Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Entity of Contradiction
Joined : 2010-12-01
Posts : 1368
Age : 26

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Platinum Points:
Preparing the Operation [Fight Night] [Nagato vs. Zane] Left_bar_bleue9000/10000Preparing the Operation [Fight Night] [Nagato vs. Zane] Empty_bar_bleue  (9000/10000)

Preparing the Operation [Fight Night] [Nagato vs. Zane] Empty Preparing the Operation [Fight Night] [Nagato vs. Zane]

Sun Aug 18, 2013 4:40 pm


Tonight, a plan that long has been within Zane Fenier's mind was about to make preperation for it's showing to the world. The one thing that it required though was force out side of the normal ones that K-world had allied itself with thus far. This was also why, Zane seeked out only one group specfically out of them all that were avaliable, he was confident that this group could help them get the job that he wanted complete. The Stone Cross Commander, wasn't sure how their leader or the group might react to Zane's appearence though, he wasn't reall sure if they would negoiate with him or if the would require a greater power to crush over them to make them at least listen to the offer. He was planning to see how they reacted to the later since, it was after all better to be safe than sorry with an unknown group of Arrancar or Hollow individuals. The Kokuryuteshi Realm was a place that Zane called home, although it was a place for all races, it was as if every race was slightly different within K-world. This similar trait was that they all were willing to listen to kin's order or at least live under rule, the Arrancar there, would be exetremely different from the Arrancar that he would meet here. As he had, all of these thoughts, He approached the moon of Hueco Mundo that contained a place that was called Los Viejo, Home of the group called, The Espada. He had decided to come alone, because there is no other reason for a challenge against their leader to require others, and even with their defenses, he would escape easily.

He was approaching in his aircraft, that could easily past through space travel as a deadly weapon of the Kokuryuteshi Realm. This nice idea at least, was better than the then mile wide warship that they had avaliable for him to use if he really wanted to. He eventually ejected within range of the moon's barrier, and put a barrier of sheilds around the jet, shattering them, sending it back to the Kokuryuteshi Realm, wher it would be waiting for his men to put back where it belonged. With the remaining bit of his own energy that he could use to forge sheilds, he put himself in a box, and desended to the ground within them. As he would eventually touch ground, he wondered if anyone would even approach him since at this rate, he was on level spiritually, with a weak level hollow. But his true strenght physically, along with the URE sphere within offered many possibilities of surprising them. Zane only scaned the area for a moment to take in if any enemies were around, and for a split second his tue power hit the moon world, only to dwindle back to his previous state of power. That should of scared of everyone that was weak around his current level, and attracted the attention, of anyone around his true level of power. To show, that no one was coming upon his weak power, the entire area at the moment looked very deserted for the most part.

"Today marks the beginning of my plan, within time, Earth will fall to Kokuryuteshi Rule, Kin will take the Soul King's place, and the Yuudeshi Clan will have too much worry on themselves to intervene in it." He stated with a small laugh as he waited. The Kokuryuteshi would eventually rule all of the realms that mattered to them, and be allies with the rest, and a new peaceful order can be formed. The kind of way, that Zane wanted everything to follow. This was after all, why he joined the Kokuruteishi Realm's army at such a young age, and was leading at such a young age as well, because he was on the right path, no matter what the others that said he was wrong do.Zane was truly loyal to The Kokuryuteshi Realm and Kin, it was most likely, that nothing would ever change this intention, although some have tried in the past, like Colin Washi of the Vizard Corps. "Now, where could you all be Espada?" He asked, wondering if anyone would literally answer.

Template By: [THEFROST]

I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!

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Entity of Contradiction
Joined : 2010-12-01
Posts : 1368
Age : 26

Member Info
Platinum Points:
Preparing the Operation [Fight Night] [Nagato vs. Zane] Left_bar_bleue9000/10000Preparing the Operation [Fight Night] [Nagato vs. Zane] Empty_bar_bleue  (9000/10000)

Preparing the Operation [Fight Night] [Nagato vs. Zane] Empty Re: Preparing the Operation [Fight Night] [Nagato vs. Zane]

Thu Aug 22, 2013 2:19 pm


It seemed like everything was finally coming together like he wanted as he arrived on this planet safe and sound for the moment. With the defenses of this Moon a bit evident to him as the man in charge of K-world's own defense squad was a good thing in dealing with others defenses, but as stated before, he was still uncertain of what kind of person he might encounter from the Espada. Shortly after his arrival, a garganta was opened and only a moment afterwards did a being that was Arrancar reveal itself to him. As they arrived, their very presence made the environment very much different, Zane only stood now, because the URE sphere within him, gave him the ability too along with his sphere of Eternal Life, not allowing something as simple as spiritual pressure be his end and stop his breath especially when he wasn't even doing anything. It's not like he came as a joke, and wasn't aware of how capable their leader would most likely be against him. However it was worth the chances that he were taking, to bring down the worst enemies standing between the Kokuryuteshi Realm and their dream.

The Arrancar spoke as if he were a god to Zane, which he didn't doubt his strength, but he accepted, no Arrancar to be a god, even though he was now not going to age like most others, he wasn't even close to god either, he just was extremely powerful compared to the normal individual. Even Nagato could see that as a human, that he was quite capable to be standing with him now as they faced each other. The arrancar's eyes had quite a unique effect causing the area around them to only grown darker as he looked at them. They were definitely not the color most would expect as it was purple, but as the Arrancar asked him a question, it was most likely best to answer back, no matter the situation at hand. He really wasn't sure what kind of leader or person this guy was, although one thing was certain, he didn't like someone like Zane appearing on his doorstep unexpectedly. Zane however had no other way to get a hold of this man or his followers, with acceptable means to accept his little request.

"I have come here to ask of a small request for the Espada here, but I don't believe you'll accept a request from just anyone, correct?" He stated.

"So I challenge you to a battle, If I'm capable enough to fight you or defeat you, will you consider my request, Cero Espada?" He asked with a slight smirk.Although he said consider, if he somehow defeated this Arrancar, it would most likely be like automatic submission into doing the request. But it would be a rocky path with many winding turns. This was the kind of thing, however that excited Zane the most of all in the many battles and wars that he has, will, and currently are in.

Template By: [THEFROST]

I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!

The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

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