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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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It's Time to Finish This Empty It's Time to Finish This

Mon Nov 25, 2013 2:22 am
The last two days had been extremely difficult, but also eye opening to the filth that plagued his city. In the past two days he had been introduced to a threat known as "The Vipers". They are a dangerous gang which do everything from small thefts up to murder. They were a disease upon Karakura and because he saw no one attempting to fix it, and because they had now effected his friends Shinwoo decided it was now time to deal with them. It was his time to stand for what he believed and to put into action what he had trained his entire life for.

The first time he had seen these enemies they were attempting a theft upon an innocent couple in a small group. He fought and stopped them, but unintentionally allowed one to escape. This left it open for what happened the next day. His friends and him were targeted. Though none of his friends were harmed he was injured and needed to be saved. Although he did something odd happened. A man appeared and quickly defeated the enemies that were fight Shinwoo. He also taught him something new about his fighting style and fighting in general. Although it was an odd instance he was given the ideas and freedom to become a fighter instead of just a martial artist. A threat. After defeating the second group of people he found something among the wreckage of their car that led him to where he was now. Standing outside of a rundown hotel in the outskirts of town it is a 4 story building with.

Shinwoo walked to an old cracked door and opened it walking inside the door slammed shut behind him. There was a single person across the room a creepy looking older man looking at him. He walked across and looked at the man and said

"Where is he the one who leads "The Vipers"?"

The man had a blank expression on his face and said to Shinwoo.

"If you can make it to the top of the hotel then you will find the one you seek."

The man then pointed to the near by staircase directing Shinwoo to it so he took the staircase up to the second floor. Starting at the second floor was a long and narrow hallway to the staircase to the next floor. As he just stepped into the hall a man stepped out who happened to be the man whom he had accidentally let escape the first time he had met this group. So the first thing Shinwoo did was pull back his right fist and slammed it into the thug's face sending him screaming and flying to the other side of the hall.

"I'm glad you were the first one because you've caused me a hell of a lot of trouble!

Two dozen doors then opened followed by thugs exiting the rooms to see what the racket was. Shinwoo then went into a full on bum rush first front kicking the first thug in front of him sending him into 5 others followed sliding slightly to the left of the next one he encounter grabbing his ankle and spinning around throwing him through another four men. With some distance now in between him and his enemies he just started picking them off one by one with simple, but strong strikes.

With 13 left to encounter the first man he did a simple right hook to the face sending him into a wall. The next two came at once so he split them both putting his hands right under their chins knocking them off balance and slamming their heads into the ground. He continued with the group then rolling forward into a handstand kicking upwards at the next man's jaw sending him into the ceiling. Quickly jumping to his feet 4 more men rushed him. They were in two rows because of the narrowness of the hallway so Shinwoo gripped the skull of the first man to the left and did a straight kick to the one to the right sending his head into the one of the man behind him. He followed it with slamming the guys head whom he was grappling into the wall. He then blocked a wild blow from the last of the 4 and did a quick and decisive strike to the man's gut taking him out. With the last five he simply rushed forward and picked them off one by one. As he got to the staircase he stepped on the gut of the man whom he had first hit and continued up to the next level.

This level was different it was a wider room with 8 doors all together. 8 Men were already standing weapons ready in the middle of the room having heard the ruckus down stares had prepared for Shinwoo's arrival. Instead of bum rushing him these men were smarter and stronger than the ones down stares. These were some of the best in the gang from the appearance of their weapons and clothing.

"You've caused enough trouble for us you little bitch. Now it's time to die!

Shinwoo got into a ready stance as the first two rushed towards him. Last time he faced men this caliber his stale moves led to his defeat. This time though he would not make the same mistake. With his heart pumping and the adrenaline with in his body rising the man to the right of him had brass knuckles and the one to the left had twin clubs. At the same time they attacked. The man to Shinwoo's right through a right hook while the man to his left stabbed both of his clubs at Shinwoo's chest. Shinwoo knocked the clubs out to his right with his left hand blocking the strike from the brass knuckles and he then followed up with punching the back of the clubs with his right hand into the head of the man with the brass knuckles. Shinwoo followed that up with grabbing the wrists of the man with the clubs and doing a high knee at his elbows snapping his arms like twigs. The man dropped to his knees screaming in pain as the other one took advantage of Shinwoo's attack. He threw a jab to Shinwoo's ribs and connected but as he tried to throw a second one to his face Shinwoo caught it and gripped his hand and wrist. He then spun under the man's arm still holding on and twisting it behind his back to the point of ripping his shoulder out of socket. He did a quick punch to the back of the man's head then to knock him unconscious and to finish the other man he did a snap kick to the side of his head to do the same to him.

"I don't have all day so lets make this quick."

They all looked at each other with smiles on their faces and rushed Shinwoo. One with more brass knuckles two with dual knives two with Katana's and one with an axe. Shinwoo only knew one way to deal with this situation. He bum rushed the entire group and did a superman jump over the group getting grazed by the axe. He then rolled on the other side of them and struck two of them quickly behind the neck knocking them unconscious. He was then attacked on his left and right by an axe and by a katana. He jumped back and kicked the katana into the side lower back of one of the other men followed by grabbing onto the handle of the axe and lifting it up with the man still holding the other side and flipping it over knocking his head through the ground.

With 3 left one weaponless Shinwoo stepped to that man and kicked him in the head sending him flying into the wall. The other two attempted to stab into Shinwoo as he did and one of the knives succeeded stabbing into his ribs about an inch in on his left side as he jumped away. Shinwoo was determined to finish these bastards so he battled through the pain. He had to get close to finish these two off, but he couldn't do that without being creative so he picked up a chair and dashed towards them. At the last few feet he through the chair at their heads and while they were focused on that the slid under taking out their feet then turning to his stomach and jumping at them slamming both of his fists into the back of their heads knocking them unconscious.

Shinwoo stood up and looked around at the chaos he caused knowing it was all a means to an end made it easier for him to deal with what he had done, but it was still something that held a certain amount of difficulty for him.

Today he would eliminate the last of "The Vipers". If you cut the head off the rest of the body will die so that is exactly what he was going to do. He slowly walked up the steps as you could hear the creak of the old building. Each and every one adding to the tension already built up from this entire situation. As he reached the top and final floor he looked across a wide open room over to a huge man at least 8 feet tall with a very muscular build. He sat in a worn throne looking chair with a Greatsword in one hand and a two handed axe in the other.

"Your fuckin with the wrong person. Your going to die here pipsqueak

Shinwoo knew this was going to be the hardest fight he has ever had, but it was the only way he was going to be able to finish this. So he put his hands up in against the man with the giant weaponry and in a dash went straight after. His first move a superman punch to the man's face but with a speed that shouldn't have been with a man his size he easily did a front kick and knocked Shinwoo all the way back to the other side of the room. He got up in pain, but it wasn't anything he couldn't handle

"If that's is all you have rodent you are going to die."

Shinwoo couldn't understand this guys speed, and he knew if he got hit by those weapons that would be the end of him so he had to use his own speed to defeat this enemy. This time he cautiously approached and the man first did a downwards slash and followed it with a horizontal chop with his axe. Shinwoo barely side stepped the greatsword and couldn't do anything but step forward and being bombarded by the handle of the axe knocking him into the far wall to his left. The leader snickered at how easy this was to him. So he decided to drop his weapons and take him in hand to hand.

[color=purple]"Your not even worth me using my weapons. I will rip your limbs from your fucking body and kill you."

As Shinwoo was still recovering the giant of a man walked over to him and began to beat on him with massive shots. They were in random places including his torso and head. He kept beating him down and as he did Shinwoo dropped to his knees with blood dripping down his face he looked up at the leader and spit on him. With a psychotic smile and a snicker he field goal kicked him straight into the way making a impact into the wall. The leader walked over to his greatsword and lifted it from the ground. He slowly over as Shinwoo was now down on a single knee and barely conscious with that same defiant stare in his eyes Shinwoo looked up at him and was just silent. The man snickered and pulled his sword back readying for a horizontal slash to most likely chop his head off when the last thing he said was

"My men told me how much you value your friends. Those that were with you the other day I will find. I will make the squeal in pain and i'll make your little bitch my fuck slave. Die you fuckin rodent."

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It's Time to Finish This Empty Re: It's Time to Finish This

Thu Nov 28, 2013 12:13 am

Enter Fantasia

The sun smiled down on the streets of Karakura, delivering nothing but pleasant shine upon its denizens to give off the misapprehension of a wonderful day. The gust was weak and rather agreeable with pace of today's protagonists, our saviors and heroes. Had there been powerful currents, perhaps they would have slowed her down as she rushed to her target destination, as she was wearing a rather lengthy ebon cloak around her shoulders. It would catch the wind easily and be thrown aloft, flapping loudly in the most non-aerodynamic fashion possible, and keeping her back. Thankfully, such was not the case, as the elements of weather were with her this day. Many many times more physically inclined than a normal human being, Fantasia Nevermore—as her name was—leaped from rooftop to rooftop with a face of intent, cloak and blonde hair trailing behind her in her path of flight. Every day, she changed her hair, choosing this day to spread the locks of her head into two and wrap them both of them up in pigtails with a silvery band each. The pigtails would fall below her shoulder blades whenever she stopped to rest, but at this moment there was no time! Fantasia was impatient to get to her destination, the old abandoned hotel. The dilapidated building was tall and wide, but abandoned for the most part. It was dis-serviced a long time ago and only not yet knocked over because certain individuals had pleaded it as a historical building, safeguarded from demolition now by the mayor. It used to be a popular place to go even with the new Karakura Central being erected nearby... or so Fantasia had heard tales of... but now it was just an abandoned building that nobody bothered to see anymore. As it stood, it seemed only now to house thugs and lowlifes.

Fantasia landed on the cracked sidewalk in front of the building just then, kicking aside a wave of dust after coming down from a higher elevation. A view of the flexible armor beneath the black cloak could be seen for a moment before the flaps of the clothing surrounded her body completely. Now the only important thing to note besides this large cloak was the great broadsword on her back, which was called a Claymore from where she came. Nodding, she rushed forth up the paved way and leading into the flimsy-looking door with a flying kick. Her boot smashed against the face and sent the door flying off the hinges and into the building. Dust soared like a trail after the large projectile, and as it found an obstacle it would break into pieces with a loud crash, toppling the poor man at the other side of the room over and out cold. Fantasia, who did not seem to take notice of the poor greeter, found herself scanning the lobby for a way up. A staircase was nearby, and she was already moving in its direction. The path up the stairs was rickety and threatened to give way, but this teenage blond female was deft on her feet, managing to ascend up the multitude of floors without so much as a creak. At the second floor though, she gave pause to the sight of dozens of men sprawled out across the thin hallway, groaning in pain or otherwise no longer conscious, none of them seeming to want to get up. Still, once her eyes set on the next set of stairs up on the other side of the hall, she resumed her trek, breaking out into a run down it. With seeming ease, she leapt at the foot of the pile of bodies and cleared each and every one of them with flying grace. She didn't look back as she moved onward, needing to be at the top floor as soon as possible.

The third floor was much the same, littered with fallen bodies of bulky thug-like men, who seemed particularly upset at their current state of being; apparently with all their muscles and all their weapons, still they could not beat this strange infiltrator. Fantasia disregarded them and continued, making haste to the fourth floor. She could her clangs and crashes up above, only inspiring Fantasia to quicken her climb to the top. Her ears picks up the last few words of a man's deep voice just before she shot into the room with a battle cry, gleaming metal spinning off of Fantasia's back and intercepting the killing blow with a loud metal clang that rung through the atmosphere. Whereas the kingpin of whatever gang that inhabited this old hotel may have been surprised at this, Fantasia had already drawn her Claymore back for another swing, and used surprising force to bang into her opponent's weapon and send it flying helplessly to the side of the room with a metal cacophony. The man would stumble back several steps before regaining his balance, cocking his chin up haughtily and laughing a deep hoarse chuckle. Whatever the case, the blond female had put herself between this evil character and the injured young boy behind her. There was a moment of silence, where the man stared down upon the two kids, obviously thinking that he was better than them, and Fantasia was just holding her gargantuan sword threateningly in the direction of said man. But the silence would finally be broken with a cruel insult directed towards the boy at the back. ''Who's this now? Some lady friend you brought along to fight your battles for you? This is pathetic, boy, just pathetic.''

Fantasia would growl defensively, not personally knowing this person she was trying to save, but still protective of him. This was all the justification she needed to fight and bring justice upon this lawless gorilla. That's when she sensed another presence behind her, besides the boy. ''Don't let this tough guy's act fool you, Fantasia. He's actually quite a wimp from what I can tell.'' The voice was feminine, but quite obviously more mature—a woman's voice. Leaning in the doorway of the room was a mocha-colored woman with violet hair tied up in a ponytail. This one was much less modest with her choice of clothing, choosing to go with a sleeveless black outfit of her own that was unmistakably weaved for flexibility and functionality. The woman's sides of her torso could be seen through wide open areas on either the right or left of her, and almost nothing covered her the dark skin along her back besides a thin tie. In fact, you really could only say the front of this woman's upper body was covered by the apron-like top half of the outfit. Her legs, however, were very well concealed by skin-tight pants that stretched all the way down to her ankles, with the only unveiled skin being seen through small slits on both sides of her waist down her thighs. She had a smirk plastered upon her face as she observed this scene with arms crossed. The man, the boss of this so-called gang, met this newcomer's eyes hungrily, and dared speak his next words: ''It sure is getting crowded in here. Why don't you two kiddies run off and I'll spare your lives. Leave me with this girlie 'ere, eh?''

This was most certainly the wrong thing to say, as the woman in question shook her head at him in pity, feeling sorry for the pathetic fool. ''Fantasia, beat him to the ground.'' The blond looked back at her mentor and role model, and nodded quite vigorously in agreement. Shifting her sword to the side, she spun it around in her hand so that the tip was pointing toward the floorboards. Then, which one hand she shoved her weapon down and pierced the wood, sticking it firmly into the floor. ''Ha! She? Beat me into the ground? The only thing about to be pounding me is —'' He was about to finish with the punchline to an incredibly deplorable joke, before he was roughly cut off by the sound of his nose being broken. With a loud roar of fury, Fantasia launched herself at her enemy with a rocket punch aimed at his faced. There was a sickening crunch as her fist impacted the cartilage in his nose, and the thug was thrown across the room into the far wall with the impressive force behind her attack; a force one did not expect to see from a little girl of her stature, not more than sixteen years of age. Probably more surprising was her speed, which blurred her age and left little time to react to it. The poor boar of a man barely had time to come to terms with the searing pain of a broken nose before little lady was rushing at him again. His deadly axe still at hand through all of this would now come to use, beginning with a wild diagonal swing upwards at the uncoming target, hoping to cleave her to pieces. Not today, as Fantasia was displaying superior speed again. The axe head would whizz overhead as she leaned far to the side, and then leaped into a spinning back kick once it was passed. Her foot lashed out at the handle of the man's axe snapped it in half, sending the one part flying into the wall to their right where it stuck with a chink, and leaving him only with a pitiful wooden stake. That being the only weapon he had left at hand, he turned it around in his grasp like a dagger and stabbed downward as fast as he could, finding yet again that he couldn't keep up with the competition. Fantasia dodged, twisting around into his guard and clamping her arms down on his wrist. Using her unusual strength, she lifted the giant eight foot tall man from his feet and threw him over her shoulder. He came crashing back down like a wrecking ball, shattering the floorboards and falling down the floor below. The last thing the woman and the boy present would of her was her performing an eagle dive into the hole, resulting in a loud thud proceeded by various combative sounds.

''Hey, whatever your name is, boy, we should be getting you to the hospital for those wounds. You took quite a beating.'' Now that the clash had moved downstairs, this room seemed rather calm. The dark-skinned woman strode over to the young boy and kneeled next him to look at him with her amber eyes. She would trace her fingers delicately along his visible wounds, trying to watch for flinches from the boy just to test for pain. If he didn't react, he either was the toughest kid she ever had met, or he was numb and this was a serious problem. Irregardless, she was smiling, chatting with him to try and keep his attention on her, and keep him conscious. ''My name is Yoruichi Shihouin, nice to meet you. Can you tell me your name?'' More racket downstairs, another crash accentuated by shaking of the building's foundation. Yoruichi had no doubt that her student would not even have to try to crush this giant oaf, and he and his gang would no doubt be strung on lamp posts around the city for the police to come pick them up later.After all, she had trained Fantasia well. Her main concern was making sure this kid made it out all right, or else her charge would be upset. ''Can you stand up by yourself?''

Coding by: [TheFrost] || Graphics by: [The Frost]

Last edited by Phantasia on Sat Nov 30, 2013 4:52 pm; edited 1 time in total

It's Time to Finish This Qx494h
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It's Time to Finish This Empty Re: It's Time to Finish This

Thu Nov 28, 2013 4:24 am
In the moments as the huge blade was swung at Shinwoo it felt like an eternity of time even though it was a few mere moments. He felt remorse for not being able to protect his friends from these men who would now do their best to torture and kill them. He had naively believed that his strength was enough. He never had experienced a situation like this. Something where he was this close to death, and as the blade got closer and closer inch by inch the last thought he had was

I wish I would have had the strength to protect those whom I care for the most

As blood dripped down his face and his body radiated in pain in a loud metallic crashing sound a moment later though the sword went flying and Shinwoo was not dead. Matter of fact a young women stood in front of him with her longer sword and armor and she was the one whom had done it. He had ignored the man, but was curious as to who this was. He was wondering where she had come from, and how she had done as she just did. Coming to better terms with the pain he was in. His entire life he had to come into terms with pain. Not only with physical pain, but also mental, so the pain wasn't anything new. He continued to watch the situation unfold wondering how they would unfold.

Only a moment later another women enter except this one wasn't a young girl, but a women. The way she spoke was more laid back than the young girls speed, and she seemed like she held a certain interesting nature about her. Either way as she spoke he could see she was more than just a regular person. She was the superior in some way to the young women whom had saved his life, and as the larger man gave even stupider remarks it became more apparent as she ordered the girl to attack him.

With elegant movement and incredible speed the young women easily dispatched the larger man with movements and strikes at a timing he only wished he could obtain. As the man was thrown around like a rag doll the silence after it was actually a welcome change to what had been before it. The women with mocha skin then walked over to Shinwoo and spoke to him. With all the thoughts and questions that were going through his head some of the most apparent ones were

What is a beautiful women like this doing here?

Why did she save me?

Who is this really?

As knelt down next to him and traced her fingers around his wounds at first he flinched slightly, but adapted to it after the initial pain. Yoruichi was her name. He was curious as to who exactly she was but all he had was thanks for what her and the other girls had done.

Han Shinwoo is my name. Most just call me Shinwoo.

When she asked him if he could stand he put his right hand to the ground and left on his knee and pushed himself to his feet slowly. As he stood he looked at the hole in the ground where the large man had been flung through and then over at Yoruichi. He didn't know what exactly to think or feel right at this moment, but all he could think to do is ask her a couple simple questions.

"Yoruichi it is nice to meet you.. Yoruichi who are you? Who is that girl?
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It's Time to Finish This Empty Re: It's Time to Finish This

Sat Nov 30, 2013 5:56 pm

Exit Yoruichi

The visage of the young boy's face was daunting, battered with bruises and dripping with blood from the small cuts, nose, and mouth. Yoruichi had known well beforehand that this kid was just a normal powerless human, but seeing a mess like this done to him was still a jarring image. When she pressed her fingers around the injuries, there was indeed a reaction—a jerk of the muscles—that indicated he still had feeling, but the flow of blood still worried her. She would push herself to her feet and stand upright when she asked the boy to, moving cautiously with hands hovering nearby in case he fell. One stumble and she'd be there to catch him and bring him upright, but thankfully he was able to manage himself through whatever pain he was feeling. There was a hum of relief uttered from the woman's throat once he got up, letting her hands back away and her arms cross over her chest. After a moment of deliberate thought, Yoruichi began to suck up her spit into the back of her mouth, the sound of it rather impolite. Once enough was collected, she opened the palm of her right hand up to her mouth and hawked the saliva straight into it. Then, in an impersonal and forceful manner, she grabbed the back of his head with her left hand and pushed it toward her right, pressing her drool-covered fingers along the length of his wounds. It was awkward; it was embarrassing; there just was no fighting Yoruichi's strength though, as she just wiped the spit over his face. It was a good few seconds before she would release the boy from her vice grip, appreciating her work once it was finished.

''Hai Shinwoo it is,'' she finally spoke up, once getting a name from the human. ''So, Shinwoo, your outside wounds should be sealing up soon. As for the others, you might want to see a doctor just ot make sure they don't become anything serious.'' Sure enough, once Yoruichi said it, Shinwoo would probably notice a numbing feeling wherever the woman's saliva was spread, almost an anesthesia-type effect that blocked the pain. The cuts in his flesh would begin to stitch together, flesh knitting itself into one whole, the line only barely noticeable. The bruises began to clear up, lightening back to their normal skin tone almost mystically. Whatever was in Yoruichi's saliva, it certainly had some healing properties that would astound and amaze a normal human, though this was far behind being one of the woman's most incredible capabilities, and you couldn't tell just from looking at her. After all, she looked just as human as any other woman, albeit if not a little oddly dressed in her sleek outfit. The wonderment would soon be interrupted by another crash and tremor from downstairs, followed by a loud masculine yelp cut short for some reason. Then, silence, as no more sounds of rigorous combat persisted past that sound. It caused Yoruichi to turn her head in the direction of the gaping hole in the floor.

''Looks like our savior is done with her work...'' She glanced back, eyeing Shinwoo curiously. He had asked questions but the dark-skinned woman did not seem to have given him any answers. She seemed rather focused on other thoughts within her mind, minorly concerned with his silly questions. Rather, she would finally speak by asking a question of her own, one that was most important. ''...You gonna go see her? She came all the way over here to save your life, so it's the least you could do back. She's rather special, you know.'' Yoruichi gestured towards in the direction of the hole, trying to lead him to Fantasia. Hell, maybe they would even make a cute couple... or something; anything. Just to get the little tyke from pestering Yoruichi on a daily basis. Whether or not Shinwoo actually listened to her, she was finished here, not sensing any more trouble on the way. She could have probably gotten away with not coming at all, but Fantasia insisted. ''As for me, I'm no one special. Don't worry about that.'' Then, without further adieu, the woman vanished, not even leaving a trace as to which direction she had gone. Yoruichi just... disappeared.

Fantasia would be waiting below, heaving her bulky opponent over her back and preparing to take him somewhere, not straining in the least.

Coding by: [TheFrost] || Graphics by: Kaira

It's Time to Finish This Qx494h
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It's Time to Finish This Empty Re: It's Time to Finish This

Sat Nov 30, 2013 7:34 pm
As the women gripped the back of his head and slapped the spit on the back of his head the saliva was a really unpleasant feeling, but all he could do is take it with the pain he had and her extreme strength there was nothing he could do. It was gross and awkward, but he just took it. There was no reason besides the grossness to really care about it at this point. He thought this was really freaking odd. Especially after what just happened, but he didn't care much that it was happening.

He didn't exactly know what to think of this really odd person, but as his wounds began to heal and his pain began to dissipate he became more curious as to who she was and especially after that girl and taken out that man whom was that huge. After a moment of his wounds healing another large crash happened down stairs which was a bit startling, but after what he saw from her earlier not as surprising.

The women then seeming to prod him over to the hole disappeared in a near flash. He didn't know what happened to her, but after his wounds had healed up he could move around better. She was right though. She is the one who saved him so he walked over to the hole and peaked down into the hole. He then yelled down it at the girl

"Um... Hello?"

She was the one who had come to his rescue. His interest was a lot towards how she did, but also who she was and why she saved him. He had never seen anyone whom had capabilities like her before. He had questions, but the only one that seemed to matter at this time was who she was
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It's Time to Finish This Empty Re: It's Time to Finish This

Sun Dec 01, 2013 2:28 am

A Protector

Unconscious, not dead. When Fantasia put her fingers to the thick neck of her fallen foe, she found the pulse still beating away, if not a little slower than normal. For as strong as he appeared with his gigantic muscles, impending height, and intimidating weaponry, he was without power. The small blonde was able to toss him around like a punching bag, and dance around him as if he was a clumsy toddler. Had he even laid a finger upon her, chances were it would achieve nothing—not a scratch nor a bruise. This was not because of the armor she wore; Fantasia was deceptively powerful, as anyone with a sense of spiritual energy would be able to detect. Having fought with Yoruichi in her exhausting training regimen, to be tripped up by a fight like this would be nothing but an embarrassing mar upon her, just unacceptable! After all, if her goal was to slay the darkest horrors of Hueco Mundo, then she needed to be strong. For now, she would have to do with protecting the innocents and taking down the low-life crime that, unfortunately, could be found in the dirty parts of the city such as this. Someone—Fantasia didn't know exactly who—had defeated the majority of the thugs in this building, which made things easier. Now with her handiwork in toppling their head poncho, this gang could be dealt with properly, removed as a threat from the metropolis of Karakura.

Realizing that the man was out cold, Fantasia would be grabbing him by his meaty arm and tossing him over her shoulder and onto her back with a light thump. Albeit his size encompassed her body and more, the teenage girl was able to stand up straight rather easily, toting him like he was nothing more than a bag of feathers—one massive pillow. His dangling limbs barely scratched the dusty wooden planks of the floor, swinging lazily whenever Fantasia turned. And considering she would be hearing a voice from above call out to her timidly, there would indeed be some turning around. She looked at the broken ceiling, where falls of dust were still slowly cascading to the ground, and light from the above room was shining down into the dim section of the building Fantasia was in, much like a sunray breaking through the clouds. She walked forth, into the light to catch sight of he who called her, finding that the voice belonged to the boy she had saved. Well, it was the first time she had heard him, so it was an interesting first impression. After further study, however, Fantasia noticed the red streaks of fresh painted down his face. This widened her eyes rather swiftly, and in one blurry movement, she was beside Shinwoo with the large man over her shoulders. She held the man with one arm while the other hand drifted along Shinwoo's face tenderly. ''H-Hey... are you okay?'' she asked, faint and excessively feminine, giving him his first listen of her own voice. She hadn't seen what Yoruichi had done, far too busy beating up a bad guy to really observe what had transpired between the two above her. ''What's your name? And where did Yoruichi-sama go? Did she leave already? And what were you doing here?!''

The last question was by far the most important, as Fantasia's face turned into a furious frown while she asked it. Still, even her most terrifying face wasn't very scary, as though she was incapable of being a frightening person; when she raised her voice it still wasn't very loud, as was her nature. Back to the point, though, her question still hung in the air, demanding an answer. She didn't know why this boy was here taking on a small army of gangsters and mobsters, but he was, and had Fantasia not heard of this brawl from Yoruichi, chances were no one would have come to save his life. His timeline could have ended a minute ago because he charged headlong into such daunting odds. It just... worried her that there were good people in this world doing things like this and possibly throwing their lives away. She didn't like to see death at all; her past was already filled with enough tragedy that she didn't need to experience more. It's what brought her to her feet as soon as she heard tell of it. If she could, Fantasia would protect the lives of every human soul in this city, and by whatever god that bestowed this power upon her, she would. Behind those many rushed questions, and the tiny adolescent voice she possessed, Fantasia had a rather deep motive behind it, seen within the deep blue pools of her eyes.

Coding by: [TheFrost] || Graphics by: [The Frost]

It's Time to Finish This Qx494h
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It's Time to Finish This Empty Re: It's Time to Finish This

Sun Dec 01, 2013 12:22 pm
As the women appeared next to Shinwoo near instantaneously he was a bit surprised that she appeared, but after the entirety of what had just happened he wasn't as effected by it as he would have normally been. It was odd though he knew about what was going on every else and about the powerful people around but he never thought in his wildest dreams that a young lady like this would be someone who could do all of this. He wasn't fearful, because he felt someone like this who had a power and used it like she did wasn't deserving of fear, but of praise. As he studied her more closely though besides the really odd part of having a giant man draped over her shoulder, she was young, but so very strong. A tad bit cute too. He was surprised that all of this was done by her, but respectfully too he should answer her questions.

Shinwoo smiled as she examined his wounds and at first wasn't as much shy as curious so in an attempt to make this conversation a bit less awkward he spoke normally

"I'm doing just fine thanks to you"

His pain wasn't nearly as bad as before, and with his worse wounds healed by yoruichi's odd way of healing he wasn't feeling too bad. He did notice the worry in her eyes though. He was kind of an idiot for rushing in to this place, but he had his reasons, and seeing as she just save him she deserved an answer, but he was also looking for a way to go about this without making it sound like he was just a plain idiot who ran at a small army. He grabbed her hand with his right hand and as he brang it down in front of them he held it with both his right and left hand and said

"Please stay calm. My name is Han Shinwoo. Yoruichi left a few moments ago, and as for these guys the reason I am here is they were targeting me and my friends. I would not allow them to do the same any longer, so I decided to do something about it. I would no longer allow them the opportunity to hurt my friends as long as I had something to say about it.

Obviously he had not really thought this entire process through seeing as him alone went up against the entirety of the gang, but he felt he had no choice. His friends were the targets now, and he would not allow this to happen. He would do anything to protect those dear to him, and if it meant he had to lay down his life in order for them to be safe, he did not care he would. It was a reckless attitude, but he would rather have it that way then the ones he cared about get hurt.

"This is my third encounter with this gang. The first two times was outside of this area. This time I had something to say about what was going to happen. I defeated everyone up until... Well that throw pillow over your shoulder made me his punching bag. But anyways thank you again. You have saved my life and I wouldn't have been able to defeat them without you."

He released her hands and put both of has interlaced behind his head with his usual goofy smile. He wanted to ask her how she was able to do all of this, but he did not want to do so yet. He was more curious in this moment in who she was.

"Sssooooo what's your name?"

He was curious to how she would react so he sat there with the same goofy smile and hoped that he wouldn't get scolded for going up against the gang head on.
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It's Time to Finish This Empty Re: It's Time to Finish This

Wed Dec 04, 2013 4:36 pm

A Protector

He didn't flinch. He didn't step back, nor frown nor fear; Han Shinwoo—as he titled himself—didn't react extravagantly or much at all to the worried stream of questions Fantasia rapid-fired at him. She didn't really delve into the meaning behind why he didn't, but at the very least she was pleased that she wasn't the cause of any more tension in the already stress-ridden morning for him. So, he proceeded with answers to all of her questions, kind and understanding as he walked her through it. Rather than shrug her off like some stubborn independent, he was more than willing to share with her a story. He gave her background information spanning perhaps months, even though Fantasia would have done well with a short and sweet answer. Thus, she did not take it for granted, listening quietly and intently through the whole account, from beginning to end. Apparently, the gang that they had just taken out in this building had been targeting him, for reasons unknown. Irregardless, a threat was a threat, and if the gang was going to continue harassing him and his friends, then Shinwoo had it in his mind to put a stop to it. His intentions were noble, and definitely the right answer in Fantasia's opinion. However, he did not truly think the entire process out, thinking that he would be powerful enough by himself to defeat the entire group. Hell, he had been lucky that none of these thugs were in tune with spiritual energy... especially in a city such as Karakura where so many people had such capability.

Fantasia sighed, not because she was unhappy, just because there was a chance that someone could have just thrown their life away like that. She was more than pleased with the actual result, thanks to her being able to get here in time, but just the chance was enough to make her feel the least bit downtrodden. She dealt with it, trying not to let it foul up her mood. It took her a while to realize that Shinwoo had asked her a question, and her eyes brightened up again. ''Name? Our name is Fantasia Nevermore, it's nice to meet you as well,'' she said, voice soft and lighthearted. The response was rather casual, which was what made the interaction very awkward when she had the big oaf hanging over her back. She shifted her weight over to the other foot, causing the man's arms to swing lazily once again. Fantasia was a rather oblivious individual on the occasion, sometimes just incapable of avoiding situations like this that might embarrass others. Though very lately, she had begun being able to predict when such times occurred. She still was clueless as to why her antics might considered strange, but it was not her intent. So the rare occasion when she could anticipate that something like it was happening, she could try to avoid it by doing something else. The way Shinwoo drew out the word 'so' seemed rather suspicious, and so Fantasia felt the buzzers going off in her head. ''Uhh... walk with us. Let's take care of this mess.''

Decided, Fantasia began to stride towards the exit of the room and out, treading back down the stairs with her fallen opponent in tow. She walked at a casual pace, sure to allow Shinwoo to follow even with his injuries, though that didn't stop her from looking over to check on him every so often. It's just that her checks weren't so subtle as every turn caused her package to move with her. When they made it back down to the third floor, they would find it completely cleansed of groaning and whining corpses. It was completely vacant now, not even a whisper of a mouse to go by. Fantasia stopped for a moment in confusion, but realized now exactly the culprit behind this. ''So this is where Yoruichi went...'' she would mutter quietly to herself, not entirely concerned if Shinwoo could hear her. It certainly made their job a lot easier with the piles of bodies already taken care of. That left only one man to deal with, and the most important of them all. Fantasia looked over to Shinwoo, considering the options, and trying to empathize with what he had to deal with. Although this had been nothing more than a simple clean-up for her and Yoruichi, it probably meant a lot more to him. Perhaps...

''Shinwoo, what do you want to do with this man? Now that we have beaten him... is there some part of you that wants to talk to him? Perhaps you could get some answers... and stuff.'' Honestly, Fantasia was no professional at this. She had never taken her enemies in for questioning or interrogating. She was always just pleased well enough by hanging them off the tips of light posts by their underwear, stripping them from their pride as they have no choice but to wait for the police to notice and come get them. She didn't imply that, however, keeping it to herself. If this quarrel was personal to Shinwoo, then it was only respectful to ask first and see if there were any last things he wanted to get out of the way before the man was sent off to jail. She threw him an inquisitive look, prepared to find someway to tie him in place until he wakes up. Then Shinwoo could have a one-on-one with him, squeeze out the answers he needed, and then be done.

Coding by: [TheFrost] || Graphics by: [The Frost]

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It's Time to Finish This Empty Re: It's Time to Finish This

Wed Dec 04, 2013 10:52 pm
When Fantasia answered his question and went on to refer to herself as a multiple he found that a tad bit odd. He didn't know why she had done that, but after what he had witnessed on this day he just accepted it. He did want to ask her why, but at the same time he realized that it might not just be a simple answer. She had invited him to walk with her so at the best pace he could he walked with her. He hadn't really taken notice of the building around him as he rushed up it, because of over pumping of his adrenaline and his goal was the only thing that was in his sight at the time, but as he took notice to the room around him it was interesting. There were scattered holes through out the roof with rays of light shining through them. His surroundings were dimly lit by small amounts of lighting and the rays of sunlight. The walls were a dingy worn orange that had been torn and destroyed in many places. As the wind lightly brushed against the swiss holed buildings you could hear a slight whistle. It was a big surprise that this building had stayed up as long as it did.

As the two of them made their ways down to the 3rd floor almost every step was a creak in the old tattered floor with carpet that was so worn that the original possibly floral design was barely visible. Shinwoo's wounds though they had been healed on the surface still had a effect on him each step was extremely painful, but he could not waver. If he fell that would only give justice to the men whom he had fought so hard to finish. If he hadn't been in such pain he would have been giggling at the fact that each time she turned the massive man over her shoulder was moved around like he weighed as much as a feather. Getting a full view of the of the now completely empty room Shinwoo didn't know what happened, but he suspected it had something to do with Yoruichi. Though he did not know the full details, nothing was really a surprise to him at this point. it might have been because he was in too much pain to focus on what was going on, but as he processed it, it was more like so much had happened that all of this just wasn't processing fully as of yet. When Fantasia noticed this she said something under her breath. Shinwoo didn't really focus much on it and he had to keep his focus on staying standing.

Fantasia then asked if he would like to interrogate the man. He didn't need to think about it though. There was no reason for him to speak to the scum because for all he knew that man was his end game. Even if there was more he would not be able to stand up to them especially with his current strength. He would have been like lamb to the slaughter.

"No leave him to the authorities. I have no business with him anymore."

As the two continued down to the second floor Shinwoo stopped for just a moment at the bottom of the staircase to regain some strength and then he continued. He now was feeling his stupidity as the pain became more noticeable. Another thing that started to that started to ring even more truly in his mind was how this young women was this strong. As they progressed through the building they reached the dingy now destroyed lobby which she had undoubtedly been the cause of and Shinwoo stopped leaning against a wall for a moment to catch his breath. He then spoke to fantasia with his view including her the giant gaping hole in the sealing and the destroyed lobby

" Fantasia how did you do this? How are you this strong?

Shinwoo wanted to know how she was able to do this. How she was faster then he could even keep up with. How her strength was that of dozens of men all at such a young age. He didn't ask out of greed or out of jealousy, but curiosity. He had been "strong" by his own definition for his entire life. But after seeing what she did he now knew the truth. He is weak, and he didn't have a chance at helping anyone unless he was able to accumulate some kind of strength. Something more than he was now. Whatever it took he would do.
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It's Time to Finish This Empty Re: It's Time to Finish This

Fri Dec 06, 2013 11:58 pm

Hidden Potential

The answer she got in response, in fact, was not quite what she was expecting. Considering the multiple times the mobsters have been bushwhacking him and the unsettling lack of knowledge about it, one would think he would be the least bit curious of the motives behind this. Apparently not, with Shinwoo uninterested in the arrangement of an interrogation. Averse to getting argumentative with the boy, Fantasia would nod her head and respect his decision, content with being able to just suspend him high above the city streets when she got around to it. She walked down the next several floors in awkward silence, an unreadable face, and a casual walk... as casual as could be with such grandiose luggage on her back. At least it was not heavy, and Fantasia wondered if it ever would be to her, then denied the thought outright. If it were a contest, she'd have been able to stand upright for days, really only crashing down when she needed sleep as opposed to needing to give her muscles a break. Now it was funny that she was dwelling over her strength in her mind, for it was soon to be the next subject of discussion:

He stopped walking, and it took a moment for Fantasia to realize the pause. Gradually slowing to a halt just before she was about to walk out of the main entrance of the building, she turned around to find him leaning against the wall with shallow breathes coming at a rapid pace. Fantasia dropped the thug boss immediately, sending him crashing to the ground with an ample thud. He wasn't thrown; it was more that she just let go off him and let him fall down. She hadn't noticed Shinwoo was lagging behind, nor realized that he was truly too weak to move around much. This being the first time she caught him struggling, it was rather disheartening. She should have asked him if he was okay to continue, but the concern had escaped her mind at the time, making her feel foolish. She ran to him in a few quick steps, her image blurring at the speed while in motion. She appeared beside him with the most concerned of looks, the outer edges of her brows turned downward. He was talking, but the words only half-registered in her mind as she acted, moving her arms behind is slumped form—behind his knees and behind his back—before sweeping him off of his feet. He'd feel the ground disappear below him as he was lifted into the air just as easily as her previous package, if not a little flimsier. He was suddenly sideways, held in her arms bridal style with his legs hanging over one side and head hovering over the other side, and Fantasia looking down at him with a great deal of apology in her expression.

''We're sorry,'' is what she uttered, all she uttered. Her head swam with speculation on his injuries, and the probability that he might have worsened his condition and probably caused permanent damage. As unlikely as this was to be any more dangerous than a sprain or otherwise equally painful experience, the fact of the matter was that Fantasia was not one to overlook the agony of others however small it may be, and this definitely showed in the way she reacted to it. After a while, she began walking back to where she had dropped the big bad guy on the wooden floorboards, and readjusted Shinwoo in her grasp so that she didn't drop him when she bent low to grab the guy by the scruff of his shirt. From there, she was content in just dragging him carelessly now, as Shinwoo was much more important. Now contained in one arm, the boy's face would have been brought a little closer to the girl's, but she was looking onward as she walked on. All together, they departed from the abandoned hotel, with not a single living soul left to inhabit the place.

She brought him over to a nearby fence outside of the building, which had a noticeable hole in it. It was probably intended to keep people out of the place, but ultimately failing with no self-sufficient security left behind to safeguard the place. A fence was easily surmountable, especially in these days, but at least it was better than nothing. Carefully, Fantasia held Shinwoo's head against the fence, and carefully leaned him against it so that he could balance himself. ''Stay,'' the blonde would direct curtly, watching him a little longer to make sure he didn't fall over or not get the message. Then, she turned away, fully lifting the oaf up onto her back and bending her legs low to the ground. They tensed up just before the moment of a leap and... she vanished. For several seconds, only a light cloud of dust and the gentle breeze of wind kept Shinwoo company after Fantasia disappeared. The direction in which the girl went was undecipherable, just like Yoruichi before her, and one could see just what affect the Flash Goddess had had on her. No worry, as soon Fantasia blipped back into existed beside Shinwoo, swiftly gathering his agile form up in her arms and cradling him sideways yet again. The third wheel of a lowlife that was their ill-fated enemy was no longer with her, and one could only assume that he had been disposed of to leave the two alone. Their business here was done, and the gang would all but be eradicated from the city of Karakura.

''Yoruichi-sama refined our ability to fight, and Rubeus before her taught us how to fight. Somewhere along that line... we found our own strength.'' The subject returned rather peculiarly, as she finally addressed the question Shinwoo had asked inside. She began walking as she explained it, out through the hole in the fence and back towards the city itself. She didn't know where Shinwoo lived, but she wasn't intending to bring him home. She had another place in mind. ''Do you know of spirits, Shinwoo? Spiritual power? That's how we became strong, by unlocking our inner potential. Everybody has their own... somewhere deep down, so Yoruichi-sama says. Probably even you.'' Fantasia leaped again, suddenly bursting into the air at high speed to more quickly get to her destination. It gave Shinwoo a taste of what it felt like, with the winds rocketing past his face and blowing his hair straight back. Everything was a blur, except for Fantasia, who looked straight ahead and seemed to be able to navigate at this velocity. When they finally stopped, they were in an entirely different area. There was not much around but fences, but they were standing in the middle of a rundown dirt lot before a dilapidated old shack. The building was a small shop with a simplistic two-story design and one single sign; it read 'Urahara Shouten' in bold japanese characters.

''We know someone who can help you...'' she trailed off, able to sense the owner of the shop from within, and just standing there patiently; expectantly.

Coding by: [TheFrost] || Graphics by: [The Frost]

It's Time to Finish This Qx494h
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