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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Strike The Core: The Iramasha's Bolt For The Kora A'ina [Black World Event] Empty Strike The Core: The Iramasha's Bolt For The Kora A'ina [Black World Event]

Fri Apr 17, 2015 2:58 pm

Artist: ZUNATA - Song: MA-GU-RI-VU - Word Count: 1476

The Iramasha started receiving word of the Inverse Event roughly a few hours after the colossal hole in the Earths skies emerged. Understanding that this was a disturbance which could influence the sanctity of Earths well-being, some of the Iramashas finest soldiers were sent to investigate and deal with the incident personally.And Of this bunch of warriors? One of their most capable troopers arose to the occasion: Cirno iramasha.

Cirno was given the task of leading a unit of roughly ten thousand Iramasha armed forces into the depths of the Kora A'ina of Yina within the nation of Uganda. They were informed of this distortion by the likes of The Devil of Boundaries, Yukuri Iramasha. Due to her capacity to manipulate metaphysical boundaries, This Royal Iramashsa was able to see through the borders of the world that were being tempered with and direct the source of this horrid occurrence.

From this intel, The Iramasha Military could further divide up their resources and men. A select group of their strongest were ordered to go ahead and stay back in the Soul Society to help assist with maintaining the stability of their home realm. Meanwhile, a different branch of their armed forces were instructed to press forward with maintaining the balance of the human world. But, most importantly, all of the various militarized teams were informed that they must destroy the planetary cores of each of these inverted worlds to prevent a catastrophic event from sweeping into their worlds.

Baring these thoughts in mind, The Iramasha Clan felt it was their duty to inform all of the realms of what was going on. Therefore, among their allies and enemies, the representatives of the clan started sending out mass telepathic message which communicated the fact that they needed to destroy the core of these worlds to put a stop to this incident. Anyone who was willing to work alongside the Iramasha were also welcomed in this communication broadcast and they were expecting someone or something to back them up.

So, with their objective understood and plans put in motion, Cirno Iramasha led this horde of ten thousand men and women alike of the clan into action. Utilizing their sacred ability, Chaos Warp, The Feisty Fairy commanded that all those who had access to the Iramasha's Holy Gems to activate them. This is because their homeland held precious stones that contained high levels of energy. And, with Chaos Warp requiring them to jump dimensions, they were going to need all the power they could get as this was shaping up to be a mission where they could not waste a single ounce of fuel.


With these conditions laid out on the table, an explosion of light emerged in the skies above the alluring glow of the crystal which was the Kora A'ina of Yang. Like a freight train in the night, the intensity of their energy smashed into the air with a mighty roar and broke the silence of the realm. In this time, they knew they needed to act fast and thus disbursed their group of fighters across the lands with great speed.

There was a squadron of two thousand each that were sent to the north, west, south and east portions of the Kora A'ina. While the unit which cooperated closely with Cirno Iramasha were instructed to follow her to the center most portion of the gem. It was all in preparation to deal with the many numerous hordes of demons which appeared to infest these lands like a plague. And boy, did they start fighting back with a nasty roar.

Explosions starting ripping open into the sky, the pressurized release of energy intensified the gravity of the area and fires started to emerge all around them. Within no time at all, these men were doing heavy combat against the Kora Ai'na's protectors. So, one could say that the battle was on and the sense of urgency started to shiver down the spine of The Angel of The Ice.

Glancing her crystal eyes back to the earth, there was a sense of horror in her heart as she witnessed the gem started to bury itself deeper into the ground. At that point, it became apparent that they were going to need to force their way through the soil in order to reach this crystal. However, there wouldn't be much time to dwell on that.

To the right flank of Cirno? A mysterious flash of light emerged. Out of it came a highly powerful demonic spirit that was able to catch her by surprise. In doing so, seized his opportunity to ambush The Angel and did so by throwing her into the dirt with a rapid-fire release of energy.

Thus, in an explosion of red and black light, the skies above the inversed capital of Uganda, Kampala were filled with a destructive power. Being flung back to the earth with an awful bad thud, the azure dress that the Iramasha wore became ashen, her milky skin became tattered with dirt and there was a scratch that bled a small bit of red fluid from her right cheek. Otherwise, baring those superficial blows, the child was otherwise alright.

The same couldn't be said for some of her comrades that were caught up in the explosion. This demonic force managed to wipe out twenty of the two thousand forced men that were assigned to fight alongside Cirno with one shot. At the same time, another two dozen were inflicted with heavy injuries that ranged form third degree bones, broken bones, lost of consciousness and other similar blows.

However, they weren't about to give up the fight yet. Becoming enraged by this turn of the events, The Angel of The Ice stood on her feet once more and unleashed a wave of energy that was as blue as her hair and eyes were. Following that, a set of six wings forged from ice materialized out of her backside and aimed their sights on the demon in the skies above them.

On her command? The Angel pointed her right index finger at the bastard demon and sought to vaporize him with a six shot Chaos Blast capable of wiping out an entire mountain. These aqua hued rays of destruction then started launching from each tip of her wing and totaled to a number of six blast targeted at the demonic foe.

Becoming aware of this assault, the Iramasha Murderer attempted to outrun these energy waves. Of course he was able to evade two of the six, but unfortunately for him his plans did not go as intended. By harnessing the power of Chaos Warp, Cirno teleproted the remaining four to the males backside, chest and each side in order to create a massive explosion of light in the heavens that burnt the male to a fine crisp and sent him flying back to the earth as a black corpse.

Despite this victory, it wasn't one that The Ice Fairy could so easily accept. It caused her lean forward, crouch down and punch the charred remains of the earth beneath her fight in anger. Death caused her much pain, especially when it was the death of her allies, but she had to fight with herself in order to accept the fact that they were gone and there was nothing she could do about it. It was hard for her to accept, but The Angel had come to endure this hardship because it is what the lifestyle of The Iramasha Guard demanded. If no one was willing to put their life on the line to protect their worlds, then nothing would change.

So, baring their sacrifice in mind, the calming sounds of Shiro Iramasha, the former Angel of the Ice, started to soothe the child and guide her towards what needed to be done to resolve this incident. Wiping away her tears, the Elite Iramasha Guardian soon turned back to her anger and used that in order to help guide her through this mess.

As the scene of three more Captain-Class Demons started flying towards her, The Iramasha widened her stance and prepared to continue this battle in memory of her lost comrades. There were many of these powerful creatures scattered across the island, but The Angel of The Ice understood that she just needed to defeat these three in order to break through to the inner earth and destroy that damned gem.

Thus, the stage had been set and it was now up to the Iramasha Clan, and whomever wished to fight alongside them, that this battle be resolved one way or another. And if the combative hand of Cirno Iramasha had anything to say? They would see the fruitful success of this operation no matter what. They weren't going to get away with this!

Template By: [THEFROST]

Strike The Core: The Iramasha's Bolt For The Kora A'ina [Black World Event] WVMWLOu
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Strike The Core: The Iramasha's Bolt For The Kora A'ina [Black World Event] Empty Re: Strike The Core: The Iramasha's Bolt For The Kora A'ina [Black World Event]

Fri Apr 17, 2015 3:17 pm

Artist: Iuchi Maiko - Song: Saikyou No Nanori - Word Count: 5186

Enough of this tattered bullshit. The air screeched with fear and agony, the atmosphere of the entire battlefield suddenly grew at a level so tense that those who now stands in the fight would be felt to a whole new level of experience. A huge momentary burst of power roared throughout the whole battlefield from the distance as if someone new had entered this hell of a fight that dares to destroy the reflection of the world, the cruel and hidden selves that they do not dare to face, and now the intentions to destroy this world shows how weak these people are to face their own mirrors. The pressure unleashed was not reiatsu by a shinigami, arrancar or Vizard neither is it chaos energy or Za Koa energy, yet even so, most may think that it is impossible, for someone to unleash a devastating level of pressure that speaks only of blood lust and destruction to strike fear against the weak-willed, and weights that would feel as if a city fell upon their shoulders which alone that stretched miles and miles wide capable of having that pressure to be felt by everyone within the reach of the core's vicinity, without any external or internal assistance to achieve such level in a natural state of power without the help of any supernatural energy, but there is one person who were able to achieve such power, namely 'the Nightmare', a human who was once infamous in the entire world known for the amount of destruction he could cast alone with nothing but his bare fists to show the world how capable he was without the need of supernatural powers before the original's death, and now interfered by someone who is the reflection of that destruction, and further twisted deeper and deeper into the depths of insanity that not even the devil itself can imagine to reach the human's level of insanity. The darkened sky, clouds and dusts that blocked away the clear and beautiful view of the blue sky would be impaled by the Nightmare's explosive pressure alone, roaring upwards into the sky would smash one big gaping hole on the darkened sky before being casted away by a huge blow of wind just by an individual's mere presence and his pressure alone of being here. For someone who once fought with so many opponents that is beyond of his own power, it is no doubt that he is able to gain both experience and power that makes him so above-average beyond what he is capable of for those that are on the same level as he is, which some, if not, most depict him as a 'monster' capable of wiping out a city if he wanted to at an extent.

Yes, when it comes to physical strength, he is almost monstrous in every way. His strength alone is both physics-defying and logic-defying, that not even those of the smartest can understand nor to comprehend and to calculate how 'much' is really.. his limit. Just like the original, the Inverse's strength is basically at the point of infinite, or have no limit in exerting force, since we all knew that in order to exert a certain amount of strength, there is always something that we calculate, manipulate our bodily muscles and release that certain amount of strength, hence we measure that using the force meter or 'Newton' through SI unit means. However, mathematical calculations, equations, anything that is related to the capability of understanding and explaining his strength can be known to be virtually impossible for someone who can exert strength in a form of infinite, no 'end', hence he would be able to obliterate or rip apart space itself with just his bare hands if he had ever acknowledged the full potential of his capabilities, but unlike the original, the Inverse has a grasp on his strength and is able to use it to twist around with the fabrics of space-time on an atomic scale and unable to meddle with it on a physical scale to destroy objects. Explaining how it works, one would get the gist of how powerful his physical attribute is once they experience the full force of his strength, an 'ability' that probably, not even God himself, may understand.

What of a monster appeared was no one else but the Inverse version of the Nightmare, Sou Yuuki. His appearance was unchanging but there is a huge modification in terms of personality. No longer restrained by emotions or past beliefs anymore, the standing human can be said as the pinnacle of insanity itself, unlike his originator, innocent lives as to him is useless now, and children or not, the Inverse takes no pity on them and proceed to their destruction as long as they can put up a decent fight against him. For him in this round, it is one against all four of those that stands in the battlefield, including the demons that may see the Inverse as a threat and tries to assault him in any way. His body being supported by a crutch under his shoulder, a complete replica of the original equipment, the Prototype Annihilator and against his wrist is the I.E.B.N, International Electronic Brace Network. Being the reflection of his originator, its hard to say these equipment that the Inverse has is a replica neither is it the original weapons, making it hard to differentiate between the real ones and the one that the Inverse has. Yet, even without needing to activate these equipment, the Inverse was able to unleash such a devastating pressure to make the acknowledgement that the Inverse is far different than his originator, that he could use the full extent of his abilities without some wimpy psychological warfare going inside of his head and always holding back in his fight. Because of his own driven insanity, the Inverse was able to go all-out from the start and make sure that they are drop-dead on the first sight of peril.

"Fly, you brats."


His voice is deep, and tone was darn serious. The Inverse didn't take his time for long speeches and jokes, proceeding his first brunt assault against one of them, and first target moving forward was against the Iramasha brat, Cirno Iramasha. To keep no time wasted, he begins his move by leaving his crutch afloat above the ground and producing two swirling winds on both of his hands. How? It was to make use of the spacious area around him, and by transferring energy to his finger tips, and collectively gather vibrations to compress just against his palm in a ring-shape across his hand, the second he gripped his fingers together to form a fist on his hand? All of the concentrated vibrations on his fingertips would create a light explosion, carried together with the ring-shaped vibrations embedded to his hand, it was made in order to 'control' the explosive vibrations that extends from his hands into a ring-shaped explosion, and that way, it would begin to knock the air particles specifically on the rings of vibrations, like a chain reaction knocking one after another, would produce winds that swirls around his hand that is capable of slicing through a person's body like butter if they weren't careful enough. However, they aren't made for the purpose of slicing people apart. With these swirling wind around his hands are created, one thing they notice is that there is nothing special imbued in these winds, neither was it made from spiritual energy as well, to conclude one thing that the Inverse specializes in; to create 'things' naturally and make them seem as if they are supernaturally manipulated by powers or some sort to look as if he has the spiritual energy to spare against his opponents. Once it is done on its construction, the Inverse makes a full brunt swing from both of his hands in an X-shape as his arms cross lines against each other, and that effect? Well, instead of firing two concentrated wind that swirls around his hand, by intersecting between his arms, it would produce a blast-like effect, or a typhoon-like effect, where when the two concentrated winds intersect, the moving air particles would collide between each other at different speeds, and creating an instability between the two winds. Intentionally throwing off the balance of the winds that he had created, the instability would cause everything to run wild, however, because he knew that it would not be effective if it were to go everywhere, and guides the unstable wind to be blasted right before his direction towards Cirno into a wide-area blast of wind by scattering bits of vibrations and electrons to serve as a magnetic field to act as a 'room' of sort for the blast to effectively leave some devastating damage to his victims.

However, that is not all. Once the Iramasha, whether or not if she is caught near or within the winds that he had blasted right at her, the Inverse would proceed to flick his finger at the position she may or may not be currently at, and what good does it do from a mere flick? To him, it was good enough to make her crispy for the next bite. With a flick? By concentrating the force through the compression of energy within his finger, instead of having all of the available muscle tissues to absorb the energy and create a balanced vibration, he would allow only a single area of his finger, where his nails are located, within those tissues, it would absorb energy specifically on that area as if a wall of vibrations would begin 'constructing' itself on his finger. Not to confuse the 'energy' with any supernatural energy such as reiryoku or chi energy, his 'energy' meant that natural energy that makes up for human stamina or something derived out of the energy that is 'natural' to the human being, hence he was able to draw that energy out of his own soul and make use of it to create abilities that, otherwise, cannot be normally achieve by means of 'natural use' where powers are not involved. When he flicks, all of that concentrated force from his finger would be fired like a gun that shot out a bullet, but to be a little more detailed, it would be like firing a rail of concentrated vibration right out of his wind, where the atoms before his finger would be compressed into a single state of compression, before firing an invisible load of bullet in a form of vibrations to move at speeds that breaks the sound barrier and thanks to its small beam-like shape as it is fired that way, it can move as fast as even a master shunpo user would be put to shame by how fast it moves thanks to the fact that vibrations is more or less massless, since his vibrations do not contain sound, and adds up to nothing more than collective air pressure and making use of gravity that allowed the effect to happen. If the Inverse mastered this capability, he would be able to fire a force of vibration that can move at the speed of light in the future, however, that would be a problem as for the fact that his originator is theoretically both 'dead' and 'alive'.

The vibrations that he fired together with those winds? Well, regardless if these blasts of winds or his vibrations hit Cirno or not, the moment these rails of vibrations would fling towards or past Cirno, all she would realise that these beams would either smash right against her body with an explosive force as if a train had ran right against her, or/and, light up a spark of flames within or past the winds, into a combustion of oxygen and tiny dusts that were compressed within the winds into a huge explosion of flames that expands at a rapid pace as if to mimic the effect and damages done by a nuclear bomb, but itself only contains a 1/8th of its power, but enough to make damages that can simply blow up the others if they weren't careful enough or caught any lives that are uninvolved in this fight of his between Cirno and himself. Using the physics of friction, it would be easy to combust a load of oxygen without requiring the presence of any huge amount of dusts in order to allow the conditions to happen, making him a formidable opponent to be able to naturally fire on his own without the need of powers. Whether or not if his attacks were to succeed, its up to the Iramasha to make her counter-attacks, however, next up was another young man he had once encountered and escape on first sight when they met, and it seems he won't be running away this time, when insanity only grew further in this battlefield.

His breath took a short turn, when the Nightmare's eyes turned over to White Eye, his eyes were sharp and focused, that even the smallest of changes would be noticeable to his attention as well. Exhaling as he stared it off, all this battlefield could feel was to constant roaring of his own pressure, expanding ever widely and stood its ground despite the efforts done to take down the likes of the Iramasha. Sure, he is physically exhausted, but not enough to tell his body and mind to give it up and fall. Keeping a strong front of his own, he would proceed in moving to direct combat before going off with some real sneaky bombard.

Clicking his tongue, the second his foot took a light stomp against the earth? His body flashed before the eyes of the spectators. It was easy in boosting his own speed, since he would be able to shoot electrons of different charges off the earth beneath his foot, causing magnetic attraction between each electrons and have them collide against each other to create a light shockwave capable of launching a human body like his at high speed. Even if he did not have any special abilities such as Shunpo, Chaos Warp or Geppo, his strength makes up what he lacks in the battlefield and surely, making him some formidable opponent to deal with. First? After being able to close his distance between himself and White Eye at a point-blank range at an almost fascinating speed in utilizing his strength, in attempt to not give this one-eyed man to even react to his sudden approach, his fist would smash right against his chest only to meet with a full-brunt electric shock that surges across his body, carrying vibrations that acts a chainsaw to rip apart his flesh as it travels across his body. Make sure his eyes and ears are closed, or he'll taste once-in-a-lifetime shock that would outright burn his nerves if unprotected, leaving an effect where he will either undergo temporary paralysis that lasts for a very short duration of time, or would temporary or permanent lose his sense of touch and pain, or even sense of coordination where he would thrown off-balance by shocking his exposed ears.

If White Eye were to be protected by a barrier, or some sort of defensive layer of skin? The second his fist had landed against his body, calculations would be quickly processed and forces the vibration to form an attraction to the victim's atoms that is focused behind his fist, creating a compression effect that focuses the forces in the area, and friction that glides the layer would create a temporary magnetic field by the heat caused through friction between the atoms disturbed by the vibrations screeching through his body, forcing the electric shock to compress into his fist as well. With another push right into White's body again before the concentrated force would most likely be able to puncture right through his defense and right into his body, creating the same effect as the previous in order to deal maximum damage against his enemies, to the point where even last-minute counterattack was planned to keep up his own pace of combat. With silence ensuing the battlefield by his offensive stance, he keeps on with his attack as this wasn't all of it.

With a grip of his Annihilator, still existing to his right hand since he took a grip back against it after his assault against the Iramasha, this weapon, the next generation after the original Annihilator, had a huge improvements for it to become far more monstrous than it previously was, simply put; a weapon capable of mass destruction if put into a proper use. Well, some might think what can he do with a mere crutch that is attached under his shoulder. Hell, they'd know soon that shit's going to go down. Swinging from the side with all of his might, the Inverse would predict one of three possible outcomes; to be avoided, blocked or smash right into him directly. If avoided to the side or even to the distance? Well, upon missing its target, the weapon itself, not the Inverse himself, would unleash a devastating shockwave where vibrations travels across the air, breaks down the air particles for vibrations to spread even wider for proper coordination, and with the rest would travel in a zig-zag movements in order to effectively split apart the ground beneath both of them, and before the direction where he had swung his crutch, which alone would be enough to force the entire earth before the likes of the swung crutch to burst upwards and even create spikes right out of the earth due to the intense pressure that blew right into the earth, and without enough 'gaps' to release the contained air pressure, would then force spikes to burst outwards and puncture those who are in the way. For White Eye's case, if he had dodged? He would be lifted upwards into the air by the earth beneath him, and even if he was able to avoid the crisis, one special present is that the risen earth would fall upon him, like waves that rises from the sea and falls upon the ground, the shockwave creates a similar effect, where the now-spiked earth would fall right against his body, approximately weighing as much as if a mountain or two had fell upon him. Since the earth covers a huge amount of area around the likes of White Eye, the chances of avoiding it depends on his speed, since it covers for up to a couple of miles wide, it makes it moderately possible to low chances of being able to move out of the way and have his own fate crushed by mother nature. This is truly the terrifying power of the Nightmare, and coming from the Inverse himself, this guy doesn't hold anything back to crush these fragile beings.

Next up to the plate? Another Iramasha, Aish Iramasha. Letting out a light huff, his body cracked the earth beneath him again, and his body flashed right before Aish, the same method used when he approached the likes of White Eye, just by manipulating the air beneath his feet. Yes, appearing before she had fired her Chaos Blast at the being she aimed before? In her endowing rage, a leg would only be seen stretching out in mid-air, a limb, flesh and bone, taking nothing but risk on its way in that destructive blast that intended to obliterate the demon that had harmed the girl's 'allies', but afraid not, because from here, this girl's true opponent would be him and himself alone, no one else than himself, and the Inverse would cross his fingers and words for that from the second he made that move. With a sleight of hand, his leg would move at an extraordinary speed, with an obliterating force that smashes right against the approaching blast directly, that his leg may be flesh and bone, but what really is reckoned with is his strength, and that force alone would most likely evaporate the entire blast out of existence with nothing but a mere kick of his, a force that came from nothing but a mortal, a human that has a limited lifespan.

After a direct contact with the blast, his brain would process the firepower and force that crashed into his leg, and fire the neurons in his brain to re-process, filter, re-create and form an equation that soon became the 'information' for his muscles to counter-react against such force and involuntarily act upon its own to expand and contract, controlling the given energy exerted from his body and unleash a vibration of force that would travel across the outer layer of the blast to break apart its atoms at an atomic level which supports the physical structure of the blast, and meeting at the edge of the blast, it would then impale an internal force at the core of the blast, forcing the 'connection' between the user and the energy to be severed, like someone who has lost an internet connection from their computer, a situation that can compare with it, and using the remains of the force that his feet blasted within a direct hit, would create a piercing effect that would be capable in splitting even an espada-level cero as long as he is able to calculate and re-modify the force given to split such blast into half, and comes the shockwave from the accelerating vibrations to evaporate the rest of structure by disturbing the atoms' physical formation that made it 'solid' and 'contains energy', countering against its kinetic energy and making use of its velocity by redirecting it with an even greater force. The chances may not be 100%, but consider that he made a throughout calculation with such cases, the chances are most likely that it would be evaporated out of the way. Though, his leg can be seen with a slight burn mark, since it still took him time to re-adjust his muscles before redirecting a strong force right back at her.

His eyes locked onto her direction, after he handled out the other two individuals, this was the only word he blurted out of his mouth with no sense of humor, neither was there any pity for her 'injured comrades'. Only focused in the likes of Iramasha, his tone and words were both as cold as ice, as if mocking their efforts in trying to stop the Black World from expanding and influencing the reality. "Quiet down, Drama Queen.". This was the Inverse, no longer the 'nice guy' like his originator was, the crimson-haired man was simply dark and twisted, the pinnacle of insanity in the face of humanity. The Iramasha and her parrot, whatever that is, its more annoying than a dog barking during nap time. Regardless whether these two are mortals or immortals, with his experiences, he'll just rip the space apart himself if he had to, because unlike his so-called 'original', nothing can hold him down to do such feats which Sou, his originator, can never hope to achieve what himself, the Inverse, can do with nothing but his bare hands.

With that out of the way? It was time to clear out the scraps. First move, strike her down, with what? Well, with lightning. Although that is a bit of an exaggeration, of course, for his own caliber, this is possible for him to naturally summon a lightning out of nowhere, and he can do it not from the clouds, but right out of the ground. We all have seen once of the experience of ground-to-cloud lightning, although it is an artificial occurrence, HE can make it natural, with just a little adjustments to the positive charges of electrons beneath the earth, which seems to be a neutral charge. How? All of the process happens in an almost instantaneous rate. The Inverse starts it off by producing friction in the ground between his crutch and the earth beneath it, like two stones hitting each other to produce sparks that can produce fire on a wood, this plays the same phenomena where he intentionally ignites a spark against the ground and guides it towards the Iramasha, however, not AGAINST her, but guiding the light electric current to circulate around her beneath her feet, and then? No, not the lightning suddenly coming upwards and strike her down, but considering the amount of friction produce and having the vibrations to guide its way, the speed is at a rate where fire would start, and having leaving cracks against the ground as the vibration travels, the earth around her feet would burst, and a surprise, wall of fire began to erupt around her. He clearly knew that it won't work on her, considering the bird she is using is fire-based in many obvious ways, but it weren't defensive or offensive, just there as a show and for him to coordinate her. During the circulation and before the flames erupted, the process done was to attract positively-charged electrons in a circular formation, where in that area would have more positive charges than negative characters beneath her feet, and flames erupts as a show to keep her entertained, and because of that, the real thing emerges. The lightning would strike upwards, and these flames? Emitting electromagnetic waves, it was to bring the maximum effect of the lightning strike upwards from the ground where the flames 'contains' the lightning within the specific area on its weak magnetic field without causing mass damage to the rest of the surroundings, the power of a billion volt, and the heat from the plasma would simply leave some permanent scar on her if she weren't careful with her merry little steps.

If the bird came along? Before it was able to get near an inch to the Iramasha, the Inverse would make an attempt to make an attempt to make a quick dash towards the bird. Regardless of how hot its flames are? Energy begins bombarding across his left hand and arm, and by loading it with an enough energy, it would implode on itself and instead of having the muscles to unleash that strength, it 'pushes' the force back out internally within his hand, instead of being absorbed and released outwards by his muscles to the outer layer of his skin, it makes the chainsaw effect more effective by vibrating internally, where not his skin that vibrates, but his muscles that experiences the vibrations, and with his skin in a direct contact of his muscles, it gives him a strong advantage where both internally and externally, his hand would be vibrating at a rate where his entire arm would be like a living chainsaw attached right inside of him, as if anything try to severe his entire arm would find their sword either snapped into two or heavily damaged before they get to slice it off. But no, wherever possible that the bird or phoenix's neck may be, the Inverse would grab right at it, and instead of cutting right off, he would force the vibrations right into the being's body, causing it to explode from the inside and unleashing another series of vibrations that would hold enough explosive force to erase the remaining flames that may scatter around. If it regenerates? Well, a little surprise where the vibrations would be under dense state, and unable it to contain its semi-physical state on its own, beginning to collapse on itself, like a black hole collapsing, everything would be sucked in at a force as if something.. extremely dense had dragged the regenerating bird right back into that single point, compressed in a single dot where it had collapsed, and before it was able to explode, its waves and vibrations would be broken down into nothing and erasing its own existence before being able to release that dense energy that it was unable to contain on its own. While it may be physically impossible, however, vibrations that is within semi-physical and wave-like state makes it an unstable matter and eventually, collapse when it becomes too confused with its 'existence'. However, the successes of this happening would be 50/50, whether it either collapses and erases its own existence, or releases an energy of vibration capable to rival even a nuclear bomb that could injure almost everyone, especially the Inverse himself as he took the risk of doing so.

With the Iramasha settled, that ends with one last card on the line, the maid. Nothing too personal, that he would take things lightly on his own way and settle it with a single attack. His eyes shifting around the area when the girl stood far out of the battlefield, and considering the intensity of the battlefield, only hers do not overtake the heat of the battlefield. Hence, he took up his crutch upon the air, and with a swing? Vibrations collected at the tip of the crutch by blasting the force of his vibrations into the crutch and have it compress at the tip of the crutch, and a swing would fire it off like a bullet travelling at speeds that is capable of breaking the sound barrier due to its small size, yet its firepower can definitely demolish a building or leave a beautiful, punctured hole to a mountain and split it into half for it to collapse. While it wasn't anything great, the Inverse didn't have time to waste on beings that cannot step into the battlefield with much of power. Hence, if the individual could escape from a transparent vibration fired in the shape of a bullet that moves faster than the speed of sound? Well, a small applaud, a warning that the Inverse would do more than just a bullet to obliterate whoever that stands in his way, man or woman, adult or children, everyone and everything, the embodiment of Nightmare.

Dusts cleared, and enemies dealt with. All he did was to maintain his position and stand on a fighting stance, preparing to deal with attacks that may either surprise him or overwhelming. The return of the Nightmare, with his Inverse standing over the battlefield, they shall meet the true Nightmare himself, the darkness that dwells deep within the soul that once lingers in the original's heart. Yes, prepared for them to come at him with all they've got, he is ready to crush their skulls and let them know who's truly the monster in this battlefield, a human that surpasses the limits of his race and far beyond the knowledge of the world's capability to understand his strength. This is why the original was once so infamous before his death, surviving the likes of the Demon Queen and even lived so long beyond all the fights against many mighty beings, this time, the Inverse won't go down so easily like his originator. Nightmare strikes once again with his voice roared the battlefield full of confidence.

"Show me what you shitheads got, because if you want a monster, you've got one right here, because if you try to destroy the darkness that lingers here, yours might taste plainer than mine, fucking brats!"

Template By: [THEFROST]

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Sun Apr 26, 2015 10:09 am
((OOC: Posting today with Aki, sorry about the delay. My muse just jumped from reading Sou's post, so I'm going to get on this.))

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

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Sun Apr 26, 2015 11:10 am
Blue eyes watched as the fighting started, a sigh leaving her lips. Fighting wasn’t her calling, truly it wasn’t. She did not like being the aggressor, she was a defender if anything. However, the iramasha required her help, and so she would fight even if it meant possibly wiping out the individuals who lived in this reverse realm. Her long, pure white hair flowed behind the woman as she walked forward, moving from beyond the edge of the fighting towards the battles happening. She had to protect her kind, even if it meant fighting against this new world. Her barefoot steps barely made a sound as she proceeded forward, glancing at the pixie like creature that floated near her shoulder.

The she felt it, the sheer bloodlust that radiated from the newcomer causing her to stop dead in her tracks. It was only from the helpful mental comments of the pixie like creature floating next to her that she did not outright cower in fear. No, she definitely was not suited for battle, and it was only through the help of her friend that she would make it. Letting out a low groan as the bastard who had appeared prepared to attack Cirno Iramasha, she wished she was prepared to deal with the red haired man. However, her strength was so far below those that surrounded her, she was simply too weak. For the first time in her life, Aki wished she had trained harder, pushed herself farther then she had. No longer was control her goal, but the sheer capability to deal with anyone who attacked those she cared about.

With a burst of energy her hair turned from pure white to a deep gold color. Glaring at the man who dared to attack her comrade, plants began to spring of everywhere within 30 meters of the female. Aconite, Dendrocnide moroides, Hippomane mancinella, these three plants made up the sudden dense plant life that surrounded her. Growing well beyond their normal measures, the Hippoman mancinella easily reaching a thousand feet in height before it stopped growing. As the female moved forward plants continued to sprout up around her, her face hard even as the screams of pain from those who had been too close to her and had come in to contact with her plants reached her ears. Ignoring the screams, not caring whether they were friend of foe, she glared up at the red haired male as multiple Aconite plants shot upwards, as if obeying her will, trying to wrap themselves around every portion of his body. Just touching the man’s skin would be enough for this deadly plant to inject its poison in to his body.

At the same time her left arm stretched out, the plants she had grown moving away to make space for her, for none would dare come close enough to poison their creator. As the fairy like creature flew towards the clearly insane red head, shooting towards him like a bullet out of a gun, purplish goo suddenly surged from Aki’s shoulder to cover her arm completely. A wince escaped the angel iramasha despite her best attempts to hide the mental agony she was feeling. Dripping away, the goo revealed a starkly different arm then Aki had before. Halfway down her upper arm it became a dark purplish color, and her arm slowly began growing in circumference at that point. Small tubes sprouted from her upper arm, about three quarts the way between her shoulder and elbow, before snaking up to her shoulder and anchoring their other ends in to her skin there. Her lower arm covered in dark purple, almost pitch black scales, lead to a hand three times its normal size. The hand was not covered in the scales as her lower arm was, however her finger nails had turned in to huge black claws, sharper than any blade could hope to be.

Shoving her arm outwards towards the form of the nightmare, a lance of pure force shot from her hand and was aimed towards the nightmare himself just as his leg went to attempt to destroy Aish Iramasha’s blast. The sheer power of the blast was nothing to what the nightmare could output, but that wasn’t Aki’s true goal. No, the blast was simply a distraction, an invisible blast of force, but not what she had been aiming for. For in fact, as the blast shot towards the nightmare, tiny needle like forms of pure force broke off from the main blast. Smaller than even the atoms that made up the body of this human, these billions of miniscule blades had another goal: infiltrate the body of Sou Yuuki. Attempting to slip themselves between the atoms that made up the nightmare’s body, and travel towards the beast’s heart. There they would come together, forming a blade within the human’s own heart and attack it from the inside, the tiny blade of pure force puncturing a hole between the nightmare’s heart and lungs. This was her plan, to form a pathway between his heart and lungs, causing him to drown in his own life giving liquids as it poured from his heart in to his long. Granted, this was not a foolproof plan as to control the pure force that finely was near impossible for her, even with the release of her dream arm enhancing her telekinetic power. No, she was relying on chance for the plan to work completely. At best case scenario it would work perfectly as planned. Worst case scenario, the tiny needles of force hit only atoms making up his muscles, bones, and skin, giving him microscopic injuries that would not benefit her in a fight.

Panting softly from the exertion of energy, Aki Iramasha looked around. She needed to prepare for the next round of her assault, all she could do for now was look around and watch to see what happened. Sweat dripped down from her creased forehead as she attempted to keep the look of pain from her face. She would not fall, she would survive, she would make sure all her comrades survived. For now though, she had to watch and plan, preparing for the next attack.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

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Strike The Core: The Iramasha's Bolt For The Kora A'ina [Black World Event] Empty Re: Strike The Core: The Iramasha's Bolt For The Kora A'ina [Black World Event]

Sun Apr 26, 2015 2:53 pm

I'd go ahead and say that this thread has met enough filled slots for now. Therefore, I'm going to lock out this thread and prevent any new characters from joining. I will get my post out in the next 1-5 days; six days at most if my muse or energy is really low.

Strike The Core: The Iramasha's Bolt For The Kora A'ina [Black World Event] WVMWLOu
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