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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Greed Becomes Him (Andrew/Open) Empty Greed Becomes Him (Andrew/Open)

Sun Jan 12, 2014 12:13 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A
The city of Karakura was, as usual bustling with life from one street to another. The many bodies that gathered in the many shopping districts, workplaces and living areas was quite a feat of modern technology meeting with the power of spirits. The new year had just turned and many were still dealing with the backlash that came with such a splendid event many still taking down streamers that occupied the area from celebration from many nights before. It was the kind of city that had all sorts of action and represented the best that humanity had to offer, comradery, good-will, betrayal, repression, poverty, and all the mixed emotion of anger and greed that the human race and all those in between liked to let loose as the new year came into being. Many would say a new year was a new beginning; it was simply a new day to start spending for most...

Within the sea of commercialism and numerous labor workers cleaning the trash and dried blood of those that had gone before the all too familiar scene of the well-dressed gentleman had begun in the city once more. Reigen had missed the crowded areas of the last bastion of humanities existence, it showed that though many things could get bad or horrific for the humans they could always find a way to make it worse for themselves. The city held over 50 million people it was not hard to see that of those none of them could be viewed entirely as virtuous, they required the aid of the many factions and leaderships of stronger men and women to keep them from ending up screaming as the darkness enveloped them... ''Well I'm certainly getting more and more philosophical with my time here...'' The Demon joked about his own feelings as he moved to another city street that hung into a square, he was their to conduct business, and by business it was more of a house call to collect on a few debts of some high-ranking officials that he had helped to power. Luckily Reigen was good at making it a mess free job for everyone, except the coroner of course.

However he had noted that the area surrounding him suddenly drew quieter and quieter, the many people who had walked down this street in the city many times seemed to up and disappear. An oddity that wasn't lost on him as big men with shiny bald heads with seemingly less shiny weapons appeared out of the alley's that cornered the road. ''You got some nerve coming through this part of town after what you pulled!'' One of the lead thugs made a quizzing comment that put the well-suited Demon at a bit of a pinch. ''I'm sorry have we met before?'' The thugs seemed angrier by the moment ''You kill our boss you take his money and his girl then you don't remember?!'' Reigen reached into his jacket pocket for a little black notebook, he flipped the pages in a lackadaisical manner till he stopped and read through the notes he had seemingly made. ''Oh! Right... See I didn't really take his girl, she was the one who requested it of me but be sure she wasn't really happy about it, at least that's what I can guess with all the screaming she did.'' One of the thuggish looking men behind him screamed out as he tried to attack, not a smart move....

Before he could note his predicament the man was already In the Greedy creature's clutches... His allies tried to aid him but before they could move a chain appear from the back of their target making what could only be viewed as a sort of thug Shish kebab. Holding the other man in his arm Reigen looked to the other with their faces now plastered with fear the man in his arm began to pass out as the demon held tighter and let loose his chain from the others bodies. ''Well this was more eventful than I was expecting gentlemen, do you want this man back cause...'' The demon did not finish until he maneuvered his leg to crack the thug's like a twig. The man screamed back to life as the pain seemed to stop the sense of falling asleep. ''Well now he has a broken leg...'' The demon said curtly to the others, this seemed to be the last straw as the others seemed to turn tail and run back to their respective hideaways in the alleys. ''Hmmm leaving an ally to protect one's life, is that chivalry on your part or cowardice or their's I wonder'' Linking his chain to a high bearing pole above them he made sure the last man was no longer screaming...

With the messy business of that detour dealt with the demon could get along with more pressing matters... But something inside him just wanted to yell out in a blaze of euphoria, he tended to dislike such behavior but after such a great time it's only natural to be a bit hyped up afterwards. ''Would anyone else want to come out of lurking from the shadows or hanging from rooftops? Trust me I'll be much more pleasant than with those goons'' The demon put his hand on where he expected his heart would be before claiming. ''Scout's honor!'' Unfortunately Reigen never was a scout....

Template By: [THEFROST]

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Greed Becomes Him (Andrew/Open) Empty Re: Greed Becomes Him (Andrew/Open)

Thu Jan 23, 2014 7:23 pm

Artist: Kommisar - Song: dat immortal moon - Word Count: 1710

The start of the new year was certainly an explosive one of the likes of the Iramasha scattered throughout Earth and the Soul Society. Just why was that? Through the actions of Koichi Iramasha, The Iramashsa Military Leader, there was a new settlement that was forged within Earth soil that housed entirely house not too far from the country of Japan. Taking up a land mass roughly the size of Hawaii, there were millions of their kind beginning to take root within the world in order to make the tiding difference in maintaining the stability of this planet before it very well imploded on itself. However, that concern has little to do with the likes of The Angel of The Ice. It merely provides the bases for why a peculiar looking girl such as Cirno Iramasha would have any business being in the Colossal City that is Karakura Central. Being given the means to explore the world as she saw fit with a new perception following the War of Australia and the introduction to Iramasha to the masses, The Angel believed it was time to have more of her fill of Earth to rid herself to that disgusting memory which was the likes of Lilium and all that had transpired on that rotten contient all those months ago.

Thus, after being transported to the Iramasha Settlement in off the coast of Japan, The ice Angel decided it was time to branch her wings out more to explore the depths of this planet and head to one of the densest collections of spiritual forces within the planet. Flying pass the sea, through the forest, above the skies and far ahead of the ruins; it only took her a short while to discover the bustling metropolis that was Karakura City. And boy, was it like anything she had never seen before. An infinite sea of buildings, countless civilians walking the streets of all kinds of races and the strong stench of big city business hitting her senses all at once as the sights, sounds, hustle and bustle of the city began to overwhelm the The Ice Fairy as she had never seen anything quite as massive as this back on Iramasha Island. Although, the same could be said in retrospect to the appearance of the small Angel.

Standing at roughly four feet eleven, many bypassers could easily mistake The Ice Fairy for a lost child as she stared aimlessly at the sights above her. Although, with six giant wings made entirely out of ice hovering behind The Iramasha's back, it was clear that she at least had some means to defend herself to even the untrained the common eye. And so, as a hard wind blew the girl's crystal hued hair in the breeze, she took this as the precaution needed to move to another location. Leaping from building to building, the white colored dress that she adorned streamed seamlessly in the wind; causing the shades of blue that were engraved in the rather large ribbon that had been attached to her waist side and second ribbon in a hue of black behind her head to all but blend in within the surrounding The Iramasha soon began to maneuver herself swiftly throughout the skies.

After roughly five minutes of flight, she'd soon find herself coming to a pause as her sandals produced a clacking sound against the hard titled surface of the ledge The Angel of Ice stood over. Maybe she had gotten into a bigger mess than originally thought. The people here seemed distant, the souls dim and there wasn't even enough space to breathe. Around every corner, throughout every street; there was simply too much structure and the sights of nature itself were eradicated from this gathering of neon lights, concrete and people. The Iramasha couldn't understand how people could live like this having seen it up close and personal for herself. They were packed like sardines; crammed together worse than peanuts in a jar even. Exhaling a heavy high from out of her lips, Cirno soon placed her hands firmly upon her kneecaps; leaning her body forward to give it a slight rest before discovering something rather unusual unfolding below her feet.

Paying close attention to the dispute, the target of this upcoming assault seemed to be emitting faint levels of demonic energy. It made her assume that he was in legion with The Demon race, but she'd reserve judgement on the male until The Ice Angel was able to determine view his actions. At any rate, the poor fellow seemed to be surrounded by a group of bloodthirsty thugs. Each of them were spouting harsh words, bold threats and seemed ready to strike with the intent to kill for revenge. However, before they knew what hit them, in a matter of seconds The Suited Fellow was able to leave them face down in the dirt with their limbs broken, spirits crushed and the sounds of victory all but humming throughout this dark alleyway. Blinking a bit, it was quite the display for someone with the childish demeanor that Cirno possessed within her persona, but it made her more curious about what his strength could be if he was able to easily toss aside those gentlemen as if they were yesterday's garbage. It's not like she hadn't seen worse displays of brutality, for when she had remembered the sights of The Australian War, the many corpses that flattered the fields of combat in that battle were eons above this level of violence.

Not having the luxury of indulging in these thoughts for much longer, she soon snapped out of that mental fog as her facial expression lit up like a firecracker. Apparently, the demonic individual had called her out after being able to sense her presence. In this accidental mishap, it seems that The Iramasha still had a thing or two to learn about concealing her power. After leaving the compound of the Iramasha Island, it seemed that the world truly was operating on different frequencies of strength as she made her adventures throughout the Soul Society and Earth. So, thanks in part to this incident, The Angel was going to learn in the future to get a better grip on her overall means of sleath. For now, it would just be better to confront the male than bother tip toeing in the shadow's anymore.

"Yanno Mister, I kind of doubt that you are as sincere as you claim to be, but you seem pretty fun anyway. I'll come down for you because you seem like a fun enough person. Although, if you try anything funny, I'll be sure to make you regret it!" Having a confident smirk creep up around her face, The Ice Fairy let out a lighthearted laugh as she was ready to face this person head forward at this point. Thusly, she jumped from that rooftop and swiftly landed on a few feet ahead of Reigen as dust spread throughout the alleyway as an aftermath of this leap. Taking a quick glance at the last person left in the wake of The Demon's wrath, Cirno held her hand outwards to the thoroughly beaten sap and tried to fling him like a ragdoll into what seemed to be a hospital down the road. Of course the action seemed a bit roofed, but you get what you get when you go around beating the snot out of people for fun. Hopefully the low-life would safely reach the second story inframony of the clinic roughly a block down the street from the two, if not, he lead a long enough life and the Shinigami in the area could take care of it he started to pass on to the afterlife. It wasn't her problem anymore.

What was more intriguing to Cirno was the Demon that now stood before her. She hadn't spent much time around this race to really understand them; outside of taking out the obligatory demonic minions on the fields of war. Therefore, to see one with intelligence and grace such as the tailored suited man before her brought great interest to The Angel. "So, are we going to start exchanging names now, mister? I believe I'll get my introductions out of the way so you can know who I am off the bat!" Snapping her fingers and leaving little room for backtalk from the Demon, in a matter of moments, The Immoral Dealer could quickly begin to see her....persuasive demeanor beginning to come into effect. Or rather, her need to control the conversation. The Iramasha didn't want him weaseling himself out of this that easily, after all. To her perception of the male? He seemed like just the type to do such trickery!

"Hello Mr.Demon, my name is Cirno Iramasha and I'm an Elite Member of the Iramasha Guard! It's a pleasure to meet you! I come here before you today to seek out new ventures on Earth and to understand the world around me a bit better. So, if you don't mind telling me, what brings you this concrete nightmare of a city? Do you have any interesting stories to share about demon's? Or is that spine tingling sensation I'm sensing in the air the intent for you to kill me?" Brushing off the potential danger as if it were but a mere afterthought, Cirno was hoping this wouldn't lead to a heavy conflict; but this girl was more than prepared to do battle if she were required. Albeit, in a city this size, she was doubtful he wanted to create such a spectacle.

Rubbing the back of her sapphire colored hair, Cirno gave off a cheesy grin as she awaited to see the reception she'd get from The Demon. Would he be a benevolent Demon? Could he perhaps be looking for a fight here? Or maybe he'd walk away from this situation altogether? There were all sorts of potential outcomes to be had, but there was one thing to be certain: time would tell what his reactions would be and all The Angel of the Ice could was wait, keep her guard up and hope that this wouldn't be a total let down.

Greed Becomes Him (Andrew/Open) WVMWLOu

Greed Becomes Him (Andrew/Open) Empty Re: Greed Becomes Him (Andrew/Open)

Thu Jan 23, 2014 8:41 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A
It seemed that the well-dressed monster would not have to wait long for a new face to enter the fray that was this under-lit and disused alleyway, but it was not another of the many thugs that made themselves known before running off like headless chickens. No instead the new mystery figure made herself known by claiming Reigen's honesty to be a falsehood, the snake-eyed avarice looked to where the sound was coming from noting the rather youthful voice that seemed to be coming from it. "Well, that's a mean misconception I have done many things in my day but never once have I lied to a human, Shinigami or otherwise.... If they were to ask the right questions then I would give perfectly good answers but alas the way people are now makes them have a more 'personal' outlook on what goes on around them.... but it seems a bit unfair to be judged by a voice from above without all the shining light a burning bush from those old human folktales." The figure from the shadows landed to the ground bringing up dust in her wake the air currents blew up Reigen's coat as he pushed it down to maintain a healthy and not wind-creased suit. The appearance of the newcomer was.... Little, such a person in the eyes of most would be akin to a child but Reigen knew enough that no one in Karakura City who would want to be caught talking with him was anything but above the mortal coil in terms of entertainment and interest. The girl made it seemingly clear that she did not enjoy the game of completed hangman that Reigen was starting as she threw the man clear from the area and perhaps to the hospital a few blocks away.

"Well you're doing this man a disservice..." The suited Demon noted as the chain that connected the man to his previous position would now be behind the young woman, but it was not thrown that way instead at the end of the chain as it passed her would be the flung body of the poor thug from moments ago. "If I left him to medical science then he'd be frozen in a state of neither life or death trapped in a useless body, seeing from behind a mirror..."As the demon let the chained man pass him the tether would suddenly become taut in his hand as he grabbed it heavily and then what could be heard was a snap, what could be seen was less of the man's head coming clean off but instead his neck elongating as if his true calling was to be a giraffe man...."See with this I finish the terms of mine and his arrangement, I give a chance to attack me and I make sure to end it it the easiest way possible given the circumstances...." The Demon tilted his hat with a Cheshire grin starting to spread as he looked to the girl again. "Thanks for the momentum by the way...".

The two faced off with both holding smiles that made even the air surrounding the place seemed to be cut with an unnatural tension, neither flared any sort of power but it seemed that both were unnerving in their own right. With the two now standing together the young woman made her introductions seemingly giving no time for the Demon to speak up before hearing her name. "She seems quite enamored with her own voice.... With the pot calling the kettle black...." Reigen seemed quite aware of the irony in his thoughts but he did not let them stop him hearing out the words of the rather energetic young flying girl in front of him. "Iramasha you say?" The girl, Cirno, she was apparently a member of the Iramasha the creatures beyond this world that were making a big splash already with their impressive taking of a good chunk of land for earth operations. Cirno as she put it wanted to understand the giant metropolis that she was standing in as well as why the Demon was here, moreover she seemed interested on the knowledge the Demon had on his own kind. It seemed to Reigen that the introduction she gave was nothing that shouldn't be meet with a same cordial retort. "Well, Good day to you Cirno Iramasha" The sharply dressed man tilted his hat in welcome after a moment. "My name as I gave myself for the pleasantries of humans is Reigen Akogi. I'd like to welcome you to Karakura City, as you can see it is filled with both monsters and man with such wondrous gruesome scenes and many otherwise dull moments of goodwill to the few with it left." The monster moved to continue his train of thought with a more focus on himself. "Why I would be here? Well I am a man of proprietary need, I am a self starting Demon with the wish to go forth and aid my clients in completing their contractual agreements with me while also gaining a little something from them in return..." The Demon looked to the eyes of the grinning girl, he gave a sly grin in response to her own. "I would normally charge for any information about my own kind for others but the payment of you being a strange new occurrence in a city such as this is fun enough, I would tell you that the world is currently filled with demons of all shapes and sizes but you already know that...It is unfortunate I can't get much gossip from my own world with all the plebeians throwing out words like traitor and disgrace around me while I'm there makes it hard for me to make conversation, especially with corpses...." The Demon noted any sort of change in the look of the girl but she seemed more focused on him answering her last question, if he was a threat to her...

"Rest assured I'm not with Shadowfall, I don't like being tied down to a organization that seems to be a mix of creatures to entertaining to stop or stiff to hard to listen to.... But I can understand you're cautiousness considering the scene, but I only have two main reasons why you would be in my crosshairs. Firstly if you where a threat to my well-being or if you were to someone else. Or if you asked me to kill you then by honor of a oral contract I'd do my humblest to end your life as painfully and humiliatingly as possible..." The demon stared at the girl with a bit more of curiosity than bloodlust, he had yet to meet any Iramasha so such an encounter was something quite entertaining for him to be around. "Barring you're own questions I have one miss. Do you have anything you want?" Always the gentleman, always humble yet gratifying while at the same time seemingly like a shark waiting for something to bite holding on the eyes of the sapphire haired girl wondering if she wanted something from the new surroundings she found herself in. If not and if she was perhaps one to take action for the goodness of a bunch of people she had never met before then, it was lucky that Reigen already had his chain prepared from his previous battle. It was always a good thing to be prepared.

Template By: [THEFROST]
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Greed Becomes Him (Andrew/Open) Empty Re: Greed Becomes Him (Andrew/Open)

Fri Jan 24, 2014 2:28 am

Artist: アールグレイ - Song: 3rd Eye (Arrange) - Word Count: 1439

(If you do not mind, I would like to control the NPC a bit more before he died.I find that this outcome would produce a more...interesting post. If not, I'll rewrite it and change it.)

The air within the area around the Angel and the Demon soon started to become darkened in tension and intensity. It seems that there was obviously a lot more to this individual than The Ice Fairy had originally thought. Listening to his wording carefully, there was a sense that the male was merely twisting words to fit his own agenda. There was no way to confirm this or not, but it surely didn't take a rocket scientist to put two and two together; people dressed up in the getup that Reigen had presented were known to be charismatic, smooth talking and deceitful people. Even those within the Iramasha Clan themselves noted such ruthless businessmen. These suspicions, doubts and concerns would further be proven in the way that the male had carelessly ended the life of the human by entanglement. Due to the drastic extension of his neck, the individual seemed to have hurled a large volume of blood across the walls of the stone walls that surrounded them in a violent display before blacking out from the extreme pain associated with this procedure. In that moment, you could almost see the shock come to a fire across the young girl's face as she never expected this outcome to truly come to place.

Yes, she was under the assumption that her toss was going to cause him a good deal pain once he impacted the window seat of the hospital down the road, but never in her wildest dream would a result like this occur. It was simply...a fantasy was it not? Shaking her head to remove these delusions from her path, the blood that spewed like an endless rain across the walls of these concrete prisons were more than enough proof to awaken her to this reality. The scent of iron now masking the air in the waste of that corpse, the memories of the Australian War would soon begin to come surging within her mind. The lives lost on the field, the Iramasha she let down; although they were victorious in saving the city....the promise to prevent ALL of them from losing their lives on that day was one that simply wasn't able to be achieved by a child and brought her awakened to this world's grim reality. And as her overwhelming willpower tried to ward off these visions, the sinking feeling her gut that the world outside of Iramasha Island was a demented one was slowly beginning to take root within her mind.

Multiplying in numbers, these notions started to increase in quantity throughout the mind of The Unlevered Angel. In response to this, keeping these discerning thoughts sealed away from the stream of consciousness that she shares with the likes of Shiro Iramasha, the former Angel of Ice whose mind lays vested within the depths of Cirno's soul, was of the utmost priority. So to prevent this partner from interfering with finding her own viewpoint of the world outside of the safety of the isle, Shiro was kept within a quiet slumber; blissfully unaware of the trouble beginning to take root within Cirno's soul.

Calming herself down by taking steady breathes, the waves of serenity washed over the once trembling soul as the child attempted to block out these truly gruesome and horrifying image from her memory; such as she did on the day of the Australian War. For, once again, she was utilizing her willpower to suppress the trauma endured from seeing such disturbing scenery; forever trying to keep a seal on these visions that were engraved into her mind. Thus, in response to this sudden fluctuation, the sweating around the girl's body soon started to ease, the heavy breathing started to lessen and soon she removed the hand that compressed herself further into this delusional state of mind; maintaining her ego and mental stability for the time being to allow her to engage with this ruthless demon that stood before The Angel of The Ice.

" are only telling half-truths. I'm not sure about the whole ordeal that goes behind finding what it is that will grant me the right answer I am looking for, but I'm assured in the fact that you are withholding important information to suit your own needs. What you did to that person...was just cruel. Why would such a thing without even thinking twice about it? It doesn't make sense! I understand that the man was trying to harm him, but wasn't he subdued enough? Hadn't he learned his message? Why did you have to slaughter him like that!?" Beginning to rise her voices a bit, her vocal tone was starting to become more fragile in nature as she attempted to suppress these sensations of hurt for the life lost so viciously.

In response to this outcry, the energy that lay within The Angel of the Ice unleashed a strong torrent of ice against the walls and ground around them. It was not meant to attack, nor harm the likes of the Reigen. However, it would attempt to devour the blood skewed across the area to mask it, hide it and freeze it in ice; turning into a cold ash in the wind at her command. As for the body? Perhaps that to would be hidden beneath the unleashing of the winter air; being pushed back into the skies themselves as a frozen husk of itself. It didn't matter what happened to the deceased at this point; so long as that...thing was out of her sights. Rubbing the tears away from her eyes, she'd give a more stern expression to the likes of the Rouge Demon before him as she listened in more closely as to what the male had to say, despite all of these chaotic occurrences taking place in The Iramasha's surroundings.

From what the Iramasha was able to piece together from all of the information that Reigen devulged to her, apparently he was some sort of outcast from Demon World. Being rejected by his own kind, in The Iramasha's point of view, the male most likely took to a retreat within the living realm to keep up his sadistic games further without much resistance from his fellow peers. So that convulsively meant that the male wasn't working for their fiendish spirits that call Shadow Fall their empire, but he certainly wasn't any better at this point. Ignoring the tidbits about him bringing up the ability to bring a swift and humiliating end to her life if he so willed it, something more....intriguing had taken place. What was this notion? Perhaps it was magic, perhaps it was delusional talk: but the male spoke of the power to bring wishes into life and soon asked Cirno for her own. To her response? She could only reply with this much:

"What do I wish for....? I'm not entirely sure of that, Demon. I came here for adventure, i sought this world for fun and I wanted to meet as many interesting people as possible. But a bit too much. Such senseless violence , death and murder is foreign to me. I can understand lusting after a good spar or having a good fight; but if everyone was like this.....perhaps it may have been better to stay on that island." Stating those words out to the world, she'd unleash a heavy sigh before turning her crystal eyes solely on the being of The Immoral Dealer. This situation was turning more appalling by the moment and something had to be done about it soon enough. Therefore, it was time to bring up the fact that she did have the authority and power to bring this man if he hadn't been aware of what he did.

"And besides that point, just what do you intend to do that? Do you think a murder like that is going to go unnoticed for long? Don't you understand that I'm apart of the Iramasha Military? I can very well imprison you right now for the heinous act you committed, mister..." Ergo, with that threat made clearly in the air, she'd await to see what his response would be at this point; while in the confines of her mind, she'd continue to aimlessly ponder if the entire world were nothing but a bunch of twisted freaks. It was a saddening thought to be bestowed to The Angel, but one her willpower would not so easily accept.

Greed Becomes Him (Andrew/Open) WVMWLOu

Greed Becomes Him (Andrew/Open) Empty Re: Greed Becomes Him (Andrew/Open)

Fri Jan 24, 2014 11:24 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A
The frosty youngling that was in front of the Demon seemed rather perturbed by the acts he took against the human, to his own credit Reigen had not planned on making such a mess of the surrounding area and blood on black was such a bad thing for his suit as to avoid it the creature shaded himself from the rather lengthy splatter with his chain. The moment that the man seemed to become a fountain Cirno's eyes became for just a moment a scene of shock at the abject cruelty seemingly shown by the well-dressed man. That look was what Reigen wanted to see, this Iramasha was not use to the outside world and the moment of shock from such a gruesome end was what the Demon wanted to grant the girl as a small consolation for what she decided to do. Cirno began to claim that the Demon's belief in his honesty was only half what it truly could be. "True I do not lie, but omission could be viewed as such an occurrence...." The Iramasha continued after seemingly regaining some simple composure with her voice, the breathing she gave off was not ragged or startled as it was a few moments ago but the young woman's words were what was important as she claimed the act that Reigen committed was cruel and abhorrent to the point that it was unneeded.

"If that man had landed by that hospital they would have found that the lack of oxygen he had suffered along with the spinal damage would have left him in a vegetative state, I should know I'm very thorough with my 'actions'..." The Demon smiled as he noted the air getting colder as the girl began to become exasperated with her words before he countered her claim of cruelty. "If I was to leave someone like that then I'd truly be crueler...Besides you're the one who threw him if not for your interference he would have died quicker and, well cleaner than expected...." It was a slight guilt trip for a creature that had no understanding of the feeling, but Reigen felt that the sight of gore caused something dark to surface on the face of the young lady, he was always one to read a person's face to find their intentions and secrets. The chill in the air became much more than that when the girl released her unknown power, ice filled the empty little alleyway covering the walls and then lifting the body away from the ground to a location away from either of the to left. It seemed that this Iramasha had the power to control or at least generate ice, an interesting strength indeed as the girl froze the blood surrounding the area and looked to remove it. "Well that's quite a power, I haven't seen many who could send a chill through a wall...But in the end..." The chain resting behind Reigen moved lazily towards the walls now frozen by the generated ice covering and manipulating the blood. "Ice is very rarely everlasting.." The moment the chain touched the ice the wall would slowly lose the natural sheen that was there previously, the wall seemingly gushed out as water, mixed with the frozen blood the water still as cold as it was beforehand now gave off a crimson sheen that came to above ankle height for even the Demon and dripped and spewed quickly into the drains surrounding the alley. "I'm not a fan of a cold bloodbath, but seems you're not unused to such things...."

The girl made comment on wishing for things and how she looked for adventure in this world she had only stepped in, for Reigen now slightly peeved he chose to wear white socks with his shoes looked a tad bemused at the idea of the girl feelings on an adventure out in the world. "The Iramasha are strong-willed people aren't they, to have such power in one hand but naivety in the other, but to live on that Island all the time, geez I'm not sure if I wouldn't go mad... Adventure my girl is something that can only be viewed in the eye of the beholder, to have a wish of sort is different for all creatures and all things. Some may want power, knowledge, strength, revenge, money, women or all sorts of selfish goals it is those people Miss Cirno, that truly are unnatural combat and violence will always occur take....That war in Australia for instance..." The Demon smiled for a moment, he had heard of the loss by the Iramasha in the fighting but he himself hoped that it would just touch a nerve on the young girl. "The fighting there was not for much, some would say that the battling and the fighting was an adventure, power to be gained land to take and plenty of men and women with righteous causes all with the same goal in mind 'Get something that others can't have...'" The Demon looked to the girl hoping that her belief that the world was perturbing still their in her heart. "The clothes I wear, the way I am, it is a parody of the things that I saw when I was birthed from the shadows of the Demon World, humans are vicious and disturbing but they are not alone everything and everyone make their choices on if they will gain something or if they will be lauded by a hero by others."

The Demon looked to the back of the girl to note if anyone had notice the bloody water flowing from the sides of the alley, luckily no one had but he wanted to keep the girl informed so he continued. "The world outside your island is not perfect, and only a few if not none will do anything for the good of their own man, those that would well they are the special few who will die for something and be at the front while those with the greatest ambition will be behind them waiting for their sacrifice to martyr them..." The girl seemingly worried if the whole world was like Reigen however he wanted to deny her worries. "Its not like that Miss, there are no people like me for I am, what you could say as ahead of the curb... I do not deny my passions nor do I take a stance on any righteous cause for my own sake, to do so would be to make myself hypocritical and more than that I would be much too sarcastic to be taken seriously on a stance for peace, or conquering.... I just want.....More, that is all I have ever wanted and by that right I have not limited myself to the actions of others to suit my needs." With his bit said Reigen waited for the girl to make a claim and he wasn't disappointed as she made to claim that his actions would be enough for her to take him in and prosecute him.

The Demon just smiled that same sly smile. "With that body? Well I wouldn't say anything but for a frozen husk such as that to be called my fault? Hm seems more likely that a Iramasha came to the city and after being provoked by a thug attacked him and went...Lets say overboard..." The Demon made more to add to his imagined story. "Perhaps this girl was suffering from having seen things, things that would put a shiver in even the worst man's spine and maybe she thought instead of taking the blame for the life she took that a harmless Demon would be the perfect fall-guy....Well that just seems like a cowardly thing to do..." Reigen got quite deep into his own story, such a reasoning did not seem ridiculous however as the area was covered in a chill that seemed unnatural for any sort of demon and besides the well-dressed man was not a ice maker nor did he have any sort of aptitude in the power there was only one person here that had such a power and it was none other than the girl throwing threats at someone who was not unused to such tactics. Rank, power and standing nothing meant much to the Demon unless they could give him something or at least prove they were worth his time...

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Greed Becomes Him (Andrew/Open) Empty Re: Greed Becomes Him (Andrew/Open)

Thu Jan 30, 2014 6:11 am

Artist:Kyu Sawamura - Song: Hill Act - Word Count: 2007

This demonic male was beginning to become truly despicable in his actions, methods and words. There wasn't a single ounce of remorse for the murder he committed, nor was he coming out of this pattern no telling half-truths. It brought a revolting feeling to The Ice Fairy's stomach, but she'd still endure this cruel and unusual world filled to brim with it's twisted and cynical beings. For in this moment of time, it was starting to feel more like a duty to clash against such dire, perverse and adverse ideals. "So, you hide your lies behind exclusion of the whole truth? Don't joke with me, Demon. I thought you could have been different, but this is turning into something I cannot stand for. It makes me sick that you haven't even thought about the pain you've inflicted on that poor man. I've seen the medicine of this world, I've seen what it could do first-hand in Australia! They could have indeed saved that person, but you decided to step in and cut that process short, you monster!"

Curling her lips inwards into her mouth, The Angel soon began bite down on them and started expressing sentiments of anger behind those crystal eyes of hers as her face transitioned into a scowl. In consequence of these emotions starting to take root inside of The Iramasha, the girl's energy started to take notice of this and not too long after that fury was unleashed on her mind was a discharge expelled from Cirno's body. In a matter of moments following that internal enmity blossoming, a faint sapphire aura soon started oozing across her body, while she was trying to prevent too much of her energy from slipping away; but keeping just enough to protect herself from this clearly dangerous individual in case things got violent with their interaction. However, as the smell of iron soon flooded the area once more, a more petrified expression seeped into her face. Smelling the essence of a shell who had long since lost their embodiment of life, this scent made a reaction in Cirno's body to begin throwing up slightly as a mixture of yellow and blue liquid escaped from her mouth; steadily turning together with the combination of blood and escaping into the sewers alongside of it as she coughed a bit afterwards from the sudden release from her stomach.

Just in what the world was this man's major malfunction? That's the question which was posed inside of The Angel's psyche as she wiped away the chunks of regurgitated mess from upon her mouth. Was there such a need for an unnecessary action like that? Had there been a requirement in the universe for such a demented nature? It didn't make a slither of sense as to why the man before her was like this; but it certainly made her utterly disgusted with him at this point. As things would proceed, however, The Immoral Dealer seemed to go onward with the explanation of the ideals behind wishes and how they functioned. When The Demon first began, there was a need to interrupt his notions about the Iramasha: "The others of my people are far older in nature than I am myself. Do not speak of them if you understand their whole nature from my interactions. I'm just one of the younger breeds of my clan. Not all of us Iramasha spend every living moment on the island, it's why I wanted to venture out into the world to begin with to see what lay behind those doors. Though, as it stands now, from you hysterical creatures -- I feel myself coming to a distorted view of this world. You should be downright ashamed and sickened with yourself, Demon."

Being able to say that much at least, The Angel would then allow Reigen to continue speaking about The Fairy's thirst for adventure, the realms of motions people go through for such conquest and everything in between it. Hearing such notions as selfish desires, the yearnings of different creations and how the circle of violence always follows those with such wicked ambitions. Albeit, when the male got to the bit about Australia, each of their eyes seemed to lock dead on. Her nerves were already fried from the circumstances leading up to that colossal war, and when combined with the utter wrenched nature of the beings she has encountered since then, they honestly couldn't become more unnerved. So after he finished his statements about different points of view deeming that war as an adventure, there was a sense inside of the girl's heart that such observations could be in fact be correct, but at the same time, when dealing with the nature of what the man spoke, there were always hidden bits of information taken away from the surface. All that the male spoke all seeked to benefit him, so he understood when to mix lie with truth to mold himself into this contorted world.

"I guess in the sense of a mentally insane person that war could be seen as an adventure. I'm swiftly catching on to how you operate, Demon. You can't just alter the perspective in such a way and not expect a counter viewpoint to come about. There was nothing but bloodshed, lost, destruction and terror to be had in that battle. It's the first time I learned of the horrors of man's heart, the lunacy of war and how far the madness could go in this world. I wouldn't have believed all of this was a reality if I hadn't seen it for my own eyes." Taking a heavy sigh to express such intense sensations resonating within herself, The Angel of The Ice allowed this pause in her own dialogue to listen to more of the curled words of The Immoral Dealer. Expressing further ideas on how the world outside of the walls of Iramashsa Island were decayed in nature, Cirno could only rub her temples in frustration as she herself was beginning to subsume to that viewpoint; having previously stated that earlier in the conversation. There wasn't any sort of need for a sinister double-confirmation such as this.

"I refuse to believe such statements from someone who mends to the truth to his own liking. Maybe I'm in the process of finally opening myself to what the essence of this world truly is, but I cannot bring myself to accept that nearly everyone around me holds such bleak views of their fellow man. If this is indeed true, then perhaps this world is more further gone than I once thought. I can't imagine anyone on Iramasha Island...just being sacrifices for the sole purpose of being a martyr to corrupt beings own selfish ambitions." Now, with another pause in the conversing of The Angel and The Demon, she'd hear further retorts from the male trying to explain that the world is indeed not full of creatures much like himself. Digesting more of what The Dealer had to say, The Ice Fairy started to fall under the assumption that his true persona was that of greed nearly. A great sense of gluttony, hunger and avarice for an overwhelming and insatiable thirst for more grumbled lowly within the pits of the male's aura. It was utterly and totally incomprehensible that a man like this existed nearly from her limited experiences with the Demonkind as a whole.

"I see how it is now. I'm starting to have a more clear picture in my mind about what you are. If I didn't know any better, you are just an embodiment of greed, gluttony and all that is excess hunger. The way you crave for a longing of more and the avidity of the words you speak are filled with voracity. In this world, you mend yourself with covetousness to mask the fake persona and draw innocent souls into your void. I think...I understand your game now, Demon." As this discussion and exchange continued onward with the pair, unbeknownst to others, more of Shiro's vocabulary was beginning to seep into Cirno's mind as her feelings became more guided, founded and understood to even herself; causing the resonance of such profound words to come to the surface from their shared unity of consciousness and body. Henceforth, as The Demon attempted to once again turn the tables of fate against The Angel of The Ice, these feelings would become further established as like the theme of this whole encounter, he was masking the truth once again to meet his own cruel agenda.

"So you are resorting to those omissions one again? It's starting to run dry on my patience and nerves. If you were keen to the world around you, a creature such as yourself could smell your weapon's scent on it, the faint feel of your energy attached to that man and the pure logic of a devious murder that spews out of your mouth. I sincerely doubt they'll take your word, a demonic butcher, over mine anyway. I'd be willing to fight that case to the ends of court itself if it should come to that. Therefore, I suggest you get out of my way before I end up breaking something I shouldn't." Face becoming darkened in expression, The Iramasha was growing tired of these loopholes he tried to entrap her and the time for action was all but surely coming to the surface.

In a flash, in a burst and within a few milliseconds; she'd attempt to deliver a heavy punch to Reigen's face in order to try and knock him off of his feet with her right hand and leave him down on to the dirt beneath them. These fluid motions were made possible thanks in the part to the Iramasha's infamous "Chaos Warp" technique; a move which allowed them to keep on par with Shinigami's flash step by means of teleporation. If his Gar of Greed were to get in the way, she'd deliver an additional punch from her left arm in order to defend herself against it. However, there didn't seem to be any additional follow-up action; nor was there any sense of true aggression and thirst for battle. Staring down at Reigen, she'd only say these words to him: "You deserve that for what you've put me through today. I suggest you take that warning punch, reflect on the actions you've caused today and just leave this city before I make your stay in Karakura Central a living hell. I'm tired of the lies, I'm tired of the mistruth's and I'm not going to tolerate it anymore. I never thought people like you could exist, or people like the twisted souls I met in Australia, but it's becoming clear the only thing that shuts them up is pure force. I can't take it anymore. I'll take care of the body myself and give him a proper burial, so you needn't worry about my fate. You should be more concerned of your well being at this point if you continue to utter such rancid means of deceit before my ears."

Leaving him with all of those harsh statements echoed out into the world, she'd soon move a few steps away from The Immoral Dealer in order to gauge his reaction and see what his response to such a course of events would be. There was a sickening feeling taking place in her gut, a hurling motion that made The Angel feel nauseous to an extent. That this path that she was on was starting to becoming very disheartening and sickening, but it was one she had to travel none the lesss with what's she encountered on Earth. With a strong sense of uncertainty in the air, she'd take one last deep breath, compose herself and attempt to suppress that deadening feeling in her stomach. And thus, for The Angel of Ice, there was nothing to do now but merely wait to see what would come of everything now set into motion with her actions.

Greed Becomes Him (Andrew/Open) WVMWLOu

Greed Becomes Him (Andrew/Open) Empty Re: Greed Becomes Him (Andrew/Open)

Fri Jan 31, 2014 10:20 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A
The little girl was just being cute now, her expression at Reigen's actions made him feel exuberant at her rather uncanny ability to act high and mighty over how 'evil' and 'unfortunate' Reigen truly was being, the Demon chuckled to himself over the nature of Cirno's aggression towards him. She was too willing to believe that people had a speck of reason and goodness in them, the well-mannered Gentleman in front of her chose to see things much differently, he was one who had no wishes to see goodness in others the greed and darker emotions that come along with it made Reigen all the more happy to see as if he got to see someone fall to the depths of despair simply from their own avarice it made the Demon feel more accomplished than his victims possibly ever could. The young lady continued to spout words of belligerent anger at the Demon, his smile never left his face even as the girl continued on resorting to name calling and angrier rants on his actions falling into levels more despicable than anyone could possibly stoop. Reigen took off his hat and placed it to his chest with what seemed to be a smile of surprised gratitude. "Why thank you miss, but I'm just what the world makes me!" Words and philosophical feelings aside Reigen couldn't stop making fun at the young Iramasha's expense it was an experience that seemed all to fun to stop now.

It only got better from there... As the bloody water fell to the ground the face of resistance and even the sense of preparation for battle fell away from the Iramasha and a face of petrified horror came into being as the face of fear appeared a dark smile of perverse enjoyment came onto the Demon's. It was there the first sign that this girl was not ready to meet the black hole that was Reigen Akogi, his bottomless shadow only grew darker and more corrupted as one went down the rabbit hole Reigen seemingly chose to play with this new guest a bit more only to give her a true glimpse of the real world off the pretty little island she had come from... Cirno's reaction to the stench of death was quite a spectacle as well, she couldn't control her stomach and seemingly released all she had left out onto the ground below her. "Its always better in than out, that's what I say..." The Demon enjoyed the discomfort of others when such new experiences came up with such results as Reigen breathed in he had a small sigh of seemingly nostalgia. "Ah just how mom use to make......Wait I don't have a mother.... Must have been me making them then!" A breathless giggle came from the suited gentleman as seemingly the girl regained her bearings, it wasn't unlike Reigen to laugh at the expense of others... Honestly it was one of the only times that he would laugh.

As Cirno managed to regain some ground on her psyche the Demon played with his same innocent smile as the girl seemed honestly shocked and horrified at the creature standing in front of her it was that shock that made this all the more fun to play around with.... The little angelic creature made her thoughts on the Demon's view she was quite aggressive feeling her elders would never be such like what the Demon had shown her in such a short time, Reigen simply smiled with a mischievous grin. "I think you may want to take that same reasoning to heart as well Miss, don't speak like you know the hearts of every man, woman and child who has wanted something because within such dark thoughts some can go above the instinct to take while many thankfully would not have the will to be above getting what they wanted for the sake of others dying for them...." Her thoughts on his world were....Twisted? Seemed a bit harsh especially when she told him he should be ashamed. "Well I certainly feel sick too much of a good thing can be bad for you.... But you think this world is twisted, such order that the Iramasha has is too boring, I'd rather live in a world of Chaos than a island of stick in the muds..."

The girl then made comments that war would only seem good for the an insane person and that war is nothing but bloodshed and battle. "But with war comes glory for those who seek it, with it a people can gather under a common goal and with it those without purpose find it within battle... Tell me did you fight in the war to aid in the cause of the Iramasha? Was it your choice or did you follow the orders of those who led the charge? Humans are not the only beings that attract war all races and peoples use war as the ultimate form of both aggression and connection, connecting through the deaths of all those around them..." Reigen felt that he could get a manifesto down by the time this was all over, then again he had more work to do after this little encounter but it could wait until the angelic Iramasha was darkened a bit....

The girl made a claim that he was simply mending the truth to his own liking but Reigen was simply doing as all did in any situation, history was written by the victor and in all beings eyes they were the winners. She made claims that no one on her island would use their fellows as a sacrifice for furthering ambitions. "Quite a claim, the War in Australia did many Iramasha die in battle, were any of your comrades used as footstools to climb to further battles, when the dust cleared will all of them be remembered? Will the beings who sent them to their deaths mourn them when the next battle comes along?" The Demon questioned the girl fiercely, he was certainly having fun with this and was not about to let it go to waste without some questioned going through the young Iramasha's head. The girls focused further into analyzing the Demon's psyche but it was only making Reigen more delighted her claim that she understood his 'game' was a bold one but he let her say it nonetheless until he looked at her with his piercing yellow eyes. "You might know the game Miss but you'll never know when you're playing until I tell you...." She tried to reason that her innocence could be cleared with the evidence of the body found at the scene of the crime. "You are quite observant, but you do not note the key issue that could make such evidence worthless...." Reigen would have quite a bit of fun if it came to a court case, as lawyers go he's quite the persuasive devil....

As she finished the girl would begin to attack, not much time to dodge or move but the Chain of greed was all Reigen needed to avoid such troubles. As her fist edged closer to his face the demon's chain stabbed into the ground making a platform in which to roll off the situation. The well-dressed gentleman was happy to see such vigor as he slid downwards as flipped his body past the blow it was this act of aggression however that tipped the game into Reigen's favor. "Now why did you go and do that..." As the girl's momentum with the fist still fell forward a new figure would appear but with the strength of the girl's fist they would not be there for long, the force of the blow would break the human shaped figure outwards and have its inside unfortunately leave their positions. "Ohhh Nastyyy....." Reigen's comment filled the air with a joking manner as the bloody water added to its broth with the girl's assistance. "Now I wonder if that was a human or a demon? I called up a favor by 'taking' one of my contracts position away from them and putting them in my place but for the life of me and the death of them I just don't know what they were..." That same dark grin as before appeared on the face of the Demon he looked up to the girl as she made a speech on his life being a living hell. "You mustn't make an enemy of the wrong people Miss else you end up with the wrong blood on your hands.... You wish to make my world a living hell.... I've been in this city, this world much longer than you Miss I do not wish to part from such a lovely city in all its greedy glory! You want to make an enemy of greed? Then I would not suggest giving me a lecture unless you're willing to give something else in return..." The Demon was quite menacing now, he was not fond of being told were and what to do. "Besides that you should tread lightly because by the time I would be finished this bloody puddle you helped me make would be nothing to the streets lined with 'victims' of your arrogant claims..." The gentleman waited on the girl to make a move, he was all but ready to call in all the favors he had... The streets would run red and hopefully the little angel girl would be driven stark raving mad, so was the price to view the embodiment of greed....

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Greed Becomes Him (Andrew/Open) Empty Re: Greed Becomes Him (Andrew/Open)

Wed Mar 05, 2014 12:45 pm

Artist: Umineko OST - Song:Liberated Liberator - Word Count: 2004

In that moment where The Iramasha tore apart the humanoid figure with her fist, there was nothing but a vacant stare that came across The Ice Fairy's face. Indeed, she had enough of these games. There was a sickness occurring within her that made her mind mentally drained ever since the conflict within Australia had began. It crept up throughout every person she saw within the circle of the Iramasha, the reflection of those whom where her sworn enemy and those bystanders who claim this world to be their own. Flashing back to memories of those slain on the battlefield so savagely, to instances of Shisome and Lilium buzzing throughout her head; these illustrations of this world's pain, combined with the wickedness of The Immoral Dealer's words and actions, began to give the impression of Cirno that it was perhaps a futile effort to fight against this world's sinister nature. Is this what the beings that inhabited this world had been dealing with for so long? Is this the kind of torment that they endured? It had been no wonder that the planet had divulged further into the depths of darkness.

For the point they've reached? Words were far useless. She used too many of them to get by in life. It was a fool's game to imagine that with that every foe that she encountered, the sheer volume of hostility that the world was faced with and all of the internal and external problems that the Angel had to endure; to believe that all this could be resolved in a matter of words -- was futile. It was pointless, it was a farce and it started to make the Iramasha girl let out a dead, dry and raspy laugh that was invoked by reflecting on her utterly naive nature. Vision soon fading in and out to reddened static, this laughter wouldn't stop as she felt the blood across her face, the blood that oozed into her body and ripened the stench of death that slithered into her nostrils. This blood -- was life?

Hazy images soon flowed of the life Cirno once led as The Original Angel Of The Ice in that moment of posing such a question. In her first cycle of birth, dazed visuals of a purple haired woman slaying countless rows of demon's soon played within her mind. The steeled gaze behind this feminine figure's eyes as she put to rest the souls of those who dared went against order -- had been all too natural. Haha, such a thing was well within her nature. Despite her mind's attempts to suppress such a horrid fate, the walls of rationality were all but beginning to become blurred in the mind of the Ice Angel. Heart beating faster, but eyes turning duller; the body of Cirno was beginning to cope with what this world was. The innermost reflection of herself faded, the imagery of her delusional world coming to ruin and all that was left in the wake was to deal with the catalyst of it all.

The crystal shards of The Fairy's frozen element transitioned from a sapphire blue, to being intermixed together with deep and blackened hue that had a glimmer of red illuminating light emitting from it. The colors of the ice were becoming contorted as Cirno wasn't even sure how she should act in such a circumstance. Should she lash out in a angered display? Embrace the way this world was? Curl up into a ball and cry? Continue fighting onward in a redundant battle against "evil"? Or should she just make her own objectives from this point onward? These were many of the quandaries that echoed throughout the Iramasha's body. In this erratic aura that beamed off the blue haired angel in spades, her face had a look that screamed she was unhinged. Anything was possible in how the girl could react now; her powers quivering in dismay in response to this deep rooted change in her psychological health.

In fact, she could feel her very mind begin to accelerate in age! Due to the nature of her body's structure that generally limited her within the shell of a child, that very same energy that kept this bodily change in check had pushed the wiring of Cirno's brain to boost in maturity. A kid, a brat and one who knows nothing of the world could not face such an evil -- so perhaps an adolescent could? That's where Cirno gauged her mental age in this time of awakening. Not quite adult-like in nature, there was a shift in Cirno's body as her voice gave a change in demeanor that seemed much deeper than before and her facial structure started to transform to give off a sense of older nature to it. It was if the girl, in this vortex of colors, started to go through the process of growing up within a few seconds as she stared the Immoral Down in this alley of blood.

During that period of time, The Angel soon started to realize that the person to blame for such an altering change within herself was clear: The Immoral Dealer. So it is then that Cirno made up her mind: by extracting her sense of vengeance upon the male, she'd receive her own form of justice in the form of pain, blood and death. It was how the Iramasha and those around the world operated to purge such repugnant stains of filth from the world, was it not? In fact, the very "mayor" and "Beast" of this city used such brute force tactics to get his way, so why shouldn't she?

Ahhhhh, the lines of mortality blurred further within the Angel's mind as she maneuvered her way in this blackened world. To fight a monster, you must become a monster yourself, eh? Isn't that how the adventurers she once idolized dealt with the beast they face? Sooner or later, even those of the holiest of intentions stain their hands in blood if they wish to fight in this world. It was a fact that Cirno turned away from, tried to forget and ignore to the best of her will. Yet, it was something she could no longer avert her gaze from. Everyone lives by blocking out that which they are not attentive to; nulling what their mind thinks throughout each passing day until it becomes an unrecognisable blur. If they don't think about it, they don't notice it, right? Well, for Cirno, she did notice the twisted sense of writhing ethics in this world. And now, now that she has passed the line of being a pure angel from the fairy's previous perception of herself, one blind to the way in which the world works, there was nothing holding her back from abiding by this world's virtues. To live her life in such a way as she did before would render her ill-fitting of that lifestyle.

So as the angel's wings soon encompassed upon Reigen's being like an unforgiving whirlwind of judgement, Cirno felt herself becoming not an angel of compassion, but one of contempt, aggression and one meant to strike these vile creatures in the name of whatever it was she believed in or wherever her heart guided this distorted soul. And as she ventured further down this curved path, The Ice Angel reached out for her power to begin going on the counter. Reaching into the memories of herself, she'd begin to tap into her mastery of Chaos Spells to begin forging the memories of this encounter to reflect all throughout the darkened alleyway. Everything that had been said and done in this interaction of Angel and Demon? Heh, it was replayed in dozens of holographic scenery that played like an endless loop around the two creatures that stood knee-deep in this city's darkness.

"Then let the actions of myself speak for themselves, Demon." Sounding more gruff, antagonistic and vastly matured in the tone of voice compared to before; there was an obvious spark of change that had been ignited within the Iramasha for all to behold that came to the surface. "And let the consequences of yours come to full view. I have no need to subject myself to such barefaced tripe any longer. I've fought with words long enough and they've gotten me nowhere in this land that is deaf to the cries of the innocent." Snapping her fingers, these illusions would soon come to shatter as Cirno contacted the Iramasha Guard that was presently deployed on Earth to Chaos Warp all around the vicinity of Reigen.

How was this made possible? Through the synchronization of the Iramasha Sync, it was mere child's play for one of them to send a distress signal to one another throughout their hive network of consciousness. And being that Cirno was positioned as one of the Iramasha's Military's first-class mercenary's? They drew in to this den of depravity like moths to a light. Now having the presence of this guarded force, a grim smile came into view across the Iramasha's lips as her eyes seemed more deadened than before. "Surely, you realize what this means, Demon? The very fact you are within this city without a specialized permit is lines for imprisonment. And these people aren't very open to your kind around here."

Holding her right palm out towards Reigen, the mystic powers of the Iramasha went to work. Breaking off the ice around them into shattered remains, this elemental force was enveloped within Cirno's Chaos Energy in the time span that it took for a two blinks of the eye to occur. Through her command of her abilities, she'd have a full 360 row of sharpened ice spikes emerge around The Demon; going on to pierce him at every single angle imaginable. One of them should leave a mark; as the force behind them yielded the strength behind them to leave dense cracks tool that was the Chain of Greed. One way or another, she was going to leave a mark on Reigen before he made a move. So, she'd point her index finger towards him and have a reddened piece of ice covered in the very blood that their first victim spewed out. In this way, The Angel would sought to stab the crazed demon in the eye in order to take the phrase "An eye for an eye" to a new level.

"You've crossed the wrong person, Demon. I have your voice, I know your appearance and it can be easily spread now. The Yuudeshi Network is such a wonderful toy, is it not?" Callousness in her voice, this was a new side of Cirno not yet seen as she so apathetically spoke to the Immortal Dealer. "It's the exact measurement of this mockery of justice befitting to make your life in this city no longer the same. Yes, it's very much to the same altering effect you've inflicted to those you have encountered on your life's path until now. With this information shared between the Iramasha and those who control this city, you haven't a chance in hell anymore. I very much doubt you are the type to want your cover blown." Now with the whirring of sirens in the distance, the presence of the Iramasha Military and the alert signals of The Yuudeshi Network beginning to screech the land; what would the Demon do? What could he do? Lest he risk exposing himself to the unsightly forces of this city, the only logical method to go on from here was for him to flee into lands far beyond here. And there -- she'd be ready to slay him with her fist of demented virtue.

"So the only choice you have now is to run, Demon. There is no light to hide behind, nor is there shadow's to make your ally. All that is left is the bare essence of your sins to be atoned for in the harshest of ways in this soulless world."

Greed Becomes Him (Andrew/Open) WVMWLOu

Greed Becomes Him (Andrew/Open) Empty Re: Greed Becomes Him (Andrew/Open)

Wed Mar 05, 2014 6:10 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A
'Whatever happens, Happens.' Words that Reigen had always thought to live by in most circumstances, his life was not one that could afford such silly things like humility and a conscience. Those things would simply slow him down as he cut a swathe through those who tried to stand in his way however the Demon of Greed was beyond even those simple pleasures of destruction and death. He had always felt that, no matter what the creature it could fall to its basest level upon meeting his own special brand of darkness. Madness and corruption, like a fine wine that had to be applied with the right pressure and time to make it truly exquisite... Reigen was not a destroyer of sorts, more a creator of the dark inside all, a being that's aim was to make even the best of souls turn to nothing more but reversed husks filled with nothing but sorrow and insanity... In this then having the Iramasha in front of him fly through the human he summoned and utterly eliminating it without more than a moments notice was one of those 'whatever' moments. The girl had no poker face upon the attack landing her look was not a face of breaking through the adversity but instead one that made the Demon feel that she was finally starting to get the way the world was...

Pushing away from the Angel as she crashed into the human the well-dressed gentleman looked as she simply began... Laughing. A smile reached from on cheek to the other of the Demon's face it was here. The moment he enjoyed the most when he found someone with the naivety to make such assumptions that truth and justice were anything more than pipe dreams that led to the dark. The girl seemed to not crack under the pressure of the madness encroaching on the world around her but she was not well. Perhaps it was the continued stress from Reigen or maybe a previous tragedy that affected her in such a way, the only thing that mattered now was that she show him her resolve now she understood the truth of the world she thought she could step foot in without being sullied. The girl still stood without much movement, it was as if she had to take a moment to readjust to all around her. Her eyes still hollow it seemed that it would not be too long now before the Demon would get to see something that he had wanted to see in a being like in a Iramasha, legitimate and honest rage, unbridled and uninhibited.

Cirno's appearance then began to change, the creatures of the Iramasha were not known to have such graces as shape changing but the appearance gave away a dark aura, her face a look of clear disturbed thought. It was a beauty to behold.... A masterpiece, it wouldn't be unwelcome in even the greatest gallery of art in all the world. Reigen's smile seemed to become even wider, something that seemed near impossible but it grew as he noted the ice of the Iramasha changed from its calming blue into a more aggressive red. This change was a fun little side effect it seemed Reigen was going to enjoy what the others effects of the change were going to be. The girl was changing into more of a teen in front of the Dealer's eyes it was a strange sight but it seemed to be a defense mechanism, something to protect what little grasp the girl had left of her sane form before she grew to become dark and jaded. It seemed that she was beginning to regain sense of herself as she looked to the Demon his face to happy to contain a smile he simply started, to snigger. The laugh grew more and more as he looked to the girl reaction, Reigen could not contain himself at this work of art that he had presented himself. So much anger but still unhinged and sane enough to make the reasonable assumption that the gentleman in her line of sight was a problem her form made it even more entertaining, this little game the Demon had made himself.

"Heheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheeheh I can see that you've changed a bit, I have to admit that this look seems to fit you much better, no sense of honorable ignorance and no feigned duty either, its much more fun to see people how they should be, not worrying about others or being caught up in petty things seeing a soul and a mind work together in such manic unison! Ahhhhhh It brings me to almost heartache, if I had a heart I guess that would be the case...." The Demon wanted the girl to know, her pain and loosening grip on the boredom that was sanity was simply honey to him. He never made it any secret that he was a sucker for pain but the damage that was constantly being done to the girl's psyche was like a delicacy that was beyond what Reigen could make himself, perhaps the previous scene she had meet in Australia were seasoning for this meal of madness before him but now it was simply a matter of bringing this entertaining meeting to even greater heights if he could. She seemed to be prepping for combat against him, it was intriguing that she would continue but the Demon was more than happy to see that such hatred and manic damage could still move with a purpose. Her inhibitions completely disappearing it felt that this girl was much more interesting than the one that had been in her place only a few moments before. Looking at her made Reigen feel a similarity, it wasn't contagious it was simply that while it took Cirno a war of epic horror and destruction to get to a breaking point Reigen simply never had one. It was nothing more than a world of shadows and horror, Reigen was happy to live in such a world for that was what he found to be truly the greatest way to live. Over 600 years of time in the world had left the Demon with nothing but a mind both perfectly stable yet with more darkness and madness that to it began to drag all things into it as if to corrupt them and take them as its own. A creature with a soul of greed was something quite common in the world of the living but the Demon exemplified it while he tried to aid others to do the same with each deal he made.

She made her move, looking to encompass the Demon with her wings the girl moved with the speed of a maniac looking to end their next target, how invigorating... The Demon moved to push himself out of her range but she stopped for a moment to release her chaos, this was not to make an attack she had her ice for that, no instead it was seemingly to document the meeting of the two creatures in the dark and dank alley. She seemed quite happy with herself as she shattered the illusions and began to recruit more to her side, the Demon looked with his smile still wide as they all began to move in to seemingly back up the first Iramasha. "Hmmmmm I give you since a nice new lease on life and you want to show all your friends? Quite the noble gesture... I'm sure that'll pass soon along with other compassion's soon..." He made no view of surprise, this wasn't a sign of weakness or a sign that the girl wanted to show him up, it seemed that she simply had enough sense to still call in back-up. Whatever the amount was Reigen was not one to be fearful of anything that tried to hold a face of callous contempt and cockiness while he was still around. She noted that he was entirely without permit or good intention for being in the city something he was happy to clear up with the unhinged Iramasha. "My apologies, I was going to make some calls and get that silly little mishap sorted out, it seems quite a mishap on the security of this place I didn't even need to bribe anyone to get in here."

The next scene seemed to occur with very little time to make a move, ice began to congregate at the location of the Demon, Cirno's power no doubt. The bladed ice began to spike into the Demon's location, his chain began to take up defense in his name but its speed was only a match for some of the all out attack. The ice cut into the tie, shirt and jacket of the demon, his attempts to dodged aided in keeping some of the injuries being more vicious however the cuts were still notable and tore through the fabric of the clothing with little to no effort to meet the demon's s 'skin'. "Hah hah, Now that was mean, my suit is ruined no---" Without thinking the girl looked to stab the Demon in the eye with a blooded piece of ice. Her words began to gather with threats of exposure and using the Yuudeshi Network to out the Demon within the city, seemingly the girl was so caught up with her own voice she did not note the what had occurred as she stabbed into the Demon. Grabbing the ice shard that the girl had stabbed with she would note the feeling of an even stronger madness encroaching on her position, like a miasma of terror beginning to make its way into her position and acting to consume her into a darkness that shadowed what could be thought by a mind sane or not all from being the nearest to his position.... "You aimed to stab me in a vital area that's a good start, however if you could have done better than make speeches of Pyrrhic victories then you should have thought of any more tricks I could perform..." As the Demon talked the Girl could note that the eye she had stabbed was not... There. It was traded instead with a shadowy miasma something not quite from any world as the ice made its way into the shadows it would seemingly become water again as the Demon made a smile as the what could be view as an eye in the shadow, simply a green oval that shined in the darkness stared into the girl.

"Its not a question of whether I wanted to make myself known..... It me wondering how obvious I'd have to make it before something competent noticed..." The ice melting away seemingly gathered into the shadow, upon moving a surge of energy reached high into the sky, it marked the skyline with a face that seemingly scarred the heavens with terror. Humans who saw it would most likely go mad from the inner darkness they viewed but as it grew smaller the power would fit around the Demon and take itself up as a cloak covering him and his face. The area around all of the Iramasha and Reigen would be something not quite like the human world, it seemed to warp and gather as if the world itself was beginning to gravitate towards the Immoral Dealer. Reigen making some efforts to stretch out his legs while he was standing ready he would jump out and would push off the chain of greed and having it swipe at the girl looking to make a piercing cut on her eyes as well. It would swing back into its master's possession after it made its attack, but upon viewing him the Iramasha would note that he was beginning to remove the buttons on his shirt and opening up a bit. "AHHHHHHHHH This cloak is still very much too warm to wear outside, even in winter!" The creature in front of them was still very much Reigen, but the power that he let off was darker and more unspeakable than the natural form of the Demon. However all he did was begin to stretch out his arms as if he was readying for a athletic meet. "Ah.... So Cirno, you are playing with this new outlook quite well.... But your darkness was nurtured, its something that has only begun to grow for me it truly is my nature..." The chain of greed circled its newly released master, his shining green eye still marking the icy Iramasha the miasma of dark and negative power still rose as the Demon smiled at her. "I haven't any need to hide while I'm giving a lesson, if there is light I'll consume it, if there is no darkness....Then my presence would be the darkness...." The creature was so giddy he couldn't control himself, as the darkness of his soul laid bare it wasn't a surprise he thought of this as a gift for the Iramasha, she had expected him to flee but he would never without giving her a little present of showing that, it could always get a lot worse....

Template By: [THEFROST]
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Greed Becomes Him (Andrew/Open) Empty Re: Greed Becomes Him (Andrew/Open)

Wed Apr 16, 2014 12:03 am

Artist: Demetori - Song: 人の形弄びし少女 - Word Count: 2331

As the fight between Angel's and Demon's waged on, reality around The Iramasha started to slow. The perception of all around the girl was all but precise in this state of frenzy. Eyes gleaming over with blood lust, an exhale of cold breath escaped her mouth and the time for words would soon come to an end. Realizing that she spoke entirely too much during her exchange with The Immoral Dealer, she would only seek to react and attack with the utmost prejudice from this point onward. Even with her fellow comrades on the field, the only instructions that would be given would be those from The Angel Of The Ice's pure instinct. That is to say: all plans would be telepathically translated to every Iramasha on the field presently and simultaneously shared with that of the Yuudeshi Network. Even if the male happened to escape, Cirno was determined to leave a mark of this day on him and to make him remember this encounter as much as she has mentally.

Noticing that his Chain of Greed was unable to precisely keep up with her scattered attack, Cirno made a mental note to constantly overwhelm him with numbers. As each instance that the chain seemed to react, something off-putting went into effect with the objects that it took. Therefore, The Angel of the Ice would also ensure great care to avoid getting caught in the interception of that accursed weapon. And to make matters worse? The Iramasha could already perceive that she had been duped with a clone when going in to try and claim The Immoral Dealer's eye.

Due to the shift in frequency with the Demon's energy, a sharp sense of fear roared out to all those on the field who could not withstand such temptations of terror. Yet, for Cirno? It only served to make the adrenaline in her frozen blood boil and come to life; reddening the fire in her eyes and hardening her psyche towards the arduous task ahead of her. Grin coming to life at this point, as the madness swirled all around, the inner fighter within the fairy was coming out and she was thrilled at last to throw away the robes of cowardice and put on the armor of a killer.

Letting out a high-pitch screech, the energy around Cirno seemed to come to life with that overwhelming sound and blow away the miasma from her body as that beaming smile of hers grew larger in width. No longer would she be bounded by anyone's moral compass but her own and no more would such mental tricks work on the lass's mind. Even being signified in the resistance of her ice, despite the mist attempt to corrode and eradicate it, the spiritual energy around Cirno would react to her change in mind and harden it to withstand the heat required to melt her reinforced of ice.

Taking sharp observation in the words in which the male spoke, The Iramasha would indeed pay closer attention to his actions rather than her own words. This was a chronic symptom that plagued The Angel while taking her bodily form in the shape of a child. Now that her body is accelerating in age, her mind is becoming more focused, sharp and ingesting all the information across her surroundings to bring down her opponent.

Thus, with her brain's processing moving at a million miles per second and perception of the world moving at a controlled pace, it gave her time to notice the small things. Such as the fact she was facing a being from the darkness, using the shadow's and sparing off against one of the light and of the holy order. It didn't take a genius to deduce that it may be worth a shot to negate his shadow based techniques and psychological assaults with a bit of light from an angel such as herself.

So on that line of thought, Cirno unleashed a series of overwhelmingly brightened streams of light throughout the area. Scattering throughout the alleyways, the main streets, buildings and even the heavens themselves; no part of this battlefield would be untouched by this holy light for up to two thousand meters in every direction. The effects of this assault, combined with the fuel it had to feast off of from Cirno's energy, would allow her to incarnate most demon's from long-range distances.

Indeed, this was her divine aura going to work and attempting to outright purify and cleanse the demon blood in The Immoral Dealer. On a physical level? There is no doubt that he could feel his very existence being pierced with millions of daggers, limbs beginning to turn to mush and vision potentially blurring. And although organs were a trivial thing for someone of Reigen's caliber, the stunning capacities of this holy assault yielded the chance to freeze him into an organic state and hopefully allow for more damage the internals that allow him to regenerate and shape shift to become injured or weakened at the very least.

And as the vengeance of the girl became more fierce, the internal damage inflicted upon his metaphysical being could be much worse from this all out assault. In this state of murderous intent, Cirno was aiming to pierce into his body as deep as she could. Thus, as she feed this rampaging assault more energy to consume, it's effects on his powers could prove to be increased.

If enough of this light makes contact with his body, The Angel was going to use trace particles from her chaos energy associated with this holy burst to inject themselves into Reigen's body. Once there? They'd attempt to outright block the usage of his power to bring his happy tirade to a swift stop. By clogging the pathways of energy to escape out of The Devil's body for him to attack, the intent was to negate his demonic effects from the inside out and rot him from there.

If this attempt failed, then she'd still attempt to outright have his inner body explode with this angelic energy to cause some form of damage to his being; regardless of rather or not her passes to negate his future offenses were successfully or not. At the very least, she was banking on that previous technique to make it very painful or delayed for him to utilize his techniques.

In the meantime, she'd need to deal with his next move. With horror and panic filling the streets, Cirno seeked to ease these citizens and her own comrades anxiety by nulling it's mental effects with her own willpower. Flashing back to her altercation with Liliuhm inside the depths of Shisome's soul, she'd remember the release of her mind's determination coming forth into the material realm. Therefore, the intent was to have a gust of Cirno's presence surge the field and do what it can to calm the nerves within the others on the field in order to better focus on the task at hand. That was, after all, a trait that an Iramasha Angel of Cirno's level could at least sustain.

While this was occurring, the world around The Angel started to contort and twist into some sort of hellish scenery. However, that was of no interest to The Iramasha. Of course she'd pay attention if there was an opening in the environment and to make sure nothing sneaks up on her flank, but her primary objective was set sorely on the likes of Reigen Akogi. So to this end she would prepare herself to swiftly evade the swipe from Chain of Greed; after taking heavy consideration not to allow herself to become hit by that object after observing it's effects.

After finding her footing in the air, she'd hover at a stable altitude and pay witness to the newly transformed Demon; smelling the straight disgust of his odor. And as the waves of chaos, madness, terror and fear oozed out of this male -- only the sounds of laughter could be heard emitting from the Iramasha. They weren't demented hollers either. Instead -- they were the kind of triumphant chuckles from someone declaring their victory. Even if she would not convey them in words, Cirno refused to accept defeat at the hands of this one. So as these sensations clenched The Angel's body further, it only made her desire to slay the demon kind that much more horned and focused. Instead of giving way to this chaos, she'd allow it to be processed in order grant her the capacity to see this through to the end and become defeated no more.

Feeling the chills down her spine from this male's aura, she'd continue having bellowing laughter while pierce the area; all the while having hundreds upon hundreds of blue and white colored spires emerge from her back. Each of them seemed to let off the sounds of chainsaw's buzzing roar; becoming more jagged and sharp around it's blood red edges as they grew further. When they were ready to be utilized as weapons, The Angel would make sure to detach them from her physical being. From there? Cirno would then point her hand at Reigen and let out a steaming hot mist from her mouth. In this motion, she'd gesture for them to begin overwhelming The Immoral Dealer in numbers.

Following that unleashing, they'd attempt to reduce Reigen's translucent being into thousands of pieces. Each slash functioned to tear The Demon to pieces on a physical and metaphysical plane. It howled with Cirno's fury and they were attempting to turn most of his potential attacks, abilities already effect and The Dealer himself into nothing more than a bloodied pile of ashes. Making use of her Chaos Moves, she'd induce a spell meant to cut through reishi; while intermixing the effects of her angelic energy from her racial attributes to outright decimate Reigen's influence on the field and turn the world back to it's original form. It's true that Cirno greatly underestimated the sniveling bastard entering into this fight, but now would not be the room to make that same error. And she was going to make sure she took the steps to prevent anymore trickery due to her personality's faults entering this scrap.

Around the same time that her spires were first crafted, Cirno would have tens of thousands of microscopic wires divide themselves among the range of battle for roughly one thousand meters. These would work to further increase the effect by cutting and slashing the frequency of Reigen's associated aura and attempt to block him from another attempt to move through any shadow The Iramasha was unaware. Realizing that if he had a mastery of shadow's that he'd no doubt use them, even if he managed to catch her by surprise, that stunt would quickly be put to an end by these razor wires and would serve as a quick offense and defense to boot.

Flashing back to the numerous Iramasha Guard members scattering the area, they'd synchronize themselves with the Yuudeshi Network in order to gem the space around a three thousand meter radius to prevent escape by teleporation or intangibility. Occurring at the time Cirno cleared their nerves from being stunned by Reigen's terror, The Angel was understanding quite clearly that this man wasn't just some run of the mill demon that was ignorant of the world around him. So to prevent further deception from taking place, those orders that she issued out earlier were to work alongside the wealth of energy alongside the Yuudeshi Network to jam the area to prevent Reigen's signature from dissipating and form an Anti-Teleporation field around the area and attempt to lock out creatures from masking themselves with a formless shape.

Shielding them with her own energy, Cirno was ready and willing at any moment to defend her allies as well as she aimed to inflict significant damage upon the Demon. So as the words started to spew out of the male's mouth like an endless stream of bile, Cirno would take The Immoral Demon's own advice and take advantage of his outlandish dialogue. In one final move, she aimed to outright blast him out of the sky once those spires were finished making their piercing jabs.

Mouthing the words "Bye-Bye", Cirno would then summon the last bit of her Chaos Energy in order to unleash a colossal stream of light at Reigen; the likes of which would be on par to a Grand Ray Cero. Within it was pure and rich amounts of the Iramasha Angel's Holy Energy and could pure to outright vaporize him. If allowed to hit, The Feisty Girl was expecting him to at least emerge out of this with some notable injury.

As, while she was flashing back to her memory of the male's shadow, something within it had to have been sucking her ice within it. So going on this hunch, she aimed to see if he was also absorbing whatever she threw at him and understood there had to be a limit to how much a single entity could consume. That had to explain how he lasted this long to begin with. Possibly feeding off her terror, the madness within the range or something else supernatural. After hearing the ventures of Mana's conquest, it certainly wouldn't surprise her. And if allowed to be consumed, Reigen would certainly be overloaded by this energy as she intended to fray every last bit of his nerves if devoured.

With that, she'd simply await to see the damage done; waiting to see if he'd even take off like a comet and into the skies of Karakura Central. Chuckling non-stop to herself as she imagined herself as taking the trash out of this city at this point. It is true that Cirno feels some warmth towards Reigen for allowing this side of her to come out -- but the urge to beat his head in far outweighed that at this point.

Greed Becomes Him (Andrew/Open) WVMWLOu
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