Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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{Black World Arc]: Where The Roses Die Left_bar_bleue71500/99999{Black World Arc]: Where The Roses Die Empty_bar_bleue  (71500/99999)

{Black World Arc]: Where The Roses Die Empty {Black World Arc]: Where The Roses Die

Mon Mar 16, 2015 6:39 pm

Rose petal. A single, lone rose petal caught the sacred Arrancar attention, when he was skipping along the desert, playing tag with the wind. The wind was only one of thousands of friends he had here, in The World Made Of Sand And Sin. The Trees were his friends, the Sand were his friend, the Moon itself was his friend. They were always playing with him, showing him new things, never letting him feel alone. And then there were The Others. Some were playing with him, others not. And rejection made him very sad.

Returning to the rose pellet, it caught the child's attention, making him go further and further. Like a fly, he was hypnotized by the beauty of the rose flake, making him stretch his little arm, trying to grab it. But then, it just flickered away, making his face expression show disappointment. Even sadness.

Then the area changed. One moment he was caught up with the red, almost shining rose baby, but then it disappeared, once the white sand changed to black. There were no petals anymore and where he would look, only black sand and blue moon could be seen. With a pain in his face expression and lost look, the Arrancar sat down on the earth and started to sob big, big tears. He wanted back to his friends.

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{Black World Arc]: Where The Roses Die Left_bar_bleue68500/1000000{Black World Arc]: Where The Roses Die Empty_bar_bleue  (68500/1000000)

{Black World Arc]: Where The Roses Die Empty Re: {Black World Arc]: Where The Roses Die

Sun Apr 19, 2015 3:42 am
"Turn your back on me, and it's a guranteed, automatic death that will end you slowly, baby."

Far, far off into the distance stood two figures hidden under a black coat.

One was a woman.

Another a bird.

They arrived a bit late, the woman realized, as they viewed a small figure that seemed to be female from what she could gather, fell through the sky engulfed in the fiery tangles of a cero. That boy's cero. Kaida hummed quietly as she spent a bit longer viewing the two males attack each other. One would lead an offensive that the other would scramble to recover in defense. Such amateurs, she thought gleefully. If they killed each other she suppose she could drag their bodies over for a quick rummaging of useful tools of some sort. Or manage to keep them both alive for a series of painful interrogations. Painful interrogations always did give her this sick sort of rush. Or did it..?

Everything felt out of place with these damn doubles running around. Are you yourself or are you the evil twin? Who was Jekyll and who was Hyde? Could you really trust anyone at this point in time?

Answers; don't know, don't care, and don't ever trust anyone- not even yourself.

She knew this much from her centuries of working as an underground informant broker. Such a job brought the extra cows she needed to keep her project running along smoothly. However because of the establishment of what the higher-ups were labeling 'the Black World', things had to be safely shut down and put away for the time being. Her thoughts cut to the sky above her as the taller of the males went into his release form. Already? A foolish move, she could tell. Then again it didn't seem like he had that many options to begin with. The fox bastard only responded by utilizing yet another of his tricks. How annoying. Kaida steadily brought a hand to rub her throbbing temples.

Idiots. Such idiots.

Naozane, her trusty pink falcon peered at her from his customary place on her shoulder in concern. "Bird-bird?"

"I'm fine. These idiots are giving me a headache, Nao-san."

"Bird-bird. Bird-bird."

"Help? I'm here to gather intel, not help. If these morons kill each other because of some piss contest, so be it. But I'm not getting in the middle of it. Besides, who the hell am I even supposed to help? The Arrancar? The human?"


Oh, he made a good point there. Clearly there something to be gained from this, but she needed to time it correctly. As the Arrancar began to take a toll on his body, Kaida kept her hood covered over her form. This unique hood masked her reactive spiritual pressure from lashing out at anyone. Because of the fight, however, she just might be able to let herself go; relax and shift into her true nature instead of one that's constricting. Inhaling, she kicked up the gears to her signature Sutorobo Suteppu to gain speed. Whether they could see her approaching figure or not did not distress. She was simply her own needs; if this human boy decided to screw it up, so be it. Not tears would be shed on his behalf.

An opening presented itself; one that she could take no doubt, but she hesitated some distance away due the energy dome surrounding the pair, waiting for the human boy to make his move. Instead her hand moved outwards, palm up, and as it did, her sword materialized in a matter of milliseconds. This disturbing grin painfully stretched her lips. She hadn't even as so much as released any of her stages of power and the air about her already began to cackle with the heat of electricity. Chuckling darkly, she chose now to make her presence known as the black shifted into light shades of grey.

The indication that her reiatsu levels were gaining in pressure and force. Naozane suspected that it was time for him to go, which he did instantaneously, souring high above then disappearing under the overbearing light of the sun. With her partner in crime out of the way, the fun could truly begin. A gust of wind blew the hood off of her face to reveal her sickening grin accompanied by dark skin. "Ready, Zetsumetsu?" She murmured in a low tone to her Zanpakutō.

'You fuck this up and I'll kill you.'

Her chuckled weighed heavy in dry amusement, "Noted. See if you can spot an opening."

{Black World Arc]: Where The Roses Die 1981977                                            {Black World Arc]: Where The Roses Die 1594048                                        {Black World Arc]: Where The Roses Die 17990213

{Black World Arc]: Where The Roses Die XfvlBsf
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{Black World Arc]: Where The Roses Die Empty Re: {Black World Arc]: Where The Roses Die

Sat Jun 13, 2015 5:50 pm

Based on the fact that Nix is on a long-term leave, I'm going to fill in the blanks here. With both James and Kaida double-teaming Juluius, it can be inferred that he was taken out and defeated here. Following that, you all can do as you wish here. If there isn't a post made by JWC in the next three days, then it will be up to Rowbutt to determine the conclusion. If three days pass after that, then I will conclude this thread. I'm doing this in order to speed things along in the event.

{Black World Arc]: Where The Roses Die WVMWLOu
Joined : 2012-11-12
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{Black World Arc]: Where The Roses Die Empty Re: {Black World Arc]: Where The Roses Die

Mon Jun 15, 2015 6:32 pm
Aight so, James thanks Kaida, even though he had Julius on the run, they both let Julius live, and James picks up an mortally wounded Carine, and teleports back to earth. He puts her in an advanced healing chamber at the Hebi Lab, and leaves with the Doctor to go take care of the root cause of this phenomena.

{Black World Arc]: Where The Roses Die Jwc_zpsdn29gwsc
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