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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Shadow Eclipse: The Horizon Of Darkness Beacons [Black World Arc Event] Empty Shadow Eclipse: The Horizon Of Darkness Beacons [Black World Arc Event]

Sat Apr 18, 2015 7:18 pm


Artist: S² Works - Song: Borderline Case - Word Count: 1726

Far, far away in the edges of The Kokuryuteshi's Inverse world laid the darkness of The Kora A'ina of Yang. It tainted the land by making the trees, the skies, the soil and everything and everyone it touched -- black. The further one ventured towards this center of darkness, the dimmer things became and the more distorted the world progressed into becoming. There were many sounds of voices that shouldn't be there. In fact, they were out right cries for help, screams of bloody murder and sobs of the utmost sorrow.

Indeed, something was amidst in this land of endless night and infinite darkness. Explosions rang in the distance, the skeletons of those long deceased plagued the land and the sensation that something ominous was lurking in the distance had been all to strong for the likes of Kin Iramasha to ignore. So, it is for this reason that he chose to embark on this venture into The Kora A'ina of Yang to resolve this incident the best way that he could.

Prior to his leave, however, he did send notice of his departure to this realm to those within The Kokuryuteshi and Monsuta alike. This was because the male felt that it was up to those with the utmost of faith in their abilities to decide to follow him or not into this unknown world and unforeseen danger. To his gut instinct? There was something lurking in these lands that just wasn't right and sent a chill down his spine. So, from this sense of urgency, the male placed this as a classified and extremely dangerous mission with only those who are willing to risk their life should partake in.

Therefore, with those matters out of the way, it did not take the male long to arrive on the scene of destruction. Walking through the murky depths of the cold and barren desert, the only source of light to be found for many miles on end was the illuminating glow of the Iramasha's golden and white spiritual aura. It highlighted the males robust and tone physics, while the bronze skin of the male became more easy to be seen through the darkness all around him.

With his amber eyes scanning the area for another target, there was no visiable threat to be discerned for the time being. The only thing that the male saw was outright decay and death. From the sky above, a bird was seen flying in the heavens, only to be brought down by the horrid miasma of this realm and reduced to a pile of liquid remains.

So, quite like a virus, this influence was tainting his land and it brought forth a feeling of uneasiness in the male. While he heard wind of his daughter's hot-headed and victorious speech, Kin did not feel as gung-ho or furious about this event. In fact, it was rather odd that the male would feel anything close to resembling anxiety, but something just didn't feel right in his mind.

Despite these worrying thoughts, The Devil Iramasha wouldn't have much time to reflect on them. Within a flash of silver light, four entities compromised of pure energy materialized behind him. All of them resembled formless, feminine figures and each of them had a golden a flare of golden radiance where their eyes and mouths should be.

"So, you've come..."

Those were the only words Kin felt like expressing as each of these figures gave an affirming nod to his words. And, it was for the better. After all, they were here on a mission in order to deal with this poison corrupting and contorting their world.

Therefore, they all took flight and began venturing deeper into the heart of The Kora A'ina of Yang. The skies were darkening more and more, but there was still enough visibility, with enhanced vision, to see through the terrain. They were approaching what appeared to be a volcano and Kin could sense the disturbance at the apex point of the elevation before him.

Oddly, though, there was still not confrontation. This was off-putting to him due to the fact that he already received word that his daughter and other entities who attempted to fight off Kora A'ina's in separate realms would have already encountered some form of opposition at this point. So, by means of deduction, he could only deduce that the worse was yet to come.



In that damning sound, the instincts of The Iramasha did prove to be correct. There was an earth-shattering screech that scratched itself into the very fabric of existence and sought to claw out the souls of those who dared come this close. It made the body of Kin stiffen, but not falter. To him? He'd hold his place in the universe and keep the souls of those who followed him steady with the pull of dominant power that his energy was known for.

Yet, even with all of that withholding him physically, there was something mentally that was making him -- unnerved. It wasn't that he was afraid to fight, that couldn't be it. More, there was a dread that something horrid was about to occur. This feeling, no, this thought just kept replaying infinitely over and over in his mind as the heartbeat of The Iramasha increased. There was no signs of this worry outward, but his spirit was very on edge.

Clenching his fist to rid himself of this tension, The Embodiment of K-World himself watched as the exhibition of The Inverse World came to its own peaking point. From out of the blood-red lava arose -- a family. Yes. A family! This caused the mouth of Kin to open slowly and his face to wash over with mild surprise as he un-clenched his fist.

Why the reaction? The first to emerge from this pool of negativity had been -- himself. The males skin was as black as tar, eyes filled with a darkness more empty than space and hair as red as blood itself; but it was very much -- himself. Even down to wearing the same minimalist clothing as Kin since he adorned only a pair of reddened pants and nothing else.

And, what is more, the inversed copy of his own daughter soon emerged as well. Black hair, pale skin, crimson eyes and black and purple clothing were words that described her appearance. While more normal than his own counterpart, it still played tricks on his mind as this splitting image of Sing Iramasha disturbed him. Especially given the wicked smile she gave for her "counter" father.

While, even further behind, the sight of a bronze skinned couple could be see. Each of them had ashened hair, toned physiques and wore only tattered, black sewn clothing that covered their shoulders, chest and upper legs. And, while their eyes may have been sealed shut, Kin understood who they were outright. It struck a disarray of emotions in his heart, but he wouldn't have time to process them as his counter part began speaking out loud.

"I'd like to first think you for allowing my existence to become a reality. You conquer, conquer and conquer and think not once of the effect you've plagued these realm with. From this negligence, I was allowed to thrive and now I've sought to do the same to your realm."

The voice of the male was loud, crazed and it sounded as if he were outright homicidal with the cackle he ended with. The unrestrained element of his persona further came forth as an explosion of red and black energy erupted from him and more of the realm started to roar, buckle and screech to life with a variety of sounds that were audible to him during the invasions, wars and battles that the likes of K-World embarked on during their conquest.

Then, like a bat out of hell, the replica of Sing Iramasha leap into action and sought to tear her "father" to pieces as she let out a similar burst of laughter. Ready to unleash a wave of black and crimson energy upon the group of K-World's finest, Kin still seemed to be in a daze, but his energized knights leaped into action and swatted the energy blast and sing back to the lava with her corrupted family.

"Hehehe. Damn. I really wanted that hit. I've had all this bloody rage pent inside of me for centuries to unleash on your sorry ass. After all, you left me to fend for myself as a babe and expected me to learn on my own. So just let me repay the favor and finish the job the Soul King tried to do!"

Grinning with sheer delight, another burst of reddened light exploded from her body in the same fashion as her father. Standing next to him, the scarlet eyes of the female turned towards The Saca Dila of Kin and they both nodded as if they confirmed something.


However, the response from Kin was merely silent as he closed his eyes and was determined not to face these distractions. Instead? He'd hold his hand out and send an eruption of gold and white energy towards the figures in order to vaporize them from his sight.

There was no way these creatures were going to get into his mind that simply, and it was no doubt that this battle was going to be easy now. As, on the horzion, the reinforcements of the Inversed K-World Armiata were on the way and there were thousands of them in their ranks. They were coming from the air and the ground and they were all craving blood.

However, as with all conflicts, he'd endure and see it through to the end. Even if his heart, mind and soul were now disturbed in this balance and faced with the mistakes he's made over the years. So, with a heavy sigh, Kin prepared for the smoke to settle and for the replicas to begin their plan. If nothing else, he knew that if these beings were defeated, the chance to obtain the Kora A'ina would be realized as he could feel this gem as if it were right in front of them.

The only question that remained in his mind was -- did he have to open himself to this ugly perception to get it?

Shadow Eclipse: The Horizon Of Darkness Beacons [Black World Arc Event] WVMWLOu
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Shadow Eclipse: The Horizon Of Darkness Beacons [Black World Arc Event] Empty Gilgamesh's Spears

Sun Apr 19, 2015 12:09 am

    credits: Template by PerfectFallacy
    words: 1486
    status: Gilgamesh | Perfect | Combat | Angered
    notes: Gilgamesh gonna smack a bitch. With a spear. And a spear. And two more spears. Lots of spears. And then some swords. Wielded by GHOSTS. Because reasons.

Shadow Eclipse: The Horizon Of Darkness Beacons [Black World Arc Event] GilgaEnt1

"First and foremost of the Iramasha families, stand your ground!"

A jovial voice released as high in the sky, a flash of pure golden light streaked forwards. It rapidly darted across the sky like a UFO, crossing back and forth as it finally came to a stop, the colossal ship stopping just short of where the King of K-World was standing down below.

"Look up, and behold!" Behind that declaration was the man sitting in that cockpit, looking outwards with his ever present smile. This terrific ship which had appeared was known as the Vimana, an flying machine crafted by the Incan tribes of long ago. Made of pure gold, it utilized matrixes of green power to sustain itself in flight, creating a series of forces that kept the ship perfectly in balance. Light emerged from it in every direction, and sitting in the simple cockpit, which was truly only a throne, was the man known as Gilgamesh; the only thing upon the ship that truly was more valuable than the ship itself.

In his left hand was a golden goblet, and his right hand was pressed up against his cheek, as if bored. However, upon his face was definitely the remains of a smile, which may even have given way to a small chuckle. "Kin Iramasha! I saw this despicable shadow advancing towards my garden! Therefore, accept this gift! The King of Heroes shall invest the use of his sacred armaments to your cause! Ahahaha!!" That dominating laughter was released, as sudden cries could be heard in the distance.

As he had flown over the advancing army, dodging and weaving the attacks that seemed to be in slow motion, the Gate of Babylon had opened a single time. Out of that single portal had emerged the treasured spear known as Kaziliki Bey: The Impaler Lord. Once wielded by Vladimir of Russian fame, this spear was raising a certain amount of shock and awe from the advancing army.

This was primarily from the fact that spears had shot up out of the gruond like a terrific forest of blades, spearing and skewering as the holy weapons rose like great banners in the sky, waving flags of carnage and blood. Very slowly, the man in his flying ship began to move his right hand away from his chin, slowly unraveling his fingers as the Vimana suddenly vanished, as if it were a wind.

The only thign that could be seen in its wake was the great streaks of green light that it left behind, a mystical green which invoked curiosity nad a sense of wonder. Such was the reaction to this spaceship held within the King of Heroes' arsenal. "Foolish… mongrels…!" The Golden King snarled as his ship stopped over the advancing forces once more, before looking down at the Saca Dila's of the royal family with contempt.

"Despicable filth unfit to be called even human…" The Sugiura growled as on either side of the ship, golden lines began to stretch out. From the back of the Vimana, extending outwards in thirteen miles in each direction, great golden lines sketched patterns and sigils throughout the air. At last, the entire structure was complete, as Gilgamesh stared the whole lot of them down. Staring over at the one who had taken the form of Sing, the first spear emerged.

Vasavi Shakti shot out from behind his chair, flying directly for the Negative Iramasha. What actually appeared to be chasing her, however, was a bolt of pure lightning. This was what the holy spear of Indian legend was known for; its powers of pursuit. Its existence was one of speed and grace; and once it impacted into its target, it typically shattered what it came into contact with such force that it caused disruptions down to the atomic level. To say what the explosive force of its impact would be, even without the added benefit of being launched from the Gate of Babylon at several dozen times the speed of sound, would be very difficult. The lightning which enveloped it was actually its armor. This armor was on par with that held by the Golden Hero himself, therefore making it extremely difficult to stop the spear with defenses or offensive maneuvers. In addition, any energy remaining in the spear by the time it reached its target would be converted into more offensive output, further increasing the impact of the weapon onto its target.

From the second portal, and moving quickly towards the Saca Dila essence of Kin, was the spear known as Gáe Dearg. Known for its ability of cancellation, Gáe Dearg pierces through with cancellation any kind of supernatural attack or ability. Especially considering the nature of the Saca Dila and that even their entire realm consisted of unnatural substances, this weapon would likely be very effective. Sent flying from the Gate of Babylon as it was, it would take less than a second for it to reach from Gilgamesh's chair several meters in the sky to where Saca-Kin's heart lay, attempting to run it through. However, this was not the only spear that was flying towards Kin; it was followed closely by its brother, Gáe Buidhe; the curse of clerics. Gaé Buidhe would ensure that any damage which it dealt would be made 'unable to heal', cursing the wound and making it only fester worse if attempted to be recovered due to the malefic holy energies present within the spear. Both were from Irish legend, and both were used to great effect by the Golden King of Heroes.

At last, he would release a small smile. As he did so, a great clamor would begin to emerge among the advancing Army of the Saca Dila. From the ground all around the soldiers, that same golden nexus had emerged. Kaziliki Bey's effect Impalement of the World was not so crass as to be useful for only destruction. Indeed, it formed its own Gate of Babylon where it struck… meaning that the advancing army was now within the radius of the full onslaught from the Golden King's weaponry. However, he naturally would not choose to use the most important items which he possessed; they were simply not worth it. Instead, he called upon the souls of his bravest knights, the twelve legendary blades which composed the Sacred Weapon Bite the Dust. These twelve swords moved as if by divine hands, slashing into the army from its core as they slowly attempted to build a perimeter, as if forcing the enemy soldiers away. Each became rapidly drenched with blood, striking against man and metal as the meisterless swords clashed against their opponents. Each time they clashed against a Zanpakutō or similarly released weapon, their unique property of 'Disharmony' would activate, beginning to break the connection between wielder and blade, possibly cancelling out Shikai and Bankai rapidly as they struck from all directions.

Meanwhile, Gilgamesh himself slowly began to stand from his throne as the ship which he was riding in slowly landed, the ship vanishing in a smattering of gold dust along with all the other treasures he had used thus far, except for the spears that had been created by Kaziliki Bey. Looking directly at the opposing Kin, he began to smile as his eyes widened significantly, terrific rings of gold appearing at his back. Sticking out of these rings were weapon hilts, hundreds upon hundreds of weapons and hilts emerging from behind him as he looked directly at his enemy, lifting one hand high to the sky.

IN that moment, time seemed to pause. The Golden Hero's eyes were filled with the intent of domination and desolation. His opponents abilities were only shadily known; they certainly were not within the Walken Journal. However… they were known to not be natural. So, each of Gilgamesh's weapons had been enhanced, each of those which were from his armory of treasures. Each was enhanced by the essence of Holiness, of Purity. So it was that as Gilgamesh lowered his hand, seven hundred of these blades fired out, travelling at thirteen thousand miles per hour and with enough force to level a city block a piece as they rained down on the group of significant Saca Dila, creating an absolutely gigantic explosion of dust that spread out in every direction as he looked straight outwards, holding both arms at his sides as he laughed at the splendor of the combat, at his achievement.

"So die! Feel blessed! You will be slain by the greatest weapons which have ever been forged beneath the sun! Never again will you know what it means to be pressed in by unassailable power, total and complete force!"

The blood red eyes of the armored man stared his opponents down as his lips parted ever so slightly, letting his perfectly white teeth show as he released a tiny breath, his face full of confidence and anticipation to see the results of his assaults…
Shadow Eclipse: The Horizon Of Darkness Beacons [Black World Arc Event] GilgaExt1


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Shadow Eclipse: The Horizon Of Darkness Beacons [Black World Arc Event] Empty Re: Shadow Eclipse: The Horizon Of Darkness Beacons [Black World Arc Event]

Sat Apr 25, 2015 11:39 pm


Artist: Shiro Sagisu - Song: Enfin Apparu - Word Count: 2370

Well, it seemed that the ungodly Calvary had arrived on the field in the utmost of style and glamour. From upon the moment that The Leader Of K-World heard the cries of his fellow co-leader rushing into battle, that was the same instance he knew that this battle was going to over with a bit more ease and focus. This is because with the two of them fighting against these negative counterparts of Kin's family, each of them stood a fair chance at putting a hole in the plans of this inverse realm with their combined might. As, after all, between the two of them, they could very well destroy a planet if they so wished in the mind of The Iramasha. And, on this dark day, that is what they may just end up doing to this negative sphere called the Inverse Realm.

However, for the likes of Kin's Saca Dila, that man was prepared and ready to unleash all hell the moment that The King of Kings decided to enter the battlefield. Therefore, without wasting time, he was seen reemerging out of the plum of smoke that had coated the lands for as far as the eye could see from The True Kokuryuteshi Realm's Master attack. There was white blood dripping out of the reflective counterparts limbs, many numerous cuts that tore skin deep were seen across the negative males body and all sorts of burns and tattered clothing littered his attire and appearance. Yet, in spite of this, he was still alive and kicking and ready to throw a torn in Gilgamesh's plans.

Therefore, he commanded the taint of this land to begin corrupting the vessel which The Gold King rode in. In this way he planned to use an element of Death Energy that was thriving in this land from it's demonic corruption in order to bring the maiden ship down. Henceforth, he started the process of outright vaporizing chunks of the massive mammoth known as the Vimana. There would be a cloud of absolute darkness that generated from the realm at the cost of the Negative Kin's energy. From this, the properties behind this decaying miasma yielded the potency to eradicate various physical and spiritual forces in the world with each object or person it touched. It would expand to a mile area and sought to devour Gilgamesh and his vessel whole.

"The help is much obliged, but let's keep our sights on these repulsive rejects. I'm assuming we need to defeat them to stop this event, so let us stay focused."

Those were words were swift and to the point with the way Kin spoke as Gilgamesh made his jovial speech. And truly, The Iramasha Leader was appercaticve to have him come fight by his side, but the current hard-pressed circumstances disallowed for much of this gratitude to be shown. They were in the middle of a war and one could not afford to break his concentration for too long in battle.

Therefore, The Royal K-World Figure decided to hold his hand out and begin spreading in the influence of his own Chaos Energy in order to otherwise cancel out the effect. Unfortunately, the likes of Sing Iramasha's corrupted counterpart started to emerge from the shadows. From the previous assault earlier, Kin did manage to inflict a fair amount of damage to the woman's body. There were many of the same injuries her foul father sustained from The Kokuryuteshi's Leader assault, but she managed to somehow come in contact with the Inverse Realm and commanded it to forge a shield to lessen the effects and boost her energy.

Thus, in this way, she found herself teleporting to wave of light that The Devil Iramasha sent at the Saca Dila's eroding mist. Clapping her hands together, The Rotten Daughter decided to neutralize the attack that The Iramasha made before it could reach the likes of Gilgamesh's ship to assist. This was made possible through Sing's body acting as a medium to otherwise direct the course of contained energy that this realm was bathing in. So, at the cost of her own mental and energy reserves, she did manage to counter and cancel out each of their attack in that clash of light and darkness.

In reality, though, this was nothing more than a distraction. In moments, Kin utilized his sacred energy in order to augment his physical capacities to a heightened extent. In a flare of golden light, the man emerged before Sing with his natural capacities boosted by three times and delivered a punch to her throat capable of shattering through dozens of mountains with relative ease. And, as a result, a pained yell exited the mouth of The Hostile Saca Dila and she vomited blood as her body dipped a bit in health.She was then sent flying like a rag doll across the landscape, but managed to recover and heal herself to otherwise null at least twenty percent of the overall damage done to her and recover a quarter of her health as well.


So, while this assault may have been relatively successful, the war was still far from won. Which is why the Saca Dila army prepared themselves for the fierce battle that was surely about to come. When the gates of Babylon emerged? As to did the defenses of the Inverse Realm emerged. Thus, to try and protect its people, the realm itself started assaulting back against Gilgamesh and firing off rows upon rows of destructive red energy blast back at the spears. In spite of this effort, however, the strength behind the spears was too much for the realm to bare and they overpowered it with relative ease.

Granted, The Army was already anticipating this. Therefore, they were able to produce a squadron of archers to otherwise deflect away the spears from their intended course by the enchanting power of The Kora A'ina of Yang. Of course, there were one or two that were decimated by it, but the overall numbers of the men still on the field were relatively strong and static. Therefore, it was up to more of the K-World Reinforcement to make a difference.

From the skies above, ships that took up the entirety of a one mile perimeter in the sky emerged and started bombarding the area with energized plasma burst that held enough potency to wipe out entire cities with ease. This resulted in heavy numbers of of The Saca Dila army being cut to pieces as they felt the punch from their assault. Bodies scattered the field, fires spread up into the heavens and the war was accelerating in destruction and death!

Then, with the cover of Gilgamesh's next assault, the massive ship was able to then dip back into a portal in order to otherwise avoid being blasted out of the air as the army started trying to vaporize it to pieces. The battalion assumed that they were going to be blasted to smithereens and were given orders to otherwise pullback; while much of the same could have been said for K-World as they started calling in for orders to bring in heavier weaponry to this battlefield.

This is when it all came down to the heavy hitters on the field and they were given the space they needed in order to otherwise settle this dispute at their own leisure and strength. Therefore, the first one to fine themselves behind the menacing stare a dagger -- was Sing Iramasha's Saca Dila! Shooting forth from the Vinama, the Vasavi Shakti, disguised as a bolt of pure electricity, trusted itself in the pathway of the girl. The speed in which it moved was astounding, so much so that the girl barely had time to evade and got grazed by it. This resulted in a deep rooted pain that caused her overall health to dip and the production of spiritual energy to lower within her. However, she'd expel it's supernatural crushing elements by expelling the influence away from her body through the Inverse Realm mending and repairing the body of the girl. Breathing heavily, these men proved to be serious combatants, but The Saca Dila of Sing refused to go down that easily and spat venom towards them in the form of a heavy scoff.

Meanwhile, switching to her negative daddy, The Saca Dila of Kin found himself on guard and prepared to deal with what was about to come. With the utmost of reflexes, the male seemed to be able to twist his body to the side in order to evade taking a hit by a spear which yielded the unholy prowess to negate supernatural attributes. Unfortunately, he ended up getting grazed by the second spear and could feel a negative effect beginning to corrupt his body slowly. When that spear hit, the injuries that The Inverse Kin would take on now may seem somewhat more difficult to recover from, but not impossible. Furthermore, they will be moderately more taxing on his body, but can be managed by increasing the output of his energy to otherwise ease the load and strain to a low extent.

And, as it seemed, the K-World Invaders seemed to be making headway. Since, by the time GIlgamesh summoned his divine knights, the collection of Inverse Invaders had already scattered and taken their battles further away from the base as the true Kokuryuteshi soldiers held their own and started making increasing advancements in their goal of vanquishing their foes. Instead? They would find themselves locked in the battle between The Saca Dila of Kin and Sing Iramasha when the daughter summoned a golden sphere of energy to coat a ten mile radius to contain all of the active fighters in. This was to prevent any intruders from entering -- and the current combatants from leaving. Powered by the Kora A'ina of Yang, this shield would also prove to be extremely durable when combined with the prowess of The Princess and the accursed gem working together.


"Die? No. I don't think I'll be doing that today, Gilgamesh. I'm feeling POSITIVELY ALIVE today. So here, why don't you take these toys back and be good, eh?"

Voice sounding more crazed then before, the excitement was boiling in The Inverse Kin's veins and he was ready to start throwing more of his weight around on the battlefield. Therefore, he summoned a large outpouring of spiritual power in order to otherwise produce a tidal wave of crimson energy. It took the form of a tsunami compromised of pure power and it sought to outright obliterate all 700 spears in one blow at the cost of Inverse Kin burning up his energy reverses.

While, at the same time, the true Kin bolted towards the backside of Kin Iramasha for a sneak attack -- only to be ambushed and blocked by Sing Iramasha. Stopping dead in his tracks, The Devil Leader kept his eyes on the prize and continued the strike as he was going in for a punch to the backside of Inverse Kin's neck, but instead had to redirect to Sing's gut. And, with his speed and striking power, The Demon Daughter was brought back down to the ground with a reassuring thud; sending chunks of the earth scattering for miles on end. The woman wasn't out, but she was going to need a moment to compose herself.

But, be that as it may, this all allowed Inverse Kin the time needed to otherwise redirect his tainting energies back on The K-World Leader. And this time, he did not choose to go with a physical assault, but instead, one of the mind and spread a strange miasma around a two hundred feet radius of The Iramasha. Thus, at this point, Kin was thrown into a realm of darkness with a reddened mist in the air. Confused, the male assumed this was an illusion of some kind and thus decided to calm himself and use this as an opportunity to empower himself for the next round of assaults.

However, this would not be the case. Or rather, there would be distress. Like ugly reflections of the past, the images of those whom left him haunted the male. Faces such as Midori Sugiura, Iori Sugiura, Hime Hikifune, Claire Clixx, Shadin Yuudeshi and all those shadows of the Karakura Defenders came rushing into this realm. They started muttering one after another that it was his fault that the world was the way it was, that the pain they lived under was his doing and that the strain of his own mind was the result of his poor choices, actions and commands.

These visuals brought with them a sense of uneasiness to the male, but he couldn't let mere words get to him. Indeed, these words inflicted a minor sense of doubt, but it couldn't be true because the dream the male held in his heart required scarified and this was something he prepared himself for many hundreds of years.Therefore, constantly repeating that line of reasoning in his head, The Iramasha took a deep sigh and started breathing in and out slowly to otherwise dispel it this nightmare of sorts.

So, as Kin began dealing with his own internal conflict, the Saca Dila of Kin turned things up and kept rushing wave after wave of decaying energy towards The Gold King. From his sides, bottom and in every direction his body and ship encompassed? The male submerged it in this reddened mist and sought to vaporize his very existence out of sight. If this male wanted a fight for his inverse dimension? Heh, he'd be more than obliged to make him regret that very choice.

"DIe, die, die, die and stay DEAD. You've got too much nerve to back up the words of killing ME. I'm the subjector of this land and I don't intend to go anywhere anytime soon. All bow to my feet and you will be no exception, you insect."

Thus, with those words melting in the landscape, the next round of the battle began and the ball was in Gilgamesh's court to play with.Where would things lead now? Only mother fate knew that secret.

Shadow Eclipse: The Horizon Of Darkness Beacons [Black World Arc Event] WVMWLOu
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Shadow Eclipse: The Horizon Of Darkness Beacons [Black World Arc Event] Empty Re: Shadow Eclipse: The Horizon Of Darkness Beacons [Black World Arc Event]

Mon May 18, 2015 9:03 am
Cero Telca's
Saca Dila

To find oneself, some believe that it is best to seek out those that are close to that individual, others would think otherwise. The Kora A'ina of Yang shrouded all answers that it presented in shadows, covers, and is never quite as direct as the other core can be. It worked it's magic to give hell to the world that it mirrored, showing them something about their own life or what their own life might become. This was not the point at hand however, as the Wrath of the Golden King & the Ruler of K-world fell upon the area that was the core of Yang. During these moment, the Black world called upon another trick to add to the table, a crafty trump card, something that they had no regrets in using against the pair of kings. So as the area of the world changed and fluctuated, a new presence found it's way on to the battlefield. To the dwellers of K-world it would feel as if it was so far away, but it only drew closer and closer. The being that made up this presence would also only seem to multiply in numbers as the show continued down it's intended path.

From the darkness of their own world, the first thing to emerge from it, would not be beings, for arrows made of black energy, fired by the being's duplicates, soared into the sky, driving towards possible targets. It was thousands of arrows that flew from the sky, they grew closer with a great deal of speed upon Kin Iramasha. At least, a thousand or so arrows starred him down, showing the strike of a being that held no intentions of holding back towards the pair of kings. As for the Golden King, a similar case, of at least a thousand arrows joining in and firing up the King, his vessels and even more to bring to attention so the weapons that he commanded were also coming under fire. These arrows could without a doubt be identified as being from someone that could wield a bow very much like a quincy. The power behind them was also not to be doubt as they were shot with speed, strength, and skill of an elite, one of those that were among the peak of the world's power. Should any of the arrows connect properly, they could lead to moderate damage on the mark of the person or thing that is fired upon. Added on to this, the weapons that Gilgamesh could and have fired upon his enemies can be forced off course by the likes of the arrows.

Everything that the quickly approaching being sensed, made him quite excited in anticipation of what was to come next as he arrived upon the true battlefield that was before him. While he could be sensed by the likes of Kin and Gilgamesh, the Kora A'ina did it's best to conceal his quickening approach and ambushing barrages of arrows. The being only found disappointment in the diminishing conditions of his allies, most specifically that of the Inverse Kin and Sing Iramasha. He could understand that they were facing off against quite powerful adversaries, but none the less, they should be to hold their own home turf much better than this. He would have to work with what he got though, it was a matter of getting through this, for so long as they survived in the end, then they would be the victorious ones in his book. He also considered the fact that he most likely wouldn't be here in this Inverse world if it weren't for that fact. The Inverse being felt practically touched that the Black Worlds decided that he was the best choice for assisting in the defeat of the pair of kings. He was one that didn't plan to let it down, even with the odds that were presented, and things looked skewed as they were.

The Saca Dila of Cero Telca appeared upon the battlefield with no delay as he dashed straight into the zone in time for the barrier that was now being placed around them. His very being dashed through the sky at extreme speeds, showing that he was truly going to be giving this his all. Within one hand of Inverse Cero, was the signature Zanpakutō that he wielded in close combat, while in the other hand, energy flowed greatly. If one was to look upon this inverse being to spot all of the differences between himself and the original, the first would notice the snow white hair that he possess compared to the originals black hair. Notably, his Yayjuu unform was altered as well, instead of sporting the symbols of the Yayjuu, it had an inverse symbol of the Vandenreich. Upon his face was a smile of confidence, and in some consideration of ignorance towards his opponents, he carried on with great haste.

That energy flowing within and around his hand was something of great interest as it continued to grow as he moved forth, one could considered it, to be shaping up like a cero. This particular cero though, fed greatly off of the environment, feeding not only off of Cero. It grew in power a great deal from the sounds of blows being dealt across the battlefield, the cries of death and destruction on both sides. But finally, the Black World itself fed energy into the cero. Once everything was set, he would find himself in the middle of the action, pointing out the cero towards Gilgamesh's presence and his ship. This was one of his signature attacks, as it worked along all of his energy and resources that were available to him as he forged it. Noting that corruption could of onset to the ship from Inverse Kin, this attack can be the finishing blow for it. Now, the cero fired out with strength greater than a Gran Rey Cero, for this was the War Cry Cero, showing the strength of it's creator, the black world, and the sounds of war. Show it strike as intended, it would give massive damage ot Gilgamesh's ship and even Gilgamesh himself could very likely find himself having trouble against the likes of this cero's damaging power.

"Begone, you kings, your ways are old and oppose this world, let us from ways of the new and reforged, overtake you!" The Inversed Cero would exclaim as the cero was fired. This Inverse of Cero would not be idle in his battles, he would strike and drive forward without pause as he had no regrets of his actions as he tried to protect his world. He was on guard as he observed the other combatants that were present, from his position above, he wondered how he could use it to his advantage. Then, his attention shifted to the likes of the other opposing King, Kin Iramasha shrouded in a mist, red in color. He watched closely for an opening to strike but he supposed that it would likely never come around for awhile. With the simple snap of his fingers, a large maneuver was put into motion as echos of sound emerged form the Black world, they too were improved in the presence of their home, taking strength from it. They would take upon their bows forming an archery line, the ten of them, noting the knights that the golden king had brought forth, his echos were intending to dispatch them or at the very least take there attention as arrows would fall down from the sky upon them.

These arrows would at the very least force them to defend upon the attack from the sky that was coming down upon them. Cero kept his Zanpakutō drawn, still watching the mist that covered Kin Iramasha, he knew that this would be his opponent.

"This is the war that we have long desired!" The Inverse of Cero claimed for the black world.

"We shall stand victorious and change all worlds!" The Inverse added for a finish.

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Sun May 24, 2015 3:51 pm

    credits: Template by PerfectFallacy
    words: 1749
    status: Gilgamesh | Flawless | Combat | Mussed
    notes: Gilgamesh has to choke a bitch.

Shadow Eclipse: The Horizon Of Darkness Beacons [Black World Arc Event] GilgaEnt1

"What they are fighting for… that is the true measure of a being. And yet… these beings have naught to fight for. They lack even the smallest of worth… for they are negative. How woefully tragic." The King commented as the negative vessel began to coat around his Vimaya, prompting the gentle rippling of space accompanied by the Gate of Babylon to emerge as he reached one hand outwards, gripping a single bottle as he turned it over. As he did so, wine began to flow outwards from the clay glass, before it seemed to be influenced by a peculiar force, the wine becoming bulbous as it expanded outwards in every direction, the glass leaving Gilgamesh's hand as the Wine of Matrimony, poured by the Son at the command of his Mother, flowed out and around the corruption, completely eliminating it as a clear white light pulsed around Gilgamesh's craft, protecting it entirely from the negative corruption.

"Pathetic!" The King laughed as his craft rapidly accelerated away from the broken remnants o the corruption, the Vimana bursting away from the negative assault. The white lines of purity extended towards the cloud, flowing within it from its dark tendrils as the cloud became disrupted, before finally dissolving entirely. The Golden King could not help but grin. "'This event'? You make it sound like we're clearing a quest as small children! But perhaps, that is exactly the kind of thing which shall keep this Golden King entertained!" He responded jovially, before his facial features gently darkened.

"War…" Was the single word that passed through his lips as the King of Heroes examined the conflict happening below. He gave a low whistle at the girl who could avoid the initial assault of Vasavi Shakti. As for the man, Gilgamesh's eyes noted that his side had been grazed by the nullifying spear, which would make that wound much more difficult to recover from. It was a good sign.

"I do not recall giving you permission to back-talk, mongrel." The King said with certainty as his arms folded, a frown appearing on his royal lips as he mulled over in his head the many ways to crush this upstart. He thought of a very literal way he could do it, but that method lacked… style. His head turned to the oncoming Tsunami, which made Gilgamesh laugh aloud, deciding that he could still use that method but it would contain significant meaning.

"I am good, Mr. Fake Mongrel. I am the best, in fact." With those words, the Gate of Babylon which had been created below the spears released an item. What was it? It was the Boulder of Midas. Thirteen miles in radius, the tip of the gigantic rock stretched out from the Gate, completely diverting the inverted Kin's tidal wave as it washed away the troops all around the now massive boulder. While this boulder created an absolutely gigantic display, Gilgamesh's eyes were on the other current situation. "Foolish girl. If your father cannot protect himself, then allow him to take his own pain. This is precisely why I view the lot of you as disgustingly weak." The King explained, looking at the inverted beings with extreme disapproval.

He looked at Kin then, and an emotion that did not often stain the Golden King's features presented itself: worry. It was only the shadow of a breeze. But, the emotion was there, as the male opened his mouth wide, releasing the power of his Golden Voice. "Kin Iramasha! Do you have the time to wallow?!" The King asked him in response to that deep sigh, before looking at the decaying energy that was flowing towards him. He reached a single arm up into the air as a hilt appeared in the hand as he grasped it, before his eyes widened and Vimana surged backwards, the King's feet planted firmly to its deck as the shift went into a barreling roll, destroying the single arrow that had whizzed past the Golden King's ear.

"Hmm… this may have just become much more interesting." The King of Heroes muttered to himself as his ship bolted, beginning to approach its full speed as it darted in every direction, dodging the incoming hail of arrows with great skill as it remained just out of reach of the inverted Kin's mist. He could not, however, suppress a chuckle at the great blast that had been sent his way from the Saca Dila of Cero Tecla. "HAHAHA!" He finally let out as he stood up straight, the throne in the middle of the ship vanishing as the Golden King whipped out another weapon from his Gate, pressing it against the bank of the ship as he released a single expression. "Extend."

With that, the pole he was carrying launched, rapidly sending him flying away as he watched his majestic ship become overtaken from the assault of his enemies, the pole that had pushed him off finally vanishing into gold dust along with the debris of his ship as the Golden King sailed gracefully through the air. "Come now, I have already fulfilled that request for the young King Kakeru. You are no new force. You are just leftovers." The King explained to the Cero in the distance.

Meanwhile, the Bite the Dust were now being engaged by Cero's clones, before they rapidly retreated, becoming a swirling circle of thirteen blades as the Golden King snapped his fingers. Instantly, the blades shot through the air, becoming a single golden force before vanishing completely, finally reemerging in a circle around the Golden King's body. His right hand slowly extended, gripping his fingers slowly around the tool as his mouth widened into a smile, before gripping something, a wave of golden dust emerging around his body as he pulled the object forwards, holding it out for all to see.

"Yes, I can see what kind of Kings you wish for your world!" Gilgamesh proclaimed, as he held up the corpse of the Saca Dila of Gilgamesh, the blood still dripping from the throat of its unclothed body. Golden dust covered around his most recently acquired treasure as Gilgamesh's head slowly dipped back, a majestic laugh intoning outwards before he crossed his arms in front of his torso, looking at the scene before him.

Then, the assault began. The Gate of Babylong opened wide as a series of thirty seven axes launched outwards, spinning and sailing with the speed and ferocity that the Gate of Babylon produced, causing them to fly at over thirteen thousand miles per hour. Meanwhile, behind this wave of axes emerged a series of seventy four Shuriken, each with the length of a baseball bat, each lined with a peculiar darkness. They were crafted out of Nullstone, a material which absorbed spiritual energy, light… and sound.

At last, Gilgamesh would turn his body to face the other Kin, reaching his right hand upwards as he faced the incoming red smoke. His face was serene as he grasped the hilt of… something. Pulling it out of the Gate, a peculiar object could be seen. In fact, it was an artifact of such age that it was from quite before the concept of a weapon had been properly defined; leaving this object looking quite… strange. All around its length were ruins, and it was broken up into several parts, the entirety of the object cylindrical with a golden hilt. Holding the weapon before him, Gilgamesh smiled at the incoming wave of red, his mouth opening as he spoke.

"You should feel honored, mongrel. This is Ea, the strongest weapon in existence… and now you shall face its wrath! Enuma… Elish!"

With that cry, the entirety of the Black World would likely fall silent. That would be from the Kora Aina realizing what Gilgamesh held in his hand. It was the Anti-Dimension class weapon, Ea. It tore through the very fabric of space, comrpessing it rapidly before emitting it outwards in an absolutely colossal burst of pure energy and wind, rending the mist and demolishing it as it continued outwards, likely blowing the Saca Dila of Kin away from this small taste of its power.

What was so threatening, however, was the knowledge of what that attack could do. With this tool, Gilgamesh could collapse the very dimension which they held so dear, causing every one of them to break apart and disappear, returning them down to the nothingness of zero, to the time before the intervention of the Big Bang… to 'hell'. Before there was creation, there was nothingness… and Ea's power was to return that nothingness once more.

Slowly, Gilgamesh's arm came back down to his side, the blades that surrounded around his body slowly turning themselves upside down as he began to step forwards, the blades moving faster and faster as he suddenly vanished, his eyes wide and white with power as in his right hand had emerged the legendary blade, Excalibur, and within his left, the legendary shield, Gardna. He had emerged over the girl, his blade coming down with great force as the properties of Excalibur cut with great force towards her body, likely blowing her away. However, Gilgamesh was not done as the shield would then vanish from his hand, the hand reaching down and grabbing her by the throat as he held her up into the air.

"So, here is the real question, little wench… Does your father care enough about you to lay down your weapons in exchange for your worthless life?" The Golden King inquired, no matter where she would have ended up. If that place were in his hand, he would give the troops of the enemy until the count of three. If they did not comply in that time… her neck would be snapped, severed, before thirteen knives would force themselves into her body, and out again, moving with the speed of the Gate of Babylon as they would cut and pierce her entire form hundreds and thousands of times, before the blades of Jack the Ripper would finally come to a halt, Gilgamesh dropping his prey as he beheld the gathered remnants.

"All of you are strugging uselessly… I will give you one chance to surrender, and only one. Should you decline, then I will have no choice but to have each and every one of you slaughtered, your pale crimson staining the field of your existence before finally taking everything you hold dear in this world… and reducing it to nothing. The choice is yours. But whatever you choose… that responsibility shall remain on your shoulders!"
Shadow Eclipse: The Horizon Of Darkness Beacons [Black World Arc Event] GilgaExt1


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
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Mon Jun 15, 2015 9:20 am
[adm]Okay, seeing how I've given myself enough time to post, I'm going to go ahead and give myself a four day deadline. If I fail to get Inverse Kin, Kin and inverse Sing's post up? Then you all can go ahead and consider them defeated. Inverse Kin would have been slain by Gilgamesh, Inverse Sing would have retreated into the shadows and Kin himself would struggle with his hearts darkest thoughts until the fog Inverse Kin lifted and he would have proceeded to carry on with the battle in another location while Gilgamesh handled Inverse Cero.[/adm]

Shadow Eclipse: The Horizon Of Darkness Beacons [Black World Arc Event] WVMWLOu
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Thu Jun 25, 2015 12:41 pm


Artist: 鷺巣詩郎 - Song: Out Of The Dark - Word Count: 2055

The calls of Gilgamesh's voice started to ease into the crimson mist that The Kokuryuteshi Leader found himself entrapped by. In a way, it seemed to awaken his weary minds eye and give him something to anchor itself to. It was a line connecting him back to reality and this connection to The Golden King kept him sane within this sphere of insanity. It reminded his conscious mind that he needed to endure these illusions and not let such doubts consume his mind. While he had indeed mad many mistakes in the past that he deeply regrets, The Devil Iramasha could not afford to let himself stall and be consumed by them any longer.

No. Kin Iramasha needed to act and continue pressing forward. He had a glorious people behind them and he couldn't allow himself to be put to an end here over petty matters of the past. Therefore, a pulsation of desire started to beat within his blazing heart and the illumination of Burning Star's call awakened in his spirit. As images of the numerous citizens of The Kokuryuteshi empire passed in his hand, he knew he had to break through these walls for them and the dreams they left upon his shoulder. While, as visuals of his daughter passed through, he understood that it would be absolutely tragic for her to find that the grand figure that was her father fell to such pitiful tricks.

And, most relevantly, it would be a miserable display of power to be butchered on this spot as The Gold King so valiantly fought. In a way, The Leader found himself somewhat vexed and couldn't allow himself to be shown up in such a way. Hence, with all these thoughts spiraling around Kin's mind like a tornado of mental awakening, the power that lay within him responded and a dazzling amber glow surged around his body. His heart was racing, the fire was growing hotter and this promise of strength just couldn't hold itself any longer.

Thus, in an explosion, the cage which had entrapped him had broken to pieces and the might of Kin Iramasha was once again realized. All throughout the lands of the Inverse World, the blackened and red skies shattered and nothing but rays of white light and golden clouds could be seen for as far as the eye could see. It seemed, in that instant, the influence Kin had over The Kokuryuteshi realm -- was seeping into this world as well. He was vaporizing the corruption, ceasing its fusion of its realm with his own and throwing his weight around as a mighty king should.

Yet, what was more important to him internally was dealing with his reflective self. That is, the Saca Dila of Kin Iramasha seemed to cease in his assaults after the spiritual awakening of The Devil Iramasha came to be. There wouldn't be space for him to even so much as counter or respond to Gilgamesh's attacks. This is because Kin had accepted his inner spirit for what it was, embraced the sins of his past and used it as a tool to keep moving further and improve the world he so desired to see to prevent those scars of the past from ever repeating themselves.

Which meant that Gilgamesh's ultimate attack had not come from EA. No. Instead, what wrote the death warrant for Kin's Inverse were the words that sunk through from The Golden King into The Kokuryuteshi Leader's mind. There was no argument to be found in the fact that he hadn't a single second to waste and he needed to get over this ridiculous self-loathing. If not, The Master of Burning Star may as well had hand over the keys to his inverse self OR Gilgamesh and allow them to do as they wish with his people.

Ergo, with all of these sentiments riding on the backside of this climax, Kin Iramashsa held out his hand and absorbed the essence of his inverse self into him. In this way, the Reflective Self was then seen being dematerialized and broken down atom by atom. However, in spite of this, there was not a look of worry, doubt or fear across the males mind. Instead? There was just one -- of surprise. He was in shock that such an overwhelming feeling had pierced through his self from his originator and he felt -- right. Like this end was the correct path to go. To be consumed by Kin Iramashsa's light? It was -- the correct finale to his life despite how much he had hated him earlier.

Was he under his mental influence at this point? The Inverse Self couldn't determine that. However, there was a definite connection between the two of them and he could tell he was the more powerful one having fought through his internal battle. In fact, this was the Kora A'ina's own power flowing through the Inverse Kin that ceased his moments. As, if nothing else, Kin managed to see through reality and accept it for what it was. Which, in the end, was all the Kora A'ina ever wanted and why it could accept this end.

But, before allowing himself to meet this grand end, there was a sense of concern for his daughter. So the Inverse Kin would turn his self to his offspring and give a gentle smile before turning his eyes back to Kin.

"I see you've finally awoken to what you really are. The Kora A'ina can accept that. And if it can accept that -- then I have no choice but to accept it as well. However, before that happens, I want you to promise me something...."

The voice of Inverse Kin seemed somber, soft and at peace as he closed his eyes and took a heavy breath. He could feel the taint of his own body leaving him in that moment. It was if he was becoming the true essence of Kin Iramasha and there was no point in his existence anymore. Yet, even still, that desire to protect his daughter was still there even in the most corrupted and twisted version of Kin Iramasha. So, he pressed forward.

"I want you to protect this world like you have your own. Keep to your desire, keep to your will and ensure my people reach their salivation like yours have. If you fail to stay true to that -- then I will devour your soul alive."

At that point, with his feelings addressed, there was the matter of attending to Gilgamesh's demands as well. Since he was the leader of this army, even in his dying breathes, he still had the command of authority in order to direct his people. Therefore, on their behalf, he'd give his final decision with the ultimatum The King Of Heroes gave him:

"I wouldn't call this a surrender, but an embracing of our reality. So I will say that we will cease in our fighting if you swear by your word to lead our people to their rightful promise land. We only desire to see our own kind taken care of the way you spirits have protected your home world. So, if you cannot do that, then we will continue with our assault until we've erased every last one of you. That is all I have to say to you, King of Kings."

Despite the gentle tone of his voice, The Inverse Kin still seemed to harbor a sense of loathing about The Golden Ruler. However, he was willing to let it go in the light of both the Kora A'ina and The Kokuryuteshi's leader influence weighing heavily on his spirit. Thus, as he digressed from these sentiments of surrender, the head of the Inverse Kin turned to Sing Iramasha and he gave a gentle nod of his head.

"Do not stand up. You know this is the desire of the Kora A'ina. Instead, live on without me and find your own happiness. I will always be with you in spirit. You know this, daughter. So please, do not cry for me."

As he held his right hand, a radiant eruption of white energy left from it and transmitted itself into the Inverse Sing Iramasha. She could barely understand what was going on at this point, but that sense of acceptance from the Kora A'ina seemed to be bleeding into her as well at the moment. And, while she wanted to sob her face out, there was no fighting this inevitable end now that things were being put back in their rightful place. So, with a tear running down her face, Inverse Sing gave a simple smile and nod as she accepted this portion of her father into her spirit. She would cherish it, hold it and keep it pure no who or what would stand in her way.

Meanwhile, the likes of Kin Iramasha seemed to be willing to agree to these arrangements as well as he gave an approving nod to his actions.

"I will ensure that your people are as secured as my own. You are me, and I am you; so you can peer into the flare of my spirit to otherwise understand that. Leave everything to me and I will guide us to the promise land."

With but a snap of his fingers, the will of this demigod came to pass and the Inverse World of The Kokuryuteshi merged into the actual realm of The Kokuryuteshi's Realm. When this occurred, an ungodly eruption of thunder and shock waves rocked each of their realms, but Kin seemed unphased by it. No mere earthquake or thunderclap was going to break his concentration now that he had found his will to fight once more.

"Then...I will leave everything to you. Thank you.....for listening to my call."

And in those dying words, the Inverse Kin seemed to vanish and merge with Kin Iramasha. This would then mark an end to its rampage and the citizens of the Inverse Realm seemed to be left in awe with what their leader did. Or rather, what he became. Nonetheless, some were confused as to where they would turn, while others were outright accepting it if their glorious leader evolved into something more.

None of that concerned Kin, however. The aftermath of this could be dealt with in due time as they weren't in a position to be a threat. Instead, he was more interested in giving Gilgamesh his thanks for reawakening this portion of himself through the darkness of this storm. Therefore, he'd emerge to his right and give him a firm pat on the shoulder.

"You have my gratitude for dealing with that miserable portion of my spirit. I'll be sure not to disappoint and continue down the path we started. You are indeed worthy of having the title of King of Heroes and King of Kings, friend."

Those words, unlike both, seemed solid, firmly put in place and filled with the utmost of meaning and intent. In a sense, Kin found his confidence once again and that allowed him to be nothing but genuine to his comrade in arms. Granted, before they could go around celebrating like royalty, there was still the issue of this pesky Cero to deal with. Which is why, as he stared down this foe, did Kin allow GIlgamesh to do as he pleased with him in terms of attack. However, he still intended to reason with him as Gilgamesh reasoned with his inverse self.

"You've seen what has taken place here, Inverse Self. You have no reason to raise your sword against us. I will give you another chance to join our ranks and proceed down the path of bettering both our kind. There is no reason this has to end in bloodshed. So rethink your decision...or face a shift death. The choice is yours."

There was no backing down from all that Kin Iramasha uttered out of his mouth. He was either going to accept this conclusion, or die by his or Gilgamesh's blade. That is what his heart was telling him to do and he needed to follow its path. While it was brutal in its action, the overall intent was to cease this useless war and kill anything that otherwise imposed upon both his dream and the Inverse Kin's dream.

Shadow Eclipse: The Horizon Of Darkness Beacons [Black World Arc Event] WVMWLOu
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Mon Jul 20, 2015 3:11 am
[adm]Alright, Zero has 5-7 days in order to post in this thread. if he doesn't? Then it can be assumed he accepted the regime and otherwise got out of Kin's way. With that said, it'll then be up to myself and JJ to finish the thread.[/adm]

Shadow Eclipse: The Horizon Of Darkness Beacons [Black World Arc Event] WVMWLOu
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Thu Aug 27, 2015 2:13 am
[adm]I am now locking this thread since the majority of the event is over.[/adm]

Shadow Eclipse: The Horizon Of Darkness Beacons [Black World Arc Event] WVMWLOu
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