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Operation: COMET DASH! [Large-Scale Mission] [Thermosphere/Space] Empty Operation: COMET DASH! [Large-Scale Mission] [Thermosphere/Space]

Wed Nov 26, 2014 4:09 am


The present date for this thread is November 20th, 2414 and it takes place in the Thermosphere of Earth and leads into space itself. At the moment, hundreds of thousands of small asteroids are heading for Earth, while a colossal asteroid the size of a football stadium is behind this herd. To make matters worse, there also appear to be hostile alien parasites on these rocks in the form of unknown creatures having their bodies jacked by an installer symbiote. The primary objective for all factions of Earth is to somehow rid this threat -- or maybe even assist it. The choice is up to those who partake in the mission.

Operation: COMET DASH! [Large-Scale Mission] [Thermosphere/Space] WVMWLOu
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Operation: COMET DASH! [Large-Scale Mission] [Thermosphere/Space] Empty Re: Operation: COMET DASH! [Large-Scale Mission] [Thermosphere/Space]

Sun Dec 07, 2014 12:57 am

"...Well… well… well… what do we have here…?"

The curious voice of the figure known as Doctor Kabuto Hebi inquired as his gaze faced towards the moon… it seemed so much closer than normal. The Doctor, for his part, seemed fairly strange. His entire body. However, it was not the normal body of the one known as Kabuto Hebi. Around his body, his skin, patches of a strange brown material could be seen, and his limbs themselves did not seem to be made of the commodity known as human flesh. "The preparations… took long enough…" The male muttered to himself as he checked the strange flesh he had attached all over his body.

In reality, this was the flesh of a hollow. Specifically, it was flesh generated from the Doctor's own body using the cells from the eyes of Nagato. This strange flesh of the hollow had been treated by Suzu and altered by the Doctor himself for his various needs. In this case, the need was to replace the skin of his own body to allow for him to deal within in-human conditions. At this very moment, he was standing atop one of the meteors that was hurtling towards his home planet. However, the strange flesh that was writhing and covering over his skin was actually replacing the various wounds that had been inflicted upon his flesh when he had boarded the peculiar rock.

"Ah… Let's see here." The male stated as he opened his mouth, tilting his head back as a hand reached within his mouth, a hilt rising from his throat as he gripped it, making a putrid noise as the blade exited his form. Along his body, a series of blood splatters could be seen. They were dark in color, and had come from the various corpses laid out on the meteor. These were the parasites that had been brought here, all of them destroyed by the powers of wind and crushed by earth, before being burned alive within shells of brown matter. They were completely destroyed to insure that there would be no coming back, even as the modified body the Doctor was inhabiting removed the blade from his mouth, pressing the warm steel along the palm of his hand.

"...Let us begin the hunt…"

The male let out as the blade flowed down to his side, before the sleeve of his left became shredded by wind, letting the bicep become visible to the world before the flesh began rapidly tearing at the Doctor's muscle, before reforming rapidly. Within his own skin, the flesh began to tighten up again, constantly tightening and retightening as it slashed and cut. Finally, he brought the blade along the flow of space as the internal motion within his body kept him at equilibrium, the snake that came out of his stomach opening its mouth as a needle appeared, pressing it into the male's neck.

Instantly, all the muscles in his body tightened, his jaw opening he gained an almost sneer, pure bloodlust leaving his body as the blade slammed downwards, the cloak he was wearing shattering into scraps of fabric as his muscles bulged, the strange skin spreading further as his flesh tore from the intensity of the blow against the meteorite, before it finally let out a raw noise. His feet pushed off with that force, using the normal force vector to his advantage in the vastness of space as he flew off from the meteorite's face, his body flipping around before touching down onto the ground of the next one, his glasses the only clothing left above his waist.

Wrapped around his legs were the black baggy cloth garments, and he wore no shoes of any kind. As his feet touched down on the new surface, his legs bent slightly, as his gaze looked downwards. ...These creatures… are not unlike me… hmm… The Doctor contemplated as his left hand began rapidly shifting through elements, a purple light appearing along its edges before shifting to wind, fire, and finally the brown qualities of earth before placing his hand down on the meteors surface. "...I don't.. Want to kill you… but… I can't really help it…"

The man stated, before the spread of intense earth he had left covered the meteorite's surface as he hopped off from it. He watched as the entire meteorite and its inhabitants became covered in the earth-prison, holding them taut in its embrace. "But… I have my own home… and I have to defend it… And that means… For me to have it… YOU CAN'T!" He suddenly shouted before looking at them past his glasses, a slightly more demented expression flowing across his face as he gripped both hands hard together ,shoving them hard into themselves as a massive cracking noise could be heard from the meteor in front of him, before finally becoming crushed.

Then, as he did so, a strange pair of horns appeared from the top of his head, rising as his teeth changed, more rows adding themselves to his expression as his eyes turned into slits, the snake around his waist growing and wrapping around his legs and below him, his hands being held out to either side as his legs crossed, forming a meditative pose. "… " He was silent as each of the meteors near his body suddenly began to stop on their descent, as they suddenly turned to face the male. On each of their surfaces… appeared a face, and looked directly at him as they began to fly directly towards his location. "...The Living Arts…" Dr. Hebi muttered before finally standing up straight, holding out both hands as a field of pure Dust Energy appeared around his body…

The meteorites slammed into his body, and began to keep flowing towards him. Pushing away from his body was forming a cloud of pure gray dust, the meteorites continuing to push at a fast pace until finally there was nothing left. Looking towards the large meteorite in the distance, the man known simply as the Doctor began to take steps forwards as both of his hands adopted a claw like posture, his eyes looking straight forwards even as the glasses began to drift off the top of his face.

In the distance was the rendezvous point with his wife, Suzu Hebi. The man finally touched down onto the large surface as looked out, awaiting her arrival with bated breath as his hands came together once more, a smile gracing his lips as he thought about how they would experiment on the subject of power that could be sensed even from Earth. This was a wonderful experiment… and one that the Doctor, and his wife, would not be missing...

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Shirou Mamoru
Shirou Mamoru
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Operation: COMET DASH! [Large-Scale Mission] [Thermosphere/Space] Empty Re: Operation: COMET DASH! [Large-Scale Mission] [Thermosphere/Space]

Wed Dec 10, 2014 8:19 pm
Space the final frontier, words that fit perfectly from an old TV show. Even now at the edge of space and earth’s atmosphere a figure couldn’t help but agree. Here the lights of the stars could not be hidden by the lights of the people below. Colors of various shades light form shape beyond earth’s border. However on the horizon, a cloud like the swarms of locust was heading towards the blue world. The swarm was that of asteroids in a formation that would destroy all life on earth... That is if the earth didn’t have superhuman beings that could scare the land with powerful attacks.

Even now, many such beings were gathering to deal with this threat. One such being was that of Chika Usagi, a rouge in the eyes of most of the world. Well, that wasn’t quite true, barely anyone knew of her. She had made a few appearances once or twice before; however she was a relatively unknown individual. Even now, people wouldn’t be able to recognize her since she was wearing a modified battle armor. In her honest opinion some were watching too many sci-fi, and ninja movies. However, it didn’t change that the suit gave the user an incredible boost. Now that it was colored red and black, with a red cloak attached to it also made it stylish.

No matter how stylish something is, they are useless unless they are functional. Right now, Chika suit was just that. Using modified surface jets, hidden all over the suit, Chika can navigate space. It even added extra features added apart from it normal bonuses. Hidden on booth gauntlets of the armor were two different weapons. The first was that of the Lazer Fire, weapon that could produce blast of energy rivaling that of ceros. Then the other was a Fire Blaster, a nasty flame thrower for anything that got close. Apart from these beauties of destruction, Chika also carried her weapon Bloody Moon. Her prized sniper rifle that could transform into CQC scythe.

However, Chika didn’t come here to show off her armor. She was her to do a mission. Lifting up her right arm that held the Lazer Fire, Chika took aim for one of the closer asteroids that were of a medium sizes. In her mind, she was looking to cause a chain reaction. By blowing up some of the other asteroids, she would cause them to collide with some small asteroids. Although for this to work on some of the larger asteroids, Chika was going to need some help.

“Come forth the Shadow that haunts my mind.”
“May you fangs turn to a blade,”
“May you paws be clasped in steel.”
“Come forth and answer thy mistress call.”
“Warrior of the Abyss”

On the asteroids, Chika was aiming for opened a dark portal. From would have come a giant roar, but space devours all sound. From the portal, a giant figure standing eight feet leaped into the vastness of space. Theirs was a slight shimmer between the giant and Chika before for it disappeared. The giant was Chika’s Demon Zaimichi spirit, Cavoth Za’tami. The giant would laugh at the at the temperature and lack of oxygen. He was a demon of the abyss, a place devoid of fire and brimstones, but never lacking the bottomless pits. His flames of the abyss could create space like cold, but it is about seventy degrees Celsius warmer than spaces, but it was enough to freeze water instantly. Heck given enough time a person could drink the oxygen from his abyss flames turning it to a liquefied state. He didn’t even need worry about suffocating because of his Akuma Kyodo protected him. Don’t ask him how, not even he knew, but all he knew was that he could battle to his heart’s content.

However, Cavoth wasn’t summoned for his able of freezing flames. Instead, it was for his other ability set. The Corruption of the Abyss, an effect of Cavoth’s Za Koa Influences. By spreading his Za Koa of a cluster of asteroids his rot ability would take effect; weakening the structure of any asteroids in a fifty meter radius of him. Although he would have to stay there for the little amount of time. However, one done he could crush the asteroids with single swing of his massive sword.

Landing on one of the slightly large asteroids Cavoth could help but grin. Although people wouldn’t be able to tell since his face was covered in a shadow made from black mist. Around him, the parasites that infested began swarming towards him. The massive sword of the medieval looking giant shifted as it rested on his shoulder. Then he swung the massive blade around him. The black parasites in the swords path flew backward from the force of the attack before devolving from the Za Koa mist surrounding his blade. Then Cavoth charged large groups of the parasites looking for something that could withstand more than a single swing of his sword.

Back with Chika, she waited for Cavoth to move from the asteroid she had aimed for. Once gone the Lazer Fire popped out in a cylinder form from her right gauntlet. A red glow had come from the weapon before a red beam launched out towards the asteroid. Once the beam hit there was a slight pause like nothing happened. Then a fiery ball of doom consumed the asteroid, and even some of the small one nearby before fragments pelted over asteroids breaking them apart. The power of any weapon that could mimic a cero power was no joke. However, since they were in space, the weapon could be fired multiple times before needing to cool down. Another ten seconds Chika fired another blast of her weapon. In total, she fired five shot before letting the weapon cooldown. Besides she needs to do a quick swept to make sure that none of the parasites survived before working on the next cluster of asteroids.
The Cookie
The Cookie
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Operation: COMET DASH! [Large-Scale Mission] [Thermosphere/Space] Empty Re: Operation: COMET DASH! [Large-Scale Mission] [Thermosphere/Space]

Fri Dec 12, 2014 11:45 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 1315

Jesus fucking CHRIST! Looks like someone has a big grudge on humans and decided to have asteroids squash earth like pancakes. Seems like those parasitic aliens have nothing better to do than poking their noses into internal affairs of the earth, it seems? It was a horrible luck, to say for mankind when these insane creatures just makes their own decisions to invade earth and explode it with their oh-so-powerful asteroids, which he cannot help but to bargain the power within these things, sizable enough, it might need a push of force to make sure it splits into two. Gravity? Check. Atmosphere? Check. Vacuum? Check. Space? Well, double check. Aliens? Get ready your balls, because you should know that those genetics might be a great thing to enhance human abilities and could allow him to expand the abilities of space exploration among mankind. He isn't here to dissect them like some disgusting bastard, because their blood is enough to make him a good profit for his budget in the Gotei 13. Well, you know who might come in this bloody space to show his face like any other average men would in the realms of space.

White hair that blows under the breeze, clothings that matches between white and purple with unique symbols imprinted to each and every one of his clothing, violet reiatsu that radiates both out from his body, and powerfully, from his left eye that can leave a trail of violet energy even in the slightest of movements. An intimidating stare and a grin across his lips, hidden under the hooded jacket that was worn ever so thickly like a scientist itself, yes, this one young man was none other than Hisao Yazaki, a shinigami, an average person, a former test subject a project called Project Particle Core, where they attempt to create an artificial god with absolute power and knowledge across the universe, with unrivalled power that even if the entire universe goes against him, he could flick them away like bugs. That was kind of power these researchers wanted to achieve with Hisao and other victims on this experiment, however, their mistake was to input countless of knowledge into his head and implanting a modified cyberbrain into him, and in the end, hopelessly destroyed the entire project's existence without a single trace of it left in this world. Though, the last thing he wanted to find was his foster parents that went missing together with the remnants of the project. Now? He'll just gain more power and purify this cursed world, nothing more than corrupted beings even in heaven, a balance that no matter how great of a place you are in, corruption is an absolute amongst many. These 'aliens' were the living proof of corruption, attempting to attack the earth with hostility and destruction without reason was enough to tell him that even outer space itself was a corrupted world with rules that was just about the same as mankind. Because of this damned world.. HE WILL DECIDE THE LAWS AND RULES OF THIS WORLD.

Stepping onto one of his Nasods, before heading to space, he'll keep his safety to check. Hisao's not going to wear some fancy-go spacesuit out from earth since it'll just draw too much attention. By gathering energy from the atmosphere and compressing electromagnetic energy into a single point of his Nasod, by applying the laws of electromagnetism using the equation of his own, much like using how the earth's magnetic field, but in a much smaller and simplistic scale where he wouldn't need an intense level of heat, globe-level of power or a 'core' to do the work, he creates a small magnetic field around his body, about a few meters wide from his body, and as the Nasods continues to compress electromagnetic energy and charging up, it would fire out a pair of orbs from a single one, equally divided with same level of energy and heat from its 'compressed core' as it spins wildly and endlessly, almost faster than the earth could spin if it was compressed to the size of a baseball bat, and now, these two orbs orbits around the center of his body, and by using simple designs and equations, by placing these orbs in opposite sides, it would create a simple but protective magnetic field from the orb's electromagnetic radiation and energy accumulated in its core akin to earth but in a much weaker, smaller and simple scale, however, enough for him to survive in space without imploding and having to change his clothes into attracting mass attention.

Now with that done, he wouldn't need to worry about these orbs dying, with anyone attempting to destroy these orbs? It would've had a protective system where it would create a pulse enough to make a cero or even a mountain shoot away from creating an impact against it, making it an effective magnetic field for him to survive in space without any suit. Locking his foot onto another Nasod, he was preparing himself for a lift-off like a rocket he is to space. Seems like another day of shinigami's job, keeping this damned corrupted world to be purified by his own rule and hauling out these trashes of parasites that doesn't belong in this world. Using the gravitational waves and electromagnetism, using the earth's neutral charges was enough to give him a quick lift to troposphere of the earth's atmosphere, but of course, it wasn't enough. Using the troposphere's heat, accumulating it under the likes of his Nasods and using electromagnetic radiation from the compression of the troposphere's heat again, he was able to blast himself higher past the stratosphere and reach thermosphere using the shockwave of the explosive wind.

Reaching all the way to the space, behind the atmosphere of the earth, was asteroids raining down into earth. Of course, before it reaches into the mesosphere where it would begin to fall into earth under gravitational pull and start building up both heat and velocity to create an intense impact. Twisting the dynamo on his left ear, others may see that his reiatsu would be more controlled and stable, of course, if they can see him in plain sight and if close enough to him, sound may travel across the inner parts of the magnetic field thanks to the orbs he created, allowing air for electricity and reiatsu to flow freely without being affected by the space. Of course, with that control, all he needed was a good ingredient, getting close to them to be in the effect of the magnetic field, and it was, probably, a pleasant idea to get himself killed at the same time. But, of course, if he goes to shikai, this can a plausible attempt using the sword, but at the same time, electromagnetic energy doesn't require oxygen to do the work since they're just floating particles of energy, nothing else. First row, it goes on the home run when he fires an electromagnetic beam towards one of the medium-sized meteor about a size of a double-story house? He supposes, and that one beam that held enough with a power of an average cero was enough to blast open the meteor like a surprise cake. Cleanly cut at the center made it beautiful, with its broken parts scattered around, there are some smaller asteroids that crashes into them and creates an explosion across the space, of course, without oxygen, it would be just an explosion of shockwave instead of flames.

Of course, he made that one simple attack and stood out amongst the beings that was in the sight of his presence. Standing there with orbs orbiting around him, and two mechanized weapons supporting him as a propeller in space, equipped with ordinary clothes, well, a shinigami is in the house. Because from here, these parasitic aliens and their meteors are all going straight to hell.

Coding in template and Graphics By: [THEFROST] & Kylekaotikk
Header & Template By: Sou Yuuki

Empty, blank space.
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Operation: COMET DASH! [Large-Scale Mission] [Thermosphere/Space] Empty Re: Operation: COMET DASH! [Large-Scale Mission] [Thermosphere/Space]

Tue Jan 20, 2015 4:56 pm
Suzu had not even left the planet. No, she was nowhere near space in fact. Instead, she was deep within the earth, in mongolia. Her worker drones were running around constructing something massive, with her instructing them on its complex design. What she was making had no room for error. They were working on a containment unit that was both pressure controlled, and matched the intrinsic nature of space itself. The worker drones, being non-living things that only do as programed, worked perfectly and were infallible in their own rights. Only user errors could halt their machine-like perfection, which is exactly why she was personally taking the time to properly direct them before heading out. But now, with all her preparations complete, she could finally move on to the dark vacuum of space.

Suzu - primarily being hollow based - preferred the use of garganta. With a small gesture of her hand, one opened up at her side. There was almost a psychotic smile laying crooked on her face, as she was positively brimming with excitement. A burning flame of anticipation blazed within her at the thought of life from other planets. To grasp the sheer amount of meaning this held to her, one must first peer through the eyes of the genetic scientist. Creatures that evolved in a vastly different environment than earth... Those whose very genetic structure was unknown to all the people of earth! The possible implications were endless. This joy could not be compared to that of a child in a candy shop... Oh no, it was perhaps closer to giving that single child ownership over all the candy in the world, telling them there was no more school, and that they’re going to disneyland all at once. This was the level of pure unrestricted joy flowing throughout her body. It was next to intoxicating levels, as if Suzu had drank her weight of the crimson elixir of life which flows through the veins of mankind.

Entering the garganta, she would move through it as fast as possible. As she exited it all would feel her vast spiritual power flowing across the void of space. Suzu did not need to worry about how to move in space as zero gravity did not affect her ability to fly. She defied gravity here the same as she did on earth. Through supernatural flight. With a smile on her face she made it clear she was not here to play games or compromise on her plans at all. Suzu moved her right hand's palm over her red eye. Just then, a hole opened up in her palm letting the eye’s blazing red glow be seen from within it. "Discard the pseudo-self and let them tremble in my reality. Chrysalis." Her Reiatsu cannot be felt by anyone 1-2 or lower it was like it just disappeared. For those who could feel it change, her presence was no longer like any race. It was distinctly unique. As a black coating over her body broke away one could see her standing in dressings that resembled that of an arrancar, but having no hollow hole. Both eyes were now red in color, one of which had a blazing energy emitting from its iris that was drifting outwards, leaving a trail as she moved.

Bio-organic life forms detected. Extending the palms of her hands out before her, Suzu began releasing a barrage of balas, each one the full strength of a normal cero from a 3-1 and at a speed of 300 per second. Timing her barrage perfectly and taking the space between the asteroids into account, a large scale chain of explosions lit up the darkness of space. The light from it was visible even from the planet's surface and within 5 seconds it obliterated thousands of the floating rocks. Some of the live forms being strong enough to live through the blast itself were stuck without any ground to stand on. Literally like sitting ducks and ready for harvesting later on.

With a flash she was gone, moving across the emptiness with her own form of Sonido, ‘til she was standing next to her beloved’s side, taking hold of his right arm with both of her's in a hugging embrace. “Sorry I am so late, love. But I managed to secure some live ones along the way." She nuzzled against his side affectionately for a moment, reveling in what she had seen as quality time with her husband. " Are you ready for the fun to start?" Suzu looked up at him smiling as she waited to follow him into the main event, so to speak. In her mind she was making preparations. 9.8 m/s² .... Oxygen, argon, nitrogen...CO2 ,H2O, phosphorous.. sugarcane... 60,000 square feet... factor in at .50 lbs per cubic inch... 360,000.. Her thoughts were bent around the atomic structure of various things and forces, as well the large amount of energy that was building up inside her.

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Operation: COMET DASH! [Large-Scale Mission] [Thermosphere/Space] Empty Re: Operation: COMET DASH! [Large-Scale Mission] [Thermosphere/Space]

Tue Jan 20, 2015 10:21 pm

The other two who had arrived failed to interest the Doctor in the slightest.

It was all well in good that they would prevent the meteors from reaching Earth - perhaps that was their goal all along. However, at the same time, that was all that the Doctor gave them thought about. They did not feel interesting to him in the slightest. Their powers were not worth remembering, and the Doctor had already seen psychological profiles similar to both of their beings. Therefore, they were as easily disregarded as their existence entered within the mind of the Doctor. It was not meant as a kind of offense, but simply of logical reasoning.

Something far more interesting caught the male's attention soon after. And that would be, naturally, the woman who had appeared at his right side. His arm was gripped by both of hers, feeling her warm presence against him even through that unique skin he had created. After all, when faced with her, this skin held no effect, letting her feel the true Doctor just as if he were wearing nothing at all. His left hand reached over, gently stroking the side of her hair as she appeared at his side, before hearing what she had to say.

"Excellent… and really, what's there to be late for when it comes to the Hunt?" The Doctor asked his wife, before smiling back at her. "Probably not. But I have done everything I can to prepare." He told her evenly as the left hand drew back his own cowl, standing and basking in the light of the sun, uninhibited by anything other than the meteors all around them. The nuzzling sent a strange feeling through his body, though it was one that he was growing accustomed to. After all, it was that feeling of 'love'. That feeling that made the Doctor… want to do something other than just his work.

Slowly, he began to walk forwards then, bringing her along with him as Hebi wrapped around her body from her other side, nuzzling up against the side of her face as from the Doctor's feet a terrific amount of glass appeared. This glass was begun as Sand from his Earth Element, which was then directed by his Wind Element, before finally being turned into glass by his Fire Element. These three elements combined in a way that created as he walked along the surface with his wife next to him, creating his own kind of gliding phenomenon as glass was created from their legs as they strode forwards, almost gliding along the air and leaving behind them a shattering trail, as if it were an illusion.

Finally, the two of them would arrive on the largest of the meteors, where the Doctor could feel their final goal residing. "...My dear…" He told her as Hebi extracted itself, his body changing in a stream of light as Hebi slid between his hands, the cloak around his body becoming a pure white color before a series of stitches flowed along its surface, the subtle scales that covered his flesh also becoming stitches as his body continued undergoing changes. A bolt emerged from the ends of his glasses, one end sticking out on one side and the point sticking out of the other. Perhaps the best thing to call it would be a nail. A black undershirt could now be seen beneath the cloak which had become a lab jacket, accompanied with baggy black pants. Stiches covered along each of these articles, as well. His glasses had become more round, and in his mouth had appeared a golden cigarette, letting loose a flow of dark blue smoke into the endless reaches of space.

Held in his hands was a black scythe, the blade of which pulsed white. It was very simple, with no ornamentation. It was the perfect weapon for this man who caused small bursts of energy with each step that he took as he continued walking forwards. "...Offensive capacities increased… what is damage threshold before resorting to extremes?" He asked his wife plainly, at least he thought it was plain.

The place where they had stopped was none other than the opening to the nest of the beast they had come to retrieve. As the Doctor lowered the scythe to his right side, the blade he had been holding earlier reappeared through the flesh of his left arm, emerging from the back of his wrist as his fingers coiled around the hilt. "I'll take the first dissection, in any case…" He muttered as he drew the scythe far back over his head, a demonic smile possessing his features as he brought it down, his left foot rising a bit in the air as he threw even more of his weight behind the attack.

The scythe, for its part, had become covered in the material known as Dust Energy. This energy rapidly expanded as the Doctor threw it forwards in the technique known as "Sanity Hunter" ,a move which not only damaged the mental aspects of the target's mind, but also painfully ripped away at their body. He had thrown it at the great creatures base, attempting to simultaneously gain its attention as well as cutting off its method of escape.

"Also… what do you think of the new skin…?" He asked her as he turned around to face his wife once more as his jacket was thrown back in the wake of his attack. The left hand of the male gently removed the cigarette from his mouth as he leaned on Hebi, feeling the weight of the scythe pressing into the artificial skin he had created. "Biomancy… is the only thing I can really do… so I feel something like this… is at least enough to fulfill its purpose." He finally finished explaining with what one might call a 'blush' on his face. To be honest, he was just glad to be spending quality time with his wife. More than this, however, he wanted to know her true thought on the rather interesting material that had not dissipated with his ascension into Stein State.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Operation: COMET DASH! [Large-Scale Mission] [Thermosphere/Space] Empty Re: Operation: COMET DASH! [Large-Scale Mission] [Thermosphere/Space]

Fri Mar 27, 2015 10:31 am

I am offically stating that Shirou can be skipped. If Cookies doesn't post in the next three days, then Zet can go ahead and post. If Zet fails to post three days after that, then JJ needs to post. If JJ fails to post, then I will put a pre-written ending to this thread to conclude the mission.

Operation: COMET DASH! [Large-Scale Mission] [Thermosphere/Space] WVMWLOu
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Operation: COMET DASH! [Large-Scale Mission] [Thermosphere/Space] Left_bar_bleue13000/99999Operation: COMET DASH! [Large-Scale Mission] [Thermosphere/Space] Empty_bar_bleue  (13000/99999)

Operation: COMET DASH! [Large-Scale Mission] [Thermosphere/Space] Empty Re: Operation: COMET DASH! [Large-Scale Mission] [Thermosphere/Space]

Sun Mar 29, 2015 4:35 pm
Suzu would fly back some as she placed her hands together. A spark of energy flowing in between her fingers. Admiring her beloved as he prepared to fight the beast.“sustaining life of the target is only secondary. If self preservation is at risk terminate. as long as some material is left reviving it within a controlled environment is possible.” pulling her hands apart slowly with a surge of power flowing like a Tesla coil from one palm to the other. Suzu was taking joy in their light conversation as Dr hebi engaged the enemy. his weapon of choice in mid swing on its way to deliver a toppling blow to the alien's head. “The skin is a skilfully made work of art. But I think i prefer your own skin. Its a illogical preference seeing that the skin has some useful properties. yet I find the feel of it to be lacking in comparison to the touch of your own.”

A black ball of dense force starting to shape out of the energy within Suzu’s hands. “tragen Gewicht nach unten auf den Boden” once the words were spoken the black orb shot forth piercing in the the surface of the ground creating artificial gravity. her hands spreading out to her sides as the debris and dust from destroyed meteors started breaking down. disappearing into thin air. Suzu was converting the debris matter into its potential energy. ripping apart it's very atomic structure so she could reform it anew. “De reformationibus corporalis... megfelelnek az akarást, να ταιριάξει με αυτά τις ανάγκες μου." using her Matter Manipulation and arcane arts to play in the realms of a god. To change the matter and environment of the asteroid. Forming a atmosphere around it to protect from solarwinds as well as filling it with breathable air. sugarcane plants starting to form all over the ground. This was what she had been planning. this is why she was doing calculations in her head. She was making this land able to support life from earth. but even more so giving her and her husband an advantage. A life-form that evolved in the low gravity of space would be heavily encumbered by the new level of force pulling it to the ground. its bones and muscles would be elongated and stretched out thin. not needing them to be compact like that of earth's life. At the end of it a barrier would form around the asteroid preventing the animal from trying to flee and to stop the asteroids approach to the planet. “ és a kockázati további”

Suzu’s spells words (carry weight down on the floor. reform Of the physical. correspond to will. match them to my needs and venture no further) language’s German, Hungarian, Latin, Greek,

Suzu landing on the ground and starting to walk slowly towards the target’s location. placing her hand together once more. bearing an almost sinister grin across her face she stretched her hands out making a crackling sound. “now Time to have some fun.” suzu’s right hand falling down at her side as her old Zanpakutō taking form within its grip.”I hope you don't mind the changes my товарищ.( tovarishch=mate or comrade). But it will give us the upper hand against this beast.”
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Operation: COMET DASH! [Large-Scale Mission] [Thermosphere/Space] Left_bar_bleue20650/20000Operation: COMET DASH! [Large-Scale Mission] [Thermosphere/Space] Empty_bar_bleue  (20650/20000)

Operation: COMET DASH! [Large-Scale Mission] [Thermosphere/Space] Empty Re: Operation: COMET DASH! [Large-Scale Mission] [Thermosphere/Space]

Mon Mar 30, 2015 8:30 pm

The Doctor's head slowly tilted to the side as he looked up at the terrific creation that his wife was making, a small smile on his face as he backed away from their enemy. "Alright then… So all I need to hold back for is the collection of a sample…" He muttered to himself as his blood began to pump faster throughout his veins, a smile slowly unfolding on his face. "I see… thank you for the information. I shall keep it in mind." He spoke as he regarded his opponent once more, his features becoming considerably harder.

The alien that they were facing was violently flailing back and forth, its terrific tentacles shooting out towards the Doctor dangerously as his scythe whipped out rapidly, slamming into the various tentacles as they came at him at lightning fast speeds. His heart was racing in his chest as he kept a strong control over his current state of mind, doing everything he could to remain in control of his own mental state. That was not a problem for the Doctor, in most cases, but knowing that Suzu was watching him was making this typical routine the smallest bit… more difficult, for some reason.

That nonwithstanding, the Doctor was able to keep the beast's attacks back, until a terrific arm appeared out of the sky. "Impressive…" He muttered as he threw his scythe up in front of his head, one palm placed back on its head as he took the attack directly, looking up at the sky as his dear changed the very landscape which they were combatting upon. He could feel the gravity returning, holding his body fully against the ground.

As much as he liked the new skin, however, it seemed to be limiting his movements. It was only 1/1000th of what he should be capable of, sure. But at the same time, even that minute amount was bothering him. So, he began to focus his will, his body changing as the skin suddenly flooded down his left arm as if it were liquid, wrapping around his arm as it rapidly hardened into a claw like appendage. His mouth opened wide as he took a breath of fresh air, feeling it becoming instantly tainted as it raced down his throat, entering into his guts where it was then released as he exhaled.

Looking his opponent directly in the… tentacles, the Doctor's body slowly leaned forwards. The beast, for it's part, had turned it's torso-like body to face the Doctor at last, acknowledging him as a threat. The Doctor's left arm began to move forwards rapidly as his right swung the scythe rapidly, beating off continuous blow. It was confused by the little man who was attacking it; how was it so powerful, and yet so small? It had been assured that there were barely any creatures on this planet that were larger in size than itself; and those only existed in its oceans, unable to survive on the land where it would invade.

However, the speed and strength parameters of the man who was fighting it were extraordinary. The control, the precision; if not for its extensive girth it would be rather afraid. However, as it was, it only had to raise a particularly large tentacle, aiming at the Doctor's skull as it threw the attack downwards like a planet sized whip…

The Doctor's gaze looked up at the incoming attack, his lips suddenly turning into a smile as he threw his scythe to the side, the arrancar flesh whipping around his body as it collected around his scythe, a peculiar red presence flooding all around it as he leaned forwards, before dashing quickly toward his enemy. His feet pressed off the ground, and just as he thought, the beast was trying to use the increased gravity to crush him. However, what it didn't expect was the Doctor flipping around, his legs pressing off of the descending tentacle as small strands whipped around its length, the scythe being laid back as it sank into the tentacle, his body still leaning forwards.

Without stopping, the Doctor began to rapidly race up its arm, like a flash of lightning as he left flames in his wake from the increased gravity, a maddening laughter leaving his mouth as he finally reached the monstrous torso, whipping the scythe outwards as he elegantly leaped backwards Where the Doctor had been a terrific spray of black blood ran up, spurting outwards like a fountain. Just as quickly as the blow had been made, the Doctor had reappeared next to Suzu's side, performing a Chaos Warp as time began to flow once more around his body.

One hand was placed over his eyes and the other was wrapped around her shoulders as he smiled, leaning forwards. "...Kehah… Look at it bleed… Got the sample." He smiled at her as a huge noise could be heard from behind them. Before dashing back, the Doctor had made another cut as he leapt back, having gripped it with the scythe's tip before performing the Chaos Warp. He dropped it in the air behind his beloved before having hopped back, landing on the ground next to her as his arm wrapped casually around her.

"WELL NOW, LET'S GO FOR REAL! KEEEEEEHAHAHAHAHA!!!" The Doctor's voice rang out as his body was flung violently forwards, his feet slamming into the ground and leaving tremors behind as he appeared before the beast, his scythe swinging rapidly increasing in power as the tentacles began to go flying from the power behind his strokes, beginning to break apart from the force that was slammed against them over and over again as the Doctor's maddening laughter shot out in every direction, his Madness Wavelength projecting in every direction.

Finally, he threw the scythe back, slamming one fist into the other as he stepped forwards, a shining purple light covering the fist as he plunged it forwards. A web of pure flesh threw itself before his attack, but was unable to stop the assault as it poured right on the through, the Doctor's hand opening wide as his hair was blown back by the explosive Spirit Shock he released, his eyes opened wide behind his glasses as he laughed and laughed, the energy consuming all around the beast as it flailed in protest, before with a final cackle his own body was blown explosively away.

Being thrown across the sands of the meteorite, he finally skidded to a stop in front of Suzu, his face stuck firmly in the ground as he rose a thumb out of the ground. Without any indication of stress both of his hands pushed into the ground, pushing him out of the ground as he looked up at his wife, a small trickle of blood that may have had nothing at all to do with the skidding on the ground dripping from his nostril as he looked straight up his white-covered wife's figure. On his hand stand, he slowly turned himself around, his black-covered leggings drifting downwards as he beheld the chaos he had caused.

The beast was, for the moment, stunned, for certain…

Until with a mighty howl, it broke the power of the Spirit Shock that was damaging it, blood spurting from all over its body as with a tumultuous roar it threw thousands of great spikes into the air, weapons of flesh that smashed against the barrier Suzu had erected in every direction, while most shot right towards their targets; the Doctor and his Wife.

"Well, my dear, it seems that we've gotten so far under his skin he's throwing it at us! Ahahahahahah!!!" The Doctor's mad laugh released joyfully as his mouth opened wide, gripping the hilt of the scythe Hebi with his jaw, looking straight ahead at the oncoming onslaught of damage…

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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