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Aidan Kenta
Aidan Kenta
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Wed Nov 24, 2010 2:08 am
Aidan managed to drag himself down to the lake; beads of sweat fell off his forehead. He was burning up after this training session. ‘ I guess using that mask to much can take some energy out of you! ‘ Aidan said with a laugh; he was in his good carefree mood. Aidan pulled out his empty water bottle from his pocket, he filled it up with water from the lake and then began to drink it. After he was done with the sip he let out a refreshing ‘ahh’ sound. He would stay here for a while until he was ready for another training session or if he had something better to do.

Aidan looked around and saw nobody. It was a peaceful day in the forest; Aidan heard birds chirping to a melody in the distance. The humming annoyed Aidan but he couldn’t stop it without killing the bird so he just tried to ignore it. Aidan took another chug from his lake water battle. The birds had finally stopped chirping which relieved Aidan. Aidan stood up to do some stretchs, just because he wasan’t ready to train didn’t mean he couldn’t stay loose. Aidan let out a yawn.
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Wed Nov 24, 2010 2:26 am
Ravana Ichiro
A Vizards Day OFF 2u4ir06

As usual, Ravana had decided to go and patrol the areas outside of Karakura Central; protecting the areas not covered by the barrier. Sure, there may have been Shinigami patrolling these areas as well, but their patrols never had the numbers to keep an entire area under control. That, and most of the Shinigami preferred to patrol much closer or even within the central dome of Karakura Central. Of course, Ravana couldn't blame them; their duty was more so to protect the inhabited areas, not wander around the wastelands trying to take down hollows. Still, Ravana had decided to patrol a much calmer area today; the Karakura Forest. Because of its vicinity to the central dome, the forest was rarely ever targeted by hollows on the prowl. Still, there was always the risk that a stronger hollow or Arrancar would decide to hunt closer to the city. In fact, it would be quite stupid for this area to go unchecked simply because of its location.

Sighing, Ravana was taking a slower pace than usual. It was obvious that he had chosen the forest for today's patrol because he was in a lazy mood. While it was rare for Ravana to opt for the safer option, even he needed to take a break every once in a while. Because he was in his casual clothes and not his Shinigami robes (something he found himself doing more and more often), Ravana was carrying his sheathed Zanpakuto in his left hand. "Yeah, I really needed this break" he said to himself as he continued his slow pace, taking the time to actually appreciate the scenery around himself. Of course, as he did so, he noticed some movement a few meters away from himself as well as the sounds of another person. Because he had been relaxing, Ravana hadn't been actively searching for any traces of reiatsu, explaining why he hadn't noticed this person before. Deciding that this other person didn't appear to be a threat, Ravana hastened up his pace slightly as he approached the other person. "Oi, hey there" he said once he was only a few yards away, making his presence know so as not to surprise the other person. "What are you doing out here?" he asked in an unimposing tone.

A Vizards Day OFF 28cnex2
Ravana Ichiro~Ex-Captain Vizard/Vizard Corps Co-leader~0-3+
Toshizo Hijikata~The Demon Commander~0-3+
Diablo Cortar~The Cutting Devil/Segunda Espada~0-3-
Albert Wesker~Biohazard~0-4++
Dracula Vlad Tepes~The Dark Lord~0-4
Okita Souji~Sexy and I know it~0-5+
Alfonso Gunter Reinhold~Evil Bastard~W.I.P.
Hanako Ikezawa~Malignant Tragedy~5-5*
Aidan Kenta
Aidan Kenta
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Wed Nov 24, 2010 2:48 am
Aidan was sort of surprised of the other beings arrival; he hadn’t been searching for traces of reiatsu so that is why he hadn’t expected the being. Aidan looked up and saw the being, ‘Oh hey! Nothing really man, just got finished training. ‘ Aidan stood up to compare each other’s size. Aidan wondered what race this being was, Aidan wanted to know but it would have been rude to just plain ask it. ‘ So what are you? A bount,shinigame or what? Sorry if it sounds rude but I just couldn’t stand it. I’m a vizard, my mask wore me out during training today. ‘

Aidan rubbed his forehead to see that he stopped sweating. ‘ So what you doing out here? I was sort of thirsty too and this was the nearest water supplies. ‘Aidan was running out of things to say, so he didn’t say anything else. Aidan wasn’t really the social person; this was the first time he talked to a living being in a month or two if he was counting right. Aidan didn’t know if the person would believe him when he said he was a vizard so he pulled his Hollow Mask out and hold it.
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Wed Nov 24, 2010 3:18 am
Ravana laughed a bit at the other Vizard's apparent discomfort at socializing, himself being a very social person. Of course, the laugh was also slightly at how the other Vizard had summoned his mask to prove he was telling the truth. "Well, like you I to am a Vizard; Ravana Ichiro, honorary member of the Vizard Corps to be exact" he said with a smile. Deciding to mimic the other Vizard, Ravana held his right hand out and summoned his hollow mask. Being much more skilled with his Vizard powers, Ravana showed no visible signs of effort when summoning his mask. Of course, judging by the reiatsu the other Vizard had expended to summon their mask together with the face that he had mentioned training, Ravana guessed that he had poorer control over his hollow mask and it would probably break before he made it disappear. Of course, this didn't mean that Ravana thought he was weak; in fact, it was quite the opposite. Being a former Captain of the Gotei 13 and having many years to have honed his powers Ravana knew how much of a struggle maintaining one's mask could be.

"As for what I'm doing, I'm simply patrolling the area; making sure there are no hollows" Ravana said to answer the other Vizards question. As he said this, Ravana also lowered the hand that held his hollow mask; allowing it to dissolve back into reiatsu as he did so. It wasn't like he was trying to show off or anything, but he had no real reason to keep his mask out, and it would take a while for it to break on its own. "So, tell me, what's your name, and who are you affiliated with?" Ravana asked, having already introduced himself. Of course, Ravana asked who he was affiliated with because the Vizard Corps wasn't the only organization that had Vizard members.

Ravana's Hollow Mask:
A Vizards Day OFF 24gkkyo

A Vizards Day OFF 28cnex2
Ravana Ichiro~Ex-Captain Vizard/Vizard Corps Co-leader~0-3+
Toshizo Hijikata~The Demon Commander~0-3+
Diablo Cortar~The Cutting Devil/Segunda Espada~0-3-
Albert Wesker~Biohazard~0-4++
Dracula Vlad Tepes~The Dark Lord~0-4
Okita Souji~Sexy and I know it~0-5+
Alfonso Gunter Reinhold~Evil Bastard~W.I.P.
Hanako Ikezawa~Malignant Tragedy~5-5*
Aidan Kenta
Aidan Kenta
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A Vizards Day OFF Empty Re: A Vizards Day OFF

Wed Nov 24, 2010 8:30 pm
Aidan noticed how the Vizard was very social unlike himself. Ravana told Aidan that was an honorary member in the Vizard Corps. Aidan nodded his head and said,’ I am too except that I am just an officer. Once I’m powerful I’m going to rise through the ranks. ‘Aidan thought he should put his mask away. Aidan managed to make it disappear but it took much more effort than that of which Ravana had shown. Aidan was getting a little bit better at socializing or at least that is what he thinks. Aidan was thinking about the design of Ravana’s mask it was excellent.

‘So awesome about patrolling also, I would look for them and defeat them myself but I was a little tired and I really wasn’t thinking about it either. Aidan continued to stand around still just a little uncomfortable with all this socializing it was new to him. Aidan could just sense that Ravana had great control over his power; he had managed to summon and make his mask disappear with ease. He probably had more practice then Aidan has had. Aidan sighed again, he was really getting bored. He was all rested up maybe he should go train again.
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Mon Jan 17, 2011 3:41 am
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Mon Jun 06, 2011 2:56 pm

A Vizards Day OFF Akemi

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