Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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The Cookie
The Cookie
Joined : 2011-08-07
Posts : 1892
Age : 29

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• Cracking Pain • [ FIGHT NIGHT 2013 ] Left_bar_bleue17560/99999• Cracking Pain • [ FIGHT NIGHT 2013 ] Empty_bar_bleue  (17560/99999)

• Cracking Pain • [ FIGHT NIGHT 2013 ] Empty • Cracking Pain • [ FIGHT NIGHT 2013 ]

Sat Aug 17, 2013 9:31 am


He Who Became The Influence Of The Society That Brought Destruction To The World. The Wanted Nightmare, Was Endlessly Chased By The Light And Fought Against Them. Will This.. Ever End For Him?

The once peaceful Hueco Mundo for the hollows and arrancar to live within was quickly interrupted by an unknown man, dark red-haired, with a sadistic grin expressed across his face, stepping through the sands with only blood visible to his bartender-like outfit and a part of his face. Those hollows whom had attacked him got their masks ripped apart to pieces with a hole on their forehead by the nightmare. The human male was almost like a part of demon himself, when he wasn't.

Where did he came from? Despite his own photographic memory, he had no idea how he did arrive here himself, and not even jumping to that sort of topic, he began his own introduction with a smile, and a punch across one of the hollow's face before smashing its mask into bits, proceeding with a stomp that shook the ground that had a flow of sand, and may as well bring in many attentions with this heavy earthquake from a mere stomp of his own, Sou broke into a huge grin before a laughter, stopping with only a notable quote he had spoke after he had enough laughing,

"Come on.. come on! You can't possibly ask me to fight these shitheads who wants my soul so much to chew on and swallow with! Where's a better fight or negotiations when you need them!? Hell, that's what they call a 'bad luck' these days. Turns out to be the opposite of what i require right now. Tough luck then!"

Coding In Template By: [THEFROST] Template By: Sou Yuuki

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The Cookie
The Cookie
Joined : 2011-08-07
Posts : 1892
Age : 29

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Platinum Points:
• Cracking Pain • [ FIGHT NIGHT 2013 ] Left_bar_bleue17560/99999• Cracking Pain • [ FIGHT NIGHT 2013 ] Empty_bar_bleue  (17560/99999)

• Cracking Pain • [ FIGHT NIGHT 2013 ] Empty Re: • Cracking Pain • [ FIGHT NIGHT 2013 ]

Fri Aug 23, 2013 4:20 am


He had seen the darkness once, and the nightmare will disperse that darkness to seek the light.

"I ain't pure as a human to begin with, but as for the land of gods? Ahahahaha! Don't make me laugh. Its more of land of fuckers and shitheads more than lands of gods. Those who declare themselves as Gods are pathetic, nothing more but a mere weakling who thinks that they are much mightier than those who he sees. You're too much of a little shit to be such a shithead. But whatever, if you want to be an ass about it.. Come at me, bro."

Wihout his crutch, he does not have much attacks to perform wihout it, and he could've gotten one from the karkura hospital first before coming here out of nowhere nor knowledge. Such an unlucky bastard he is, but he would put that aside for now. As what most berserking fighter may do, is to lunge themselves with his strength and attempt to reach out for the male's face, grasping it against his palm.

If the grip was successful at the attempt, his energy may begin to flow throughout the inner layer of his muscles that may be contracting and expanding continuously that keeps working on his muscles to be able to force his fists to 'effortlessly' unleash his somehow-beastly-like strength from his crumbling, human body which is hardly even spiritually-powered in any way. For most people, Sou is nothing more but an ordinary human in aspects of spiritual beings and normal beings.

Going on with his attack, that output may be at either a minor or at vast level, depending how much strength he attempts to unleash throughout the expansion and contraction of the muscles within his very mortal body. His grip power was surprisingly abnormal, even for a being against the likes of Nagato, and even for a human like Sou to be able to grip his enemy with a hand at such devastating level, for much of that both of their powers are worlds' apart in terms of offensive and defensive.

His 'entrance' may be a.. faceslam up against the ground that may possibly force Nagato to be drilled into the very sands of the Hueco Mundo, together with a perfect, fancy explosion that may burst from the very sands upwards before collapsing into its original state again. But the fact that Sou wouldn't let go of his face yet, is because he is still not done smashing his body until it was done to its fragile state. For now, the male would lift up Nagato's body at the same height as he was, and attempting to headbutt directly against the male's forehead to be forcing him backwards by the force of the headbutt. Not too much, not too little, but enough to force away from his position with a mere headbutt. "Come on, 'God'. I thought you are something more than just a big mouth of shits."

Stretched his neck sideways, things were stirring up, in many.. many ways.

Coding In Template By: [THEFROST] Template By: Sou Yuuki

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