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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Sat Apr 19, 2014 1:05 pm
Hayato nodded as he said "Yes mam!" With that he was out the door. He stood outside as the monster was on a rampage eating buildings that had been turned into sweets, but there were two problems. Since it was raining everything was soggy and crumbling, and the rain it self was boiling hot. Hayato winced in pain as the rain fell on him. "It may be to early to change again, but this rain is really trouble some." He grabbed his PreChan mirror as he said "Pretty Cure, Rolling Mirror Change! Vanilla Waltz!"

 photo vanillawaltz_zpse83873fb.png

A white light covered him as he changed into a white, formal outfit "Pretty Cure! Vanilla Breeze!!" He spun around as a calm vanilla scented breeze filled a 40 foot area around him. When the rain reached the edge of the area it disappeared protecting Hayato from it. "Now lets get to it!" in this new form his speed was also increased, he took a quick step and he was already at the giant monster as he started punching it repeatedly knocking it back into a building with a strong jab. As it hit the building the PreChan mirror activated once again as it said "Demon Detected. Pretty Cure Memory Activated to Enable Purification." Hayato floated in the air for a moment as he registered that he couldn't easily purify this one, he needed to strip off a layer before being able to do it.

The monster pushed off of the building and shot strawberry rockets at Hayato. He extended his arms catching and holding them he was pushed back into the ground and they propelled him towards the front of the store before he sent them flying back at the monster but they were quickly dispatched by another barrage of them. The monster then bent down and pointed its giant candle at Hayato releasing a giant pillar of flame at him. Hayato extended his arm out front as he yelled out "Royal Wall!" As a purple six pointed star appeared infront of him and held back the fire, but it was pushing him back and the fire seemed to have no end. "Crap, Im in a tough spot here. I dont know how long this shield will last, or how much gas this monster has" He thought to himself as he noticed he was sinking a little bit into the ground.

Meanwhile inside the store the Choiark's were huddled in a corner of the store talking to each other, well as much as they could talk the only thing they could say was "Choi". The Lady that Yuu had pulled out sat on the floor with her arms closed displeased at her treatment. "Hmph, I deserve better treatment then this. No matter, this Saiark is undefeatable by anyone in this world. Not ever Cure Royal can defeat it" She said as she let out a shrieking laughter.
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Sun Apr 20, 2014 1:19 pm
Yuu Doragonraion, the Dragonne Queen of Competition
A cynical person, yet socially withdrawn to the point of being eccentric.
One was someone; one continued to loathe one's own kind arrogantly.
One who fell to darkness must make pilgrimage for the enlightenment.
Her path is stained and broken, and she shall compete to restore a life.
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Theatre Master
Having the woman in grasp, Yuu watches the 'space princess' grumble about her treatment and Yuu with an evil smirk that can send chills down the Choiarks' spine as a dark aura of terror would cause a specific chill down the woman's body. While the woman laughs, Yuu snaps of her fingers, a wave of expulsive energy erupts throughout the shop as the woman can hear glass shattering all around her, but no glass in sight were broken. A black collar appears around the woman's throat as her entire torso would feel itchy for the moment. Each time she would try to escape beyond five feet away from Yuu would get pulled back to Yuu through an invisible force and teleportation will end up teleporting her back to Yuu's side. If she substituted herself again like before with the apples, the apples will substitute itself with her. While she is experiencing this, Yuu jabs her free right hand into the woman's head, causing it to phase into her head and create a very painful experience as Yuu extracts a black gemstone sliver from her head which radiates with the woman's energy. Now that range is increased significantly, but only to the same world and realm as Yuu resides in as she would be bound to the sliver in Yuu's possession. "Good news, I decided to spare your life, but at a cost. Welcome to Earth, Earthling! You're now my bitch along with your Choiark cohort. What I used on you is called the Chain of Inferiority. It prevents you from leaving this world and this realm; which in a sense, also keeps you from dying as drawback...details details. It also prevents you from imposing your powers unless I granted you permission to do so. In layman's term, you effectively betrayed your kind and became my subservient ally that I can do oh so many things to without you having rights to protest. What happened to that right? You lost it for ignoring my warning before, so now you're living with me and if you try to kill me, your curse will not allow you and gives you a sense of paralyzing grief. So now, let us watch how this unfolds because... one moment." Yuu explains before you slam her foot onto the floor and closes the portal that she created before, "You can be yourself and be vocal, but in the end... You. Are. Mine. To. Command. Just. Like. Your. Choiarks. Are. Mine. To. Command. And you will be living and working with me for the time being."

While she is observing the fight, Yuu holds out her right hand after stashing the gem sliver into a pocket plane with a flick and her dark aura simmers down into a gentle sunny glow as Hayato would feel that he is no longer standing on a semi-solid surface and was rising off the ground. Underneath his feet was a pair of sunlight platforms that is holding him up before it envelopes his feet, allowing him to walk on air, descend, ascend and more without being stuck. Yuu then shouts to Hayato, "I'll teach ya that trick later! Just use your instinct like you are walking, jumping and running!" Yuu lowers her hand and looks at the space princess, "I originally thought about eviscerating you and leave you back at your world as a warning not to mess with me or those under my protection. But a second thought comes through and tells me that it is more punishing for you to be under the service of the one you underestimated due to your vanity. Eventually, you'll learn misery and happiness during your stay here." Without warning after she said that, she shouts to Hayato, "PUT YOUR BACK INTO IT, GRANNY! I'M PAYING FOR THE CLEAN UP YA KNOW!?"

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Sun Apr 20, 2014 9:02 pm
Hayato tried to keep his shield up as long as he could, but when he looked over at the store when Yuu had yelled at him he was shocked. He saw what she had done to Hosshiwa and he lost his concentration. His shield cracked and the flames soon engulfed him and threw him a few hundred feet back. He lay on the ground his clothes singed by the blast of fire, but his aura seemed to have deflected some of the damage around him. He laid there looking up at the sky still in shock at what he had seen. Yuu had turned Hosshiwa into her slave. He could not believe it, this wasn't how things were supposed to be, sure she was evil, but no one deserved that kind of treatment. Hayato got up from the ground and started to walk towards the storefront and the Saiark.

As he walked everything grew silent as he began to talk, his voice being clearly heard by those inside the store. "I was chosen to be a Pretty Cure due to the purity in my heart. My job is to protect this town from the Phantom Empire and ensure that happiness fills it. That is my sole duty. I am to ensure the happiness of all, regardless of what they have done in their lives. My goal in life is to spread that happiness to all those i touch, and I won't let anyone trample over others hopes and dreams." He walked silently as he stopped in front of the store window, not turning to look in the window his profile held a look of determination. When he spoke again, his voice strong and firm, unwavering in tone, full of strength and and unrelenting force. "Yuu-san, you dare to take happiness away from this woman by turning her into your slave. She may have broken the laws, but this is not your jurisdiction to punish her. Your methods os punishment are abhorrent and barbaric. I may not be stronger than you, but I highly suggest that you leave her punishment to me or else we will have to fight, I may not win in a fight against you, but my ideals are much stronger than your punishments could ever be. I suggest that before i take care of this monster you release Hosshiwa, if she escapes its fine, everything will return to normal once this monster is gone. If she isn't released then I'll have to release her by brute force. You know how most of my fights end, don't become one of those statistics alright?."

The look on Hosshiwa's face changed from that of fear and submissiveness to one of shock and awe. She couldn't believe what she was hearing, the one man that was her enemy was standing up for her. Tears filled her eyes as they then fell down her cheeks and stained the ground.

The monster bent down once again to fire its torrent of flames. Once Hayato recognized it he said "Pretty Cure. Promenade Typhoon!" Green energy and music notes filled the air around him as they started to swirl and create a whirlwind that rushed towards the monster, absorbing the flames and creating a large tornado of flames. IT hit the giant cake monster sending it spiraling into the air and falling back down to the earth leaving a large crater where it lay. Hayato's phone shone as it said "Pretty Cure Memory Complete. Extreme Luminario now available"

A golden heart appeared in the sky as light engulfed the area. A similar heart formed underneath Hayato. He extended his arm to the sky as he said "Rising Courage! Overflowing Hope!" He lowered them in front of his as he continued "Joined together with sparkling radiance of light!" A heart of rainbow energy formed in front of him as he yelled out "Extreme! Luminario!" An explosion of golden energy came out of the rainbow heart and rushed towards the Saiark. When it was hit it was covered in a rainbow aura, rays of light came out of its body followed by a large explosion. After the explosion cleared the monster was still there but it was kneeling down, that attack had dealt severe damage to it and had broken through its first phase. All that was left for Hayato to do was to do the final purification.
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Sun Apr 20, 2014 10:58 pm
Yuu Doragonraion, the Dragonne Queen of Competition
A cynical person, yet socially withdrawn to the point of being eccentric.
One was someone; one continued to loathe one's own kind arrogantly.
One who fell to darkness must make pilgrimage for the enlightenment.
Her path is stained and broken, and she shall compete to restore a life.
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The Dark Hero of Karakura Central
What is the point to this demand?

Yuu watches Hayato approaching her while singed by the fire. "Quite bold to walk off the pain, Hayato." Yuu comments before Hayato's speech and during his speech, Yuu rests her chin on her left fist while her elbow rests on the left arm-rest, and then she replies to his speech with a tone of neither confidence and anxiety, an eerie mix of calmness and authority, "I will not say that you don't have a chance in defeating me. You have the potential in defeating me and you have yet to harness that potential." Yuu raises her head and sits straight as she keeps her eyes locked on Hayato with no stern gaze and no frown, just a straight face looking into his soul as she continues, "Power does not make a good hero, a great mind and the will to use what is given are what gives birth to heroes, and then in the end...Heroes become evil by imposing their will onto others. What you say is for purity and for the happiness of all, but in the end, you are creating misery through imposing your will to those who will not change, will not rest a thought about pursuing their agenda, and then will face their defeat by being imposed upon; just as you are imposing on the Saiark. This is no world for mercy and idealism; what you say can and will be used against you and your actions are that of villainy, no matter how you perceived it. It is a matter on who is the bigger villain." As Yuu was speaking, she stands up and a slim-bladed sword with a lion-like bucket hand-guard appears in its sheath by Yuu's left side as her cape flutters a bit by the rapid appearance of the side-sword. Hosshiwa would sense that Yuu has a very strong state of misery, even stronger than the ones that are fueling the Saiark. "Are you going to allow yourself to carry the guilt of lives lost and more misery to happen because you are trying to help someone whose vanity brought her own demise? I am certainly kind enough to 'allow' her to stay and learn from us when others in my position would rather see her gone for good, one way or another. Even still, she will eventually cause more misery for people or be killed if left not knowing that we're on a precipice of war and it is all open game for people who will chew you two up like taffy and spit you two out like rotten tobacco. If you're really the Pretty Cure, you would realize that short sight into that plan to 'convince' me to release the suspect when I have every right to detain her while a monster is causing more misery than what this woman is experiencing because of a mistake that can be avoided if she has listened. So I implore to your sense to not make me run you through for treason by aiding in the suspect's attempt to escape back to an enemy faction as you confessed to be the Phantom Empire; you do not want anymore misery and I don't want good people to die by my blade unnecessarily."

While standing staight and noble with her right hand resting on the hilt of her sword, it is clear that she has the advantage and even to Hosshiwa would be suicide to fight against someone who can overcome Hayato with both power and skill while her logic is closer to the truth. If Hayato and Hosshiwa could learn from Yuu, there are monsters on Earth that is worse than Yuu; those who will kill them without a second thought; Yuu happen to secure the happiness of many by sacrificing one person's happiness. Finally, Yuu concludes, "I cannot say nor promise her freedom after your success against the monster, but I will promise my verdict at that time. But what I am sure, you will not survive long being a defender if you continue with that flawed purist way of dealing with felons and scum. So answer; are you going to finish up the rescue or are you going to make a wager that an already miserable defender of Karakura Central would take over the Pretty Cure's job?" After that question, Yuu takes a step forward and that one step seems to have slowed down in Hayato's and Hosshiwa's sight as the footstep echoes. Yuu will stop if Hayato agrees to stop the monster and will resume to her seat, but the more he fights, the closer Yuu will be to the monster and once she reaches the monster, all bets are off...there will be blood.

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Sun Apr 20, 2014 11:50 pm
Hayato listened to what Yuu had to say all the while looking at the monster. "We will finish this talk later alright. I have to finish my job first." The monster started to get up from the ground but it was far too weak to do anything. Hayato stood in front of it as he started his purification attack. "Light of Purity turn into sacred power! Pretty Cure ! Royal Jewel..." Light formed around his hands as he spun them around and raised them above his head. A large purple, six pointed star formed above him, he lowered his arms the star coming down in front of him. Hayato pulled his right arm back and yelled out "Shoot!!" He punched the star as it went flying towards the Saiark. It hit the Saiark, lifting it off the ground as more stars circled it. "Purity, take to the skies!" Hayato yelled out as he lifted both his arms up causing the Saiark to yell out "Relaxing!" before disappearing in a flash of light. The moment the Saiark was purified the downtown area turned normal. The candy disappeared, the buildings returned and even the people appeared returning to their normal lives as if nothing had ever happened. There was no collateral damage left from the fight, there was nothing to worry about. Some young girls ran over when they saw Cure Royal defeat the Saiark and fawned over him saying "Thank you so much for taking care of us Cure Royal, youre the best!" Hayato smiled as he told "there's no need to thank me im just doing my job." The girls left after talking to him for a little bit and he started to walk back towards Yuu.

He stopped in front of her as he crossed his arms and sighed "I have a lot of explaining to do don't I. Come to the back of the shop. I'll brew some tea and explain everything to you." He said as he then walked into the tore. Inside the store the mirror that held the Idols and the manager was gone and they were free from it. Hayato stood inside of the store waiting for Yuu to follow him.
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For Fashion! - Page 2 Empty Re: For Fashion!

Mon Apr 21, 2014 8:56 am
Yuu Doragonraion, the Dragonne Queen of Competition
A cynical person, yet socially withdrawn to the point of being eccentric.
One was someone; one continued to loathe one's own kind arrogantly.
One who fell to darkness must make pilgrimage for the enlightenment.
Her path is stained and broken, and she shall compete to restore a life.
For Fashion! - Page 2 Tumblr_mlonn7K3BQ1reiwfeo1_1280

The Dark Hero of Karakura Central

Seeing that the monster is defeated by Hayato and the idols are returned with the manager. Yet the odd thing was the disappearance of damages. It is all too goofy to assume that is an actual threat and who would blame Yuu for being uptight over a stupid playtime fake battle? Yuu crosses her arms and leers at Hayato as the idols noticed how mad the Theatre Master was. The eldest idol (the young teenage girl from earlier) comments to Hayato before he goes off to explain things, "Seems you do. Never seen the Theatre Master this angry and what happened to the woman there?" However, her question will have to be answered later as Hayato guides Yuu back into the shop and Yuu follows him as she responds, "Yes. Yes you do and after that, I'll decide if I should let the suspect go or not based on your explanation. You'll receive payment after the idols completed their concert and  safely continued to their touring." The manager abruptly barges in, furious of what is going on, "Is this some kind of a joke? You failed to protect the idols and have not lifted a finger to save us! Instead you used someone else, a handicapped retired wrestler to save us when you promised to help! On top of that, the assailant is not locked up and could attack them again! I want both of your explanations or we'll leave!" Yuu turns to the manager and then turns to walk pass Hayato before she grumbles in a tired tone, "Humans...clinging to things that does not matter anymore." After that, she speaks up, "Girls, come with me and Hayato; Suspect too. The manager will man the counter." The idols response was in unison as they say, "Theatre Master really didn't like her." Both the idols and Hosshiwa would be following while the manager--fuming with anger--sits at the counter. By the time they reach where they would meet, Yuu speaks to Hayato and Hosshiwa, "Alright. I want the truth, all the truth, and nothing but the truth. Should you lie, it will be used against you in the court's hearing. What in the world is going on? Because if it is a threat that only you can handle, we will have to resort to using you to update our arsenal to combat them and prevent anymore unwanted casualties like the idols temporarily became. It is serious as no doubt that faction called the Phantom Empire would have somekind of a scout and would send forces or perform covert operations to make things worse now that we clearly have retaliated."

Post Status: Completed -- Word Count: 438

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  • Plays as [?-?] Jiyūna Seishin
  • Roleplayer
  • Gamer
  • Writer
  • Employed Full-Time
  • Zodiac: Earth Dragon
    (Year 1988)
  • Sign: The Virgin
    (6th of September)
  • Blood Type: B-Negative
"I took roleplaying and storytelling with a live-and-let-live attitude, thus the idea of a character doing something out-of-character would add more to the character than letting it stagnate into an archetype or a character. Here: A rapid change to a character must be met with an in-the-moment conflict. Ta-da! A rule to live by!"
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Mon Apr 21, 2014 9:36 am
Hayato was enveloped in a purple light as he returned to his normal form. He leaned against a counter with his arms crossed. "I'll tell you all I know. It's not really a lot thought, but its a semi long study. And don't worry, people who are attacked are only targeted once, they somehow become immune to being trapped again."

"Any way. 400 years ago at the far reaches of the galaxy there was a planet that housed The Blue Sky Kingdom. The princess of that Kingdom was very curious and while in the royal treasure room she opened something, a boxed called the "Axia". It was very similar to Pandora's Box, inside of it was great misery. The misery in the box spread over the the empire turning it into the Phantom Empire, Their sights set to spread misery throughout the galaxy."

Hayato turned around and started to look through cabinets getting a teapot out and he placed in in the small sink filling it with water as he continued. "Being one of the planets with sentient life their energy spread in the direction of Earth, but we were protected from it. A being called Blue protected the Earth from this energy, legend said that he is a God but who knows. Eventually his energy ran out and left the Earth susceptible to the attack. This caused the second mechanism of defense to kick in, the Pretty Cure." Once the pot was full of water he put it on the small stove to heat up. He took out a tea set and some matcha tea and waited for the water to boil. "I cant tell you how big of a threat they are, I'm not sure how they work. But from past battles it seems that they dont know anything about the sorts of powers people have here, but the monsters seem to sometimes gain traits that make them work like shinigami, demons and the like. I think I may be the only one that can purify them and release the people. No one has seemed to be have died or even been injured, no damage to structures the treat level seems very low. They just seem to want to make everyone miserable."

The tea pot started to whistle as steam came from the stopper. Hayato prepared two cups of tea, one for himself and one for Yuu. "Thats all I know. Periodically I get some information on my phone but I dont know who sends it or anything."
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For Fashion! - Page 2 Empty Re: For Fashion!

Sat Apr 26, 2014 1:52 pm
Yuu Doragonraion, the Dragonne Queen of Competition
A cynical person, yet socially withdrawn to the point of being eccentric.
One was someone; one continued to loathe one's own kind arrogantly.
One who fell to darkness must make pilgrimage for the enlightenment.
Her path is stained and broken, and she shall compete to restore a life.
For Fashion! - Page 2 Tumblr_mlonn7K3BQ1reiwfeo1_1280

When hearing that the victims will become immune to their trap again, Yuu remains skeptical because if the enemy would be smart enough to see this drawback, they would have some way to override it; Yuu would do that if she notices such a drastic drawback in something that would be her bread-and-butter of causing mayhem to the enemies. For what they could have done to produce the array of effects, Yuu could hardly put a finger on what fueled it. Yuu takes a seat as she gazes at him with leer because what Hayato did was causing a major security breach to be exploited when he could have reported this when it becomes clear to him. When listening further to the fable about Blue Sky Kingdom and how it became the Phantom Empire through misery, Yuu looks at the captured operative of the Phantom Empire with a studious stare before returning her attention to Hayato.

She massages the bridge of her nose as she leans her head forward, regarding this fable to be irrelevent to the situation that is brought up like a procrastinating nuclear engineer.

"Even with the Pretty Cure, they may as well be researching as well to make what is one-shot into a reoccurance while making it harder for Pretty Cure to be relevent. You should have reported this to the Yuudeshi Network sooner when you know it to be a threat. What if they teamed up with Kokuryuteshi or Shadow Fall? These two factions alone are strong enough to be persuasive with the lure of technology and assistance; Phantom Empire could be an easy gateway into this city. I do not care if you're the last defender of Earth against the new foes, once people like Eric Zarathos and Mana gets in this city because of the Phantom Empire, everyone's done and dead."

When he speaks of not knowing the size of the threat or how they work, but Yuu gives a slight smirk when she hears that they are oblivious about people on Earth having powers, so that means she has an additional reason to keep that operative as she could tell her superiors about it and give them the time to prepare better if she just lets her go. She sits back on the chair and still carries that smirk as she suggests,

"If they do not know about what we have in our arsenal, that would give us an element of surprise. However, this will mean that our guest will have to stay so she will not ruin the surprise party for each one of these hogwashed simpletons. Plus, she will provide us the research we need to better prepare ourselves with equipment for purifying and combating the Phantom Empire and their technology that could breach us if we don't have these adjustments. Just enough data could make the city's dome capable of doing the purifying without having you worry about it. This entertains me, so I will let her go, but under three rules; break one and I'll be holding her in my custody without an appeal."

Yuu pulls out a D.E.S. collar, which is used to suppress powers of the wearer as Shadin used it to arrest powerful adversaries. Then she turns to Hosshiwa.

"Rule One: You are not to leave the city without wearing this collar. Rule Two: You will have to check in with your custodian, which in this case will be Hayato Nishi at a day-to-day basis. Rule Three: When an authority figure, even Hayato Nishi tells you to stop, you will stop. The Dark Mark on your body is assurance that if you chose to rebel, it will attack the mobility system or in layman's term, causes you to slap into the ground with enough force to potentially cause a small crater if on soft ground. As along... I have the sliver of your mind, I pretty much holding what keeps you alive. As Hayato is lawful stupid, I have yet to trust in his judgment until he made up for the screw-ups he demonstrated in this very incident."

Yuu turns to Hayato with a serious look on her face as she tells him,

"It will not feel right to you, but it is how we treat fallen angels and monsters, regardless of tragic pasts. I will be holding onto that sliver of Hosshiwa's freedom and life for until you set things right and cooperate with the Yuudeshi Network so proper defenses against the Phantom Empire is erected. Once that is done, I will guarantee that Hosshiwa will be free. Just by keeping quiet for until it is too late, you made more people miserable by not protecting them through your contribution to raising defenses against the Phantom Empire."

After that, she stands up and walks out, leaving the tea resting there on the coffee table; Hosshiwa was not bound or tied-up, so she can move around freely, but not teleport anywhere as Yuu taps Hosshiwa's sternum and speaks, "Nishi Hayato." This programmed the spell to only listen to Yuu or Hayato. The idols look at Hosshiwa and at Hayato, unsure of what just happened. The eldest of the three idols was about to say something to Hayato, but she ends up shutting herself up. For all that Hayato could understand is that Yuu is watching out for people and it weighs on her if people are getting hurt over something that could be prevented like this situation.

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Sun May 04, 2014 10:48 am
"Well I'm kinda new to this stuff, I didn't know I could report these kinds of things to someone, or if they would even care. But I'll do it as soon as I run into someone from it." Hayato look at Hosshiwa as he said "Don't worry about anything alright. You can work here and I'll find you a nice place to live." Though he had a lot to do to ensure things didn't get worse something was bothering him, that manager. She was so disrespectful, true Yuu didn't really do anything she couldnt have taken that monster down and ensured the safety of the idols and herself, he had a few words for her.

He walked out of the room as he yelled out "HEY MISS MANAGER! I GOT A FEW WORDS FOR YOU!" His booming tone similar to that he used to intimidate others on TV. He walked calmly towards her and stopped in front of the store counter and looked at her. "Who do you think you are talking to Miss. Yuu like that, not to mention me as well. This was an unpredictable attack she did the best she could to protect you. If she had stepped in and chopped up that monster the idols and yourself would be dead right now, would you have preferred that?" In an unexpected change of subject he said "Now I am going to need their measurements to make these outfits, free of charge of course."
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Wed May 07, 2014 8:10 pm

As she ventures to confront her personal Hell,
Will always travel with nothing of valued sort.
She heeds lessons of life, death and desparity,
Why she chooses to fight against them harshly?

With a life reneweth from the brink of anguish,
She believes herself and her one & only friend.
She is a valiant soul remained enigmatic to allies.
Her voice carries strength and challenge to all.

For Fashion! - Page 2 Cl1
Tier 1-1
As she was leaving, Yuu can hear Hayato making excuses, which has some weight onto her conscience to hear an ill-informed civilian speak like it is new to them. It is not the only time she has to remind them or let them know of the feature practically taken for granted, yet easily dismissed by the heroes that littered the city like filthy rats. Still she ponders if the chances that Eric's entrances into Karakura Central was all because of neglect either on the part of civilians or on the part of the network. Shadin reminded her to have faith in him and his family's network before, but was it all that is cracked up to be when she cannot spend a month without thinking about the people that are wrongfully attacked within the sanctum designed by Shadin and other Karakura Defenders long ago. It is part of her many layers of laments hidden very well behind her aspect of life; Cruelty.

The aspect of life is a philosophy that Yuu developed as a psychological defense against manipulation where morality can easily be clouded with precise use of words and timing. Cruelty was that psychological defense where she secretly bait heroism only to break it in front of her combatant's face and if questioned if she is good or evil, she riddles them with half-truths that would create and break their hopes as a twisted lesson to believe in oneself and only believe when it is known to be true through evidence, not by faith. It is a stern belief where evil is voided for the sake of necessity; a mindset of those who have fought against demons before and experienced repeated battles against their savagery.

The moment when Hayato stands up to the manager, Yuu stops at the shop doors and pause for a moment to listen to what Hayato has to say. When she hears from Hayato's point of view of why she has not stepped in, she thinks back to when she was on the border of outright murdering a lot of things due to all the built-up frustration that is still not fully relieved. He is right if his statements are true; if she just destroy the monster, she would cause more harm to her charge than necessary and what would make her any better than a demon. Both Hosshiwa, Hayato and Yuu herself are fortunate that Yuu summoned up the will to not succumb to her inner savagery, her aspect of death.

As Yuu walks out and entering her truck, she waves at Hayato, signalling him that she is leaving and will be leaving the trio to his care. The manager was taken aback by Hayato's stand in favor of Yuu's decision. It seems like she would have something to retort, but she is dealing with two people who are capable of apprehending the suspect and defeat the monster while saving her and the idols. She sighs as she sits aside and begins managing things on her tablet. As the truck is warming up its hover engine, Yuu pulls out a cellphone and makes a call to the Yuudeshi Network,

"This is Yuu Doragonraion speaking to Network. Can you get the cat out to meet up with Hayato Nishi? He may need some tutoring on how to report an incident so we can bolster the defense. I'll vouch to what he said because I've seen it happened. Seriously, we need to have a college course or a high school course...or both to teach people on how to improve our defenses through reporting incidents that is out of the ordinary."

Just as she shuts the cellphone as a way to end the call, she flies off to the stadium to inspect the construction of the concert stage there.

_Word Count_
{>Yuu departs from the thread.<}
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