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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The Captain Training Grounds Crystal Empty The Captain Training Grounds Crystal

Mon Feb 10, 2014 12:51 am

Tsubasa sat waiting the person he had been told that was next on his list was Crystal. The person who took his spot, Tsubasa stood where he had previously. The area was restore completely as was he. All set for the battles to come, whatever may come of it. She had been informed of the kido cuffs a means to increase the results of her training with him and he could teach her a great deal. The rest was truly up to her to see where things went from here, Tsubasa was a capable and powerful warrior. He didn't really show signs of being a anything less than that he was always at his best and proving himself was simply one thing. But Tsubasa became the professional, this was his job now. He stood majestically his white haori blowing in the breeze, the area was repaired and ready for the next person. Seals were strengthened in the wait for her. Everything was in place, all that remained was her. She was someone newer to the team, he was the last 12th Division Captain. So he did hope she had an inventive nature with a good head on her shoulders. But people were always interesting without fail, they became powerful when it mattered. Tsubasa for example had to raise to become what he was, now she had a chance to show him and the others she was ready. Ready to put in the work needed to become something great, it was up to her to make that choice. Tsubasa couldn't make Crystal decide it, no more than he could decide her fate for her. People walk their own paths much like swordsmanship, each person has a path they follow and hers would be up to her. It wasn't the path itself but the journey it would lead that would allow her great growth. Tsubasa could show her the way, at least one of them.

His eyes of crimson remained closed as he waited for her to arrive calmly, his frame remained still keeping a decent posture as he sat waiting. Crystal would be here soon and time would tell what choice she made, where she decided she wished to sit on things. Tsubasa could only wait within the mountainous area designed for this to see what she selected. He'd heard she would be attending it and would do what he could for the female, the rest was up to her.

Coding in template By: [THEFROST] Graphics by: Kylekaotikk
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The Captain Training Grounds Crystal Empty Re: The Captain Training Grounds Crystal

Mon Feb 10, 2014 3:20 pm

Nearing the battlefield, as usual, her clothing hid the small sized Zanpakutō. Taking into account the events that were likely to unfold, her Zanpakutō would see most, if not all of her forms being released. The thought of training with the Captain Commander was more complicated than she imagined. The battle itself would be grueling, as would be the experience of anyone standing up to him. But beyond her concerns for the specifics of the battle there was more at stake. She had just recently became the Captain of the 12th Division, which just happened to be the division the Captain Commander hailed from. Though Crystal was always congratulated and commented on by her behavior and diligence to her duties, the words did little to make her feel like her job was sufficient. By many she was a considered a prodigy, and given some of her better known qualities, she was. On the interior she was a wilder and adrenaline-rush seeking individual. However, for the sake of her job and her duties, that side of her was always repressed saved for the ocassional times when her Vice Captain would drag it out of her by insisting they relax or go out for a drink. For the most part, her behavior was more comparable to that of older more experienced Captains. At least the way she handled her Division, and the way she went about fulfilling her duties should see no complain or concern from the Commander. But there was more. Since he had been the previous Captain of her division and, at least for the time being, her power paled in comparison to his, she could only compare herself to him in nearly every aspect. In most, if not all regards, he surpassed her. Until she had passed him she would not truly accept herself. She was fully aware, that given his abilities and his position, the day where she could surpass him was very far away if at all possible. But it was that struggle, and that nearly unreachable goal that pushed her to be better and follow in his footsteps until one day maybe he'd have to follow in hers. For the time being however, she was to learn of him as much as possible and improve on her own shortcomings. In part, it was those reasons which had her present herself as one of the first Captains to accept the request to train and battle against him. Her mind was clear. For the most part. She had made no false illusion. She wasn't there to best him nor show that she surpassed any of his abilities. She was there to make a statement. She respected the Captain Commander greatly. She was there to make the statement and let it be known that the 12th Division was in good hands and that she would put her life in the line for Soul Society, for her division. She was there to let him know he could expect great things from her and that she was to be watched, for, like him, she would go the distance.

Arriving onto the battlefield, she was met by unsuspecting eyes which merely bowed slightly acknowledging her presence before allowing her entrance into the area that had been prepared for the battle. Aside from the emptiness of the field devoid of anything but the two combatants, there was a fair assortment of shinigami not far from the barrier. Some were in charge of keeping the barrier going regardless of the amount of power released, while others were in charge of keeping eye on things and provide prompt medical assistance. Fixing a strand of her behind her ear, she bowed slightly, eyes always connected with the Commander's gaze. "Good to see you Captain Commander Unabara." Her clothing was the same as always. She had her own personally tailored outfit which did a fair job of concealing the small blade. Retrieving the blade out of its sheath, it could not have been longer than her forearm. Handle on her right hand, the tip was forward in the Captain Commander's direction albeit with no clear intent or notion of battle stance becoming evident. She would face him with her abilities alone. Though she had only been appointed Captain recently, she had made a small number of interesting experiments. Some would be of great help to the Gotei 13 as a whole, but the few that were meant to aid her in battle would be useless in a fight against someone with such degree of power and difference over hers. Thus, her abilities would have to do. She would make sure she did her best, and she would ensure the Commander remember the first time he faced Crystal Leight, Captain of the 12th Division.


The Captain Training Grounds Crystal Empty Re: The Captain Training Grounds Crystal

Mon Feb 10, 2014 6:16 pm

His eyes softened slightly, the professional version of him still had a slight reputation but nothing severe. He estimated her spiritual pressure in his mind, he'd grown to be a massive power of the Gotei 13. Someone they finally could put some of the weight on, this task of teaching each of the Captains what he could. Was his method of letting them grow, become more than what they were before. Tsubasa was looking the female over as he spoke now. "Likewise Captain Crystal" He walked to her now, Tsubasa's over all skills were known to be at some of the peaks. He was a well rounded and capable leader able to do whatever was needed from him. His blonde hair and crimson eyes held her figure now, taking in each detail from the female's frame. So far in her time as the 12th she lead them properly, she didn't have the same method as Tsubasa. Who could almost instantaneously learn things by observing his enemy. This gave him some freedom that other people didn't have or seem to grasp, his crimson orbs held her. He drew a symbol in the air, deciding to use something special for her training. "These are Kido Cuffs, they'll help you grow..stronger." He drew the symbol and put the correct amount of kido into the objects that formed around her arms and legs. She had a fair amount of energy but as they were put upon her person. Her body most likely would feel heavier, these were after all like carrying around mountains. His eyes looked on as he walked away getting a distance away from her. Squad Four medic's were present, but this would be more educational, preparing the girl for war. She needed to become stronger and grow to be capable to lead her people and Tsubasa planned to give her a hand.

She wasn't weak by any means it's simply that he knew he had to make a difference in the battles to come. "Come at me when you are ready." He was patient and very capable, he waited to see what move she came up with first. Tsubasa was more than capable of facing down most that came at him in most fields. Being able to fight most kido practitioner's off simply with his prowess in the art. He would have to fight her for a bit to measure her power and where her strengths were located. Than he could design a method of training for her, but for now he waited calmly. Giving the Captain female the first move was his way of allowing her the chance to measure her power. He stood holding his Zanpakutō within his left hand, the digit gripping just below the hilt, drawing his sword meant he'd begun to take things seriously somewhat. Training himself to the level where he suppressed his fighting style this way into simple kido was a means to an end.

As a professional he had much to do, being very busy was something of a task left to him. Of course he didn't plan for much , but he waited as the Kido Cuff's vanished. She would get better results from wearing these, he didn't quite know what to expect of her power but he was sure it would be worth learning what each person was capable of. Having them go out and fight certain people so he didn't have too was part of the task that was left to the Head Captain after all, Tsubasa had kept a good demeanor that some could be proud of even Nis. Training other people wasn't Tsubasa's greatest strength, however making the path so she could grow and become stronger. That was his task, to guide them and teach them about the road to being a Captain. Tsubasa was supposed to make certain they were able to grow and become stronger as people and walk the journey, they believed they were at the apex but this was only the beginning for many of them. The beginning of the fateful road they would travel for the rest of their lives.

Coding in template By: [THEFROST] Graphics by: Kylekaotikk
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The Captain Training Grounds Crystal Empty Re: The Captain Training Grounds Crystal

Mon Feb 10, 2014 10:54 pm

Standing just a short distance away from the Commander, though there were clear concerns as the outcome of the battle, she was quite excited for the match. For one, she would show everything she had and put up as good a fight as she could. Also, though the Captain Commander was renowned in his own right, Crystal was a woman with a genius intellect and she would make sure to analyze his attack and his powers to better understand and grow stronger like her Commander had intended her to. Once the two had exchanged formalities and had become acquainted with their presence and their motives, she would see the Commander begin to walk her way. Kido cuffs... she thought to himself as the slightest of smiles was drawn on her face. If they would indeed help her get stronger, whatever the drawback, she would welcome them. Her struggle for power and knowledge would merit her improvement in a variety of areas, and she aimed to please. The cuffs did make her body, and perhaps her surroundings feel substantially different. No doubt, even if in the slightest bit, her speed would definitely be affected. However, she was far less concerned with the possibility than perhaps she should have been. Though her intellect was worthy of praise, given her status as Captain, she had quite a list of noteworthy abilities. However, from the fair assortment, speed easily stood out above the rest. In comparison to her other abilities, her speed was the more developed out of all them, easily being able to outspeed most if not all people she had faced before in battle. She knew facing the Captain Commander was entirely different, but she was mildly aware and cognizant of their differences Though the cuffs would certainly slow her down some, her near-prodigal speed should be enough to substantiate her strategies and her attacks to provide quite the interesting match.

She merely remained silent as the Commander walked back. Unless she was out and alone with Kyu, she really preferred not to talk unless it was otherwise necessary. At least until then she had not had the privilege to speak to the Commander as much as she would have liked to, but she could only assume he was not much different in that regard...but perhaps, he was. Unlike in her experiments, where she enjoyed expending drawn out amount of times thinking of the possibilities, Crystal thought out her strategies very differently during battle. Rarely did she planned a string of movement or abilities unless the battle had already started and advanced to a more fast-paced scenario. For the most part, her first movements were estranged and random as it was that series of peculiar movements that had thus far granted the best results and the best potential strategies. But now, it was time to begin. Her sealed Zanpakutō already out, she had no plans on fighting him that way. She even had a sealed Shikai release that was meant to test other combatants and to give her enough of a handicap to enjoy battle, but this was no time for that and it would be rather disrespectful to her superior. That was the main reason she had chosen to leave her newly created items behind in the first place. With a large smile of satisfaction and anticipation, she crunched over and she readied to launch her attack. She had enough faith in her own abilities and had decided to wait just a bit before releasing her Shikai as, regardless of the Commander's power, she had quite a few tricks up her sleeve that could help now, and eventually help potentially turn the tides as she released into stronger forms.

Rushing sideways she motioned her hands forward as three holographic light blue screens hovered just inches from her hands moving as she did. There was a plethora of highly encrypted language in the screens and what seemed like buttons all over the place. Rapidly typing, two large rectangular objects appeared not far before Crystal. One was just slightly bigger than her while the other towered nearly at 10 meters or so. Their thickness was also fair as each was nearly 3-4 meters wide. With the objects far enough from eachother she had a clear view of the Captain. Eyes still on his figure, her hands kept on typing as the larger object reconfigured into an equally bigger drill with an incredibly sharp-looking tip and very sharp razor-like ridges all along the body of the drill throughout the tip. Hitting the ground hard, the tip caused a small sized hole no more than a few inches in diameter since it had been levitated by Crystal's command on the keyboard though likely a bit deeper just out of the sheer power and pressure of the drill. In that very same motion, the drill rushed at extremely high speeds as it spun into the Commander's direction. On its accelerated path it created just enough dust into the Commander's location to cloud some his view of Crystal still typing while not limiting her view of her target. By her side, the smaller object simply hovered as some of the edges flickered as if trying to change but showing no real intent or success in doing so. With a smile on her face, there was a very clear sense of excitement. She was definitely going to learn, and she would definitely get stronger from this. She would.


The Captain Training Grounds Crystal Empty Re: The Captain Training Grounds Crystal

Tue Feb 11, 2014 1:29 am

He observed her move, she was typing on a device with a weird symbols that hovered above it. Keeping track of her movements was simple with the radar he had, his eyes turned looking at the creation. Judging by how things worked out she could create constructs with this, he drew his Zanpakutō. The world around him moved in slow motion, the Zanpakutō flew at him almost as though it was held down. He moved his Zanpakutō at the speed of sound slicing through the object and than proceeding to cut it many more times till their wasn't anything left, his speed while standing still wasn't something bat an eyelash at. He stood holding his sword looking at her, he suspected she had a plan and it was good to let her execute her plans. To show her sometimes strategy didn't help with enemies, Tsubasa was a rare type of foe that few people could handle. Even those who could had tremendous problems with the way he fought. Normally he would of capitalized and gone to inflict injuries on her with moves. He would give criticism where he saw it needed. The Kido cuffs were weights far more than just on her legs and arms, it was on her very energy. It would allow it to grow after the training, he was observing now with a steady look on his face. Taking in the females movements, while remaining prepared. She knew by now he hadn't moved his body from the place he stood, Tsubasa had a trade secret he learned. But there was alot more to him than simple swordplay he could fight her on different levels. His eyes looked on Expecting more to come, she was an intelligent warrior and would know that simple tactics wouldn't work on Tsubasa. So the question remained, what was her next strategy. Tsubasa could take some thoughts on the topic and come up with several good ideas. The female of course had her own bag of tricks, but he did as well something small and unseen. Tsubasa would be able to use his nanobots if he wanted.

Coating the area in them and letting them get inside of her body without triggering too many alarms, so far her power seemed to focus around creating constructs out of whatever she needed. Tsubasa's movements were very well timed and he seemed almost in a zone all his own. The secret of the Warrior was something he learned, it took him a while and much studying to perfect. But he'd done it, Tsubasa accomplished something few others had done. He'd turned himself into a well rounded and deadly fighter capable of fighting Captains and even giving them trouble when he desired. But she needed to see a different aspect of fighting, his eyes looked at her waiting as he spoke. "Most enemies won't give you time, keep it in well some hold secret prowess." He voiced what he felt she needed to understand thus far. Tsubasa would do it when needed, she had either underestimated him or she'd had a follow up tactic ready. However Tsubasa himself could do much more, this wasn't even warming up yet.

Crystal was proving herself as a Captain, she was young and had a long way to go. Tsubasa's energy was massive and something he'd yet to of tapped into completely. His eyes looked around taking in the surroundings. His radar searching and waiting for something to cause some sort of problem that he needed to handle, his crimson gaze seemed to almost relish this teaching. Passing the torch to the next member of the 12th Division, those who believed in Research and Development, Tsubasa was similar to her. But decided the balance and stabilization of the Gotei 13 were far more important. Seizing hope that was the thing that defined Tsubasa Unabara, he didn't believe it to be missing. Central 46 and everyone believed in him and she was most likely getting a small glimpse of just what it meant for the weight of the burden he carried. Tsubasa had to hold up a weight few others could imagine, something to the likes of the entire Soul Society on his back.

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The Captain Training Grounds Crystal Empty Re: The Captain Training Grounds Crystal

Tue Feb 11, 2014 1:20 pm

With a smile on her face, there was a very clear sense of anticipation.Though it was a rare sight to see in Crystal, she was definitely enjoying the dawn of the battle, even if the actual fighting was yet to begin. Probably because it was the Captain Commander or because she had a few things she wanted to prove but truth was, she was happy and excited for the training. As she continued to type, her hands typed up incoherent words as it was not what she typed that mattered but what she willed. As the drill moved at extremely fast speeds, it was expected that the Commander would meet it with a greater degree of force. He could have also dodged or performed a different action, but she had hypothesized he would so so, and her estimations seemed to be right. However, Crystal was no fool. Sure, the Commander was a genius in many ways, but Crystal was a genius in quite a few as well. It was obvious that a straightforward attack would not harm him too much, and she had taken that into consideration. It would be in the best interest of the Commander not to belittle or underestimate her skills, for even with the degree of difference within their powers, she was still quite the menacing foe. Whether it was a habit of her or not, from the beginning of the battle, Crystal was already at least five or six steps ahead of her current actions if not more.

As the drill encroached closer to the Commander, she had already decided on its purpose long before the drill had started moving on his general direction. Before the Commander even had time or the desire to think about motioning his Zanpakutō for a cut, another change would occur. Back at her location, Crystal continued to type frantically, likely just out of excitement as she watched the fight unfold. She might as well have kept her hands steady and immobile but she couldn't help the way she was. The smaller object by her, which compared to her size was truly not small at all, was moving at a detrimentally slow pace. Nearly at the speed of a strolling individual, the smaller object had been positioned just a feet or two in front of where the drill had first appeared before rushing to Tsubasa. In a way, the object added a nice contrast of ease and calmness to the battlefield. The exhilarated Crystal, the small hole and the first couple of zigzag-like ripples made by the drill when it had advanced were covered behind the object almost making a difference between the battlefield and the restful haven of solitude.

Farther ahead where the drill and the Commander's sword nearly met eachother, Crystal had reconfigured the drill just before it had time to be hit, so that it would become hollow in the middle as the sides lost their shapes. The drill in itself, it was almost as if it diffused to each side in opposite directions of one another. To each side there were four thick strands of the same material shooting off in an arch for a total of eight strands. The strands seemed to be quite strong and had been embedded with sharply serrated hooks throughout the shaft of the bodies as well as razor-sharp arrow-like tips that ended in edges shaped like hooks to trap and rip.The eight strands, divided equally, would go to each of the Commander's sides making it nearly impossible to target both at the same time. Should they continue, the strands would likely, in that same arch, aim to deliver an extremely powerful and dangerous hit to his back side and likely damaging a large portion of his body. However, the specifics were never really clear. Crystal was known for her intellect and her unorthodox approach in more things than battle. Back where she stood, the object remained still where it had been move though the sides still seemed to be somewhat blurry. Though likely just a result of their creation, it was almost as if the sides and edges buzzed almost as if the material itself had a desire to be sent into battle. Eyes still focused on the commander, Crystal was not just looking at him, she was scanning the surroundings and taking nearly every detail with her eyes, as that gift of her usually showed her more than people thought she knew. She had acknowledged his words of wisdom with slight bob to her head, but she was trying to focus on the battle as to show him she needed some more.


The Captain Training Grounds Crystal Empty Re: The Captain Training Grounds Crystal

Tue Feb 11, 2014 2:52 pm

Tsubasa had told her some people had unexpected prowess it was time to show her what he meant, he could detect the changes the instant he touched with his sword. Tsubasa and his sword weren't separate beings it was almost like running his fingers along an object. They moved at a slow speed, he could just deflect all eight if he wanted. But she needed to understand that somethings required a different way. A white line formed on his body as shunko activated a huge destructive force went out vaporizing everything around his body, creating destruction with relative ease. He activated his lighting shunko with little effort. Tsubasa could of done something more precise and stopped the blades with guarding each spot they were aimed as they hit with special shunko armor by enhancing the selected areas. But this way releasing a wave of his shunko energy was enough to turn them into nothing. The lighting around his body, the lesson on this topic was over he'd allowed her to attack him long enough. Tsubasa thought for a moment deciding his plan of action, she was quite a long distance away. She'd selected her battle ground well, he thought for a moment how he wanted to go at the female. She was nimble and could dodge well he was fairly certain. He raised his hand deciding to use kido and begin his offensive, Sajo Sabaku known as the Locking Stripes, his hand closed. As the kido had gold ropes form around her, but he wasn't even nearly done. He was going to test her, make sure her kido knowledge was good. After this he would begin zanjutsu and other things. She needed an overall training and he planned to let her have such, this was merely her first battle against him. Perhaps more would happen later, but he watched.

Using his other hand he pointed his finger at her mumbling out the next binding spell. Rikujokoro, his shunko had thankfully been turned off. As the six rods from the bakudo 61 came in too strike her on the sides as the chain wrapped around her. His eyes watched he got one more ready, it was warm up time for the Captain Commander. He created black holes for Bakudo 79 around her body now as he got ready to unleash a large power form his kido. Eight black holes formed around her, with the ninth trying to form in the center of her chest. The game had only just begun, Tsubasa had planned to show off one level 90 kido to the female. He wouldn't use a chant though as that was far too much of a test for her skill he didn't know yet. He decided on a number finally raising his hand up now, he said the release at last. A black and purple energy formed around her, attempting to close her in with the Bakudo. A heavy torrent of gravity formed with the power of the high level kido, despite not having the chant it still effected the gravity around the person somewhat.

Spears appeared and stabbed the box from head to toe at every angle, Tsubasa's first warm up was complete. Hadō 90 had been released successful he waited now as the box went down, she would be allowed sometime to think now. See what she came up with to the challenge, he'd shown her long range wasn't much of an issue for him. Tsubasa's skill in kido was extremely evident, he was a highly capable kido combatant. So fighting at this distance was his normal method of going about things, he had several answers to deal with enemies. That was the simple fact of the matter, she could of caught him a bit better had he not noticed the change with his sword. But the kido move was done, Tsubasa didn't aim for a kill however or go in looking for blood. He left all these kido without chants making sure she had a chance at the very least. Captains had to battle at a high level and part of it allowed her to understand things.

The lesson was beginning and Crystal would learn as much as he could teach her.

Coding in template By: [THEFROST] Graphics by: Kylekaotikk
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The Captain Training Grounds Crystal Empty Re: The Captain Training Grounds Crystal

Tue Feb 11, 2014 7:16 pm

Looking ahead she would witness the Captain Commander unleash a massive amount of energy of highly destructive proportions. It was unlike any ability she had seen until then, and it peeked her curiosity tremendously. How did it worked, how did he achieved it, how could she replicate it. The thoughts were recurrent and they were likely to be a topic she would revisit as the battle and the training progressed and likely even beyond the spectrum of the battle. For the time being however, she would need to concentrate as she could not afford the luxury of goofing off in a battle with him. She had to remain focused. His attack had disintegrated hers nearly effortlessly, but still, Crystal did not show signs of panic or distress. Sure, it was a shame her attack had not been successful, but like with nearly every move of hers, she had tailored follow up strategies assuming the attack would have indeed failed. As soon as he raised his hand, it was almost as if a strange chill ran down her body. Perhaps it was sheer anticipation but she knew he was not pointing at her to speak or say something meaningless. In a life or death situation, every action could potentially have a very strong reaction, and for the sake of the battle, she treated as such.

Having been somewhat ready for perhaps a kido, or at most two, she was surprised at the arsenal that was unleashed on her, even if some were devoid of incantation. However, it was foolish to think she would fare just with the graceful speed she possessed. She had more. Rushing as far as she could, the holographic screens traveled with her. Where she once stood, a chain from one of his kido had encircled and trapped the structure she had hovering just a few feet from her which had been moved and configured into a cylindrical shape akin to a torso nearly before she had begun moving. At the same time, a set of structures rose from underground. Before she knew it she was hit by six rods of another kido coming from the Commander's location but not before she had set the rest of the events in motion. There were two thick and large structures at the front while three even thicker structures had risen just behind those. However, Crystal had no material outside. Whether the Commander had figured it or not, either before or if he had just done so now, it mattered little. She was able to accomplish what she had set out to do from the very beginning. The drill, the attack, the reconfigured drill into strands, it had all been a ruse to hide the real motive and intent. Now, it was a bit too late. Though his power was great, even if he had noticed the real notion and motive of her actions, it was nearly impossible to target and eliminate the effects she had cast upon the field as even destroying a large portion would still see it so that some was available and able to be replicated. Every action that Crystal had made from the very beginning had been purposely tailored. There was no wasted move, no silly change of all had a purpose. She could only hope, regardless of the way the battle turned out, that the Commander would at least look well upon her, for, though still capable of much more and having a long way to go, she showed definite and near unlimited potential...and that, was something he would have likely been happy to know. the large and thick set of structures served as a barrier which took the hit of the of the black holes, and thus sparing Crystal the need to deal with them.

Still, there was a problem. Trapped by the six rods, the Commander had cast a very powerful Hadō and the options of escape were limited. Clenching her hands in fists, she spoke, "Despierta, Princesa." With that, a large and nearly blinding light followed by an enormous release in reiatsu allowed her to break free of the bakudo. Though the cuffs had regulated her, her abnormally mastered use of her speed and her flash steps in combination with her released shikai enabled her to escape just barely out of the way of the Hadō while raising a small structure to be caught within the the attack. The attack had been a mighty one. All in all, she was far from disappointed. Though the Commander had made no compelling attempt yet to harm her to the full extent of his capabilities, she was glad she had been able to stand up against him, even if he was still holding back, while largely remaining in her most basic of states, with her sealed Zanpakutō. It had become clear that the field was on her side, and would likely be so for the majority of the fight regardless of the attempts of her Commander. Holographic screens still hovering to her side though significantly brighter, her outfit looked strikingly different than it was moments earlier, and her reiatsu and her abilities had intensified to nearly abnormal levels.

She wasn't specifically acquainted with the battle style of the Commander, but judging by the way he stood, the way he held his sword and the strength of his kido, even without an incantation, she was able to make a few observations. Smiling, mostly to herself, her large crimson red sword in one hand with an equally colored shield fixed to one of her arms, she readied for battle as she rushed in his general direction. Once again, he would have been mistaken to underestimate her. She had a point to prove. And she would do so.

Focusing a dangerously large amount of blue reiatsu on her blade after it had spiraled around her she shot it at extremely fast speeds at her opponent. Using her flash steps she was nearly on him as the attack drew closer. Almost in unison an enormous amount of reiatsu encircled her as gruesome chains erupted from her back. Spreading and extending they wrapped tightly against the intense flow of reiatsu. Accelerating her advance she would allow five chains to fire off in his direction while still maintaining a large portion of the chains wrapped against her dense reiatsu. The chains traveled at nearly abnormal speeds that would have likely been incredibly fast even for the Commander as the speed at which they traveled were comparable to a bala, one of the fastest attacks. The shrieking noise of the chains were quickly heard as they resonated all over the battlefield. Even if he had nearly perfect vision or better, the chains would look to be rather blurry and linear. With five chains continually being fed enormous amounts of energy and a full powered energy blast from her crescent strike attack, the Commander would surely face a peril. Because of the quality and nature of the chains there was an extremely good chance that they would hit as the chances of it missing were abysmal, and even fewer were the chances they could be destroyed as they were continuously being kept alive by the reiatsu emanating from the fully combat-capable Captain.


The Captain Training Grounds Crystal Empty Re: The Captain Training Grounds Crystal

Tue Feb 11, 2014 8:57 pm

She didn't seem to get it, while indeed Crystal was fast she didn't see it yet. Tsubasa's form moved as he took a step, using shunpo for the first time in the fight to let her get an idea of his speed. He traveled quickly behind her with control, his Zanpakutō already up in the air as he stood behind her. It was easy for him to move to her position in one, his eyes remained focused in on her. The difference in power was clear as he brought the sword down on her with a single swing. The power and force he naturally generated was insane, Tsubasa did hold back however he wanted to her to feel what it was like to face a strong enemy. "Perception, is something that can deceive and speed is something important indeed, but don't go in believing you are the surprises you." Tsubasa was giving her solid advice here as well, in short he was making certain she understood. Underestimating her enemies was dangerous Tsubasa was doing things that way at first to test her skills in the art of kido and judging how she was going to move. But after observing her muscles and how her body functioned he could guess the correct amount of power she generated naturally, judging by the energy flow from her back he could calculate the exact amount of force she could take so far. Though it was guess work and such to figure out somethings. But after observing the way her powers worked and figuring out the energy type she was putting out after a couple moments. He was able to conclude that some of her problems lingered around strategist moves before hand. Her problem was to a degree she took the numbers of what she had and applied them above the enemy or at least him in terms of speed. "Keep in mind someone faster exists always, speed is one aspect of battle many more exist as a strategist it's good for you know this..

He wasn't talking down to her or attempting to make her efforts seem pointless. Tsubasa had flexed his shunko but once and used some kido. Than shunpo with a single sword slash thus far, he was controlling the pace of the fight for the most part. She was correct to attempt and use mind games on Tsubasa, he was the correct type of person to do so against. Using mind games was one of the few methods to truly fight with him. However he wasn't the 12th for no reason, Tsubasa was a genius as well able to learn instantly within a day a language. She was indeed a genius, but she needed time to grow much like a flower. Her battle strength needed to mature, facing him would allow her the eye opening experience she may not of had yet. The experience that was something few had, when they are out classed. Now it's true Tsubasa wasn't a tremendously great in everything but as he observed her.

He waited to see what action she took, he was still only taking things lightly on her. His power was something very clear and he didn't yet flex it for her to see it. Lighting clouded the skies as his reiatsu shot out everywhere giving her an idea of the power he could control. Letting her get a glimpse into the might that Tsubasa had, lighting spilled everywhere as it covered the mountainous area. His eyes observed her reaction as his reiatsu was thick enough it could choke a person and shock things around him, doing some damage. The lighting went through his sword coming down on her as the force of the blow became clear. The ground couldn't withstand the impact as the damage seemed to go out and crack things around her creating a small crater. Tsubasa's eyes looked on at her, he wasn't showing her all of it. But this power he showed was decent enough to at the very least let her see the gap even in shikai. She was still a distance from what he could do, his gaze lingered as he spoke.

"Listen well, I can only show you what you acknowledge.." She would need to accept things and grow, he saw where she could grow. If she wished to keep fighting he could more than entertain that aspect. His sword weighed down heavily, it was extremely heavy to those who got close. It wasn't due to anything other than the weight of his power and reiatsu on it. The weapon was a deadly force in that of itself, his lighting based reiatsu caused amounts of problems as sparks danced across his body going up and down his frame. A course of it went through the Zanpakutō which this lighting was dangerous to her as he waited for her response. She had been given a talking too of sorts, not anything bad he simply wished her to understand where things stood. Where her world was at within this moment, a war was coming and such mistakes would be costly. As the Head Captain the limit of what he could do was here.

Just as a note, Tsubasa used his shunpo during her move allowing him to travel around once she stopped he went behind her, his pattern was mostly for dodging and using his speed a greater extent.

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The Captain Training Grounds Crystal Empty Re: The Captain Training Grounds Crystal

Wed Feb 12, 2014 2:25 pm

Though unexpected, Tsubasa had rushed behind her at extremely fast speeds. It was so fast she could barely see the passing edges of his body at the corner of her eyes. However, her modified ocular lenses and their extended field of view allowed her to keep at least the slightest track of the assailant as it gained speed on her. Though his speed was vastly beyond hers she was not quite finished. It was unlikely that the Commander, seeing her display of power would attempt to attack with an equally strong degree of power or weaker. His attempted strike could only mean he was going to strike he down with a force that exceeded her own. And that was just fine. In between the heat of the moment it was difficult to make out facial expressions and the subtle movements, but if the Commander paid attention he would catch a glimpse of Crystal as she bobbed her head in approval of his comment, even if the movement was so subtle because of the battle, her eyes never once left the place in which she looked. "You are right. I'm not the fastest yet Commander. leaving it at that she had an inviting smile. He was right. She had yet a lot to improve on. However, she was confident she would continue to grow and improve her abilities. And surprises were one of the things she enjoyed the most. Though she liked a lot more surprising her enemy than being surprised by them, it was something that just sent chills down her spine albeit in the best of ways.

To be able to whistand the force of his attack she would need to meet it with a degree of power that rivaled what he put out. Obviously his display of power was not all he could provide, but Crystal was not going to stick long enough to battle it out in a sheer tug of war of spirit energy. She merely needed to upset his balance momentarily. As the sword swung to her, she smiled creating a light particle shield around her. Because of the light particle shield's properties, regardless of the amount of force and strength behind the hit, the physical attack would be deflected and a large surge of pain would near instantly affect the commander as soon as the blade had hit. In this case, regardless of his wit, it was his own underestimation of her that had caused him to be harmed. "Thank you, she said as the actions progressed, "I shall keep that in mind, as speed is truly relative."

As she saw the sky darken and the large and menacing lightning in the sky and going to his blade, she was less worried than perhaps she should have been. It was truly imposing, but at least for the time being, though his degree of power pushed her powers and her being to the edge, it was not quite enough to make her struggle for dear life, albeit not being the purpose of the training. Creating a secondary shield, this time an energy shield, things did not look as bleak as they seemed. Because there was no absolute difference in the look, feel, or configuration of the shields, it was just impossible, even for the Commander to differentiate between the two fields regardless of his intellect or even be aware of which field was up or if both were instead up at the same time. Even then, he would have to actually know of her powers to even have the simplest of ideas about what her power did, but that was a different story. With her energy shield up, the shield's volumetric extended far enough to cover her whole body. With both shields up she had nothing to fear at the moment from his strikes or his lightning. The shields reduced the coherence of energy attacks and deflected physical hits, and much like a thermally conductive material, it diffused the energy applied onto it and instead radiated it back into the environment. Thus, the lightning merely got close enough to almost coat the field, but like magnets of opposite polarities, it just radiated back into the opposite direction and against the Commander who would have been stricken with the pain caused from his earlier attempt to strike her field.

Thanks to the exponential atmospheric speed boost created by the shields in addition to the already natural speed of Crystal's and her Shikai release she was able to rush off in a different direction almost in zigzagging motions as the Commander was left to deal with the problems he had brought onto himself. As she rushed, her hair grew to nearly a dozen feet in length and likely more. By its looks it looked to be a lot stronger, likely as tough as the hardest metals and as sharp as piano wires. Nevertheless it sped to the direction of the struggling Commander at bala speeds. Regardless of his advantages, the plethora of conditions that were forced on him and a speed like one of the fastest attacks was bound to give him trouble. Though the hair sped at those nearly-unbelievable speeds, it looked almost flexible as if it could move in any direction at will. In that same motion, a surge of spiraling blue reiatsu covered her as she launched an extremely large attack in an arch to further hinder and trap her opponent. Unbeknownst to the Commander, in the hair, some of the spiraling reiatsu had been embedded. Regardless of how well he sensed attacks or his visual capabilities, it had been embedded so carefully that it was nearly impossible to pinpoint it from mere observation of sensing alone. The Commander's training was doing a lot for her as she was being pushed to do what she did not remember doing ever before. However, Commander or not, it was fair to acknowledge that he had been pushed into a corner that would force him to react like he had not expected or otherwise face the consequences.

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