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Beyond Whats Known 2: [private Shizuo and Ravana and moose] Empty Beyond Whats Known 2: [private Shizuo and Ravana and moose]

Fri Oct 25, 2013 8:41 pm

Word Count:3017
Posting music: Nightcore: Into the fire
Power Type: N/A
Power Tier: N/A
Favorite Lyrics:"N/A" - N/A

Magnolia Cylix: The Forest Of Illusion:

Slowly in the forest the one full of so much beauty, a frightening change was occurring negative emotion, reflecting as night fell on it the moon was high tonight. And there was a nasty secret here something dangerous that was going on in the midst of this forest. As slowly mist was rising from the ground a eerie mist which seemed to have something going on in it, slight condensation coming from it, though it was died red, the eerie feeling of something breathing down your neck that was a palpable feeling this time, as the scene shifted that scene of unrivaled beauty deteriorated as leaves began to fall slowly vines turning yellow from decay, the whole forest seemed to change in moments, the sky, over it was a midnight black covered in clouds. A lightning bolt rained down smashing into the ground causing a spark of unnatural fire, which was contained in a certain location, before it dissipated into thick black smoke, smoke which had slowly wafted across the sky.

A forest of death, of decay, the feeling of corpses dangling from roots, the tree’s just as big, but covered in scorch marks, signs of war of decay beyond you could see the remains of old ruins, falling over leaning , was this a old settlement after all?.. The darkness and the blood everywhere, it looked like pain and suffering insanity, the soft laughter which had expanded from the forest depths, not any normal laughter, it was soft, but sickeningly twisted, like a psychopath ready to spring into action, to rip and kill blood seeping down the tree’s as more bodies had slowly began showing up falling from the tree’s themselves . . . Just what was going on, as blood piled up, the sky was flickering, as if it was a image, turning itself a sickening black, no stars nothing , just a pure black sheet which felt oppressive, the cold wind blowing through howling its horrible cries its sickening plights, and pleas the pain the slow ominous lack of everything vines growing through ruined towns, the old beautiful forest had begun changing further.

The center pond, slowly had drained red, bodies piling up in its center floating in the once clear water bodies of children, of women, of men, the blood draining completely out , the scent of decay the scent of rancor and rancid meat. It was intoxicating sickening, the waterfall that once. Overflowed with water had been dripping blood bodies, smashing into the rocks below. The dark woods, at the bottom, had a underlying greyish tint to them dead tree’s which had brown leaves rustling in the wind, the fog was getting thicker as slowly deep in the forest something rather sickening, and strange had been amiss, amongst the broken bodies, just what was this forest, hundreds of bodies falling everywhere the wails of those who had slowly been dying, falling down into the abyss.

Deeper in still was a swamp with rotten bodies, floating in the muck the grime, the sickening feeling that was coming from this place was almost inpalpible, magnolia Cylix, sat there her eyes blank and closed but they had despair riddled in them, despair and madness. She stared at the water as she slowly had raised her hands which had been covered in what was undoubtedly blood, her blade slowly ripping out of its sheath out of her chest, it lay on either side while her eyes which had been closed slowly opened lightning calculations raging, as she seemed to be in a bankai state, lightning could be seen flying down from the sky smashing into the swamp in random places slowly adding blood fueled flames which expanded outwards slowly it crackled on the tree’s burning blood and bark, but not the tree’s themselves which seemed to stay regardless of how many times they had been struck.

In the distance there was a mountain, a small one but a mountain no less, controlling lightning output, she took the massive force of lightning in the atmosphere above her controlling it, as it caused it to go into her railgun, which charged as she had formed a 300foot ball of hardened blood. This was shot out with a huge crack , due to the size and inertia it had the force needed, moments later in a mile distance the mountain had exploded from the collision and impact it caused the explosion of lightning and condensed blood to shoot outwards blowing part of it off the north face of the mountain was gone smoke raising up as this looked like nothing more than a battle field, no lives left it, it just slowly was with the warmth of so much blood running everywhere it seemed to be raging out of control.

Slowly now though magnolia’s eyes looked into the distance, as she sat covered in blood her outrageous spiritual pressure expanding outwards creating atleast a crater of 3 miles wide in which blood filled the blood from the earth welling up filled this area, a mile deep 3 miles wide, was covered in pure blood as slowly she was looking up her mind wasn’t there it was in despair, from all of claire’s memories inside her she had remembered it all. .


Beyond Whats Known 2: [private Shizuo and Ravana and moose] FooterForMagnolia-2

Last edited by Shizuo on Sat Oct 26, 2013 4:04 pm; edited 1 time in total

Beyond Whats Known 2: [private Shizuo and Ravana and moose] LzZCuy7
Beyond Whats Known 2: [private Shizuo and Ravana and moose] BtXe12b
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Beyond Whats Known 2: [private Shizuo and Ravana and moose] Empty Re: Beyond Whats Known 2: [private Shizuo and Ravana and moose]

Fri Oct 25, 2013 10:39 pm
Beyond Whats Known 2: [private Shizuo and Ravana and moose] 24y4nxh

"Damn, where did that girl get to?" For a while now the strange... naked girl Ravana had met within a very odd forest in the Soul Society had been missing... in the sense that he had no clue where she was. While he hadn't been too worried at first, as she was after all a grown woman and could make her own decisions from what he could tell, it had still been a while, and given the state he first met Magnolia in... well, let's just say that it was quite possible for the girl to get into some serious trouble. Of course, aside from simply just being worried, her words from their first meeting still echoed within his mind. He had kinda promised to try and make her happy, and aside from a small feeling of embarrassment at remembering some of what he had said to her, he did want to make good on that promise. Besides, while he had been the one cautioning that they should take things at a reasonable pace... well, he did still want to get to know her more and grow closer to her. "I really hope this doesn't come back to bite me in the ass."

Not really knowing where he would find Magnolia, Ravana had decided that the best place to start would be where they had first met. That mysterious forest definitely seemed to have some kind of connection to Magnolia, and while he did know that she was a member of the Rinyūaru... he didn't quite know enough about the organization to go asking where she might be; not to mention that Zefonse kinda scared the crap outta him. Of course, while it did take him a bit to actually find said forest once again, as soon as he got headed in the right direction there was no doubt in his mind that she was actually there. It wasn't anything too special that alerted him to her presence... just the fact that he could quite clearly feel her spiritual pressure from even this far away; and could tell just how high it was. Sighing a bit to himself, Ravana knew that something was definitely going on, making him really wish that he had come after her a bit sooner. Still, there really wasn't much that he could do now to change that, and after the second spent in hindsight, the only thought on his mind was to go to Magnolia's side. "Let's just hope she actually has her clothes this time... it's starting to get cold out here."

As Ravana made his way back into the forest he had first met Magnolia in, he noticed the very distinct differences even as he approached it. Hell, even calling the place a forest anymore seemed kinda wrong; much less Ferngully and much more The Nightmare Before Christmas. The whole place just seemed dead... and looked it too with all of the decaying plant life and ominous blood everywhere. Scratch the earlier comparison, this place was definitely giving off a Silent Hill vibe; all it needed were a few scantily-clad nurses and an overcompensation monster and the place would be spot on. Of course, while the whole aesthetic change was definitely startling and in no way lost on Ravana... it didn't actually "scare" him. Now, he was obviously on edge and expecting something to jump out and attack him, as evidenced by his Zanpakutō secured at his waist and ready to be drawn, but none of it was actually a frightening sight. Sure, he had never actually seen anything quite like this, but... it all just seemed too surreal to be frightening; as if none of it actually existed. The entire place just felt like an illusion; something crafted to be horrifying but so over the top that it was obviously trying to be scary. That, along with the fact that, as with before he was more worried about Magnolia, and Ravana just didn't have the time to be afraid... though he could definitely do without the smell.

As he kept going, Ravana began to notice the dead bodies, and his concern only grew. It still wasn't making him afraid of the place, but instead was making him more and more worried for Magnolia's well being. It was rather obvious by now that this place shared some kind of connection to Magnolia; though what that was he had no idea. Of course, it was quite clear that he was getting close to Magnolia now; not only because he could feel her spiritual pressure intensifying but because out of nowhere, a nearby mountain just... exploded. Well, it wasn't "nearby" enough that Ravana was in danger because of it, and in reality he could tell that something had been shot at said mountain to cause the explosion, but nonetheless it was still rather sudden. Then again, given some of the people he knew, a mountain getting destroyed was sadly a relatively normal thing... though it was still slightly alarming as it did mean that something was going on.

Picking up his pace, Ravana was growing more and more worried for Magnolia; thankfully though he soon came upon her. Needless to say, judging from her high spiritual pressure, the rather large crater she was standing in, and her bloody appearance it was quite clear that something was definitely wrong with Magnolia. Thankfully, both because of his experience and the passive "Heroic Determination" ability granted him by Iku-sen Kireme, Ravana was unaffected by her high spiritual energy alone; but even then it could be quite dangerous getting close to Magnolia as she was now. Of course, as one who knew him might have expected, none of this danger was important to Ravana, and he showed no hesitation in going to her side. Using a few well-timed shunpo, he was soon within the crater; though he walked the rest of the distance towards Magnolia so as not to surprise her. "Sure seems odd that we keep meeting here, doesn't it?" he asked as he approached her, his tone, while obviously attempting to be upbeat, held a very clear note of concern. While he doubted that a simple joke would actually help anything... well, it was just in his nature to try and lighten the mood. Walking closer, Ravana was now pretty much at Magnolia's mercy; while he may not be affected by her spiritual pressure, if she were to attack him at this distance, there really wouldn't be much he could do. However, choosing to show faith in her, he kept going; keeping a slow pace until he was finally within arm's reach of her. Taking a deep breath, Ravana lifted his arm; bring it up to rest lightly against her shoulder before speaking. "Let me help you... Magnolia."

Beyond Whats Known 2: [private Shizuo and Ravana and moose] 28cnex2
Ravana Ichiro~Ex-Captain Vizard/Vizard Corps Co-leader~0-3+
Toshizo Hijikata~The Demon Commander~0-3+
Diablo Cortar~The Cutting Devil/Segunda Espada~0-3-
Albert Wesker~Biohazard~0-4++
Dracula Vlad Tepes~The Dark Lord~0-4
Okita Souji~Sexy and I know it~0-5+
Alfonso Gunter Reinhold~Evil Bastard~W.I.P.
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Beyond Whats Known 2: [private Shizuo and Ravana and moose] Empty Re: Beyond Whats Known 2: [private Shizuo and Ravana and moose]

Sat Oct 26, 2013 12:09 am
Shizuo wrote:

Word Count:3017
Posting music: Nightcore: Into the fire
Power Type: N/A
Power Tier: N/A
Favorite Lyrics:"N/A" - N/A

Slowly she raised her hand as she had spun around her eyes looking like blank slates, her fist coming out as it vanished it would have pressed against his chest, lightning speeding up in a split second, literally enough that the ground shattered around them on impact her eyes remaining blank and indifferent while instead of like previously as her hair flew around her, those eyes didn’t love, didn’t feel. Didn’t he forget what she had told him?.. But the fact was it wasn’t any old object this time, as her arm began to hiss, blood running from it she had turned ravana into the railgun’s ammo, shooting him off at ballistic speeds, the acceleration so large that he’d have broke the ground ripping a path of destruction, and literally smashed afterwards into the mountain hard enough that he flew through it the remainder of the inertia from the rail gun smashing and blowing up the remains of the mountain, but ravana if he hadn’t dodged, would have been smashed into the ground beyond that mountain, creating a huge seismic shockwave, the ground exploded, the earth shook, as she slowly looked up and her energy was spiking, blood running from her eyes.

Her spiritual energy, blew up cleaving a huge hole in the ground, burning away rubble with its property, Shatter, compressing and compressing from that moment, the 3 mile crater becoming a 3 mile hole in the ground with waterfalls of blood descending its depths, her eyes had been indifferent as she had slowly fell forward following ravana’s path , the air blowing up as she reversed the polarity of her feet, causing as her clothes rippled in wild abandon and her hair streamed behind her, for her to all but vanish, her expression was completely blank, a inhuman killing machine, the Advent Of Despair, the seed that had blossomed at long last. Her shield came forward over where he had been, magnetic polarity flipped, acceleration field accelerated it, but her shield had used Repel aswell, exploding a highly concentrated outward burst on the end of the shield, enough that a corona of blue exploded from the ground, which shattered on contact with her spiritual pressure. Causing for the ground to fly up into the air as she slowly landed, blood running from her eyes, from the massive amount of spiritual pressure which exuded from her body now though she had reversed the polarity pulling the rubble together .

Then it blot out the sky, her polarity shift, in her magnetic field had by method of pulling up solid slabs of rock around a half mile each condensed them into a mile thick , even though her magnetic polarity wasn’t that large normally it made it so she created a small moon of sorts, by complex electrocontrol within the rock slabs, she had used her electricity skill to electromagnetize the object, not her magnetic field itself, and because of this slowly she had as her arm began to hiss skin burning off, Had fired that massive ball as another Railgun, causing for the fact that this orb was massive and the speeds, as she had instead of firing it right away dragged it up with her around a mile into the air, and then fired it, the orb came down and was literally accelerating at around 5000+ mph, as it would have shot down colliding in milliseconds with the ground. This would cause the whole forest, horizon to horizon to literally explode it looked like a meteor smashed into the ground a meteor crater expanding outwards, many miles in width, it was intense and insane, all you could see was the tree’s flying everywhere, fuck mountains the entire forest vanished under this massive explosion, from inertia , and just how big the object she had shot was.

Magnolia stood there as the massive cloud shot up into the sky, causing snow to begin to fall, lava boiling up from the earths mantle, as the massive explosion had smashed 3 miles deep atleast, and was wide enough that it destroyed most of the forest, fire streams shooting up into the sky as she slowly looked around the battle field her eyes blank. . .

“..Despair is Absolute”

Beyond Whats Known 2: [private Shizuo and Ravana and moose] FooterForMagnolia-2

Beyond Whats Known 2: [private Shizuo and Ravana and moose] LzZCuy7
Beyond Whats Known 2: [private Shizuo and Ravana and moose] BtXe12b

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Beyond Whats Known 2: [private Shizuo and Ravana and moose] Empty Re: Beyond Whats Known 2: [private Shizuo and Ravana and moose]

Sat Oct 26, 2013 9:02 pm
Beyond Whats Known 2: [private Shizuo and Ravana and moose] 24y4nxh

As soon as he got close to Magnolia, Ravana knew without a doubt that something was wrong... but it was much worse than he had feared. Even before Magnolia made a move, once he was this close to her Ravana could tell that she was not in her right state of mind. It wasn't just that her spiritual pressure was overflowing, obviously indicating to him that she was in her Bankai, but also... well, he couldn't quite put his finger on it, but there was definitely something off about her energy this time around; something much darker. Because of this premonition, Ravana knew that he would have to act fast; not to harm Magnolia, but to protect himself. Even if she had lost control, lost her mind, he would refuse to harm her, but in this situation he would have to act to protect himself... and to protect Magnolia from herself. And so, because of this, before Magnolia even turned to face him, Ravana, with a simple mental command, released his own Bankai; Yugami no Iku-sen Kireme. Normally, Ravana would have to go through the stages of his Shikai before being able to activate his Bankai, but right now was a special situation, and as such his Zanpakutō Spirit choose to allow him access. Of course, because of the nature of his Bankai, not much changed for him appearance wise; the only physical difference being that his sheathed sword looked far more ornate with a winged figure for the guard. However, while his appearance may have been the same, his spiritual pressure definitely showed the signs of change.

Bracing himself as Magnolia moved to punch him, Ravana diverted a portion of his reiatsu to where her strike would land; helping to fortify his defenses and soften the impact of the blow. Of course, the damn thing still hurt, but while it still left its impact on the ground, Ravana himself was relatively unscathed... though he'd definitely be feeling that one in the morning. However, said punch had not been all that Magnolia had in store apparently, and Ravana knew just what was coming. Well... he did know what Magnolia was going to do, as he had seen the effects of her railgun first hand, he didn't quite know that she was going to try and use him as her ammo. That being said, Ravana still knew quite well how destructive that thing could be, and seeing as he neither wanted to have something shot at him or be shot out of the damned thing, he knew he had to take action. Sighing internally to himself, Ravana knew full well that he only had one option to avoid this attack without also harming Magnolia, though in all honesty he hated having to use it unless he absolutely had to; it was kinda his trump card after all. However, there was no time to think in this situation, let alone regret what he had to do, so without wasting any more time Ravana let lose his ace in the hole; the ability simply known as "A Frozen Reality-Selective Distortion".

Because of the nature of Iku-sen Kireme's reality-based powers, there was no real warning to this abilities activation, save for a momentary spike in Ravana spiritual pressure. However, once it had been used, Magnolia would find that she was no longer able to use her railgun ability; its existence being blocked out for as long as Ravana remained in his Bankai state. Of course, while he had saved himself from the railgun, it was quite clear that he was still in danger; that Magnolia was not yet done with her destructive path. Reluctantly, Ravana had to use a shunpo to create some distance between himself and Magnolia as her spiritual pressure began to skyrocket yet again; a clear indication that she was getting ready to preform another attack. While he didn't know the full details or scope of Magnolia's powers, Ravana had deduced that they had something to do with electricity and magnetism... given the fact that the electrical charges in her reiatsu were kinda hard to miss. Still, while he had a small grasp of what she could be capable of, once again thanks to the destruction of the mountain upon his arrival, it did not prepare him for what was yet to come.

Ravana watched as Magnolia somehow used her powers of magnetism and most likely polarity to create what could only be described as a meteor out of the debris from the surrounding area that was quickly being destroyed. Although he had disabled her railgun ability, Ravana was quite sure that she would still be able to wreak some sort of destruction with such a massive attack; her increasing spiritual pressure only confirming this fact. "Damnit! Magnolia, snap out of it!" he shouted to her, though by now he was pretty confident that his words would have no effect. Once again Ravana was stuck in a situation where he did not have many options to both stop Magnolia's attack as well as keep from harming her. Oh, that wasn't to say that he had no clue what to do, as he did have a certain plan in mind, just... well, it would probably end up destroying as much of this place as if he had not stopped the attack. However, seeing as it would keep both himself and Magnolia safe, Ravana really saw no other option; and so letting out a sigh, Ravana raised both of his hands up towards the meteor that Magnolia had created, before he began to speak. "Seeping crest of turbidity. Arrogant vessel of lunacy! Boil forth and deny! Grow numb and flicker! Disrupt sleep! Crawling queen of iron! Eternally self-destructing doll of mud! Unite! Repulse! Fill with soil and know your own powerlessness! Hadō number ninety: Kurohitsugi!"

As the incantation to Ravana's kido spell rang throughout the whole forest, a noticeable change began to take place within him as the full powered spell began to materialize. Up unto this point, Ravana had been keeping his spiritual pressure in check; even as he had entered his Bankai he had been keeping his reiatsu in balance. Now, however, with his true skill in kido revealed with his full incantation Hadō number ninety, his spiritual energy too began to skyrocket; increasing to a point where it could rival even Magnolia's. Of course, this great rise in Ravana spiritual pressure was not the only noticeable change in the area; for as soon as the black box of energy began to form and grow until it was enveloping the entirety of Magnolia's meteor the entire forest seemed to become distorted. While the spell had the ability to distort time and space on a very small level when used with its incantation by a kido master, when Ravana used it in his Bankai, there was a bit of an added effect. Because his Zanpakutō already had the ability to manipulate and distort space on its own, not only was the destructive power of this spell increased, but so too were the spatial distortions. While these added effects would not harm him or Magnolia, as the only damage radius of the spell was inside of the black coffin's grasp, the spatial distortions would have been quite prominent throughout a large radius of the forest; bending space and bringing the entire place down to its knees.

As the spell finally reached its culmination, its energy rising to the highest levels as the spears finally penetrated the coffin, nothing but the energy used for the spell could be felt from within its confines. Even as the black box began to disintegrate, its usage over for the time being, nothing could even be seen in its collapse; all that was left in its wake being ashes. Of course, as the spell finally vanished, Ravana hunched over; catching his breath momentarily from the stress of casting such a destructive kido. He was still able to stand and fight, but he needed this short break to stabilize his energy; though soon he returned to a standing position and looked towards Magnolia. "Magnolia, snap out of it! I'm here to help y-" he began to shout, before being cut off by a rather unpleasant sight. Even before he had finished speaking, the one person that he really did not want to see right now... well, at least one of them, had appeared before him and was currently by Magnolia's side; Claire. While he remembered Magnolia's words about how she was connected to the Memory Rosary known as Claire Clixx, he did not know how they were connected; just that Claire had somehow harmed Magnolia in the past. And, of course, given what had just happened, there was no doubt in his mind that she was somehow involved in what Magnolia was currently going through; and from his perspective it could have only been in a negative way.

Unfortunately, because of both the distance between them and Ravana, as well as the heat of the moment, he did not catch any of the words that Claire spoke to Magnolia. Really, all that Ravana knew know was that he had to get Magnolia away from Claire somehow... however, because Claire was currently holding onto Magnolia, and seemed to have some sort of power locked over her, he was once again left with very few options. Even though he was protected from Claire's control thanks to Iku-sen Kireme's passive "Existence Clause" ability, just rushing in and attacking her was completely out of the option; not only was Claire still dangerous even if she couldn't control him, but he would also run the risk of harming Magnolia, and he just could not do that. In all reality, there was only one option now that Ravana was left; though he despised having to use it more than anything else he had already been pushed to do. However, given Claire's interference, he had no more choice; and so with one last reluctant sigh, Ravana set about his last resort.

Slowly yet methodically, Ravana began to raise his right hand up to his face; all the while a dark energy began to consume it: the energy of his hollow half. Of course, as soon as his hand reached his face, Ravana wasted no time in completing his goal, and in one quick motion he had swiped his hand across his face; leaving behind his hollow mask. However, this was not the end to his plan, and as his spiritual pressure began to rise yet again, he cast his gaze up at Claire and Magnolia. "I did not wish to resort to this, but you leave me no choice... I will protect her" he spoke, his voice distorted because of the effects of his hollow mask. With that said, Ravana finally drew his Zanpakutō, and holding it towards the sky, he shouted "Rise, Iku-sen Kireme: Mil Pesadillas!"

As soon as the words had been spoken, a torrent of red and silver energy began to engulf Ravana as he began to unleash his Resurrección. Though it may have only taken a few seconds, the outburst of energy from Ravana was immense, and it was quite clear that he was no longer holding himself back any longer. Granted, as soon as the energy cleared and Ravana stood there in his hollowified form it was also quite clear that he would be leaving nothing to chance here in protecting Magnolia. Without wasting a moment, Ravana raised his left hand, his right still holding his Zanpakutō, and pointed it towards Claire and Magnolia. "Movimiento Forzado" he spoke the name of his first Torture Teleportation technique, his tone rather low, though still distorted because of the hollow energy. Once that was said, the ability took effect, and in the blink of an eye Magnolia's was teleported away from Claire and to his side; as he held her close now with his left arm. Once again, thanks to the Existence Clause, Claire's power would not be able to stop this ability... as well as a few other factors of its usage. In reality, Ravana had not actually moved Magnolia at all; instead, he had exchanged the space that Magnolia occupied with the space directly next to himself. Without moving at all she had been brought to his side; and he would not let go of her. Looking back towards Claire, there was an obvious feeling of hostility towards her, mainly because he only knew her as Kin's Shadow and from his point of view the one who had hurt Magnolia. However, were Claire to actually pay attention, it would have been abundantly obvious that Ravana meant no harm whatsoever to Magnolia; his aura giving off his intent to protect. "I don't know how you're involved in all of this... but I will not let you harm Magnolia!"

Beyond Whats Known 2: [private Shizuo and Ravana and moose] 28cnex2
Ravana Ichiro~Ex-Captain Vizard/Vizard Corps Co-leader~0-3+
Toshizo Hijikata~The Demon Commander~0-3+
Diablo Cortar~The Cutting Devil/Segunda Espada~0-3-
Albert Wesker~Biohazard~0-4++
Dracula Vlad Tepes~The Dark Lord~0-4
Okita Souji~Sexy and I know it~0-5+
Alfonso Gunter Reinhold~Evil Bastard~W.I.P.
Hanako Ikezawa~Malignant Tragedy~5-5*
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Beyond Whats Known 2: [private Shizuo and Ravana and moose] Empty Re: Beyond Whats Known 2: [private Shizuo and Ravana and moose]

Sat Oct 26, 2013 10:06 pm
Shizuo wrote:
Shizuo wrote:

Word Count:3017
Posting music: Nightcore: Into the fire
Power Type: N/A
Power Tier: N/A
Favorite Lyrics:"N/A" - N/A

as her mouth opened blood splattered from it, her body began to break apart, seals coming apart put there in the past by kisuke urahara these had been seals that been there to fix the massive spiritual pressure that she had, spiritual pressure so big it could harm herself. As these seals one by one shattered the work of the great former zero division member, kisuke urahara had broken as the seals shattered her body shattering in her it was magnolia who’s mouth opened a scream that was loud enough that it could break eardrums, her mask slowly forming as it was glowing black the unsettled spiritual pressure creating what was a vacuum of electrical energy which was expanding outwards while blood welled up the forest warping distorting had begun to grow and twist as blood ignited around her turning her spiritual pressure turning ghoul green. While spiritual pressure had begun to harden around her.

It happened around when hope was being pushed back into magnolia. It happened spiritual pressure expanding beyond the brink a tail forming on her back, horns having ripped apart above her head, blood splattering out in her body while her hands had raised above her head lightning slowly gathering within a 3 mile radius, sucking inward it was growing in power in size expanding down her body as wings of energy began to expand out of her back covering her in destructive energy as she had all but screamed this time the scream was insanity incarnate, spiritual pressure expanding out from her as the black coffin had begun to explode her own soul having shattered in the process beginning to split apart from the daily stress from the warring entities Despair, and Hope, both had been introduced now, as the signature of despair had only just been removed, memories had been pulled in her mind couldn’t handle the despair. Nor could it handle the strain of war, her boyfriend she had just met, her mom that she had just met, if they both wanted her, how could she not go to both? Her soul was pulled in two directions, the instability that had been going on for months was slowly hitting a climax, the alter personality that had just been only quenched was resurfacing but it was finally fed by hundreds of memories, claires memories had drawn it from the depths of her mind, that cage had broke free.

This was not nero that came out, no nero was just a chrysalis of sorts, a incomplete entity that had begun the journey at the same time that magnolia had changed. Even if Claire wanted to give her everything back, she was created to be a seed of despair to this world, even if she didn’t want it to happen, fate was cruel. Inside her body a dark metamorphosis was taking place, one that was insane, sickening. It had been seen many times before, the sudden surge in spiritual pressure, the insanity that was nero, but the cold cunning of magnolia’s lost mask. Memories and blood, bleeding and insanity, all of these things had been at one point churning inside of her, the lonely nights, the bloodied days, all of it was spiraling out of control expanding in her heart the dark aura expanding down around her, which slowly had begun to bleed her back bulging as the shattering was continuing something feral was going on inside, the hell the insanity, the war inside her soul the violent changing of mood, the inability seen in many situations, was coming to a close, it was now at its breaking hour, this was what happened when hell was released on earth.

It happened first as her spiritual pressure began to conflict with itself her eyes turning a dull silver instead of the normal Gold and Blue. It was expanding outwards and building inside her, the beast was wanting to be let out. Her body shuddered as slowly her eyes opened and seemed to glow energy was beginning to amass around her lightning fast calculations going in her head. Expanding variables ratio’s her hands slowly came up as she materialized a strange pair of gloves which had expanded wrapping up her arms, lightning glowing turning from black to white rings forming from the fringe of her hands as magnetic polar wrapped into the ground the air between the two forces, it ripped up a wall which split them apart a mile in height was extending outwards a electric flame rotating in her hand, as her eyes slowly opened and she had exhaled, her spiritual pressure exploding, easily 3 times what it had been ever max.

“..Despair, Who gives a crap, There is one thing, Ashes from ashes, Dust To Dust. This is the world, until it busts. “

Annihilator slowly said . . .

(Links to threads that caused this to happen below)

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Beyond Whats Known 2: [private Shizuo and Ravana and moose] FooterForMagnolia-2

Beyond Whats Known 2: [private Shizuo and Ravana and moose] LzZCuy7
Beyond Whats Known 2: [private Shizuo and Ravana and moose] BtXe12b

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Beyond Whats Known 2: [private Shizuo and Ravana and moose] Empty Re: Beyond Whats Known 2: [private Shizuo and Ravana and moose]

Sun Oct 04, 2015 11:11 pm

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
┣▇▇▇═─          ☠          ─═▇▇▇┥

It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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