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Operation Rampages Remorse Empty Operation Rampages Remorse

Sun Jan 25, 2015 5:29 pm

The battles had been raging with great victories, Jaeden decided to enter slightly and make certain plays. His moves were kept for the most part secret and he simply used healing kido and a barrier to protect two of them. Jaeden made his move removing the two from the play they were in, attacking their attackers with lightning bolts as he withdrew leaving them with that. Jaeden slowly began creating a black hole in the Academy, his eyes of the empty blue looked like the emotions had been drained. The Rampages Remorse would begin here, the attack on Karakura was to keep them out of what was going to happen elsewhere. in the blink of an eye with his amazing speed Jaeden Crow removed his colleagues from harm and transported them to safety, he then sent them away using a form of help that his friend had given him. He sent the combatants that came here to recruit those in danger out, he would remain and draw the enemies to him. He looked at the Academy with his empty gaze what did it matter? He wasn't something alive anyways, if they killed him he had nothing to lose. Jaeden wasn't even a real person, what did any of this matter? But Kazuya's request had to be completed, what did it matter anyways? Collin or Zin he would fight them and maybe if he got lucky they'd put him out of his misery. Jaeden looked at the area the people who'd been fighting in this location for Kazuya had bailed out, but it wasn't as though it mattered. He saved those two and sent them to safety, all in all he'd done his part.

Jaeden stood silently as he watched the beings below him, having rescued these people would they come to fight? He'd intervened in all the battles using his speed to escort the people out. Jaeden's silver hair and eyes scanned the area, learning that he was nothing but a cheap clone. That hurt, Kaminari was right to judge his existence that way. She was right to see him that way, maybe it was better this way. That he become nothing but a memory, his eyes were sad and something about them was filled with despair. It was clear by his expression he was hurting in ways that couldn't be imagined. Jaeden's pain was something that couldn't be defined as anything less then full. Jaeden had been captured sometime ago, lured in by the word of someone who knew the truth. He wasn't ready to stop them and was defeated morally by it all. The word his sister had vanished struck a below that never quite healed. Then to find out he didn't even exist, that stung the most. To know his very life was a a product of his creator's ambition.

Jaeden's eyes glanced down to the weapon, Seiryu was the name of it. Much like a Zanpakutō it acted on two releases, though it could be destroyed easily. He'd not yet found his real Zanpakutō, though at this point he didn't think it existed. Jaeden's eyes looked around as he held the sword softly between his digits. This was an interesting place to die. He raised his hand and lightning shot around the area hitting the buildings, his eyes scanned the area. As a pulse went out, the energy wave hitting most of the people. Those too weak to stand were knocked out in the high numbers, his eyes looked at whatever remained. He'd dealt a blow, but his mission wasn't to come home and tell stories about his success. He'd not yet drawn out Zin or Shadin, so all he could do for now was wait. Jaeden's journey was ready to begin, his hand gripped the sword tighter. Memories flew through his mind as he discovered everything going on, knowing that he was only a clone hurt so much. He'd kill his parents someday for the crime, he couldn't believe his entire life everything was just a lie.
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Operation Rampages Remorse Empty Re: Operation Rampages Remorse

Mon Jan 26, 2015 11:03 pm
"Crap! WHERE DID THEY GO!!" Perseus yelled out in his sealed room as he saw everyone fighting disappear. He looked through the holographic images around him until he found people, on the roof. "Who are these people! Well If they are causing a scene its time to give them some screen time!" He knew that sending a message though the Yuudeshi Network might take a bit too long time for them to see the message, the only other way he knew to get it out fast was using the Yuudeshi Sync. He might not reach the same number of people, but they would be important people, and they would get it nearly instantly. He had no other choice, kids were being slaughtered. He activated the Yuudeshi sync and sent the images of those on the roof, taking close up pictures of their faces "This Is a code A-4. These people have come into the school and have slaughtered students and faculty. Please Anyone that can hear this respond immediately!" He tried all he could, he tried to kill them before they could escape, but now it seemed that someone else had joined in, and he seemed familiar. If they were inside the school he could have done more, but he had used up so much energy to ensure the safety of students by ensuring the school was under his control, using the roof would drain him too much.

Outside Hayato stopped what he was doing the moment he saw that the antagonists were gone. He looked around to see where they could have gone. Nothing indicated that they were going to leave so suddenly, so they couldnt have gone very far. Le looked around until he saw some figures atop the school. He should have waited for the other guy down there to do something, but he wasnt about to let them get away. He began to run as fast as he could running up the wall of the school and just as he got up to the top he yelled out "Pretty Cure! Royal Jewel Shoot!" As he said those words a 20 Foot wide six pointed, purple star formed infront of him. He punched it sending it hurdling towards the roof. Those around it, but especially those that would be hit by it, would feel something strange. They would instantly recognize that this was not reiatsu, they actually couldnt tell what the heck it was, but one thing was clear, it felt happy. If someone were hit by it they would be filled by intense emotions of happiness and purity. Those around it would feel it too, but not as intensely. After a few seconds he would say "Purity return to the skies!" Causing the start to explode, causing damage, but not causing damage to the school.
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Operation Rampages Remorse Empty Re: Operation Rampages Remorse

Thu Jan 29, 2015 11:25 am

Operation Rampages Remorse Image8545_zps59e510d5

Post should be incoming somewhere between today and the next few days

Operation Rampages Remorse WVMWLOu
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Operation Rampages Remorse Empty Re: Operation Rampages Remorse

Sun Mar 01, 2015 11:14 am

Artist: Celldweller - Song: Louder Than Words - Word Count: 1611

Why was there so much heat on a frigid winter day? The air was cold, yet the fire of battle was raging hot on a campus that was suppose to be a safe haven. Then again, nothing in life is totally fool-proof, right? And anything worth of value is gonna need to be protected and fought for, no? So along these thoughts or another, the screaming call from the Yuudeshi Network summoned one of the infamous Yuudeshi Brothers, Zin Yuudeshi, to the scene of destruction, bloodshed and chaos down in the depths of Karakura Highschool.

While Karakura Central had it's fair share of violence, the incident itself captivated The Vizard King's attention because there seemed to be one of his players assisting the enemy. The kid went by the name of Jaeden Crow and Zin always thought of him as a good enough person. He did his job, tried not to let others down and struggled a bit with his inner hollow as all vizards do. There was nothing too out of the ordinary with that; yet here he was assisting an enemy of the Soul Society.

Grah. Whatever. He'd deal with it when he arrived there. There was obviously more to the story then what the ordinary eye could see. What was more troublesome was the thought of letting any of these fugitives escape on their turf. No one would mark their terrority and get away Scott-free. So, while The King of Vizard's wasn't as violent as his older sibling, The Beast of Karakura, he still did not appreciate intruders attempting to treat their playground anyway they desire for some joker of the Soul Society's past.

Thus, as the snow started to fall on the barren grey skies of Karakura City High, the crimson haired vizard stepped through the gates of the school. There were numerous reporters, policemen and other concerned parents screaming and hollering about what was going on with the facility. However -- it was of no concern to the Vizard King. With his nimble speed and fierce power, they were in another world far behind him and he'd let spokesmen of The Yuudeshi Network, Vizard Corps and Yayjuu deal with the media and calm others down.

After all, with one of the original Yuudeshi Leaders here, there wasn't much need for anything else in his mind. Hence, as the smoke and fog filled the frosty terrain, the sounds of boots tapping against the frozen concrete was all that was heard as the male made his decedent into the battle. Some blue denim jeans, chains that hung off his pockets, a white t-shirt, a silver medallion and a black fur-trimmed jacket; these were the simplistic apparel of The Vizard King that became view able to all as he made his way through the clouds of mist.

Reaching into his pants right pocket, the male pulled out a carton of cigarettes, opened the container, pulled out a single stick and lifted it up to his mouth. Putting the crate back away in his jeans, the flaming haired Vizard then moved his right thumb beneath the roll of tobacco and had a burst of scarlet flames ignite the bad boy. Inhaling and exhaling the substance caused for waves of relief, relaxation and calmness to ooze in and around the Yuudeshi as he observed the situation.

The most menacing threat at the moment would be those damned criminals attempting to escape the city. Therefore, before focusing on anyone else, The Yuudeshi was going to strike them hard. Maintaining a mental connection to the Yuudeshi Network, without the need for the Yuudeshi Sync, Zin was able to tap into the defensive proprieties of the city and lock the area down before they could escape.

In the form of a red bolt of fire falling from the heavens, the intense energies from the barrier that surrounded Karakura Central slammed into the campus and surrounded the entity of it in a bright flash of vivid crimson light. This was ten times stronger than the dome that devoured the city, so it would make escape for the marked targets extremely difficult. It cut off means of teleporation and had inscribed the values within its contents to be potent against reality bending assaults against it. So, in other words, the physical and metaphysical assaults to enter or leave this dome without authorization from Zin or the network would be exceptionally hard to bypass.

So one would assume that the individualized flames that shot off from this burst of power would be equally as troublesome to deal with as well. Hundreds, if not, thousands of waves of fire soon danced around the skies and aimed to consume all those who partook in the criminal acts against Karakura City High. Being powered through the immense energy supplies from the Yuudeshi Network, and the dense quantities of energy from Zin Yuudeshi himself, each of these barriers were compromised to be thick, multi-layered and very hard to escape for even the toughest of Maggots Nest prisoners.

Indeed, his energy was meant to crush them, smother them and keep them contained, weakened and forcibly knocked out under the weight of such a power and shield. In the meantime, for anymore innocent bystanders in the area? Zin locked on to their energy signatures, transferred them into the Yuudeshi Network and left it to the system to decipher them all. It analyzed the citizen records of Karakura Central, established the locations and confirmed citizenship of most of the adults and students and began the process of creating many numerous wormholes out of the school for them. To which, they would be transferred to Karakura Central Hospital in order to observe and overview their injuries from the battle that ensued.

Ergo, with those causalities hopefully dealt with, there were only a few more task to tend to for The Vizard King. Turning his fiery gaze towards the sight of a fellow named "Perseus" on the roof, Zin gave him a soft wave and smirked. Why did he perform such a gesture? Well, he'd have to thank the male for sending out an A-4 warning and holding these crooks for as long as he did with no real support. It was commendable to him and thus deserved his attention for that moment.

"Heh, you look like you are about to die over there. Here, take this as a token of my thanks, Raccoon-Eyes."

The tone of The Yuudeshi's voice was clear and loud, yet relaxed and very carefree. As if, despite the deadly scene that unfolded before him, he was still calm and in control of himself. Regardless, what was important was the gesture of him raising his left hand in the air. In one shot, he transferred a burst of white flames towards the direction of Perseus. In its contents were high quantities of spiritual energy meant to enrich and replenish the supply of energy by two times within the human's body in order to bring his overall health, stamina and attack power up. There was even the potential for a permanent boost to raise his tier up by one level after ingesting this energy for the next week or so.

In Zin's mind? it was the least he could do for the male after leaving him alone with these thugs for so long. Therefore, he could turn his sights to the likes of Hayato attempting to hold off more intruders with his -- Jewelry. There was a doubtful expression across the male's face as he rose an eyebrow at the spectacle taking place. But, with a soft sigh and a light-hearted chuckle, he decided that this person was doing their best and he'd help him out by sending another transference of energy to him as well to help with the cause. Thus, another explosion of white flames left his hand and went soaring across the battlefield with the intent of striking Hayato's backside and injecting him with more power.

"You are a strange, gay little man. But, here, take this."

Those were all the words that needed exchanging in the mind of Zin Yuudeshi as he conversed with Hayato. The man was a bit too happy for his tastes, but to each their own. He'd wonder for a moment if he would understand he meant the happy context of that word, rather then the homosexual definition, but that would be up to him to discern for himself.

Thus, The Vizard King kept staring at the male for a few more moments before, finally, turning his head in the objective of reaching Jaeden Crow. Inhaling and exhaling from his cigarette once more, the male threw it to the side and flash stepped directly in front of the male without much hostile intent.

Placing his hands directly on the shoulder of the lost Vizard, Zin held a firm stare and asked him this simple question:

"Now, tell me, why did you do this?"

That's all The Vizard King truly wanted to know from the young vizard.It did not matter what occurred before or after, he was simply searching his intent. And if he was just a lost soul, The Yuudeshi could let it go and attempt to help him. After all, that is what he and his brother were talented with in his mind. And so, as to not repeat the same mistake he did with Hakai, Zin would not turn his back on one of his own without first hearing the reasons why or the story behind it. There had to be something driving him to do this that could be resolved and Zin was keen on figuring out what that was

Operation Rampages Remorse WVMWLOu

Operation Rampages Remorse Empty Re: Operation Rampages Remorse

Sun Mar 01, 2015 1:18 pm
His eyes of storm cloud gray found their way to his leader, Zin Yuudeshi so he was successful in drawing one of the brothers. Though he was partly thankful that it was this one, he stood still it was time for judgement. He'd repaid the debt he owed them and could let it go simple as that. Jaeden had done this to repay a debt, he didn't attack or bring his weapon to bear on anyone. Though it was easily destroyed, it wasn't even his Zanpakutō. Jaeden's eyes looked at the blade that his father left him, slight disgust about such a weapon. It influenced his reiatsu to this state far as he could tell. His orbs watched as Zin made his rounds. His throat felt dry and his body heavy as Zin Yuudeshi made his rounds. This man could burn the very clouds from the sky with his heat, such power was a rare thing to see. Jaeden stood quietly watching him attend to each detail, the option to die here seemed to be gone. Zin wasn't the type to kill without a reason, far as Jaeden could tell from it all. The man used reason and even allowed his student Hakai to go. Zin didn't seem the type, how to answer for this? Was their an excuse in the world for doing something like this? No nothing truly mattered that would settled it all. His mind accepted whatever was going to happen. He couldn't lose honor, perhaps that was the one thing that made him different from this Hakimaru. His one thing that made him Jaeden Crow, nothing owned by anyone else. His intense honor and sense of justice, those were his and his alone. Jaeden was best thought of as a man who upheld his honor and was a blade of duty, he repaid all debts. He joined the Vizard Corps due to Colin's intervention. That was the day everything went astray, his sister's vanishing. The people of the Crow vanished as each left the nest to become something new. Iriko was now the Head Captain, his son as it was belonged to a Division. But how much had he lost on the way here, so many questioned weighed on his conscious. Jaeden, slowly brought the weapon up.

Releasing a large measure of spiritual pressure before Zin arrived, he smashed the fake Zanpakutō with his bare hands. The mere pressure he gave off was enough to destroy it, his honor would not stand for a fake. " Sorry, I didn't know it kept me from you though..This is no excuse, honor is truth and I failed you...My true Zanpakutō, it's a shame I never knew you..But it's time I paid the piper for what is to come, so I'm sorry." Jaeden said to himself as he destroyed the weapon, the lightning in the area from him completely disappeared. The weapon fell crumbling into pieces as he stood still. Waiting for the arrival of Zin Yuudeshi, the man was handing out somethings to people. Speaking with his usual nature, the question was what punishment would be selected for him? Perhaps he'd be placed in prison for what he did, aiding the enemy. Such an unforgivable action, but his honor demanded that debt be repaid. Not to mention that news, lead him to wish he didn't exist. He couldn't save himself not from this destiny not today.

Zin's hand landed on his shoulder finally, such a relaxed intent. His eyes looked at Zin's taking them in as he remained still. His eyes were those of a man who clung to his honor but acknowledged his defeat, mentally he was beaten. Jaeden's being seemed worn out, destroying his weapon something to free himself from that. The hand felt heavy and so did the presence of this man, the King of Vizards stood here. Their was something about the presence, Jaeden closed his eyes only once to let a breath escape his lips. The hand felt warm and he knew even if he wanted to battle at this point he couldn't. This was the point of no return after all, Jaeden merely observed as he watched. A reason for why he did what he did, was their a good excuse for Zin Yuudeshi? No, this was a treason that many wouldn't forgive, but what could he do about it. He would tell the story, tell the story that broke him. Tell Zin what he could about the situation, how his honor was destroyed completely by one. "A day much like today, I was given the truth of the matter..I wasn't born like anyone else, I was ripped from a man trapped within a cage prison, I was and am his clone. Designed by my so called father, who decided to stain the honor of our people in blood. He killed my true family entirely and brainwashed men to believe honor in my actions. " He looked at his hands, the blood was on them beyond the color of anything else. He slaughtered true family, people who were innocent, their was no way to repent for this. They died innocent people who did nothing wrong, he was lead to believe it was they who did these evil deeds. Jaeden's eyes burned with some angry, if he got his hands on his father's neck he'd break it. But that wasn't the worst of it, he looked at Zin's orbs now. Calming himself with a soft breath as he looked at the male. [color=blue]"I was designed to kill them, to kill innocent people who did nothing wrong..I was lead to believe I was a crusader bringing justice, but I'm nothing more then a common murderer..I'm a doll created to bring death to innocent people, the only honor left was to repay the debt of the person who revealed the truth..I've done that.." Jaeden said finishing what he had to say.

"I accept whatever punishment you deliver." Jaeden was resigned to whatever fate brought him at this point. Nothing remained here, the man who had to acknowledge he was but a doll would at least cling to his honor.
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Operation Rampages Remorse Empty Re: Operation Rampages Remorse

Sun Mar 01, 2015 2:41 pm
One of the guys on the roof Got hit by Hayatos attack, he didnt scream in pain but instead in a calm tone he said "Relaxing!" this sent out a wave of energy that seemed to calm down those around him. The one directly affected slumped on the ground, feeling the best feeling he had ever felt before. This took the rouge shinigami by surprised, since not only the shock of being teleportedto the roof, but the subsequent feeling of peace.

Perseus was also teleported to the roof, by some strange coincidence, but there he saw someone he kind of recognized. It was Hayato! What was he doing here, though he seemed to be handling himself fairly well, and somehow had helped subdue these people. Perseus felt a very familiar aura coming closer and closer. And thats when he saw a familiar figure, Zin Yuudeshi. The moment that he saw the figure He saw a ball of flames fire from Zin's hand and then hit him. He felt so much power flow into him, it was so incredible. He noticed that the same thing happened to Hayato, but his felt less powerful, and probably not long lasting.

Hayato felt so much power flow into him. He had never felt so much energy flow into him, not even when he had unlocked some of his powers in the past. He landed on the roof just as Zin put his hand on Jaeden's shoulder. He heard Jaeden's story, and somehow he knew it was heartfelt. Though he did not know much about the spiritual beings in this world he could feel the genuine feeling of his words. Though most would say that Hayato's life was kinda cushy due to his families money it was anything but that, so he could kind of understand peoples pain. Though he was never used, as it seemed Jaeden was, he could feel that sense of just giving up on life. Though it was probably best not to interject he was about to say something he noticed that one of the shinigami had snapped out of the good vibes and was heading in the direction of Zin.

HE didnt know who Zin was so he reacted as he thought would be appropriate. "Royal Veil!" he yelled out as a prismatic veil of energy surrounded the section of the roof that contained the ex-prisoners. Te one that was running stopped in his tracks, his body frozen by the shimmering energy. The boost of energy actually magnified Hayatos powers in a greater way that was probably intended. AS a human hayato actually didnt use his own spirit energy to make his powers, which is probably why all those around would be surprised at how strong he was with such a small spiritual presence, his item is what allowed him to use ambient energy and concentrate it with his strength of heart to make such positive attacks. Now with this boost in his actual energy it sent his powers into overdrive for a short period of time.

Perseus looked over at Hayato and said "Hey these two need some alone time, why dont we put these other guys into confinement for a while." Hayato nodded and both of them closed their eyes and concentrated. The air started to shimmer as tiny crystals started to form around the area. Combined with the shimmering aura this created a wonderful light show in the air that slowly rose into the air. Slowly the shinigami started to hover into the air still stuck in their positions. One they rose a decent distance off the roof the crystals aligned themselves around the group forming crystal stars that connected themselves with chains of prismatic energy. In unison Perseus and Hayato said "Royal Astrum!" As the energy around the shinigami solidified into a shimmering sheet that held them floating inside. The beautiful orb let out a glow over the are, glowing like a star in the night sky.
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Operation Rampages Remorse Empty Re: Operation Rampages Remorse

Fri Mar 06, 2015 12:32 pm

Artist: Donna Burke - Song:Glassy Sky - Word Count: 1863

There was a pause in action between the two males as the ashen eyes of the Crow seemed to dart off in different directions. There was no doubt in the mind of Zin that he was thinking, contemplating and reflecting on the actions he made. After all, it was a rather huge question to digest, process and then think of a response for. Thus, he'd allow for him to gather his senses, form some kind of reply and then see if his intentions were sincere or not. Having gone through this same scene in the past, The Yuudeshi felt he could maneuver through the signs of physical and spiritual language the body gives off in order to deduce such a thing.

So, as the fake Zanpakutō of the Crow's shattered into pieces, The Vizard King started to feel that was a potential sign from above that he was breaking off the shambles of his former-self. Maybe he was a bit superstitious, but in the world of the supernatural, who couldn't afford to believe in something higher than themselves? Therefore, it further solidified wanting to mend this situation with mercy, kindness and words; rather than employing any kind of forceful tactics on the male. As, for the time being, The Yuudeshi didn't feel such methods needed to be enforced because he was one of his own.

Indeed, this thinking may have been biased, but Zin was ready to deal with the consequences of it. For, to him, there was barely any harm done. The prisoners were rounded up quite easily due to his action, so this made the operation all but easy. A majority of those hit by Jadens strike? Well, heh, as long as they were still alive, The Doctor proficient enough to treat that of The Beast of Karakura would see that each and every one of them who landed in his office would recover to the best of his ability with his staff. And as for the property that was damaged in the wake of such an attack? Well, The Yuudeshi Clan had more than enough money that they could throw at the property until it was built forty times over.

Thus, with his arguments ready for any peering parties, The King of Vizards felt he could deal with the male before his feet. The spiritual pressure which was unleashed to reduce the last bits of his Zanpakutō to nothing were the final nail in the coffin of his character. With his enhanced hearing? It wasn't too difficult to pick up the muttering which came out of Jaeden's mouth. So, if nothing else, Zin was beginning to feel that the male could stand to be truthful -- if only because of his honor.

Taking a glance at the strikes of lightning in the atmosphere dissipating, Zin felt it was equally fine for his fire and heat to ease up and give way to the wintry climate. Hence, as the clash of electricity and fire faded, the dusting of snow began to ease into the environment once more as a cloud of fog swept the area.

Yeah, this felt more natural and right for The Vizard King. Putting aside everything else and standing in what was right for this season, there was no more time for the shadow of lies to creep behind them anymore. With yet another stare down, the male gave a soft smile to the Crow to show that things were indeed -- alright. There was a sense of heaviness about the male, but the fire of Zin's spirit was meant to burn, soften and loosen up that dense weight of his soul's burden. At least, that is the effect The Yuudeshi's aura was intended to have with it's intent to take the strain of stress away from the Vizard in this moment so that he may think clearly and without interference from his minds troubles.

Regardless of that, however, it seemed that the truth was still going to come oozing out of the male's mouth. For, when given time to sober up, this lone Crow started spewing out words which echoed out the sentiment that he was indeed -- a clone. That was a rather amusing thing to express to the Vizard King. Why, one might ask? 'Tis a simple question to answer: The Yuudeshi Project.

Day in and day out, Zin was quite used to the conundrum of the cloning process. He's seen the mental aspect of the clones, helped improve their health to a stable ground and learned to disassociate them from their originator. Hence, for this to occur with Jaeden? Heh, it was quite the amusing turn of events to say the least.

None the less, it was time to give the boy some proper guidance. So, when he finished his first segment of words to him, The Vizard King saw forth to step in and speak his peace:

"If you are a clone, that does still not devalue your life. You have free will, strength and a person who cares for you."

In that instant, The Yuudeshi would motion toward himself in order to reference, directly, who he meant. And, in away, Zin truly did care for him in a weird-brotherly way. That's how he saw everyone in the Vizard Corps: his family, his blood and the people who helped build the world of Vizards to be what it is now. So, to that end, he felt as King that he a responsibility to see that his men and women alike were taken care of and loved.

Which is why, on this frigid day, he wanted to extend his words and actions of warmth to the hurt Crow in the hopes of guiding him through this darkness and towards some semblance of twilight. For one cannot live without the darkness, and neither can one live without the light. They must accept what has come, embrace who they are and step forward into the future with hopes of putting these troublesome worries to bed. By doing so? They'd begin evolving as a person in order to be happy and move away from this pit of utmost despair

"So don't take that for granted, friend. The stream of life and death in this world are so intertwined, that even those killed by your blade, can find a second chance in this life or the next."

Those were the words that Zin uttered in a strong and firm stance as he heard the explanation of The Clone's hardship. It was in that moment, that in The Yuudeshi's mind, he decided that the male was innocent. What other choice did he have if he was brainwashed from that early of an age? None. That's what. Therefore, he'd assist with bringing him back to his feet as a true brother and friend would when the person under their care is sick.

"Thus, if you want to atone for those things, then live to better yourself and don't sully the lives of the spirits whom have been claimed by you by giving out here."

Speaking with the utmost of conviction, the tone of The Yuudeshi's voice was gentle, yet so hardened and in place at the same time. The perfect mixture of formal and informal aspects merged into one. Holding out his right arm, The Vizard King gave a soft smile as the freezing winds of old man winter whipped past them both. This gesture, this single gesture, was meant to allow the Crow to take another chance at life to work off the sins of his life and move on from them with the help of The Corps behind him.

"You were just as much of a victim as those you killed. One cannot blame a killer if all they are taught is to kill. What matters is choice and you were never given that choice since you were but a child."

And with those words, Zin nodded his head forward and motioned for him to stand and take his hand.

"Which is why, for your punishment, you will need to serve and better the world around you under the Vizard Corps. If you make the choice to kill for reasons which are not justified, then I will deal with you myself. But, given your new lease on life, I do not foresee that becoming a problem, right, friend?"

Chuckling a bit, there was nothing else that really needed to be said to Jaeden. The choice was all but up to him now. He could either take the hand of liberation and live a life of choice, or chose to remain in the shadows and proceed with life as a horrid criminal filled with pain and loathing. No. Not even that. He'd move on with life as nothing more -- than a slave. Therefore, what words and actions The Crow would take from here were all but of the utmost of interest to The Yuudeshi as he kept a rigid eye on the sight of his disciple.

In the meantime, most of The Vizard Corps members were allotted access into the area. They begun sweeping up the prisoners in droves of packs that consisted of a dozen Vizards each. They dawned their mask, adorned the Vizard Corps logo and started transporting the KO'd prisoners into vans to be delivered to the Karakura Central Maxium Security Prison in Sukai Karakura Central.

All of them were fitted with DES Chokers in order to suppress their power, make them weakened and fit for transports. As, from orders within the higher-ups in Karakura Central, they wanted these men alive. Since, if nothing else, they'd be dealt with in the next realm over as the Soul Society may want to punish with these menaces as they saw fit. After all, they also thought a peace-offering between the Living World and the Seireitei could be made with this action.

And it seemed, with all the forces that had assembled on the field, this was becoming more and more of a reaity of triumph for the forces that wished to protect this city on this day. Many Corps Members started rounded up the goons that were rounded up by both Hayato and Perseus. They spawned into groups of two dozen, saluted them and gave thanks for their efforts as they rounded up the bodies that piled up in the wake of their actions.

Which is why, when taking a brief glimpse at the chaotic scene unfolding in the highschool, Zin could only give a single thumbs up towards the direction of Hayato and Perseus. For, if nothing else, they were going to succeed in the objective of cleaning up the scum in Karakura City. There were a few lives lost in the mix, sure, but the overall success of the mission seemed to be stable when The King arrived. It was going to be a pain to deal with the press later, but they had people reaching far into the media to assist with that. Both, from The Vizard Corps and the influence that The YUudeshi Clan had.

Therefore, for now, all that he needed to focus on: was The Crow.

Now, what would he do?

Operation Rampages Remorse WVMWLOu
Metal as Fuck
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Sun Jul 17, 2016 3:22 pm


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