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Thu Jun 19, 2014 2:40 pm
Styn was glad to see that the Ceros were not able to damage his companion. As she moved through the assembled forces like a whirlwind he couldn't help but smile. Hundreds of years ago Adjuchas class hollows would have been considered forces to be reckoned with. In this new age of arrancar and heightened spiritual awareness, they were but relics of the past.

It looked like between her efforts and his long range bombardment, the enemies on the ridge were taken care of. That left the fifteen that he had been keeping busy in the crater. His summons were holding their own, both sides of the small scale skirmish had sustained multiple injuries. Over there was a hollow with a portion of its masked severed, on that side, one of his creations seemed to have lost its blade arms. Styn was satisfied with the results thus far.

"Just a few up above actually," the demon replied in response to her query. "You see I'd like to ask these gentlemen some questions, and for that I need a few of them breathing." The battle had been brief, if brutal, but it was time to wrap things up. He was sure Himeko had a few more questions of her own, and there was no need to drag this encounter out longer then need be. With those thoughts in mind Styn moved the conflict into its final stages.

An instant of will triggered the special sigils on his feet to flood his core with power. The Za Koa he held was pushed into overdrive as a second layer on each symbol was impossibly flashing with steady blue and now infernal red. The visual effect was a laser light show gone horribly wrong. Having both enhanced armor and boosted capacity wasn't a great strain on his resources, but it might just be a great strain on his ally's eyes.

Suddenly, he felt like someone had hit the slow button on reality. The slash and parry of the melee becoming a thing of beauty to be admired for artistry's sake. Inside his physical structure, a storm of Za Koa was stirred to a frenzied tempest. Reaching out with his mind he selected his target, not the rampaging hollows, but the fabric of Hueco Mundo itself. Using Shadow Burst in combination with his high degree of talent with energy manipulation he flooded the area with his aura. Demons called it Za Koa's Influence.

In mere moments the white sands took on a rust shade and motes of infernal power floated in the very air of their surroundings. Still in slow motion, Styn didn't bother keeping the grin off his face, as what was left of the hollows reacted ever so slowly to the new threat. His creations were able to keep any from fleeing out of his reach as he activated his next trick. The crater had become his domain and he stood at the center, pleasure from holding so much Za Koa surging through every cell.

Each hollow was now clearly defined in his mind. He had only to reach out and touch them, metaphysically at least. Splitting his attention fifteen ways was a stretch, but a good stretch. It was the work of a conditioned limb, a dull ache of effort. Styn continued to direct waves of Za Koa toward the hollows, this time taking borrowing from Vector Boost in addition to his Shadow Burst. The target this time was the hollows themselves, none of which were able to flee fast enough in response to his previous action.

Styn closed his mental fist, crushing each of his foes with Reiatsu Drain. Perhaps if they hadn't been struggling against the demon's minions they would have fared better. However, despite the short amount of time, the beasts were evenly matched in a fight for their lives. This new element, an overwhelming strike from a highly enhanced and skilled foe was just too much for them. Even the summon without arms was able to land a debilitating strike against the hollow it was facing off again.

The puffs and kicks of bone white sand were replaced by the pained groans of a defeated force. The clean up was a simple matter of opening a Kage Chokyo-shi and having his summons throw the weakened prisoners to a waiting group of demons back at Shadow Fall Village. Just like that, the mission was over. Oh there was definitely some unanswered questions. Who was that demon? What were the hollows trying to accomplish by assaulting Shadow Fall resources here in Hueco Mundo?

Styn wasn't the guy to get those answers. At least he wasn't that guy today. Turning toward the small vizard as his creations began their work, Styn smiled, letting his sigils fade back into invisibility. "Now, Miss Himeko, where were we before we were so rudely interrupted?"

Punishing the Wicked [Shadow Fall Mission][FINISHED] - Page 2 Empty Re: Punishing the Wicked [Shadow Fall Mission][FINISHED]

Sat Jun 21, 2014 9:19 am

Goddess of Vectors

She watched as Styn had taken care of the other poor souls that had so foolishly walked away from Shadow Fall, therefor going rogue, and set up camp within Hueco Mundo only to attack Shadow Fall’s outpost. A bold move by these creatures who were so easily ruled by their primal instinct, but a foolish decision, one that cost them their lives nonetheless. Albeit, she must say that the fight allowed Himeko to see the demon’s impressive display of power as he handled the rest of the primal creatures swiftly before sending them off somewhere, the highest probability being the headquarters of Shadow Fall.

A yawn escaped her lips as she stretched her arm, the signs of the vector boost slowly receded from the skin of Styn and herself, it no longer being needed for the fight was over. Her eyes flickered over to the demon, catching the disintegrated forms of those that had died from the corner of her eyes, and though she paid it no mind a smile did manage to creep onto her face. This little vizard was satisfied, having released a good amount of her aggression upon the deceased, though a small part of her wished they had survived longer so that all of her aggression could had been released. To be honest, she wished for that demon to come back so that she may teach it some manners, but it wouldn’t unless it had a death wish. But, she had Styn and that was good enough for her.

“I do believe you had gotten done telling me how Shadin Yuudeshi started the war that occurred in Australia because he wanted to liberate the masses from the control of the forces that opposed his own. Due to this mentality of needing to rescue people, people who were perfectly fine under the rule of Shadow Fall, a war for the country began. A war that surely cost the lives of many individuals, lives that would not have been lost if Shadin had kept his behind out of Australia. And to add insult to injury, Australia was hardly liberated, maybe portions of it went under the rule of that of Shadin and his allies, but other parts remained under the rule of Shadow Fall and their allies. Thus making the war in Australia pointless for the ultimate goal of the ‘good’ forces was not fully achieved.”

“Did I get all that right?” Himeko said, her head cocking to the side as she continued to stare at Styn. She believed she got the basic gist of his answer from a couple minutes ago, though she felt like she had totally skipped some details. Yet she now knew that when Bikuta told her that entering the war would be pointless on their part, he was not lying. It would had been a severe waste of her time if she had entered the war, for she doubt the outcome would had changed with her presence. And with the forces of ‘good’ drawing the swords to liberate a country, some of these forces under the control of Shadin Yuudeshi, well then she really would had changed nothing. She sighed deeply, her shoulders slumping forward as she realized that if she wished to tango with the big players upon her return to the other realms, she would need to attain a better control over her current skillset as well as attempt to attain more power.

“Now that I know the details of Australia, those poor souls, it’s time for my last question since you do need to see a medic.” She paused for a moment, having to pick the best one as to not waste her last inquiry. Her eyebrows furrowed as she went into deep thought, evaluating her options until she was down to only one. With a deep breath, she nodded her head. “How did that recent attack on Soul Society go? Hm… maybe that is too specific. How did all recent, significant, attacks fair? And who was the cause of them this time?” She smiled, “okay, maybe the last two questions. But I swear that you can return to your realm to get patched up afterwards.”

Himeko Kyouko
WC: 696

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Punishing the Wicked [Shadow Fall Mission][FINISHED] - Page 2 Empty Re: Punishing the Wicked [Shadow Fall Mission][FINISHED]

Sun Jun 22, 2014 4:45 am
Styn's eyes followed the traceries of Vector Boost as the etchings slid from his skin. The benefit had been appreciated, allowing him to exert a far stronger Reiatsu Drain then the demon normally would have been capable of. It was an interesting concept really, the idea of developing a skill to enhance not only oneself, but one's allies. He felt like there was a hint there somewhere, buried in the implanted memories that swirled turbulently around in his skull. Certainly something for him to contemplate at a later date.

There was something satisfying in a job well done. It was one of the reasons he could enjoy his position, even with how violent it could be. There certainly hadn't been much opportunity for diplomacy with the assembled hollows. The fire serpent demon worried him though. There had been no mention of demonic support for the creatures. Giving their tier of power, it wouldn't surprise Styn if this was only a single arm of a much more powerful team. Especially considering how successful the group had been in interfering with Shadow Fall interests. He had been lucky to escape with as few injuries as he had.

In response to Himeko's recap Styn nodded. "Got it in one," Styn assured the pint sized Vizard. "I was actually thinking of taking a trip over there and see if things are still running cold. I doubt that continent wide warfare is on the horizon, but a small conflict could be just as upsetting given the weakness of the region. No reason for Shadow Fall to bow out of the continent just yet."

At her next words Styn raised an eyebrow, light green hairs scorched and patchy though they were. He had instinctively shut off the pain response that his burns were generating, but he supposed that he could certainly use some sort of care. Granted the ninth circle's tender ministrations were hardly going to leave him in a good mood. Although in masterful control of his body's shape and composition, Styn wasn't able to regenerate to a degree that would replace damage cells. Certainly a weakness that the demon had been wracking his brain to overcome. He felt like he close to a solution, but he just wasn't quite strong enough to turn his imagination into reality. "Thanks for your concern Miss Himeko," Styn said simply.

With the changes that the summoning and fusing of Hell had made on the entire Soul Cycle, only the Shinigami would be so foolish as to think that they could hide what had happened from the multiverse. Not only was Styn not inclined to hold the facts surrounding this development to himself, but as many things had in fact gone in their favor, he had actual reason to feel proud of the way things had turned out. Still, the exact details were still somewhat murky, he wasn't sure how much more clear he'd be able to be on these points.

"Well like I mentioned before, many of the facts on the most recent raid are still a matter of speculations. I can say that several whole squads of the Gottei 13 were decimated. Massive damage and casualties were also confirmed in the outlying areas of the Rukongai. I have it on good word that a large potion Western Rukongai was dealt a particularly brutal blow. As far as other endeavors against the Shinigami specifically?"

"About a year and a half ago there was outright chaos in Malaysia. Massive battles on the scale of Australia really did a number on that country. Even now I've had problems making any sense out of the reports that were generated on that conflict. I can only say, unhelpfully I might add, that many of the people who fought in that region either died, or have gone into hiding. Anything outside of that has be relatively small scale, although Shadow Fall does have several reports on persons of note. Your own file will be updated by yours truly when I get to command."

Styn shrugged. "We should set up some sort of correspondence maybe? That way I can get you comprehensive intelligence reports for things that one sit down just won't cover. Of course I hope you'll respect the fact that not all of our considerable information will always be available." The demon reached into his suit and pulled out a computerized device of some kind. If anything, it sort of looked like a clear poker chip with microprocessors on the inside. A quick flash of demon magic burned information onto the device, turning it opaque with a stylized demonic rune on both sides.

Styn extend his hand out toward the vizard in the universal symbol of meetings, both beginning and ending. "Here take this. The codes should put you into contact with the First Circle. It should function anywhere except for soul society so don't be concerned. I'll have your name added to our approved associates list." If Himeko accepted the handshake, then Styn would press the coin shaped object into her palm with a smile.

"I've enjoyed meeting you Miss Himeko. One last piece of advice though." Styn's gaze shot toward the direction that the demonic fire serpent had traveled. "Be weary of that one. Only the strongest of demons can take a fully elemental shape. For whatever reason we were not it's prey this day, a fact that both of us should feel fortunate for."

Punishing the Wicked [Shadow Fall Mission][FINISHED] - Page 2 Empty Re: Punishing the Wicked [Shadow Fall Mission][FINISHED]

Mon Jun 23, 2014 1:14 pm

Goddess of Vectors

She was quite happy with herself when Styn confirmed that her summarization of the events that transpired in Australia. Nothing had been missed as she had recited the words back to the demon, albeit in her own words. It was still disappointing to know that Kurikku hadn’t made a big impact within that war, the damn thing resulting in the injury of one of the many hollows as well as that of another vizard. But, there was always next time, and though it was bad to be anticipating another war, well with the current state of the realms another war would be inevitable. And that next time, she, Himeko Kyouko, would be ready to participate.

Now to mull over the words spoken to her by the demon as a reply to her inquiries. So, in short, the human realm is stuck in a time of strife, albeit that was obvious. Despite the advances humans had made, they were still such fragile creatures, their bodies weak as was their mind. It was rare to run into a human who was even worth mentioning, and she knew that Kurikku only had one noteworthy human within their files, the rest being disregarded for the time being. And even with the large force of the Shinigami backing them up as well as that of the Yuudeshi family, they were nothing compared to the might of those who opposed them. There were just too many big players on the side of evil for the good guys to handle. She, for one reason or another, believed that soon enough that the forces of evil will clash with the forces of good once again, rather or not the clash would be on the scale of Australia she could not discern.

“Hm?” Himeko uttered, the demon mentioning the set up of a correspondence so that she had access to information. Information provided by the likes of demons, a notion that made her bubbly inside and she did nothing to contain it. Why should she? “Oh of course Mr. Styn. I don’t expect for highly classified information to fall into the hands of somebody not of your descendent nor an outsider to the organization.” She chirped, reaching out her own hand to shake that of the demon’s, the chip being handed to her during the exchange. She withdrew her hand, stuffing the chip into the pocket of her green coat, her eyes still fixated on the demon.

She would look at the chip later, for now she would settle with the verbal exchange of pleasantries before departing from the area. “It was quite nice meeting you as well Mr. Styn. You have provided me with much needed entertainment as well as information.” She said, pausing as her eyes followed that of the demon’s. “Oh? No need to worry about little me, Mr. Styn. I have no desire to chase that thing down nor dancing with it anytime soon,” she laughed, “I leave the demon to die at the hands of the one who rules this realm.” She smirked, “again, nice meeting you Mr. Styn and I do hope we may talk once again though without the addition of hollows. Take care.”

And with those departing words and a wave, Himeko departed from the scene. She returned to the Kurikku base of operations much happier than she had left it. And she headed straight for her lovely abode so that she may reminisce on the events that had transpired this day, as well as mull over her next courses of action.

Himeko Kyouko
WC: 591

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Punishing the Wicked [Shadow Fall Mission][FINISHED] - Page 2 Empty Re: Punishing the Wicked [Shadow Fall Mission][FINISHED]

Thu Jul 03, 2014 3:33 am
Styn stared after Himeko's retreating form several minutes after she was no longer visible to his eyes, lost in thought. He hadn't came out this day expecting to meet anything but enemies, and instead had found a thoughtful and friendly vizard. She had been a capable warrior and the demon Knight looked forward to their next encounter. He just hoped that whatever she learned from partial access to Shadow Fall archives wouldn't get her into more trouble then she could handle. The petite power house seemed to have a reckless streak to her, no doubt fueled by the thrill seeking persona she had worn while interacting with Styn. He still wasn't sure how much of that had been artifice and how much of it was genuine.

The Knight of the first circle wasn't particularly concerned with his decision to grant Himeko access to Shadow Fall files. First of all, it did seem as though the vizard was a bit out of touch with the world. Secondly, he failed to see how enlightening an enemy of shinigami forces, who had no specific hatred of demons, could possibly end up working against the organization. Oh sure there were files on vizard experiments that he was sure that Himeko wouldn't enjoy reading about, especially if she any sort of fondness for her race, but then again she wouldn't have access to those documents. Besides, she seemed quick enough to write off one of her own companions, so clearly she understood that in many cases might did make right. Ultimately the situation seemed like a win to Styn, and he was sure he could convince any above him who might have concerns.

Some of the entries he had made into the Kurikku registry were the only ones made in recent days. How odd that he would meet two agents of that organization while out doing the bidding of his Shadow Fall masters. Once again the demon Knight wondered if this too was part of some plot that Hobgoblin was working on in the shadows. His Archduke had been very quite lately, always a sign he had something up his sleeves, that is if Styn's father was to be believed anyway. Almost despite himself, Styn had found a home in the First Circle, complete with a bullying older sister. Thinking of Sinthia put him in a bad mood lately though so he directed his thoughts elsewhere.

There were captives to interrogate and information to be tracked down. That mysterious demon needed to be investigated. So far nothing he had seen needed to go farther up the chain then a simple annotation in a report, but small events happening in the human world, and now here in Hueco Mundo, gave the demon Knight pause for concern. Alone the incidents could be ignored, but Styn was beginning to believe that there might be a connection after all. Either way, there were certainly forces that were at work in the multiverse that needed someone keeping an eye out. Fortunately he had been able to end the battle before his capable ally had obliterated all of the hollows. There had seemed something odd about their structure, despite their use of ceros and their shape, Styn doubted they could have possibly all been adjuchas class.

As always in these matters, it seemed that the most time spent was going to be in the reports. Styn was going to have several hours of writing to do for what amounted to little more then a minute or three of fighting. This was not a prospect that the demon looked forward too, but someone was going to have to keep things at least slightly orderly. A unit could only have so much chaos before it fractured and lost its effectiveness. Styn often saw himself as the balance to that, and if that came with more work and longer hours then many of his peers, then so be it. In this case at least, he was satisfied to be the lubricant that kept the gears of Shadow Fall in motion. With those thoughts he stepped through the Kage Chokyo-shi and was gone from the barren white sands of Hueco Mundo.

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Sun Oct 04, 2015 6:25 pm
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