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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Tue May 20, 2014 5:10 pm




The male breathed out, letting out a yawn as he shifted in his chair, looking listlessly at the wall. He still had a cast on one arm, and on the wall was six pictures. He didn't want to think of what he had to go through to acquire Justin's, but each photo held a picture of the Washi and the partner they had decided to bind themselves to. It was a wall of hope, of courage, and of great sadness, because Colin knew, and therefore Justin knew, that recently all of their bonds had suffered. The male supposed that it was the curse his family had always held that had caused this bad luck; but he could never say for sure.

His thoughts were interrupted… someone had just approached the grounds with a power level higher than most. "Sigh… Who is it now…?" The Eaglegod asked himself as he rose slowly out of his chair, his body then vanishing into thin air. Meanwhile, the outside of the building was clear, except for a single male, standing with his knees bent sharply. One hand was on his head, holding a tilly hat in place. The other was held out at his side, almost like an extended wing. The male's level of power was… humorous.

The green shine in his hair shown clearly, the cigarette in his mouth letting out a bright green smoke. The pajama pants on his legs were laughable, and the male had no spiritual energy whatsoever. Certainly a strange fellow to answer the summons of a potential recruit who was looking for their leader. The male's body descended, hopping down off his scaffolding as he landed neatly before the male.

"Hello there." The male stated, releasing his grip on the hat as a gust of wind brushed past them, pushing the hat off of his head as it held itself on his back due to the string that was around his neck. Perhaps the strangest feature of the man was his feet. The feet had a pair of strange… skate like objects on them, with wide round heels, like a circular gate in the sole of his shoes. In addition, the feet were huge. Absolutely enormous, they were at least a size sixteen. And yet… The male also seemed to weigh nothing, considering how long his fall had taken. It would take more than a minute for his body to descend all the way to the ground.

"You can meet the leader if you can resolve three criteria." The male stated, his right hand sliding through his hair as he looked at the young man through his glasses.

"The first: What is your relationship to your inner hollow?"

"The second: What do you want to get out of being in the Vizard Corps?"

"The third: What will be the first thing that will cause you to leave those who you would join as comrades?"

These three questions the male laid before Poliro. His gaze then moved up to the sky, staring at the ceiling of the area. However, that was not quite right. Directly above where the male was standing, directly outside of Colin's window, there was a single hole. Through it, the sky could be plainly seen, and it was into this sky that the male stared. His gaze was wistful, and yet at the same time, appreciative. "And a bonus, I suppose." He let out, removing the cigarette from his mouth and looking Poliro into the eyes at last.

Those jade orbs staring into the other man's… maybe he would sense. Maybe he could feel the power that those eyes had wielded; their cybernetic nature. Maybe the freedom and bindings those eyes had felt could be seen. The love, the loss, the hatred, and the care they had experienced. Or maybe he would only see the cold eyes of a protector, one who acted with the Vizard Corps, a Vizard who laid down his life constantly for those who could not defend themselves. All of these possible perceptions were possible, for they were all true, and yet character would decide which would be revealed to the male before Colin Washi's Washi Mode.

"What will you do if an ally tries to kill you?"


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Poliro's Path [Private] Empty Re: Poliro's Path [Private]

Thu Jun 26, 2014 5:22 pm

Word Count: 998

Calling out to the Vizard Corps, Poliro wondered who would come to answer him. Maybe the leader would just show himself straight up to him, or would it be someone else. Poliro didn't really know what to expect as he didn't know anybody from this organization - he knew about it and knew where the HQ was, but nothing else. So today he'd get to meet some actual people from this place. Poliro was going to assume there were really strong people in this organization, Vizards generally are quite strong fighters. This would give him a chance to train his powers to become a even stronger individual, he hoped, which would make the reaper more capable of carrying out his goal.

Someone jumped down in front of Poliro. The reaper guessed this was the person that had heard his call and came to speak to him about what he wanted. At first, he seemed quite powerless. Poliro could tell right away that this guy wasn't the leader. But appearances were quite deceiving. He could easily just be hiding his real power, but he didn't look like the kind of leader person, so Poliro was going to assume he wasn't the Vizard Corps leader, right or wrong. Right away, Poliro was greeted.

"Hello there."

A nice greeting to start the two off. Maybe he was some kind of representative of some sorts that came to greet the reaper. Expecting that this unusual man had more to say, Poliro did not respond to him yet, having some manners. His expectations were met when the man, Colin began to speak to him again.

"You can meet the leader if you can resolve three criteria."

The reaper wondered what kind of criteria he had to fulfill for him to meet their leader. He didn't expect to be unable to meet these criteria at all. Poliro thought that in mind, he'd be quite a asset to this organization with his high power level and experience. The representative then laid out to Poliro the criteria that he had to meet.

"The first: What is your relationship to your inner hollow?

"The second: What do you want to get out of being in the Vizard Corps?

"The third: What will be the first thing that will cause you to leave those who you would join as comrades?

Poliro listened intently and began to think, his eyes narrowing a bit as he thought of his answers to those criteria. He actually knew the answers already but what he was thinking about was how to word himself. He didn't want to give the wrong impression otherwise he'd ruin his chances quite easily. Colin wasn't done yet speaking as he added on something extra, making eye contact with the reaper. Poliro noticed right away from that stare he gave him - he wasn't as powerless as he seemed. Colin was something more than that but the reaper still wasn't sure what exactly he was. More than met the eye though, for sure.

""And a bonus, I suppose, "What will you do if an ally tries to kill you?"

With all these questions in mind, Poliro took a breath and began to give his answers based on his stream of thought. He didn't want to give him the wrong impression, he wanted to try to give Colin the answers he would like to hear.

"Well then mate, i'll try and give you the best answers I can. My relationship with my inner hollow is more like a partnership now. He knows I have to survive if he wants to survive, so my inner hollow lends me his power and doesn't fight for control for me because he knows i'll win. I had to go through a very long training to reach that stage but its paid off well and allowed me to become a much stronger person. Point two, I want to just be a general good for the people and humanity, that kind of thing. The Vizard corps would enable me greater to help people and fight off destructive/pure evil forces that just wanna kill. It would also allow me to grow stronger with allies and let me help them as well. For your 3rd point it'd mainly come down to their personality. I wouldn't exactly completely abandon an ally based on their personality but I may drift away from interacting with them when its not needed if they seem to not be decent people towards me or in general. But when its needed, that doesn't matter - every ally is important. Finally, for the bonus round I would defend myself to a point where I wouldn't get killed. If needed, I may have to beat them in combat but I wouldn't return the kill - I'm not much of a killer. People can change but some people simply have to die in this world sadly.

Taking a breath, Poliro had spoke quite a lot - more than he was used to certainly. He didn't always have many words to say at times, his actions spoke louder than words. He still had more to say though. Taking one more deep breath, the reaper went on.

"I hope those answers were good enough for ya. By the way, you've made me curious. You don't seem like you have a lot of power at glance, but when I looked into your eyes, I could tell there was something different about you, so. Who are you exactly if you don't mind me asking?

This question had been on his mind since he made contact with Colin. He wasn't fully sure of who it was he was speaking to, or how powerful he was. Hopefully Poliro didn't raise any red flags with his answers to the questions. The brit thought he gave good reasonable answers. He didn't travel all the way from the deep forests to get denied by the Corps by now, certainly. Time held all the answers that Poliro was itching to get.

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Poliro's Path [Private] Empty Re: Poliro's Path [Private]

Sun Oct 04, 2015 9:40 am

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
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It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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