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Beyond Whats known [Open-Only Ravana And Shizuo Have A Posting order.] - Page 2 Empty Re: Beyond Whats known [Open-Only Ravana And Shizuo Have A Posting order.]

Thu Oct 10, 2013 4:33 pm

Word Count:3017
Posting music: Nightcore: Into the fire
Power Type: N/A
Power Tier: N/A
Favorite Lyrics:"N/A" - N/A

“Let me tell you a story, it should explain how I lived, rather it will explain the gravity of my situation to you. I know you have good intentions, the best intentions have flaws in them, but, let me ask you , what would you call one that couldn’t die from normal means, someone who is as close to immortal as you could possibly get without being some kind of deity? Would you call them a monster, or would you call them living? All living things have to die, and all dead things have once lived, I feel I can trust you with my secret and if you are disgusted by it once you learn of it, I won’t blame you no, I will understand as many don’t understand it, and view me as nothing but a monster, so understand, im letting you decide if you feel like I’m honestly worth it, I am giving you the best gift I can.. for someone like you I will give you the one thing which is most elusive in this world, the one thing that is seldom heard, let alone to complete strangers. That is of course the truth, the full truth. “

Magnolia said this as ravana ichiro worked busily around her, frantic and obviously puzzled in how she was still even alive, as most people sadly usually reacted when this kind of thing happened to her. It was just something she was used too, so as she sat up, she allowed him to continue what he was doing, but she had exhaled slowly, her golden hair cascading around her like a blanket while she had slowly took a deep breath, even though she had a hole in her chest, as if she was readying herself for what she was about to say, as if the words, would be something that might drive this nice young man away like she was the plague or something, which was why she began from the beginning the very beginning, which all started over 60 years ago from that fateful night as she was a shinigami at that time, the night which changed her life forever, for better and ultimately changing it for worse as well, the night that made what was known as the magnolia of today, it all started back then, way back then and in that dark time, was planted a seed of despair.

“..It all started 60+ years ago, in the medical ward of the society, I was gravely ill, my spiritual pressure back then was too strong for me to control, way too strong. It caused me injury, and injured those around me, indiscriminately and I was in one of the power surges at such time . . a girl that came from the medical ward was helping me, it all happened so fast, and I was well on my way into the dark. Maybe it was chance, but I don’t think so, because at that moment, I met a frightening queen a queen of undoubtedly the color of blood. A being that was beyond even my reach , one tainted in the mightiest of despair possibly the beginning of despair itself. She put something inside me.. and that was the beginning of my suffering.

I look back to that day, and I wonder.. if I had died, would the world have been saved of so much suffering, so much pain? Because I wondered was I truly hated.. by this world, the despair, the pain, I gained a whole new level of it, because the.. girl I met was somehow in my head , she laughed as I cried, she fed on my growing despair, she slowly forced me to the brink of madness. I slowly became unstable, farther and farther gone, my inner world was tainted in the sickening color of my despair, like a flower locked in a cage I felt trapped without seeing the light I grew accustomed to walking in the dark for so long, even though my head was cast up towards the light, I was too far in the darkness, no matter what I did It seemed to not be enough, not near enough.

In my mind I was lost, so far gone, so long gone.. my heart slowly turned black, my hope all but crushed, something stirring steep inside me, was born the being called fear, my fear had taken form in a spiritual pocket I had sealed away, manifested, and when I was in a land of ice and snow, I did battle with it, as that blond haired queen of chaos and despair watched with glee, I wasn’t alone then I met a guy.. he helped me finally overcome fear, for a moment in time, I looked at the light again, just to be gripped tighter by the darkness, which lurked inside of me , it wouldn’t let go , the only option I had.. I had no options anymore, the grip was like iron, without fear, I had no buffer I fell deep into the dark while still searching for the light. Like the flowers in this forest, I longed to be out from the shade, but it never happened, I was alone trapped in the dark, even though people surrounded me, I never felt like I had been understood, never had I been actually understood what so ever, not one bit.

It was after that, time which I fought a red haired girl, and in my rage, I made a hasty mistake, the girl was much smarter then I was, a red cyborg devil from shadow fall, she struck me with a blow that almost cost me my life and I was drug further into the darkness, despair of being weak, despair of not being strong enough, my life was ruled by it again, my mind was so long gone, a new persona was festering in it, a being known as nero, the epitome of my madness, she walked in the light, while I sank into the dark, alone without anything to keep me going, I kept sinking, slumbering and praying for a day that I would have the power to actually venture into the light again, the power to be free, of this heavy burden, yet the dawn was far off by now. . . no matter how much I wished it wasn’t.

From there I fled, and ended up under Karakura, there I met a man.. and a woman who was unmistakable neither was hard to identify, as one was a memory rosary.. after doing some digging around I found out it was Ceon Cylixx, and the other I recognized from the Gotei 13’s database of arrancar, it was none other than the hollow queen, Ashlei Cylixx. . . Something happened then, something about that red haired girl sparked something inside me and I snapped, that was when Nero first was born, the girl of insanity, inside me reacted and went nuts, absolutely nuts, I fought and caused a lot of damage, before escaping once more. . . From there.. I vanished off the face of the earth.. while I wandered about I found the Rinyūaru I was accepted as a war general there, the war general of the sea, Nero.

As I slumbered Nero ate beings, humans, hollows, demons, it didn’t matter to her. . . She ate them all, she was a sick perverted and twisted version of myself who didn’t know how to contain her actions, or her lust. . . I finally figured out who the girl in my head was, Her name. . . Was Claire Cylixx , That’s all I learned about her and all I could find on her it hardly satisfied me.. but it was enough.. I learned a name.. as for recently.. alots been going on.. so much.. I can’t say I hate Claire. . . more like a worry about her. . . ever since I first met her in my head, as insane as she is, as maddening as she is , the one thing I found out.. was she is suffering.. just like I was. . so I can’t say I hate her.. but.. that’s.. whats happened to make me how I am..

I am hard to kill ,and I’m honestly not afraid to die. Ravana Ichiro, I won’t blame you if you run away”

She’d finish and look at him pointedly.

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Beyond Whats known [Open-Only Ravana And Shizuo Have A Posting order.] - Page 2 Empty Re: Beyond Whats known [Open-Only Ravana And Shizuo Have A Posting order.]

Thu Oct 10, 2013 5:51 pm
Beyond Whats known [Open-Only Ravana And Shizuo Have A Posting order.] - Page 2 24y4nxh

As Ravana set to work with his healing kido, he was a little surprised that the girl had the strength to sit up, let alone talk to him. Then again, given everything else that had happened surrounding this girl, these so called "surprises" were becoming less and less, well... surprising. Putting aside the fact that he had faced the likes of Kin Iramasha (not alone... or directly, but still) and others in the past, he had to admit that such odd occurrences weren't truly that surprising to him on their own; it was more the fact that this girl he had found... naked... in the forest was the source of these "surprises" was what was the most surprising. Of course, surprises aside, as he continued to heal the girls wounds, Ravana did pay attention to her story as she spoke. As she started, the little preamble to her story did concern him slightly, but not for obvious reasons. Instead... well, Ravana was kinda used to such stories, even having a few of his own from back in the day. If anything, this concern wasn't for anything that this girl might have said, but more so that it meant she might not have caught the full scope of what he meant when he told her that he too had his life upended.

As the girl told her story, many of the things that had initially confused or surprised Ravana were beginning to make sense; and he could see why she may have thought such a story might drive him away. Hell, to be honest, the only parts of her story that gave him cause for any concern were the names that she brought up; and even then some of those same names were a part of his own past as well... though in very different roles. Luckily, by the time her story was finished, so too was Ravana's healing kido; and though she would have no more traces of her wounds, it would still be best for her not to move too much for a short time. Sitting back, he paused for a moment to take a deep breath, the process of healing the girl had taken a bit out of him, but not anything too dangerous. Looking over at her, the look on his face was actually rather hard to identify. The best way to describe it would be a mixture of both seriousness and... something akin to lightheartedness. Letting out a sigh, a somber smile crossed his face; though it did not seem to express much joy. "Ya know, the only part of that little story that concerns me is how little faith you have in me" he said, followed by a soft chuckle; his tone a mixture between seriousness and a joke.

Stretching a bit, Ravana let out a small yawn before looking back at the girl, having known what he was about to say the moment the first words had escaped the girls mouth. "Seeing as you got your chance, I would ask that you please indulge me in a little story of my own" he began, that same somber smile upon his face. "It's a simple story really, about a young man... as he would call himself, who had a lot to deal with too. Not only was his Zanpakutō spirit a literal goddess of fate with power far beyond his imagination, but he also held a monster inside of his soul. Not only did this monster want to dominate this young man's soul, using his body to destroy everything the man held dear, but it too knew about the goddess. Should he ever falter and fall into its grasp, then the monster would have access to a power far beyond either of our comprehensions; undoubtedly gaining the ability to bring ruin to all of existence. And... well, because I think I've milked this third person aspect for far too long already, this guy's name is Ravana Ichiro" he finished, his somber smile gaining a small amount of warmth.

With his own story finished, Ravana finally stood up, and after a second of observing the surroundings, took a step closer to the girl and extended his right hand towards her. "Now then, if you've had enough of the melodrama, I would love to learn more about you... but I'm afraid that you still haven't told me your name, mystery girl" he said, and as he smiled, he no longer had that somber note to his expression, as it had been replaced by both warmth and confidence. As one who truly knew Ravana might have expected, the girl's story did nothing to dissuade him from getting to know her; if anything, it only made him want to make her happy. Sure, it may be a little cliched, but in the end, who really cared?

Beyond Whats known [Open-Only Ravana And Shizuo Have A Posting order.] - Page 2 28cnex2
Ravana Ichiro~Ex-Captain Vizard/Vizard Corps Co-leader~0-3+
Toshizo Hijikata~The Demon Commander~0-3+
Diablo Cortar~The Cutting Devil/Segunda Espada~0-3-
Albert Wesker~Biohazard~0-4++
Dracula Vlad Tepes~The Dark Lord~0-4
Okita Souji~Sexy and I know it~0-5+
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Beyond Whats known [Open-Only Ravana And Shizuo Have A Posting order.] - Page 2 Empty Re: Beyond Whats known [Open-Only Ravana And Shizuo Have A Posting order.]

Sat Oct 12, 2013 3:08 pm
Shizuo wrote:

Word Count:3017
Posting music: Nightcore: Into the fire
Power Type: N/A
Power Tier: N/A
Favorite Lyrics:"N/A" - N/A

“If you want my name, I could give you ,many, but I am Magnolia the eternal flower and lets talk and walk, I want to explore this place longer..”

She slowly said as she had felt the healing kido taking effect. Her eyes seemed to be filled with what only could be ultimately called, harsh kindness, or the regal pressure of a benevolent yet equally tyrannical queen, her eyes looked like roses, beauty beyond compare, mixed with chilling pain, chilling thought, the depths of the inferno, where hell froze over. The eyes of one that knew eternal suffering, yet for some reason failed to give a damn in the first place that’s just how it was for her. If you want to be perfectly honest here, her eyes were both frightening and captivating at the same time, it was strange to say the least. She looked up at the sky and took a breath as she slowly began walking, her whole demeanor slowly shifting like a switch being thrown, this was the same person just a entirely different side of her to be honest so while she walked it seemed like it was going to be very different now, conversation wise.

Magnolia’s eyes had looked around the forest, taking in the cool grey-shadows and the vibrant greens which seemed to go on forever, literally speaking she just drifted through the forest’s depths, not precisely knowing where she was going, just she was walking her eyes moving around the landscape, knowing that it was something special she stumbled upon, just not knowing actually what the purpose was, nor what the actual reason to this being here. To her it felt like it was here for this moment, so as she had then slowly turned around her hair whipping with her head, her arms had rested under her breasts this slight movement, revealing more of her bust, she would have looked directly Ravana ichiro, her expression was serious, the tension in her eyes was like palpable knives, as the wind blew past, her frightening spiritual pressure, latently caused destruction and disturbance, so as you might think, it was disturbing the ecosystem, or in this case the air flow that went directly over the forest, plus the friction in her spiritual energy, latently could generate electricity. So as you might think a storm was brewing above them the winds expanding outwards while she had said her voice rising above the storm.

“Ravana, in this world people suffer you’ve probably seen it, even though I know I’ve suffered millions die every day. A life should be lived without the worry of death, without despair or writhing in the dark, without being able to see the light. I want to help them I really do however as you know we are no better than the humans, we have things we crave ourselves and they come first, in every civilization that was the norm, and the exceptions were either psychopaths or saints, we crave, we breath, we die, we live we help, we sin , we kill, we save others, we hide, and we are always still in plain sight. “

Magnolia walked forward slowly, what was the look in her eye? It was a mix of longing and cold desire, a chilling feeling but also a electric kind of ambience just radiated off her she walked slowly, not making much sound her bare feet muted like the oncoming of a big cat, or some other kind of predatory being, just slowly making its way to Ravana Ichiro, her eyes slowly had turned into a kind of cold glee, her mouth spreading into a off centered smile, like something wasn’t quite right in her head, although she still looked like herself, painfully beautiful, like a angel cast down from heaven, her snow white and slim hand, the right one, came up her whole arm following suit, not moving quickly, rather moving slowly, it cupped Ravana’s cheek, with the soft side of her palm, stroking it as she said.. “Yet you want to make me happy” her voice was hard to place, the emotions in it too numerous for general identification, yet she cupping his cheek still said her voice in this same strange underlying emotion.

“..You understand, I am no exception I am a selfish being one that while she wishes to help still craves more for her own desires. If you want to make me happy.. become mine.. Ravana Ichiro , tthat is how you can make me happy , you interest me, you’re personality and that naïve blunt nature of yours. If you do that, I may at last be happy, knowing I’m not alone, that is the one thing I know that would make me happy now, in this world and in this night, I don’t crave power, nor do I crave to save this world from destruction, those things I will do , but I crave to be touched, to be held, to know love, something that Is so fundamental so rudimentary in humans, and in me the things I’ve lacked, the things that have eluded me, are the things I seek the most, like a fish, if a fish could think wouldn’t it long the one thing it doesn’t have? To be able to fly? Every human being so if you want to make me happy. If you want me to be free.. then I will tell you what would do that..

Be mine.. and only mine, not for a small petty reason, such as making a girl you’ve hardly met happy. No that is not what I want, I wish that you choose this because precisely you are able to understand where im coming from, because you are willing to be mine, because you want to be with someone else, because you don’t want to be alone anymore , because you aren’t afraid of death, or what this eternity might bring , you would become.. mine and i would become yours for eternity, I do not say this lightly, because as I said I am a lonely, selfish being.

No one would possibly be able to love you as much as I would , no one would be more faithful, yet no one would hate you as much as I would, when you are hurt, I will cry, when you do something stupid I will be there to knock you a new asshole. When you are lonely, I will be there to hug you, and keep you close, but I will also be a tyrant, I will not let you stray out of my sight, this frozen heart aches to be thawed out, it wouldn’t be a Until death do us part, it would be a as long as we live kind of gig. Be warned though, one day I might be the death of you, you might wake up 5 feet under with your body blown to bits.

Understand , that I am easily jealous , I am a fickle being, that you would be accepting with both her plus’s and the minuses. Understand that this wouldn’t be a fling, that if you betrayed me I would hunt you down, and kill you and then ultimately I would kill myself in despair. You would become my Aegis, my crutch the thing which would keep me going, and ultimately would keep me sane, it wouldn’t be by any means a easy path, because I am not a saint, I have desires and emotions that I must sate, cravings which have been unanswered for oh so long. As I walked in the dark seeking the light.

It would be more then what humans called marriage, this wouldn’t be a physical or emotional thing, if you accept it, it would be a harmony of souls, literally you would become my weakness and I would become your weakness one could not live without the other, while I walk in the dark, you would be walking into the light, two halves that make up a whole, that is what it would be. We would learn to love , and live with each other, to stand at each other’s side. A contract signed in blood from the bottom of the heart. . . I would become yours and only yours and you would become mine, only mine. Are you willing.. to go to great lengths for a girl you just met? Ravana ichiro I told you what I desire.. what would make me happy, but do you really want to do that?.. With a girl you just met, who is far from perfect.

So.. whats your choice…”

Magnolia would finish, as she softly stroked his cheek.

Beyond Whats known [Open-Only Ravana And Shizuo Have A Posting order.] - Page 2 FooterForMagnolia-2


Beyond Whats known [Open-Only Ravana And Shizuo Have A Posting order.] - Page 2 LzZCuy7
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Mon Oct 14, 2013 8:59 am
Beyond Whats known [Open-Only Ravana And Shizuo Have A Posting order.] - Page 2 24y4nxh

"Magnolia then... I suppose I'll follow yet again." As the girl, now known to him as Magnolia got up, so too did Ravana; adequately rested from the healing kido. Though Magnolia was still without clothing, given what his poor shirt had been through by now, Ravana simply decided to leave it, seeing how bloodied and torn it had become. Of course, while this did mean that he would once again have to be talking to her while she was in the nude again, by now that initial shock of the situation had long passed, and aside from a slight blush when his eyes happened to gaze down from her face, he was much more comfortable with it. Still being very much interested in the girl, and because he had already agreed to do so, as she began to wander through the forest, he once again began to follow her; this time making sure to keep close enough to stop her from tumbling down anymore waterfalls. While the scenery was still rather breathtaking, Ravana's focus still didn't really hone in on it. As with before, he was still more interested in the girl he had found here rather than what was around him... even though both were just as mysterious. Who knows, perhaps is the forest were a naked girl he'd be showing it more attention; but by now it was pretty clear that that was not his reason for following Magnolia.

Of course, as Magnolia's spiritual pressure began to rise again, Ravana definitely took notice; though once again Iku-sen Kireme's latent powers and his own spiritual pressure kept him from really being affected by it. What got his attention more, and ultimately surprised him more, though, was not the rise in spiritual pressure but the fact that Magnolia had turned around and was now looking at him with a rather serious expression in her face... and a posture that accentuated her bust. Though a slight blush did cross his cheeks at the initial sight, it soon went away as the tension of the situation began to build, and his gaze was no longer averting itself downwards. As she spoke, Ravana was actually a little glad; though her words may have still had a bit of an ominous ring to them any speech right now helped lessen the tension, as well as giving him an insight to her thoughts. Of course, the tension quickly returned as Magnolia finished talking, and as he began to respond, he did notice a rather peculiar look in her eyes.

"Well, I mean..." Ravana began to speak, before he was quickly cut off by surprise as Magnolia approached him and placed her palm against his cheek yet again; this time, however, the feeling was markedly different. Of course, it wasn't just the touch that had caught him off guard, as that alone had happened before, but it was also the change in her expression... that odd, off center smile mixed with an almost predatory sensation. Still, even with all of this, the thought of simply turning and running never once crossed his mind... though he did make sure to stand more aware of his surroundings in case he should have to act. However, as Magnolia began to speak, her words did quite well in revealing her intentions, and Ravana began to realize just why the tension seemed so high. Of course, he listened to her fully before even beginning to contemplate a reply, though all the while still thinking. Even as she finished, he still remained silent for a few moments; though his expression clearly gave away that he was deep in thought about what she had just said.

As he felt Magnolia's hand softly stroke his cheek, Ravana was snapped out of his thoughts, and was ready to give her a reply. "Well, before I begin, know that my answer is in no way a rejection" he began, his expressions and tone too matching her seriousness. Of course, the reason he led off with this was not because he intended to say no or reject her offer, as he had stated, but because he knew that his words could possibly be misinterpreted before he would finish. Taking in a deep breath, he readied himself to reply, looking into Magnolia's two colored eyes.

"What you say is definitely a very interesting offer, and when I was a younger man I would have jumped at it without hesitation. While I may not be filled with hesitation now, I have learned much over the years, and one very important lesson is that it is better to take such important matters slowly rather than jumping into them. Trust me when I say that I do not doubt your devotion one bit, but Magnolia..." he paused as he spoke her name, before reaching his hand out to gently place against her shoulder "I do not want to harm you. Though you have proven to be quite indestructible to physical harm, I fear that should you simply jump into such a committed relationship so suddenly, you will be inviting nothing but pain and sorrow. Should it be love that you so desperately desire... should it be the one thing that can truly make you happy then I will be willing to offer it; but in time. I do not care one bit about being selfish, and no thought of personal risk to myself would deter me, but if it is love that you want, then the only way I can truly provide it to you and have it be lasting is through time. I too would show you the same devotion... and am also quite the jealous type, but the only way to find such love is through building it together."

Ravana paused for a moment, gently caressing Magnolia's shoulder before resuming. "I too am filled with a desire, and had I not thought that it could be sated in you, then I would have been long gone by the time you had finished speaking. My reasons for saving you... though I now wonder just how much 'saving' I have actually done, were not filled with any selfish desire. I 'saved' you because you were in trouble, and I would not wish for that to be the only reason that you fell in love with me. True love must be built upon a deeper foundation... one I would quite enjoy to build with you." Taking a breath as he continued, Ravana knew that he was beginning to ramble on a bit, and when it came to such delicate matters, while time might be vital in building a foundation, it was never wise to skate around the point and be vague. No, instead, and rather obviously, it was always best to be direct and straightforward, and right now that was his true intention. "Basically, what I'm trying to tell you Magnolia is... I would love to build a relationship with you, but at the right pace so that I do not harm you. Should I be able to truly make you happy, I would much rather it be a lasting joy than a short lived passion. So, if you're willing to give such a fool a chance, then by all means I will make you happy... over time" he finished, the look in his eyes conveying both his dedication as well as his sincerity.

In the end, Ravana had answered her with a "yes", despite the sometimes cryptic nature of his words... he simply didn't want to hurt her by rushing into things before their time. Of course, by now it would be no surprise that he did believe in such a corny and clichéd concept as "love at first sight", but even then... one should not simply rush into such a feeling. Instead, it would be best to build off of such an emotion until it was much more than a short lived blaze. Leaning in a bit closer, a soft smile crossed his face, as he hoped to assure Magnolia that he was quite serious. "And besides... I'd reckon that you're much closer to perfection than myself" he spoke softly, before planting a short, gentle kiss upon her cheek; a final sign of his answer.

Beyond Whats known [Open-Only Ravana And Shizuo Have A Posting order.] - Page 2 28cnex2
Ravana Ichiro~Ex-Captain Vizard/Vizard Corps Co-leader~0-3+
Toshizo Hijikata~The Demon Commander~0-3+
Diablo Cortar~The Cutting Devil/Segunda Espada~0-3-
Albert Wesker~Biohazard~0-4++
Dracula Vlad Tepes~The Dark Lord~0-4
Okita Souji~Sexy and I know it~0-5+
Alfonso Gunter Reinhold~Evil Bastard~W.I.P.
Hanako Ikezawa~Malignant Tragedy~5-5*
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Sun Oct 04, 2015 5:12 pm

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
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It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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