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Displeasure (CPKallday) Empty Displeasure (CPKallday)

Sat Dec 28, 2013 3:57 pm

Himeko was perhaps the unhappiest person within Hueco Mundo, though it wasn't like Hueco Mundo was crawling with Shinigami and Vizards. The Hollows and Arrancar, she didn't count them in the group since there was prone to be a Hollow out there that was more unhappy than herself, and she really didn't want to compare her unhappiness to that of a Hollow that may not even be around the next minute. Thus the unhappiness Hollows had to face were far greater than the one she faced, and perhaps her displeasure was uncalled for.

Her displeasure stemmed from the fact that she had missed out on her chance. Her chance to enter a war. Her chance to show the Shinigami that she hadn't died 90+ years ago. And her chance to show how much she had grown since that time. Himeko had the misfortune of being on an assignment when the war started, and when she got back it was to late to enter. She had tried to form a gargantuan so that she could travel to Australia, but her attempt was made impossible. An unknown force was preventing her from entering the area, and that only cause to annoy her.

Of course she kept her emotions in check as she returned to the Kurikku base of operations. But it was clear to whomever passed her that Himeko wasn't in a good mood. The weaker ones knew it was best not to provoke her, since she would take her anger out on them. And she believed all the stronger beings were in Australia, fighting a war she couldn't join. And that was on Himeko mind as she walked down the halls of Kurikku base. She had only arrived a good 30 minutes ago, but she found it hard to stay within her room. Thus she was heading out once again. Not to retry getting into Australia, but to get a breath of fresh air.

And she soon was out of the base. Her eyes narrowed as she looked around, a scowl settled on her face, and arms crossed over her chest. She would love it if someone else had been left behind. She could voice her displeasure to them. And Himeko hoped it was someone she knew since voicing her opinions to someone she didn't associate with wasn't an option. But she also hoped it was someone like her.

Coding in template By: [THEFROST]
The KFC of PH
The KFC of PH
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Displeasure (CPKallday) Empty Re: Displeasure (CPKallday)

Sat Dec 28, 2013 7:04 pm

word count

Bikuta walked the halls that led to his pent-house like bedroom within the headquarters of the Kurikku. The room scaled off at about seven-hundred and fifty square feet, which is the equivalent of two-bedroom apartment. However, the room branched off into his own private bathroom, training room, as well as a meditation room. He always tried to hype himself up before entering the room, by fantasizing about what kind of luxurious hollowfied women would be laying on his bed. Though, none ever were. It wasn't wrong to have hopes, still.

After returning from Australia, which was a short visit due to the ill-mannered opponent that he had faced, Bikuta felt rather depressed about whether or not his aspirations to share allegiance with the Monsuta would ever come true. As his troops that were dispersed throughout the continent were short-lived. He knew that it was possible for them to lose every city, but didn't think it would happen with such haste. However, hope still was with Tasmania as Camilla, one of his favorite brutes, makes attempts to hold the city.

The clacking nose that echoed down the hallway from his footsteps came to a sudden halt as he witnessed one of the newest members to the small group walk by him. He noticed that she wasn't exactly looking the brightest, but he took into consideration that not every hollow-type being was as happy as he was all the time. So he just shrugged and continued walking to his room. Bikuta was always well known for his loving characteristics as well as his attribute to just go with the flow, even when things go completely astray. However, he did realize that he didn't even receive a greeting from the young girl as she stormed by heading toward the long spiral stairs that led to the crust of Hueco Mundo. Her actions made him a bit worried about the girl, though he didn't recall ever hearing her talk before or even knowing who she was really. If I remember correctly, that girl is 2310... She's been around for quite sometime now and I'm yet to even properly engage with her. His thoughts concluded as he executed a full 180 degree facing movement sending him back toward her direction. However, she would already be outside as he did so.

As he approached the stairs he let out a sigh, wondering why they had never installed an elevator or something of the sort. He began to slowly make his way up the stair cause mumbling at his best friend's, Domri, design of the interior. As he made it to the top of the stairs the minuet amount of light that radiated from the moon. In front of the light was what was now a silhouette of the girl he was trying to follow, her arms laid across her chest only to make him think that she was just one of those Vizards that were unhappy with the world. He'd still make an effort at least, "Oi..." He said as he stumbled through the sand, regaining his memory of what the terrain of Hueco Mundo was like, he chuckled as he regained his footing and approached the girl. "Hmmm... Himeko is it?" He guessed, thinking that he might have called her by the wrong name insulting her. "I'm not too sure we have met, before...but I'd like to extend a one-hundred year or so belated welcome to you." A smug grin emerged from his face, as his pearly whites began to break free from his imprisoning lips. He extended his hand her way in hopes that she would take it, if she did he'd grab hold tight and bring her in for a warmer welcome, as though they were family, swinging her back and forth in the tight grip of his arms. "Welcome!" He exclaimed as the smile carried on. "Everything OK? You seem to be pouting." He let out another chuckle as he joked with the girl.

Hopefully the girl would return his conversation with politeness, but it doesn't always work out that way, unfortunately. They do live in the cold, cold realm of Hueco Mundo after all...

Coding in template By: [THEFROST]
Graphics by: CPKallday

Displeasure (CPKallday) Sbb1I7e

Displeasure (CPKallday) Empty Re: Displeasure (CPKallday)

Tue Dec 31, 2013 7:07 am

Eyes swept over the desolate desert of Hueco Mundo before a deep, and long sigh was released from her lips. It was normal for her to do this every time she stepped outside of the Kurikku base for some fresh air. Since of course this wasn’t a safe place like Soul Society, but one crawling with hungry Hollows – though admittedly she never saw them around the base. It was like they knew that the base, and the area surrounding the base, was off limit lest they were a member or had the desire to become a member of Kurikku. But she couldn’t help but check for any rogue Hollows before glancing up at the white moon that loomed over Hueco Mundo. It was Hueco Mundo’s only source of light that wasn’t artificial; and though Himeko wished the moon would move away so that a sun would rise, she was happy that Hueco Mundo even had the moon.

So immersed in her own thoughts, though from the way she was looking at the moon people would assume she was mesmerized by its beauty, she hadn’t notice someone else exit the base. Her only warning was when the individual spoke. Himeko’s eyes snapped from the moon to the young man who stood before her. Her attention no longer on her own thoughts, as she turned to properly face the man. She didn’t know him, having never had the pleasure of speaking to him, but she knew of him. There was much one could learn when they listened, and she had heard a great deal about Bikuta. Many of them described his kindness to be a bit unnerving since he was an Arrancar, and they were correct in some ways.

Bikuta was indeed a little unnerving, but it wasn’t like there was a daily occurrence of Arrancar who would greet you with a smile and welcome you, though it was a tad bit late. But Himeko found herself replacing her scowl with a small smile as the man continued on with his greeting before offering her a hand. She stared at the hand for quite sometime, wondering if she should actually take it. She could see no ulterior motive within his eyes, and it could be considered rude to not shake the hand of someone who outranked you – by a lot. And Kisaki would have a fit if she didn’t take the hand, thus her only option was to take the hand in her own.

“Nice to meet your acquaintance Bi-“ Himeko sentence wasn’t finished. For as she grabbed his hand, she found herself pulled into an embrace she hadn’t been expecting. She was shocked to say the least, and she didn’t think anything could shock her. Than her face grew red as the man pointed out that she had been pouting, but she guess her request had been answered and Bikuta seemed nice enough to talk to.

“I wasn’t pouting, just brooding. Huge difference,” Himeko defensively said, or as defensively as she could. “And if you must know, I was rather unhappy that I missed out on the war happening in Australia. It was my one time shot to enter a war, and to reenter a society other than Hueco Mundo,” Himeko said, "and I'm running out of Pocky." She sighed deeply, now that she heard the words for herself, she kinda sounded like she was pouting. “Now that I think about it. Shouldn’t you be in Australia?”

Coding in template By: [THEFROST]
The KFC of PH
The KFC of PH
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Displeasure (CPKallday) Empty Re: Displeasure (CPKallday)

Mon Jan 06, 2014 2:29 pm

word count

Bikuta was able to tell from facial expressions that girl was in fact shocked with the kindness that came from Bikuta. This was common, though when it came down to meeting Vizards who had the capability of being not completely insane from their inner hollow. However, Bikuta was a hollow of a completely different breed in that aspect. His whole life as a hollow he served to protect, being underestimated by his small stature as a young hollow, and even as an adjuchas. However, it was his kindness toward others that led to him finding out about his ability to heal the wounded. It was also his kindness that led to him becoming a part of the Kurikku as well, being the one that healed all of the founders just before they had formed. However, he's not one to let someone take his kindness for granted.

Though the girl was surprised by his acts of humbleness, giving her a warm welcome into the team, she still took them with kindness. She didn't shun him away, though it wasn't often that anyone did. However, he didn't just prance around the halls of Kurikku's Headquarters hugging every random hollow and Vizard, as most of them were ugly. However, this one was rather cute so why not? How else was he going to obtain the goal of walking into a bedroom with hollowfied women laying across his bed, after all? It wasn't going to happen from drop kicking new recruits, that was for sure.

Noticing the slight change of hue to the girl's face when he triangulated onto her pouting, Bikuta smiled and let out a brief chuckle. She then continued on to mention that she wanted to go to the war in Australia, which Bikuta had to cut in right then and there. "That place is a waste, the people that are fighting on those streets have no mannerisms when it comes to fighting..." He then let her continue with her small inquiry toward his own position in the war. He let out a large sigh.

"As I stated, nobody there has manners... I was there, but it was only for a brief moment, honestly. As devoted as I was to keep hold of the city I could stand the outright rudeness of my opponent sitting upon a throne of ice in order to 'set a tone'." He used air quotes with his hands to emphasize setting a tone. "My apologies to everyone within the Kurikku, but to be honest the war has no concern over us. I was simply trying to obtain alliance with that of the Monsuta, so that we could grow just a bit more. Although, we still may have a chance depending on how the young Camilla does in Launceston... However, it seems as though they're being overpowered at this point in time. Our last report indicated that one of our top adjuchas, Jigoku, was in critical condition. It seems as though I'll be having to make efforts toward that sometime soon. If worse comes to worse I'll even have to contact a certain someone to help him stay alive." He finally had finished talking for a second and then began to think about all of the procedures that would have to be done to Jigoku in order to keep him at 100%. Though, difficult, it would be possible with the help he would hopefully receive.

He lifted his hat revealing the small serpent-like mask that sat upon his head and brushed his hair with his hand before placing the cap back to its rightful spot. He cleared his throat and then looked up at the moon for a second, maybe two, then returned his attention to Himeko. "Don't worry about Australia, you'll have time to beat the shit out of something eventually. Hell, if you want we can take a trip to Soul Society and we can find a measly little Shinigami for you to fight..." Though he wasn't exactly sure if she'd accept the offer, as it was most likely that girl wanted to just be a part of something big. However, he could see this small invasion growing to be much larger than what she could imagine.

((If you want, I'm sure I can get some others to join us. However, if you'd like to continue with this just being a social thread for a bit longer that is also fine, we can just hammer out the details.))

Coding in template By: [THEFROST]
Graphics by: CPKallday

Displeasure (CPKallday) Sbb1I7e

Displeasure (CPKallday) Empty Re: Displeasure (CPKallday)

Mon Jan 27, 2014 6:58 pm

(I apologize for my abrupt absence. I had been called away from a unexpected death in the family. I should had notified you of my absence, yet I had forgotten. Yet I am back, and I owe you a post. I do sincerely apologize, once again.)

She thought over the words spoken to her by Bikuta. His words illustrated an Australia that had become a battle ground, a beautiful country suddenly drenched in the blood of both the innocent and the guilty. A country that had become a hot spot for the strong and foolish to boast of the power they held, often times exhibiting a lack of manners in the process. Many souls were doomed to die in a war they hadn't wished for, and for what cause? So that the forces of 'good' or 'evil' could assume control over the lands? Or so that some may become known within the world?

As she thoughts ran rampant throughout her mind, she began to realize something. If she had gone to Australia, she would have been fighting to show the Gotei that the red-haired girl they believed to have died was alive and well, on top of being their enemy. Thus she would had been no different than the others that had decided to participate in the war. Though even with this revelation, she still had a desire to have taken part in something so big. But she guessed she could live without having taken part. Especially since the members of Kurikku had only gone to Australia to secure an alliance with Monsuta.

Oddly enough, Himeko found herself concerned about those who had gone. Jigoku for example, though she didn't know him well, the two were in the same division. And though Camilla was fine and could take care of herself, she couldn't help but worry about her safety. She found her concerns to be odd, but she didn't feel like addressing them at the moment. She instead pushed them to the back of her head, where they wouldn't ever be brought up again.

Strange how words could make one think. Even if one were to add their own thoughts to words spoken by somebody else, like she had. She sighed deeply, closing her eyes for a brief moment as Bikuta last words sunk into her brain. A silence was soon established between the two; Himeko forming a reply within her mind. She was going to pick her words carefully, but before she could finish, Bikuta began to speak again.

She grinned as Bikuta stated she would have plenty of time to beat the crap out of something. And he was right. The possibilities of Himeko not being able to beat someone into a bloody pulp was low. Thus, why did it matter rather or not that person received their beating in Australia or not? It didn't.

Her grin grew larger at the prospect of visiting Soul Society. It had been a while since she had been there, and she wonder how much the place had changed since her departure. Going would mean she would get the opportunity to beat someone into the ground, whilst also alerting those within of her existence as well as Bikuta's. On the other hand, the two were bound to draw lots of attention to themselves, especially since Bikuta was an arrancar. Their presence would be noticed immediately, and she doubt that Captains would ignore them. Soul Society was known for going overboard, or that's how she remembers it.

Despite her wanting to go, she deemed it would not be a good idea. And Himeko rarely went against her better judgement. Thus, she would have to decline Bikuta's offer, and a generous offer it was. She moved her arms behind her back, entwining her fingers as her eyes shifted to the moon. "That's a very kind offer, and a tempting plan," she spoke, "but I'm going have to decline the offer."

Her eyes shifted back the Bikuta, examining his face for a bit before turning back to the moon. "My reason is simple. Though it would be fun to kill something other than a Hollow, I don't wish to draw the attention of the Gotei too much. It also feels like a bad idea since Soul Society is their realm, which means the place will be crawling with Shinigami. And I doubt that they left the place unguarded," Himeko continued, letting out a sigh.

"But I guess that is a good thing," she smiled, eyes snapping to Bikuta and staying there. "It means that Kurikku maintains surprises, and those are always good. Don't you agree?" Her head tilted slightly to the left as the words left her mouth, the smile on her face reached her eyes. "It was nice speaking with you. Your words have enlighten me on the situation, and have cause me to rethink certain aspects of my plan. And I thank you for that. Thus I shall dismiss myself, unless there is something else you wish to talk about."

Depending upon Bikuta's actions, Himeko would walk back into the base or stay to speak with him more. For if he wished to talk some more, she would stay and discuss with him.

(As stated Himeko leaves unless Bikuta wishes to talk more. Otherwise, Exit Thread)

Coding in template By: [THEFROST]
Graphics by: CPKallday
The KFC of PH
The KFC of PH
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Displeasure (CPKallday) Empty Re: Displeasure (CPKallday)

Thu Jan 30, 2014 8:20 am

word count

Rejection, something that Bikuta had learned to cope with over his time as a leading role model to others. Sometimes he made decisions and he would be told he was wrong, or he asked questions and they would get shot down. This time, however he could tell that Himeko was genuinely thinking about whether or she'd like to lay waste to the Soul Society or not. She went through several different facial expression loops show the obvious change of her mood as she passed through each possibility of what could happen. Bikuta wasn't mad about it or anything, he was glad to sit and watch as his subordinate took the time to weigh her options instead of going head first into things. As so many new folks did before herself.

It was even the fact that Bikuta did or didn't want to go to Soul Society, I think the main thing that would matter here was that he at least extended his hand. Though, he was rather relieved when she said she didn't want to take on the escapade, he didn't want to have to deal all those nutcases once again. He had never even had the chance to live in the Soul Society, but the few times he did make his way there he felt oddly out of place. Not just because he was a hollow, but because everyone there was just so prepared for such occasions and it shocked Bikuta to see any large scale organization led with such fortitude. It was as if the stepping on the soils of the Soul Society immediately launched alarms to every single captain within the Gotei 13. Most of them would find there way there in a matter of minutes, some hours. Yet, that was just a reflection of personality rather than organization. Though Bikuta disliked the Shinigami and the Gotei 13 with much resent he definitely respected each and every member within their ranks. As they have accomplished many feats and have overcome many obstacles. That was something that Bikuta would hope that someone would one day say about his own.

However, the dreams of the Kurikku didn't lay within the hands of Bikuta. The future of the Kurikku was deep somewhere within the ranks, someone that would carry on their legend after they had been overran and put to an end. Someone that was able to carry the same idea and apply to so many people as they did. Because if the Kurikku ended up not coming out on top, they knew the one thing they had would unity and respect for their comrades, fallen or not. Bikuta believed in those that he fought next to, and that was the whole reason that he would have even thought to take the time to come up and speak with the young girl about anything. Though, he didn't think he would accomplish contentment from the girl so quick, maybe she just liked to reject people. Who knew?

Bikuta looked back over to the girl as she stood ever so gracefully and gazed at the moon. Bikuta looked along with her as well as she began to speak. Though she declined his offer, she was rather polite about it. Which wasn't something that was common with any of the members within his team, so he took kindly to the actions. She continued to speak and continued to share her intelligence of the matters with Bikuta and what she thought the outcomes would be. She was correct, they'd be there too fast. He wouldn't have minded, however, he had grown used to it. She then mentioned that it was a good thing which caused Bikuta to look over at her with his head tilted in slight confusion. He wasn't too sure what she meant by this sentence, but she soon clarified. With which, he grinned and nodded in approval.

Bikuta seemed a bit surprised in this girl, he felt an overall feeling of awe as she spoke to him. Each every word and sentence touching him in a different way. He felt as though he could embody all of her different feelings as she spoke and all of the good and bad of who she was. He wasn't sure what all of this meant or if it was even real or not, but he did in fact grow a deeper respect for the girl. Which, though he respected near everyone, from her outer shell, Bikuta would have never guessed would have happened.

Finally, the girl had began to make her departing words with Bikuta. Which he was once again shocked with. She didn't stay very long and surely didn't give him much time to get to know her. Yet, he was content with their meeting as he hadn't made a decent connection with many of his members in sometime. That was one thing that had become something of the past for him, getting to know his ranks. Yet, he had become so busy the past few years that he had let such tasks slip through his hands. Well, he supposed that all that mattered would be that he fixed that.

"Thank you. I'm glad my words were able to enlighten you. I would also like to thank you for reminding me how good it feels to meet those that live here. I've been so caught up with other events I've let such things fall into the cracks. Yet, you've helped me remember what I had once forgotten. So I thank you for that. Yes, you may dismiss yourself, I will remain out here so that I can continue to think about a few things. See you around."

He spoke humbly, but as he finished his words he would display a grin that crossed wide on his face, pearly whites showing and all. He'd then go on to gesture a wave just before she turned away to go off. Yes, he was in fact very glad that he had this little run in with the girl. It'd lead to Bikuta co-leading a stronger community...

Coding in template By: [THEFROST]
Graphics by: CPKallday

Displeasure (CPKallday) Sbb1I7e
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Displeasure (CPKallday) Empty Re: Displeasure (CPKallday)

Sun Oct 04, 2015 6:21 pm
Displeasure (CPKallday) Image8719_zpsccjgtr7w


Since we are getting close to 2016, we are taking an active effort as staff in order to go ahead and lock out threads from 2014 and backwards. Therefore, I'm locking this thread in accordance with that. You can go ahead and request it be unlocked in my communication thread below:

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