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Ripples With Darkness [ Private ] - Page 2 Empty Re: Ripples With Darkness [ Private ]

Fri Apr 11, 2014 9:26 am

Artist: 少女綺想曲 - Song: Dream Battle - Rock Remix - Word Count: 2174
There were screams of terror ripping out throughout the metropolis that was Karakura Central. What was once a peaceful day was now turn to sunder and chaos within this secluded portion of the city. Flames arose into the skyline and the release of a powerful spiritual entity soon lit up radar's scattered all throughout the concrete jungle. As the smell of ash filled the alleyways, the crimson eyes of The Devil of Boundaries would come from the shadow's with a mischievous smile placed across her face. In the gust of another explosion rocking urban sprawl around The Iramasha, a chuckle would escape from her as she was more than pleased to be met with such a danger. Gently moving her long, flowing golden colored hair away from her eyes, it was a charming spectacle to pay witness to the citizens around her begin to flee the area in droves. All the while, sirens were echoing in the distance and alarms were going off within the distance.

It was quite the pleasant sight to see after having little to no action while stationed on Earth. Being that she was a Devil Iramasha at heart, and demon in her life's origins, it was quite natural for her to be drawn to such an event. The smell of melting flesh, the intense flames of battle and the burning air clenching the city block were all quite -- inciting -- the woman. In her few months of being stationed in Karakura Central? It was quite a drab and overprotected place. Running over memories, there was nothing but low-level crooks, thieves and all sorts of lower classed criminals to keep herself preoccupied with. It made her question the reason why The Iramasha set-up a means of command in this city to begin with. There wasn't any sort of massive destruction or questionable activity that was not out of the norm for any other major city similar to Karakura Central. Although, for herself, she understands quite well her motive for staying here: Koichi Iramasha.

Deep within herself, there was still a subconscious pulsation from within to over watch him. Piercing through these emotions from her previous life as Selena Minos, her body was but a slave to certain whims and this fell in line with that pull. She raised him like a mother when no one else would, the demonness taught him the ways to protect himself in combat and shielded him when he could not. It was a motherly instinct that held her in this accursed city once the child yearned to protect it.

So to stay true to that instinct within, she would aimlessly wonder around this rotting planet and watch him from afar until his goals or motives were met. And in the case of this rowdy human? He was nothing more than another idle task to be dealt with. A germ meant to be cleansed so that the horizon of her son's world would be clean. Thus, having no further reason to hold back, she would descend into the inferno and step forth into the fires of hell.

In a matter of moments, she would be transported directly into the burning wreckage of the gas station. Through the usage of Chaos Warp? This feat was as natural as breathing. However, for anyone else? This would be nothing but a death trap. The flames were overbearing within the core of the blaze. The smell of gasoline, static and fire were enough to briefly make her eyes water before putting a light reflection field around herself. It's why, in light of this, Yukuri would swiftly locate any living civilians left in this building. At any moment the entire structure could fall apart and her objective, at this point, was to secure any survivors of the blast.

Without much time to waste, Yukuri swiftly identified the faint energy signatures of a dozen humans and a few weak Iramasha who happened to be in the store. Unfortunately, there were three corpses located in this sweep. The Devil Maiden could tell because of the fact that her energy was spreading throughout the facility like a mist. And as it gained more coverage of the area, it was utilized as if it were an extra set of visuals for The Mistress to use as she saw fit.

Thus, with a sigh, she'd have blackened portals open up from the floors below all surviving creatures and those who had passed on. For the remaining souls who were still of this Earth? Yukuri directed a gateway to Karakura Hospital's intensive care unit. Thanks to her boundary manipulation, it was but a simple effort to patch a wormhole to that facility. What's more, to ensure they received proper treatment, Yukuri released her memories across the Iramasha Sync in order to inform other Iramasha Guard and Medical officials at the hospital to be prepared for a heavy workload coming in.

Once that task was dealt with, the bodies of the deceased would be transported to the mortuary sector of the facilities. Upon their arrival there, those that have passed on would have their bodies identified. Seeing how Yukuri saw no lingering spirits within the area, however, it was safe to assume that they were Iramasha in origin and that their energy was reincarnated back towards Iramasha Island. It was quite a shame to The Devil of Boundaries as these civilian-class Iramasha had no idea what even hit them.

At any rate, this fire was growing on The Maiden's nerves. So to that end? She'd put the flames out with her own energy. Releasing a strong gust of wind from her body as a result of The Devil's spiritual pressure increasing; this proved more than enough to overwhelm the fire and leave nothing but the burned remains of the gas station in place. All the while, a massive plume of black and white smoke kept ascending further into the sky as it was redirected into the air and away from the city. In that outburst the heat within the area soon dissipated, the smell of smoke gradually faded away and nothing but the sound of footsteps could be heard echoing throughout the next few city blocks as all was hushed within the area.

"Leave it to an Iramasha to clean up the mess from a Shinigami. How...disgraceful." Through the clapping of her hands, she'd have to applaud the antics of Sou. A mere human proved more than enough to overwhelm a veteran Shinigami and have him running on his tippy-toes to escape his wrath. After her clapping was finished, a bothered sigh would escape the lips of The Royal Devil and she'd proceed to assist with making sure The Nightmare of a Human didn't rip the Shinigami's spine out and have his flesh for lunch.

As the vibrations of Sou started to erupt around the male trying to escape, Yukuri would simply shake her head; as if to signal "no" to that attack. By unleashing a much stronger vibration through her spiritual and chaos energy combined into one force, this would more than likely result in a counter vibration effect occurring. That is to say, the frequency from The Devil's attack should prove enough to cancel out the vibrations from Sou's; thus destroying it outright in a best case scenario. This would hopefully allow the coward of a man to find his barring and escape with his life in tact.

"I always assumed those from the Gotei Thirteen had more guts to them than that." Shaking her head with obvious distaste for Kyouhai, Yukuri would go on to clear out his attempt to flee the area. Holding her own right arm towards the direction where Sou tried attacking the Senkaimon, The Devil of Boundaries would once again unleash an equal force in order to prevent the assault from The Crimson Haired human from having an effect. In turn, this effect was to keep the earth around them in tact and for no burst of explosions to occur. Thus, as that clash would conclude, it would seem that the human would have some words to share with Kyouhai -- so Yukuri would share her own well.

"You volunteer to put your life on the line, spend hundreds upon hundreds of years honing your skills for that purpose and make it your duty and job to protect the spirits of this world and next. are turning tail from a mere human? Even if he does outclass you in energy, it's a pitiful display and vile sight to see a Shinigami cowering away from a fight as the lives of innocents are in danger."

Exhaling with another sigh of disappointment, Yukuri would have a strange gap emerge in the front of Kyouhai. Sensing that most of the area was evacuated by now, Yukuri would tap into her Boundary Magic and proceed to unleash a full subway train in front of Sou Yuuki. All two hundred and twenty seven meters of it. Appearing silver in color and similar to those made in the 21st century, The Royal Devil would find such a vehicle laying around the junkyards of the wasteland quite some time ago. All that was required of her was to unleash it from her valley of boundaries sealed within her and released into the world in the form of a summoning boundary.

Then, by accelerating it's speed to that of her Chaos Warp by transporting it to the location at teleporation based speeds, it could prove more than brutal for Sou to deal with. The injuries associated with taking a collision like this headfirst would result in heavy trauma for Sou's body. Being that this isn't just any ordinary train impact, the kinetic energy from Yukuri's Chaos Warp affecting the subway could cause a large majority of Sou's bones to crack, break and other have a good deal of damage inflicted upon them.

In conjunction with that, organs may begin rupture and break; while the initial crash may have enough juice in it to even make Sou's body combust into flames with her Chaos Energy flaring all around the colossal body. And, of course, Sou would need to use a heavy deal of his Chi or spiritual energy to put out that fire. As, otherwise, he'd more than likely burn to death as that was the only way this blaze could be put out.

"Although, it's more than ironic that a former demon turned Devil Iramasha would be uttering such sentiments. Perhaps I'm just sick of hearing this runt run his big mouth, though." Having uttered those words out to hear, even throughout the maddening horns of the train bellowing throughout the distance, she'd ensure that no additional damage to the area would occur. Even if the train were to miss, which was more than unlikely with how up-front and close it was to Sou, there would be multiple holes in the area opening up for the train to fall into and be unleashed later against the rowdy human.

"It's like listening to a child flex his muscles because they were able to do one simple chore, is it not? However, in spite of that, he does raise a good point: what good are you as a Shinigami if you aren't willing to fight? You should think of that as you crawl back to whatever hole in the wall you climbed out of." Finishing the last of her thoughts, she'd have enough of Sou's misguided bravado. It was time to shut his trap up and make him focused on the fight. There was nothing worse than a man who was so caught up in his own strength that he was blind to the reality of the world. And at this moment? Sou was more delirious and intoxicated off of his power than a sailor in an all-you-can drink bar.

No matter what would come of her previous attack, Yukuri would have dozens of road-signs come into the area that were retrieved out of the wastelands from the Outskirts of Karakura. Amplifying their kinetic energy with Chaos Warp's potential, she'd unleash them like unholy missiles at Sou and have their speed become so great that they almost acted like chain-saw; emitting a reddened glow from them as they started their descendant towards The Nightmare's location.

If allowed to even graze him? It's more than possible for these projectiles to open deep, cutting wounds from their razor effects. Should they outright hit the lad? It's very probable that they could implode limbs from their impact, pierce right out of his body like a bullet or outright explode like a cero-esqe blast and cause significant injury to the human's body. So in a way, they'd almost function like kinetic rods being dropped from space to decimate Sou in any possible way that they could under the magical control of Yukuri Iramasha.

"If I hear anymore of this man's rhetoric, I'm going need a bottle of scotch to drown out this simpletons barbaric screeches from my head...."

Last edited by [THEFROST] on Mon Apr 28, 2014 7:40 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Ripples With Darkness [ Private ] - Page 2 Empty Re: Ripples With Darkness [ Private ]

Thu Apr 17, 2014 5:19 am

Artist: Dedicatus545 - Song: Gyakuten - Word Count: 2374

It seemed but futile of his attempts to make a disposal of the shinigami who is making his run for it to the Gotei 13 under an interference of another female, an Iramasha with its similiar energy given off of her. Really, Sou may start growing his phobia for females if he met any more of them, as it seems that he attracts more female fighters around him than male fighters, which greatly dissapoints him from time to time. He rubbed his nose as the Nightmare listens to what the female spoke, not within an agreement nor a disagreement, only to stay on his casual side in this situation where it suddenly becomes an agreement talk between each individual's point of view about the shinigami that ran off like a cat who just got surprised. His hands in pockets, awaiting with calmness until Yukuri finally executes her attack.

Unlike any opponents he had fought, she seems to be able to summon things out of nowhere by means of creation or teleportation of a possible nearest object, and of course, she is using a train for this. Using her teleportation-based abilities and the fire engulfing the layers of the train, it seems that she is trying to make a huge impact to his mortal body using a high kinetic energy, making it move at a speed so fast that its collision may rupture his ribs, destroying his organs and even burning his entire body alive by the blazing fire that surrounds the very train, if any ordinary human or an average shinigami takes it head-on directly. Sou sighed with an utmost dissapointment and annoyance, only to find out that he is being heavily underestimated by the likes of the Iramasha, as if a train moving at an accelerated speed that is boosted with teleportations and its heavy kinetic energy that is break your skull apart if you were an idiot to make a stop to it directly with his sword or your fists.

His eyes glanced to Yukuri that was sitting on top of the train, with signs of annoyance behind that very glance of his, speaking in a deep and almost, a cruel tone, "What the fuck do you take me for?"

His left hand reached to his device and flicked its switch, only to let out a high-pitched sound to release out of the device's activation and glow red. The Nightmare wasn't even moving from his position at all nor was there any signs of fear ever to crawl to his spine. He is going to take the train directly with guts, wihout holding anything back. His left arm seems to raise before the approaching train as his left hand would point its direction before the fierce train that can burn any mighty warrior who has the guts to take it on with full power. This single attack may drain quite some of the IEBN's battery life but not all of it, and as much as he knows, Sou values his life more than anybody does since he has many more battles to go through before getting slammed in the face by a train.

This is either a life or death situation, and Sou had to choose between taking the incoming train or a missile-like road signs that is going to pierce through his body and rip apart his skin and flesh with sheer force from its kinetic energy, and his choice, was the train. With his left hand reached out, first, he is going to make a defensive electromagnetic field, unlike most electricity users can do. Since the electromagnetic field is created and generated under the heavy influence of the IEBN device, of course, Sou can freely manipulate it as long as a correct calculation and command is given for the network to receive and analyse these given information before executing the command he had given. His device makes a quick calculation of his surrounding pressure and light intensity, then adjusting his electromagnetic field into a suitable frequency to stay intact when the command is going to be executed soon. Once these calculations are analyzed, the network starts to run the IEBN's system and following the commands of the host, Sou Yuuki, and someone with a sight great enough to see the invisible electromagnetic field surrounding the likes of the Nightmare, can observe the view of his field dispersing away from every direction and compressing into a form of a sheild before his hand, where he would call it an 'Electromagnetic Sheild'. In its compressed state, it is several times more durable than its original since its energy are all gathered within a single point in a form of a sheild, it can take the head-on with only a small crack on it.

Once the fierce train makes an impact to his sheild, both of the train's and his sheild's collision becomes so great that the pressure around both objects began to build up rapidly, slowly destroying the rising pebbles before the ground as the surrounding's pressure becomes greater and greater by both collision made between the fiery train and the electromagnetic sheild. Seconds after the collision, his hand grips into a shape of a fist, only sidestepping as his fist impact itself against the sheild as well and together with the electromagnetic field, once it was punched directly under Sou's fist, the sheild compressed even more, together with his currently ascended strength within 10%, it increases the force of his punch by two times using the shockwave of the compressed sheild and potentially, bursting with force so strong that cracks can be seen against the train before the ground beneath both individuals began to crack and bursting upwards within 10 miles wide, while the train would most likely explode if the Iramasha doesn't find a way to defend itself against his 10% strength.

His usual strength output was always below 1%, as noted and even so, the Nightmare's force of his punch is great enough to send someone far off and make them pierce against a few buildings before one eventually stops its force that Sou released. When he rises his strength to 10%, this amount can start to increase the stress that his muscle takes in each time he outputs his strength, and of course, the output force from a 10% punch of his can make him effortlessly break through several mountains wihout needing to break a sweat, or even force the ground to break apart just under the force of his punch. His strength, is truly something to be reckoned with, even by Captains of the Gotei 13, as hardly there would be any humans possessing such strength like him, other than Ibiki, the opponent he once fought so hard against and end up his own loss within the very war of the Australia War arc. This time, he will show the difference from his past and his current, that he can change and move past every possible fighters in the universe, even if it means to risk his own life.

The force of his punch against the train is truly intense, when it comes to an additional shockwave from the electromagnetic sheild that he had planned to create from the first place, it can result into a mass destruction before the path that he had executed against. Not only the train would crack and break apart into dusts as the blazing fire that covers the train would be extinguished ever so suddenly under the extreme pressure that is released from a single punch of his, the road within a couple more meters after the entire train was broken apart under the force of his very strength and potentially having to shatter her ribcage or at the least, a large print of his fist on Yukuri if she were to caught within the force of his punch. Of course, his left hand would be visible with burns across his fist and arm, a leftover fire that had left the train after its destruction and with a given direct contact from his fist in order to successfully destroy the train purely with his strength and with the help of his electromagnetic sheild that Sou had created in order to hold off the train for a couple more seconds to execute his attack.

Wihout furtherado, to minimize the damage he take from the incoming road signs, at least stopping one of them would be great enough to cover away a hole from piercing his skin and flesh.His eyes observed the approaching signs, and took no time to calculate its speed and how much it vibrates under the kinetic energy and the speed it receives, and when one of them got closer to one of his arms, Sou took a grasp with one of the poles, matching with its frequency, impact force and vibration from its given speed and cancels it out by channeling the same force from his muscles, where during the process of holding one of the road signs, his muscles would automatically expand outwards for a large chunk of energy to flow through his muscles and vibrate strongly throughout the road sign to successfully cancel every possible effects it may have within, vibration, speed, force, all of it. While being able to stop one of them, the rest seems to pierce through his mortal body, as his blood gushes out from his wounded body while one by one of the road signs pierced through his body with their enhanced speed.

One can find it surprising that his body is found unaffected under the vibration of these road signs for them to act like chainsaws because of its speed, but thanks to his body's immunity with vibration after his physical body has experienced it for quite some time, it has gotten used to it to the point where when the road signs vibrate after piercing his flesh with speed, his body could automatically 'transport' the vibration throughout his body and discharging it from his foot, in order to lower the damage taken. What is unavoidable is the impact force against his body, as each and every possible signs than one took its time to pierce one by one and every flesh it could go past than his head and heart from dying.

Sou stood there, idling, before chuckling ever so slowly before he starts to move slowly again, while blood were visibly dripping out of the signs in his pierced body and hanging within his flesh. Laughing sadistically, Sou slowly and forcefully pulling out the signs with all of his might from his body as he walked against the likes of the Iramasha, his eyes seemed determined and excited to meet such an interesting opponent, so interesting that he might've climaxed halfway during the battle. Laughing and chuckling, his speech were seemed unwavered and smooth, despite taking these signs directly to pierce past his skin and flesh. If it was an average person, they could've died from these damage, but the Nightmare doesn't seem to be heavily affected, with only bleeding in these wounded areas and coughing blood, there was nothing else major on him, "AHAHA! You're pretty interesting, aren't you, Miss Iramasha? I could've been better and happier than this shit. Come on, show me what you truly are! SHOW ME THAT YOU'RE WORTHY BEING MY OPPONENT!"

His smile seemed oblivious, as he had never been this happy and excited before with all of these battles he had went through, and this was the first time Sou had ever been excited so much that he may burst anytime soon. This is truly, the real nature of the Nightmare. He is not a demon, a shinigami, an arrancar, a Vizard, but a human who has bypassed the limitations of what a mortal human can do, and Sou was one of those humans who has passed through the boundaries of a human.

Holding one of the road signs, he is going to repay her the favor and let the Iramasha taste of having holes across your body. With his previous attack, almost half of his batteries are drained off because of the level of the ability he had executed. Instead of using electricity to increase the impact force from his throw with the road sign, he is going to use pure strength to make the sign fly across the air at a subsonic speed, and to do that, all he had to do was to tap about 3% of his strength, where his muscles can still stress out if he forces himself to execute his strength too much. His arm jerked back, and eventually, when his arm swung foward, his body transport a good deal of vibration to the road sign, while a few scratches can be seen inflicted to his right arm out of the blue as he is preparing to let the sign go for it to travel. The second he throws the sign against Yukuri, the force he placed behind the throw can allow the object to reach a subsonic speed, 3/4 the speed of sound from his throw and if it impacts against the likes of the Iramasha, it might as well tear through her flesh and with a small trick behind it, under impact, the force of the impact of the object can force its surroundings to 'explode', just like a grenade but instead, it makes use of the surrounding's air pressure across Yukuri and when it impacts, the pressure of the impact from the speed can both explode the air across her shoulder and potentially ripping through his body. The explosive air doesn't make her limbs explode, but rupturing the bones within the impacted area and burning off the nerves within it. This can be well stopped if their durability is tough enough to withstand the force of the impact or can cancel out the strength behind the sign that Sou had thrown with only 3% of his actual strength, wihout even reaching a quarter of his strength and it can do an amazing feats in damage.

The gaps between his legs widened and crossed his arms, only to look at Yukuri with nothing but a sadistic smile on his face, only to await for her next counterattack, "You better make this the best day of my life."

Coding in template By: [THEFROST] Graphics by: Kylekaotikk

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Ripples With Darkness [ Private ] - Page 2 Empty Re: Ripples With Darkness [ Private ]

Mon Apr 28, 2014 7:27 pm

Due to the fact that Kyouhai has failed to post over the past few weeks, I am going to go ahead and skip him and start on Yukuri's post. You should expect it soon.

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Ripples With Darkness [ Private ] - Page 2 Empty Re: Ripples With Darkness [ Private ]

Tue Apr 29, 2014 3:31 am

Artist: DJ Spoke - Song: wWatch Them Fall Down - Word Count: 2413
To the back of Yukuri showed the sight of the veteran Shinigami trailing off into the Soul Society with his tail between his legs. This scenery caused a soft and playful chuckle to come out of The Iramasha's mouth. Of course from her throne of power Yukuri may not have seen the human before her as the incarnation of a nightmare, but not all living beings were designed to be such supernatural tanks. If the wrath of this rampaging psycho were allowed to take effect on that lone Shinigami -- perhaps there wouldn't even be a man to talk about if he stayed in this battle for too long. Not everyone was born with guts of steel and perhaps it is to that end that she'd exhale a breezy sigh. Maybe by perchance, that male, given his second chance at life, would seek to heavily reconsider his line of work if he were unable to rise up to the demanding challenges that his field required. The future of the thirteen court squads certainly seemed grim if that's what their fighting force was made of.

More importantly, this concentration on the fleeing shinigami had faded into nothingness as the disappointed sigh of the red-haired man made Yukuri drift back into reality. Judging by the man's body language, it was apparent enough to The Iramasha's mind that the individual was expecting something a bit more -- impactful -- than what she delivered. But even so, all the reaction Yukuri could give was yet another mischievous laugh. Why was that? The battle was nothing more than a game to her and it was one meant to be savored. Many of these humans seemed to take everything in this as urgent life or death circumstances. However -- they fail to take the time to notice that they live in a world of fantasy and afterlife. Even if one is slain, there is an equal chance of being reborn or one's spirit transitioning into a new dimension.

So with the way this life worked: why bother getting so worked up over every little detail? From the way Sou stared down The Mistress Of Boundaries, it was apparent that he was investing far too much stock into her words and expressions -- even if they did come off as smug. Was it truly a horrid ordeal to bare if one person in a world of billions gave you an ill gleam of the eye? Why not try to prove them wrong, have a little fun and intermix with a tango of fist and spells? Certainly that was far more interesting, less of a strain on the brain and a better outlook to have then the dead serious and outright psychotic viewpoint "The Nightmare" seemed to have.

"What do I take you for? I take you for someone naive enough to believe everything in this life is about you. There is such a thing as a warm-up, you know. Not all of these things have to be so rushed, human." These were uttered out so casually for The Devil of Boundaries. For as she spoke those words, there she stood as a lone figure in the air and remained unmoved by the explosive outcome of the train and The Nightmare colliding with one another. The heat generated by such an explosion was great, but the durability of Yukuri's body could more than handle it. Much of the same could be said for the defying explosion that followed, as the sounds of static electricity and overwhelming bangs surged throughout the area; sending bubbles flying each which way by straight during it's impact. But, yet again, her body's natural structure disallowed The Iramasha's eardrums to be so easily damaged.

And while she wasn't trying to come across as arrogant, there was a dull expression had across her face from this entire spectacle. The reason for this is because it was quite the troublesome ordeal to begin dragging excess collateral damage into the whole situation. Therefore, she figured it was time to start showing a bit more of her muscle. Controlling the boundaries around the explosion and the train, Yukuri would transition the entire vessel into a separate dimension. By modifying the layers of space around the objects, The Devil Maiden was able to simply hurl it into a sub-realm below the dimensions around them and have it freeze in motion within that space. Effectively -- it was out of sight -- out of mind.

Gazing so calmly at the debris heading towards her would cause a soft smile to creep across The Boundary Queen. These wouldn't even require the usage of her domain of control over the boundaries around them. Instead? She'd rely on a more traditional method of power that was natural to Iramashsa. In a swift movement Yukuri was seen raising her right hand towards the direction of the impending projectiles. With h eyes briefly flashing a bright shade of pink, the emission of an indigo energy that was mist like in appearance flowed around her body. From this outpouring of Chaos Energy, a gleam of light would leave Yukuri's side and attach itself to the area around the rubble.

Then -- almost in slow motion -- the objects were seemly halted and frozen. This was the beauty in Chaos Warp for it allowed her to increase or decrease the rate of time within a given area. And around the promoxidiy of the projectiles? The Devil of Boundaries dramatically lowered the standard in which time progressed. All that was required of her now was to null the kinetic energy around them by nulling their momentum and they'd presumably drop to the ground without much sound. Although, the echo's of Yukuru's endearing chuckles would take their place.

Watching the male come back from her assaults with the cackles of a mad man seemed to prove that he could at least become unhinged enough to enjoy the battle of waged in fantasy. After all, the discerning expressions he showed her before were quite ugly to bare and seemed far too somber for a battlefield like this. If things progressed the way she had intended, perhaps this clash could become interesting after all. So, to this end, she'd give him a response since he had earned it living through that barrage of attacks. "Well, I'm glad to see you aren't a TOTAL stick in the mud. Still, I'd say the roles are certainly reversed. I'm awaiting for you to give me my own thrill. So let's see if we can play into the hands of each other and kill the boredom we're both under, human."

After this brief pause in combat was had, the shaking of The Iramasha's head could be seen. This was in reaction to the subtle movements Sou was making with the road-sign. It didn't necessarily take a mastermind to estimate that he was indeed going to stick with the physical sign and attempt to either: impale The Royal Maiden with it, utilize as a blunt weapon of sorts or use it as a makeshift shield. And judging by the man's rash actions up until this point? It was more probable for him to use it as a weapon. Thus, with a mere wave of her hands, a blacked portal would open up before Yukuri and seek to consume the road-sign. In this way, the pole would be sent to the deepest pits of obivlino to hopefully never be seen again. Or, if it did see the night of day once more, be utilized as The Demoness saw fit to use.

"You need to work on your endgame, human. It needs a bit of polishing if you wish to keep up with me in this battle of untamed wonder." Clenching her right fist would invoke the usage of her element's prowess once more on the area. Spreading for roughly three hundred meters would be a purple barrier meant to keep any innocents out of the way of harm. With the intention of shielding the public, this shield would increase in range. As, to The Devil's understanding, the vicinity had been evacuated. Through that knowledge would be the seeds of confidence to give Yukuri more than enough room to have a bit of fun with this opponent and teach him a thing or two about what it meant to fight someone of her caliber.

And to illustrate that point, the snapping of her fingers triggered a change in the environment. Provided things went according to plan, they longer be within the dominion of Karakura Central. Instead, they would be under a new landscape as Yukuri felt it was time for a scenery change. Under the guidelines that Sou failed to stop the transition, the buildings would soon begin to crumble, fizzle out into static and be replaced with the natural setting of mother earth. Many trees, lush grasslands and open sky would be had in their surroundings under this event and they'd be transported to the outlands of Karakura Forest. With the sun shining on them, the influenced of Yukuri's energy seeped into the area and enforced another transition into a night skyline. The entire heavens were filled across every corner with glinstering stars as she set the stage for the next round of combat under the dawning of overbearing moon's glow.

"Well, if you are still standing, let's get this show on the road. Come forth into the untamed boundaries and test your luck within the heaven's of this eternal night." Standing in the middle of this celestial object in the skies, Yukuri would act as a one woman eclipse and grimly chuckle. Sure, she was being a bit overly dramatic with the way she worded that statement, but it certainly was apart of the whole charm of this battle. It added into the fun factor for the reagle mistress by uttering those sentences of dramatized dialogue; as exchanges like that could only be expected by a battle waged in fantasy.

"Oh, and let me return this boring thing back to you." Flicking her wrist in a very nonchalant manner, the release an intense energy could be felt coming on the horizon of the area. Deciding that she didn't want to use up too much of her own energy this early in the game, The Devil Of Boundaries paid heed to that fact that she was limitless in power and harnessed what the environment had given her earlier. Flashing back to the imagery of the ten mile explosion, Yukuri utilized her influence over it within the realm that it was stored in. Feeding it energy from a loose connection to The Project Hell Harvester, the light within the destructive ball of fire would soon turn into many sorts of colors; resembling that of a rainbow.

Once fully charged, rows and rows of holes within the fabric of space within a one thousand meter radius started to tear open around Sou. What followed next would be the unleashing of thousands upon thousands of rainbow shaded beams began shooting out of them. Like a beautiful display of deadly art, waves of these destructive burst of power would turn into butterflies and seek to entirely overwhelm Sou in numbers as they all matched the power of a very potent cero.

Barrage after barrage would seek to rain down upon The Nightmare like a neverending storm. It sought to burn him within a mystical fire, test the utmost limits of his durability and bring his body to a breaking point. The heat would be able to shear through the defenses of a top-ranked Shinigami's Bankai, the multiple explosions themselves could obliterate the hundreds of thousands of human's and the spiritual impact of it was meant to deplete Sou of energy. Indeed, the sinister intent between these blast were to also lower Sou's inner energy so that he may be taken out of the fight sooner when coupled with his physical injuries.

Yukuri was not the type to just aimlessly shoot off fireworks, either. Being that she had much fuel to work with through of all this, the next series of butterflies to slam into The Nightmare would prove to seal off some of his physical strength.They were black and red in color, and provided they made physical contact, would do their damndest to invoke numerous microscopic seals across The Renegade Human's body. In order to restrain his untamed physical strength further, the purpose of these were to compress the force of Sou's muscles in order to render him further incapacitated; as they would emit a blackened glow to signify it's effects were taking place across his body if they went into effect as intended.

Now playing her cards out on the table, Yukuri sought to take refuge higher upwards in the sky to watch this dance play out below her feet. The male wanted a worthy opponent? Fuahaha, The Devil Of Boundaries would give him a date with dangerous he'd soon not forget. As she pulled out an oriental fan and began to cool herself from the sheer temperature increase from rainbow-fied fire spreading throughout the forestlands, The Mistress Of The Royal Devil Family was beginning to surely enjoy this waltz through space and time. With each shockwave that rocked the ground around the forest, that was yet another pulsation of the heart that increased The Reagle Maiden's interest in this power as she very much enjoyed using her over the top powers in such a matter.

It was quite the splendid sight to see the forest covered in this multi-hued fire, the twinkling of so many bright stars under an indigo sky and the brightness of an all shining moon to nail the mold in this wonderful sight. She pondered what other changes would come as a result of this clash, blowing away the sweat ever so discreetly as a combination of the fire within the area and the usage of a sizeable energy release. Would the male have the tenacity to stand up once more? Or perhaps this party would be cut short through that ethereal blaze? Yukuri knew not these answers, but it fascinated her to no end what would come of it. It was more captivating to her than filling out paperwork on behalf of the Iramasha, or mulling through opponents who would die at the top of a hat.

As, at the end of the day, this bizarre sight is truly what results when two superpowers -- get bored.

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Tue Apr 29, 2014 3:52 am

As a result of the spatial warp within this thread, I am going to move this to Karakura Forest. This looks to be a pretty good fight coming up.

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Ripples With Darkness [ Private ] - Page 2 Empty Re: Ripples With Darkness [ Private ]

Thu May 01, 2014 12:55 pm

Artist: Iuchi Maiko - Song: Saikyou No Nanori - Word Count: 2676

It seems that having a good scratch to land on the Iramasha was going to be hard from here. The sign's force doesn't seem to be enough into shattering, not to mention the portal itself where it would nearly be impossible to deal with supernatural things like this, but this is the way he wants. Nothing but a challenge where normal humans will never achieve wihout power, and for Sou, he has no supernatural powers in any means necessary, instead, he just uses natural capabilities to look like as if they were supernatural, just like possessing an extreme amounts of natural strength that does not have any supernatural powers or energy that allowed him to gain such feats, and relies heavily on natural occurances and abilities for him to counter the likes of every spiritual being, and most likely, he is one of the possible only human that has ever relied nothing but natural powers in every single of his fight when it comes to fighting under his sealed state and could easily stay on par with average lieutenant-ranked shinigami in their shikai and even fighting multiple numbers of them wihout any assistance from any individual. He doesn't simply gain the title of 'The Nightmare' out of the blue, as he has proven the worth of gaining that very title alone for his natural strength and almost-incomprehendable powers he had gained throughout the course of his battles.

The atmosphere around him shook as the scenery quickly changed by the Iramasha's odd powers. From what he had observed, it doesn't seem that she can just summon or create things out of nowhere and using telekinesis for some reason, since telekinesis or summon-based abilities has limits of doing such feats, unless teleportation was made between the individuals and moved them to another area wihout being seen by a pair of naked eyes in a snap of a finger. Sou didn't have the time to fully observe the capability of her powers and to understand it even at the slightest, all he had to do was to stay in his defensive stance and retaliate, which hopefully, his sanity can still pull through when the Iramasha began her attack again, and the Nightmare stood there, wihout a step nor a shake as his sturdy body stood steadily, preparing to take what's ahead of her attacks.

Holes began to tear through the fabrics of space-time, as thousands of rainbow-shaded beams had the energy to rip through even the greatest defenses from a bankai-released shinigami, to simply test out how much a human like him can withstand such attacks for his noteworthy title. However, the Nightmare didn't intend to deal with all of them, and would take at least a hundred of these since he doesn't have the physical endurance to take beams like these akin to a very potent cero, and could simply obliterate many lives of average humans just from its destructive blast. When the first wave came, his right fist clenched tightly, his expression only appear into a light smile and the second his fist swung, it would only seemed as if his hand had never moved, flashing at almost a speed where even an enhanced sense of perception and vision would have issues catching up with the speed and the force of how his fist simply swung, moved and released from his very body, just as if he applied a mysterious force behind that very body of his in order to move at fast pace to directly smash the beam directly wihout losing a second of his time. The force of his punch simply produced a powerful shockwave to stay on par with the beam and through the use of the winds and vibrations from his calculations, he can redirect one of the beams with his punch to a path of a couple more of them and potentially destroying several beams of these destructive forces by redirecting one of them.

His right fist can only be seen with a moderate burn marks across his knuckles, visibly smoking right out of his fist as his expression and movements seemed unwavered despite the destructive force and the damage it took from the Iramasha's blast. Standing there with a smile of his face, all he did was standing there as the beams rained down upon his mortal body under the destructive force of these blasts, ripping apart the earth beneath him and dusts were heavy enough to cover the sight of his presence, but certainly, he IS there, standing and awaiting for more.

And next, series of butterflies would seem to appear to try its way to slam against the likes of the Nightmare's body, and to test it out even further after the beam, from the dense dusts that covered the sight of his presence, a few butterflies flew out and away from the individual by force and crashed into a couple of trees which may potentially crush it apart. He did it so by swinging his fist at mid-air, and the energy that flows inside of him could create a potential vibration across his knuckles and allow him to form an air pressure that is dense enough for him to shoot it off like a projectile right out from his fist and smash against the likes of these butterflies, which can outright send them off to a distance like a baseball in a homerun. What's intriguing is how Yukuri is making an attempt to restrict away some of his strength away through the compression of the force within his muscles and invoking numerous microscopic seals across his body, but that may seem futile otherwise.

The muscles inside of him were merely a control for the flow of energy within him in order to allow him to release more strength and energy from his body in an even quicker rate, and even trying to seal off his strength in a microscopic scale would only simply slow down the process in transferring strength in his physical body, and if Yukuri intends to shut it down from the inside, he could have the machines to do the override and take the main control of his nervous systems and the micro-organisms in his body, and compress energy in his body as a reserve for his strength in case of emergency. All the effects it ever did on him was only a slower transportation of energy in his body when the muscles are affected but behind the side effects of his affected muscles are that he will not be able to control his strength very well wihout having a 'control' system for the flow of energy, where wihout it, it would be possible that he would release an excessive amount of strength than what he had planned for, which can be proven dangerous for his physical body and muscles as well.

A blackened glow appeared across his body, as it seemed that Sou knew what these effects can do to him if he ever took them directly, since strength was all he had in his current form, and to counter this, he has to awaken but for now, Sou wanted this 'game' to pull a little longer. When the dusts cleared out, remarkably, he still lived through the destruction of her beams, but wounds were clearly visible no matter how much he tries to cover it. It seemed that the beams went right through his shoulder and left a large wound against it, which led into an intensive bleeding because of the damage it took, whilst across his arms, scratches and many burn marks were seen as if the Nightmare tried to take them with his bare fists alone, but toughened up to sustain as little damage as possible with guts. In his waist area, on the left side, there's a burn across it, and luckily, only to fly past his waist and left a good burn to it, otherwise, he would be losing a leg because of it. While his knees seemed to bleed rather intensively and almost made a pool of blood underneath his pair of feet, his will and defense seemed unwavered, and preparing to take the front.

Giggling quietly, it soon became louder and louder as his grin became wider, and eventually, laughing with his sound echoed across the forest with an expression almost of an extreme excitement as his laughs continued, "Kekeke.. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! GREAT, GREAT! THIS IS ABSOLUTELY PERFECT!!! YOU DON'T FAIL TO INTEREST ME, DON'T YOU!?"

The pressure around him suddenly grew denser, and not too long, the natural pressure around him roared fiercely across the forest as if it were his, and even an inexperienced and untrained shinigami can definitely know that the pressure came from the Nightmare and him alone, even if it had no spiritual power pouring out from his body nor did he had any from the beginning. Pebbles and stones rose from the ground as they crumbled apart under the dense pressure he suddenly released when he activated the device out of excitement, as if he found a worthy opponent to go full power on wihout any hesitations and to exchange punches with. His fangs were visibly across his teeth as his smile were sincere and wide as ever, and excitement boiled his blood to the max. Simply, he had no regrets to fight such an opponent, even with their power differences between an Iramasha and a human, but he will prove that there are times that humans can surpass even the mightiest warriors and fighters of the world, even wihout any supernatural power to gain or to use, and to prove that fact, he will become a villain and an enemy of the world, to show that even wihout supernatural powers, they can still achieve the impossible.

Electricity crackled outwards from his body, and when it travels across the earth beneath him, it pierces right through the earths of the forest. The pressure was still dense, and heavy enough to pierce through the sky and leave a hole against the clouds above him, and if a seated shinigami were to even get a few inches to him in his current state, wihout a proper training and a toughened durability, they would be suffocated to the point of death, while average lieutenants whom just recently gained their shikai, even with a high amount of spiritual power, looking at his eyes directly would strike fear to their heart and make their spine feel the chills when they get close to his vicnicity of the pressure around him that emits a rather threatening aura.

Not to mention, he should give his underarm crutch, the Annihilator, a little test run after its long inactivity in combat, since he has been too focused of using his fists to punch someone right into space, doesn't he? From the distance, it is hard to put him into a difference between him and a demon. He is a human yet not a human at the same time from what he has in the potential of his powers. His smile was sinister, just like a man holding an intent to kill someone and rip their throat out with his bare hands, and a glare as if a sword pierced right through your heart. To Sou, there is no such thing as fear, and all there is were excitement, happiness, pleasure and enjoyment to him in this very fight. No matter how powerful the person is, even if it is God himself, fear was never in his dictionary and will never be. If there is a fight, you earned it and one has to enjoy the prize. If you don't like it, get out and never to return.

When his foot stomped, the earth beneath him simply crushes itself apart from the force of his stomp, and his strength sent him against the likes of the Iramasha with speed within a flash. He didn't teleport, use shunpo or any other supernatural-based powers, he just used his strength and forced himself to move at an inhuman speed from his very steps. Appearing before the Iramasha, his body seemed to flash about like the lightning itself, his right hand gripping the Annihilator as the Nightmare smashed the weapon against Yukuri with brute force, which literally travelled about a feet long and ripping the earth into half before the path of the weapon's force.


The electricity generated by his body crackled again as it surged across the Annihilator, and since the electricity is produced under the bio-electricity of his body, Sou could do just about anything he want with it since it is apart of his body's natural process of bioelectricity in his nervous system, and these were just the excess power released from his body, and from a perspective, it looked like he possessed some sort of supernatural power, but they were just naturally produced electricity from his body, and these bursts are short which prevents electric users like Shadin from manipulating his body's excess electricity.

His crutch pointed before the Iramasha, charging up the power of the electricity from his body and a ball of electricity would form before the end of the Annihilator, which took less than 10 seconds before the Nightmare shot off its destructive force away, matching just about 5 ceros shot off by a trained arrancar and combining the power into one, which equals to the very force of it. Its blast radius is just about a hundred meter wide, while the energy it releases can simply burn away nearby trees and eat up a small portion of the forest under the destructive power of the very blasts fired by his crutch through the usage of his body's electricity. But performing such feats simply ate up a good amount of his batteries since it was not made for such reckless actions, though there were no regrets for his actions as he wanted the Iramasha to learn how powerful he is when he becomes too excited or agitated, if too provoked by any means necessary.

The good news is, he has one spare batteries for the IEBN device, in case of emergency or if ran out of power, he could still change it for a longer duration in combat but he has to be careful about spending the battery life, because if it runs out wihout anymore spares, Sou may be at a heavy disadvantage, since the device is his source of life and hopefully, he can stay alive in this battle.

His foot stomped again, but this time, the earth didn't break apart. Instead, from the moment he had stomped, interestingly, the vibration would explode upwards wihout damaging the surroundings and creates a powerful shockwave around him, creating a strong wind enough to put out the remaining fire that is burning the forest from Yukuri's attacks against him. He chuckled with a sadistic grin on his face, licking his lips as his voice roared bravely to ring the ears of the Iramasha, "I am tired of your bullshits, kiddo. Is this all you can do with that power of yours? Because to be honest, i feel nothing but a tickle to my skin. No worries.. YOU DON'T EVEN NEED TO HOLD BACK AND COME AT ME WITH ALL OF YOUR POWER, BRAT! OR YOU'RE JUST ITCHING FOR ME TO TAKE THE LEAD OF WHERE MY FOOT SHOULD STOMP THE LIKES OF YOUR CORPSE!?"

Despite with all the damage he took, the Nightmare still stood there with nothing but a huge grin on his face that filled itself with excitement and joy, awaiting for the Iramasha to make her next move, whilst his figure stood there with an underarm crutch under his right shoulder, with clothes torn apart under the destruction he faced earlier ago. Even if he had lost his strength, unless the situation is dire, he will never awaken under such trivial circumstances no matter how much Yukuri tries to poke him from any direction, because to face the wrath of the Nightmare, a proper 'ingredient' need to be thrown into the mixture.

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Fri May 02, 2014 10:27 am

Artist: COOL&CREATE - Song: Phantom Ensemble - Word Count: 3109
Oh -- so the human wants to keep up in the realm of magic? Game on! That's the notion of how The Mistress of Boundaries took The Nightmare's resistance to her subjecting will. It brought forth a playful laugh to escape from her softened lips; filled to the brim with delight by facing such a lively opponent in the lands of fantasy. When all the smoke and ash cleared the landscape, there laid the crimson haired human ready and raring for more punishment. It caused the spiritual and chaos energy alike that flowed within Yukuri to pulsate, grow in volume and become excited at the opposition he was putting up. It was quite the thrill to see an opponent not being obliterated and torn to sunder with just the simplistic tricks from the Maiden of The Borders. So with a graceful swing of her fan, she'd place it gently under her face, and, with a wicked smile -- wonder -- really wonder -- how much this male was going to take from her onslaught?

Even though the male's hardened and tough bravado were obviously trying to carry him throughout this battle, Yukuri still very much believed that it does not constitute as a means for ignoring the injuries done to his being. While charming and playful as this bold-guy act was, there had to come a point where he would surely fall. For now, the game would have to be indulged in further as the two danced around within the dream-like shine of the moon's gleam and twirl throughout the obsidian sky as their two monstrous forces collided with one another. "Oh? Surely you jest, human. I am the one who wields the power of boundaries. If I weren't to be an entertaining specimen to combat, I would not be worthy of holding this strength."

Bracing herself for the impact generated from Sou's own unleashing, Yukuri's eyes would illuminate a bright shade of purple and the duo of fighters aura's moved on to have a whiplash in the night as they slammed against each other like two roaring thunderbirds in the night sky. The misty purple of The Devil Maiden's power produced the sensation of fancy and wonder, while the destructive and chaotic nature of Sou's untamed energy gave off the reactions within the environment of a truly unhinged man. Electricity scattering in every which way but right, the earth quivering in fear from these two beings power and the battle coming to life; Yukuri could do nothing but give off a boastful laugh as she was more than entertained by this spectacle at this point.

Which is why when he shot off like a rocket from his position on the ground, The Maiden Of Borders more than welcomed it by motioning with her hands for Sou to come. She anticipated his movements, calculated his probable means of attack and was more than prepared to show him the capacity of her abilities crafted in the magical arts. Noticing that electricity crackled with every movement this male made, combined with the fact he seemed to prefer the physical means of combat all but gave Yukuri one picture to paint in her mind: whatever was coming next would be totally and utterly in the material realm. "Claims of removing my existence? How naive! A mortal who walks the path of the eternal and ethereal will more than falter before it's wonder. Taste the drink of the gods, or die the death of a mere man."

Still having quite the fun with her dialogue, The Royal Iramasha more than relished her sinister and ominous message to express the futility of his upcoming actions. Upon her mental command? Yukuri's body flashed a shade of white before the release of chaos energy was felt throughout the area. In this way, The Maiden's Barrierkensis went into work. Putting together the estimates needed within her mind, The Regale Devil influenced the world around her and produced an extremely hardened and dense barrier meant to block out the attack from phasing her. Creating layer after layer of shielding, the assaults of Sou's furious rampage would meet the stone wrath of Yukuri's immobile will in the form of this spiritual wall between the two.

"How far shall we take this dance tonight, Ye' Of Nightmares? If it's fine with you, I'll keep blasting my magic forever!" Flying ten meters backwards during the time it took for Sou to charge Annihilator, Yukuri would speak with an excited tone behind her voice as she more than paid tribute to the powerful electric blast heading her way with a dreamy smile etched across her lips. Holding her arm as if it were an otherworldly halter of attacks, she'd condense a large sum of Chaos Energy into it's entirely; letting off a fiery purple glare in the wake of being engulfed by such mystical force.

By the time that Sou's colossal attack were ready to The Mistress Of The Boundaries, she had already modified the dimensions of the space around her to tear the blast right down the middle. Through means of diffusing the proximity where her body lay, Yukuri created a safe zone through her Chaos Energy spreading. While everything around a 90 meter radius was torn to bits by The Nightmare's assault, Yukuri harnessed her special ability to diffuse boundaries in order to create a "void" zone and thus tear apart from this dimension for an extremely short duration of time; only buying her enough time to let the blast die out before the boundaries collapsed and hurled back into this plane of existence with a deafening boom that blew away the trees around them, yet produced tens of thousands of wondrous rainbow sparks to scatter about the area like a multi-hued blizzard.

When the explosions died down and there was a pause yet again in the fight, The Subjugator of Boundaries rose a curious eyebrow at the words in which the scarlet haired fellow screamed out to her in a rage of sorts. One of the first things that put her off was being referred to as a "kiddo". A slight twitch of the eye caused by irritation came across her face. This was due to the fact that she was probably centuries, if not, millennia older than this screaming banshee. In fact, more of his ignorant demeanor started to grind her nerves as it was painfully obvious how outclassed he was; yet he was talking as if he were the victor in their little spar thus far. Therefore, she may very well indulge him in his request to see more of her power; if only to make a statement to his mind that only brute force and actions could on a battlefield like this. As, most of all, Yukuri felt this man needed to be humbled with the amount of insults, arrogant claims and egomaniac expressions he has given her throughout this clash of supernaturals thus far.


"Haha, me....a kiddo?" In saying that with a frisky vibe emitting from The Devil's voice, Yukuri with tilt her head to the side and have a curious expression come across her face. All of the male's actions, words and mannerisms were quite the bit for The Maiden to process and it brought her to laughter after she was done being agitated by it. It was almost as if the man just didn't know what he was up against. Akin to an adult fighting a cocky child almost. "How...quaint. I assure you, in age, I'm more than a few thousand years old, my child. It means I've had endless time to understand my power, to perfect it and to understand the laws of the supernatural and the spiritual." Now holding her index finger from her right hand into the sky, Yukuri's energy would begin to fluctuate and swirl like a purple vortex that dashed dazzling light all throughout the lands. Clearly, she was planning something rather magnificent. "When you have one foot already in the grave, it takes some nerve to call the wielder of that strength a brat. While I may acknowledge how far you've come in a physical sense to make me use this sort of energy up, you are clearly lacking when it comes to your tact and cognitive functions." With her left hand, she'd point her fan down at Sou; as if to signify the target was locked on and he was her unwitting prey. "And to that? I'll more than teach you some grace at the end of this, human."

At that point, a burst of purple and white light would be forged above the palm of Yukuri's right hand. After a brief few moments in time, the glowing energy soon shifted into the form of a sigil sign unique to The Devil of Boundaries. Chuckling with great delight throughout all this, The Maiden of Borders directed her arm towards Sou and prepared to shoot this burst of power right towards his smug face. Moving at blinding speeds that not even The Nightmare's own augmented vision could keep up, this burst of aura sought not to attack Sou directly. Instead -- it altered a one hundred meter space around him. By modifying the boundaries around the male, Yukuri sought to have thousands of miniature symbols encompass the vicinity around the human.

From there, by swinging her fan downward, she sought to implode the area around around Sou and create a rainbow void of light for him to be consumed by. While within this space? The intent was to hopefully capture him in this endless spiral of multi-hues and subject him to the enforcement of her boundaries powers. So the first thing he would feel is the extreme gravity increase powerful enough to crush even his supernaturally enforced bones. This is due to the fact that it was utilizing assimilation prowess to pull in Earth's gravity, the increased pressure from Yukuri and Sou's energy running rampant and then fitler his influence away from the burst. In this way, once given the fuel from Yukuri's explosion of chaos energy, it would multiply the force and seek to rip apart Sou's organs, crack his bones as if they were nothing but glass and even make his collective chi crumble under the weight of such power.

However, it wouldn't stop just there. Oh no, this crazy train was just getting started. Sucking in the element of fire into this sphere of destruction induced a burning effect within the dome. Instead of outright showcasing the flames to The Nightmare, Yukuri did the next big thing and increased the properties of the flame to outright melt his skin within this confined space. In this way? The intended effect was to cause further physical harm to him, while on a metaphysical the burning sensation was meant to vaporize his very spiritual energy until there was nothing left remaining if left unchecked by Sou.

Next, the unforetold amounts of energy scattered about the place by her previous attack would once again take shape and begin to send wave after wave of these powered orbs towards Sou's location within the containment area. Totalling upwards to fifty thousand blast, these were intended to take it's toll on The Nightmare by firstly wearing him down. Each burst would induce a miniature explosion meant to pile up and pile up until something broke within or around Sou. Through means of burns, fractured bones, loss of blood, damaged hearing from the sheer sound or consciousness outright being taken from Sou due from the potential strain on his brain; some sort of effect was estimated to take place by Yukuri's calculations.

So by inscribing a toxic effect into these spheres, Yukuri desired to once again drain the life right out of Sou. Subtly, The Mistress wanted to break down his body. Thus, each blast was designed to accelerate this metaphysical poison forged in magic. There would be no vomiting, nor shall pain be felt in this or any sort damage done to him physically. Nay. This assault was designed to outright try and force his body to ultimately accelerate the need to burn energy in his body. It encompassed everything from the many nanomachines within his body, to the IEBN Network, the physical embodiment of the nightmare, the very energy within his soul and all else associated with The Human's power. For what was taking place was magic, and the programs put into place by those machinary would more than likely prove to have little to no effect on Yukuri's domain.

Yes, Yukuri wanted those machines to reach their breaking point by injecting a metaphysical virus into them to increase the strain on their processes until they outright burnout. While with Sou's Chi energy? The Maiden desired just making The Crimson Haired man's basic bodily functions become taxed to hell and back. If she had her way through all this? Just walking would be enough to burn through the calories within The Rouge Man's body and make it comparable to outright running a marathon; tiring him out more quickly and draining him of strength until he hopefully would tap out. And, if nothing else works, that battery associated with The Nightmare's power would have such an increased payload put on it that Yukuri determined it would more than shut off within a few minutes given it's intended effect went as planned.

Indeed, this is what it meant to fight someone well versed in the magical arts. And still, even as she sweated from using up so much energy, Yukuri was in no way or form finished. Even though she felt pain in her skull from tapping into this sort of destructive power associated with her prowess over boundaries, The Reagle Devil wouldn't leave it at just that. Flashing back to imagery of the trains she so swiftly used against Sou earlier in the fight, a sly grin eased across her face as she saw fit to summon them once again. While the implosion zone would be at work trying to rip The Mad Human to shreds on every front imaginable to the mortal mind, The Iramashsa was already planning for the problematic outcome for if he found a way out of that mess.

Thus, two dozen train cars emerged in a full thirty hundred sixty degree radius around the impact zone where The Nightmare may very well be buried in from her boundary control. The second that the spell completed it's duration, or if Sou managed to break out; these train carts would fire off at blinding speeds. Being infused with the explosive energy The Raving Lunatic of a Human gave it during his ten mile explosion, these carts sought to utilize insane speed in order to crush Sou. By modifying the boundaries of kinetic energy, the individual train parts were meant to overwhelm the fugitive by surprise and smash him to smithereens due to the fact Yukuri adjusted the boundaries of their weight to make him use more than ten percent of his strength to get out of this.

When making impact? Each individual section had more than enough force behind them to obliterate entire mountainsides with ease; so Sou was going to need something insane to get him out of this hole. Otherwise, even with the electromagnetic field being used again, Yukuri morphed the boundaries of the train to simply use her assimilation boundary to absorb it and bypass it's effects to overwhelm him and flatten the electric master like a pancake. With the final layer of action being put into place, The Devil Woman started panting, but not before she motioned for the very stars themselves to begin falling.

Indeed, the twinkling lights above them weren't just for show. Dozens upon dozens of comets started raining down like an unforgiving hurricane and wiping out large chunks of the forest around them. These came in clusters and were needed to increase the devastation of the trains effect on Sou. They would be enveloped entirely within chaos energy at that, so it would be comparable to the properties of the train, yet with the added impact of an energy attack and be comparable to multiple ceros be sought off from an Espada-Classed Arrancar.

Thus, with a burst of shining purple blood exploding from Yukuri's mouth, a purple drizzle would befall forest as she let herself move further up into the heaven's to watch this massive scene play out and see if The Nightmare were still ready to take her powers so lightly. Understanding that harnessed a large volume of energy in the process of all this, The Demoness felt the strain beginning to take root in her body. Bones started aching within, blood was obviously oozing out of her mouth and the cluster headache from hell made The Maiden's vision fade in and out of blurriness. However, it would still not deter her from having such thrills in this battle of supernatural warfare. She'd just need to be more careful in how she directs her strength, but by no means would she give it up that easily.

"I bet you'd yearn to say something akin "this is only a fraction of my power", "it's only a test to see the results of my training" or "I was only taking it easy". So, in advance, just shut up and stop being a kill-joy. Come at me like your pitiful life depended on it." Moving left hand and swinging open her fan, a bold expression came across Yukuri's face as she smirked with quite the mischievous intent behind that grin. "That is, if you can even keep up!" In a burst of light, a final Chaos Blast was emitted from The Iramasha's fan and it would encompass all of the assaults she threw at Sou into one horizontal slashes of light; making the further depletion of The Mistress's energy supplies that much more apparent.

"I've made my stance, I've created the border and I'll keep you at a distance. Through each laugh, every smirk and all the pain; I feel my blood rise through my magic. So cut the act and despair in the boundaries set forth between our powers, human!" Flicking her hair in the wind, the over-the-top dramatics of her speech were becoming apparent to Yukuri and thus a playful cackle escaped her lips as she caught herself getting TOO into the act. Thus, she'd part with these final words before seeing what the man would finally do to counteract her spells in this dance of carnage and death:

"Or at the very least -- stop letting your ego turn you into such a dick."

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Sat May 03, 2014 8:56 am

Artist: Dedicatus545 - Song: Innocentius - Word Count: 3636


His brain suddenly start its heavy process, puzzles pieced together as he slowly figured out the Iramasha's unknown ability in breaking the boundaries of power, and being able to do things that many can't with their powers. However, it seemed that he has stepped into the mine that he shouldn't in the first place, but this is what he wanted to happen, the clash between The Devil Of Boundaries and The Nightmare. His voice roared throughout the forest again, into challenging the likes of Yukuri wihout fear nor hesitaiton, "INTERESTING! SHOW ME WHAT YOU CAN TRULY DO TO A MORTAL LIKE ME!"

Sou understands that he is a mortal himself and does not hold any superpowers like any other beings on his level, but it doesn't mean that he can be taken down with a wave of a hand too easily, because he still has a lot to prove and to fight for. It seemed that the first attack that Iramasha was going to use was to consume him in a rainbow void of light through the use of implosion, very interesting, it seemed. Seemingly when the gravitational affect came into the kick in order to crush his very bones, he was still standing, but not effortlessly. His grin became wider and wider, and from this point forth, his sanity could not be kept locked away from him anymore, as if he tried to contain the insanity inside of him, it may become uncontrollable to one's mind, and since such events happened to him, the Nightmare might as well break his sanity point and finally, get serious into this.

His laughs become more and more sinister and louder, and echoed throughout the forest and pierced through the void of light to ring the ears of the Iramasha, to show her what a true monster is than to beat around the bushes for too long, "AHAHAHAHA! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! HYAHAHAAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!"


His foot fiercefully stomped the ground beneath him, and in the suddens of nature, Yukuri can feel as if the pressure around him drastically increased itself to a breaking point and cracks can be seen across the void of light as the gravitational pull was still taking its toll. His stomp became devastating, when he outputs his strength just about 30%, a 2 inch wound simply split open at the frontal area of his leg, while together with the natural pressure he released, it would become visible across the surface of the dome that the Iramasha made that is surrounded by dense air that spirals across and above the dome itself from the Nightmare's natural power and increase in strength, before the dome finally exploded to millions of pieces under the heavy pressure from his drastic increase in power and the force of his stomp, which literally stretched hundreds feets away while splitting a 10 inches wide crack against the path before him under the chaotic force of his strength as the earth beneath and before him was split into two from a mere stomp of a mortal, Sou Yuuki.

When the dome was cleared, his grin was ever so wide, a smile of a demon, a monster.. The actual nature of the nightmare's insanity, this is what they call, the real monster. Of course, the gravitational force from the dome did have an effect to him, as he merely resisted and tried shrugging off the pain from the damage he had attained in his inner structure, almost cracks to his bones and wounds opening across his body, while the damaged parts became more severe in damage, bleeding like nothing but a fountain of youth. His laughs continued further, becoming more menacing each time he laughs with insanity driven throughout his body, and his blood would jump for joy endlessly for such an opponent that can drive him nuts and take away what's left of his own sanity to fight any longer. While retaining what's left of the control of himself, Sou wouldn't let the dark side of himself to consume him away into the darkness, but soon enough, if he got too excited from this, he may lose both conciousness and control of himself, and to prevent that, he will end this in one minute.

No matter how much spiritual energy Yukuri tries to take away from the Nightmare, for him, these chi energy he has inside of him are nothing but a useless drop of power that resides inside him and does nothing, and even if it is gone, all the Iramasha could do was shutting down one of his chi abilities, the Vindeca 'Heal', a regeneration power that restores one's limbs and damaged wounds, and the ability is nothing but a mere backup ability in case his regeneration ability fails against him. His left fist gripped tightly, and never waver the smile on his face as he is preparing to blast these powered orbs to nothingness.

The wind began to pick up around him, a foot stomps foward and his fist eventually swung, but that wasn't a simple swing in the air for fun. When fist made its way across the air, the force of his strength made an interesting change to his surroundings. Within seconds, his unaffected brain would be leaving the muscles alone since they are still under the influence from the butterflies that the Iramasha unleashed against him earlier, so to make it a little more interesting, he sends bubbles of energy to his left hand, about 10 bubbles of natural energy and collide them together into one, which would create instability against each other because of each's imbalanced energy waves and frequency created and summoned by his brain's will. Once his fist made its swing, the instability of the energy would explode and burst apart, but that wouldn't implode his limbs, and instead, the second it explodes, his muscles would absorb the impact of the explosion and transport it across the layers of skin and the damage would be sustained by his physical body, where during the process, mighty scratches about 10 centimeters long can be seen split open on his palm, while his knuckles seemed to have scratches everywhere and each of these scratches can visibly bleed from its deep cut after sustaining the unstability of his energy's explosion.

What's great about it is that the transported power coming from the explosion of the energy is that it disturbs the air pressure across the atmosphere, and unknowingly, it creates a specific frequency which made the air before his fist to form into a high air pressure and vibrate its air particles, which the moment his fist makes an impact before the high air pressure, it would explode and releases a strong wind current that blasts its way against waves of powered orbs that holds an enough potential to explode his bones and rupture his organs to pieces, and hell, he ain't going to allow that to happen wihout a good measurements of these firepowers. The wind his fist produced would enough to get in the way of all fifty-thousand powered orbs under its wide area radius and blow them away as far as making them to fly to a certain mountain and forces them to explode against it, which may make the earth and mountains crumble under the force of these powered orbs explosion.

Though, it seemed that the Nightmare wasn't done in his part, as he was waiting for it, the trains. It is sad that his opponent doesn't take extra precaution, as his mind had hidden potential underneath, the photographic memory. By measuring the Iramasha's previous attack when Yukuri used the train for the first time against him, all he had to do was to calculate its force of impact, kinetic energy and the friction it goes through when it travels, while the durability and the structure of the train are taken into the calculation of his brain and device altogether, and further putting them into an equation, all Sou had to do is to break the calculations down to the train's source of power and its initial capability. With that done, he is going to make sure that these trains would fly off to the sky like the fireworks and never to be seen again using his strength alone, and this is, going to be a surprise for the Iramasha and himself as well, since he is going to test this out for the first time, not to mention when it is going against a train that is moving at insane speed while holding the destructive power he once used, but not to mind that.

The good thing is, since he had a physical contact with the train before when it moved at high kinetic energy and unimaginable speeds where an average human would have trouble dealing with, after a throughout calculation, since he knows the previous speed of the train, the Nightmare would understand when and where he should execute his attack in order to withstand against the likes of these trains. When the two train approaches, his grin was menacingly wide and the second it got close to him, his hands reached out, and to make an effort to catch these two dozen trains each and every one of them effectively, the moment the first two trains made contact against the palm of his hands, he unleashes a specific amount of strength from his body, not to destroy them, instead, it creates a circular pulse across the air, just like a wall of vibrating air, the moment the rest of the trains got close to him, they seem to crash its way against the wall like a rushing bull and its approachment was merely stopped when he thought up a method by temporarily sustain a wall of vibrating air through disturbing the air particles, dusts and the water vapour across the air, and each of these particles would start shaking in a specific frequency released from Sou's strength when it pulsed in a circular formation and forms a specific attraction between each of these particles, quickly clumping itself together into a wall that vibrates strongly and matches just about the level of Sou's 30% strength that he released, eventually, allowing him to catch these two dozen trains wihout an effort through the use of the vibrating air particles.

Using his given calculations, it took no effort for him to generate an exact amount of power to rival the power he smashed against the previous train with additional of its insane kinetic speed, and through the thirty percent of his strength being unleashed upon the likes of Yukuri, both his strength and the force of the train's impact were evenly cancelled out with raw strength alone, no supernatural powers, energy or whatsoever, just plain, mortal strength that gifted him many, many years ago after his birth. Once the train's impact was cancelled out, he makes an effort to stomp as fiercely as he could, and interestingly, his feet wouldn't blast the earth to smithereens 'first', instead, from the stamina of his body, his body quickly collected the energy and compress the natural energy into a shape of a plate, and the moment he stomped, the energy would burst itself into a form of vibration across his muscles that absorbs the explosive vibration and travelled across the layers of his skin, and eventually pulsing through the earth beneath him about 40 meters wide, just about where the train would be within the radius when his bare hands took them head-on wihout any hesitations.

Once the pulse finishes its 40 meter trip, the earth beneath him would implode upwards wihout shattering the ground, and creates a shockwave that he made to travel upwards against the air that held enough force to even send the likes of these durable trains float against the air under the dense shockwave his strength was able to create with just a fierce stomp, formed using clumps of natural stamina and compressing them under the will of his brain to send a shockwave strong enough to make supernaturally-powered trains to be casted off to the air using the correct mathematical equations and calculations through the effort of the IEBN device and his photographic memories.

As the trains began to fall, both of his hand would grip itself tightly into a pair of fists, before landing a direct uppercut whilst still retaining his 30% strength while using an extra push from his device to land an even greater blow to the likes of these group of trains. When his fist makes a throughout direct contact against the layer of the durable train, his fist took no effort to force a crack across the chunks of trains, and wihout furtherado, these trains would be broken into half, while its remainings would crack and burst apart using an exact vibration to make sure that there aren't any signs of them left, shattering each and every part it could destroy to erase the train's mighty existence from its surprising power.

If one were to look close enough, his hands were bloody red after he caught the train with his bare hands and its because his hands and additionally, using his strength to take the train barehandedly, took most of the damage from the train before transferring a small portion of its destructive force against the ground, which it cracked apart beneath him not too long ago, and the damage his hands took absorbed most of the impact and simply, splitting open more wounds and some of his muscles were severely damaged, but still repairable through any normal method of healing.

These counters were an easy feat to him, although, something went wrong from there onwards. Before the twinkling lights of these raining comets were to impact, Sou was preparing for his final attack to redirect them back to the likes of the Iramasha and taste her own medicine, but when his fist swung, the IEBN device ran out of power, unluckily. His natural pressure suddenly became extremely weak as it dramatically lowered down to his original level. His body became weak, vision blurred, his chest suddenly felt burning and suffocating once his bodily parts stopped working anymore. Nerve impulses would stop working altogether to prevent any signals sent to his muscles to allow him to move, though sounds can be clearly heard, all of it sounded random and almost unable to understand when the nerves stopped working to receive the information his body can hear and send these impulses to the brain to analyze these informations and allow him to understand what the Iramasha was saying, but the lady luck doesn't seem to be on his side.

In his sudden weakened state, his body still stood up, but heavily trembling against the incoming comets as it began to strike his body each and every wave of it. His limbs bursted apart, holes were made as his body was simply, being ripped apart one by one by the destructive comets that rained down upon him like an endless waves of hurricane that held so much power and wiped out a large chunk of the forest. When the waves ended, all Yukuri could see was a body of a mortal male, Sou Yuuki, laying upon the ground with his body heavily damaged, one or two of his limbs seemed to be gone, while his body had hole-like burn marks as some of it ate his outer flesh whilst the organs held up rather fine, as his body took all the damage it could to protect his internal structure from being blown apart by these comet-like blasts.

From here, the Nightmare thought the fight was over, but if he's out, where could he prove that even mortals can surpass the likes of these supernatural beings that has powers? Not to mention, there are still many challenges he has to go through in order to wipe off the darkness inside of him, by fighting Mana, so dying here isn't an option, he MUST not die. He has to pull through this no matter what and the only way to make it out alive is to deal with the Iramasha. Both anger and determination began to fill up, knowing full well that he is trying to push his body's limits, but that's the way he wants, where he can go all out and fight to the death. There are still challenges to clear, promises to fulfil and a goal to achieve. Dying here wouldn't be manly enough and overflow himself with guts to get past. Losing to the Devil Of Boundaries is a shame to himself, and the title of 'Nightmare' would be worthless. He will come back from the fucking dead.. and kill the iramasha. He WILL kill her, the obstacle to pass through.



A pair of wings sprouted out from his back, and unusually, this wasn't his usual wings that spins wildly like a tornado. Sprouting two black wings, seemingly made out of pure energy of the unknown, it is most likely to be the black lightning as electricity seems to crackle outwards from the wings and ripping apart the earth when each bolt strikes the ground. Bleeding stopped, limbs were reformed when the lost limbs were being engulfed by a tornado, before dispersing into nothingness as his limbs seems to be replenished when he awakened. His eyes were glowing brightly in crimson red, his expression held nothing but an extreme rage behind it, while within his eyes, there were hopes and determination of winning against the Devil Of Boundary, because she isn't the only one who can break through the boundaries, limitations or the lines drawn for one's capability, as the Nightmare could do so as well, and this time, he is going to put up a good show, although sadly, his mind wasn't his currently, as his conciousness was devoured by both anger and determination, he wanted to remove the existence of this being out of his eyes, nothing else but that.

His spiritual power was monstrous, seemingly engulfing himself with crimson red reiatsu as it roared like a beast, trees were blown against and earth were crushed just under the sheer force of his spiritual power, his eyes glowing crimson red and teeth grinding with anger, and when one measures his spiritual power, it is indeed, something to be reckoned with in combat as now he is within his True Awakening, a true power that lies within a monster, a demon, a Nightmare. When he spoke, his voice seemed to echo rather strangely, and it became rather hard to decipher the language he spoke. It wasn't english, it wasn't Latin, it wasn't some sort of ancient summoning phrase or anything. To be more specific, he speaks in a form of an unknown language.


Standing up with his arms opened wide, wind would suddenly grow stronger, and plasma seems to be created out of nowhere above his head, which he called an 'Imaginary Plasma', a special form of energy where he created and thought up with his knowledge, Imaginary Plasma is an unknown source of energy and cannot be understood if using the laws of physics, since such laws does not apply to his plasma that is hard to know whether it exists or not, as it behaves both like an ordinary plasma and a non-plasma as well,and this is why it is 'Imaginary', as it can take up to thousands and millions of forms, shapes and objects as he desire to with his ability, no matter how complex it is, as long as it is within the reach of his ability, nothing can be considered impossible through the use of his plasma.


The moment his hands clapped, the plasma would disassemble itself into hundreds of orbs and it would fire into a beam of plasma against the likes of Yukuri with each holds a potential to destroy every small portion of the forest and rip a hole against the earth, while casting flames to the grass of the field and burning apart the once-beautiful forest by the nature. If it hits the individual, it would burn away her nerves, piercing through her bones like a butter and melting away the bones that are attached to the damaged area under the heat of the plasma that it produces, and each moves at a supersonic speed to catch up against a jet moving a Mach speed.

Snapping his fingers, the Nightmare once again, not producing beams, but instead, a little surprise for the Iramasha to admire. A snap of his fingers, he is able to create small orbs around Yukuri, as tiny as a pebble, its size is not to be underestimated at any costs. Seconds after it was made from a snap of his fingers, the inner energy of the orbs would collapse, just like a star's inner core that became too dense with energy that it collapses, and it would first compress itself to an even smaller than the size of a pebble, it would suddenly explode into a monstrous boom, capable of eating up a large portion of the Karakura Forest by each explosion detonated by each orb, enough to leave a good burn of happiness against the likes of the Devil of Boundary, but it comes to a cost where the previous damage he had sustained and his current condition, his nose seems to start bleeding, wounds would reopen again and bleed, signs that his body are not doing well despite the awakening he had gone through, but the rage was immense within him, and would stop at nothing to erase the Iramasha out of existence, even if it costs his life to achieve what is undone yet in his life. Life or Death, the choice is between both of these monsters.

Template By: [THEFROST]

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Sat Jan 24, 2015 5:58 pm



Since Sou Yuuki died in another thread, and Cookies hasn't really said any word on me posting in this thread, I figure it may be time to draw a conclusion to it. Therefore, I'd assume that each of them would fight earnestly until a draw came between their powers. At which, Sou would retreat and Yukuri would move back to Iramahsa Island to recover from her own injuries after being in such a rusty state. If there is a problem with this, Cookies can contact me here:

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