Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Kido Kid
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Thu Oct 23, 2014 2:34 pm
Mujin was currently traveling on his intended day of he vacation, had prior seen the top of the city and had found out that some people lived actually under the city a area that was much larger and held much interest in the shinigami's mind, Mujin was currently walking along the streets having just entered the area his hands within his pockets as he took a stroll in the night time air that offered a chill. As he walked however he would be flipping a coin within his hand listening to his music from something he had bought from a random store prior in the day. At the moment he was bored and needed something to get his mind off of fighting and training. His Zanpaktou would be on his side now in it's permanent new form since he learned how too utilize shikai the white of the hilt would glow to the spiritually aware showcasing the pent up power the weapon held no the limitless power it held.

As Mujin came to a crossing he would look around there was no one around and that would cause him to sigh before he sat down on a bench and began filtering through his pocket before pulling out his pack of cigarettes and popping one within his mouth and lighting it and taking a small drag as he looked around it was good to explore he had learned that the vaizard corps had a building somewhere down here but due to not knowing much about them he decided it would be best too not go and site see, he would stand one again before moving too the middle of the street their had too be something he could get into, he would open his senses and look for anyone within the area anyone with a energy pool would be located and the weak would remain unknown.
Shirou Mamoru
Shirou Mamoru
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Thu Oct 23, 2014 5:55 pm
It was just another night in the city for Chika. Most time she preferred to spend her nights out in the forest to sleep, but now that was impractical. So now she was spending her time in town. Looking for places to sleep out under the stars. Most of the time it was up high on top of builds, so people didn't see. Its, not like she couldn't a afford a motel room, she had a nice paying job as a carrier. Delivering packages in the city for a good amount of money. Although right now she didn't have work, she wasn't tried enough to need sleep. Right now she was passing the time. Maybe she would get some to eat, after all there should be plenty of places open at night.

Tearing herself away from her thoughts, she looked around at the other people in the park. There was as many as people would think for this time of night. Not overflowing but still more than enough to slip away and lose another if needed. Oh, Kami she was paranoid. Then again she couldn't help it. If you spent a life inside a lab cell think you were being treated right, then find out there going to kill you, then it only normal, right?

Give off a depressed sigh her head shoulders slumped. She knew that it wasn't like that but could help but feel that way. She need something to make her mind of her troubling thoughts. Just then she felt something, someone was trying to find her, well not her exactly, but they did send off some tracking pulse. Well, it is interesting, and she could have a large amount of fun and keep her mind off stuff. Standing up she focuses a small amount of her energy into her hands. In away, she was using her swirling winds attack, but she had modified this one. Launching into the air, she let the orb of wind explode as she ran off into the crowd. Theirs was a slight pop as the orb exploded and released a large amount of glowing red petals. These petals acted as scramblers, hiding her energy in plain sight. Anyone that might want to follow her energy would have hundred of false trails as the petals scattered all over the park.

Through it, all a girl dressed in black and red would watch. Moving through the crowd hiding in plain sight. After all, it wouldn't do here much good if all the petals were moving and she wasn't. The game was afoot now, and she wondered how good the other players might be.
Kido Kid
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Thu Oct 23, 2014 6:28 pm
O know this was interesting, Mujin had felt normal results from trying to locate the spiritual beings however before he died his senses down he felt a sudden rush of energy from one being something he deduced from the energy growing than expanding, He could not help but think it was meant to confuse his trying to sense people within the area and it cause him to chuckle as he noticed the energy spreading apart all at once. He knew where the energy had started so he would go and check it out, Utilizing Hoho he would move toward the area before finding a crowd of people moving about doing normal stuff however within this crowd there was someone that had displaced the prior energy.

There were petals moving through the sky and with a jump he would grab one and crush it within his hand as he floated within the air trying to scan the area as he crushed the petal, Maybe this person was doing something more fun than what he had well not any longer seemed he had a old fashion game of hide and seek going, With a small laugh he would burst forward to another location this was basic tracking but he would make it fun of course the large energy pool was her or him he didn't know yet but he would have fun for a moment catching all the petals to make it look as if he was fooled by this misguided attempt to confuse him.

Upon reaching the next petal he would simply crish it wihin his hand again, maybe they possessed some amount offensive power so to combat possible damage from destroying things that he had no knowledge of he would crush each petal within a round barrier before moving to the next though he would enhance his speed as he began running Bakudo 38~ Ashura Senkuu! Now he would really be moving no he would vanish energy forming under his feet as he pushed himself to advanced speeds and began taking out each petal one by one.

Once he finished he would stopThat didn't take long Though he had dealt with all the petals he forgot to remember the energy strain that had gotten lost among the multiple people within the crowd, he would sigh before crouching in the air and overlooking everything if the person wished to continue the little game they would showcase themselves again if they didn't maybe he had just did something that had nothing to do with him.
Shirou Mamoru
Shirou Mamoru
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Fri Oct 24, 2014 2:25 pm
Using the petals as bait, Chika was able to gain a good look at the other person and their energy signature. "So, a Shinigami huh? Well let's see how good his tracking skills are?" As the Shinigami went around destroying the petals that scattered her energy signature, she went around placing a few more orbs. These orbs, like the ones before, were meant to scatter her energy signature. However, they were also on a time delay. She was able to place three orbs while walking with the crowds. Also, before the Shinigami gets to the point where her energy would have been seen over the petals. Although when she finished placing the orbs, she noticed that Shinigami started to crush the petals with a barrier instead of his hand.She hand to stifle a laugh a the thought that someone believed her petals where harmful. It was the wind that couldn't be seen that should worry her foes, but right now she was only using that wind to scatter the petals.

Walking towards a bench, she slowly was counting down the seconds. Sitting down on the bench, she pulled the hood of her bright red cloak over her face. She then pretended to be listening to music as her foot kept the countdown of the orbs. She couldn't help but smirk since above her was the Shinigami. He was looking for her now. She had a feeling he had lost her sent and was waiting for her to make the next move. Although she already did, now it was only a matter of seconds before the three orbs popped and released a lot of petals.

She wondered if she should teach the Shinigami a lesson, and made up her mind once the first petal orb popped. The first orbs popped releasing a large pillar of petals, before the wind from the orbs swirled. The spinning spiral of petals caught the attention of a few civilians. They were startled at first before give ohs and ahs at the display before them. During the second pop, she made a different move. She got up and walked an agonizingly slow walk to a build nearby. Looking around, she waited a second to be sure she wasn't being watched before running up the side of the building. Reaching the top she hides behind a pair of air conditioners. Taking out a rectangle box, she slid into a good vantage point that had good cover. The box unfolds itself at her touch to create a box like gun. It was her sniper-rifle and trusted weapon bloody moon. Looking through the scope she searched for the Shinigami. Most likely he would be still trying to take care of the petal. Once she found him, she whispered to herself
"Bang, your dead."
Kido Kid
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Sat Nov 01, 2014 5:02 pm
Mujin was interested at the moment with the petals though at the moment he could feel four levels of energy and one was large and that would be the one he kept in his mind blocking all the others, until he noticed more petals began to fill the area and the other signatures had vanished well not vanished but split in too the many petals that the people around began to take a liking to. Still acting as if he was looking about Mujin would notice the energy moving then stopping then moving again now in a area that the person most likely thought would provide some cover. Mujin would use this moment to close the gap utilizing hoho he would follow the energy signature and ignore the petals seeing as he now had what he wanted someone to amuse him.

And as he stopped he would hear the words bang your dead before holding his hands up with a smirk he had not located the girl and if she could have pulled off a fast enough attack with enough power Mujin might have been put down. Dam, you go me Mujin would offer a crooked smile his dreads falling over his face as he finally spotted a glimpse of who he had been playing with armed with rifle and currently aiming it at him he could not afford to take any chances and would grip his blade and watch for the moment maybe the girl had her own motives for acting how she did and he could only hope to find out.
Shirou Mamoru
Shirou Mamoru
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Sun Nov 02, 2014 10:08 pm
Smiling Chika, let her rifle refold itself before holstering it. A jump and a flip Chika landed on top of the metal casing she hid behind. Chika sat down on the edge, of the cooling unit, her feet swung back and forth to the rhythm of the breeze; much like the petals that danced down in the park. Next to her, a bright red cloak flapped in the breeze. It almost gave the girl a look of an antagonist confronting a hero before leaving for depths unknown.

"You better be careful master reaper." Chika said in an innocent voice. "You can never be sure if what you find won't attack you."

She flashed a smile at the Shinigami, with no ill motives attached. After all, it would have been easier to attack the Shinigami when the orbs were exploding. She could have just do a quick side swipe at him then disappear back into the crowd and petals. She could have used her whirlwind attack and unleashed one of the energies of her fire gems. There was a number of things she could have done, but instead she did nothing. After all why did she need to it was like this man was her enemy. She didn't need to fear that he would attack her and try to drag her back to shadow fall.

Thankfully none of those callous thoughts appeared behind her eyes since she had closed them when she smiled. After all, you would suspect a cute girl like her, even if she carried a dangerous firearm loaded with exploding fire gems. Although even if she didn't realize it, her subconscious mind leaked a small amount of killing intent.
Kido Kid
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Wed Nov 05, 2014 4:06 pm
Mujin would smile his bordem now cured for the moment he would over look the person in front of him with a bit of interest maybe now was the time for him to make friends they came in handy more so in life or death situations but they came in handy for the most part. The woman was careless her voice gave her away she had ill thoughts on her mind and Mujin would only smile maybe this would play out in his favor. She was weaker than him in terms of power something he had knew from the time he crushed the first petal within his hand though even with that being a fact she still was leaking killing intent something Mujin could sense as he himself was a master of it, he would counter unleashing his full killing intent which would flood the girl like a wave followed by a small burst of power enough to knock her off of her position in that moment he would draw his weapon and move in on the girl utilizing his muscle tension draw he would swing his blade at the girl the speed being master she would not be able to conceive the hit with her level of speed and focus.

Mujin hands would blur and she would see the swing however after it happened meaning she would see the blur of the afterimage formed from the swing, Mujin would stop his swing inches from her face and offer a smile, Slice, your dead. With that bit of antics being done he would sheathe his blade and overlook the girl. The name is Mujin Makiyoshi
Shirou Mamoru
Shirou Mamoru
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Sat Nov 08, 2014 7:50 pm
Mujin made a mistake in thinking that Chika would be easily affected by his killing intent. As the field of killing intent in washed over Chika, her demeanor changed. Before she had a friendly game, but once the killing intent the game was over. Her mind changed gears, and turned to that of a sharpened blade. The small amount of her killing intent vanishes as different aura replaced it. It was cold, hard, and that of a warrior just becoming serious. It might have been a trick of the light, but her eyes, once a playful silver, was now a hardened steel. She was a thinker by nature; therefore she always tried to have a claim mind. Although there are times that her emotions send her on battle crazes. Even then, her mind works in a very logical manner. However, that didn’t mean she couldn’t use her killing intent. She knew that it couldn’t match Majin’s own, but her own could come close. Little did Mujin know that this was his first of mistakes that he made.

The second was to using a small amount of power knock Chika off balances. She was extremely agile to the point that an Olympic gymnast would pale with envy. In was simple for, her to slightly just her body to withstand the small blast of power. Bring her legs in she tucked her body so that she was smaller and caused less drag. With one hand she steady herself, and the other she used to grab her cloak. She held the cloak in front of her as if to shield herself from the small blast. To others it looked as if she was trying to shield herself. However, that was not the reason she took this stance. What she was doing was positioning herself to use soul dash to the highest effect. She didn’t have to wait long either as Mujin was already on the move. Before Mujin was in striking distances, Chika had launched herself towards another building. However, she left behind an after image of herself. The reason was two-fold; the first was to hide the presence of the glowing petals that appeared when she use her powers. The second was to give her a few seconds to collect herself. Once Mujin’s blade had stopped, the after image she had left behind would fade.

As soon as it faded, Mujin would see Chika standing on a slightly higher building. Behind her, the moon was high in the sky, and it light shined down. The moonlight shined around her flapping cloak while the rest of her body was hidden in shadows. However, that wasn’t the only thing covered in the light. In her hand was the red rectangle that her rifle had transformed from. Now the weapon was in the shape of a large scythe that was taller then Chika. In the moon light, the blade gave off silver and red glows to match the color of the scythe, while the black of the weapon absorbed the light. Holding the scythe at a low angle made Chika looked more like The Reaper then a little girl. The way she held the scythe made it look like she was holding the weapon at ease. However, if Mujin knew advances skills with fitting with a scythe then he would know that the blade could easily move in an arc to attack.

“My name is Chika Usagi,” Chika said with her tone no longer friendly. “and I would suggest you reframe from unleashing you killing intent here. The normal humans can’t withstand the pressure as I can.”

Chika was pointing down to the park, where a number of people looked as if they were going to be sick. A few had even passed out from the sudden pressure of Mujin’s killing intent. This didn’t make Chika any happier as well. The once started off as a simple game turn serious for her.

“Although if you persist then I think the Vanguard will want to have a word with you.”
Kido Kid
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Sat Nov 15, 2014 1:01 pm
Mujin would scoff as his attack missed before looking back at the girl, she either was extremely fast or lucky he could only think it was the latter cause his Zanjustu skills were not the best but his speed was matched by only the best with their sword and with him utilizing the proper draw and having been inside his striking range already which was easily 15 feet the main reason why he had closed in on the girl after seeing she was locked in on him possibly to attack. However as he looked at the girl he would notice that she was holding a new weapon and would smile. As Mujin began to move closer to the building the girl was on their would be no moon cause well they were underground that was obvious, in order to be respectful Mujin would wait until the woman finished speaking she seemed like she was not so nice anymore and Mujin would simply tilt his head as he scanned her over looking as if she was stronger than she was but he knew she wasn't a threat to him like the others he seemed to piss of lately.

Now he would not hold in his pride in his powers he had perfect control and to think he had mistakenly hit some humans only made the man mad? No he was simply disappointed and for now he would have some fun and possibly maim this girl, upon Mujin stopping about 30 feet from her she would be hit with a unique feeling her powers would all drop in power and she would begin to feel her soul giving her the feeling she had no way to win this bout this was his true killing intent and with Mujin using his full power directly on the woman the area would be safe and the girl would feel Mujin's power x3 more than enough to showcase who was the stronger soul in this area at them moment if she wished to call the vanguard well he had a simple way of getting them to leave him alone she had been leaking killing intent way before him he simply reacted though not true it would work.

You think you can withstand my spiritual pressure don't make me laugh little girl, if i wanted i could slice you down right now, so don't try to take that tone with me if you wish to not make a enemy today.

Exusia, Showcase your power

He would draw his Nagamaki seeing as how her weapon had been out since before he got in to his fighting mood, now she would be hit again yes again with a bomb like spiritual pressure directed directly at her this would be the power of a 0 tier of the lowest power his blades own power yet to be unleashed easily outclassed his own and now he would offer a sly smile before grabbing the hilt on his weapon and drawing it in a flash swinging his blade around him at master speeds the girl would have no way to even see the swings before her, however in a blur he would simply place his weapon back into the sheathe his small display should be enough to silence the girl in thinking she was near his level, not to say she was not near when he was utilizing his normal energy supply but being a energy manipulator did have it's perks the first being a very high energy supply.

Now he would simply stare the girl in her eye's his pressure and shikai down and no longer trying to affect the girl he didn't want to fight mainly cause any damage done to this area would likewise cause him a bit of trouble later from the people who controlled this area.

Now put your weapon away before i take action seeing as how you utilized your powers freely in a civilian area, then leaked your killing intent, that being the reason why i countered your act of aggression in my eye's your in the wrong here maybe i should bring you to the vanguard.

He would likewise over look the girl with a calm expression making sure to stay on his guard.
Shirou Mamoru
Shirou Mamoru
Redhead Artisain
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Sat Nov 15, 2014 6:01 pm
To say Chika was unaffected by the spiritual pressure would be lying. Whoever Mujin was, he had some skill that was for sure. What was more disconcerting was that he had the ability to increase his power. She knew that Shinigami gained power once unlocking their Shikai, but Majin’s was unreal. However, no matter how powerful he was Chika was not one to lie down and die.

She watched as he moved his sword through the air at an extreme rate. He eyes barely caught half of the movements he made. She might be able to see his actions in stage one, and even act on what she saw in stage two of her soul evolutions. However, ever with the gap in their power, Chika was not going to let her life be lived in fear.

She did not flinch from his gaze once he released his spiritual pressure. Although was weak in the knees from Mujin’s demonstration. Even as he talked she glared at him. He knew nothing, and in her eyes she believed that he was someone that looked down on the weak. After all who would care about her someone like her as a person and not a subject in an experiment to be studied.

“Don’t you look down on me.” Chika spat at Mujin with furry she was now feeling. “You have the same eyes as those at the facility. Looking down at me, like I am something weak that you can tread on. You see me as nothing more than an ant don't you?!”

Chika was normally very guarded in Karakura. She would not let anyone know who or what see was. However, not too long ago she was attacked and her feeling of safety was shaken. She had become synclinal from a lack of sleep and took refuge in the city to every night sleep. She once camped out underneath the stars and listened to the song that the breeze bring when it works together with the leaves. Now all she had was the city, she could feel depression setting in on her. All of the emotions she had been suppressing had been shaken lose to the surface by Mujin.

“Go ahead call the Vanguard.” Chika said as sadness crept into her eyes. “I am sure they wouldn’t care about a homeless girl like me Heck they might even throw me out of the city once they find out that I am a still considered citizen of Shadow Fall! I’ll just end up living in the wastelands again, fearing the day they come for me. Dragging me back and strapping me to a table; as they whispering sweet lies of how precious I am. How invaluable their precious Subject 569 is.”

Once her words ended Chika’s legs finally gave away as she fell to her knee. Chika’s hood covered her as she fell concealing everything in shadows. Her scythe fell out of her hands clanged to the ground before returning to its rectangle form. Because there was no moonlight, Mujin would not see the droplets of water that came from Chika’s tiers.

“After all, who would care for a Ruby Rose? Something that is nurtured to reach its full potential; then once there they pluck it so it could be the heart for some kind of monster.”
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