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The Captain Training Grounds Zeda - Page 3 Empty Re: The Captain Training Grounds Zeda

Wed Feb 26, 2014 4:09 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 526

"As a Leader, I learned to do this during the time growing..I wanted to help in every way possible. So to that end I studied everything, nothing was unimportant. Everything mattered to make us get that edge and survive. They call me a murderer in many cases, I'll tell you the truth. I did one thing only..keep my people alive, what you'll do to help your family survive in hell is something few would know."

The words that had been spoken by the Captain Commander after the demonstration of the Shunko seemed to be etched into his mind. He sat there in a traditional Japanese pose, the right foot beneath the left thigh while he slowly took sips of the delicious tea that had been prepared. He looked at the Captain Commander, his facial expression seeming almost intrigued; all this time he had thought that he was confined with a killer yet he was up against a man whose will to survive was so great that it frightened those around him.

He sat there in silence while listening to the warm morning breeze brushing past. His eyes slowly moved from the tea cup to look at the Captain Commander, every so often he would smell the tea prior to taking a sip. Zeda understood the man and was glad that he was announced the Captain Commander; Zeda thought of the Gotei 13 as a big family and hoped that the Captain Commander did too, if that was the case that the 13 Court Guard Squads were in great hands. The man that sat before him allowed his reputation to be tarnished simply to keep his family from dying, Zeda respected that.

He took a final sip of his tea prior to placing the cup onto the rocky surface. His red eyes illuminated as he began talking, “Mind if I ask why the training levels sounded so intense? I heard that at times you pass a point where not even your Zanpakutō can stop you, surely a man who is set or to some extent hell bent on protecting his family would know when to calm himself? I’m also interested, who sought out to kill your family so badly? What must have concurred for that all to begin? Wh-” he stopped himself as he realized he had begun babbling, he smiled as he awaited an answer while slowly filling his cup with some tea prior to offering some to the commander.

Zeda was the type to ask a lot of questions because of his curiosity. It meant nothing, what the Captain Commander said made no difference to him; it did however allow him to open up to the man. It had been a few hours since this training had begun, yet Zeda was enjoying where it had brought him. “I believe it’s only right for me to share some information too. You see, the role of captain commander is what I have aspired for ever since I was told that my blood was purely that of a Shinigami. I trained and had no doubt in my self, however the rascal who used to be my vice-captain, Wolf Lionus. The level of hatred he had pent up against me really made me doubt my ideals; I left the Gotei to train and get better but I would have never thought that it was to affect him in such way. I think this is the first time in a while that I haven’t felt tense and I know I maybe sounding weak and pitiful right now but I felt like I had to get that off my shoulders!” he knew that a change within was taking place, he had little time, hours at best to release all of his pent up emotions and allow the full redevelopment of his powers after the awakening. His eyes never once left the Captain as he spoke to him, his right hand moves the tea around his nose while the sticky aroma gently comforted him.

Zeda wasn’t one to share information with others, but because of the events that had took place within the fight he had little to no choice but to release all that was on his mind in order to allow for a peaceful reformation…

{{ Sorry, tired Ulqui post xD}}

Template By: [THEFROST]

The Captain Training Grounds Zeda - Page 3 Empty Re: The Captain Training Grounds Zeda

Wed Feb 26, 2014 11:06 pm

Tsubasa simply smiled faintly, the Gotei 13 were like family. "You see, being able to turn it off wasn't something I could do..I had to become a killer, turn myself into something for my families survival. Imagine what you'd do for something you love, turn yourself into a demon maybe a hollow just to save their worlds. " Tsubasa was a normal person, he was quiet and complex but most people didn't understand just how much he would give for his family. Tsubasa would say one more thing now, to let Zeda understand where he was now. "Training with me is dangerous when like that, I put it all aside to kill and survive the battle. For them it was the best I could do, we were farmers born among murderers. The only way to survive was to become murderers ourselves. I watched people butcher one another for days, that was life as a child." If someone looked at Tsubasa's childhood they would see something truly devastating and frightening. Watching men and woman butcher one another was simply life where he was. The den of demons, Zaraki himself came from the legendary murdering place. Killing was staying alive, how would farmers survive it. By making the worlds greatest killer, Tsubasa Unabara come to life. Tsubasa would lead them and guide them to the answer that no one else could. He became the monster they needed, a devil born of blood and battle. Tsubasa Unabara may of just been a man, who could not move forward in one period of time. Fighting for as many years as he did to survive was something most couldn't of done. Everyone in that den of demons was an enemy other than Unabara and Nis. It wasn't the environment to provide a trust or something deeper than that. Tsubasa didn't need pity or need anything else like that. He was an older Shinigami than almost all of them present, he had experience and knowledge to share with anyone who sought it. He would reveal the truth to Zeda his second student to learn the Zanjutsu arts that he had to pass on.

"You are my family now, the entire Gotei 13..This training is my best way to help you, let you see what you can improve on. I cannot offer much to you my new family but this.. I can show you when to act and when not too, things I have picked up from my years. Nothing is unimportant when defending your family, everything matters. Tsubasa decided he would show Zeda one last thing and let him take what he could from it. Tsubasa raised his hand softly gripping the wrist of his sword arm. The blade was drawn as the raw condensed shunko formed around the sword. It howled with power destroying the very ground beneath him. It was resolve and more than that, power so much and thick that some of the 4th Division people hustled out quickly. "My resolve is ready, prepare yours my family for time is short." Tsubasa stated this to everyone, making sure they understood what he meant. He didn't create these amazing moves for nothing, each one was a lesson.

It had purpose and meaning far beyond what people would expect, Tsubasa slowly brought his hand up now. Raising the sword up, the barriers up would not be able to keep the attack back. Tsubasa gave the sword a swing, the destruction into the mock area was massive almost seventy percent of the area was gone with a single swing. Tsubasa had destroyed it all, before turning and sheathing his weapon. The mass and power generated by the move he showed to Zeda was fierce and extremely deadly, it could destroy cities large or small wiping out massive portions. Tsubasa had held the power back leaving just the area they stood, everything else was in a crater that seemed to go down into the depths. Tsubasa walked over to Zeda Yuudeshi now, letting him get an idea of what could of happened to him. Tsubasa had been perhaps kind not to show him before hand what happened when he was normal. Tsubasa the Swordsman was different from the killer, he focused on some of the greatest swordplay ever seen.

[color=red}"That is the Shunko Blade, my resolve given form and as you can see it's more than effective."[/color] Tsubasa stated calmly as the 4th Division and people looked on at the giant hole where land once was. But beyond it the barriers every single one had been destroyed thankfully, the power had been held in check by the barriers enough it didn't extend much further. What had this creature down, Tsubasa wasn't about pointless destruction often. This was just so Zeda could observe the Head Captain's power for himself. Something of a gift to the boy for listening, Tsubasa sat back down now allowing them to relax yet again. While looking at the sun which was closing in on it's setting. The color of the skies was an order now, one could see outside as the clouds of white danced in the orange sky across it. Balance, it was something that anyone could benefit from. Meditation and many practices, the mind and body needed to be balanced. Zanjutsu was the perfect art for manifesting the art of balance.

Coding in template By: [THEFROST] Graphics by: Kylekaotikk
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The Captain Training Grounds Zeda - Page 3 Empty Re: The Captain Training Grounds Zeda

Fri Feb 28, 2014 3:37 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A- Word Count: 1, 020

Zeda remained seated as the man spoke; he understood where the words were coming from. They seemed all too familiar, he smiled as he took another drink out of his cup, and he nodded as Tsubsaa mentioned training with him being dangerous. It seemed that the man endured a painful childhood; it was a pity in some ways while a wonder in others. It was a pity that he couldn’t fully enjoy his childhood because of the constant strive for protecting his clansmen, Zeda respected that. The man had substituted his own welfare and childhood for the lives of those dear to him; he hoped to learn something like this from the Captain Commander. All this time he had listened to the stereotype set forth by the rest of the Gotei 13. Some called him a monster while others said he was both a great and powerful guy. He had experience Tsubasa Unabara first hand and no longer had to follow those petty and disrespectful names that the others followed by.

The man was the Captain Commander of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads, and frankly there was no one better suited to assume the position then he was. Within a short space of time, Tsubasa managed to change Zeda completely by forcing him into submission and in effect allowing him to awaken his Yuudeshi Drive. The man was full of wonders, the tea for example, who would have thought that such a destructive man was fond of universal herbs? He was delighted to finally meet him and even though the man wasn’t the strongest of people Zeda had fought, he was the first to put him in the condition that he had been in. It seemed that at times a murderer does a better job than a family member; the murderer would in any respect feel nothing toward their opponent while the family members wouldn’t want to drive them into a critical condition. He licked his upper lip, it felt dry and the remainder of his body began returning to perfect condition; he could feel his spiritual presence increasing back to its standard quantity. His crimson eyes watched Tsubasa closely as he stood up, prepared to show Zeda one last thing.

As the man took hold of his Zanpakutō, the bright light that he had witnessed minutes beforehand began engulfing his blade. With a single swing the blade decimated the area; the energy that had been released was overwhelming. The tea pot shook vigorously while Zedas hair began edging back because of the torrent of wind generated. His swing was cataclysmic; Zeda reviewed it closely and remembered how it had been performed. The next time the duo clashed, Zeda would be able to show his new found powers and even amaze the Captain Commander with his rather accelerated learning capabilities. His eyes dimmed down for an instant, his body and spiritual pressure settled at their optimum. Zeda gently placed the cup he had been drinking from onto the ground; the fire that moved onto it from the tip of his fingers rid it of any and all germs as to save the medics time and effort in cleaning it.

His right hand tapped against the sheath of his Zanpakutō as he grabbed hold of it and stood to his feet. His liquid sheath vanished as a little black box appeared to the right of Zeda; his arm sunk into it and deposited the Zanpakutō on a perfectly crafted rack. Upon doing so, he placed both hands on either side of his body and took a formal bow toward the Captain Commander. This was both a sign of respect and a thank you for training. The sun began to peak and no doubt it was reaching noon.

“Thank you for taking time out to personally engage in combat with me. Similarly, thank you for the exceptional training. If there is nothing more, I shall return to my duties. I hope to have some tea with you once again. Also, I was wondering if I could have permission to use the Senkei Gate to travel to earth tomorrow? ” when the response was provided, and nothing else arose he would begin walking toward the exit of the training area. His eyes looking around at some of the medics that he had smiled at near the beginning, he smiled once again as one of the Women handed him a clean Haori. [b] “Thank you” he said politely as he removed his old Haori and replaced it with the clean new one. Zeda didn’t know how the other Captains rolled but he had his Haori and shinigami attire customized to withstand his flames so that he could wear the badge of the Gotei 13 at any time.

He had a lot ahead. With the awakening of the Yuudeshi Drive, more training would be needed. He aimed to return to Karakura and see how he friends and family were doing. The Yuudeshi family were among the only people Zeda knew to have a strong enough training area to facilitate his Shikokai. He hadn’t told anyone of this but he had mastered his zanpakutos ultimate capabilities, now that everything was changing he would have to release it once again without causing as much destruction as last time. He wanted his father to be present in order to show him how far he had come in the recent times. However, as strong as Zeda was he felt almost powerless without the aid of his Zanpakutō. All he could rely on was the art of the blade he was taught by the great Unabara. He needed a week at best away from the Soul Society in order to reform his powers and reach the peak of his capabilities.

Within, he could feel all of his Zanpakutō spirits separating; each had a unique sense to them even though till now they all resonated fire. He was at ease and maybe because of his unique state of mind and the awakening of the Yuudeshi Secret Drive the Zanpakutō spirits were finally ready to assume their individual roles…

Template By: [THEFROST]

The Captain Training Grounds Zeda - Page 3 Empty Re: The Captain Training Grounds Zeda

Tue Mar 11, 2014 12:59 pm

Tsubasa looked on giving a nod for the male to leave, he needed to do somethings himself. His eyes of crimson closed now, it was closer to being reformed into a professional. Tsubasa had to view everything differently, the killer wasn't someone he could be anymore. Perhaps the last time he would dawn that mask, the mask of a survivor who wanted to make it to tomorrow. He had friends, his wife, people he could put faith in. Tsubasa was slowly understanding the burden of Yamamoto and this spar had helped him more than Zeda would know. Tsubasa was getting closer to his answer, something had dawned on him during it all. What was strength, he'd even decided to ask his Father in law and Ukitake about it. Tsubasa was strong to most, but what did that mean? Did it mean the power to kill another, no it had to be deeper than that. Simply killing the enemy before you didn't mean strength, that could not be the answer he wouldn't accept it. Tsubasa slowly walked towards the training area's rest section. Where he took a seat, his eyes seeming deep within thought.

Tsubasa was a deeply complex man, he had gotten answers from both Shunsui and Ukitake. He wished he could speak with Yamamoto on the subject, what was strength exactly. It was such a concept that was almost foreign to him how else could he word it, he understood he was strong. He could defeat many enemies and protect his loved ones and family. Tsubasa exhaled a breath, he studied in many fields to do this but that was something that never came to him. His Haori was special worn by the man Yamamoto himself, he wasn't just seeking to surpass the past. Tsubasa knew something more was needed from the Head Captain. He decided that should a better candidate ever be chosen for this position he would no longer do anything more. He wouldn't dawn the mantle of another Haori, his duty would be complete at that time. Tsubasa would enjoy his rest for now before he got started on something else. But as always he puzzled on something he couldn't solve yet. What was strength, it was a subjective subject. Something that depended on the person, defending friends, killing enemies, or even making it to tomorrow. Surviving that was Tsubasa view on strength, but it was more something beyond his plateau yet. Someday he would understand, it was something not rushed as he would simply puzzle on it. Would an answer come to him at some point, perhaps their was more to it. Was strength tied into his purpose perhaps? Tsubasa had much he needed to discover, ruthless strength was something he was familiar with. He had unyielding power all his life but now he wanted to know Strength. What was true strength, was it defying death or was it something you couldn't grasp? What was it, could he obtain it in time to help the people around him. As a leader he needed to do all he could to obtain the strength that others couldn't grasp. Tsubasa raised his sword up looking at the blade as it's growl echoed out through the training area. This wasn't just something he could put off, it was something he needed to know.

Tsubasa's crimson orbs looked on the destruction he brought to the training area and his eyes looked on. Pointlessly display of power, it wasn't strength no that was something completely different. An animal all it's own that he couldn't understand even if he tried. But no that wasn't true now was it, he was close to his answer. Strength was tied into a persons goal to what they wanted, surpassing Yamamoto wasn't the answer. Being greater than the greatest Shinigami, that was a childish dream. Than why did the Pale Horse ride, why did he bring death to the battlefields. For tomorrow, to make tomorrow better than today. To provide answers for those after him, would he do it? No he could not give people answers, the journey was something we each walk. We face life and death alone on our own time and way. That was Tsubasa's truest belief, he saw many die by his hand and others by others. Family members slaughtered many for no reason at all.

The Unabara Clan, death upon the battlefield was that the answer. No that was not the answer, Tsubasa wouldn't accept it. They were more, more than two bit killers who did things for no reason. Survival was done now it was time to evolve. To become something more than just killers, he would change and so to would they. Tsubasa's crimson eyes closed as he drank from his tea the answers would come someday. He would know that much, for now his strength the answer he sought. Would be to see the next day, to survive and become something greater than the day before. Strength that wasn't the answer obviously, but he needed something. Love was one thing he felt close to the answer, he loved his family and Aiko. He loved the Captains as though his own kin and would do what he could to protect them. He would show each of them the journey, no matter how much inner turmoil he suffered within doing it. Zeda now understood the path wasn't easy and had been given exactly what he needed.

Coding in template By: [THEFROST] Graphics by: Kylekaotikk
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The Captain Training Grounds Zeda - Page 3 Empty Re: The Captain Training Grounds Zeda

Sun Oct 04, 2015 2:24 pm

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
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It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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The Captain Training Grounds Zeda - Page 3 Empty Re: The Captain Training Grounds Zeda

Sun Jul 17, 2016 3:25 pm


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