare. If you would please just carry on and leave me to my..." Wyatt never really got around to finishing his statement. For the man, raising a single fist, seemed to upset the structure of the hospital. It was good strong hit it seemed, one that any man would be proud of. Also one that most men would not be able to perform.

It was around this point that Wyatt realized he was no ordinary individual but a strong one at that. He reached inside his pocket and removed the inkwell he had previously ignored. Dipping his quill in the ink, he whipped his hand, the quill, and ink skyward as a shield of black ink formed above him, the hand of said shield being the quill itself. It was quite good timing, as the floor above the morgue collapsed down around him. Shoving the rubble off his form he stared in mild interest at the man.

"Come out, Come out? You act as if I was hiding, do you forget so easily that you are the one who buried me? And I'll have you know, that I do not cherish one morgue over another, bodies are bodies. The can be found, just as easily as the can be made." Wyatt said, a back-handed threat that appeared to make the raven smirk. Twitching his wrist the shield collapsed and the ink now formed a long whip with a sharp dagger like point. With a quick snap, he whipped the newly formed weapon directly at the face of his aggressor.

"Do you think if I perhaps alter your face this would become less of an issue? Here let me cut you there, or perhaps I could simply shave off all of your face and leave you horribly disfigured?" Wyatt mused, thinking of all the possible ways he could alter the man's features.
The Cookie
The Cookie
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A Date with the Dead (Open) Empty Re: A Date with the Dead (Open)

Thu Aug 08, 2013 1:41 am

Harming the nightmare will harm yourself, and harming yourself.. will destroy your own existence and mind.

"I may be slow.."

The movements of the whip was too slow, for him. It took only a little effort for Sou to take a grip against the dagger-like whip that almost got his face, but the male wouldn't be a Mister Nice Guy like most opponents do. "BUT IT DOESN'T MEAN I CAN'T FUCKING CRUSH IT!"

Only to grip his hand much tighter to be forceful enough to crush the very whips into dusts by the sheer pressure of his strength, and of course, this just made him much more excited. Adjusting his legs and foot's position a little, with a psychopatic grin expressed across his face, "I may be damaged and all from my previous attack against the shinigami, but it doesn't mean i'm much weaker than you, Doesn't it!?". Stomping his foot with an exact amount of output that stretches throughout the hospital, it is enough to force the windows to shatter and severely damaging the hospital itself, with the floor above him, the floo where he is at, and the floor below him that collapses by the sheer force of his very bare stomp, and this may draw the very attentions of the civilian due to the destruction dealt by a mere stomp from a normal human.


Outputting his strength with an amount that is enough for him to appear before his victim's face within less than a second, only to have his fist implanting against the likes of the very being. The punch may not hurt at the first 3 seconds of impact, but things sure burns up after that. With a single impact against the face of the being, he decides to have a 'sudden input and burst of output' from his punch, in order to severely damaging one's face, whether be highly defensive sheild or skin, the output would enough to completely smash out one's skull and disfigure their face where it would be completely impossible to recognize their look, but depending how powerful the sheild is, this effect may be reverted and the risk will be lowered down.

But with that sort of burst, his limb is not disabled, or rather that it is beginning to suffer a severe damage to the muscle tissues located all over his left arm, this does not mean Sou will be unable to move his left arm, and this sort of pain was almost nothing for him, as he took on something much more painful than this, just.. hundred times. Now, while his left arm is being repaired from the outburst of his strength, he takes on a good use for his underarm crutch. Of course, not custom-made and originates from the hands of an average human, but if it is placed within a good use, it may inflict so much damage to his enemy that they will have trouble moving by damage taken, while leaving his underarm crutch undamaged.

First thing's first, he has to put this man down to his knees. The dark-red haired male glanced at the man with fearless eyes, with so much intends within these eyes to kill him, rip out his guts, his lungs, kidneys, everything that this man requires to survive. "You'll be a good collection to be 'To-Kill List', since i've taken down at least one or two fuckers like you who doesn't understand their position. Just lie down and accept your fate of death, because even if you get to escape.. YOU'LL NEVER GET OUT FROM THE NIGHTMARE. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"

With a small tap against the ground using his underarm crutch, cracks begin to form throughout the floor of the building, before collapsing once again after 3 floors of the building was destroyed by his sheer strength, and if he inflicts too much damage to the building, it may collapse anytime. How he forces the floor to collapse is to carefully inject some output of his strength into the crutch, before tapping out its output at the exact time when the output finally hit the bottom of the crutch, simply launching a force of air pressure that could forcefully leave a huge crack against the ground and cause it to collapse by the direct damage from the underarm crutch.

"Man.. Wihout this thing, i doubt i can last within the fight for long. Please, entertain me as much as possible, since your corpse will be taken off to hell and you may able to get an infinite amount of corpse. But i wonder, if you're groaning from that pain of yours."

"Oi! If you're still alive, please stand up while you can. I don't expect an entertainment like you to die so quickly just from an impact, but you're tough, so i don't think you'll die from that."

Empty, blank space.
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A Date with the Dead (Open) Empty Re: A Date with the Dead (Open)

Sat Aug 10, 2013 10:53 am
This man was extremely cocky about his abilities. It rather irritated Wyatt to listen to him speak and voice his rather aggressive claims of power. When he grabbed the whip and squeezed, instead of crumbling away like the man had assumed it would, it squished and the popped into a puddle of ink once again. The ink then slithered back towards the quill in Wyatt's hand. However before he could reform it into another weapon, the angry man was now in front of him, fist primed for a punch.

Using his flexibility and speed, Wyatt leaned all the way back in an attempt to dodge the punch, but it was just a few seconds too slow as the punch connected with his chin before he had leaned far enough away. At first he felt nothing, and he used this proximity to form a long blade with the ink and jam it into the mans side which was conveniently close to him. And that's when the pain exploded in his chin, it now felt broken and the temporary shock caused the blade to fall apart. If it had struck the individual the ink would just slide right out of the wound and back towards the quill.

In the meantime, the ground began to fall away beneath Wyatt, and this time he was a little unprepared to deal with it, losing his footing he collapsed to the ground as the hospital continued to fall all around him. From beneath the rubble he could hear the cocky mans taunts and it only fit to anger him some more. Mustering up some strength he shoved the rubble off of his form and darted a few feet backwards adding more space between the two.

"It won't be that easy to kill me, I'm not some easily wounded human." Wyatt said, spitting some blood out of his mouth. His statement was a tad ironic as he had just been easily wounded from a single punch. Holding out the quill he formed the whip once more and snapped it towards the guy, but as it would travel his direction, mid flight it would change into a long thin rapier and slash across the mans mid-riff.

A Flash of Lightning: Tatsuki Arashi: 1-5 Shinigami

Quoth the Raven; Nevermore: Wyatt Rivershire: 3-1-Sugiura

Two Become One: Christian Gemelos: 3-4 Arrancar
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