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神 Glorious Asian
神 Glorious Asian
Joined : 2011-04-12
Posts : 831
Age : 27
Location : Human Realm

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Inari Iramasha [Approved 1-1] Left_bar_bleue10/100Inari Iramasha [Approved 1-1] Empty_bar_bleue  (10/100)

Inari Iramasha [Approved 1-1] Empty Inari Iramasha [Approved 1-1]

Mon Jun 23, 2014 10:21 am

Inari Iramasha [Approved 1-1] V4VtWeo

Inari Iramasha [Approved 1-1] KslmpJH

Inari Iramasha [Approved 1-1] E8l9l51


Inari Iramasha [Approved 1-1] JreSSVx

❀ Name: Inari Iramasha

❀ Nicknames: Kitsune, Gumiho, Kyuubi, Hulijing, Fox Queen, Matriarch

❀ Birthday: April 20, 2125

❀ Age: 289

❀ Appearance Age: 18--as a hybrid Iramasha and fox demon, she stays in her prime for a long while before aging at all.

❀ Gender: Female. Literally everyone of her mother's blood are female, ruled by a hierarchy of powerful women. The most powerful and leader of all is deemed as the matriarch. Historically, all of them had nine tails just like Inari.

❀ Sexual Orientation: Omnisexual. She doesn't seem to care for gender that much--women, men, and nonbinary genders are all fair game to her love and lust. Unfortunately for everyone, Inari's very selective in who she chooses and the possibility for a polyamoric relationship doesn't strike to her as odd.

❀ Eye Color: Amber-Yellow

❀ Height: 5'6"

❀ Weight: 130 lbs.

❀ Bust: 34F (75H in Japanese Standards)

❀ Complexion: Pale, Soft & Clear


Inari Iramasha [Approved 1-1] YtV6Mcy

Inari has luscious hair that blends in with the straying moonlights at nighttime. Being the nocturnal Iramasha she is, Inari's hair has adapted to being especially gorgeous under the moon. It's black in color, but it shines like a dark raven's feather all the way down to her lower back, and by extension, her waist. Though women are prone to obtaining split ends during their entire lifetime, her's seem to be taken care of and groomed consistently. Due to her heritage, she has a second pair of ears protruding from the top of her head, resembling that of a fox. It has the same color scheme as her hair, and functions like an ear with enhanced hearing.

Her eyes are reminiscent of vulpine animals, the pupils contracting vertically like that of a cat but still retaining features that are similar to a dog--just like a fox. Because they operate like an animal's eyes, they give her the ability to look at things that human eyes would not let her see, such as night-vision to see through the dark. How this works is that she has the tapetum lucidum, the layer of tissue in her eyes that humans do not have. It reflects visible light right back through the retina, which increases available light consumption, thus, night-vision. Inari can swap between normal vision to vulpine vision, as part of her skills.

Another trait that follows through are her sharp fangs, which is part of her list of animal-like traits and her diluted hybrid blood. They stay as docile canines to abide by her rule of humanoid normality, but she is damn well capable of bringing fangs out that could tear flesh. Fangs are used very much in the nature of preying, so she can use them on lethal accounts. As a bonus for being an Iramasha, her fangs rip apart muscles and skin, break basic metal objects, and even snap bones in half. It's pretty much a rule to stay away from those with fangs, and she is by no means an exception. Keeping away from them would be the best course of action.

Although they are not sharp as her brother, Koichi, Inari has retractable claws from her fingers and by a stretch, her toes, that could work as a makeshift weapon. She's much more tame with it, but the possibility of danger is still apparent. It's as tough as blades, and adding onto that the flexibility of her fingers, they could adapt to a lot of foreign fighting styles. To put it on simpler terms, she can deflect machine gun bullets with them and tear through iron. Sharp, yes, but not as viable as Koichi's claws. The claws don't show themselves unless she wishes for them to, and they are controllable in length. However, they do not extend past half a foot.

Her skin seems to have been inherited by her mother, which was the very opposite of Ketsu's tanned skin. Inari is pale, or rather, just fair enough to deduce that she is indeed a hybrid offspring. Under the moonlight, her skin shines and almost glitters magically. In irony, she is highly resistant to extreme cold and heat. She used to be a lot darker as an infant, but the traits from her mother began appearing as she matured to an adult. It is likely that she'll grow even paler as the years go by to follow suit in her mother's lead. Her body is suitable for nocturnal atmospheres, not that she is in any disadvantage for being under the sun.

One of the most noticeable and iconic traits of her body is the amount of tail she has. This is a dominant trait passed down directly from her mother's side of the family. They are all fluffy and white, individually movable like separate limbs. Although they are not a primary source of weakness for her, grabbing on them harshly does trigger her sensitivity mechanic. A simple wag of her tails could create blue fox-fire and burn things into nothingness, so it is best to not even attempt touching them unless given consent. Her tails, unlike most animals, grow back even if they're cut off (though her powers are weakened). Despite the amount of fur, they pack quite a damage when swung at someone with intentions to hurt. She is capable of removing them from view if she wants, much like her retractable claws and fangs.

Inari's outfit is very traditional, similiar to that of a kimono. It's largely red and white with some golden parts of it to give a sense of intricacy. A bell connected to the outfit by a red thread also jingles lightly with every step that she takes. There are times when she prefers to stay in the nude, covering up necessary body parts with her tails. Her clothes are also very suggestive, resulting in claims about her promiscuity. They wrap around her body snugly, and keeps everything under check (including her large breasts). Because of her tails, the outfit is designed with holes on her back to accommodate for them. At least most of them are...


Inari Iramasha [Approved 1-1] 0YAcOfi

Inari, by nature of her demon fox heritage, is an extremely seductive woman. This seems to be a consistent trait among her kind of people, particularly with the women, or simply put, the matriarchy of the people. They use their seductiveness and promiscuity in order to manipulate others to fulfill her bidding. This side of her isn't exclusive toward her enemies either, as she can convince people to do trivial things such as refilling her cups of tea merely with her female charisma. It's also only an illusion of what she really is, but it doesn't change the fact that this is what people firstly see upon meeting her. Anyone who knows her more than just by her name will realize that she's not just a girl that thrives on seeming sexually suggestive.

Many of the Iramasha can vouch for her intelligence, a factor of being partially vulpine. She knows how think and come onto solutions without hindering another piece of the puzzle. Her strategy isn't entirely flawless, but many were behind on any tactician specialty when put side-by-side next to her. Inari's brain is naturally developed to the extent of being able to think in conjunction to throwing kicks and punches, or simply multitasking. She knows when to back out of a situation and when to jump in through using her very observant eyes. Want to ask for advice on things and you're an Iramasha? Asking Inari could definitely be a good start.

She could be a lighthearted individual, actually enjoying humor and jokes at times. Her ears will fall down a bit in a less attentive form to show that she's rather... out of it. Not necessarily devoid of hearing anyone talking to her, but just devoid of any kind of seriousness that might come to oppose her slightly. Inari will laugh with the others surrounding her, and even chirp a rhetorical comment to get more laughter out of them. This is very contrasting to her demonic nature, as she looks nothing of the sorts when she's relaxed and playing around with her friends. When this mood comes about though, she has her guard slightly lowered and it could result in a lot of things.

Because of her animalistic side, she's very loyal to those that she loves. When Inari says she trusts someone, you could be damn sure she will stick by them a lot without any unruly disregard for their well-being. Since she is partially vulpine, she is also somewhat shy to initiate herself into friendly boundaries, which may hinder her ability to stay loyal for starters. In addition, she is a curious lady and will not hesitate to act on it if she has the chance to do so. Polite in disposition, Inari is a great soul to become friends or even mild acquaintance with.

Her focus is topnotch and she is an assassin under the facade of a beautiful woman.


Inari Iramasha [Approved 1-1] JmHaHSt

Nearly every culture in the world has legends to do with werefoxes, most famously the nine-tailed fox. It is particularly one of the most spoken about in places like Japan, China, Korea, all with different names; Kyuubi in Japanese, Gumiho in Korean, and Hulijing in Chinese. All of them were different in variation, and in some ways they were all true. There were indeed beings that spawned into becoming a nine-tailed fox, some humanoid more than others, and indeed were they draining people of something vital to them. This is what Inari's kindred were called, the nine-tailed fox demons that survived through stealing souls from the living. Some apparently had an actual passion for eating livers and hearts, but that was proved to just be a myth.

One thing that made their kindred a little bit different from the mythological variations of them was that not all of them were born with nine tails. In fact, most if not all were born with a single tail that progressively increased in amount in direct correlation to the amount of souls they absorbed from the living. Only one in every thousand or two years would be born with nine tails and with an almost unnatural gift of power. Their potential is limitless to the populace, and were even given the task of being the matriarch to the brethren. Is it safe to say that Inari's mother was one? No, of course not--because she was one, and quite the godly one at that. She was so powerful that the woman refused to have a name as she did not want to put among the common folks.

So, she was called The Nameless One.

Her eyes were among the most sharp, and she could spot just about anything within a kilometer radius with just a quick scan over the landscape. That's when she spotted the man, Ketsu Iramasha, roaming about in their territory with probably little to no idea he was at. If he did realize where he was, the man sure didn't seem representative of that fact. With caution, The Nameless One cat-walked her way to the man, her steps slow and steady but seductive as abiding by their nature. The man he saw a specimen to behold; she could practically feel his overwhelming power already. She kept up an unaffected facade, but that didn't change how strong this man bode.

They spent a lot of time afterwards with beverages, and meat specifically that was brought in for The Nameless One, compromised of cooked livers and hearts ripped out of a human body. Grilling them down to its core was difficult, especially the heart as it explodes after a certain time due to trapped carbon dioxide bubbles. Regardless, they ate and reveled in the festivities and The Nameless One felt herself dive into a lustful state for the man. It was highly rare for any matriarch to reproduce, particularly one that is as strong as her, but she still went with her guts and did what she had to. They bedded one another under the full moon's ray of nocturnal light, blessing the baby with an affinity for nocturne.

Ketsu eventually left to fulfill his other goals and to reprise his achievements, leaving The Nameless One with a baby in her womb. It kicked and screamed just weeks through the pregnancy, a sign of great potential. And only after a month later was the child born with a wail so painful to hear that others began to adore her with physical affection. The one thing that made her unique were the nine tails that she was born with, meeting the rule of "One in Every Thousand Or Two Years" that they have kept static for millenniums. They named the child "Inari," and The Nameless One also earned a name for herself that she would keep close to her heart over anything--Mother.

Being the offspring of a fox demon and an Iramasha, Inari was far more stronger than her kind, not to mention the nine tails she was born with. She was intelligent and witty, using swift quirks to brush aside direct conflict and handle things with a more diplomatic approach. Her shyness took people off-guard, and it was said that she would be the next matriarch of their kindred. Mother died soon enough through unexplained causes. Some have theorized that the mother was killed by someone or she left her physical body to escape, but the point was that she died.

Inari should have felt loneliness and grief from the event that has transpired, but she was relatively... calm and neutral. While she loved her mother with all her heart and soul, the affections she received were low in comparison to the others that adored her. So, she continued to live without a change in her life, becoming brought up through traditions of their clan, and even draining her first soul from an animal. Her vixen scream was louder than the others, and even enchantingly so. Within the next hundred years, she became the youngest matriarch to ever exist in the family, and people still loved her. She wasn't the mother, but the daughter. Not once has the nine tails been hereditary. This stroke the older generations with questions, though they were very mild.

Inari first met her father, Ketsu, when he returned to see one of his many past lovers again. The news of her death stroke him harshly, but he recovered and interacted with the daughter she bore for him. At first, their conversations were extremely awkward as she refused to even say a word. She responded with a consistent rate of nodding and shaking that only the question that asked her name was the one she responded to verbally. Like the others, but unlike her bold mother, Inari was a shy one and stayed that way for the rest of her life. Periodically, he began to teach her the abilities of an Iramasha. She learned them quickly with the help of his blood in her, and as the legends say... she was the matriarch.

Eventually, Inari migrated toward the Iramasha Clan where the rest of her clansmen--not kinsmen--lived at in harmony and peace. There were elders, sages, the experienced fighters, teachers with wisdom, and the affectionate of her half-siblings. There were many, as she found out, all born from different mothers. A lot of them were close to each other regardless of sharing only half of their blood together, mixing and intertwining as siblings despite that notion. They were also strong, too. There was one that caught her particular attention--Koichi. He looked like the son of a dog demon, and he actually did turn out to be one. Inari refrained from talking to anyone for a long while.

It wasn't until the dog demon spawn spoke to her that she started to find herself getting closer to him and the other clansmen of the Iramasha. She was adored just as much as she was adored to her kinsmen, and it was a fantastic display of love and affection to just have it that way. Inari found herself maturing at a different rate than the rest of her kind, finally blossoming into a fully grown woman. She wasn't only dangerous to many, but also beautiful to them. Her charisma was through the roof and the slit irises attracted men of all races to her. Did she give them the attention they didn't deserve? Of course not. They needed to earn her attention.

Her reputation increased through her achievements, working her way up to molding into an actual position of power. The acts of benevolence she has accomplished allowed her to become even respected (or feared in the case of her enemies). Within over a hundred years, she has placed herself as the leader of all Hybrids. It had taken sweat, dedication and power to get there, and she finally made it there. She could finally do what she wants to while protecting those that she loved.


Inari Iramasha [Approved 1-1] Oj3F6wT

Immense Spiritual Power: As part of the Iramasha Clan, it is common birthright to possess a large amount of spiritual power. She also possesses spiritual power much more intense than the average Iramasha due to being the daughter of Ketsu and a rather powerful fox demon matriarch. It is usually kept on the down low with her level of control over it. However, emotions can and will trigger an increase of spiritual power to the maximum. It can extend past hundreds of meters and drown weaker opponents in them, causing those to stay static and unable to move. There's also the fear factor that comes along with it, and only those around her level could withstand it. Although she is a hybrid, her spiritual power is demonic in nature and very frightening to be around.

Its color seems to be primarily gold, but there are sparks of black in it as well, especially to highlight the demonic blood in her. Gold is the representation of her connection to the Iramasha Clan and her free will, and the black sparks are the embodiment of the demonic side of her. Sometimes her spiritual power forms an aura around here, either in fluid motion right above her skin, or violently rising into the air above her. Her spiritual power alone can crush solid objects like trees, and by a stretch, metals.

Chaos Blast: This is the Iramasha's own version of the cero. It is a blast of either angel, demon or both (when used by hybrids) that is gathered from inside of their body and shot out in a massive wave or sphere. When used in a wave, it's faster, but not as strong. When used as a sphere, it is much stronger, but slower. Another thing to note is that when a Angel Iramasha uses Chaos Blast the blast is typically white or blue, while when a demon fires it the blast is typically black or bright red. If your a hybrid, it's both. However, some Iramasha's have customized their own Chaos Blast's to fit their needs.

Chaos Warp: When this technique is activated it allows the user to teleport from short range distances at first, then when they become more master this move more they able to use to technique to teleport from long range distances along with being able to warp anywhere as long they can sense someones spiritual pressure or reiatsu. When they become more powerful they sometimes able to slow down within a limited range and gain the upper hand on their opponents. Advanced and master's can also teleport through dimension's and create pathway's to other world's. Adept can do it, but it takes much longer and drains them.

However, Chaos Warp is not just limited to that. It can also be used for teleporting things and other beings. It starts by firing a burst of Chaos Energy from either your finger tips, palm's or anywhere else you can think of in your body. Then you can create it in any shape or form you want and try to have it attach itself to the thing you want to teleport. For objects, it's almost instant to teleport. However, to move massive land masses and things along those lines it would take a bit more time. Between one or two post for master's, three or four for advanced users, five or seven for Adept and 20 for beginners.

To teleport or beings it would take 1 post for masters, 2 for advanced, 3 for adept and 5 for beginners.

Note: A very common way to utilize Chaos Warp is for it to be used to control the flow of time around a certain area. For example, Time Control can be used to speed up the time. So if you have a slow attack, you can apply the Chaos Energy to it and speed it up. You can also increase your opponents speed as well. Another example of time control is by slowing down the flow of time around you or on a certain object. Say for instance you were about to get punch. Well, you can apply Chaos Energy to the punch and slow it down so it won't hurt as much. The same applies for energy attack's as well and pretty much anything else.

Chaos Vortex: Chaos Vortex is a restraining Chaos Move mostly. It starts by the user summoning up a large amount of Chaos Energy for one post. After a one post charging period, a vortex that can be of any color appears above the user's opponent. Once there, a large beam of light, that can also be any color, shoots from the center of the vortex and encases the opponent within it. From there, the walls will soon begin to become extremely heated to the point to where if you even touch them your hand can possibly melt and there will also be lightening surrounding the walls to detour people from escaping. After the walls come down, the gravity inside of the vortex will be becomne five times stronger then Earth's gravity and will most likely cause the opponent to fall face first into the ground. It can also make it difficult to use any other kind of energy besides Chaos Energy due to the sheer amount of Chaos Energy that's slamming down on the user. Not to mention that the gravity can eventually begin to tear you apart if you are severely weakened or on a two, three, four or five tier.

The only way to counter this is to either shoot some type of strong energy into the vortex to disrupt it, place a defensive Kidō around you until the vortex is gone, use Chaos Control to teleport yourself out of the Vortex or place your own barrier around you or raise your reitsu if you are stronger then the user.

The Vortex can also only be up for a maximum of three post by a master, two post by advanced and one post by Adept. But when the vortex is about to disappear, all the energy it collected will explode and cause a massive explosion. If the user is not careful, they can also get caught up in this blast.

The drawbacks to using this power, though, is that you can only use it three times per thread. So, after you use it once you cannot use it for another five post no matter who you are. It can also cause moderate exhaustion for three post after it's summoned and can slow you down for one post.

Chaos Javelin: The user focuses chaos energy into his palms and forms it into a lance like weapon and hurls it at his enemy. The power and destructive speed of the lance is defining. Upon impact to an area or person the attack destroys a large area.

Chaos Link: Chaos Link is a technique where advanced and master users of Chaos Energy can enter someone's mind in order to read their memories and past experiences. They can also share their memories with the person they linked with. However, the link can only happen if the other person accepts. There is no way to perform Chaos Link against someone's will.

Chaos Break: Chaos Break is the brother move of Chaos Soul. Upon usage, a mirrored version of the Chaos Soul seal appears under the user, and two clones of light or shadow appear, as usual. After entering the mind of someone, seals on their powers and inner demons can be attacked - Advanced can break most seals, while Masters can only be stopped by other Masters using Chaos Soul at the same time.

Chaos Restore: An Iramasha with Advanced or Master control over Chaos Energy can replace a limb or non-vital organ with ease. For Advanced it takes one post; for Master's it's almost instant. You can only use this move three times in a thread if you are advanced with a cool down of 3 post, and six times if you are a master with a cool down of two post. If you try to go over that limit there is chance something can go wrong.

Chaos Flurry: The user summons chaos energy and molds them into bird like forms. These birds can be sent to attack the enemy with amazing speed. Their power is low but the speed in which they attack is blinding. Upon impact the birds will explode. Many birds can be summoned at once and one can combine them into bigger versions to increase the power. However, the speed of which will decrease.


Animal Senses: Inari has all the benefits of functionally being a fox; improved hearing, improved sight, improved scent, such and such. Like foxes, she has the unique sense of hearing even through the thickest of walls by calculating molecule vibration caused by sound and perceive up to a frequency of 65,000 hertz with ease (which is three times more than the human ears can perceive). Due to the shape of her ears, locating the source of a sound is a piece of cake for her and hearing sounds from extremely far away deters the need to look around aimlessly. Her eyes also grant her nocturnal advantage, giving the ability to see through the dark whenever she wants to. Her ability to pick up odor is thousands of times better than that of a human.

Enhanced Speed: Seeing as she benefits from animal traits, speed is definitely one of thing. Even as a young child, she was able to outrun many of her siblings. There are some considerable difference between herself and Koichi, seeing as he's a dog and she's merely a fox. Both are fast in their own respect, but one thing Inari does better is her flexibility and adaption to her surroundings, being able to immediately stop moving from a burst and refrain from hitting corners through sharp turns. She is capable of causing massive bursts of speed for a temporary boost, and thus can ambush opponents.

Enhanced Strength: Inari has raw muscle strength that far outmatches any normal human with rudimentary spiritual awareness. She isn't strong enough to benchlift vehicles like it's her daily routine, but she can easily lift someone who's multiple times her size and toss them around like nothing. Her punches destroy boulders, and if she employs her claws, she can easily slice through them like they were made out of butter. Use this in conjunction with the momentum she can produce with her speed and she could be a potential powerhouse with enough given time.

Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Inari uses her hand-to-hand combat skills as a backup plan in case she cannot use her other abilities. She is capable of doing acrobatic flips in the air, in addition to somersaulting kicks, and using the flexibility to use their momentum as advantage. Inari's almost the perfect counter for anyone who's a brute. Her tactics rely on swift jabs to tire the opponent out, then using stronger blows to signify the end of the fight as they become fatigued. She is good enough to use this in conjunction with her unique abilities. Also, her tails can be used very well with her hand-to-hand skills.

Vixen Scream: A natural ability that comes with having fox demon blood in her, which allows her to let out a howl so drawn-out, monosyllabic, and eerie that it pierces through ears and transfers a feeling of uneasiness. It's also a way for Inari to warn her allies within a vicinity of several hundred meters about something, or a way to ask for help. Layered in codes, it could work as a communication device. Those who can decipher tone could grasp any hidden message behind it, or perhaps just its basic intention. It could potentially scare off opponents as well because of how loud it is, and how damaging it is depending on how close they are to her. The sound is hard to escape even behind solid boundaries. The best way to prevent getting hurt by this is to stay within gas or liquid as molecules do not vibrate as much to transfer sound waves. When she's under huge duress, she instinctively does it as a safety mechanism.

Fox-Fire: Fox-Fire is a rudimentary technique that Inari's mother knew how to use, which involves the generation of orbs shrouded in blue flames from her body. This move is passive, meaning Inari could produce fox-fire without the need of chaos energy, though the addition of chaos energy does make it much more potent and stronger for use. Her flames are in the form of a fiery blue sphere, and she can form it over her palms or from the tip of her tails; all her body parts can produce the fire. She has been known to playfully bounce her flames by keeping them in the shape of a ball, making it possible for her to keep it harmless as well.

There is no need for any incantation for this ability to work, and multiple amount of orbs could be produced to her whim. They burn just like normal fire, except in a much more controlled setting--how it expands and spreads is up to Inari. What shape they take and how hot they burn is also up to her control, though increasing heat isn't instantaneous, but rather gradual. Her ability to control and generate said fire makes her practically immune to anything fire-related, the flames just sizzling off her skin without even a mark.

The fox-fire can be used to create constructs as well. If she wants to warp them into the form of ethereal foxes, then she can do that and use them as living fireballs. If she wants to shape them into anything, she can do it and use it in different variables. All of them will have some sort of explosive power that could cause differing intensities of burns.

Affinity for Night: Inari was blessed upon birth to be stronger on nocturnal settings. Her physical attributes increase in power when exposed to moonlight.

Charm: Another part of being a fox demon is that they have almost irresistible sex appeal that could be used to control any opponent's libido. Those that were charmed, particularly to her, will result in a lowered mental barrier, thus reducing their defenses by a large haunch. At that point, Inari is able to manipulate them into doing things that they would not ever think of through rational thought processes. This technique is initiated through kisses. First, she'll have to find a way to physically get to them with her lips. Once kissed, a lipsticked mark that signifies it forms on their body, and the effects of the charm lasts until they somehow smear it off. They could also resist the charm if they have a high enough willpower to do so.

Inari can initiate this ability without having to physically kiss the opponent either. She will put three of her fingers to her lips, and give them a peck altogether. Then, she will blow the kiss at her opponent, the mark materializing in the shape of a beating pink heart. It will launch at the opponent like a blast, and it can potentially be avoided through physical means. Just like her normal physical kisses, it will leave the lipsticked mark once it touches the target. The charm will stop working if it smears off, or if they can resist it with strong willpower. This isn't exclusive toward any genders.

Soul Theft: Inari's kind thrives on sucking the soul of living victims and using that to become more powerful, hence soul theft. Her mother was the strongest of them all, enough to be labelled Kumiho, an epithet for the nine-tailed fox demon. It was a title equivalent to being called a queen. They first weaken their victims somehow or bring them down into a vulnerable state. This can include panic attacks or any other mental breakdowns. Once that's accomplished, the fox demon will pull them up by their neck (or even the scruff of it if they're in the form of a beast) and proceed to drain their essence in the form of a wisp. It quite literally looks like the user is draining out a soul.

During the process, the victim is heavily weakened and their ability to respond is very limited. Enemies with not enough determination or willpower will be doomed to fail and be absorbed from, while those with enough of the two factors could potentially escape from it and have their soul remain intact. Even if the victim managed to escape from it, they will be greatly winded as Inari was practically draining out their entire life force. Every being in the universe has some sort of soul, or even multiples of them depending on their kind, and it is what creates passion. Anyone with a passion to do anything thus, has a soul.

Once drained of their soul, they will be out of it. The ability to think is vastly reduced, and as a result, it makes their thought process and instincts essentially useless. Some will end up unconscious for a little bit from shock, like losing a valuable limb, and some will remain standing, but with dull eyes that is lacking the colors of life. Their irises won't be as bright, and it will remain quite static. The passions that they had also fade away into nothingness as if they never had any love for it. So, if someone who's seriously dedicated to their family or friends lost their soul to Inari or any of her fox demon kindred, they will lose their companionship and any of their traits that contributed to the concept of love, both platonic and romantic ones.

The souls that Inari drains empower her state greatly, her yellow eyes flashing in bright white as the wisp crawls down her throat. Once over, she will most likely make some witty remark about how delicious it was before an aura of complete uneasiness surrounds her. To conclude it all, her spiritual power gains a seemingly new signature, which is the result of a soul becoming a part of her. Inari can then begin to obliterate anyone in her waking as her powers are augmented. Note that she does not replicate any of her victims' powers, but converted their soul into more-or-less a temporary power source that she could use to her advantage.

To reclaim a soul, Inari must be defeated almost to death. The soul that she claimed for that duration will crawl back out and into its owner's, though it's very slowed. Inari, in contrast to her victims, is not weakened by the loss of her victim's soul, but rather reverted back to her normal state. She could easily run up and swallow the soul back into her, returning the temporary powers for herself. Another method to reclaim a soul is for a verbal trigger. There's always a word that responds well to someone, that brings up something that they were deliberately passionate for. This creates an entirely new soul in the victim that not only brings them back to their normal state, but also temporarily empowers them just as it does to Inari. It makes up for a fair game, but the chances of this method actually happening is an ant in comparison to the moon that is the first one.

Last edited by Taichou on Sun Jul 13, 2014 2:07 am; edited 1 time in total
神 Glorious Asian
神 Glorious Asian
Joined : 2011-04-12
Posts : 831
Age : 27
Location : Human Realm

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Inari Iramasha [Approved 1-1] Empty Re: Inari Iramasha [Approved 1-1]

Sun Jun 29, 2014 2:32 pm

Inari Iramasha [Approved 1-1] Yh517mB

Stage One (WARNING:

Hybrid Form Stage One

Inari has access to the first stage of transformation much like many other Iramasha who have went through basic training to achieve it. It augments her physical capabilities and shifts her appearance to a notable degree. Going into her first stage initially puts her flames around her body, sizzling off her skin as an embodiment of her spiritual power. Then it shifts into red, shrouding her entire body in it on an even greater intensity. At this point, her power will feel different, as if it had been completely swapped out by another source. Those that have not seen her in this form will have a difficult time believing that this is even her.

The red flames that surrounded her body then dies out in smokes and singed strips of her skin, starting from the tip of her button nose. Smoke continuously spawn from the ashes of her dying blue flames, her skin getting darker--resulting in an olive complexion. The whiskers marked on her face becomes more prominent and sharper, her eyes shifts into a fiery red completely devoid of any mercy, her hair turns red like the blood. Her ears also turn reddish, though the pink part of the inside retains its color. Inari's nine tails also change from white into red.

The promiscuous outfit she donned redoes itself into a more battle-worthy attire. She gains padded pauldrons, protective armbands, knee-high boots, ropes for belts, a flexible cuirass with her sides showing, all for mobile and defensive purposes. As her transformation process is going on, she lets out a piercing vixen scream to keep those nearby at bay and from trying to interrupt her. Once the transformation is over, she is less merciful and is half-primal. She can still think like a rational purpose, but compassion for her opponents are thrown out of the window. If she was fighting for someone or something, the goal could be lost on her once she transforms.

Inari is now ready to fight without holding back anything. She reeks of chaos energy.

Stage One Abilities

Enhanced Fox-Fire: Her originally blue fox-fire goes through some change. It's now a very red colored sect of flame, and practically sizzle off from the tips of her tails in a vibrant manner as if they're made from flames itself. The augmentation includes its potency and flexibility. She could now mold these into far more bizarre objects, and their damage is notably stronger than its blue counterpart. It still remains passive, as in her biological body functions through creating fire from her body. She can control the amount of flames that creep up over her skin to where you can't even feel or see it, but the tails are always sizzling at the tips. It quite literally looks like it's made of fire.

Vermilion Orb: Her nine tails begin to separate from each other, spreading out like the colorful feathers of a peacock, sizzling in red flames so bright it might as well put the sun to shame. During their separation, Inari has her arms spread out to her sides, her chest put forward, and her head tilted back with her eyes shut. The flames that continuously blaze from her tails grows in intensity, going above far enough to be seen like a lamppost as they mix together like an orb. The color is contrary to the apparent tint of her flames, being a strong blue. This is because she added chaos energy, causing a tiny bit of chemical reaction.

Once its formation is complete, she drops the basketball-sized orb in a levitating trance above her palms. She seems to be in full control of its intended nature and substance as she can bounce this like a physical ball from the ground without causing any unnecessary damage. The core of the ball has a wispy contour, like an aquatic vortex happening within an ocean. It's just the maintained mixture of her chaos energy and the fire that spawned from her tails. That vortex alone being maintained is a sign that she has complete mastery over this portion of her powers.

The ball acts as both a defensive and offensive tool, other than blinding people in its shade of vermilion radiance. She can expand and compress it in size for different purposes, make it completely harmless or harmful or even in-between when physically touched, change its state-whether it bounces, whether it grinds, whether it melts, such and such. Inari basically gets to control this ball like god, which isn't all that surprising since she was the one that created it. Want it to go through certain things then touch a specific target afterwards? She can do that without a drop of sweat.

She can throw this ball like a missile, causing a fairly massive enough explosion that could cover up a single city block, and bounce it back to herself. It can be tossed, stopped in midair, before changing directions. Hell, Inari can even stand on it and keep balance as if part of a circus show. One thing's for sure; this ability needs to be watched out for.

Vulpine Wail: By manipulating her voice box, Inari can produce sound waves so loud and strong that it can actually affect physical things. The energy produced from her scream vibrates the molecules of solid objects so much that they can easily break apart into nothingness. This is not exclusive towards metallic objects as anything solid or pseudo-solid (which includes energy attacks that could potentially damage her) is dangerously weak against this particular power of her's. If a person's body was unable to escape from her scream, they can explode in an extremely bloody fashion.

Weirdly enough, Inari has mastered this ability to an extent that she could transport sound waves into specific directions. If she wanted to aim her scream at a specific part of an object, she will do so, and only that portion will be affected by the sound waves. Inari, however powerful this ability may be, cannot move within its duration as she focused her entire muscle strength into controlling her vocal chords. The scream will go on for as long as she possesses air supply (as sound cannot travel through vacuums like space), if she wants to stop, or if she is directly interrupted during its process.

Those who have a highly defensive skin could still feel the effects, depending on the level of protection they inherently carry. An arrancar with average Hierro will feel the sound waves tearing away at their skin, and those with high level Hierro will feel it itching at their skin as if someone's pricking at it with tweezers. Essentially, that's how it works; it rips apart layer by layer like an onion until it gets to the core. Just like the previous variation, she can direct it in one direction or spread it out around her vicinity, and it could be stopped with same methods.

Also, this gives her an instinctive ability to let out a quick yelp that flies faster than the speed of sound, making the noise that signifies breaking the sound barrier, like a large drum that has been heavily banged on once. It's a very blunt attack meant to destroy things. Silencing her completely could stop from her using any variations of her screams, which renders this useless in that case. If she was to fight someone that could easily control airspace, vacuums, spatial displacement or sound in general, she could have a difficult time using this at all.

Feral Vulpine Form (Custom)


Not only does Inari have access to her humanoid stage one, but she also accessibility to her more feral stage, which was inherited from her mother's side. Her physical strength, speed, and durability are much more augmented than it was in her hybrid transformations--almost doubled that. It also changes her appearance drastically into that of an actually four-legged, white nine-tailed fox with visible red flames spawning from the tips of her tails. Contrary to her torso's fur, her tails are entirely white, and her limbs are also lead from white into red with flames crackling. Inari also has various red symbols that are marked on her face. The size of this fox is actually about that of a large oak tree, which is taller than most housings of humans. She is able to make herself small as an average fox as well.

She does this transformation by first letting out a large wail, giving her the time to hunch over on all fours. Then her body reconstructs itself anatomically. Firstly though, she must strip off her clothes somehow (promiscuous areas will be covered by her tails). Her face extends forward, developing a narrow snout with a wet nose, sharp but bigger golden eyes, padded paws, and finally--white fur on her body. She becomes absolutely feral by this point, meaning that all sense of mercy is thrown out of the window. Unless Inari has developed relations to someone prior to the transformation, she will not hesitate to destroy them. Her loyalty in this works like any tamed animal within households. If she has already adapted to someone's personality, lifestyle, such and such, she will not hurt them. Rather, Inari's sense of protection for her loved ones still remain. The ability to talk coherently is also gone. She will only communicate through body language and wails in this form.

Feral Vulpine Abilities

Augmented Claws & Fangs: As of transforming, the little retractable things like her fangs and claws loses its tractability as it becomes an actual part of herself in this form. Her fangs can bite through concretes and grind them up into little pieces. Inari compares them to eating bread. Not only that, but her claws are strong enough to even shred tough materials into two (or even more) with the strong muscles that have been dictated onto her with the introduction of paws. Seeing as her powers allow her to produce flames, she can do it and actually make her melee attacks even stronger. Swinging her paws at superhuman speed with the enhancement of her flames could make her shoot out powerful bolts of them repeatedly.

Terrifying Wail: Inari has been blessed with an actual mammal's throat that allows her to scream even louder and further than she could compared to her initial form. It breaks through normal eardrums easily, potentially even blowing them away through their ears. She could also cause earthquakes with it, the epicenter and source of it being her. In addition, the sound is just outrageously unpleasant to hear and it could actually instill fear into the very cowardly opponents. It's essentially the same kind of wail from her normal form, just enhanced far past that potency.

Inari Iramasha [Approved 1-1] V5ocLTD


❀ Class Title: The Hybrid Fox Queen

❀ Class Traits: Almost irresistible charm, fleshed out in sex appeal that could put many on their knees, despite the appearance of her tails which she can easily hide. She could scream extremely loud by manipulating her voice box, and have an immunity to normal fire. Fire made with other sources can potentially hurt her, but they're still weaker in effect than a case where it was to be used against one without her immunity.


General Skills
  • Durability: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • General Speed: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Strength: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Weapon Skill: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Mental Deduction: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Pain Endurance: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Focus: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

Racial Skills
  • Chaos Energy Skill: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Chaos Warp: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Chaos Fighting Style: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner
  • Gem Creation: Master/Advanced/Adept/Beginner

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神 Glorious Asian
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Inari Iramasha [Approved 1-1] Empty Re: Inari Iramasha [Approved 1-1]

Sun Jul 13, 2014 2:08 am
It's ready for checking. Preferably, Frost should check it just to make sure the history is alright with him, even though I've messaged him about it on Skype.
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Inari Iramasha [Approved 1-1] Empty Re: Inari Iramasha [Approved 1-1]

Tue Jul 15, 2014 12:43 am
Throwing this into the unchecked section considering how the app is finally done as stated by the post above.

Empty, blank space.
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Inari Iramasha [Approved 1-1] Empty Re: Inari Iramasha [Approved 1-1]

Fri Jul 18, 2014 12:27 pm


« Application Checklist »

• Let's Get Down To Business •

  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

« The Willsheet Checklist »

• And Comments/Fixes •

  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Advanced
  • Pain Endurance: Advanced
  • Focus: Advanced

  • Comments/Notes: I don't have much of a beef with this application as everything seems to be constructed within the limits of PH's rules. You seemed to have worked pretty hard on this and I like the way she turned out, so I'll go ahead and give her a good tier to start out with as there isn't anything that really needs to be fixed.

  • Tier:1-1

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Inari Iramasha [Approved 1-1] Empty Re: Inari Iramasha [Approved 1-1]

Thu Sep 18, 2014 7:15 pm
Archiving due to member inactivity. If you want it back, just post here.

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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Inari Iramasha [Approved 1-1] Empty Re: Inari Iramasha [Approved 1-1]

Thu Jun 25, 2015 6:20 pm
Unarchived. Welcome back.

Inari Iramasha [Approved 1-1] FXpoQxJ
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Inari Iramasha [Approved 1-1] Empty Re: Inari Iramasha [Approved 1-1]

Thu Nov 05, 2015 11:43 pm

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